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Oracle® Fusion Middleware Error Messages Reference
11g Release 1 (

Part Number E10113-09
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75 OWS-00016 to OWS-65005

OWS-00016: no method to retrieve the daylight savings offset (getDSTSavings) defined on TimeZone
Cause: Oracle did not find a method for setting daylight savings time for the default timezone on this system.
Action: Check that default timezone is set correctly. Check that the Java Runtime Environment(TM) (JRE) that is used is complete.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

OWS-00017: literal ArraySerializer.initialize error encountered: Exception message is {0} Stack trace is {1}
Cause: Could not initialize Literal Array Serializer for JAXRPC databinding
Action: System Internal Error - Contact Oracle Support Services

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

OWS-00029: Error reading WSM client configuration file: {0}.
Cause: The client side proprietry descriptor is invalid
Action: Validate the client properietary descriprtor as per the schema ""

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

OWS-00030: Failed to find wsm client configuration file {0}
Cause: The user specified client side oracle webservices proprietary configuration file is missing.
Action: Ensure the valid location of client side config file is provided or it's available in classpath

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

OWS-00032: Error reading WSM server configuration file: {0}.
Cause: Cannot read WSM server configuration file
Action: Ensure given WSM configuration file(Oracle proprietry descriptor) at server side is valid

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

OWS-00033: Failed to find deployment descriptor file {0}
Cause: Could not find deployment descriptor file
Action: Ensure server side deployment descriptor file is not missing

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

OWS-00046: Cannot update web.xml file, <url-pattern> {0} already exists.
Cause: The file output/war/WEB-INF/web.xml already contains a URL pattern that the system wants to use for another servlet mapping.
Action: Specify a unique uri argument or change the url-pattern in the existing web.xml.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00047: Could not update web.xml because <servlet-name> "{0}" already exists. The value of <servlet-name> generated by Web Services Assembler is the port name. If bottom-up assembly is used, specify a portName argument value that does not already exist. If topdown assembly or the genDDs command is used, put the two Web services in different WAR files, so that they do not share deployment descriptors.
Cause: The file output/war/WEB-INF/web.xml contained the URL and it was assigned to another servlet.
Action: For bottom-up assembly specify a different portName. For top-down assembly or genDDs separate two Web services into different WAR files or change the name of the servlet in the web.xml file.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00048: Could not update webservices.xml because <webservice-description-name> "{0}" already exists. The value of the <webservice-description-name> generated by Web Services Assembler is always the service name. If bottom-up assembly is used, specify a serviceName argument value that does not already exist. If topdown assembly or the genDDs command is used, put the two Web services in different WAR files so they do not share deployment descriptors.
Cause: The file output/war/WEB-INF/webservices.xml already contains a webservice-description-name. The system wants to re-use this name for a new Web service. The value of the <webservice-description-name> generated by the system is always the service name.
Action: If bottom-up assembly is used, specify a serviceName argument value that does not already exist. If top-down assembly or the genDDs command is used, put the two Web services in different WAR files, so that they do not share deployment descriptors.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00049: Could not update webservices.xml because <port-component-name> "{0}" already exists. The value of <port-component-name> generated by Web Services Assembler is always the port name. If bottom-up assembly is used, specify a portName argument value that does not already exist. If topdown assembly or the genDDs command is used, put the two Web services in different WAR files, so they do not share deployment descriptors.
Cause: The file output/war/WEB-INF/webservices.xml already contains a port-component-name that the system wants to use for a new port. The value of the <port-component-name> generated by the system is always the port name.
Action: If bottom-up assembly is used, specify a portName argument value that does not already exist. If top-down assembly or the genDDs command is used, put the two Web services in different WAR files, so that they do not share deployment descriptors.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00050: Could not update oracle-webservices.xml because <webservice-description> name "{0}" already exists.The name of the <webservice-description> generated by Web Services Assembler is always the service name. If bottom-up assembly is used, specify a serviceName argument value that does not already exist. If topdown assembly or the genDDs command is used, put the two Web services in different WAR files, so they do not share deployment descriptors.
Cause: The file output/war/WEB-INF/oracle-webservices.xml already contains a webservice-description-name that the system wants to use for a new webservice. The value of the <webservice-description-name> generated by the system is always the service name.
Action: If bottom-up assembly is used, specify a serviceName argument value that does not already exist. If top-down assembly or the genDDs command is used, put the two Web services in different WAR files so they do not share deployment descriptors.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00051: Could not update oracle-webservices.xml because <port-component> name "{0}" already exists. The value of <port-component> name generated by Web Services Assembler is always the port name. If bottom-up assembly is used, specify a portName argument value that does not already exist. If topdown assembly or the genDDs command is used, put the two Web services in different WAR files so they do not share deployment descriptors.
Cause: The file output/war/WEB-INF/webservices.xml already contains a port-component name that the system wants to use for a new port. The value of the <port-component> name generated by the system is always the port name.
Action: If bottom-up assembly is used, specify a portName argument value that does not already exist. If top-down assembly or the genDDs command is used, put the two Web services in different WAR files so they do not share deployment descriptors.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00052: Could not update oracle-webservices.xml because <endpoint-address-uri> "{0}" already exists. Specify a uri argument value that does not already exist.
Cause: The file output/war/WEB-INF/oracle-webservices.xml already contains an endpoint-address-uri that the system wants to use for a new webservice port.
Action: Specify a uri argument value that does not already exist.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00054: When "linkReceiveWithReplyTo" is true, either receive destination/connection-factory or reply-to destination/connection-factory must be set.
Cause: The linkReceiveWithReplyTo argument requires the receive or reply-to arguments defined so the system can make the values the same.
Action: Specify replyToConnectionFactoryLocation and (replyToQueueLocation or replyToTopicLocation) or specify receiveConnectionFactoryLocation and ( receiveQueueLocation or receiveTopicLocation).

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00055: When "linkReceiveWithReplyTo" is true, the value of parameter "{0}" and parameter "{1}" should be same.
Cause: When the argument linkReceiveWithReplyTo is set to true and both replyTo* and receive* arguments are specified they must have the same value.
Action: Either remove one of the arguments shown in the message or set the arguments to the same value.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00070: No matching type found for the custom type mapping with QName {0}
Cause: A custom type has been defined in an oracle-webservices.xml file but no associated type can be found in the schemas associated with the webservice.
Action: Remove the custom type mapping or correct the name of the custom type mapping so it matches a type in the schema.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

OWS-00073: A failure occurred during Oracle Web Services Management agent interceptor {0} processing. {1}
Cause: Could not process Oracle Web Services Management Agent interceptor
Action: System Internal Error - Contact Oracle Support Services

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00084: Failed to find Oracle Web Services Management agent configuration {0}
Cause: Could not find Oracle Web Services Management agent configuration file
Action: Ensure correct location of OWSM agent configuration file is provided

Level: 1


Impact: Files

OWS-00101: Mapped {0} to javax.xml.soap.SOAPElement.
Cause: The system defaults to a SOAP element, since it could not determine how to map the specified schema type to a Java Bean.
Action: Switching to a different data binding like JAXB may allow the system to create Java objects for the type.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00114: use of an unimplemented feature.
Cause: An unimplemented feature is used in the schema.
Action: Avoid the unimplemented feature or use the SAAJ API to construct the XML element.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00115: the base type is not supported.
Cause: An unimplemented feature is used in the base type definition.
Action: Avoid the unimplemented feature or use the SAAJ API to construct the XML element.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00139: The body of the method by name "{0}" could not be merged. The new method required code is "{1}"
Cause: During top-down generation JDeveloper could not merge the generated code and modified code.
Action: None

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00140: No body expected for the method "{0}".
Cause: During top-down generation JDeveloper found unexpected code in the Java source file provided by the user.
Action: None

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00141: HTTP transport error: {0}
Cause: Error while getting the SOAPConnectionFactory object due to unsupported SAAJ communication infrastructure
Action: System Internal Error - Contact Oracle Support Services

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00142: local transport error: {0}
Cause: Error occcured while processing request
Action: System Internal Error - Contact Oracle Support Services

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00143: service error: {0}
Cause: Service Invocation failed. It might be because of an error while generating the stub implementation class or a dynamic proxy.
Action: None

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00144: not an interface: {0}
Cause: In the createService(Class serviceInterface, QName name) method client code has provided an interface that is not a Service interface.
Action: Ensure that the supplied interface extends javax.xml.rpc.Service

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00145: cannot locate service implementation class for service: {0}
Cause: An error occurred while generating a stub implementation class or a dynamic proxy. The service implementation class could not be found in the classpath.
Action: Ensure that the service implementation class is available in the classpath.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00146: failed to create service implementation instance: {0}
Cause: An error occurred while generating a stub implementation class or a dynamic proxy. The service implementation class does not implement a conctere service interface and thus could not be instantiated.
Action: Ensure that specified service implementation class implements JAXRPC service interface and it's available in the classpath.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00147: dynamic invocation error: {0}
Cause: Unexpected Error while invoking the service method.
Action: Ensure that the DII client that invoking the serivce is configured correctly.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00148: service: {0} does not contain port: {1}
Cause: Service Invocation failed because the <wsdl:service> element does not contain any ports.
Action: Ensure that the <wsdl:service> element has atleast one port defined.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00149: port: {0} does not contain operation: {1}
Cause: Service Invocation failed because service endpoint does not contain specified operation.
Action: Ensure that DII client invoking the operation that advertised in the service descriptor i.e WSDL.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00150: property: "{0}" must be set on a Call object before it can be invoked in this configuration
Cause: The Dynamic Invocation Interface (DII) client has not set the required property on the Call object.
Action: For DII client, ensure that all required properties are set correctly on Call object before invoking service.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00156: call object cannot be created without a TypeRegistry
Cause: Service Invocation failed because the InternalTypeMappingRegistry for serialization/deserialization provided to the Call object is null
Action: System Internal Error - Contact Oracle Support Services

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00157: cannot set unrecognized property: {0} on a Call object
Cause: Client code is trying to set a property that is not specified for Call objects.
Action: Check the name of the property that is being set. Use only properties specified for Call objects.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00158: cannot get unrecognized property: {0} on a Call object
Cause: Client code is trying to get a property that is not specified for Call objects.
Action: Check the name of the property that client side code is trying to access. Use only properties specified for Call objects.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00159: WSDL data missing, this operation is not available
Cause: An unconfigured Dynamic Invocation Interface (DII) client is using the getCalls(Qname portName) method on a Service object that does not have an associated WSDL.
Action: Either use a fully configured DII client, or use a createCall() method that explicitly specifies all required port and operation information to create a Call object instance.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00160: WSDL data missing, {0}
Cause: An unconfigured (Dynamic Invocation Interface (DII) client uses getPort method on Service Implementation object which is not supported when WSDL information is missing
Action: Use the configured DII client by getting the service implementation object using creteService( wsdlDocLoc, QName name) method on ServiceFactory object

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00161: output parameters are only available after invoke() has been called
Cause: Dynamic Invocation Interface (DII) client code is trying to get the output parameters before invoking the service
Action: Ensure that the client code has invoked the service first before accessing the value of output parameters.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00162: cannot set parameter or return types on this Call object
Cause: Dynamic Invocation Interface (DII) client attempted to set parameter or return types on a Call object when service operation does not require input parameter and does not return anything.
Action: Check whether Call obect requires to set parameter or return type by calling isParameterAndReturnSpecRequired() on Call object

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00163: operation style: "{0}" not supported
Cause: Dynamic Invocation Interface (DII) Client sets the Call.OPERATION_STYLE_PROPERTY to other than 'rpc' or 'document'
Action: Set Call.OPERATION_STYLE_PROPERTY to either 'rpc' or 'document'

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00164: encoding style: "{0}" not supported
Cause: Dynamic Invocation Interface (DII) client sets the ENCODINGSTYLE_URI_PROPERTY to an unsupported value i.e other than '' or null
Action: Use either 'encoded' or 'literal' encoding style.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00165: could not find service: {0} in the specified WSDL file. The service names found were: {1}
Cause: Service name provided by client code is not available in the specified WSDL.
Action: Check the Service name used by the client code and ensure that correct Service name is used as per the specified WSDL.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00166: could not dispatch to method: {0} known methods are: {1}
Cause: Operation that Dynamic Invocation Interface (DII) client code is trying to invoke does not not match with any operation provided by the service.
Action: Make sure correct Operation name is used by the DII client code while configuring Call Object.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00167: The attachment DataHandler object cannot be null
Cause: The attachment DataHandler object cannot be null
Action: Make sure DataHandler attached to Call object is not null

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00168: {0}
Cause: Error in the WSDL Model generation at the client side during service invocation. The useWSI property was set to true, but the WSDL does not conform to the WSI basic profile.
Action: Ensure that the specified WSDL is compliant to Web Services Interoperability(WS-I) Basic Profile.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00169: Wrong value type {0} for property {1}. or org.w3c.dom.Element is expected
Cause: An unexpected value was set on a Call object. The value must be either of type or of type org.w3c.dom.Element.
Action: Check the type of the value being set on the Call object.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00170: serialization error: {0}
Cause: Serializer class is missing.
Action: Make sure the serializer class is defined and available from the classpath.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00171: deserialization error: {0}
Cause: Deserializer failed.
Action: Check the incoming message.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00172: encoding error: {0}
Cause: Failed to initialize dynamic serializer/deserializer for RPC/ENC request
Action: System Internal Error - Contact Oracle Support Services

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00173: malformed array type: {0}
Cause: The array index is less than 0 or the end index is less than the start index.
Action: Check the incoming message.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00174: serialized array has too many elements
Cause: At least one array element position is outside the array boundaries in the inbound message.
Action: Check the incoming message

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00175: illegal array element position: {0}
Cause: Either the array dimension is empty and the element position is not one, or the array dimension length is not equal to the element position length.
Action: Check the incoming message

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00176: missing array position attribute
Cause: Sparse array does not have a position attribute
Action: Check the incoming message

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00177: array element position is out of bounds: {0}
Cause: An array position value is outside the array bounds
Action: Check the incoming message

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00178: unexpected null value during serialization or deserialization
Cause: Deserializer cannot deserialize null to a non-nillable object.
Action: Check the incoming message.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00180: unexpected reference element during deserialization; the element "{0}" is not defined as a referenceable type
Cause: Failed to deserialize the request message. The request element uses a reference type which is not specified in the WSDL.
Action: Correct the WSDL definition or correct the request message.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00181: unexpected element type: expected={0}, actual={1}
Cause: Failed to deserialize the request message. The request element type does not match what is defined in the WSDL.
Action: Correct the WSDL definition or correct the request message.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00182: unexpected element name: expected={0}, actual={1}
Cause: Failed to deserialize the request message. The request element name does not match what is defined in the WSDL.
Action: Correct the WSDL definition or correct the request message.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00183: unexpected array element type: expected={0}, actual={1}
Cause: The type of an array element does not match its definition in the schema.
Action: Verify that the type of the array element being sent matches the type defined in the schema.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00184: non-local reference (href): {0}
Cause: The href attribute, used to reference an attachment, is not specified using the "cid" (Content-ID) protocol string.
Action: Change the value of the href attribute, used to reference an attachment, to a string that begins with "cid:".

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00185: trailing block elements must have an id attribute
Cause: An element in the SOAP message contains a reference to another element. However no element was found with an id attribute matching the reference.
Action: Validate the correctness of the received message.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00186: malformed array dimensions: {0}
Cause: The bounds of the array are invalid. For example the lower bound of the array is larger than the upper bound.
Action: See error message.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00187: multi-dimensional array is not regular
Cause: One level in a multi-dimensional array instance is null or contains an invalid size.
Action: Ensure that all levels of the multi-dimensional array conatin valid values.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00188: illegal array offset: {0}
Cause: The value specified in the "offset" attribute of an array element is invalid.
Action: Ensure that the value specified in the offset attribute of the array element in the SOAP message is within the range of the array dimensions.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00189: array has unexpected rank: expected={0}, actual={1}, arrayType={2}
Cause: The rank of an array does not match the rank specified in the schema.
Action: Verify that that the soapenc:rank attribute of the array element in the schema matches with the actual dimensions of the array in the SOAPMessage.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00190: array has unexpected dimensions: expected={0}, actual={1}, arrayType={2}
Cause: The dimensions of an array in the SOAP element do not match those of the element defined in the Schema.
Action: Verify that the SOAP message matches the WSDL definition

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00191: unexpected encoding style: expected={0}, actual={1}
Cause: The encoding style being used in the message is invalid for the SOAP version. For example, SOAP 1.1 expects the encoding style while SOAP 1.2 expects a range of values, one of which is
Action: Ensure that the encoding style uri of the SOAP message is valid for the version of SOAP in use. Check the SOAP 1.1 and SOAP 1.2 for acceptable values.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00192: cannot encode XML type because it was not specified
Cause: Unable to find XML type for object.
Action: System Internal Error - Contact Oracle Support Services

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00193: member {0} has already been defined
Cause: While deserializing the SOAP message a duplicate member variable or setter/getter was found in the target object.
Action: System Internal Error - Contact Oracle Support Services

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00194: incomplete object encountered while deserializing
Cause: Failure during deserialization (XML to Java).
Action: System Internal Error - Contact Oracle Support Services

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00195: circular reference detected while serializing: {0}
Cause: An object is referenced from another object that it references. For example A->B->A. This circular reference is not supported in RPC-Literal or Doc-Literal web services.
Action: Remove the circular dependency or change the web service to RPC-Encoded.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00196: no attachment with cid (Content-ID) "{0}" found in message
Cause: The cid (Content-ID) for a particular attachment that was referenced from the SOAP body was not found.
Action: Make sure that the cid is formatted properly. Examine the cid in the soap body with the Content-Id header of the SOAP Message MIME attachment and verify that they match.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00197: multiple attachments with the same cid (Content-ID) "{0}" found in message
Cause: Found multiple attachments with the same cid (Content-ID). This field must be unique
Action: If the SOAP message was manually constructed, verify that all the Content-ID headers contain a unique value.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00198: missing cid (Content-ID header) for attachment
Cause: An attachment was missing the Content-Id header.
Action: Examine the SOAP message and verify that all Content-Id headers contain a value.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00199: non "cid:" (Content-ID) reference: {0}
Cause: A SwaRef attachment was found with an invalid reference to a MIME attachment. MIME attachment references must begin with the string "cid:".
Action: Verify that the attachment reference begins with "cid".

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00203: serializeAsAttachment specified but no AttachmentEncoder was provided for type: "{0}"
Cause: Missing serializer for a particular attachment type.
Action: System Internal Error - Contact Oracle Support Services

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00204: a deserializer must be registered with a deserialization state before it will accept listeners
Cause: A serializer class was not found during initialization of the serializer framework.
Action: System Internal Error - Contact Oracle Support Services

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00205: cannot decode XML type "{0}"
Cause: Unable to construct an object from an XML instance (element).
Action: System Internal Error - Contact Oracle Support Services

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00206: cannot serialize type "{0}"
Cause: An appropriate default serializer for the specified type could not be found.
Action: A custom serializer must be used for the indicated type. Implementing a custom serializer for a Web service is described in the Oracle Application Server Web Services Developer's Guide.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00207: null soap version not allowed.
Cause: The SOAP message did not contain enough information to determine the version of the SOAP specification used.
Action: Typcially the SOAP version is determined by inspecting the namespace declared on the root element (Envelope) of the SOAP message. This value should be one of for SOAP 1.1 or for SOAP 1.2.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00208: cannot have enc:id and enc:ref attributes on the same element.
Cause: The SOAP message element contains both an id and a ref attribute. Using both on the same element is illegal.
Action: The Webservice client that created the message must be modified so that invalid SOAP messages are not created.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00209: unexpected element name: expected={0}, actual={1}
Cause: The deserializer encountered an unexpected element name when processing the SOAP message.
Action: The Webservice client that created the message must be modified so that the SOAP messages it creates conform to the messages described in this Webservice's WSDL.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00210: unexpected element type: expected={0}, actual={1}
Cause: The deserializer encountered an unexpected element type when processing the SOAP message.
Action: The Webservice client that created the message must be modified so that the SOAP messages it creates conform to the messages described in this Webservice's WSDL.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00211: unexpected null
Cause: The (de)serializer encountered an unexpected null element/object when processing the SOAP message.
Action: The Webservice client that created the message must be modified so that the SOAP messages it creates conform to the messages described in this Webservice's WSDL.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00212: unknown prefix in QName literal: {0}
Cause: The deserializer cannot figure out the Namespace URI for the given prefix when processing the SOAP message.
Action: The Webservice client that created the message must be modified so that invalid SOAP messages are not created.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00213: invalid XSD date: {0}
Cause: The deserializer encountered an invalid XSD date when processing the SOAP message.
Action: The Webservice client that created the message must be modified so that SOAP messages with invalid XSD dates are not created.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00214: invalid XSD boolean value: {0}
Cause: The deserializer encountered an invalid XSD boolean when processing the SOAP message.
Action: The Webservice client that created the message must be modified so that SOAP messages with invalid XSD boolean are not created.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00215: attachment location not found on element
Cause: The deserializer cannot determine the attachment location on an element with binary type.
Action: The Webservice client that created the message must be modified so that SOAP messages with attachments will correctly reference the attachments.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00216: attachment with id {0} not found in message
Cause: The deserializer cannot find the attachment from the specified location on an element with binary type.
Action: The Webservice client that created the message must be modified so that SOAP messages with attachments will correctly reference the attachments.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00217: invalid XSD positiveInteger value: {0}
Cause: The deserializer encountered an invalid XSD positiveInteger when processing the SOAP message.
Action: The Webservice client that created the message must be modified so that SOAP messages with invalid XSD positiveInteger are not created.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00218: invalid XSD nonNegativeInteger value: {0}
Cause: The deserializer encountered an invalid XSD nonNegativeInteger when processing the SOAP message.
Action: The Webservice client that created the message must be modified so that SOAP messages with invalid XSD nonNegativeInteger are not created.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00219: invalid XSD negativeInteger value: {0}
Cause: The deserializer encountered an invalid XSD negativeInteger when processing the SOAP message.
Action: The Webservice client that created the message must be modified so that SOAP messages with invalid XSD negativeInteger are not created.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00220: invalid XSD nonPositiveInteger value: {0}
Cause: The deserializer encountered an invalid XSD nonPositiveInteger when processing the SOAP message.
Action: The Webservice client that created the message must be modified so that SOAP messages with invalid XSD nonPositiveInteger are not created.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00222: invalid XSD unsignedLong value: {0}
Cause: The deserializer encountered an invalid XSD unsignedLong when processing the SOAP message.
Action: The Webservice client that created the message must be modified so that SOAP messages with invalid XSD unsignedLong are not created.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00223: invalid XSD unsignedInt value: {0}
Cause: The deserializer encountered an invalid XSD unsignedInt when processing the SOAP message.
Action: The Webservice client that created the message must be modified so that SOAP messages with invalid XSD unsignedInt are not created.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00224: invalid XSD unsignedShort value: {0}
Cause: The deserializer encountered an invalid XSD unsignedShort when processing the SOAP message.
Action: The Webservice client that created the message must be modified so that SOAP messages with invalid XSD unsignedShort are not created.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00225: invalid XSD unsignedByte value: {0}
Cause: The deserializer encountered an invalid XSD unsignedByte when processing the SOAP message.
Action: The Webservice client that created the message must be modified so that SOAP messages with invalid XSD unsignedByte are not created.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00227: error in initialization of standard type mapping: {0}
Cause: Internal error initializing the standard type mapping.
Action: System Internal Error - Contact Oracle Support Services

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00228: {0} : is not a supported (de)serialization mechanism
Cause: The (de)serializer factory does not support the reported XML processing mechanism type.
Action: System Internal Error - Contact Oracle Support Services

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00229: type mapping registration failed: {0}
Cause: An unexpected error occurred during registration of a Java to XML mapping. Check the nested error for the real cause.
Action: Look at the nested error to determine what action to take.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00230: type mapping retrieval failed: {0}
Cause: An unexpected error occurred during retrieval of a Java to XML mapping. Check the nested error for the real cause.
Action: Look at the nested error to determine what action to take.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00231: type mapping does not support the specified encoding style: {0}
Cause: The system does not support the specified schema type and encoding.
Action: Change the encodingStyle defined in the SOAP binding in the WSDL to a supported value.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00232: there is no type mapping for the specified encoding style: {0}
Cause: The system does not support the specified encoding.
Action: Change the encodingStyle defined in the SOAP binding in the WSDL to a supported value.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00233: no serializer is registered for ({0}, {1})
Cause: The system could not find a serializer that can convert the Java object to XML.
Action: Create a custom type mapping and serializer that can covert the Java object to XML.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00234: no deserializer is registered for (java type: {0}, schema type: {1})
Cause: The system could not find a deserializer that can convert the XML to a Java object.
Action: Create a custom type mapping and serializer that can covert the XML to a Java object.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00235: no deserializer is registered for schema type: {0}
Cause: The system could not find a deserializer that can convert the XML to a Java object.
Action: Create a custom type mapping and serializer that can covert the XML to a Java object.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00236: no deserializer is registered for java type: {0}
Cause: The system could not find a deserializer that can convert the XML to a Java object.
Action: Create a custom type mapping and serializer that can covert the XML to a Java object.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00237: dynamic resolution failed to find a serializer for java type:{0}, xml type {1}
Cause: An entry in a list or collection is a type that is not supported by the system.
Action: Change the instance of the entry to a supported Java type.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00238: dynamic resolution failed to find a serializer for java type: {0}, xmlType: {1}
Cause: An entry in a list or collection is a type that is not supported by the system.
Action: Change the instance of the entry to a supported Java type.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00241: Map entry key cannot be of java type:"{0}", xml type "{1}"
Cause: The key for a map entry has a type mapping for an object that the system does not support.
Action: Change the signature of the Java class to a supported Java type or change the instance of the key to a supported type.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00242: Map entry value cannot be of Java type:"{0}", XML type was "{1}"
Cause: The value for a map entry has a type mapping for an object that the system does not support.
Action: Change the signature of the Java class to a supported Java type or change the instance of the value to a supported type.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00243: Item in array cannot be of java type:"{0}"
Cause: An item in an array is a type that is not supported by the system.
Action: Change the signature of the Java class to a supported Java type or change the instance of the value to a supported type.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00245: unexpected null value for literal data
Cause: The element defined in the schema has a nillable attribute set to false but no value was found in the message.
Action: Change the client to supply a value for the literal type, or change the schema to accept nillable types.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00246: unexpected element name: expected={0}, actual={1}
Cause: A message contains an element that the system does not expect.
Action: Change the client to send messages corresponding to the schema, or change the schema to correspond to the messages.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00247: expected element is missing: {0}
Cause: The message does not contain an element that is defind as required in the schema.
Action: Change the schema to make the element optional, or change the client so that the message will include the required element.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00248: expected simple content, found element name: {0}
Cause: The system was expecting a simple content in the message but found an element instead.
Action: Change the client to send messages corresponding to the schema, or change the schema to correspond to the messages.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00249: object not initialized before use
Cause: A serializer was not initialized before calling a method that requires initialization.
Action: System Internal Error - Contact Oracle Support Services

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00250: {0} is not an array type
Cause: The system found a Java object that is not an array when an array is expected.
Action: System Internal Error - Contact Oracle Support Services

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00251: expected {0} parameter(s) but received: {1}. Expected parameters: {3}, received parameters:{4}
Cause: The number of parameters in the request SOAP message is incorrect.
Action: Confirm that the client is based on the correct version of the WSDL definition.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00252: illegal deserialization state: no deserializer is available for the current element
Cause: There is no deserializer registered for the element.
Action: A custom serializer must be used for the indicated type. Implementing a custom serializer for a Web service is described in the Oracle Application Server Web Services Developer's Guide.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00253: Invalid base64 data
Cause: The SOAP request content being processed by the XSDBase64BinaryEncoder is not Base64 encoded.
Action: Confirm that the client is based on the correct, current version of the WSDL document.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00254: generator error: {0}
Cause: An unexpected exception occurred during a generation operation.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00255: can''t write file: {0}
Cause: A generated file could not be written to disk. The most likely causes include insufficient disk space or permissions.
Action: Free some disk space or ensure that the process in which the generator is invoked is run as a user with sufficient permissions.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00256: can''t create directory: {0}
Cause: The directory for writing a generated file could not be created. The most likely causes include insufficient disk space or permissions.
Action: Free some disk space or ensure that the process in which the generator is invoked is run as a user with sufficient permissions.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00257: unsupported type encountered: '{'{1}'}'{0}
Cause: Serialization is not supported for this XML type.
Action: A custom serializer must be used for the indicated type. Implementing a custom serializer for a Web service is described in the Oracle Application Server Web Services Developer's Guide.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00258: no Java type for XML type: {0}
Cause: Unable to determine the corresponding Java type for a structured XML type when generating a serializer.
Action: Ensure that a Java type is associated with the structured XML type and that the custom serializer mapping is correct.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00259: unsupported encoding encountered: {0}
Cause: The encoding URI of custom serializer mapping does not match that of either SOAP 1.1 or SOAP 1.2.
Action: Correct the URI encoding of the custom serializer mapping.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00260: tie class generation error: {0}
Cause: When generating the tie class for a document literal operation, either more than one non-embedded parameter was found, or there were both embedded and non-embedded parameter.
Action: This sanity check should not have failed. Verify that the document literal operation is correct in the WSDL.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00262: There is no management configuration for port {0} in the supplied proprietary deployment descriptor. Ensure that the port name is correct
Cause: There is no management configuration information for the port in the supplied management configuration file.
Action: Verify that the port name is correct and the management configuration file is complete.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00263: Could not find the Java class {0} for constructor analysis.
Cause: Could not find the Java class for constructor analysis when generating its serializer.
Action: Check the Java class name and the classpath where the Java class is loaded.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00264: Current SOAP Version is null. Check port to make sure SOAP version is set.
Cause: Could not determine the SOAP version when generating serializer.
Action: Verify that the SOAP version is set in the WSDL.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00266: When using JMS transport, either all operations must be one-way, or the replyToConnectionFactoryLocation and replyToQueueLocation must be specified.
Cause: When using JMS transport for any two-way operation, the replyToConnectionFactoryLocation and replyToQueueLocation parameters must be specified with the jsmAssemble command.
Action: Re-run the jmsAssemble command with replyToConnectionFactoryLocation and replyToQueueLocation parameters.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00267: cannot dispatch operation with more that one body block: {0}
Cause: Cannot generate tie class for operations with more than one body block.
Action: Verify that the offending operation has no more than one body block.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00268: cannot dispatch operation - either operation names are non-unique, or SOAPAction strings are non-unique: {0}
Cause: Cannot generate tie class for operation with non-unique operation name and non-unique SOAPAction.
Action: Verify that both the operation name and SOAPAction are unique in the WSDL.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00269: no encoder for type "{0}" and Java type "{1}"
Cause: Unable to find an encoder for a type and its corresponding Java type when generating serializer.
Action: Check whether the type is valid and supported.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00270: Invalid type in xsd:list type "{0}" and Java type "{1}"
Cause: Unable to find an encoder for the list item type and its corresponding Java type when generating serializer.
Action: Check whether the list item XML type is valid and supported.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00271: handler error: {0}
Cause: A handler error occurred, check the nested error for the real cause.
Action: Look at the nested error to determine what action to take.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00272: A HandlerChain can only contain Handler instances: {0}
Cause: A non-handler instance was found in the handler chain.
Action: Remove the offending instance,

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00274: cannot create XSLT transformer for the WSDL
Cause: Failed to create a XSLT Transformer object for presentation of WSDL.
Action: Check whether the web service endpoint is valid and the service is properly deployed.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00275: WSDL transformation failed
Cause: XSLT Transformation failed when presenting WSDL.
Action: Check whether the web service endpoint is valid and the service is properly deployed.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00276: model error: {0}
Cause: A nested model or modeler exception occurred, most likely caused by an invalid WSDL.
Action: Verify that the WSDL is a valid one.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00277: unsupported XML Schema feature ({0})
Cause: An unsupported XML Schema feature was encountered during processing of WSDL schema.
Action: Remove the unsupported XML Schema feature from WSDL schema.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00278: unsupported type ({0}): {2}:{1}
Cause: An unsupported XML Schema type was encountered during processing of a WSDL schema element.
Action: Remove the unsupported type or change it to an equivalent supported type.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00279: unsupported type ({0}): {1}, caused by: {3}
Cause: An unsupported XML Schema type was encountered during processing of a WSDL schema element. Error details are provided.
Action: Look at the error details for possible action to handle the unsupported type.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00280: unsupported anonymous type ({0}), caused by: {1}
Cause: An unsupported XML Schema type was encountered during processing of an anonymous WSDL schema element. Error details are provided.
Action: Look at the error details for possible action to handle the unsupported type.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00281: invalid literal "{0}" in enumeration "{1}" (namespace: {2})
Cause: An invalid literal value of an enumeration was encountered when processing a WSDL schema.
Action: Correct the offending literal value in the enumeration.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00282: uniqueness constraint violation: {0} "{1}" already exists.
Cause: A component with the specified name occurs multiple times
Action: Check the validity of the WSDL or Java code for duplicate elements

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00283: The value type {0} can not be generated because two members result in the same name of {1}. A jaxrpc mapping file must be specified to resolve this naming conflict.
Cause: There is a naming conflict - two members have the same name
Action: Use a JAX-RPC mapping file.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00285: parent of type "{0}" already set to "{1}", new value = "{2}"
Cause: The specified type is duplicated within more than one parent type.
Action: Rewrite the type hierarchy, so that this type only occurs on one parent.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00286: parent of fault "{0}" already set to "{1}", new value = "{2}"
Cause: The specified fault is duplicated as a sub-type of more than one parent.
Action: Ensure that the fault only occurs within a single parent.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00287: LiteralArrayWrapper element member already set.
Cause: This element cannot be modeled as a LiteralArrayWrapper because it has more than one member
Action: None

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00288: LiteralArrayWrapper cannot have a parent type
Cause: This element cannot be modeled as a LiteralArrayWrapper because it has a parent type
Action: None

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00289: LiteralArrayWrapper cannot have subtypes
Cause: This element cannot be modeled as a LiteralArrayWrapper because it has a subtype
Action: None

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00290: LiteralArrayWrapper cannot have a content member
Cause: This element cannot be modeled as a LiteralArrayWrapper because it has a content member
Action: None

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00293: class {0} not found.
Cause: The specified Java class could not be loaded.
Action: The class must exist in the classpath when strictJAXRPCValidation is turned on.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00295: unexpected type: {0}
Cause: An unexpected type was found during the processing of your action. In the case of top-down design the WSDL contains an unsupported or invalid type. In the case of bottom-up design, the particular class file is currently not supported.
Action: Top-down design pattern: Correct any problems within the WSDL file. If the WSDL is valid, then it contains types that are currently not supported. Bottom-up design pattern: Correct any type issues within the Java class. Otherwise, the class contains types that are currently not supported. You may want to consider using a different type.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00296: The following type is invalid because it implements java.rmi.Remote: {0}
Cause: The serializable implementation class inappropriately implements java.rmi.Remote. This is not supported.
Action: Change the implementation class to not implement java.rmi.Remote.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00297: class {0} does not have a public accessible empty constructor
Cause: The serializable implementation class does not provide a public accessible no-arg constructor.
Action: Provide a public no-arg constructor or provide a custom seriallizer.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00299: class "{0}" cannot have a JavaBean property "{1}" and a public member of the same name.
Cause: The implementation class cannot contain public members with the same name as JavaBean properties.
Action: Consider making the public member private or protected or renaming the property or JavaBean property.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00300: nested inner classes are not supported: {0}
Cause: The implementation class contains a nested inner class, which is not supported.
Action: Consider refactoring the implementation class to remove the nested inner class. See the Oracle Application Server Web Services Developer's Guide.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00301: Duplicate type name "{0}" for Java type "{1}" found. To remove this error do not specify a single typeNamespace for all value types or specify a mapping file. This error could also be caused when a type name has been used more than once.
Cause: The same type name has been used for multiple Java types. Probably related to inner classes. A possible explanation is the erroneous use of a given type name multiple times.
Action: Use separate namespaces for the value types or use a mapping file. See the Oracle Application Server Web Services Developer's Guide.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00302: Type "{0}" is used as a "{1}" and a "{2}"
Cause: The same RMI Modeler type instance is used for two different XML types.
Action: Correct the XML type or the XML type hierarchy such that there is one Modeler per XML type, or have one type subclass the other type.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00303: Type "{0}" implements more than one interface: "{1}", "{2}" ...
Cause: The implementation class may implement only a single interface (SEI).
Action: Consider refactoring the implementation class to implement a single interface.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00304: Type {0} references an invalid type {1}, which is invalid for the following reason: {2}
Cause: The indicated type has a reference to an invalid type.
Action: Consider modifying the implementation class to not reference the inappropriate type.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00305: Ignoring target namespace for schema: "{0}", WSDL target namespace is used for the value types in the same package as Service Endpoint: "{1}"
Cause: The schema namespace is ignored and the WSDL target namespace will be used instead. This is because the namespace of the schema is different from the target namespace of the WSDL and the value types are in the same package as the Service Endpoint Interface (SEI).
Action: See error message.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00306: The constructor for {0} has {1} arguments of type {2}; This ambiguity may result in unexpected behavior. Use a mapping file to guarantee correctness.
Cause: Multiple arguments of the same type introduce ambiguity that is difficult to resolve. This may cause unexpected results.
Action: Consider using a JAX-RPC mapping file to eliminate the ambiguity.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00307: Service-specific exception {0} is not allowed to extend {1}.
Cause: Runtime exceptions other than SOAPFaultException are not allowed.
Action: Consider changing the exception to not be a runtime exception or make it a SOAPFaultException.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00308: Service-specific exception {0} is not allowed to implement {1}.
Cause: Service exceptions must not implement the java.rmi.Remote interface.
Action: Consider changing the exception to not implement Remote.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00309: Found a suitable parameterized constructor for {0}.
Cause: A constructor has been found that satisfies all of the member values and will be used in the creation of the fault.
Action: No action required.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00310: Did not find a suitable parameterized constructor for {0}.
Cause: A suitable constructor that satisfes all of the getter methods could not be found.
Action: No action required.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00311: Found a default constructor and a setter for every member of {0}.
Cause: The default constructor will be used in conjunction with the setter methods to satisfy all of the member variables.
Action: No action required.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00312: Using the single java.lang.String parameter constructor for {0}.
Cause: Assuming the message member is the single string argument constructor.
Action: No action required.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00314: invalid operation: {0}
Cause: Invalid WSDL operation due to incorrect parameter order.
Action: Correct the parameter order of the specified operation.

Level: 1


Impact: Data

OWS-00315: invalid state while modeling operation: {0}
Cause: System Internal Error
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00316: result is "inout" parameter in operation: {0}
Cause: In/out parameters are not allowed.
Action: Consider changing the implementation to return a value.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00317: "{0}" specified in the parameterOrder attribute of message "{1}" is not a valid part of the message.
Cause: The specified parameter(s) in parameterOrder of portType operation is not a valid part of the message.
Action: Verify and correct the part name parameter specified in the WSDL portType: ensure that the operation parameterOrder is properly associated and used in the input and output message.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00318: one or more part names were omitted in the parameterOrder attribute of operation "{0}"
Cause: A message part name was not specified in the WSDL portType operation parameterOrder.
Action: Verify that input and output message part name are properly specified in the WSDL portType operation parameterOrder.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00319: parameter "{0}" of operation "{1}" appears with different types in the input and output messages
Cause: The parameter used in an operation appears with different types in the input and output message.
Action: Verify the type of the input and output message specified in the WSDL portType operation.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00320: missing header message definition for "{1}", referenced by the binding operation "{0}"
Cause: The soap header message defined in the binding operation is not specified in the WSDL message definition.
Action: Verify the soap header message defined in the binding operation. Ensure that it is properly specified in the WSDL message definition.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00321: missing operation "{0}" in port type, referenced by binding "{1}"
Cause: The operation specified in binding does not appear in the corresponding port type.
Action: Verify the binding operation. Ensure that it is specified in the corresponding port type in the WSDL.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00322: input message of binding operation "{0}" does not have a SOAP body extension
Cause: The input message of the binding operation does not have a SOAP body extension.
Action: Verify that the SOAP body extension 'soap:body' is properly specified in the input message of the binding operation in the WSDL.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00323: output message of binding operation "{0}" does not have a SOAP body extension
Cause: The output message of a binding operation does not have a SOAP body extension.
Action: Verify that the SOAP body extension 'soap:body' is properly specified in the output message of the binding operation in the WSDL.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00324: input message of binding operation "{0}" must specify a value for the "namespace" attribute
Cause: The soap request body of the input message of a binding operation must specify a value for the namespace attribute.
Action: Verify that the namespace attribute is properly specified in the soap request body of the input message of this binding operation in the WSDL.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00325: output message of binding operation "{0}" must specify a value for the "namespace" attribute
Cause: The soap request body of the output message of a binding operation must specify a value for the namespace attribute.
Action: Verify that the namespace attribute is properly specified in the soap request body of the output message of this binding operation in the WSDL.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00326: fault "{0}" in operation "{1}" matches more than one fault in the corresponding port type operation
Cause: The fault in a binding operation matches more than one fault in the corresponding port type operation.
Action: Verify the exact correspondence between the fault name in the binding operation and in the port type operation of the WSDL.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00327: fault "{0}" in operation "{1}" does not match any fault in the corresponding port type operation
Cause: The fault in a binding operation does not match any fault in the corresponding port type operation.
Action: Verify the the correspondence between the fault name in the binding operation and in the port type operation of the WSDL.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00328: fault "{0}" in operation "{1}" does not have a SOAP fault extension
Cause: The fault in a binding operation does not have a SOAP fault extension.
Action: Verify that the SOAP fault extension 'soap:fault' is properly specified in this fault of the binding operation.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00329: fault "{0}" refers to message "{1}", but the message has no parts
Cause: The fault refers to a message in definitions, but the message has no parts.
Action: Verify and ensure the fault message with properly specified part name in the WSDL.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00330: fault "{0}" refers to message "{1}", but the message has more than one parts
Cause: The fault refers to a message in definitions, but the message has more than one parts.
Action: Verify and correct the fault message with properly and exactly specified part name in the WSDL.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00331: in message "{0}", part "{1}" must specify a "type" attribute
Cause: In this WSDL, there is part must specify a type attribute in message.
Action: Verify the message in WSDL to ensure some part which also need a type definitions.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00332: in message "{0}", part "{1}" must specify an "element" attribute
Cause: In this WSDL, there is part in message must specify an element attribute.
Action: Verify the message in WSDL to ensure some part which also need an element definitions.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00334: the following naming conflicts occurred: {0}
Cause: There are naming conflicts occurred in WSDL.
Action: Verify the naming in WSDL is properly and correctly without conflict.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00335: Unsupported DIME layout: {0}
Cause: The DIME message layout specified in the operation is not supported.
Action: Verify and check the DIME layout specified. The supported layout are: closed-layout and open-layout.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00336: binding "{0}" uses both streaming attachments and mime-multipart
Cause: There is binding which uses both streaming attachments and mime-multipart in WSDL.
Action: Verify and correct the WSDL binding to ensure not both streaming attachments and mime-multipart is used.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00337: binding "{0}" uses both streaming attachments and DIME
Cause: There is binding which uses both streaming attachments and DIME message in WSDL.
Action: Verify and correct the WSDL binding to enusre not both streaming attachments and DIME is used.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00338: <portType> definition is not found in the WSDL
Cause: There is no service and portType definition found in the WSDL.
Action: Verify and check the WSDL. Either service or portType has to be defined and specified.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00343: Service "{0}" does not contain any usable ports
Cause: There is no port in the current WSDL that is suitable for JAXRPC based proxy generation.
Action: Correct the WSDL, based on the other error or warning provided, so that there is one port in the current WSDL suitable for JAXRPC based proxy generation.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00346: ignoring port "{0}": no SOAP address specified
Cause: The "service/port" element is missing a required child element for SOAP binding: "soap:address".
Action: Add the missing element in the original WSDL or using a local copy if you do not own the service endpoint.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00356: binding "{0}" is ignored because it has an invalid attribute: transport="{1}"
Cause: The value of the transport attribute on the soap:binding element is not recognized. The SOAP1.1 value is "".
Action: Correct the value of the transport attribute in the original WSDL or use a local copy if you do not own the service endpoint.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00357: ignoring document-style operation "{0}": parameters are not literal
Cause: The value for the "use" attribute on document-style binding is invalid. the only value supported is "literal".
Action: Correct the original WSDL or use a local copy if you do not own the service endpoint.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00358: ignoring operation "{0}": input message with multiparts is not WS-I compliant and is not currently supported
Cause: The wsdl:message referenced by the portType/operation/input element contains more than one part and doesnt comply with WS-I BP 1.1.
Action: If you have control over the WSDL, changes the message style for bare to wrapped, so that the WSDL comply with WS-I profile. Otherwise, use the SAAJ APIs to invoke the service without to use JAXRPC generated proxy.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00359: ignoring operation "{0}": output message with multiparts is not WS-I compliant and is not currently supported
Cause: The wsdl:message referenced by the portType/operation/output element contains more than one part and doesnt comply with WS-I BP 1.1.
Action: If you have control over the WSDL, changes the message style for bare to wrapped, so that the WSDL comply with WS-I profile. Otherwise, use the SAAJ APIs to invoke the service without to use JAXRPC generated proxy.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00360: The WSDL used has operations with literal and encoded use. -f:searchschema is not supported for this scenario.
Cause: The WSDL has soapbinding subelements with use="literal" as well as use="encoded". Searching of Schema is not supported for this scenario.
Action: Modify the WSDL to have only use="literal" or use="encoded"

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00361: ignoring fault "{0}" of operation "{1}", part name "{2}" is not unique
Cause: The WSDL uses the fault partname more than once.
Action: Update WSDL to specify unique fault part name.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00362: Notification operation "{0}" in binding "{1}" is not supported.
Cause: Notification operations are not supported.
Action: Use a WSDL with no notification operations.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00363: Non conforming WSI WSDL used for wsdl:import
Cause: WSDL import element doesnt comply with WS-I
Action: Update the WSDL so that the imports precede all other top level elements in the WSDL.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00364: Non conforming WSI WSDL used for wsdl:types
Cause: WSDL types element doesnt comply with WS-I
Action: Update the WSDL so that the wsdl:types elements appear immediately after the wsdl:imports or if no imports are present wsdl:types should be the first top level element.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00365: parts "{0}" not found in the message "{1}", wrong WSDL
Cause: The part defined in the input soap body of the binding is not specified in the input message of the operation in the port type. The part defined in the output soap body of the binding is not specified in the output message of the operation in the port type.
Action: Make sure all the parts that are defined in the input soap body of the binding are defined in the input message of the corresponding operation of the port type. make sure all the parts that are defined in the output soap body of the binding are defined in the output message of the corresponding operation of the port type.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00366: Custom mappings for rpc-encoded web service is not supported (operation = "{0}").
Cause: the WSDL uses custom mappings and rpc encoded webservices.
Action: If WSDL has rpc encoded bindings do not specify custom serializers. "schema" argument to Web Services Assembler along with a message format of rpc encoded is not allowed. <type-mapping> in the oracle-webservices.xml is also not allowed with rpc encoded webservices.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00370: model is missing
Cause: The system is missing a model.
Action: System Internal Error - Contact Oracle Support Services

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00371: Ignoring Unique Schema Constraint
Cause: The schema used by the WSDL has a unique constraint.
Action: Remove unique constraint

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00372: The key element has not been implemented
Cause: The WSDL uses the unsupported "key" schema element.
Action: Modify the schema to remove the key element

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00373: Model group definition has not been implemented
Cause: The WSDL uses a schema with a model group definition
Action: Modify the schema to remove the model group definition

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00374: Substitution Group Attribute has not been implemented
Cause: The WSDL references a schema that uses the substitutionGroup facility.
Action: Modify the schema to remove the substitutionGroup element

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00375: Block attribute has not been implemented
Cause: The WSDL refers to a schema that uses an unsupported block attribute.
Action: Update your schema to set "" or #all as values for the block attribute. All other values are unsupported.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00377: Base attribute must be specified in restriction tag.
Cause: The base attribute is not specified in the restriction tag.
Action: Specify a base type from which the complex type is to be derived by restriction.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00378: Enumeration {0} is not supported
Cause: The enumeration is not supported.
Action: Modify the schema to remove this enumeraton.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00379: Attribute restriction is not supported
Cause: The base type has an attribute element with the use="prohibited".
Action: Remove the use="prohibited" attribute on the base type.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00380: Group Schema Element has not been implemented
Cause: The "group" schema element is not supported
Action: Modify the schema to remove the group element

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00381: Unsupported Schema Element
Cause: Facets are not supported in the extension and restriction elements.
Action: Remove facets (elements like xsd:pattern, xsd:minInclusive etc which restrict values of an element) from your schema.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00382: Invalid value ({0}) for "minOccurs" attribute of element - {1}. Setting value to 0.
Cause: Invalid "minOccurs" attribute value. Setting value to 0.
Action: Set minOccurs to 0 if the assoicating element is optional. Otherwise, set the value to 1 or more.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00383: The "maxOccurs" attribute of the {0} element has an unsupported value of {1}. Currently only boundless arrays are supported. maxOccurs must be 0,1 or unbounded. Setting to default value of "unbounded".
Cause: Invalid or unsupported "maxOccurs" attribute value. Setting value to 0.
Action: Set this value to a positive integer or unbounded to indicate there is no maximum number of occurrences.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00384: Value ({0}) for "final" attribute of element -{1} is currently not supported. This attribute is ignored.
Cause: Unsupported final attribute value. Ignore the attribute.
Action: Set this value to "#all" or ""

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00385: Processing {0} QNAME HINT: {1} Name: {2}
Cause: Processing schema type.
Action: N/A

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00386: sender error: {0}
Cause: Invalid configuration in oracle-webservices.xml or wsmgmt.xml.
Action: Verify the configuration setting in oracle-webservices.xml and/or wsmgmt.xml.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00387: missing body information
Cause: SOAP Body is missing in the request. The SOAP message was not sent.
Action: Verify request.getBody() returns a SOAP body instance.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00388: illegal value of "mustUnderstand" attribute: "{0}"
Cause: Response contains illegal value of "mustUnderstand" attribute.
Action: Verify the response SOAP message. Attribute "mustunderstand" must have a value of "0", "1", "true", or "false".

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00389: unrecognized operation (code: {0})
Cause: The SOAP message is invalid. It cannot be resolved to an operation's request or response.
Action: Regenerate the stub using either Jdeveloper or the Web Service Assembler tool.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00390: unrecognized fault block
Cause: The response fault is invalid.
Action: Verify the content of the fault response.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00391: received empty response
Cause: No SOAP Message is returned from the server.
Action: Verify the corresponding WSDL operation is not oneWay.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00392: stub was not initialized
Cause: The initialize() method of the stub was not invoked.
Action: Regenerate the stub using either JDeveloper or the Web Service Assembler tool. If problem persists, contact Oracle Support Services.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00395: XML reader internal error: illegal state ({0})
Cause: XMLReader encounters an XML element that cannot be deserialized.
Action: Validate the XML document.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00396: XML reader error: unexpected character content: "{0}"
Cause: XMLReader encounters an element with an unexcpected character content.
Action: Validate the XML document.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00397: XML reader error: {0}
Cause: XMLReader cannot close the reading stream.
Action: Check network connection and file system connection.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00398: XML parsing error: {0}
Cause: XMLReader cannot read the next element.
Action: Validate the XML document.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00400: XML writer error: no prefix for URI: "{0}"
Cause: No prefix is specified for the URI.
Action: System Internal Error - Contact Oracle Support Services

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00401: XML writer error: {0}
Cause: XML Writer encounters an IOException.
Action: Check network connection and file system connection.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00403: unexpected XML reader state. expected: {0} but found: {1}
Cause: The XML document does not have the expected start or end of an element.
Action: Check if any required element is missing or there are more elements where an end tag was expected.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00405: unrecognized operation: {0}
Cause: The soap operation is not valid.
Action: Check the operation name in the message and correct it.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00406: cannot dispatch ambiguous operation: {0}
Cause: The specified operation is overloaded.
Action: Remove the overloading by renaming one of the conflicting operations.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00407: unexpected header block: "{0}"
Cause: The QName of the header block is not correct.
Action: Correct the header block by verifying its namespace.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00408: invalid SOAP envelope: body is empty
Cause: The body of the soap message is empty.
Action: Provide the write content in the body element of the soap message.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00409: invalid SOAP envelope: body is missing
Cause: The body element is either missing or its namespace is wrong.
Action: Add the body if missing or correct the namespace of the body element.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00410: env:Body must be present in a SOAP 1.2 envelope
Cause: The body element is missing from the message. SOAP 1.2 requires that the env:Body element must be present.
Action: Add the soap body in the message.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00411: invalid SOAP envelope content
Cause: The content of the soap envelope is invalid.
Action: Correct the content of the soap envelope.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00412: invalid SOAP envelope
Cause: The root element of the message is not a soap envelope.
Action: Make the root element a valid soap envelope.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00413: SOAP envelope version mismatch
Cause: The namespace or the version of the envelope is not correct.
Action: Correct the namespace of the soap envelope.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00414: Caught exception while handling request: {0}
Cause: Refer to the details of the message for further information on possible causes.
Action: Refer to the details of the message for further information on possible actions.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00415: Caught exception while preparing response: {0}
Cause: Refer to the details of the message for further information on possible causes.
Action: Refer to the details of the message for further information on possible actions.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00416: Caught exception while invoking the post handling hook: {0}
Cause: Refer to the details of the message for further information on possible causes.
Action: Refer to the details of the message for further information on possible actions.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00417: Internal Server Error ({0})
Cause: Refer to the details of the message for further information on possible causes.
Action: Refer to the details of the message for further information on possible actions.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00418: Could not find the field in the Holder that contains the Holder value: {0}
Cause: Refer to the details of the message for further information on possible causes.
Action: Refer to the details of the message for further information on possible actions.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00420: No jar file (or directory) found at specified path: {0}
Cause: The specified jar file does not exist.
Action: Check if the jar file name is correct and it is in the right directory.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00422: Exception occured while verifiying EJB: Class: {0} Details: {1}
Cause: Error while parsing ejb-jar.xml. Refer to the details of the message for further information on possible causes.
Action: Refer to the details of the message for further information on possible actions.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00423: The EJB {0} was not found in the specified ejb location
Cause: The ejb-jar.xml does not contain the specified EJB.
Action: Check if the name of the EJB is correct and it is present in the ejb-jar.xml.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00425: Unable to locate ejb-jar.xml in {0}
Cause: The application does not contain an ejb-jar.xml deployment descriptor file. The deployment descriptor file is inspected to locate the endpoint service interface
Action: Add ejb-jar.xml and reassemble the application.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00426: Error parsing ejb-jar.xml. No session beans found.
Cause: The application does not contain any session bean definition. The business functions to be exposed as webservices should be defined in a session bean.
Action: Write an Enterprise Java Session Bean that contains the business functions that you want to expose.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00427: Error parsing ejb-jar.xml. Stateful session beans are not supported.
Cause: Creating webservices from a stateful session bean is not supported. The business functions to be exposed as webservices should be defined in a stateless session bean.
Action: Remove the stateful session bean, write a stateless session bean that contains the business functions that you want to expose.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00432: ERROR: {0}
Cause: Server or client artifacts generation has failed.
Action: This is a generic error indicating an error condition. You should also see a message describing the details.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00433: WARNING: {0}
Cause: Server or client artifacts generation has encountered a possible error.
Action: This is a generic warning. You should also see a message describing the details.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00434: INFO: {0}
Cause: Oracle webservice compile tool generates this diagnostic information.
Action: This is used to indicate that the message follows is for informational purpose.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00440: all sources succesfully generated
Cause: Oracle webservice compile tool has successfully generated all code artifacts.
Action: See error message.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00442: Problem validating implementation class. {0}
Cause: Supplied Service implementation class is not valid. It could be that the implementation class does not implement the interface correctly or it does not conform to JAXRPC requirements or the class is not found.
Action: Make sure the implementation class is JAXRPC compliant if it is a JAXRPC webservice; make sure the classpath containing the implementation class is correctly specified

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00450: parsing failed: {0}
Cause: SAXException is thrown from the parser while parsing the WSDL.
Action: Fix the WSDL according to the error reported by the parser.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00451: parsing failed: {0}
Cause: ParserConfigurationException is thrown from the parser while parsing the WSDL.
Action: Unexpected internal error.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00460: Element type "{1}" is missing required attribute "{0}"
Cause: The WSDL or Schema entity is missing the required attribute.
Action: Add the required attribte with a valid value to the WSDL or Schema entity.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00461: Element named "{0}" of type "{2}" is missing required attribute "{1}"
Cause: The WSDL or Schema entity is missing the required attribute.
Action: Add the required attribte with a valid value to the WSDL or Schema entity.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00463: missing required sub-entity "{0}" of element "{1}"
Cause: A sub-element required by the schema or WSDL specification is missing.
Action: Modify the schema or WSDL to add the required sub-element.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00464: Could not find Attribute : "{0}"
Cause: An attribute reference is not defined in the schema.
Action: Modify the schema to define the missing attribute reference.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00465: Unsupported schema feature : "{0}"
Cause: An element defined in the schema is not supported by the system.
Action: Modify the schema.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00466: The element is not supported in this context : "{0}"
Cause: A sub-element of the complex type extension/restriction definition in the schema is not supported by the system.
Action: Modify the complex type extension/restriction definition in the schema.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00467: Unsupported simple type definition : "{0}" inside "{1}" element
Cause: A simple type defined in the schema is not supported by the system.
Action: Modify the simple type to a simple type supported by the system.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00468: invalid sub-element "{0}" of element "{1}"
Cause: The WSDL contains an element with a sub-element that is not supported by the system. Check WSDL 1.1 specification.
Action: Modify the invalid sub-element based on the WSDL 1.1 specification.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00469: invalid attribute "{0}" of element "{1}"
Cause: The WSDL or schema contains an element with an attribute that is either formatted incorrectly or does not comply with the specifications support by the system. The specifications to check include SOAP, WSDL 1.1 and jaxrpc.
Action: See error message.

Level: 1


Impact: Data

OWS-00470: invalid value "{1}" for attribute "{0}"
Cause: A attribute on a WSDL or schema element has a value that is not expected by the system.
Action: or WSDL to comply with the value for the schema type of the attribute or change the type of the attribute to a simple type like string or int.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00471: invalid range found (min: {0}, max: {1})
Cause: A complex type in a schema defines min and max occurance on a type that the system does not support.
Action: Change the max occurances attribute to 1 so the system will except the schema.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00472: exclusive attributes: "{0}", "{1}"
Cause: A complex type in a schema defines two attributes that are not supposed to be defined at the same time.
Action: Remove one of the specified attriubutes from the schema.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00474: not a simple type: "{0}"
Cause: A schema type other than a simple type was found in a schema when a simple type is expected.
Action: Change the type specified in the error message to a simple schema type or change the reference to this type to a simple schema type.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00475: port type "{0}" in binding "{0}" not found.
Cause: The specified WSDL is invalid or complete. A binding in a WSDL document has a reference to a portType that is not defined in the WSDL.
Action: Change the value of the type attribute in the binding to the name of a portType that is defined in the WSDL.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00476: message "{0}" not found.
Cause: The specified WSDL is invalid or complete. An input, output or fault element has a value for the message attribute that is not defined in the WSDL.
Action: Change the value of the message attribute to a message that is defined in the WSDL.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00477: type "{0}" defined for the message part "{1}" could not found.
Cause: The type definition is not found in the schema.
Action: Add the type definition to the schema, or change the value of the type attribute to the name of an existing schema type.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00478: element "{0}" defined for the message part "{1}" could not found.
Cause: A schema contains a reference to an element name that does not exist in the specified set of schemas. The set of schemas can be inside of a WSDL document, imported from a WSDL document or imported from other schema documents.
Action: Change the reference to an element name that is found in the specified set of schemas, or define the type in the schema.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00480: Binding "{1}" used in port "{0}" not found.
Cause: The specified WSDL is invalid or complete. A port in the WSDL document has a reference to a binding that is not defined in the WSDL.
Action: Change the value of the binding attribute in the port to the name of a binding that is defined in the WSDL, or define the binding.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00481: The name "{0}" is not a valid XML NCName. (see
Cause: The name is not a valid XML NCName.
Action: Correct the value of NCName. See for the format.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00482: The extensibility element "{0}" is unknown and has a wsdl:required attribute set to "true"
Cause: During WSDL validation, found unrecognized extensibility element with wsdl:required attribute set.
Action: Ensure required extension registry is set with WSDLReader when reading WSDL document into WSDL definition or remove wsdl:required attribute

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00483: The WSDL contains a mixture of styles - "document" and "rpc". Only "rpc" OR "document" is supported in a WSDL, not both.
Cause: WSDL contains a mixture of styles i.e both "Document" and "Rpc" style operation
Action: Multiple styles WSDL is not supported by JAXRPC/JAXWS. Make sure WSDL does not contain muplitple styles i.e both document and rpc style bidning operation.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00484: The WSDL contains a mixture of uses - "literal" and "encoded". Only "literal" OR "encoded" is supported in a WSDL, not both.
Cause: WSDL contains both "literal" and "encoded" use
Action: Make sure WSDL does not contain mixture of uses - "literal" and "encoded". Only "literal" or "encoded" is supported in a WSDL, not both

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00485: Operation "{0}" and "{1}" have conflicting SOAPAction values. Do not overload any operation or give unique SOAPAction value to each operation binding.
Cause: Two or more operations specified in WSDL have conflicting SOAPAction values.
Action: Do not overload any operation or give unique SOAPAction value to each operation binding.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00486: Operation "{0}" does not have a SOAPAction value. Give it a unique value.
Cause: In WSDL, overloaded operation does not contain SOAPAction value.
Action: Specify unique SOAPAction value for the overloaded operation.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00487: Element does not have name
Cause: Element declared in schema does not have a "name" attibute set.
Action: Specify a name to an Element defined in a schema.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00488: Attribute group does not have name
Cause: Attribute group does not contain any name.
Action: Specify a name to an attribute group.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00490: AttributeGroup "{0}" child missing ref attribute.
Cause: Child element of Attirbute group is missing "ref" attribute.
Action: Specify a name to a child element of Attibute group.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00491: Attribute declaration missing name.
Cause: In schema, attirbute declaration is missing name.
Action: Provide valide "name" to the attribute declaration.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00492: AttributeGroup missing ref attribute
Cause: During schema validation, found AttributeGroup element is missing "ref" attribute.
Action: Make sure AttributeGroup has "ref" attribute declared.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00494: The portType {0} is used by two bindings with different headers mapped to parameters. This usecase is not supported at this time. Map the same headers to parameters for all bindings using this port type.
Cause: The portType defined in WSDL is used by two bindings with different headers mapped to parameters.
Action: Map the same headers to parameters for all bindings using this port type.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00495: The specified service name "{0}" was not found.
Cause: In WSDL, service element does not have "name" attirbute defined.
Action: Make sure WSDL has valid service name.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00496: Error while loading the schemas defined in WSDL "{0}": "{1}"
Cause: Failed to load the schema specified in the WSDL.
Action: Ensure the schema location specified in the WSDL is correct.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00499: LiteralArrayWrapper may only have one element member.
Cause: LiteralArrayWrapper has more than one element member.
Action: Make sure LiteralArayWrapper contains one element member.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00502: The annotations on the impl bean {0} or a referenced SEI are not consistent with the portType(s), binding(s) and service(s) in the WSDL specified by the wsdlLocation: {1}. Please refer to section 4.1.1 of the JSR-181 specification for details on the usage of wsdlLocation. The {2} was not found in the WSDL.
Cause: The WSDL specified by a wsdlLocation attribute is inconsistent with the portType and bindings declared in the same WSDL.
Action: Ensure that the annotations are consistent with the WSDL. See section 4.1.1 of the JSR-181 spec.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

OWS-00505: Not a java bean
Cause: The specified value type is not a valid Java Bean.
Action: Ensure that the all declared value types are valid Java Bean.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00506: Not a java bean. Class is not public.
Cause: The specified class is not a valid Java Bean.
Action: Ensure the specified class has "public" modifier.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00526: Not in class path
Cause: The specified class could not found in classpath.
Action: Ensure that all required classes or jar files containing classes are declared in classpath.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00527: Element "{0}" can not have both a type attribute and a nested type declaration.
Cause: The WSDL or schema contains an element with a type attribute and a nested type defined.
Action: None

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00528: Type "{0}" is not a valid JAXRPC value type or it is not serializable.
Cause: SEI contains method with unserializable return type or parameter type
Action: Ensure that all parameter types and return type are valid value types as per JAXRPC specification.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00529: Filenames "{0}" and "{1}" conflict in generated sdo type classses. Some files may be overwritten. This could happen if schemas use case-sensive type declaration, but some file systems are case-insensitive.
Cause: File names conflict.
Action: See error message.

Level: 1


Impact: Data

OWS-00530: WSDL is not WS-I BP compliant. Literal style WSDL at location "{0}" can not have soap encoded type.
Cause: Invalid WSDL. Provided WSDL has both literal and soap encoding style.
Action: Make sure WSDL has either "literal" or "encoding" style, NOT both

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00531: Could not find schema from URL source, file source, classpath or application context at this lcoation: "{0}"
Cause: Could not locate the schema document from file, url, classpath or application context.
Action: Verify that the specified location of schema is correct.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00532: Failed to retrieve policy
Cause: Could not retrieve the policy from the Policy Accessor.
Action: System Internal Error - Contact Oracle Support Services

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00533: Value {0} is not valid for {1}
Cause: Invalid value encountered while deserializing a Java value from XML.
Action: Verify that XML datatype contains valid value as per the schema.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00534: The entity identified by systemid={2} and publicid={1} was resolved by {0}.
Cause: An entity was resolved using a resolver, usually an XML catalog.
Action: See error message.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00535: The entity identified by systemid={1} and publicid={0} could not be resolved.
Cause: An entity could not be resolved. Usucally occurs during an XML catalog lookup failure.
Action: See error message.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00536: The output of a binding operation "{0}" is missing
Cause: The output of a binding operation is missing.
Action: Verify that the output element is properly specified in the binding operation in the WSDL.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00537: The input element, under namespace of "", of the binding operation "{0}" is missing
Cause: The input element, under namespace of "", of a binding operation is missing.
Action: Verify that the input element is properly specified in the binding operation in the WSDL.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00538: The value of the BindingType annotation "{0}" does not match the SOAP version "{1}" on the WSDL.
Cause: The value of the BindingType annotation does not match the SOAP version on the WSDL.
Action: Verify the value of the BindingType annotation.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00539: The WebParam or WebResult annotation on method "{0}" does not match the WSDL or Schema; The "{1}" "{2}" element is missing.
Cause: The WebParam or WebResult annotation does not exist, or does not match the WSDL/Schema.
Action: Verify the value of the WebParam or WebResult annotation.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00542: Unable to initialize, missing WebServicesProcessor
Cause: Unable to initialize interceptors due to missing WebService Processor
Action: System Internal Error - Contact Oracle Support Services

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-00543: Unable to provision web service, cannot read WSDL. Error: {0}
Cause: Could not read WSDL.
Action: Check the WSDL URL for correctness and try again or check the server logs for details.

Level: 1


Impact: Files

OWS-00549: The WSDL has overloaded operations "{0}".
Cause: The WSDL has overloaded operations.
Action: Avoid using overloaded operations.

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

OWS-00550: JDK1.5 enum is not supported "{0}".
Cause: JDK1.5 enum is not supported
Action: Provide a custom seriallizer.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-03004: {0}
Cause: An exception occured while webservice management configuration.
Action: Verify that the oracle proprietary descriptor for configuration is valid xml file and confirms to the schema ""

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

OWS-03009: Error reading client wsmgmt configuration {0}
Cause: Unexpected error occurs while reading client configuration file
Action: NONE

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

OWS-03010: Error creating default client wsmgmt configuration {0}
Cause: Unexpected error occured while creating default client side configuration file
Action: System Internal Error - Contact Oracle Support Services

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

OWS-03013: Error parsing client wsmgmt configuration file {0}
Cause: Unexpected error occured while parsing client webservice management configuration file
Action: Verify that client side configuration file is a valid xml file

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

OWS-03014: Error loading policy access cache configuration {0}
Cause: Policy access cache configuration file could not be loaded due to unexpected error
Action: System Internal Error - Contact Oracle Support Services

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

OWS-03015: Error accessing policy from cache {0}
Cause: Accessing policy from cache is failed
Action: System Internal Error - Contact Oracle Support Services

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

OWS-03016: Error loading interceptor class {0}
Cause: Failed to looad the Inteceptor class
Action: Ensure all required webservices client side jar files available in classpath

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

OWS-04011: Error in resolving the webservice endpoint: {0}
Cause: Failed to determine the WebService Endpoint for the servlet
Action: None

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-04026: An I/O error occurred for port: {0}: {1}.
Cause: An unexpected IO error occured while processing service request.
Action: None

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-04039: Error closing connection: {0}
Cause: Failed to close the connection to specific database
Action: None

Level: 1


Impact: Network

OWS-04045: Malformed Request Message: {0}
Cause: Received malformed SOAP request message
Action: Ensure the correct SOAP message constructed at client side

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-04046: {0} {1}
Cause: A server side fault occured while handling the SOAP message
Action: Please see the exception or server side log for more detail

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-04061: Internal JMX error {0}
Cause: Internal error while configuring JMX
Action: None

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

OWS-04062: XML parser configuartion error {0}
Cause: An unexpected error occured while parsing configuring the XML parser
Action: None

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

OWS-04065: Error creating default port configuration for interceptor {0}
Cause: The default port configuration for interceptor could not be created
Action: None

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

OWS-04066: Missing port info for service.
Cause: The Port information for the service is missing
Action: Add the necessary port information while configuring dynamic service.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

OWS-04067: Error reading config file {0}
Cause: Failed to read the interceptor configuration file
Action: None

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

OWS-04068: Error serializing default config {0}
Cause: Failed to serialize the default configuration for interceptor.
Action: None

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

OWS-04069: Error serializing global configuration for {0} interceptor {1}
Cause: Failed to serialize global configration for interceptor.
Action: None

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

OWS-04070: Error serializing configuration {0}
Cause: Failed to serialize the configuration
Action: None

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

OWS-04072: Error writing config file {0}
Cause: Error writing the configuration file for interceptor to FileManager
Action: None

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

OWS-04086: {0}
Cause: An unexpected error occured
Action: None

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

OWS-04097: Error creating client default port configuration for interceptor {0}
Cause: Failed to create client default port configuration for interceptor
Action: None

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

OWS-04105: The final WSDL path "{0}" cannot be parsed as a URL: {1}
Cause: The URL path for the final WSDL is not valid
Action: Provide the valid URL location for the WSDL.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

OWS-04106: The value of the element named "{0}" ({1}) in {2} is invalid. Please refer to the XML schema of this descriptor for acceptable values.
Cause: Found invalid value of an element declared in webservice deployment descriptor
Action: Please refer to the XML schema of this descriptor for acceptable values for this element.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

OWS-04108: An error was encountered while trying to write the runtime configuration for the web service endpoint named "{0}": {1}
Cause: An error was encountered while trying to write the runtime configuration for the web service endpoint.
Action: None

Level: 1


Impact: Files

OWS-04110: Error downloading import: Invalid URL
Cause: The specified URL for the imported WSDL is invalid
Action: Provide the correct URL location for the WSDL import

Level: 1


Impact: Data

OWS-04112: The policy accessor configuration could not be loaded from {0}: {1}. Using default configuration instead.
Cause: Failed to load policy accessor configuration
Action: No action required as incase of this, default policy accessor configuration will be used

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

OWS-04113: Policy advertisement failed for {0}: {1}
Cause: Failed to advertise the policy in the WSDL
Action: None

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-04115: An error occurred for port: {0}: {1}.
Cause: A server side exception occured while processing request or creating the response message
Action: Please see the server side log for the detail.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-04117: {0}
Cause: Exception occured while configuring dynamic provider based endpoint
Action: None

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-04121: Invalid use of <web-site> element in oracle-webservices.xml.<web-site> element must have two attributes "host" and "port" with valid values
Cause: <web-site> element of oracle-webservice.xml doesn't contain 'host' and 'port' attributes with valid values
Action: Add valid 'host' and 'port' attributes to the <web-site> element, or remove the element.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

OWS-04124: Failed to register the web service Config MBeans for application: {0} endpoint: {1} the error is: {2}
Cause: Failed to register the web service config MBeans for endpoint
Action: None

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

OWS-04125: cannot find WSDL definition required to validate input
Cause: cannot load web service WSDL definition, which is required for schema validation of input
Action: Ensure that the WSDL is available, or set schema validation of input to false

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

OWS-04126: Input Violates Schema
Cause: SOAP body element of the input message cannot be validated against schema in the WSDL
Action: Correct input message body, input message type in the WSDL schema, or set schema validation of input to false

Level: 1


Impact: Data

OWS-04127: Invalid query string
Cause: User has specified invalid URL Query String.
Action: Verify that the correct query string is specified for acccessing the testpage.

Level: 1


Impact: Other

OWS-04128: Failed to deploy/initialize the application as given archive is missing required standard webservice deployment decriptor.
Cause: The user suppplied war archive is missing required webservice deployment descriptor
Action: Create WAR file with required webservice deployment descriptor or use WSA's jaxwsAssemble command to assemble the WAR file.

Level: 1


Impact: Other

OWS-04129: Failed to unregister mbean : "{0}". This may later cause error to register mbean with that name.
Cause: JMX Framework failed to unregister pre-existing MBean.
Action: See error message.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployment

OWS-04130: Failed to initialize Tie class "{0}" at runtime due to Error: {1}
Cause: Failed to initialize the tie class on server side due to classloading issue or java security.
Action: Please look the server log for exact cause of an error.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-04131: SOAP must understand error. Server could not understand WS-Security header "{0}" that has "mustUnderstand" attribute set as "true". Ensure that security policy has been attached and enabled on the webservice endpoint.
Cause: Server could not understand WS-Security header which has mustUnderstand flag set to true.
Action: The user needs to attach correct security policy to webservice endpoint.

Level: 1


Impact: Other

OWS-04132: SOAP must understand error. Server could not understand one or more SOAP headers : {0}
Cause: Server could not understand SOAP header which has mustUnderstand flag set to true.
Action: Please look the SOAPFault string for any detail message and check the client and server side configuration.

Level: 1


Impact: Other

OWS-12003: Unknown SOAP Implementation
Cause: The SOAP Implementation was not for either 1.1 or 1.2
Action: Internal Error

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-12004: Not implemented
Cause: This functionality is not implemented
Action: None

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-12022: DTD is not supported by SOAP 1.2
Cause: SOAP 1.2 Message contains reference to DTD
Action: None

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-12034: Operation not supported
Cause: This functionality is not supported for this object
Action: None

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-12044: Unsupported protocol: {0}
Cause: The specified protocol is not supported
Action: None

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-12047: Root element must be: ''Envelope''
Cause: Invalid SOAP message - does not have root element of <Envelope>
Action: None

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-12048: Envelope namespace must be: {0} is {1}
Cause: Invalid SOAP message - incorrect namespace for <Envelope> element
Action: None

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-12049: DTD is not supported by SOAP
Cause: SOAP Message contains reference to DTD
Action: None

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-12050: SOAP Version {0} is not supported
Cause: The SOAP Version was not either 1.1 or 1.2
Action: Please use a supported SOAP Version

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-12051: Can not have a DTD declaration in SOAP envelope
Cause: SOAP Message contains DTD declaration
Action: None

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-12052: Can not have a processing instruction in SOAP envelope
Cause: SOAP Message contains processing instruction
Action: None

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-12059: Illegal Operation
Cause: This operation is not allowed on this object
Action: None

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-12061: Not implemented for comments
Cause: This functionality is not implemented for comments
Action: None

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-12138: Envelope size exceeds limit
Cause: The size of the SOAP envelope exceeds the limit, which was configured for this port.
Action: Reduce the size of SOAP envelope or increase the set limit.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-12139: Envelope nesting depth exceeds limit
Cause: The depth of nesting XML elements in the SOAP body exceeds the limit, which was configured for this port.
Action: Reduce the nesting in the SOAP body or increase the set limit.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-12140: Error building Mime body part
Cause: The current part of the MIME Multipart is syntactically invalid
Action: Check that headers for all parts are legitimate names and syntactically correct

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-12141: Failed to match initial boundary
Cause: The MIME Multipart boundary delimiter characters '--' are missing
Action: Check that the sender is creating a MIME Multipart message as required

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-12142: Failed to match initial boundary
Cause: The current part of the Multipart is missing the required CRLF after the boundary
Action: Check that the sender is creating a well-formed MIME Multipart message

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-12143: Expected boundary delimiter
Cause: The MIME Multipart boundary was not found in between parts
Action: Check that the sender is creating a well-formed MIME Multipart message

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-12144: File has already been opened in streaming mode
Cause: An attempt was made to open an attachment for streaming more than once
Action: Do not use streaming attachments if a part must be opened more than once

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-12145: Output stream not available for streaming
Cause: An attempt was made to open a streaming attachment for writing
Action: Check if the code is requesting an OutputStream instead of an InputStream

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-12146: Error parsing content type: {0}
Cause: The HTTP Content-Type header is syntactically invalid
Action: Check that the sender is creating a valid MIME Multipart message as required

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-12147: MIME 'boundary' parameter not found in Content-Type
Cause: The HTTP Content-Type header is missing the required 'boundary' parameter
Action: Check that the sender is creating a valid MIME Multipart message as required

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-12148: Cannot find start part {0}
Cause: The 'start' part of the MIME Multipart message cannot be determined
Action: Ensure that the Content-Type has a 'start' parameter or that the message has at least one part

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-15001: An extension registry was not found for the element type ''{0}''
Cause: An extension registry was not found for an element type
Action: None

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-15002: A failure occurred in loading WSDL from ''{0}''
Cause: A failure occurred in loading WSDL
Action: Verify if the WSDL exists at the specified URL

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-15004: WSDL contains an operation type of ''{0}'' which is not supported for port type ''{1}''
Cause: WSDL contains an operation type that is not supported
Action: Modify the WSDL and change the operation type to a supported one

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-15005: An error occurred when invoking the method. Type of WSIF invocation was ''{1}'' and method name was (''{0}'')
Cause: An error occurred when invoking the method
Action: Check client code and network connection

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-15010: Exception thrown while processing asynchronous response - ''{0}''
Cause: Exception thrown while processing asynchronous response
Action: None

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-50004: The method "{0}" does not have the AsyncHandler type parameter.
Cause: The callback type asynchronous method that returns java.util.concurrent.Future must have the last parameter of the type AsyncHandler.
Action: Add the last parameter of type AsyncHandler in the method, or regenerate the interface using wsa tool.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-50005: Exception while retrieving the soap message from the internal callback handler.
Cause: Refer to the details of the message for further information on possible causes.
Action: Refer to the details of the message for further information on possible actions.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-50006: Could not deserialize the soap message to get the return value
Cause: Refer to the details of the message for further information on possible causes.
Action: Refer to the details of the message for further information on possible actions.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-50007: Could not create the instance of asynchronous response bean of type "{0}"
Cause: Cound not create the response Refer to the details of the message for further information on possible causes.
Action: Check if the bean has a default constructor and the constructor is accessible.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-50008: Cound not set the field ''{0}'' in the object of type ''{1}''.
Cause: Possible causes are invalid field name, abcense of setter, inaccessible setter or mismatched field type.
Action: Correct the bean class based on the details of the message.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-50009: The method "{0}" must have a parameterized return type.
Cause: The return type must be parameterized with the ResponseBean or the actual return type of the web service call.
Action: Add the appropriate return type as the parameter of the AsyncHandler parameter. Or use the JAX-WS artifacts generation tools to generate the proper interface of asynchronous methods.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-50010: The method "{0}" must have a parameterized AsyncHandler parameter.
Cause: The AsyncHandler parameter must be parameterized with the ResponseBean or the actual return type of the web service call.
Action: Add the appropriate return type as the parameter of the Response. Or use the JAX-WS artifacts generation tools to generate the proper interface of asynchronous methods.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-50011: Dispatch currently does not support REST style service.
Cause: The REST request cannot be processed via Dispatch. The feature is not yet supported.
Action: Construct an HTTP Request for a RESTful webservice.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-50012: Could not determine the soap version from the BindingType annotation''s value "{0}". Assuming SOAP version as 1.1
Cause: The value of the BindingType annotation is invalid.
Action: Use one of the valid values for the BindingType annotation. Refer to the documentation of

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-50013: Could not determine a valid protocol binding to generate for the binding string {0}. A SOAP 1.1 binding will be the only protocol binding generated in the WSDL.
Cause: The value of the BindingType is not supported or is invalid
Action: Only SOAP and HTTP protocols are supported. Refer to the documentation or JAX-WS specification for valid values for

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-50014: Both @Deployment.restSupport() and @BindingType( were specified. Only the latter will be used.
Cause: Both the @Deployment.restSupport() and @BindingType( were provided.
Action: @Deployment.restSupport() has been deprecated. It should not be used. Use @BindingType( instead.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-50015: The given ws-addressing namespace "{0}" is not one of the supported wsa versions.
Cause: The input ws addressing version is not supported
Action: Correct the addressing version to use 2003/03 or 2004/08 or 2005/08.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-50016: IOException converting AddressingInfo to String.
Cause: IO error converting addressing info to String
Action: correctAddressingInfo

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-50017: Port Metadata missing from the given callback interface class.
Cause: Metadata such as port name or targetnamespace can not be found from the given input class.
Action: Add the needed annotation to the interface class.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-50018: The file "{0}" does not exist.
Cause: The file name specified in syncInterfaceFileName could not be opened.
Action: Check if the file name is correct and it exist.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-50019: The file "{0}" should have some class or interface defined.
Cause: The syncInterfaceFileName is not containing any class.
Action: Check if the file has any class defined. Make sure that the file is compilable and so free of errors.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-50020: There is no method in the file "{0}" to convert to asynchronous method.
Cause: The interface file should have at least one method defined.
Action: Add the required methods in the interface file.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-50021: Cannot determine what methods to convert to asynchronous in file "{0}".
Cause: The interface file has more than one method defined and no method name has been specified for conversion.
Action: Please sepcify what methods need to be converted to asynchronous methods.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-50022: The file "{0}" does not exist.
Cause: The file name specified in asyncInterfaceFileName could not be opened.
Action: Check if the file name is correct and it exist.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-50023: The file "{0}" should have some class or interface defined.
Cause: The asyncInterfaceFileName is not containing any class.
Action: Check if the file has any class defined. Make sure that the file is compilable and so free of errors.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-50024: Java Model is not set in the file system.
Cause: The file system does not have any Java Model set.
Action: Make sure that the file system has the Java Model set.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-50025: JAX-WS endpoint bean has @SOAPBinding.use annotation that specifies the 'encoded' message format which is not supported in JAX-WS. JAX-WS 2.0 mandates 'literal' use only and supports either rpc/literal or document/literal style binding.
Cause: In JAX-WS endpoint bean, @SOAPBinding.use annotation has 'encoded' value which is not supported in JAXWS
Action: In JAX-WS endpoint bean, use either rpc/literal or document/literal style binding.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-50026: Invalid use of @WebMethod annotation on method "{0}".As per JSR-181, if 'exclude' element is specified on @WebMethod annotation then other elements must not be specified with it.
Cause: In JAX-WS endpoint bean, @WebMethod annotation has 'exclude' element that is used with other elements like 'action' or 'operationName' which is against the JSR-181 spec
Action: Do not use 'action' or 'operationName' element if 'exclude' element is specified on @WebMethod annotation.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-50027: @SOAPBinding annotation is only allowed on a method if is "DOCUMENT". Method "{0}" specifies to "RPC" which is against JSR-181 so it will be ignored and default sytle "DOCUMENT/LITERAL" will be used.
Cause: @SOAPBinding annotation at method level has 'rpc' style which is not valid as per JSR-181
Action: Do not specify the 'rpc' style with @SOAPBinding annotation used at method level in JAX-WS enpoint interface/bean.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-50028: The parameter/return type "{0}" in the method "{1}" is not supported. This method will not be exposed.
Cause: The parameter/return type is NOT supported.
Action: Do not use the unsupported JAVA Type in method parameter or return value.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-50029: The method "{0}" has more than one input parameter that is not mapped to a header and style is BARE. This method will not be exposed.
Cause: The java method has more than one input parameter that is not mapped to a header.
Action: Map java parameters to a header using @WebParam annotation or use wrapped style operation.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-50030: wsdlDocumentLocation is currently not supported.
Cause: WSDLDocumentLocation is currently not supported
Action: See error message.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-50031: Input address, serviceName and endpointName can not be all null
Cause: ServiceName, PortName, or Address can not be all null.
Action: Supply a non null argument for one of the parameters.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-50032: Service name has not been specified for a non null port name.
Cause: ServiceName can not be null when port name is specified.
Action: Supply a non null service name.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-50033: Exception occured building W3CEndpointReference.
Cause: Exception occured when building W3C EndpintReference.
Action: Verify that the Endpoint Reference address and other metadata to build W3C EndpointRefence are correct.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-50034: The method "{0}" is ignored. {1}
Cause: The JAVA method is ignored in WSDL generation.
Action: See error message.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-50035: "{0}" cannot be used as parameter type or return value in "{1}".
Cause: The JAVA type cannot be used as parameter type or return value in RPC-Literal and Document-Literal-BARE.
Action: See error message.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-50036: Operations on portType should be unique, use @WebMethod(operationName="...") on java method "{0}" to resolve conflict.
Cause: Operations the WSDL port type need to be unique.
Action: Map non-unique JAVA method names to unique WSDL opeartion names using @WebParam(operation"...")

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-50037: Failed to load endpoint interface class "{0}" specified with @WebService.endpointInterface annotation in endpoint bean class "{1}". This may cause unexpected behavior like generated WSDL would be different from the expected one.
Cause: Classloader failed to load the enpoint interface class that is implemented by the enpoint bean class
Action: Check that the endpoint interface class is in the classpath

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-50038: Found "{0}" annotation on class "{1}" which is not allowed with PortableWebService endpoint class.
Cause: User has specified the annotation on either webservice endpoint interface or implementation class which is not allowed with Portable WebService
Action: Remove annotation which is not valid with @PortableWebService annotation.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-50039: Could not load callback interface "{0}". Any methods defined in the interface will be ignored
Cause: Callback interface class is not available or misspelt.
Action: Make callback interface available.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-50040: Failed while accessing Keystore details.
Cause: Keystore details are not setup.
Action: Configure keystore details for the server.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-50042: [MessageID: {0}] Could not complete asynchronous request processing successfully. No response will be sent to the client. Analyze the details of the exception as it is most likely the server side configuration error.
Cause: Asynchronous request processing resulted in exception
Action: Analyze the exception and take appropriate action.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-50043: JMS queue connection failed.
Cause: JMS queues are not created, or wrong queue names are used.
Action: Check that queues are created and referenced with the right names.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-50044: [MessageID: {0}] Could not send async request message to the JMS queue.
Cause: JMS queues are not created, or wrong queue names are used.
Action: Check that queues are created and referenced with the right names

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-50045: Could not close the connection to JMS queue
Cause: Internal error.
Action: Can be ignored.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-50047: [MessageID: {0}] No JMS queue specified for the request with non-anonymous replyTo for service "{1}"
Cause: JMS queues are not created, or wrong queue names are used.
Action: Check that queues are created and referenced with the right names

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-50048: ConnectionFactory for the destination "{0}" used for asynchronous service processing is not specified. Using default: "{1}"
Cause: Connection factory is not specified.
Action: Specify connection factory if default is not good.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-50051: JMS queue for async service processing not found. Configure a JMS queue for this application.
Cause: JMS queue are either not created or misspelt in the annotations.
Action: Verify that the JMS queues are created and the same are referred in the annotations in the service implementation class.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-50056: Received a fault and user did not supply a fault listener. Details: "{0}"
Cause: The web service implementation class does not have any methods annotated as FaultListener and either the input is fault, or the response from the callback service is fault.
Action: Add the fault listener method if desired.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-50057: Failed while re-creating the soap message from the JMS message
Cause: System error
Action: Analyze the exception reported in the log.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-50058: Failed while re-creating the addressing header from the JMS message
Cause: System error
Action: Analyze the exception reported in the log.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-50059: [MessageID: {0}] Error while processing the message off the JMS queue.
Cause: System error
Action: Analyze the exception details.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-50060: [MessageID: {0}] Request processor MDB failed.
Cause: Asynchronous request processinf MDB has failed.
Action: Analyze the exception details.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-50061: Context is available locally. Should happen only while running in-process message listener.
Cause: Internal system error.
Action: Internal system error.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-50062: [MessageID: {0}] Error while processing response. Will try the fault handler in web service implementation class.
Cause: Callback service may be down or policy of the callback service is not matching with the callback client.
Action: Analyze the exception details.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-50064: [MessageID: {0}] Failed to send the response to the callback service.
Cause: Callback service may be down, the callback URL may be wrong or callback service is not configured properly.
Action: Verify the configuration of callback service and take action based on the details of exception.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-50066: Could not save the context for async service in JNDI with the key "{0}".
Cause: Internal system error.
Action: Internal system error.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-50067: Could not cleanup the context for async service in JNDI as it was not found.
Cause: Internal system error.
Action: Internal system error.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-50069: Could not remove the saved context for async service in JNDI with the key "{0}".
Cause: Internal system error
Action: Internal system error.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-50071: [MessageID: {0}] Error while trying the fault handler in web service implementation class.
Cause: The fault handler method did not execute successfully.
Action: Check the fault handler code.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-50072: [MessageID: {0}] Got SOAPFaultException while executing the asynchronous operation
Cause: This might be because of invalid request, missing resources in the service implementation or a bug.
Action: Analyze the exception details.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-50073: [MessageID: {0}] Got Exception while executing the asynchronous operation.
Cause: This might be because of invalid request, missing resources in the service implementation or a bug.
Action: Analyze the exception details.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-50080: [MessageID: {0}] Completed asynchronous response processing with exception. Client will not receive any response.
Cause: Callback service is not up or it's configuration/policy is not matching with the async server.
Action: Analyze the exception and configure the callback service.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-50081: [MessageID: {0}] Response processor MDB failed.
Cause: Callback service is not up or it's configuration/policy is not matching with the async server.
Action: Analyze the exception and configure the callback service.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-50082: [MessageID: {0}] Sending response will not be retried as callback service sent soap fault back. Http response code was "{1}".
Cause: Callback service sent the fault back. Retrying may not help. There may be some configuration problem,
Action: Analyze the fault and configure the callback service properly.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-50085: [MessageID: {0}] Could not create the user transaction for request processing.
Cause: Internal system error.
Action: Analyze the exception in the log.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-50087: [MessageID: {0}] Could not begin the user transaction for request processing.
Cause: Internal system error.
Action: Analyze the exception in the log.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-50088: [MessageID: {0}] Could not create user transaction for Web Method execution.
Cause: Internal system error.
Action: Analyze the exception in the log.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-50090: [MessageID: {0}] Could not begin user transaction for Web Method execution.
Cause: Internal system error
Action: Analyze the exception in the log.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-50092: [MessageID: {0}] Could not suspend the main transaction for executing the web method.
Cause: Internal system error.
Action: Internal system error.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-50093: [MessageID: {0}] User transaction was marked for rollback after executing the web method.
Cause: Web method execution marked the transaction for rollback.
Action: It might be because of invalid input or a bug in the web method. Analyze the failure.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-50094: [MessageID: {0}] Could not rollback the user transaction after executing the web method.
Cause: Internal system error.
Action: Analyze the exception in the log.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-50095: [MessageID: {0}] User transaction is being rolledback after getting unexpected exception in executing the web method.
Cause: Web method did not complete successfully.
Action: It might be because of invalid input or a bug in the web method. Analyze the failure.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-50096: [MessageID: {0}] User transaction is being rolledback after getting failure in getting response.
Cause: There might be some problem with the callback service or its configuration.
Action: Check if the callback service is up and configured properly.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-50100: [MessageID: {0}] Could not get the transaction manager (javax.transaction.TransactionManager).
Cause: Internal system error.
Action: Internal system error.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-50102: [MessageID: {0}] Could not resume the suspended main trsanction.
Cause: Internal system error
Action: Internal system error.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-50103: [MessageID: {0}] Rolled back a user transaction after executing the web method.
Cause: There might be some problem with the callback service or its configuration.
Action: Check if the callback service is up and configured properly.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-50104: [MessageID: {0}] Could not rollback a user transaction after executing the web method.
Cause: Internal system error.
Action: Internal system error.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-50106: [MessageID: {0}] Could not commit the user transaction for web method execution.
Cause: Internal system error.
Action: Analyze the related exception report in the log.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-50107: [MessageID: {0}] Could not rollback the main transaction
Cause: Internal system error.
Action: Internal system error.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-50108: [MessageID: {0}] Could not commit the main transaction
Cause: Internal system error.
Action: Internal system error.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-50109: [MessageID: {0}] Http response from the Callback service is "{1}".
Cause: Callback service returned http response other 200 or 202.
Action: Analyze the details of soap message returned by call service or the http error code.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-50111: [MessageID: {0}] Received soap fault from the callback.
Cause: Callback has sent a soap fault as the response.
Action: Analyze the fault and configure the callback service properly.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-50112: [MessageID: {0}] Could not dump the soap message
Cause: Internal system error.
Action: Internal system error.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-50113: [MessageID: {0}] Could not create SSLSocketFactory.
Cause: Keystore may not have been configured properly.
Action: Configure the keystore details for the server.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-50114: [MessageID: {0}] KeyStore file locations are not available. Configure it for the server to make the SSL work.
Cause: Keystore may not have been configured properly.
Action: Configure the keystore details for the server.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-50115: Exception in handler chain
Cause: Handler chain has thrown some exception
Action: Look at the details of exception.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-50116: Exception ignored during close
Cause: Internal system error.
Action: Can be ignored

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-50130: No web module with name of "{0}" so a new war will be created
Cause: TBD
Action: TBD

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-50131: Found web module with name of "{0}", so the generated contents will be merged.
Cause: TBD
Action: TBD

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-50132: Can not specify war argument and have an input be an ear that contains a war with a matching context root.
Cause: TBD
Action: TBD

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-50133: Error extracting war "{0}".
Cause: TBD
Action: TBD

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-50135: Could not load jaxrpc annotation parser, the webservices in this ejb will not be manageable
Cause: TBD
Action: TBD

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-50138: Could not write operation metadata for "{0}".
Cause: Exception in writing operation metadata
Action: Analyze the exception.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-50139: HandlerChain configuration file: "{0}".
Cause: TBD
Action: TBD

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-50140: Failed to resolve HandlerChain annotation "file" value ({0}) as it is specified on "{1}"
Cause: TBD
Action: TBD

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-50141: Fabric Registration ignored because this service does not use SDO binding.
Cause: TBD
Action: TBD

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-50147: SDO Type Registration failed due to exception: "{0}".
Cause: TBD
Action: TBD

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-50159: [MessageID: {0}] Messages could not be read while cleaning up the asynchronous message queues. Exception: "{1}".
Cause: System error
Action: Internal error

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-50162: [MessageID: {0}] Request message was found in the queue while processing the response
Cause: There might be a server/jvm crash after successful execution of business logic.
Action: No action required.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-50163: [MessageID: {0}] Response is not available. The web method execution did not complete or the response was lost.
Cause: Response is not available. The web method execution did not complete or the response was lost.
Action: Retry calling the method if it is safe to do so.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-50177: Could not read the context for async service from JNDI with the key "{0}".
Cause: Internal system error.
Action: Internal system error.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-50178: The password for the identity keystore could not be read from the security credential store while sending the response to the callback service. It should have been stored as key "{0}" in the map "{1}". Assuming no password is necessary.
Cause: The password for the identity keystore is probably not saved in the security credentials or, the map or the key name may be wrong.
Action: Save the password with appropriate key and the map as specified in the error.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-50179: The password for recovering the key could not be read from the security credential store while sending the response to the callback service. It should have been stored as key "{0}" in the map "{1}". Assuming key password to be same as the identity keystore password.
Cause: The password for the private key is probably not saved in the security credentials or, the map or the key name may be wrong.
Action: Save the password with appropriate key and the map as specified in the error.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-50180: The password for the trust keystore could not be read from the security credential store while sending the response to the callback service. It should have been stored as key "{0}" in the map "{1}". Assuming no password is necessary.
Cause: The password for the trust keystore is probably not saved in the security credentials or, the map or the key name may be wrong.
Action: Save the password with appropriate key and the map as specified in the error.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-50181: Exception while accessing the password from the security credential store for using SSL while sending the response to the callback service.
Cause: Internal system error.
Action: Analyze the details of the exception

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-50183: Could not get the transaction manager using "{0}". Exception: "{1}"
Cause: Method of getting transaction manager might have changed in this release.
Action: Internal system error.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-50184: Could not get the transaction manager using "{0}"Got unexpected class "{1}" instead of javax.transaction.TransactionManager.
Cause: Method of getting transaction manager might have changed in this release.
Action: Internal system error.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-50187: [MessageID: {0}] System Error: Could not get the addressing namespace and so the None URI.
Cause: Addressing namespace is not available.
Action: Internal system error.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-51001: No TypeGeneratorFactory implementation found for factory {0}.
Cause: You may have specified a wrong factory name, or your Web Service libraries are not properly configured.
Action: Please ensure that you have specified a valid factory name.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

OWS-51500: Unable to open or locate the following file or directory: {0}.
Cause: A file or directory was not found or acessible.
Action: Ensure that the file or directory name is properly specified and accessible.

Level: 1


Impact: Files

OWS-60002: Could not resolve schema resource for namespace "{0}" at location "{1}"
Cause: Could not resolve the schema from given schemaLocation. This may be caused by network problem or malformed or incorrect schemaLocation URL/URI
Action: See error message.

Level: 1


Impact: Files

OWS-60003: Serializer initialization failed. Unable to define SDO data types.
Cause: Failed to define SDO data types from the given schema/schemas.
Action: Ensure that the schema/schemas provided through schemaLocation is/are valid and none of the schemas are conflicting with each other.

Level: 1


Impact: Other

OWS-65004: Invalid URI "{0}" in Addressing element {1}.
Cause: Invalid URI found while reading the Addressing headers.
Action: Verify that the URI used for addressing is valid.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

OWS-65005: AttributedURI type does not support Extensibility elements.
Cause: AttributedURI type has Extensibility elements.
Action: Do not specify Extensibility element with AttibureURI type.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses