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Oracle® Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Discoverer Plus
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)

Part Number B40105-02
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New Total dialog

Use this dialog to create a total on the worksheet. For example, you might want to analyze the worksheet in a new way by summing a column of sales figures.

For more information, see:

"What are totals?"

"About totals on worksheets"

"Examples of worksheet aggregation in Discoverer"

Which data point would you like to create a total on?

Use this drop down list to specify which items you want to create a total for. You can specify a particular item or choose all items.

What kind of total do you want?

Use this drop down list to specify what type of total you want.

Note: For more information about Sum and Cell Sum, see "About SUM and Cell SUM".

Where would you like your total to be shown?

Use these options to specify where to display the total.

Don't display total for a single row

Use this check box to not display a total for a single row, where the row and total would have the same value.

Note: This field is called Don't display total for single rows or columns when you add a total to a crosstab worksheet.

Do you want to calculate totals within each page?

Use these options to choose the scope of the total. For example, if a worksheet contains page items (that is, items are displayed in the Page Items area), you might want to display a total at the bottom of each page.


This area shows you how your worksheet looks according to the options you specify.

What label do you want to be shown?

Use this field to specify the total label displayed on the worksheet. If the Generate label automatically check box is selected below, Discoverer creates a name for you. To enter a different label, clear the Generate label automatically check box and either type in a new label or choose a label from the drop down list on the right of the field. To change the default text style of the label, click the Format button and choose a text font, style, color and alignment.

Generate label automatically

Use this check box if you want Discoverer to create a total name for you. To change the default text style, click the Format button and choose a text font, style, color and alignment.

Format Data

Use this button to display the "Format Data dialog", where you change how the values look on the worksheet.

Format Heading

Use this button to display the "Format heading dialog", where you change how the item headings look on the worksheet.