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StorageTek Tape Analytics Administration Reference Guide, Version 1.0.2
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Upgrading, Reinstalling, and Downgrading STA

Upgrading, Reinstalling, and Downgrading STA

This chapter details upgrading, reinstalling, and downgrading STA. The following topics are discussed:

Caution – Before performing the following operations, Oracle highly recommends you back up STA database data. To configure the STA Backup Service, see the “Configuring STA Services” chapter of the StorageTek Tape Analytics Configuration Guide. To administer the STA Backup Service, see Chapter 3, “Database Services Administration”.

Caution – If you have upgraded the library firmware, you may need to update the library engine ID in STA, and also in the library SNMP configuration (if necessary). For details and instructions, see the “Managing Library SNMP Connections” chapter within the STA Data Reference Guide.

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