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Oracle® WebCenter Content User's Guide for Site Studio Designer
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)

Part Number E10613-02
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A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  R  S  T  U  V  W  X 


absolute paths, 5.13
context menus, 1.7.1
fragments, A.81
ActiveX controls, B.2
Add Export Archive page, B.4.2
Add Archive, B.4.2
Archive Description, B.4.2
Archive Name, B.4.2
Automatically export new and changed content, B.4.2
Include project file in export archive, B.4.2
Manage Site Replication, B.4.2
Open Collection, B.4.2
Transfer to Archive, B.4.2
Transfer to Collection, B.4.2
Add Outgoing Provider page, B.3
Configuration Class, B.3
Connection Class, B.3
HTTP Server Address, B.3
Instance Name, B.3
Provider Class, B.3
Provider Description, B.3
Provider Name, B.3
Relative Web Root, B.3
Server Host Name, B.3
Server Port, B.3
adding a command to a popup menu, 6.7.1
adding a new domain,
adding an element to a fragment,
adding fragments, 13.2
adding fragments to a template, 13.6
adding Manager to a site, 16.4
Backup and Restore, 5.19
General Component Information, 5.19
Manage Fragment Libraries, 5.19
Manage Site Replication, 5.19
Manage Web Site, 5.19
Manage Web Site Addresses, 5.19
Set Default Project Documentation Information, 5.19
Set Default Web Asset Documentation Information, 5.19
Site Studio Administration page in Oracle Content Server, 5.19
Site Studio Publisher, 5.19
viewing web site object reports, 14.5.2
administrators, 3.4
Advanced dialog, B.8.6
Advanced Element Validation dialog, A.52
advanced elements
custom, 11.3
Advanced Replicator Options dialog, A.82.6
applications, adding shortcuts to, 6.5
Apply to All Sections
menu option, D.3.2
Approve Document (workflow option), 15.3
ASCII characters,
defined, Glossary, Glossary, Glossary, Glossary
file extension, 12.1.5, 12.1.6, 12.1.7
ASP Bread Crumb Plain (server) fragment, C.1.18
ssClassName, C.1.18
ssHoverColor, C.1.18
ssSeparator, C.1.18
ssTextColor, C.1.18
ASP Bread Crumb Plain fragment, C.1.17
ssClassName, C.1.17
ssHoverColor, C.1.17
ssSeparator, C.1.17
ssTextColor, C.1.17
ASP Dynamic List Paged fragment, C.2.4
ssWantMore, C.2.4
ASP Dynamic List Simple fragment, C.2.5
ssTargetNodeID, C.2.5
ASP Error Handler Message fragment, C.4.8
ASP Explorer Menu Bar fragment, C.1.19
ssShowHome, C.1.19
ASP Nav Multi Horizontal fragment, C.1.20
ssClassName, C.1.20
ssFocusColor, C.1.20
ssHoverColor, C.1.20
ssNumLevels, C.1.20
ssSeparator, C.1.20
ssShowHome, C.1.20
ssStartLevel, C.1.20
ssTextColor, C.1.20
ASP Nav Multi Vertical fragment, C.1.21
ssClassName, C.1.21
ssFocusColor, C.1.21
ssHoverColor, C.1.21
ssNumLevels, C.1.21
ssShowHome, C.1.21
ssStartLevel, C.1.21
ssTextColor, C.1.21
ASP Search Box Plain (server) fragment, C.1.23
ssButtonText, C.1.23
ssClassName, C.1.23
ssFocusColor, C.1.23
ssResultsPage, C.1.23
ASP Search Box Plain fragment, C.1.22
ssButtonText, C.1.22
ssClassName, C.1.22
ssFocusColor, C.1.22
ssResultsPage, C.1.22
ASP Search Result Plain fragment, C.1.24
ssClassName, C.1.24
ssDisplayField, C.1.24
ssHoverColor, C.1.24
ssLimitScope, C.1.24
ssQueryText, C.1.24
ssResultCount, C.1.24
ssSortField, C.1.24
ssSortOrder, C.1.24
ssTargetNodeID, C.1.24
ssTextColor, C.1.24
ASP Site Map Plain fragment, C.1.25
ssClassName, C.1.25
ssFocusColor, C.1.25
ssHoverColor, C.1.25
ssShowFocus, C.1.25
ssShowHome, C.1.25
ssTextColor, C.1.25
ASP sites, 1.5
ASP Static List Example fragment, C.3.3
ssClassName, C.3.3
ssHoverColor, C.3.3
ssTextColor, C.3.3
defined, Glossary
cascading style sheets (CSS), 1.6.6, 3.2.1, 3.17
contributor data files, 1.6.6, 3.2.2, 3.7, 3.15, 3.15
conversion definitions, 1.6.6, 3.2.3
custom configuration scripts, 1.6.6, 3.2.3
custom element forms, 1.6.6, 3.2.3
element definitions, 1.6.6, 3.2.3, 3.7, 3.7, 3.9, 9.10
elements, 3.7, 3.7, 3.9
fragment libraries, 1.6.6, 3.2.3
fragments, 3.7, 3.16, 13.12.5
hierarchy, 3.7
images, 1.6.6, 3.2.2
JSP, 13.12.5
Manager configuration settings, 1.6.6, 3.2.3
native documents, 1.6.6, 3.2.2, 3.15, 3.15
other media, 1.6.6, 3.2.2
page templates, 1.6.6, 3.2.1, 3.7, 3.12
placeholder definitions, 1.6.6, 3.2.3, 3.7, 3.11, 3.11
placeholders, 3.7, 3.11
region definitions, 1.6.6, 3.2.3, 3.7, 3.7, 3.10, 9.9
region templates, 1.6.6, 3.2.1, 3.7, 3.7, 3.10, 8.1.2
reusing, 3.8, 3.15
scripts, 1.6.6, 3.2.3
storage, 3.3
subtemplates, 1.6.6, 3.2.1, 3.7, 3.13
validation scripts, 1.6.6, 3.2.3
assets (fragments), 5.15
Assign Content dialog, 5.16, 10.8.3, A.54
Assign Region Content dialog, A.54
assigning content, 5.14, 10.2
automatically export new and changed content, B.4.2


backing up web sites, 5.19
Backup and Restore page, 5.19
backward compatibility, 1.1, 1.5, 7.1
basic workflows, 15.2
block-level tags, indenting, A.1.7
bottom-of-body snippet, 13.12.4
Breadcrumb Plain fragment, C.1.1
ssClassName, C.1.1
ssHoverColor, C.1.1
ssSeparator, C.1.1
ssTextColor, C.1.1
button appearance, 6.3
buttons on Designer toolbars, 5.10


cascading style sheet (CSS),
Cascading style sheets, 8.1.4
cascading style sheets, 1.6.6, 3.2.1, 3.17
catch-all placeholder definition, 3.11
categories of properties, 5.5
changing log file settings, 6.12
changing the icon associated with a fragment, 13.12.3
changing the security of a section or site, 12.1.10
characters per line, setting, A.1.7
characters per tab, setting, A.1.7
Check Out and Open, 1.3, 4.3.4, 8.13, 10.8.1, 10.8.2, B.2
Choose Default Link Format dialog, A.6
Choose Document Types dialog, A.21
Choose Region Content dialog, A.55
client computers
uninstalling Desktop Integration Suite, 2.3
client-side script URL format, 5.13
color scheme of Manager, 16.4.1, 16.4.2
color-coding in source view, 5.6.3, 8.11.2, 9.11.2
comparing changes
in Contributor, 12.5.2, 12.5.2
in Designer, 12.5.2, 12.5.2
Digital Asset Management, 10.9
component information, 5.19
Site Studio, 1.3
configuration files, 3.2.3
Configuration Migration Utility, B.2
configuration scripts, 1.6.6, 3.2.3
configuration settings for Manager, 1.6.6, 3.2.3
connecting to a web site at startup, 6.11
Connection Manager, 5.12, 12
in the File menu,
site connection manager, 5.12
separation of presentation and content, 3.2
content file
content ID, 5.16
content files, 3.2.2, 3.15
reusing, 3.8, 3.15
content ID
and multi-byte characters, 4.2
displaying, 5.16
content information
for a page template, 8.2.5
placeholder definitions, 9.5
scripts, 11.2.4
content information fields for site assets, 3.3
content information page, 3.3
content server
deleting a fragment, 13.11
Digital Asset Management component, 10.9
downloading a fragment, 7.1.1
downloading fragment libraries, 13.13.4
Dynamic Converter component, 10.8.4
Folder feature, 1.3
fragments stored in, 13.8.2
Manage Web Sites page, 16.2
profile, A.15
security model, 4.3.3
Site Studio Administration page, 5.19
uploading fragment libraries, 13.13.4
Web Sites menu, 5.12
Content Tracker report
viewing a Content Tracker report, 14.7
content tracker report, 14.7.1, 14.7.2
content tracker reports, 14.4, 14.7
option in placeholder definitions, 14.7.1
context menus
accessibility, 1.7.1
context-sensitive menus in workspace, 5.6.7
access levels, 4.3.3
Contribution Element dialog, A.80
contribution graphic, 4.3.3, 5.16, 5.18.1, 12.3
menu icon, 4.3.4
no content assigned icon, 5.18.1
switch content icon, 5.18.1
workflow icon, 5.18.1
contribution icon, defined, Glossary
contribution mode, 3.6, D.3.1, Glossary
contribution model, 3.6
contribution region, 5.16, 8.3, 9.1.1, 9.1.1
boundaries, 8.3
defined, Glossary
elements, 13.12.7
hover, 5.16
in an HTML table, 8.10
including a native document, 10.8
security model, 4.3.3
yellow box, 5.16
Contribution Region dialog, A.19
contribution toolbar, 5.10.6
contribution toolbar in Contributor editor, 5.18.2
Contributor, 4.3.2, 4.3.4, 4.6, 5.18, 8.3, 9.3.2, 9.9, 10.1.1, 10.7, 11.1.2, 12.4, 12.5.2
and site planning, 4.3.2
and workflows, 15.3, 15.5.1
application, 1.2
contribution graphic, 5.16
custom configuration script, 11.1.2
defined, Glossary
editor, 5.18.2
explained, 1.2
key combination to launch, 5.18.1
launching, 5.18.1
Publish Now, 5.20.2
toolbar, 4.5
validating edits, 11.1.4
workflows, 5.18.3
as content provider, 4.3.1
custom elements, 11.3.1
form, 11.3.1
levels of contribution, 4.3.3
role, 4.3
workflow approve/reject access, 9.8
Contributor console, 5.19
contributor data file, 4.1.2, 10.1.1, 10.8
and secondary pages, 4.10.2
creating in switch content wizard, 10.2
defined, Glossary
editing, 10.7, 10.7
sharing across web sites, 4.11.6
site planning, 4.3.4
contributor data files, 1.6.6, 3.2.2, 3.7, 3.15, 3.15, 5.14, 5.16, 8.1
control compared to native documents, 10.8.3
links to, 5.13, 12.4.4
workflows, 15.5.1
Contributor editor, 5.18.2
contribution toolbar, 5.18.2
data file, 5.18.2
editing areas, 5.18.2
element toolbars, 5.18.2
elements tab, 5.18.2
metadata tab, 5.18.2
page header, 5.18.2
contributor form, 11.3.1
contributor mode
order of editing regions, 9.3.2
Contributor toolbar
context menu, 11.1.2
custom configuration scripts, 11.1.2
editing, 11.1.2
contributor toolbar
modifying, 9.3.3
contributors, 3.4, 3.15
allowing contributors to create files, 5.16
and workflows, 5.18.3
control files, 3.2.3
conversion definition
in the region template, 10.8.3
Conversion Definition dialog, A.23
conversion definitions, 1.6.6, 3.2.3, 10.1.3, 10.8.3
adding in source view, 10.8.3
adding to region templates, 10.8.3
and native documents, 8.13
native documents, 10.1.3, 10.8.3
conversion settings
using conversion rules, 10.8.4
using conversion templates, 10.8.4
conversion templates
and native documents, 10.8.3
using with native documents, 10.8.3
copying and editing fragments, 5.15
Copyright Example fragment, C.4.1
Create Hyperlink dialog, 12.4.6
Create New Site dialog, A.4
creating a new fragment, 13.9
creating a new menu, 6.3
creating a new toolbar, 6.4.2
criteria workflows, 15.2
CSP Sample Dynamic List fragment, C.2.6
ssLimitScope, C.2.6
ssQueryText, C.2.6
ssResultCount, C.2.6
ssSortField, C.2.6
ssSortOrder, C.2.6
CSP Sample Navigation (client) fragment, C.1.26
CSP Sample Navigation (server) fragment, C.1.27
CSP Sample Page Title fragment, C.4.9
CSS, 1.6.6, 3.2.1, 3.17, 8.1.4
adding to page templates, 8.1.4
adding to subtemplates, 8.1.4
in a fragment, 8.9
inserting reference for style, 8.9
CSS references
directory structure, 8.9
current item
link to, 5.13
custom configuration script, 11.1.2, 11.1.2
custom configuration scripts, 1.6.6, 3.2.3
Custom Configuration Scripts dialog, A.79
custom element
checkbox, 11.3.3
Content ID, 11.3.3
content server query, 11.3.3
dDocName, 11.3.3
flash, 11.3.3
integer value, 11.3.3
option list, 11.3.3
radio button, 11.3.3
sample form, 11.3.3
simple form, 11.3.3
TEXTAREA, 11.3.3, 11.3.3
text-only, 11.3.3
weblayout URL, 11.3.3
custom element definitions, 9.3.3
Custom Element dialog, A.32, A.33
custom element forms, 1.6.6, 3.2.3, 11.1.3, 11.3
Custom Element Settings dialog, A.34
custom elements, 11.3, 11.3.1, 11.3.1, 11.3.1
implementation, 11.3.1
in region definitions, 11.1.3
in region templates, 11.1.3
legacy, 11.3.2
sample, 11.3.3
source sample, 11.3.1
upgrading, 11.3.2
custom error handler, 12.1.8
custom scripts
configuration scripts, 11.4
custom section properties, 12.1.11
Custom Section Properties dialog, A.9
custom settings for Manager, 16.4.2
custom validation script
VBScript, 11.2.1
commands, A.1.1
keyboard, A.1.4
log files, A.1.10
menus, A.1.5
options, A.1.6
source view, A.1.7
toolbars, A.1.2
tools, A.1.3
warnings, A.1.8
customization scripts, 9.10
menus, A.1.1
Customize dialog, 6.2, 6.5, 6.10, 6.11, A.1
Commands tab, A.1.1
Keyboard tab, A.1.4
Log File tab, A.1.10
Menu tab, A.1.5
Miscellaneous tab, A.1.9
Options tab, A.1.6
Source View tab, A.1.7
Toolbars tab, A.1.2
Tools tab, A.1.3
Warning Dialogs tab, A.1.8
Customize dialog tabs
Commands, 6.2
Keyboard, 6.2
Log File, 6.2
Menu, 6.2
Miscellaneous, 6.2
Options, 6.2
Source View, 6.2
Toolbars, 6.2
Tools, 6.2
Warning Dialogs, 6.2
customizing manager configuration settings, 16.5, 16.7
customizing toolbars, 6.4


data file
access and display, 12.1.9
using the error handler, 12.1.9
data files, 1.6.6, 3.2.2, 3.15, 3.15
default link format, choosing, 12.4.8
default placeholder definition, 3.11
default project information, 5.19
default settings for Manager, 16.4.1
default URL page name, 12.1.6
default validation script, 11.5
default web site section, 5.13, 12.4.2, 12.4.4, 12.4.5
Define Custom Section Property dialog, A.10
Define Environment Properties dialog, A.7
Define Placeholder Definition Mapping dialog, 9.8.2, A.74
Define Placeholder dialog, 8.4, 9.8.4, 9.8.4, 9.8.5, A.75
content information, 9.5
copying a, 9.4
default placeholder, 9.8.1
default placeholder properties, 9.8.1
definition bundle, 9.12
downloading, 9.12.2
uploading, 9.12.3
definition bundles
metadata metadata
definition bundles, 9.12.3
xWebsites, 9.12.3
conversions, 1.6.6, 3.2.3
element, 1.6.6, 3.2.3, 3.9, 9.10
in File menu bar,
placeholder, 1.6.6, 3.2.3, 3.11, 3.11
region, 1.6.6, 3.2.3, 3.10, 9.9
deleting a command from a popup menu, 6.7.2
deleting a fragment, 13.10
deleting a fragment from the Toolbox, 13.11
deleting an element in a fragment,
design mode, D, D.1
and Site Studio extension for JDeveloper, D.3
editing primary pages, D.3.2
in Site Studio Contributor, D.1
role, D.2
design mode role, D.2
Design view
defined, Glossary
design view, 5.6.4, 13.6, 13.7.4
of a page template, 13.12.4
showing/hiding HTML tags, 5.6.4, 8.11.1
working with text, 8.7
Design View Code, 13.12.4
design view code, 13.6
application, 1.2
contribution toolbar, 5.10.6
customizing the interface, 6
customizing windows and panes, 6.1
defined, Glossary
formatting toolbar, 5.10.3
fragment editor, 5.15
HTML toolbar, 5.10.4
installation, 2.2, 5.1, 5.1
installer executable, 2.2
installing with previous versions, 5.1
introduction, 2.1
Link wizard, 5.13
log file, 5.11
main window, 5.3
minimum requirements, 1.8
placeholder toolbar, 5.10.7
planning a web site, 4
planning the site hierarchy, 4.11
properties pane, 5.3, 5.5
site assets pane, 5.3, 5.7
site connection, 7.1
site connection manager, 5.12
site hierarchy, 5.3, 5.4
site toolbar, 5.10.2
standard toolbar, 5.10.1
starting, 5.2
Switch Content wizard, 5.14
table toolbar, 5.10.5
toolbars, 5.3, 5.10
toolbox, 5.3, 5.8
workspace, 5.3, 5.6
designer mode
secondary page, D.3.1
Designer, explained, 1.2
designers, 3.4
role of, 4.3
Desktop Integration Suite
keyboard shortcuts, 1.7.2
Advanced, B.8.6
Advanced Element Validation, A.52
Advanced Replicator Options, A.82.6
Assign Content, 5.16, 10.8.3, A.54
Assign Region Content, A.54
Choose Default Link Format, A.6
Choose Document Types, A.21
Choose Region Content, A.55
Contribution Element, A.80
Contribution Region, A.19
Conversion Definition, A.23
Create Hyperlink, 12.4.6
Create New Site, A.4
Custom Configuration Scripts, A.79
Custom Element, A.32, A.33
Custom Element Settings, A.34
Custom Section Properties, A.9
Customize, 6.2, 6.3, 6.5, 6.10, 6.11, A.1
Customize dialog - Commands tab, A.1.1
Customize dialog - Keyboard tab, A.1.4
Customize dialog - Log File tab, A.1.10
Customize dialog - Menu tab, A.1.5
Customize dialog - Miscellaneous tab, A.1.9
Customize dialog - Options tab, A.1.6
Customize dialog - Source View tab, A.1.7
Customize dialog - Toolbars tab, A.1.2
Customize dialog - Tools tab, A.1.3
Customize dialog - Warning Dialogs tab, A.1.8
Define Custom Section Property, A.10
Define Environment Properties, A.7
Define Placeholder, 8.4, 9.8.4, 9.8.4, 9.8.5, A.75
Define Placeholder Definition Mapping, 9.8.2, A.74
Dynamic List Element, A.39, A.40
Dynamic List Settings, A.41
Edit Placeholder Section Properties, 9.8.3, A.71
Edit Query Text, A.22, A.62
Element, 9.9, A.43
Element Selection, A.37
Enable Metadata Modification, A.15
Fragment Assets, A.59
Fragment Editor, 13.3, 13.9, A.57
Fragment Elements, A.60
Fragment Parameter Values, 13.2, 13.7.1, 13.7.3, 13.7.4, 13.12.6, 16.4.2, A.65
Fragment Parameters,, A.61, A.61
Fragment Preview, 13.7.1
Generate Unique Region Content, A.56
Image Element, A.30, A.31
Image Element Validation, A.51
Insert Dynamic Conversion, 8.13, 10.8.3, A.78
Link Settings, A.44
Link Target Options, 12.4.1
Link wizard, A.18
Link wizard - check-in, A.18.6
Link wizard - choose a section, A.18.2
Link wizard - choose content file, A.18.4
Link wizard - choose target section, A.18.5
Link wizard - choose type of link, A.18.1
Link wizard - choose URL format, A.18.3
Link wizard - confirmation, A.18.7
Link wizard - link target options, A.18.8
Manage Site Page, A.68
Manager Configuration Settings, 16.7, A.69
Modifying Server Connections, A.82.5
Native Document Conversion Settings, 10.8.4, A.24, A.25
New Fragment, 13.9
New Item Settings, A.53
New Option, A.63
New Section, A.8
Override Environment Properties, A.82.7, B.8.6
Perform Replication, A.82.4
Placeholder Definition, A.72
Placeholder Definition Mappings, 8.4, A.73
Placeholder Mappings, 9.8, 9.8.2, 9.8.2
Placeholder Section Mappings, D.4
Placeholder Section Properties, 9.8.3, A.70, D.3.1, D.4, D.4
Plain Text Element, A.28, A.29
Plain Text Element Validation, A.49
Properties for Fragment, 13.8.1, A.58
Region Content Options, A.20
Region Definition, A.42
Save Fragment, 13.13.2, A.67
Select (Primary) Page Template, 12.1.6
Select (Secondary) Page Template, 12.1.7, 12.1.7
Select CSS Classes, A.45
Select Fragment, A.81
Select Home Page Template, A.11
Select HTML Tags, A.50
Select Primary Page Template, A.12
Select Secondary Page Template, A.13
Select Section, A.17
Select Site, A.16
Select Source Server, A.82.1
Select Target Server, A.82.2
Site Address,
Site Addresses, A.5
Site Asset Categories, A.14
Site Connection Details, 7.1.2, A.3
Site Connection Manager, 7.1.2, 7.1.3, A.2
Site Studio Replicator, A.82
Snippet Properties, A.64
Static List Element, A.35, A.36
Static List Element Validation, A.38
Switch Content wizard, A.76
Switch Content wizard - Check in content, A.76.3
Switch Content wizard - Choose content file, A.76.2
Switch Content wizard - Choose Region Content, A.76.1
Switch Content wizard - Confirmation, A.76.4
Switch Region Template, A.77
differences in Designer and Contributor, A.77
switching to tabs, 5.6.1
Upload Fragment Library,
WYSIWYG Element, A.26, A.27
WYSIWYG Element Validation, A.48
dialogs in workspace, 5.6.1, 5.6.1
Digital Asset Management component, 10.9
direct delivery, 10.8.6, 10.8.6
displaying Manager, 16.2
displaying site design information, 5.16
docking a pane, 6.1.3
DOCTYPE control, 6.9
domain name address, 7.2.2, Glossary
domain name mapping, 7.2.1
in Designer,
using the Manage Web Site Addresses page,
domain-based address, 7.2.2
downloading a fragment library, 13.13.4
downloading definition bundles, 9.12.2
dragging pane borders, 6.1.2
drop-point snippet, 13.12.4
DTD control, 6.9
dynamic content
working with, 8.1
dynamic conversion
adding to a region template, 8.13
and native documents, 8.13
Dynamic Conversion fragment, 10.8.5, C.4.2
ssDocName, C.4.2
ssLayout, C.4.2
ssTemplate, C.4.2
Dynamic Conversion IFrame fragment, C.4.3
ssBorder, C.4.3
ssDocument, C.4.3
ssHeight, C.4.3
ssLayout, C.4.3
ssScrolling, C.4.3
ssTemplate, C.4.3
ssWidth, C.4.3
dynamic conversion of native document, 10.8.5
dynamic conversions, 15.5.2, 15.5.2
inline, 15.5.2, 15.5.2
random, 15.5.2, 15.5.2
Dynamic Converter, 1.3, 4.3.4, 8.13, 10.1.3, 10.8, 10.8, 10.8.1
installing on the content server, 10.8.4
conversion templates, 10.8.3
template selection rules, 10.8.4, 10.8.4
templates, 10.8.1, 10.8.4
use in workflow, 15.5.2
using with fragments, 10.8.5
dynamic list
defined, Glossary
Dynamic List Element dialog, A.39, A.40
Dynamic List fragments, 13.4
dynamic list fragments, 13.12.2, C.2
Dynamic List Generic fragment, C.2.1
Dynamic List Paged fragment, C.2.2
ssMoreText, C.2.2
ssTargetNodeID, C.2.2
ssWantMore, C.2.2
Dynamic List Plain fragment, C.2.3
ssCaptionText, C.2.3
ssClassName, C.2.3
ssDisplayEnd, C.2.3
ssDisplayStart, C.2.3
ssHoverColor, C.2.3
ssLimitScope, C.2.3
ssMoreText, C.2.3
ssNoResults, C.2.3
ssQueryText, C.2.3
ssReportText, C.2.3
ssResultCount, C.2.3
ssRowEnd, C.2.3
ssRowLink, C.2.3
ssRowStart, C.2.3
ssSortField, C.2.3
ssSortOrder, C.2.3
ssTargetNodeID, C.2.3
ssTextColor, C.2.3
ssWantMore, C.2.3
Dynamic List Settings dialog, A.41
dynamic lists
workflows, 15.5.2, 15.5.2
dynamically converting native documents, 10.8


Edit Fragment Instance, 13.7.4
Edit menu, 5.9.2
Edit Placeholder Section Properties dialog, 9.8.3, A.71
Edit Query Text dialog, A.22, A.62
removing links, 12.4.7
editing a copy of a fragment, 13.8.1
editing an element in a fragment,
editing areas in Contributor, 5.18.2
editing fragments, 5.15, 13.2, 13.8
editor for contributors, 5.18.2
adding to a list, 13.12.7
defined, Glossary
info in region definitions, 9.3.2
name in region definitions, 9.3.2
element definition
allowed action, 5.16
element definitions, 1.6.6, 3.2.3, 3.7, 3.7, 3.9, 9, 9.1.1, 9.1.3, 9.3.3, 9.10
actions, 9.3.3, 9.3.3
adding to region definitions, 9.3.2
and validation scripts, 9.10
associating with region definitions, 9.9
custom, 9.3.3, 11.1.3
embedding in region definitions, 9.9
in region definitions, 8.3, 9.1, 9.1.2, 9.3.2
in region templates, 9.1, 9.1.2
info, 9.3.3
list order in region definitions, 9.3.2
naming conventions, 4.5, 9.9
order in Contributor, 9.3.2
site planning, 4.3.2, 4.4, 4.5
static lists, A.37
validation script, 11.1.4
validation scripts, 9.10
Element dialog, 9.9, A.43
element forms, 1.6.6, 3.2.3
Element Selection dialog, A.37
element toolbars in Contributor editor, 5.18.2
element validation, A.38
static list, A.38, A.38
element validation script, 11.5
image, 11.5
plain text, 11.5
static list, 11.5
ElementAPI, 11.3.1, 11.3.1, 11.3.1
dependent scripts, 11.3.1
elements, 3.7, 3.7, 3.9
custom, 11.3
explained, 13.12.7
in region templates, 9.1, 9.3.2
labels in region definitions, 9.3.2
elements (fragments), 5.15
elements tab in Contributor editor, 5.18.2
Enable Metadata Modification dialog, A.15
Enable Publish Now, 5.20.2
environment properties
override, B.8.6
specifying, B.6
environment properties, override, B.8.3
Ephox editor, 11.4
error handler, 12.1.9, 12.1.11
custom, 12.1.8
site properties, 12.1.11
Error Handler Message fragment, C.4.4
Exclude From Lists (metadata), 3.3
existing files
links to, 5.13, 12.4.2, 12.4.5
existing page template
copying, 12.1.6, 12.1.7
existing page templates
copying, 12.1.5
reusing, 12.1.5, 12.1.6, 12.1.7
Explorer Menu Bar fragment, C.1.2
ssShowHome, C.1.2
export archive (replication), B.4.2
Export archive, creating, B.4
external validation script, A.38


FCKeditor, 11.2.1, 11.4, 11.4
File menu, 5.9.1
file system, adding a page template from, 12.1.5, 12.1.6, 12.1.7
cascading style sheets, 1.6.6, 3.2.1, 3.17
content, 3.2.2, 3.15
contributor data files, 1.6.6, 3.2.2, 3.15, 3.15, 3.15
control and configuration, 3.2.3
conversion definitions, 1.6.6, 3.2.3
custom configuration scripts, 1.6.6, 3.2.3
custom element forms, 1.6.6, 3.2.3
element definitions, 1.6.6, 3.2.3
fragment libraries, 1.6.6, 3.2.3
images, 1.6.6, 3.2.2
links to, 5.13, 12.4.2, 12.4.4, 12.4.5
Manager configuration settings, 1.6.6, 3.2.3
media, 1.6.6, 3.2.2
native documents, 1.6.6, 3.2.2, 3.15, 3.15, 3.15
page templates, 1.6.6, 3.2.1, 3.12
placeholder definitions, 1.6.6, 3.2.3
presentation, 3.2.1
project, 3.18
region definitions, 1.6.6, 3.2.3
region templates, 1.6.6, 3.2.1
scripts, 1.6.6, 3.2.3
subtemplates, 1.6.6, 3.2.1, 3.13
validation scripts, 1.6.6, 3.2.3
filter default libraries, 6.11, 13.5
filter fragments in other languages, 6.11, 13.5
filter libraries from other sites, 6.11, 13.5
Flash Example fragment, C.4.5
ssAnimation, C.4.5
ssheight, C.4.5
sswidth, C.4.5
feature on Oracle Content Server, 1.3
folder name address, 7.2.2, Glossary
folder-based address, 7.2.2
form view, 5.6.6, 16.7
Formatting Menu, 5.9.3
formatting the code
source view, 6.9
formatting toolbar, 5.10.3
forms for elements, 1.6.6, 3.2.3
forms in workspace, 5.6.6
assets, 13.12.5
containing CSS, 8.9, 8.9
defined, Glossary
design view code, 13.6
displaying in all languages, 6.11
language filtering, 6.11
Navigation fragments, 13.4
navigation link, 12.1
sample fragments, C
fragment assets, 13.12.5
Fragment Assets dialog, A.59
Fragment Editor
defined, Glossary
fragment editor, 5.15
Fragment Editor dialog, 13.3, 13.8.1, 13.9, 13.12, 16.4.1, 16.4.2, 16.7, A.57
Fragment Elements dialog, A.60
fragment libraries, 1.6.6, 3.2.3, 3.16, 5.19
explained, 13.13
saving a fragment in, 13.13.2
SS_Fragments_CSP_Examples, 13.13.1
SS_Fragments_Dynamic, 13.13.1
SS_Fragments_Examples, 13.13.1
SS_Fragments_IDOC, 13.13.1
SS_Fragments_JSP, 13.13.1
SS_Fragments_Plain, 13.13.1
uploading and downloading, 13.13.4
fragment libraries read-only, 13.13.3
fragment libraries SS_Fragments_ASP, 13.13.1
fragment library
defined, Glossary
Fragment Parameter Values dialog, 13.2, 13.7.1, 13.7.3, 13.7.4, 13.12.6, 16.4.2, A.65
fragment parameters
adding, editing, and deleting, 13.12.6
Fragment Parameters dialog,, A.61, A.61
Fragment Preview dialog, 13.7.1
fragment properties, defined, Glossary
fragment snippets
language used to create, 13.12.4
and multi-byte characters, 4.2
fragments, 3.7, 3.16, 5.3, 8.6
accessibility, A.81
adding a new parameter,
adding an asset,
adding an element, 13.12.7,
adding and editing, 13.2
adding and editing a snippet, 13.12.4
adding assets, 13.12.5
adding content to a page template, 12.2
adding to a page template, 13.6
adding to a template, 13.6
adding to templates, 8.6
administration, 5.19
and Dynamic Converter, 15.5.2
ASP Bread Crumb Plain, C.1.17
ASP Bread Crumb Plain (server), C.1.18, C.1.18
ASP Dynamic List Paged, C.2.4, C.2.4
ASP Dynamic List Simple, C.2.5, C.2.5
ASP Error Handler Message, C.4.8, C.4.8
ASP Explorer Menu Bar, C.1.19, C.1.19
ASP Nav Multi Horizontal, C.1.20, C.1.20
ASP Nav Multi Vertical, C.1.21, C.1.21
ASP Search Box Plain, C.1.22, C.1.22
ASP Search Box Plain (server), C.1.23, C.1.23
ASP Search Result Plain, C.1.24, C.1.24
ASP Sit Map Plain, C.1.25
ASP Site Map Plain, C.1.25
ASP Static List Example, C.3.3, C.3.3
assets, 5.15, 13.12.5
bottom-of-body snippet, 13.12.4
Breadcrumb Plain, C.1.1
categories, 3.16, 5.8, 13.4
changing the icon in the Toolbox, 13.12.3
choosing different parameters, 13.7.2
code included in, 13.13
copying and editing, 5.15
Copyright Example, C.4.1
Copyright Example fragment, C.4.1
creating, 13.9
CSP Sample Dynamic List, C.2.6, C.2.6
CSP Sample Navigation (client), C.1.26, C.1.26
CSP Sample Navigation (server), C.1.27, C.1.27
CSP Sample Page Title, C.4.9, C.4.9
CSS, 13.12
customizing, 13.7.2, 13.12.6
deleting, 13.10
deleting an asset,
deleting an element,
deleting from the content server, 13.11
deleting from the Toolbox, 13.11
displaying in all languages, 13.5
downloaded from content server, 7.1.1
downloading a fragment library,
drop-point snippet, 13.12.4
Dynamic Conversion, 10.8.5, C.4.2, C.4.2
Dynamic Conversion IFrame, C.4.3, C.4.3
dynamic list, 13.4
Dynamic List fragments, 13.4
Dynamic List Generic, C.2.1, C.2.1
Dynamic List Paged, C.2.2, C.2.2
Dynamic List Plain, C.2.3, C.2.3
dynamic lists, C.2
dynamiclist type, 13.12.2
Edit Fragment Instance, 13.7.4
editing, 5.15, 13.8
editing a copy of, 13.8.1
editing an asset,
editing an element,
editing parameters, 13.7.2,
elements, 5.15
Error Handler Message, C.4.4
explained, 13.1
Explorer Menu Bar, C.1.2
filter default libraries, 13.5
filter fragments in other languages, 13.5
filter libraries from other site, 13.5
filtering fragments, 13.5
Flash Example, C.4.5, C.4.5
Fragment Editor dialog, 13.8.1, 13.9, 13.12
handling, 13.3
head snippet, 13.12.4
HTML, 13.12
IDOC Breadcrumb Plain, C.1.34, C.1.34
IDOC fragments, C.1.41
IDOC Nav Home Logo, C.1.35, C.1.35
Idoc Script, 13.12
IDOC Search Box Plain, C.1.36, C.1.36
in content server, 13.8.2
in File menu bar,
inline include snippet, 13.12.4
JavaScript, 13.12
JSP Dynamic List Plain, C.2.7, C.2.7
JSP Nav Home Logo, C.1.28, C.1.28
JSP Nav Plain Horizontal, C.1.29, C.1.29
JSP Nav Plain Vertical, C.1.30, C.1.30
JSP Search Box Plain, C.1.31, C.1.31
JSP Search Results Paged, C.1.32, C.1.32
JSP Site Map Plain, C.1.33, C.1.33
language filtering, 13.5
language used to create snippets, 13.12.4
library, 13.13
library name, 13.12.2
list fragment, 13.6
Login Example, C.1.3
Logo Example, C.4.6, C.4.6
Manager, 16.4.1, 16.5
native documents, 10.8.5
Nav Multi Horizontal, C.1.5
Nav Multi Vertical, C.1.6
Nav Plain Horizontal, C.1.7
Nav Plain Vertical, C.1.8
Nav Tabs Top, C.1.9
Nav Wrap Horizontal, C.1.10
NavHome Logo, C.1.4
navigation, 12.4, 13.4, C.1
navigation type, 13.12.2
on page templates, 8.1.1
other, C.4
PageHitCount, C.4.10, C.4.10
parameters, 5.15, 13.12.6
previewing, 13.7
properties, 5.15, 13.12.2
Random Conversion, 10.8.5, C.4.7, C.4.7
reference include snippet, 13.12.4
RSET Breadcrumb Plain, C.1.37, C.1.37
RSET Nav Multi Horizontal, C.1.38, C.1.38
RSET Nav Plain Horizontal, C.1.39, C.1.39
RSET Site Map Plain, C.1.40, C.1.40
sample, C
samples, 13.4
saving in a fragment library, 13.13.2
scripting language for, 13.12.2
Search Box, C.1.11
Search Result Paged, C.1.12
Search Result Plain, C.1.13
simple include snippet, 13.12.4
Site Map Plain, C.1.14
Site Map Tree, C.1.15
site planning, 4.10.1
Site Studio Manager, 16.1, C.4.11, C.4.11
snippets, 5.15, 13.3, 13.12.4
specifying fragment properties, 13.12.2
static list, 13.4
Static List Example, C.3.1, C.3.1
Static List fragments, 13.4
Static List Generic, C.3.2, C.3.2
static lists, C.3
staticlist type, 13.12.2
toolbox, 5.8
top-of-body snippet, 13.12.4
type, 13.12.2
uploading a fragment library,
uploading and downloading a library, 13.13.4
using JSP,
using on page templates, 8.6, 13.3
using on region templates, 8.6, 13.3
using on subtemplates, 8.6, 13.3
using with Dynamic Converter, 10.8.5
Vertical Menu Bar, C.1.16
XML, 13.12
fragments for native documents
dynamic conversion, 10.8.5
dynamic conversion iframe, 10.8.5
random conversion, 10.8.5
friendly URL
and native documents, 10.8.6
IsDirty(), 11.3.1


General Component Information page, 5.19
Generate Unique Region Content dialog, A.56
global placeholder mapping, 3.11


defined, Glossary
file extension, 12.1.5, 12.1.6, 12.1.7
HCSP sites, 1.5
head snippet, 13.12.4
Help menu, 5.9.7
hiding panes, 6.1.1
hiding toolbars, 6.4.1
hiding warning messages, 6.10
hierarchy of site objects, 3.7
hierarchy of site sections, 5.3, 5.4
home page, 12.1.5
and secondary pages, 12.1.5
defined, Glossary
properties, 12.1.5
within a fragment, 13.13
HTML table
defined, Glossary
in web page design, 8.10
laying out text and graphics, 8.10
layout from another editor, 8.10
presenting data, 8.10
uses of, 8.10
HTML tags, showing/hiding, 5.6.4, 8.11.1
HTML toolbar, 5.10.4
for a section, 12.1.8
navigation fragment, 12.1
hyperlinks, see also 'links'


icon for fragment, changing, 13.12.3
icons on contribution graphic, 5.18.1
ID-based URLs, 5.13, 5.13, 12.4.1, 12.4.2, 12.4.4, 12.4.5
IDOC Breadcrumb Plain fragment, C.1.34
ssClassName, C.1.34
ssHoverColor, C.1.34
ssSeparator, C.1.34
ssTextColor, C.1.34
IDOC Fragments, C.1.41
IDOC Nav Home Logo fragment, C.1.35
ssHeight, C.1.35
ssLogo, C.1.35
ssWidth, C.1.35
Idoc Script
language for fragments, 13.12.2
within a fragment, 13.13
IDOC Search Box Plain fragment, C.1.36
ssButtonText, C.1.36
ssResultsPage, C.1.36
Image Element dialog, A.30, A.31
Image Element Validation dialog, A.51
images, 1.6.6, 3.2.2
as an asset, 10.1.4
workflows, 15.5.3
import archive (replication), B.4.1
Import archive, creating, B.4
importing a page template from file system, 12.1.5, 12.1.6, 12.1.7
include project file in export archive, B.4.2
inheriting a page template, 12.1.5, 12.1.6, 12.1.7
inline dynamic conversions, 15.5.2, 15.5.2
inline include snippet, 13.12.4
Insert Dynamic Conversion dialog, 8.13, 10.8.3, A.78
Designer application, 2.2, 5.1
customizing, 6
interface items
showing and hiding, 6.1.1


javascript, 11.2.1
JavaScript within a fragment, 13.13
using with Designer, 4.2
as an asset, 13.12.5
file extension, 12.1.5, 12.1.6, 12.1.7
in fragments,
language for fragments, 13.12.2
within a fragment, 13.13
JSP Dynamic List Plain fragment, C.2.7
ssClassName, C.2.7
ssDisplayField, C.2.7
ssHoverColor, C.2.7
ssLimitScope, C.2.7
ssQueryText, C.2.7
ssResultCount, C.2.7
ssSortField, C.2.7
ssSortOrder, C.2.7
ssTargetNodeID, C.2.7
ssTextColor, C.2.7
JSP Nav Home Logo fragment, C.1.28
ssHeight, C.1.28
ssLogo, C.1.28
ssWidth, C.1.28
JSP Nav Plain Horizontal fragment, C.1.29
ssClassName, C.1.29
ssFocusColor, C.1.29
ssHoverColor, C.1.29
ssSeparator, C.1.29
ssShowHome, C.1.29
ssTextColor, C.1.29
JSP Nav Plain Vertical fragment, C.1.30
ssClassName, C.1.30
ssFocusColor, C.1.30, C.1.30
ssHoverColor, C.1.30
ssTextColor, C.1.30
JSP objects, B.2
JSP pages
and JDeveloper, 4.2
JSP Search Box Plain fragment, C.1.31
ssButtonText, C.1.31
ssClassName, C.1.31
ssFocusColor, C.1.31
ssResultsPage, C.1.31
JSP Search Results Paged fragment, C.1.32
ssClassName, C.1.32
ssDisplayField, C.1.32
ssHoverColor, C.1.32
ssLimitScope, C.1.32
ssQueryText, C.1.32
ssResultCount, C.1.32
ssSortField, C.1.32
ssSortOrder, C.1.32
ssTargetNodeID, C.1.32
ssTextColor, C.1.32
JSP Site Map Plain fragment, C.1.33
ssClassName, C.1.33
ssFocusColor, C.1.33
ssHoverColor, C.1.33
ssShowFocus, C.1.33
ssShowHome, C.1.33
ssTextColor, C.1.33
JSP sites, 1.5


keyboard shortcuts, 1.7.2
keyboard shortcuts, customization of, A.1.4
Keyboard tab
assign shortcuts
assign keyboard shortcuts, 6.6


launching Contributor, 5.18.1
launching Designer, 5.2
and site planning, 4.1.2
using CSS, 8.8
using tables, 8.8
layout of web pages, 3.17
layout page
defined, Glossary
legacy projects, D.2
legacy sites
toolbar, 5.10.6
libraries for fragments, 1.6.6, 3.2.3
line length, setting, A.1.7
line wrapping, enabling, A.1.7
adding, 12.4
comparison of types, 12.4.9
editing, 12.4.6
formats, 12.4.9
link format
choosing default, 12.4.8
Link Settings dialog, A.44
link target, 12.4.1, 12.4.2, 12.4.3, 12.4.4, 12.4.5
Link Target Options dialog, 12.4.1
Link wizard, 4.3.4, 5.13, 12.4, 12.4.2, A.18
check-in, A.18.6
choose a section, A.18.2
choose content file, A.18.4
choose target section, A.18.5
choose type of link, A.18.1
choose URL format, A.18.3
confirmation, A.18.7
link target options, A.18.8
contributor data files, 5.13, 12.4.4
current item, 5.13
existing file on server, 5.13, 12.4.2
existing local file, 5.13, 12.4.5
native documents, 5.13, 12.4.4
options, 12.4.1, 12.4.2, 12.4.3, 12.4.4, 12.4.5
removing, 12.4.7
target sections, 5.13, 12.4.2, 12.4.4, 12.4.5
to a file, 5.13
to a local file, 12.4.5
to a new file, 12.4.4
to a section, 5.13
to a site section, 12.4.1
to a URL, 5.13, 12.4.3
wizard, 5.13
list fragment, 13.6
local files
links to, 5.13, 12.4.5
Log details of all communication with the content server, 6.12
Log File tab
changing log file settings, 6.12
log details of all communication with the content server, 6.12
reset log file each time Designer starts, 6.12
Log File Viewer, 5.9.4
log files, 5.11
customization of, A.1.10
Login Example fragment, C.1.3
ssButtonText, C.1.3
ssClassName, C.1.3
ssFocusColor, C.1.3
ssTargetSiteId, C.1.3
Logo Example fragment, C.4.6


main Designer window, 5.3
Manage Fragment Libraries page, 5.19
Manage Site Page dialog, A.68
Manage Site Replication page, 5.19, B.1, B.4.2, B.5
Manage Web Site Addresses page, 5.19
Manage Web Site page, 5.19
managed web sites, 3.1
Manager, 4.3.2, 4.11.7, 5.17, 5.19, 16.1
accessing from the content server, 16.2
adding as a fragment, 16.1
adding to a section, 16.2
adding to a site, 16.4
and site planning, 4.3.2
configuration settings file, 16.4.2, 16.5, 16.7, 16.11
custom settings, 16.4.2
customizing the appearance of, 16.1
customizing the functionality of, 16.1
default settings, 16.4.1
defined, Glossary
displaying, 16.2
fragment, 16.4.1, 16.5
fragment editor, 16.4.1, 16.4.2
placing in a web site, 16.2
running, 16.3
themes, 16.4.1, 16.4.2
Manager configuration setting, 1.6.6, 3.2.3
Manager configuration settings, 16.5, 16.7, 16.11
manager configuration settings, 16.1
Manager Configuration Settings dialog, 16.7, A.69
manager configuration settings file
customizing, 16.5, 16.7
parameters, 16.11
Manager Site Replication page, B.4.1
Add Import Archive, B.4.1
Archive Description, B.4.1
Archive Name, B.4.1
Retain region content on target server during import, B.4.1
Retain switched region content on target server during import, B.4.1
Manager, explained, 1.2
managers, 3.4
managing web sites, 5.19
mapping placeholders with placeholder definitions, 3.11
MBC, 4.2
media files, 1.6.6, 3.2.2
menu animations
Fade, 6.7.3
None, 6.7.3
Slide, 6.7.3
Unfold, 6.7.3
Menu bar, 5.9
Edit, 5.9.2
File, 5.9.1
Formatting, 5.9.3
Help, 5.9.7
Tools, 5.9.5
View, 5.9.4
Window, 5.9.6
menu option
Apply to All Sections, D.3.2
Switch Content, D.3.2, D.3.3
Switch Region Template, D.3.2, D.3.3
View Web Site Usage Report, D.3.2, D.3.3
animations, 6.7.3
appearance, 6.7.3
creating, 6.3
customize, 6.7.3
customizing, 6.3
menus in workspace, 5.6.7
menus, customization of, A.1.1, A.1.5
and native documents, 10.8.1
and region templates, 9.9
and reports, 14.3
and site planning, 4.3.3
importance in site reports, 14.5.2
site planning, 4.9.2
specifying values assigned to a project file, 7.3.1
xRegionDefinition, 3.3, 9.9
xWebsiteObjectType, 11.3.3
xWebsites, 9.12.3
metadata field
xWebsites, 9.12.3
metadata fields
Exclude From Lists, 3.3
Region Definition, 3.3
Web Site Object Type, 3.3
Web Site Section, 3.3
Web Sites, 3.3
xRegionDefinition, 3.3
metadata for site assets, 3.3
metadata tab in Contributor editor, 5.18.2
Microsoft Word, 3.15
Miscellaneous tab
filter default libraries, 6.11
filter fragments in other languages, 6.11
filter libraries from other sites, 6.11
model for contribution, 3.6
model for presentation, 3.5
Modifying Server Connections dialog, A.82.5
moving a pane, 6.1.3
moving a section, 12.1.3
multi-byte characters, 4.2
and content ID, 4.2
and fragments, 4.2
using in URLs, 4.2
My Content, 5.1
My Downloads, 5.1
on Content Server, 2.2


naming conventions, 9.1.2
element definitions, 4.5, 9.9
location, 4.2
page templates, 4.2, 4.10.2
placeholder definitions, 9.3.1
region definitions, 4.6
region templates, 4.7
sections, 4.11.3
site assets, 4.2
site hierarchy, 4.2
site planning, 4.10.2
native document
defined, Glossary
Native Document Conversion Settings dialog, 10.8.4, A.24, A.25
native documents, 1.6.6, 3.2.2, 3.15, 3.15, 4.3.4, 5.14, 5.16, 10.1.2, 10.1.2
additional configuration requirements, 10.8.1
and direct delivery, 10.8.6
and dynamic conversions, 8.13
assigning to a contribution region, 10.8.1
control compared to contributor data files, 10.8.3
conversion definitions, 8.13, 10.1.3, 10.8.3
conversion templates, 10.8.3
direct delivery, 10.8.6
downloading, 10.8.6
dynamically converting, 10.8.5
editing, 10.1.2, 10.8, 10.8.1
in workflow, 15.5.2
including in a contribution region, 10.8
links to, 5.13, 12.4.4
metadata, 10.8.1
requirements for using, 10.8.1
sharing across web sites, 4.11.6
site planning, 4.3.4
specifying a conversion template for, 10.8.3
submitting to a site, 4.3.4
template selection rules in Dynamic Converter, 10.8.4
using conversion templates, 10.8.3
using with fragments, 10.8.5
workflows, 15.5.2, 15.5.2
Nav Home Logo fragment, C.1.4
ssHeight, C.1.4
ssLogo, C.1.4
ssWidth, C.1.4
Nav Multi Horizontal fragment, C.1.5
ssClassName, C.1.5
ssFocusColor, C.1.5
ssHoverColor, C.1.5
ssNumLevels, C.1.5
ssSeparator, C.1.5
ssShowHome, C.1.5
ssStartLevel, C.1.5
ssTextColor, C.1.5
Nav Multi Vertical fragment, C.1.6
ssClassName, C.1.6
ssFocusColor, C.1.6
ssHoverColor, C.1.6
ssNumLevels, C.1.6
ssShowHome, C.1.6
ssStartLevel, C.1.6
ssTextColor, C.1.6
Nav Plain Horizontal fragment, C.1.7
ssClassName, C.1.7
ssFocusColor, C.1.7
ssHoverColor, C.1.7
ssSeparator, C.1.7
ssShowHome, C.1.7
ssTextColor, C.1.7
Nav Plain Vertical fragment, C.1.8
ssClassName, C.1.8
ssFocusColor, C.1.8
ssHoverColor, C.1.8
ssTextColor, C.1.8
Nav Tabs Top fragment, C.1.9
ssClassName, C.1.9
ssFocusColor, C.1.9
ssHoverColor, C.1.9
ssShowHome, C.1.9
ssShowNext, C.1.9
ssTextColor, C.1.9
ssTheme, C.1.9
Nav Wrap Horizontal fragment, C.1.10
ssClassName, C.1.10
ssFocusColor, C.1.10
ssHoverColor, C.1.10
ssLineWrap, C.1.10
ssShowHome, C.1.10
ssTextColor, C.1.10
navigating the site, 4.11.2
defined, Glossary
with a link, 12.4
navigation fragment
hyperlink for, 12.1
Navigation fragments, 13.4
navigation fragments, 13.4, 13.12.2, C.1
New Fragment dialog, 13.9
New Item Settings dialog, A.53
new menu
create, 6.3
New Option dialog, A.63
New Section dialog, A.8
node ID, 12.1.1


opening Contributor, 5.18.1
opening Manager, 16.3
order in which sections appear, changing, 12.1.3
other media, 1.6.6, 3.2.2
outgoing provider (replication)
setting up, B.3
Override Environment Properties dialog, A.82.7, B.8.6


page header in Contributor editor, 5.18.2
page layout, 3.17
page templates, 1.6.6, 3.2.1, 3.7, 3.12, 8.1, 8.1.1, 9.1.1
adding a fragment, 12.2
adding a link, 12.4
adding a URL from another web site, 12.1.6
adding CSS, 8.1.4
adding fragments, 13.6
adding text, 8.7
adding to a section, 8.2.2
adding to site hierarchy, 12.1.5, 12.1.6, 12.1.7
advantage of multiple, 4.11.4
and subtemplates, 4.8.1
ASP file extension, 12.1.5, 12.1.6, 12.1.7
assigning as home page, 12.1.5
based on an existing template, 12.1.5, 12.1.6, 12.1.7
content information page, 8.2.5
deleting a fragment, 13.10
displaying in web site, 12.1
editing a link, 12.4.6
explained, 4.11.5
formatting text, 8.7
fragments, 13.1
HCSP file extension, 12.1.5, 12.1.6, 12.1.7
HTML table layout from another editor, 8.10
including fragments, 8.1.1
inheriting, 12.1.5, 12.1.6, 12.1.7
JSP file extension, 12.1.5, 12.1.6, 12.1.7
metadata values, 12.1.5
multiple versus reusable, 4.11.4
naming conventions, 4.10.2, 12.1.5
primary page as target, 12.1
primary pages, 4.10.2, 5.4
relation to subtemplates, 8.1.3
reusing, 1.4
secondary page for additional content, 12.1
secondary pages, 4.10.2, 5.4
site planning, 4.4, 4.8.1, 4.10, 4.11.4
stored in file system, 12.1.5, 12.1.6, 12.1.7
using HTML tables, 8.10
viewing contextual data, 8.2.2
PageHitCount fragment, C.4.10
contributorOnly, C.4.10
primary, 3.14
secondary, 3.14
pane borders
dragging, 6.1.2
moving and docking, 6.1.3
resizing, 6.1.2
showing and hiding, 6.1.1
adding new,
defined, Glossary
editing, 13.12.6,
customizing for fragments, 13.7.2
parameters (fragments), 5.15
path names
changing in a site address, 7.2.2
path-based address, 7.2.2
path-based links
using with default URL page name, 12.1.6
path-based URLs, 5.13, 5.13, 12.4.1, 12.4.2, 12.4.4, 12.4.5
Perform Replication dialog, A.82.4
placeholder, 8.4, 9.1.1
site planning, 4.9.1
placeholder definition
displaying, 5.16
mappings, 5.9.5
specifying a default, 9.8.1
specifying in the placeholder tag, 9.8.4
Placeholder Definition dialog, A.72
placeholder definition mapping
global, 9.8, 9.8.2, 9.8.2
in the tag, 9.8
section properties, 9.8, 9.8.3
placeholder definition mappings, 5.9.5
Placeholder Definition Mappings dialog, 8.4, A.73
placeholder definitions, 1.6.6, 3.2.3, 3.7, 3.11, 3.11, 4.9.1, 8.3, 9.1, 9.1.1, 9.1.1, 9.8
catch-all, 3.11
default, 3.11
description, 9.3.1
editing, 9.3.1
including region definitions, 9.1.1, 9.3.1
including region templates, 8.1.2, 9.3.1
including subtemplates, 9.3.1
naming conventions, 9.3.1
option for content tracker reports, 14.7.1
site planning, 4.4
workflows, 15.4
Placeholder Mappings dialog, 9.8, 9.8.2, 9.8.2
placeholder name
displaying, 5.16
Placeholder Section Mappings dialog, D.4
placeholder section properties, D.4
Placeholder Section Properties dialog, 9.8.3, A.70, D.3.1, D.4, D.4
placeholder tag
directly specifying the placeholder definition, 9.8.4
placeholder toolbar, 5.10.7
placeholderDefinitionDocName, 3.11
placeholders, 3.7, 3.11
definition, 9.8.2
in subtemplates, 9.1.1
mapping, 3.11
Plain Text Element dialog, A.28, A.29
Plain Text Element Validation dialog, A.49
planning a web site, 4
popup menu
adding a command, 6.7.1
deleting a command, 6.7.2
predefined fragments, 3.16
presentation files, 3.2.1
presentation model, 3.5
presentation, separation from content, 3.2
preserve the target's switched region associations, B.8.3
Press New Shortcut Key text box, 6.6
defined, Glossary
preview, 5.6.5
Preview tab, 8.2.2
previewing a fragments, 13.7
previewing fragments, 13.7
primary file, 12.4.5
primary page
defined, Glossary
in design mode, D.3.2
primary pages, 3.14, 5.4, 9.8.2, 12, 12.1.6
caching, 12.1.11
changing the name, 7.2.2
explained, 4.11.5
in site hierarchy, 12.1
in the site hierarchy, 12.1.6
site planning, 4.10.2, 4.11.5
on Oracle Content Server, A.15
project files, 3.18, 5.19, 7.3
and the site hierarchy, 7.3.3
changes in, 7.3.3
content info page, 7.3.4
content information page for, 7.3.4
deleting, 7.1.3
editing, 7.3
explained, 7.3
specifying metadata values for, 7.3.1
status of, 7.3.2
project status, 7.3.2
using pre-10gR4 projects, D.2
custom section, 12.1.11
design mode, D.2
fragments, 13.12.2
placeholder section properties, D.4
properties (fragments), 5.15
Properties for Fragment dialog, 13.8.1, A.58
Properties pane
defined, Glossary
properties pane, 5.3, 5.5
setting design mode roles, D.2
property categories, 5.5
protocol specifier,
Providers page, B.3
Publish Now, 5.20.2, 5.20.2
and Contributor, 5.20.2
Enable Publish Now, 5.20.2
Publisher, 5.19, 5.20, 5.20.1


Random Conversion fragment, 10.8.5, C.4.7
ssLayout, C.4.7
ssLimitScope, C.4.7
ssQueryText, C.4.7
ssTemplate, C.4.7
random dynamic conversions, 15.5.2, 15.5.2
read-only mode, 5.6
reconnecting a web site at startup, 6.11
reference include snippet, 13.12.4
region content
adding content not associated with a web site, 4.11.6
defined, Glossary
using a custom element form to add, 11.3
Region Content Options dialog, A.20
Region Definition (metadata), 3.3
Region Definition dialog, A.42
region definitions, 1.6.6, 3.2.3, 3.3, 3.7, 3.7, 3.10, 5.14, 9, 9.1.1, 9.1.2, 9.3.1, 9.9, 9.9
adding element definitions, 4.6, 9.3.2
adding to placeholder definitions, 9.3.1
and element definitions, 8.3, 8.5
associating element definitions, 9.9
associating with region templates, 8.1.2, 9.8.7
association with region templates, 9.3.2
element info, 9.3.2
element labels, 9.3.2
element name, 9.3.2
element order, 9.3.2
element tooltip, 9.3.2
embedding element definitions, 9.9
in placeholder definitions, 9.1.1, 9.3.1
including element definitions, 9.1.2, 9.3.2
naming conventions, 4.6
site planning, 4.4, 4.6
region highlighting, A.54
region template
and conversion definitions, 10.8.3
region templates, 1.6.6, 3.2.1, 3.7, 3.7, 3.10, 8.1, 8.1.2, 9.1.1, 9.3.1
adding a dynamic conversion, 8.13
adding a link, 12.4
adding conversion definitions, 10.8.3
and region definitions, 8.5, 9.1.2, 9.9
arranging elements, 8.1.2
associated with region definitions, 9.1.2
associating with region definitions, 9.8.7
association with region definitions, 9.3.2
in placeholder definitions, 8.1.2, 9.3.1
in placeholders, 8.1.2
including element definitions, 9.1.2
including elements, 9.1
metadata, 9.9
naming conventions, 4.7
site planning, 4.4, 4.7, 4.11.6
using element definitions, 9.1
Reject Document (workflow option), 15.3
relative paths, 5.13
replicated items
fragment libraries, B.1.2
project file, B.1.2
web site ID, B.1.2
web site sections, B.1.2
xWebsiteObjectType, B.1.2
xWebsites, B.1.2
xWebsiteSection, B.1.2
configuring the target server, B.2
creating an outgoing provider, B.3
creating Import and Export archives, B.4
explained, B.1
individual sections of site, B.7
setting up the Export archive, B.4.2
setting up the export archive on the target server, B.4.2
setting up the import archive on the target server, B.4.1
starting, B.5
replicating web sites, 5.19
replication, B.1
replication process
export, B.1.1
import, B.1.1
replicate, B.1.1
transfer, B.1.1
content tracker, 14.7.1, 14.7.2
report generator, 14.7.2
using proper metadata, 14.3
web site objects, 14.2
reset a toolbar, 6.4.3
reset log file each time Designer starts, 6.12
resizing panes, 6.1.2
restoring web sites, 5.19
restricted characters
Site ID, 7.1.1
retain region content on target server during import, B.4.1
retain switched region content on target server during import, B.4.1
reusable page templates, 1.4, 4.11.4
reusing a page template, 12.1.5, 12.1.6, 12.1.7
reusing page templates, 1.4
reusing site assets, 3.8, 3.15
reverse proxy cache
primary page and, 12.1.11
secondary page and, 12.1.11
right-click menus in workspace, 5.6.7
administrators, 3.4
contributors, 3.4
designers, 3.4
managers, 3.4
roles for web sites, 3.4
RSET Breadcrumb Plain fragment, C.1.37
ssClassName, C.1.37
ssHoverColor, C.1.37
ssSeparator, C.1.37
ssTextColor, C.1.37
RSET Nav Multi Horizontal fragment, C.1.38
ssClassName, C.1.38
ssFocusColor, C.1.38
ssHoverColor, C.1.38
ssNumLevels, C.1.38
ssSeparator, C.1.38
ssShowHome, C.1.38
ssStartLevel, C.1.38
ssTextColor, C.1.38
RSET Nav Plain Horizontal fragment, C.1.39
ssClassName, C.1.39
ssFocusColor, C.1.39
ssHoverColor, C.1.39
ssSeparator, C.1.39
ssShowHome, C.1.39
ssTextColor, C.1.39
RSET Site Map Plain fragment, C.1.40
ssClassName, C.1.40


sample custom elements, 11.3.3
sample fragment parameters
Column1_Label, C.3.2
Column1_Name, C.3.2
contributorOnly, C.4.10
settings, C.4.11
ssAnimation, C.4.5
ssBorder, C.4.3
ssBottomText, C.3.2
ssButtonText, C.1.3, C.1.11, C.1.22, C.1.23, C.1.31, C.1.36
ssCaptionText, C.2.3, C.3.2
ssClassName, C.1.1, C.1.3, C.1.5, C.1.6, C.1.7, C.1.8, C.1.9, C.1.10, C.1.11, C.1.12, C.1.13, C.1.14, C.1.17, C.1.18, C.1.20, C.1.21, C.1.22, C.1.23, C.1.24, C.1.25, C.1.29, C.1.30, C.1.31, C.1.32, C.1.33, C.1.34, C.1.36, C.1.37, C.1.38, C.1.39, C.1.40, C.2.3, C.2.7, C.3.1, C.3.2, C.3.3
ssDisplayEnd, C.2.3, C.3.2
ssDisplayField, C.1.12, C.1.13, C.1.24, C.1.32, C.2.7
ssDisplayRow, C.3.2
ssDisplayStart, C.2.3, C.3.2
ssDocName, C.4.2
ssDocument, C.4.3
ssFocusColor, C.1.3, C.1.5, C.1.6, C.1.7, C.1.8, C.1.9, C.1.10, C.1.11, C.1.14, C.1.20, C.1.21, C.1.22, C.1.23, C.1.25, C.1.29, C.1.30, C.1.31, C.1.33, C.1.36, C.1.38, C.1.39
ssHeight, C.1.4, C.1.28, C.1.35, C.4.3
ssheight, C.4.5
ssHoverColor, C.1.1, C.1.5, C.1.6, C.1.7, C.1.8, C.1.9, C.1.10, C.1.12, C.1.13, C.1.14, C.1.17, C.1.18, C.1.20, C.1.21, C.1.24, C.1.25, C.1.29, C.1.30, C.1.32, C.1.33, C.1.34, C.1.37, C.1.38, C.1.39, C.2.3, C.2.7, C.3.1, C.3.2, C.3.3
ssLayout, C.4.2, C.4.3, C.4.7
ssLimitScope, C.1.12, C.1.13, C.1.24, C.1.32, C.2.3, C.2.6, C.2.7, C.4.7
ssLineWrap, C.1.10
ssLogo, C.1.4, C.1.28, C.1.35
ssMoreText, C.2.2, C.2.3
ssNoResults, C.2.3
ssNumLevels, C.1.5, C.1.6, C.1.20, C.1.21, C.1.38
ssQueryText, C.1.12, C.1.13, C.1.24, C.1.32, C.2.3, C.2.6, C.2.7, C.4.7
ssReportText, C.2.3
ssResultCount, C.1.12, C.1.13, C.1.24, C.1.32, C.2.3, C.2.6, C.2.7
ssResultsPage, C.1.11, C.1.22, C.1.23, C.1.31, C.1.36
ssRowEnd, C.2.3
ssRowLink, C.2.3
ssRowStart, C.2.3
ssScrolling, C.4.3
ssSeparator, C.1.1, C.1.5, C.1.7, C.1.17, C.1.18, C.1.20, C.1.29, C.1.34, C.1.37, C.1.38, C.1.39
ssShowFocus, C.1.14, C.1.25, C.1.33
ssShowHome, C.1.2, C.1.5, C.1.6, C.1.7, C.1.9, C.1.10, C.1.14, C.1.15, C.1.16, C.1.19, C.1.20, C.1.21, C.1.25, C.1.29, C.1.33, C.1.38, C.1.39
ssShowNext, C.1.9
ssSortField, C.1.12, C.1.13, C.1.24, C.1.32, C.2.3, C.2.6, C.2.7
ssSortOrder, C.1.12, C.1.13, C.1.24, C.1.32, C.2.3, C.2.6, C.2.7
ssStartLevel, C.1.5, C.1.6, C.1.20, C.1.21, C.1.38
ssTargetNodeID, C.1.12, C.1.13, C.1.24, C.1.32, C.2.2, C.2.3, C.2.5, C.2.7
ssTargetSiteId, C.1.3
ssTemplate, C.4.2, C.4.3, C.4.7
ssTextColor, C.1.1, C.1.5, C.1.6, C.1.7, C.1.8, C.1.9, C.1.10, C.1.12, C.1.13, C.1.14, C.1.17, C.1.18, C.1.20, C.1.21, C.1.24, C.1.25, C.1.29, C.1.30, C.1.32, C.1.33, C.1.34, C.1.37, C.1.38, C.1.39, C.2.3, C.2.7, C.3.1, C.3.2, C.3.3
ssTheme, C.1.9, C.1.15
ssWantMore, C.2.2, C.2.3, C.2.4
ssWidth, C.1.4, C.1.28, C.1.35, C.4.3
sswidth, C.4.5
theme, C.4.11
sample fragments, C, C
adding to a template, 13.6
dynamic list, C.2
navigation, C.1
other, C.4
static list, C.3
Save Fragment dialog, 13.13.2, A.67
saving a fragment in a fragment library, 13.13.2
custom configuration, 11.1.2
validation, 11.1.4
scripts, 1.6.6, 3.2.3, 9.10, 11.1.1
adding to a site, 11.2.5
copying, 11.2.2
custom configuration scripts, 1.6.6, 3.2.3, 11.4
customization, 9.10
editing, 11.2.3
element validation, 11.5, A.38
javascript, 11.1.4
removing from a site, 11.2.6
using in element definitions, 9.10
validation, 1.6.6, 3.2.3, 9.10, 11.5
VBScript, 11.2.1, 11.2.1
viewing content information, 11.2.4
search box, 12.1.8
Search Box Plain fragment, C.1.11
ssButtonText, C.1.11
ssClassName, C.1.11
ssFocusColor, C.1.11
ssResultsPage, C.1.11
Search Result Pages fragment, C.1.12
ssClassName, C.1.12
ssDisplayField, C.1.12
ssHoverColor, C.1.12
ssLimitScope, C.1.12
ssQueryText, C.1.12
ssResultCount, C.1.12
ssSortField, C.1.12
ssSortOrder, C.1.12
ssTargetNodeID, C.1.12
ssTextColor, C.1.12
Search Result Plain fragment, C.1.13
ssClassName, C.1.13
ssDisplayField, C.1.13
ssHoverColor, C.1.13
ssLimitScope, C.1.13
ssQueryText, C.1.13
ssResultCount, C.1.13
ssSortField, C.1.13
ssSortOrder, C.1.13
ssTargetNodeID, C.1.13
ssTextColor, C.1.13
secondary page
defined, Glossary, Glossary
editing in designer mode, D.3.1
secondary pages, 3.14, 5.4, 9.8.2, 12
and contributor data files, 4.10.2
caching, 12.1.11
explained, 4.11.5
in site hierarchy, 12.1
in the site hierarchy, 12.1.5, 12.1.6
site planning, 4.10.2, 4.11.5, 4.11.6
adding page templates, 8.2.2
adding to site navigation, 12.1.8
adding to web site, 12.1.1
default URL page name, 12.1.6
defined, Glossary
defining custom properties, 12.1.12
deleting, 12.1.4
displaying in site navigation, 12.1.8
hyperlink for name, 12.1.1
ID, 12.1.1
moving in site hierarchy, 12.1.3
name, 12.1
name as hyperlink, 12.1.1
page templates, 12.1
removing, 12.1.4
renaming, 12.1.2
section ID, 12.1.1
section labels, A.8
section properties, 12.1.11
editing, 12.1.11
Primary Page Placeholder Definition Mapping, 9.8, 9.8.3, 9.8.3
relation to site properties, 12.1.11
Secondary Page Placeholder Definition Mapping, 9.8, 9.8.3, 9.8.3
Security, 12.1.10
viewing for a section, 12.1.11
section properties, security, 12.1.10
section property
Max Age (caching), 12.1.11
Max Age Secondary, 12.1.11
link targets, 5.13, 12.4.2, 12.4.4, 12.4.5
links to, 5.13
name, 4.11.3
naming conventions, 4.11.3
placeholder mapping, 3.11
primary pages, 3.14, 5.4
secondary pages, 3.14, 5.4
site hierarchy, 4.11.2
sections of site
links to, 12.4.1
for a section, 12.1.10
for a site, 12.1.10, 12.1.10
section properties, 12.1.10
site properties, 12.1.10
security model
on Oracle Content Server, 4.3.3
Select (Primary) Page Template dialog, 12.1.6
Select (Secondary) Page Template dialog, 12.1.7, 12.1.7
Select CSS Classes dialog, A.45
Select Fragment dialog, A.81
Select Home Page Template dialog, A.11
Select HTML Tags dialog, A.50
Select Items to Replicate dialog
Select Items to Replicate, A.82.3
Select Primary Page Template dialog, A.12
Select Secondary Page Template dialog, A.13
Select Section dialog, A.17
Select Site dialog, A.16
Select Source Server dialog, A.82.1
Select Target Server dialog, A.82.2
separation of presentation and content, 3.2
server-side script URL format, 5.13
Set Default Project Documentation Information page, 5.19
Set Default Web Asset Documentation Information page, 5.19
setting display options
show full menus after a short delay, 6.8
show recently used commands first, 6.8
show ScreenTips on toolbars, 6.8
show shortcut keys in ScreenTips, 6.8
setting for Manager, 1.6.6, 3.2.3
setting up Manager, 16
setting up workflows, 15.4, 15.4
custom for Manager, 16.4.2
default for Manager, 16.4.1
Manager, 16.5, 16.7, 16.11
to outside application, 6.5
to web site, 7.1
shortcuts on keyboard, 1.7.2
shortcuts, customization of, A.1.4
showing panes, 6.1.1
showing toolbars, 6.4.1
showing warning messages, 6.10
simple include snippet, 13.12.4
site address
changing path names, 7.2.2
site addresses, 5.19
changing the path, 7.2.2
Site Addresses dialog,, A.5
Site Asset Categories dialog, A.14
site asset reusability, 4.1
site assets, 4.2
cascading style sheets (CSS), 1.6.6, 3.2.1, 3.17
categorizing, 5.7
contributor data files, 1.6.6, 3.2.2, 3.7, 3.15, 3.15
conversion definitions, 1.6.6, 3.2.3
custom configuration scripts, 1.6.6, 3.2.3
custom element forms, 1.6.6, 3.2.3
dialogs vs. tabs, 5.6.1, 5.6.1, 5.6.1
element definitions, 1.6.6, 3.2.3, 3.7, 3.7, 3.9, 9.10
elements, 3.7, 3.7, 3.9
fragment libraries, 1.6.6, 3.2.3
fragments, 3.7, 3.16
hierarchy, 3.7
images, 1.6.6, 3.2.2
management, 4.2
Manager configuration settings, 1.6.6, 3.2.3
naming, 4.2
native documents, 1.6.6, 3.2.2, 3.15, 3.15
order of creation, 4.4
other media, 1.6.6, 3.2.2
page templates, 1.6.6, 3.2.1, 3.7, 3.12
pane, 5.7
placeholder definitions, 1.6.6, 3.2.3, 3.7, 3.11, 3.11
placeholders, 3.7, 3.11
read-only mode, 5.6
rearranging, 5.7
region definitions, 1.6.6, 3.2.3, 3.7, 3.7, 3.10, 9.9
region templates, 1.6.6, 3.2.1, 3.7, 3.7, 3.10, 8.1.2
reusing, 3.8, 3.15
scripts, 1.6.6, 3.2.3
storage, 3.3
subtemplates, 1.6.6, 3.2.1, 3.7, 3.13
validation scripts, 1.6.6, 3.2.3
site assets pane, 5.3, 5.7
toolbar, 5.7
site configuration files, 3.2.3
site connection, 7.1
changing the content server, 7.1.2
changing the name, 7.1.2
changing the web site, 7.1.2
creating, 7.1.1
defined, Glossary
deleting, 7.1.3
editing, 7.1.2
Site Connection Details dialog, 7.1.2, A.3
site connection manager, 5.12
Site Connection Manager dialog, 7.1.2, 7.1.3, A.2
site connections
managing, 5.12
site content files, 3.2.2
site control files, 3.2.3
site design information
displaying, 5.16
site hierarchy, 5.3, 5.4, 12, 13.4
adding a page template, 12.1.5, 12.1.6, 12.1.7
adding a section, 12.1.1
adding sections, 12.1.1
and primary pages, 12.1
and secondary pages, 12.1
and site navigation, 12.1.3, 12.1.4
changes to project file, 7.3.3
contribution model, 4.3
creating page templates, 8.2.2
custom section properties, 12.1.11
defined, Glossary
depth of, 4.11.1
determines site navigation, 12.1
editing a section, 12.1.11
explained, 12.1
home page, 12.1.5
Manager, 4.11.7
managing page templates, 12.1
modifying with Manager, 16.4
moving sections, 12.1.3
naming conventions, 4.2
node ID, 12.1.1
planning, 4.11
primary pages, 12.1.6
purpose of, 4.11
rearranging sections, 12.1.3
removing a section, 12.1.4
renaming a section, 12.1.2
secondary pages, 12.1.5, 12.1.6
section ID, 12.1.1
section name, 4.11.3
sections, 4.11.3
site navigation, 12.1
site planning, 4.3.3, 4.4, 4.10.2
viewing properties of a section, 12.1.11
Site Hierarchy pane
defined, Glossary
expanding and collapsing, 12.1.13
Site ID
naming, 7.1.1
restricted characters, 7.1.1
Site Map Plain fragment, C.1.14
ssClassName, C.1.14
ssFocusColor, C.1.14
ssHoverColor, C.1.14
ssShowFocus, C.1.14
ssShowHome, C.1.14
ssTextColor, C.1.14
Site Map Tree fragment, C.1.15
ssShowHome, C.1.15
ssTheme, C.1.15
site naming, restricted characters
indexing, 7.1.1
site navigation
and site hierarchy, 12.1.3, 12.1.4
determined by site hierarchy, 12.1
displaying a section, 12.1.8
planning, 4.3.1
role of sections, 4.11.2
site object hierarchy, 3.7
site planning, 4.1, 4.1
and page templates, 4.1, 4.2
and region templates, 4.1
and subtemplates, 4.1
arranging data, 4.1.2
asset creation, 4.4
communication, 4.3.5
construction, 4.1.1
content, 4.1.2, 4.1.2
contributor data file, 4.1.2, 4.3.4
contributor role, 4.3.1, 4.3.2, 4.3.2, 4.3.4, 4.3.5
designer role, 4.3.5
element definitions, 4.3.2, 4.4, 4.5
basic design, 4.9.1
page templates, 4.1.2
placeholder, 4.1.2, 4.1.2
subtemplates, 4.1.2, 4.1.2, 4.1.2
fragments, 4.10.1
importance of, 4.1.1
layout, 4.1.2
Manager, 4.3.2, 4.11.7
manager role, 4.3.5
metadata, 4.3.3, 4.9.2
multiple contributors, 4.3.5
naming conventions, 4.10.2
native documents, 4.3.4
organization, 4.1.2
page templates, 4.4, 4.8.1, 4.10, 4.11.4
placeholder, 4.9.1
placeholder definitions, 4.4, 4.9.1
primary pages, 4.10.2, 4.11.5
region definitions, 4.4, 4.6
region templates, 4.4, 4.7, 4.11.6
secondary pages, 4.10.2, 4.11.5, 4.11.6
sections, 4.11.3
site hierarchy, 4.3.3, 4.4, 4.10.2, 4.11.1
site navigation, 4.3.1
site updates, 4.2
structure, 4.1.2
subtemplates, 4.4, 4.8, 4.8.1, 4.9.1, 4.10
user access, 4.3.3
workflow, 4.3.5, 4.9.2, 4.11.6
site presentation files, 3.2.1
site properties
CgiUrl, 12.1.11
error handler, 12.1.11
relation to section properties, 12.1.11
Security, 12.1.10, 12.1.11
Site ID, 12.1.11
Site Label, 12.1.11
Site Type, 12.1.11
Stopped Site Page, 12.1.11
site properties, security, 12.1.10
site replication,
site reports
content tracker, 14.7
content tracker report, 14.4
explained, 14.1
importance of metadata, 14.5.2
objects, 14.5
types of, 14.1
usage, 14.3
using Administrator, 14.5.2
viewing in Designer, 14.5.1
viewing usage reports, 14.6
web site objects report, 14.5
web site usage report, 14.6, 14.6.1, 14.6.2
Site Studio
applications, 1.2
contribution model, 3.6
metadata fields, 3.3
pre-10gR4 projects, D.2
presentation model, 3.5
site object hierarchy, 3.7
workflows, 15
Site Studio Admin, 5.19
Site Studio Administration page, 5.19
Site Studio Contributor, 5.18
and design mode, D.1
Site Studio extension for JDeveloper
and design mode, D.3
and Designer, D.3
Site Studio Log File Viewer, 5.9.4
Site Studio Manager, 5.17, 5.19, 16.1
Site Studio Manager fragment, C.4.11
settings, C.4.11
theme, C.4.11
Site Studio Publisher, 5.19, 5.20, 5.20.1
Site Studio Replication, B.1.2
Site Studio Replicator, B.1
content server connections, B.8.5
explained, A.82, B.8
override environment properties, B.8.3
Preserve the target's switched region associations, B.8.3
remove a server from the list, B.8.5
replicating the hierarchy, B.8.4
selecting a project file as the source, B.8.1
selecting a project file as the target, B.8.2
selecting a source location, B.8.1
selecting a target location, B.8.2
selecting the web site hierarchy, B.8.3
view or edit a server's properties, B.8.5
Site Studio Replicator dialog, A.82
site toolbar, 5.10.2
defined, Glossary
editing, 13.12.4
Snippet Properties dialog, A.64
adding to a fragment, 13.12.4
in a fragment, 13.3
snippets (fragments), 5.15
Source view
defined, Glossary
source view, 5.6.3, 8.1.4, 8.5, 8.10, 9.8, 10.7, 10.8.3, 13.6, 13.7.4, 13.10, 16.7
color coding, 5.6.3, 8.11.2, 9.11.2
customization, 6.9
customization dialog, A.1.7
formatting the code, 6.9
specifying fragment properties, 13.12.2
SS_Fragments_ASP fragment library, 13.13.1
SS_Fragments_CSP_Examples fragment library, 13.13.1
SS_Fragments_Dynamic fragment library, 13.13.1
SS_Fragments_Examples fragment library, 13.13.1
SS_Fragments_IDOC fragment library, 13.13.1
SS_Fragments_JSP fragment library, 13.13.1
SS_Fragments_Plain fragment library, 13.13.1
SSValidateCustomElements, 11.3.2
standard toolbar, 5.10.1
starting Designer, 5.2
startup options, changing, 6.11
static content
working with, 8.1
static list
defined, Glossary
element management, A.37
element validation, A.38
static list element
defined, Glossary
Static List Element dialog, A.35, A.36
Static List Element Validation dialog, A.38
Static List Example fragment, C.3.1
ssClassName, C.3.1
ssHoverColor, C.3.1
ssTextColor, C.3.1
Static List fragments, 13.4
static list fragments, 13.12.2, C.3
Static List Generic fragment, C.3.2
Column1_Label, C.3.2
Column1_Name, C.3.2
ssBottomText, C.3.2
ssCaptionText, C.3.2
ssClassName, C.3.2
ssDisplayEnd, C.3.2
ssDisplayRow, C.3.2
ssDisplayStart, C.3.2
ssHoverColor, C.3.2
ssTextColor, C.3.2
static lists, A.37
element definitions, A.37
stopping a web site
temporary page, 7.4.2
stopping the web site, 7.4.1
storage of site assets, 3.3
applying to text, 8.9
reference in CSS, 8.9
stored in CSS, 8.9
style sheets, 1.6.6, 3.2.1, 3.17
styles in Microsoft Word, 3.15
subtemplates, 3.7, 5.14, 8.1, 9.1.1, 9.1.1, 9.3.1
adding a link, 12.4
adding CSS, 8.1.4
adding to placeholder definitions, 9.3.1
and page templates, 4.8.1, 4.10
in placeholder definitions, 9.3.1
relation to page templates, 8.1.3
site planning, 4.4, 4.8, 4.8.1, 4.9.1, 4.10
subtemplates, 1.6.6, 3.2.1, 3.13
Switch Content
menu option, D.3.2, D.3.3
Switch Content wizard, 5.14, 10.2, A.76
Check in content, A.76.3
Choose content file, A.76.2
Choose Region Content, A.76.1
Confirmation, A.76.4
selecting content, 5.14
selecting region definitions, 5.14
subtemplates, 5.14
switch content wizard, 10.2
creating a contributor data file, 10.2
Switch Region Template
menu option, D.3.2, D.3.3
switched region associations, B.8.3
switching content
region definitions, 5.14
subtemplates, 5.14
system requirements, 1.8


tab size, setting, A.1.7
table toolbar, 5.10.5
toolbar, 5.10.5
switching to dialogs, 5.6.1
tabs in workspace, 5.6.1, 5.6.1
tag attribute, placing on a new line, A.1.7
tag for placeholders, 3.11
tags, treatment of unknown, A.1.7
target of links, 12.4.1, 12.4.2, 12.4.3, 12.4.4, 12.4.5
target sections, 5.13, 12.4.2, 12.4.4, 12.4.5
and definitions, 9
page, 1.6.6, 3.2.1, 3.12
region, 1.6.6, 3.2.1, 3.10, 8.1.2
applying styles to, 8.9
formatting, 8.7
themes for Manager, 16.4.1, 16.4.2
third-party applications, 3.15
token URL format, 5.13
tokens in links, 5.13
button appearance, 6.4.2
contributor interface, 9.3.3
Reset All option, 6.4.3
Reset option, 6.4.3
resetting, 6.4.3
toolbars, 5.3, 5.10
contribution, 5.10.6
contribution (Contributor), 5.18.2
creating, 6.3
creating new, 6.4.2
customization dialog, A.1.2
customizing, 6.4
element toolbar in Contributor editor, 5.18.2
formatting, 5.10.3
HTML, 5.10.4
placeholder, 5.10.7
showing and hiding, 6.1.1, 6.4.1
site, 5.10.2
site assets pane, 5.7
standard, 5.10.1
table, 5.10.5
Toolbox, 5.3, 5.8
adding fragments from, 13.6
changing the fragment icon, 13.12.3
defined, Glossary
Dynamic List fragments, 13.4
filter default libraries, 13.5
filter fragments in other languages, 13.5
filter libraries from other sites, 13.5
fragment categories, 3.16, 5.8
Navigation fragments, 13.4
sample fragments, 13.4
Static List fragments, 13.4
Tools menu, 5.9.5
Tools tab
add shortcut
adding shortcuts to the tools menu, 6.5
adding in region definitions, 9.3.2
in Contributor, 9.3.2
tooltips for contribution regions, 5.16
top-of-body snippet, 13.12.4


UCM, 1.3
uninstalling Desktop Integration Suite, 2.3
Universal Content Management, 1.3
unknown tags, treatment of, A.1.7
upgrading custom elements, 11.3.2
Upload Fragment Library dialog,
uploading a fragment library, 13.13.4
uploading and downloading fragment libraries, 13.13.4
uploading definition bundles, 9.12.3
URL Directory Name, 7.2.2
URL formats, A.18.3
ID-based URLs, 5.13, 5.13, 12.4.1, 12.4.2, 12.4.4, 12.4.5
path-based URLs, 5.13, 5.13, 12.4.1, 12.4.2, 12.4.4, 12.4.5
URL page name
using with path-based links, 12.1.6
absolute paths, 5.13
adding to a page template, 12.1.6
and multi-byte characters, 4.2
changing default URL page name for a section, 12.1.6
client-side script format, 5.13
ID-based, 5.13, 5.13, 12.4.1, 12.4.2, 12.4.4, 12.4.5
linking to, 5.13, 12.4.2, 12.4.4, 12.4.5
links to, 5.13, 12.4.3
path-based, 5.13, 5.13, 12.4.1, 12.4.2, 12.4.4, 12.4.5
path-based links, 12.1.6
relative paths, 5.13
server-side script format, 5.13
token format, 5.13
user interface
Advanced Element Validation, A.52
Assign Content, 5.16, A.54
Assign Region Content, A.54
Choose Default Link Format, A.6
Choose Document Types, A.21
Choose Region Content, A.55
Contribution Element, A.80
Contribution Region, A.19
contribution toolbar, 5.10.6
Conversion Definition, A.23
Create New Site, A.4
Custom Configuration Scripts, A.79
Custom Element, A.32, A.33
Custom Element Settings, A.34
Custom Section Properties, A.9
Customize, A.1
Define Custom Section Property, A.10
Define Environment Properties, A.7
Define Placeholder, A.75
Define Placeholder Definition Mapping, A.74
Dynamic List Element, A.39, A.40
Dynamic List Settings, A.41
Edit Placeholder Section Properties, A.71
Edit Query Text, A.22, A.62
Element, A.43
Element Selection, A.37
Enable Metadata Modification, A.15
formatting toolbar, 5.10.3
Fragment Assets, A.59
Fragment Editor, A.57
Fragment Elements, A.60
Fragment Parameter Values, A.65
Fragment Parameters, A.61
Generate Unique Region Content, A.56
HTML toolbar, 5.10.4
Image Element, A.30, A.31
Image Element Validation, A.51
Insert Dynamic Conversion, A.78
Link Settings, A.44
Link wizard, 5.13, A.18
Link wizard - check-in, A.18.6
Link wizard - choose a section, A.18.2
Link wizard - choose content file, A.18.4
Link wizard - choose target section, A.18.5
Link wizard - choose type of link, A.18.1
Link wizard - choose URL format, A.18.3
Link wizard - confirmation, A.18.7
Link wizard - link target options, A.18.8
log file, 5.11
main Designer window, 5.3
Manage Site Page, A.68
Manager Configuration Settings, A.69
Native Document Conversion Settings, A.24, A.25
New Item Settings, A.53
New Option, A.63
New Section, A.8
Placeholder Definition, A.72
Placeholder Definition Mappings, A.73
Placeholder Section Properties, A.70
placeholder toolbar, 5.10.7
Plain Text Element, A.28, A.29
Plain Text Element Validation, A.49
Properties for Fragment, A.58
properties pane, 5.3, 5.5
Region Content Options, A.20
Region Definition, A.42
Save Fragment, A.67
Select CSS Classes, A.45
Select Home Page Template, A.11
Select HTML Tags, A.50
Select Primary Page Template, A.12
Select Secondary Page Template, A.13
Select Section, A.17
Select Site, A.16
Site Addresses, A.5
Site Asset Categories, A.14
site assets pane, 5.3, 5.7
Site Connection Details, A.3
Site Connection Manager, A.2
site connection manager, 5.12, 5.12
site hierarchy, 5.3, 5.4
Site Studio Administration page, 5.19
site toolbar, 5.10.2
Snippet Properties, A.64
standard toolbar, 5.10.1
Static List Element, A.35, A.36
Static List Element Validation, A.38
Switch Content wizard, 5.14, A.76
Switch Content wizard - Check in content, A.76.3
Switch Content wizard - Choose content file, A.76.2
Switch Content wizard - Choose Region Content, A.76.1
Switch Content wizard - Confirmation, A.76.4
table toolbar, 5.10.5
toolbars, 5.3, 5.10
toolbox, 5.3, 5.8
workspace, 5.3, 5.6
WYSIWYG Element, A.26, A.27
WYSIWYG Element Validation, A.48
administrators, 3.4
contributors, 3.4
designers, 3.4
managers, 3.4


element, A.38
validation scripts, 1.6.6, 3.2.3, 11.5
and element definitions, 11.1.4
element, 11.5
javascript, 11.1.4
using with element definitions, 9.10
custom validation script, 11.2.1
version information, 5.19
Vertical Menu Bar fragment, C.1.16
ssShowHome, C.1.16
View menu, 5.9.4
View Web Site Usage Report
menu option, D.3.2, D.3.3
design view, 5.6.4
form, 5.6.6
preview, 5.6.5
source view, 5.6.3
views in workspace, 5.6.2


description of <TABLE> tag, 8.10
warning messages
Check All option, 6.10
Clear All option, 6.10
showing and hiding, 6.10
warnings, customization, A.1.8
wcmConversionDefinition, 10.8.3
wcmDynamicConversion, 10.8.3
web page
comparing two versions, 12.5, 12.5.2
defined, Glossary
HTML table, 8.10
linking to a page template, 12.1.6
targeting with a ink, 12.4.6
web page layout, 3.17
web site
access by contributors, 4.3.3
adding content not currently associated, 4.11.6
adding sections, 12.1.1
addresses, 5.19
ASP file extension, 12.1.5, 12.1.6, 12.1.7
backing up, 5.19, B
connecting to, 6.11, 7.1, 7.1.1
content files, 3.2.2
control and configuration files, 3.2.3
copying, B
creating, 7.1
defined, Glossary, Glossary, Glossary, Glossary
deleting, 7.1.3
deleting a site connection, 7.1.3
displaying a section, 12.1.8
downloading fragments from content server, 7.1.1
editing a connection, 7.1.2
editing a section, 12.1.11
HCSP file extension, 12.1.5, 12.1.6, 12.1.7
hyperlink for section, 12.1.8
JSP file extension, 12.1.5, 12.1.6, 12.1.7
linking one to another, 12.1.6
managing, 3.1, 5.19
planning, 4
presentation files, 3.2.1
reconnecting at startup, 6.11
removing a section, 12.1.4
renaming a section, 12.1.2
replicating, 5.19, B
restoring, 5.19
reusing site assets, 3.8, 3.15
roles, 3.4
separation of presentation and content, 3.2
sharing a contributor data file, 4.11.6
sharing a native document, 4.11.6
site reports, 14.1
starting and stopping, 7.4
starting site replication, B.5
stopping, 7.4.1
submitting native documents, 4.3.4
updating, 4.3
using a link to navigate, 12.4
web site ID, 7.2.2
Web Site Object Type (metadata), 3.3
web site objects report, 14.2, 14.5
web site properties
Default Placeholder Definition, 3.11, 9.8, 9.8.1
Web Site Section (metadata), 3.3
web site sections, 12.4.1
web site usage report, 14.6, 14.6.1, 14.6.2
Web Sites (metadata), 3.3
Web Sites menu in Oracle Content Server, 5.12
Window menu, 5.9.6
Link, 12.4
link, 4.3.4
Switch content, 10.2
switch content, 10.2
Link, 5.13
Switch Content, 5.14
defined, Glossary
workflows, 15
affecting content server search results, 15.5.2
and content server, 15.4
and Contributor, 15.3, 15.5.1
and contributor data files, 15.5.1
and contributors, 5.18.3
approve checkbox, 15.4
Approve Document, 15.3
contributor approve/reject, 9.8
contributor data files, 15.5.1
examples, 15.5
icon on contribution graphic, 5.18.1
images, 15.5.3
incorporating Dynamic Converter, 15.5.2
inline dynamic conversions, 15.5.2
native documents, 15.5.2, 15.5.2, 15.5.2
random dynamic conversions, 15.5.2
reject checkbox, 15.4
Reject Document, 15.3
released versions, 15.5.2
setting up, 15.4, 15.4
site planning, 4.3.5, 4.9.2, 4.11.6
types, 15.2
working with images, 15.5.3
working with text in design view, 8.7
workspace, 5.3, 5.6
design view, 5.6.4
dialogs, 5.6.1, 5.6.1
form view, 5.6.6
preview, 5.6.5
read-only mode for site assets, 5.6
right-click menus, 5.6.7
source view, 5.6.3
tabs, 5.6.1, 5.6.1
views, 5.6.2
workspace, defined, Glossary
WYSIWYG Element dialog, A.26, A.27
WYSIWYG Element Validation dialog, A.48


XHTML-compliant markup, generating, A.1.7
XML, 3.15, 3.16, 3.18
within a fragment, 13.13, 13.13
xRegionDefinition, 3.3, 9.9
xWebsiteObjectType (replication), B.1.2
xWebsites (replication), B.1.2
xWebsiteSection (replication), B.1.2