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Oracle® Fusion Middleware Release Notes
11g Release 1 (11.1.1) for HP-UX PA-RISC (64-Bit)
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27 Oracle Virtual Directory

This chapter describes issues associated with Oracle Virtual Directory. It includes the following topics:

27.1 General Issues and Workarounds

This section describes general issues and workarounds. It includes the following topics:

27.1.1 Oracle Virtual Directory Fails to Start When Unsupported Ciphersuite for Listener SSL Config is Selected in Enterprise Manager

When you create an Oracle LDAP listener in Enterprise Manager, and then edit the listener's Change SSL setting by selecting Enable SSL for any SSL authorization, Enterprise Manager selects the ciphersuite TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256. If this ciphersuite is selected, then Oracle Virtual Directory will fail to start-up entirely.

Oracle Virtual Directory supports the following protocols:

  • TLSv1

  • SSLv2Hello

  • SSLv3


For a complete list of the supported ciphers for each protocol, refer to the following location:

To work around this issue, manually uncheck all of the ciphers listed for Enterprise Manager when configuring the ciphersuites.

27.1.2 EUS Adapter Creation Failed

When creating an EUS adapter using the wizard in ODSM, an error message periodically displays stating the adapters and ACLs were not created successfully.

To work around this issue, proceed as follows:

  • If the error occurred while you were loading ACLs, and only partial ACLs were loaded during EUS configuration, then you can manually load the remaining ACLs by running this command:

    $ORACLE_HOME/bin/ldapmodify -c -v -h <ovd_host> -p <ovd_port> -D cn=orcladmin -w <orcladmin_password> -f
  • If the error occurred during any other step, then manually clean up the partial configuration from Oracle Virtual Directory by using the following steps, and then reconfigure Oracle Virtual Directory for EUS.

    1. Delete all of the Local Store and LDAP EUS adapters created.

    2. Delete the LSA EUS adapter data files from the local file system.

    3. Undeploy the EUS py mapping based on your directory type (if it exists).

    4. Click the EUS wizard icon again to reconfigure.

27.1.3 Manually Edit adapters.os_xml File When Creating DB Adapter For Sybase

Creating a Database Adapter with Sybase as back-end causes Oracle Virtual Directory to fail with an Invalid Database Connection error.

To work around this issue, you can manually edit the adapters.os_xml file using the same Database connection information.

27.1.4 ODSM Version Does Not Change in Enterprise Manager after Patching ODSM to

The Oracle Directory Services Manager version shown in Enterprise Manager is the application version, which does not change when you patch ODSM.

The Oracle Lifecycle team requires all Enterprise Manager components to retain the same application version. However, because customers want to know which ODSM version they are using, ODSM maintains the actual (patch) version and Enterprise Manager maintains the application version, which causes this mismatch.

This issue is a known issue, starting with version

27.1.5 ODSM Bug Requires Editing of odsmSkin.css File

Due to a misplaced comment in the file odsmSkin.css, some labels on the ODSM home page are not displayed correctly. Specifically, the labels in the diagram on the right are misplaced or missing.

To work around this issue, proceed as follows:

  1. Stop the wls_ods1 managed server and the WebLogic Administration server.

  2. Edit the file:


    For example:


    Before editing, the odsmSkin.css file looks like this:

    @agent ie /*========== Fix for bug#7456880 ==========*/

    Move the comment:

    /*========== Fix for bug#7456880 ==========*/

    so that it is above the line

    @agent ie

    After editing, the file should look like this:

    /*========== Fix for bug#7456880 ==========*/
    @agent ie
  3. Restart the WebLogic Administration server and the wls_ods1 managed server.

27.1.6 Oracle Directory Services Manager Browser Window is Not Usable

In some circumstances, after you launch Oracle Directory Services Manager from Fusion Middleware Control, then select a new Oracle Directory Services Manager task, the browser window might become unusable. For example, the window might refresh repeatedly, appear as a blank page, fail to accept user input, or display a null pointer error.

As a work around, go to the URL: http://host:port/odsm, where host and port specify the location where Oracle Directory Services Manager is running, for example, You can then use the Oracle Directory Services Manager window to log in to a server.

27.1.7 Exceptions May Occur in Oracle Directory Services Manager When Managing Multiple Oracle Virtual Directory Components and One is Stopped

Under certain circumstances, when managing multiple Oracle Virtual Directory components from the same Oracle Directory Services Manager session, exception or error messages may appear if you stop one of the Oracle Virtual Directory components. For example, you are managing Oracle Virtual Directory components named ovd1 and ovd2 from the same Oracle Directory Services Manager session. Both ovd1 and ovd2 are configured and running. If you stop ovd1, an exception or Target Unreachable message may appear when you try to navigate Oracle Directory Services Manager.

To work around this issue, exit the current Oracle Directory Services Manager session, close the web browser, and then reconnect to Oracle Virtual Directory components in a new Oracle Directory Services Manager session.

27.1.8 Identifying the DN Associated with an Access Control Point in Oracle Directory Services Manager

When you create an Access Control Point (ACP) using Oracle Directory Services Manager, the Relative Distinguished Name (RDN) of the DN where you created the ACP appears in the navigation tree on the left side of the screen. For example, if you create an ACP at the DN of cn=ForExample,dc=us,dc=sales,dc=west, then cn=ForExample appears in the navigation tree. After clicking an ACP in the navigation tree, its settings appear in the right side of the screen and the RDN it is associated with appears at the top of the page.

To identify the DN associated with an ACP, move the cursor over ("mouse-over") the ACP entry in the navigation tree. The full DN associated with the ACP will be displayed in a tool-tip dialog box.

Mousing-over ACPs in the navigation tree is useful when you have multiple ACPs associated with DNs that have identical RDNs, such as:

ACP 1 = cn=ForExample,dc=us,dc=sales,dc=west

ACP 2 = cn=ForExample,dc=us,dc=sales,dc=east

27.1.9 Issues With Oracle Virtual Directory Metrics in Fusion Middleware Control

This topic describes issues with Oracle Virtual Directory metrics in Fusion Middleware Control, including: Configuring Operation-Specific Plug-Ins to Allow Performance Metric Reporting in Fusion Middleware Control After Upgrading to 11g Release 1 (11.1.1)

If you upgraded an Oracle Virtual Directory Release 10g installation with plug-ins configured to execute on specific operations, such as add, bind, get, and so on, to 11g Release 1 (11.1.1), you may have to update those operation-specific plug-ins before you can use Fusion Middleware Control to view performance metrics.

After upgrading to 11g Release 1 (11.1.1) and performing some initial operations to verify the upgrade was successful, check the Oracle Virtual Directory home page in Fusion Middleware Control. You should see data for the Current Load and Average Response Time and Operations metrics.

If you do not see any data for these metrics, you must update the plug-ins configured to execute on specific operations. The work-around is to add the Performance Monitor plug-in to the operation-specific plug-in's configuration chain.

Perform the following steps to add the Performance Monitor plug-in to the operation-specific plug-in's configuration chain:

  1. If the operation-specific plug-in is a Global-level plug-in, edit the server.os_xml file located in the ORACLE_INSTANCE/config/OVD/NAME_OF_OVD_COMPONENT/ directory.

    If the operation-specific plug-in is an adapter-level plug-in, edit the adapters.os_xml file located in the ORACLE_INSTANCE/config/OVD/NAME_OF_OVD_COMPONENT/ directory.


    If multiple adapters are configured, you must perform steps 2 and 3 for every adapter configuration in the adapters.os_xml file.

  2. Locate the pluginChains element in the file. For example, if the Dump Transactions plug-in is configured to execute on the get operation, you will see something similar to the following:

    Example 27-1 Dump Transactions Plug-In Configured for get Operation

      <pluginChains xmlns="">
            <name>Dump Transactions</name>
              <param name="loglevel" value="info"/>
            <name>Performance Monitor</name>
          <plugin name="Performance Monitor"/>
          <plugin name="Dump Transactions">
            <namespace>ou=DB,dc=oracle,dc=com </namespace>
  3. Add the following Performance Monitor plug-in element within the operation-specific configuration chain:

    <plugin name="Performance Monitor"/>

    For example:

    Example 27-2 Adding the Performance Monitor to the Operation-Specific Plug-In Configuration Chain

     <pluginChains xmlns="">
            <name>Dump Transactions</name>
              <param name="loglevel" value="info"/>
            <name>Performance Monitor</name>
          <plugin name="Performance Monitor"/>
          <plugin name="Dump Transactions">
            <namespace>ou=DB,dc=oracle,dc=com </namespace>
          <plugin name="Performance Monitor"/>
  4. Save the file.

  5. Restart Oracle Virtual Directory.

27.1.10 Using a Wildcard when Performing an LDAPSEARCH on a TimesTen Database Causes an Operational Error

Currently, a TimesTen bug is preventing wildcard searches (such as "cn=t*") from working in a Database adapter with TimesTen.

To work around this problem, enable the Case Insensitive Search option and create the necessary linguistic indexes for any database columns used in the search.

For more information, see the related TimesTen Enhancement Request, Bug# 9885055 and Section 12.2.2 "Creating Database Adapters for Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database" in the Oracle® Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle Virtual Directory.

27.1.11 ODSM Version Does Not Support OVD Versions or

Oracle Directory Services Manager Version does not support Oracle Virtual Directory Versions or

Changes introduced in Oracle Directory Services Manager Version improve configuration auditing, and these changes require that you use Oracle Virtual Directory

27.1.12 ODSM Version Does Not Support OVD Versions,, or

Oracle Directory Services Manager Version does not support Oracle Virtual Directory Versions,, or

Changes introduced in Oracle Directory Services Manager Version improve configuration auditing, and these changes require that you use Oracle Virtual Directory

27.1.13 ODSM Version Does Not Support OVD Versions,,, or

Oracle Directory Services Manager Version does not support Oracle Virtual Directory Versions,,,, or

Changes introduced in Oracle Directory Services Manager Version improve configuration auditing, and these changes require that you use Oracle Virtual Directory

27.1.14 Users with Non-ASCII Names Might Encounter Problems when Using ODSM with SSO

When ODSM is configured to use Oracle Access Manager 11g Release 1 ( for single sign-on, a user whose name contains non-ASCII characters might observe the following issues after logging in:

  • The user name displayed on the Home page is garbled.

  • Single sign-on connections to Oracle Virtual Directory servers do not appear in the list of connections.

27.1.15 Creating an Attribute/Object Class Throws NPE Error

After upgrading Oracle Directory Services Manager, creating an attribute or an objectclass causes an NPE error.


Refresh the entries by clicking Refresh every time the creation fails.

27.1.16 Patch Required to Enable Account Lockout Feature

An additional Patch 10365116 is required to enable the Account Lockout functionality.

In addition, Oracle Virtual Directory may not update the AD badpasswdcount until the account is fully locked out, which means AD badpasswdcount shows the correct number when it reaches the bad password count setting in AD.

27.1.17 ODSM Problems in Internet Explorer 7

The ODSM interface might not appear as described in Internet Explorer 7.

For example, the Logout link might not be displayed.

If this causes problems, upgrade to Internet Explorer 8 or 9 or use a different browser.

27.1.18 Strings Related to New Enable User Account Lockout Feature on EUS Wizard Are Not Translated

The new Enable User Account Lockout feature (and related messages) provided in the Oracle Virtual Directory EUS wizard have not been translated.

27.2 Documentation Errata

This section describes documentation errata in the Administrator's Guide for Oracle Virtual Directory. It includes the following topics:

27.2.1 GroupUrl is Documented in Wrong Case

The GroupURL attribute that is described in section, "Configuring Admin Listener Settings Using WLST" of the Oracle® Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle Virtual Directory was documented using the wrong case. This attribute should be GroupUrl, where only the "G" and the "U" are in uppercase letters.

27.2.2 Description of filterObjectClassOnModify Parameter is Incorrect

The description provided for the filterObjectClassOnModify parameter in the Oracle® Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle Virtual Directory states that it is a comma-separated list of attributes that are removed during the modify operation for a specific objectclass. This description should read as follows:

Use the filterObjectClassOnModify parameter to remove objectClass entry changes on modify operations. Supported values include true (remove changes) and false (do not remove changes). Where true is the default. For example:

Parameter Name: filterObjectClassOnModify

Parameter Value: true, false

27.2.3 Deploying Oracle Unified Directory with Oracle Virtual Directory

You can deploy Oracle Unified Directory as an LDAP data source with Oracle Virtual Directory. For information about how to deploy Oracle Unified Directory with Oracle Virtual Directory, see "Creating LDAP Adapters" in the Oracle® Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle Virtual Directory.

27.2.4 Code Example Does Not Close Connection to LDAP Server

The code example currently provided in section, "Operation Plug-In Implementation Point" of the Oracle® Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle Virtual Directory does not close the connection to the back-end LDAP server.

The example code uses chain.getVSI().get, which populates a Vector<EntrySet> with one EntrySet for each adapter. Each EntrySet in get() contains a live handle to the data source connection, which is used to retrieve entries.

To release this data source connection to the pool, you must provide a call to EntrySet.cancelEntrySet()or Oracle Virtual Directory could be blocked. Blocking occurs when the plug-in occupies all of the configured connections from the pool and no connections are available to execute new requests.

The example code should be updated to implement a call to entrySet.cancelEntrySet() as follows:

ChainVector results = new ChainVector();
catch (...)
for (EntrySet entrySet : results)

27.2.5 Missing Instruction for Configuring Oracle Virtual Directory for Integration with Oracle Directory Server Enterprise Edition

Section, "Configuring Oracle Virtual Directory for the Integration" in the Oracle® Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle Virtual Directory should include an instruction for setting SSL Authentication Mode. The section should read as follows:

  • Select the EUS_Sun template.

  • Set SSL Authentication Mode to Server Only / Mutual Authentication.

  • The Proxy DN user must be able to read the userPassword attribute in the Oracle Directory Server Enterprise Edition.