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Oracle® Fusion Middleware Installation and Upgrade Guide for Oracle Application Integration Architecture Foundation Pack
11g Release 1 (

Part Number E17949-09
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9 Upgrading Foundation Pack

This chapter discusses how to upgrade Oracle Application Integration Architecture Foundation Pack 11g Release 1 ( or to Foundation Pack 11g Release 1 (

There are no updates to this release and Foundation Pack 11g Release 1 ( works with 11g Release 1 ( This chapter addresses / / as


Oracle AIA Installer upgrades your existing version of Foundation Pack 11 g Release 1 ( or to Foundation Pack 11 g Release 1 ( If you are using an AIA Foundation Pack release that is earlier than, first upgrade to release or using the respective upgrade guides and then upgrade to using this guide.

There are no updates to this release and Foundation Pack 11g Release 1 ( works with 11g Release 1 ( This chapter addresses / / as

This chapter includes the following sections:

9.1 Copying Foundation Pack 11g Release 1 ( Files to AIA_HOME

The section discusses the process for copying the Foundation Pack 11g Release 1 ( files to AIA_HOME using the AIA Installer. To copy Foundation Pack 11g Release 1 ( files:

9.1.1 Launch the Oracle AIA Foundation Pack Installer

To launch the Oracle AIA Foundation Pack Installer:

  1. Download Foundation Pack 11g Release 1 (

  2. Unzip the installer zip file.

  3. Browse to <Installer_Unzip_Location>/aiafp/Disk1.

  4. Follow the launch instructions for your platform. Table 9-1 lists the steps that must be used based on your platform.

    Table 9-1 Commands to Launch Oracle AIA Foundation Pack Installer

    Platform To launch the Oracle AIA Foundation Pack Installer:


    Solaris SPARC


    IBM AIX Based Systems

    At the command line prompt, enter:

    ./runInstaller -invPtrLoc <Soa_Home>/oraInst.loc -jreloc 
    <location of the jre specific to your operating system. 
    This directory should have /bin/java>

    Microsoft Windows

    Double-click setup.exe

    The Welcome screen is displayed.

9.1.2 Check Prerequisites

To confirm whether the prerequisites for upgrading AIA are met:

  1. Review prerequisites in the Prerequisite Checks screen.

  2. Click Next.

9.1.3 Specify Installation Location

To specify installation location:

  1. Specify installation location in the AIA_Home field.

  2. Select the AIA_INSTANCE that you want to upgrade in the AIA Instance Name for Upgrade field.

  3. Click Next.

    A warning message that says that a previous version is installed in the selected AIA_HOME is displayed. Click Yes and continue with upgrading your existing AIA_HOME to Foundation Pack 11g Release 1 (

  4. Click Next.

9.1.4 Complete Copying Files

To complete copying the files:

  1. Review the information on the Installation Summary screen.

  2. Click Install to begin copying the files.

    The system displays installation progress on the Install screen.

  3. After copying the files, AIA Installer updates the inventory and AIAInstallProperties.xml with the latest version of Foundation Pack. The progress is displayed in Configuration Progess screen. This screen starts automatically after installer installs the Foundation Pack files.

  4. Click Next.

  5. Click Finish to close the AIA Foundation Pack Installer in the Installation Complete screen.


Installer takes a backup of $AIA_HOME/AIAMetaData under $AIA_HOME/AIAFPUpdates/Update_AIAFP111160/backup.

9.2 Update AIA Environment

To upgrade AIA environment:

  1. Source from the <AIA_HOME>/aia_instances/<aia_instance>/bin.

  2. Browse to <AIA_HOME>/AIAFPUpdates/Update_AIAFP111160/config folder.

  3. Execute the following script

    ant -f UpdateEnvironment.xml

9.3 Running the EOL Upgrade Utility

The Enterprise Object Library (EOL) Upgrade Utility upgrades the latest EOL with customizations made to the previous EOL.

After you run the upgrade, the EOL Upgrade Utility generates the following reports:

The reports are generated in a default location of ${AIA_INSTANCE}/logs/EOLUpgrade.

To generate these reports to a different directory, perform the following task before running the utility.

To define your own EOL Upgrade Utility report generation location:

  1. Browse to the <AIA_HOME>/AIAFPUpdates/Update_AIAFP111160/config folder.

  2. Open EOLUpgradeUtility.xml in edit mode.

  3. Modify the last argument of the Java task to reflect the desired report generation location.

    <arg value="<Desired Location of the Report>"/>

To run the EOL Upgrade Utility:

Foundation Pack recommends running the utility using the following two-step process.

  1. Run the EOL Upgrade Utility in Report mode.

    Reports are generated in the Report mode, and the utility does not do the actual merge. Refer to these reports to preview the changes that will happen when you run the utility in Upgrade mode.

    After you run the utility in Report mode, perform all the changes suggested in the generated EOLMergeUtility_ManualActionLog_<TimeStamp>.log before running the utility in Upgrade mode.

    1. Source from the <AIA_HOME>/aia_instances/<aia_instance>/bin.


      You must source as the file has been updated during Section 9.2, "Update AIA Environment" and some environment variables must be set again.

    2. Browse to the <AIA_HOME>/AIAFPUpdates/Update_AIAFP111160/config folder.

    3. Execute the following script

      ant -f EOLUpgradeUtility.xml report
  2. Run the utility in Upgrade mode to perform the actual merge process.

    If you have addressed the manual changes suggested in the EOLMergeUtility_ManualActionLog_<TimeStamp>.log report generated in step 1, the report should not contain any issues after running the utility in Upgrade mode. This indicates that the merge was completed successfully.

    1. Access the <AIA_HOME>/AIAFPUpdates/Update_AIAFP111160/config folder.

    2. Execute the following script:

      ant -f EOLUpgradeUtility.xml upgrade

9.4 Running the Upgrade Script

If you are upgrading from Foundation Pack 11 g Release 1 ( perform the following steps. If you are upgrading from Foundation Pack 11 g Release 1 ( perform the steps from 4.

To run the upgrade script:

  1. Browse to $AIA_INSTANCE/AIAMetaData/config.

  2. Open the AIAConfigurationProperties.xml file in edit mode.

  3. Search for the ModuleConfiguration with the name ErrorHandler and add the following property.

    <Property name="EH.AIACOM_OFM_EXT.IMPL"></Property>
  4. Source from the <AIA_HOME>/aia_instances/<aia_instance>/bin.

  5. Browse to <AIA_HOME>/AIAFPUpdates/Update_AIAFP111160/config folder.

  6. Execute the following script:

    ant -f UpdateAIAFP111160.xml


    Because you are manually invoking the AIA Installation Driver (AID), you are prompted for an administrator username and password. Provide valid credentials.

  7. Validate the upgrade.

    1. Access the Oracle Enterprise Manager (http://<admin server hostname>:<admin port>/em /) and log in using the valid credentials.

    2. Navigate to Farm. Expand Farm_soa_domain, SOA, soa infra in the left panel. Navigate to Deployed Composites in the main panel and verify that you can view the following composites:







    3. Navigate to the AIA Home Page (http://<managed server hostname>:<managed server port number>/AIA/) and log in using valid credentials. Navigate to the Composite Application Validation System, Project Lifecycle Workbench, and the AIA setup pages. Verify that the UI tabs for each application are accessible.