Content Server 7.5 patch 5
Release Notes


 October 14, 2010

Copyright © 2002-2010 FatWire Corporation All rights reserved.

Welcome to the release notes for Content Server v7.5. For the latest release notes, check the FatWire e-docs web site. The release notes contain descriptions of new features, changes in functionality, known problems, and other last-minute information about Content Server 7.5.

For additional information, contact FatWire technical support.

Document History:


Patch Release Name and version

 Patch Release date

CS 7.5 patch 5 build
439 Revision: 131401  
 September 14, 2010
CS 7.5 patch 4 build
366 Revision: 130417  
 June 28, 2010
CS 7.5 patch 3 build
258 Revision: 128840  
 March 23, 2010
CS 7.5 patch 2 build
 ContentServer-bld-230 Revision: 124921
 September 8, 2009

CS 7.5 patch 1 build
 ContentServer-bld-146 Revision: 121907

 March 31, 2009

  Table of Contents 

  Getting Started

The Content Server 7.5 document set provides documentation for different kinds of users. Updates to product documentation, as they are made, are posted to the following URL: Check the site regularly for the latest set.



  New Features

What's new in Content Server 7.5 Patch 5

inCache is now GA

The new functionality in general is the same as traditional Content Server page caching. It is built on top of Terracotta's Ehcache, an open source product, and has the following benefits:

As part of this release, we have also released a tool to monitor the cache's content and its performance. This tool is available on DeveloperNet.

Clarkii Online Image Editor

We have updated the Online Image Editor to the latest version of Clarkii's OIE. Follow the directions in the Developer's Guide for configuration instructions.

New Logger

com.fatwire.logging.cs.file to monitor file path, file content size, and operation time if it is great than 300 ms.

Safari Support for all Content Server interfaces

Support is for client side only

Important note regarding Hot Fixes from CS 7.5 Patch 5:

This release contains all previously released Hot Fixes from patches 1 thru 4 up to the release date of this patch.

What's new in Content Server 7.5 Patch 4

Asset API

Methods for Checkin and Checkout are now implemented for AssetAPI




Lucene Changes

Support for Lucene v2.9.2 added


Timestamp Storage Change


(#22876) SQL Server only stores milliseconds up to 3.33 millisecond precision with data type DATETIME

(#23309) Any modifications made to replace or customize the date attribute editor in Content Server UIs will need to account for the possibility of the presence of milliseconds in date fields if cs.useMilliseconds is set to true. The Zapatec widget used by default in Advanced and Dash UIs has already been modified to strip milliseconds, as it does not support them in its date format.

inCache - BETA

The new page caching framework is available as part of patch 4


Important note regarding Hot Fixes from CS 7.5 Patch 3:

Hot Fixes that were issued for Content Server 7.5 Patch 3 after hotfix 15 are not included in the GA shipment of CS 7.5 patch 4. We will issue these for CS 7.5 patch 4 shortly. For further information please contact support


What's new in Content Server 7.5 Patch 3

FatWire Web Experience Management Framework 1.0

The FatWire Web Experience Management Framework 1.0 provides the following features for developing applications to run on FatWire stack.

WEM Framework is available as an option from the CS 7.5 patch 3 Rollup installer. Benefits of the WEM Framework are:


inCache - BETA

A new page caching framework is part of the patch 3 Content Server and Satellite Server releases. This is made available as a ‘beta’ release. A screencast and configuration document are available for download from DeveloperNet. The current page caching system will continue to work as it was configured.

The new functionality in general is the same as traditional Content Server page caching system. It is built on top of Ehcache and has the following benefits:

Also released as part of this, a tool to monitor the cache's content and its performance

Dojo distribution change

In this patch, CS has started using a custom Dojo build based on 1.3.2 source (earlier versions were using the release build of Dojo 1.3.2). This was modified to minify the code for smaller download sizes.

Database Utility

To improve Content Server performance, a database performance utility is provided with this release. This utility creates additional indexes for database tables.

Important note regarding Hot Fixes from CS 7.5 Patch 2:

Hot Fixes that were issued for Content Server 7.5 Patch 2 after hotfix 15 are not included in the GA shipment of CS 7.5 patch 3. We will issue these for CS 7.5 patch 3 shortly. For further information please contact support

What's new in Content Server 7.5 Patch 2

KeyView Removal

Effective September 2009, Content Server no longer ships with KeyView. In place it ships with other document transformation open source libraries

The patch 2 installer will:

Both full text search and Desktop will use the new transformation libraries.

Known limitations:


CS-Desktop Enhancements


Caching - Page Caching Enhancements

(#20107) Improve system performance during cache regeneration phase

This enhancement provides the ability to specify URLs to be regenerated. An additional module is required to enable this functionality which can be requested from FatWire Support

(#20824) Enable PageBuilder to publish individual pages

To enable new behavior, please make following configuration changes:

On the editorial system

1. Make sure that ft.usedisksync & ft.sync of futuretense.ini are set correctly; ft.sync and ft.usedisksync should not be empty and should be the same value on all cluster members.

2. xcelerate.lockdir property in futuretense_xcel.ini must not be empty and must have the same value on all cluster members

3. Specify switch
-Dinsite.saveslotsonly=true and -Dinsite.usemarkerassets=true in VM options (for all clustered members)

4. Create Page associations - these must be created as specified below for this functionality to work correctly:
                    1. Create CompositionSlot_C flex asset type:
                            a. create a flex family whose Flex Asset type is called CompositionSlot_C.
                            b. create the following attributes:
                                        •ownerid (Value Type:asset, Asset Type: Template, Mirror Dependency Type: exists)
                                        •slotname (Value Type:string)
                                        •site (Value Type:string)
                                        •context (Value Type:string)
                                        •template (Value Type:string)
                                        •variant (Value Type:string)
                                        •arguments (Value Type:text)
                                        •state (Value Type:string)

                        c. create a flex definition named CompositionSlotDef which contains all above attributes as optional
                        d. add the following Named Association to the CompositionSlot_C asset type

                                        Name: Asset,

                                        Child Asset: Any

                                        CompositionSlot_C Subtypes: Any

                                        Mirror Dependency Type: Exact

                                        Multivalued Association: Single Valued

                            2.Add the following association to the Page asset:

                                                Name: Slots

                                                Child Asset: Any

                                                Page Subtypes: Any

                                                Mirror Dependency Type Exact

                                                Multivalued Association: "Multivalued"


            5. If publishing from development to editorial will overwrite the template composition table - to avoid this overwrite use the Template Composition Preserver

                Module available from FatWire Support

On the delivery system:

            1. Run the following query to install the asset event listener (NOTE: Do not register this event on editorial system where pages are being built using


                        insert into AssetListener_reg values (1234567, ‘com.openmarket.xcelerate.controlpanel.CompositionSlotEventListener’, ‘Y’

        Limitations of this implementation:

        1. CompositionSlot_C Assets’ Lifecycle
                    a. CompositionSlot_C assets; which act as proxies for publishing composition information; do not have a

                        well-defined lifecycle because they are not deleted by the system when they are obsolete.

                    b. The maximum number of CompositionSlot_C assets is (number of pages in all sites) x (number of slots

                        per page)

                    c. If an existing slot is modified, the corresponding CompositionSlot_C assets is updated and no new

                        assets are created.

                    d. It is possible to remove CompositionSlot_C assets

        2. Impact of Empty Slot Contexts
            It is recommended to ensure that context values are non-null for all slots. The system does not handle null context

            correctly in some cases, which can lead to duplicate CompositionSlot_C assets created for the same slot and

            other unexpected behavior.

        3. Impact of Not Using Wrapper Pages
            If the template that renders the slots is not rendered through a wrapper, the context values for all of its slots will be

            empty. All templates that contain slots must be rendered through wrapper pages.

        4. Customized Context Values
            When setting custom context values, ensure that each unique slot has a distinct context value. Colliding context

            values could lead to inadvertently overlapping slots across different pages (if Ownerid, Site, and Slotname are

            the same) and could cause content to be overwritten and/or repeated across unrelated pages that happen to use


            same slots.

What's new in Content Server 7.5 Patch 1

FCKEditor Enhancements


Engage Enhancements

What's new in Content Server 7.5

Site Preview


Dash User Interface Customizations


RealTime Publishing


Other Key Improvements

Features not supported in Content Server 7.5

  Installation and Upgrade Notes

General Notes

See the SPD on FatWire e-docs web site for the list of J2EE components (web servers, application servers, DBMSs, JDBC drivers, etc.) that Content Server 7.5 supports. You should also check with FatWire Support to see if there are any known issues with the configuration you wish to use.

Refer to the vendor release notes for all J2EE components to obtain the latest e-fixes, patches, and service packs required to run your components.

Make sure that older versions of the JRE are not present in the PATH or CLASSPATH environment variables, especially if you plan to run Content Server in an environment that relies on these entries to be correct.

A common problem encountered is a type of JSP Exception such as: "The major.minor version '48.0' is too recent for this tool to understand". This error is related to the incorrect version of tools.jar in the class path. Make sure tools.jar loaded belongs to the correct JRE by launching the JVM with a -verbose option.

Windows install will fail if there is a space in the path to CS home directory

Max Perm Gen must be set to over 96 Megs

Content Server contains a modified version of the Microsoft XML Parser in the MSXML.jar file, which can cause conflicts if another version is in use. If you have Microsoft's version of MSXML.jar installed on your machine and this file is referenced in the CLASSPATH environment variable, you must change the path to the Content Server version; otherwise, Content Server will fail when parsing XML.

If your installation of Content Server fails, take the following steps before rerunning the installation:

The very first line of needs to be priority=1 for WebLogic and WebSphere for both Content Server and Remote Satellite Server.

Installing a WebServer between Remote Satellite Server and Content Server, you must set the cookie header property http.protocol.single-cookie-header=true in the file and place it in the Remote Satellite Server Install Directory /WEB-INF/Classes

Be sure to review the known issues listed in the Installer - Upgrades section before you begin your upgrade.

Asset Type Name Restrictions

The following lists display the asset type names used by Content Server.


Beginning with the release of Content Server 7.5, all administrative database tables created by FatWire in Content Server will be prefixed with “FW_”. Asset types should not be created with a prefix of “FW_”.


If you have created asset types using names in our Standard Asset list, upgrade scripts will encounter errors. Manually back up their data and elements before starting the upgrade process to preserve these assets. If you install the sample sites, do not use the Sample Site asset type names listed below when creating custom asset types.

          Standard assets - These asset types are created by default:


        Asset Types installed by the FirstSite II Sample Site:

        Asset Types installed by the Burlington Financial Sample Site:

        Asset Types installed by the GE Lighting Sample Site:

        Asset Types installed by the Hello Asset World Sample Site:

        Asset Types installed by the Spark Sample Site:

        Restricted Names for Asset Types:


The following names (in alphabetical order) are reserved for Content Server's use and must not be assigned to custom asset types:

Security Notes

For security reasons, we recommend that you allow only internal access to the following servlets:


In Internet Explorer, the Tools > Internet Options > Settings > Every Visit to the page must be set to true.

To change the character set for Internet Explorer 6.0, click View > Encoding > Unicode (UTF-8).


Dash, Advanced and InSite - buttons on the top bar work correctly if they popup in different browser windows. They will not if the popup is configured to be a tab

Tree applet conflicts will exist if you have both CS 6.3 and 7.x running on the same machine on the same port. To resolve a Java applet issue:

1. Right-click the JVM icon in the system tray.
2. Select 'Open Control Panel'.
3. In the JVM Control Panel...

a. Navigate to the General tab.
b. Click the 'Delete Files...' button in the Temporary Internet Files section.
c. Click OK to delete the temporary Java internet files.

4. Right-click the JVM icon in the system tray again.
5. Select 'Open Console'.
6. Within the Console, type 'x'. This will clear the classloader cache.
7. Restart your browser.

Silent Install

For WebLogic installs, the following changes need to be made to the bea_omii.ini file:

1. Set CSInstallbManual=true

2. Uncomment CSManualDeployPath=C\:/bea/weblogic10/user_projects/domains/mydomain/applications and set to the path for the installer to explode the war for deployment


FCKEditor, Online Image Editor, and eWebEditPro License

FCKEditor and Online Image Editor ship free with Content Server

Ektron eWebEditPro ships with an evaluation license. At the end of the evaluation period, if you are interested in purchasing a license for eWebEditPro you should contact your FatWire sales representative.


The utility below encrypts plaintext password values

Usage - set the following jars in the classpath:

1. cs-core.jar
2. cs.jar
3. commons-logging-1.1.jar
4. gatorbulk.jar

java -cp %CLASS_PATH% com.openmarket.gatorbulk.util.SecurePassword -i $plaintextvalue


Rollup to Content Server 7.5 Patches are only supported from a Content Server 7.5 installation. Prior to applying any rollup patch, it is highly recommended that you back up your existing deployment package. For information on backing up your existing environment, please reference the Backup and Recovery Guide.

For Portal server installs:

CS 7.5 Patch 5+ Installs

If you are rolling up from CS 7.5 Patch 4, cs-cache-1.1.jar is not removed during the rollup installation. This file should be manually removed from the CS deployment directory.

If you are rolling up from CS 7.5 Patch 1 and using WebSphere stax-api-1.0.1.jar is not removed during the rollup installation. This file should be manually removed from the CS deployment directory.

CS 7.5 Patch 4+ Installs

If you have previously installed CS 7.5 patch 3+ with WEM and made changes to wem-sso-api-cas-plugin-cs.1.0.jar, you should follow the directions for customizations to cs.war file to preserve your changes discussed in the Upgrade Guide.

CS 7.5 Patch 3+ Installs

For Content Server 7.5 Patch 3+, the rollup installation procedure is provided in the Content Server 7.5 Patch 3 Rollup Guide available on e-docs (the steps documented below are not valid for this version).

IMPORTANT NOTE: CS 7.5 Patch 3 includes CS75P3_HF1 which is a required update for clients installing WEM.

CS 7.5 Patch 2 and Patch 1 Installs

For patch versions prior to Patch 3, follow the instructions below.

There are two means of installation of Content Server patches (prior to patch 3 only):

a. GUI Install which is initiated by executing csrollupinstall.bat or from the directory you extracted the patch

b. Silent install by following the directions below:


     Note - these steps are required even if you have run an installation of Content Server previously as the most updated files must be used.

1. In the CS Install folder\ominstallinfo locate omii.ini
2. Place this ini file in a folder other then <installation_folder> and rename it
3. Go to the directory where you extracted the rollup package, edit the install.ini
4. Set nodisplay=true
5. Uncomment the loadfile property and set it as loadfile=<path and name of renamed omii.ini from step 1>
    Note: While editing the ini file make sure you specify the file system path correctly for example, for windows:
                                    CSInstallDirectory=C\:/csinstall or c\:\\install                                                                                       

Run csrollupinstall.bat or -silent


Satellite Server Patch 3+

To patch remote satellite servers to Content Server 7.5 Patch 3, contact support at  to obtain the installation package. Prior procedures of copying jar files from Content Server to Remote Satellite Server is no longer sufficient to successfully update a Satellite Server install to Patch 3.


CS 7.5 Language Pack:


The Language Pack release is a rollup installer which requires CS 7.5 Patch 1 to be installed.


There are two means of installation for the Language Pack:


a. GUI Install which is initiated by executing csrollupinstall.bat or

b. Silent install by following the directions below:

Note - these steps are required even if you have run an installation of Content Server previously as the most updated files must be used

1. In the CS Install folder\ominstallinfo locate omii.ini
2. Place this ini file in a folder other then <installation_folder> and rename it
3. Edit the renamed omii.ini, add the following property:

        To install the Italian Language Pack - it_IT=true

        To install the Japanese Language Pack - ja_JP=true

        To install the German Language Pack - de_DE=true

        To install the French Language Pack - fr_FR=true

        To install the Spanish Language Pack - es_ES=true

        To install multiple Language Packs at the same time, each property must be on its own line - for example, to install French and German Language Packs:



4. Go to the directory where you extracted the rollup package, edit the install.ini
4. Set nodisplay=true
5. Uncomment the loadfile property and set it as loadfile=<path and name of renamed omii.ini from step 1>
    Note: While editing the ini file make sure you specify the file system path correctly for example, for windows:
                                    CSInstallDirectory=C\:/csinstall or c\:\\install                                                                                       

Edit csCombinedLangPackInstall.bat or

     Locate COM.FutureTense.Apps.CSSetup –files CombinedLanguageInstall.xml

            Change this line to COM.FutureTense.Apps.CSSetup –silent –files CombinedLanguageInstall.xml



When deploying inCache, the default RMI setting will discover any other inCache systems deployed on the same subnet. To avoid multicast issues, configure RMI to connect only to localhost or eliminate lookup and provide a list of servers to be communicated with. For further information please refer to the Developers Guide inCache section, the RMI settings are specified in the cs_cache.xml and ss_cache.xml files.



Issues Fixed in Content Server 7.5 Patch 5

Advanced UI

(#23219) Need Approval button was missing from approval screens for static publishing

(#23563) Selection of Path is missing from Configure Attributes for Asset Type Indexing UI


(#22301) Asset.Load operation in an AssetEventListener implementation on a basic asset or a flex asset with parent leads to a deadlock

(#22980) ics:listloop returns error -500 even when the list is not empty

API - JSP Tags

(#22558) If an existing asset is imported using asset:import and set to be shared to all sites, a new AssetPublication record is created but the original is not removed

Caching - Page Caching

(#22996)  assetset:getmultiplevalues with immediateonly=true should not log dependency against parents

(#23375)  Zero-length pages should not be cached, log message should notify

(#23376)  RSS and CS set different last modified times for the same pages

     This is resolved to set the same last modified time across all Satellite Servers as CS

Caching - Satellite Server

(#21094) Satellite Server temporary files unrelated to cache are never deleted 

     A new property "scratch.cleanup.schedule" is added to to control the cleanup schedule. For additional information refer to the Property Files Reference.

CS Database

(#23364) If revision tracking is enabled on an AssetType table, at the time of inserting, editing, deleting any asset for that asset type there is a lock on RTInfo table. When multiple threads try to perform operations on different assets of the same AssetType they get blocked on the row in RTINFO table for that AssetType table.

Dash UI

(#20144) Dash UI does not filter available asset associations on the Relations tab by subtype

The named association refresh/update for a user "subtype" selection will only be displayed if "subtype" and association" are not on the same tab

(#21528) StackOverFlowError caused when the Content Server session timed out while the logout operation was being processed

(#22821) Dash login exception when site plan tree does not exist in site

(#23042) Dash UI performance improvement - lazy load 'asset referenced by' and 'rating' information

(#23390) Dash UI will throw an error in Workflow Assignments screen if role names contain spaces

(#23417) Unique constraint violation when copying assets twice with ratings data populated.

(#23553) Dash UI login through LDAP is slow

     Introduced local caches to hold group name, role name, and site name inside the LDAP schema user manager

(#21523) Assets with attributes of type other than string cannot be created when the AssetEditPane table contains configuration for this AssetType, asset definition and attributes.

Editor - FCKEditor

(#23147) Saving content in FCKEditor adds empty paragraph (<p> </p>) in Internet Explorer

If you hit 'enter' key in FCKEditor we will add a <div> instead of a <p>. Existing content authored in FCKeditor will probably already have P tags in it. If you are currently editing content within a <p> tag and hit enter, FCKeditor will continue to produce <p> tags, not <div> tags. This change applies to all browsers.

(#23610) FCKEditor removes embedded content on each edit / save if using innerHTML with Internet Explorer

Flex Assets

(#22975) When creating a new flex asset and you assign multiple associations, all but one association gets deleted when assigning a parent to this asset. This only occurs if you have a subtype specified in the association configuration and does not occur when editing an existing asset.

Publishing - Common

(#20668) Published date is incorrect in Publishing tab in Dash UI. For RealTime, the full date and time will now be displayed. For all other publishing types, it will now display "NA" as this information is not available

(#23373) Allow editing assets even if they are approved for a target unless they're part of a running publish

(#23423) Connections are not closed when using prepared statements with DML SQL

Publishing - Approval

(#22638) Slow performance in approval and publish due to approval queue lock

     A new property cs.approvalLockStriping has been added, for further information refer to the Property File Reference

(#23954) Added a mechanism to override the default publishing query to improve publishing performance, for further details please refer to the Administrator Guide, Mirror/RealTime publishing sections

Publishing - Events

(#23420) Search event is not re-enabled when multiple publish sessions are executed simultaneously

Publishing - Real Time

(#21165) Unique constraint violation when publishing a new CSElement for which an ElementCatalog entry already exists on the target

(#21224) Unique constraint violation can occur when assets have the same name but different IDs on source and target

(#23566) A pubsession can be corrupted if the target is restarted during a publish

Rich Text Editor

(#23604) Embedded links are created with only EXACT dependency

Added new property DEPTYPE to indicate EXISTS or EXACT dependency on the embedded link.

Edit the Attribute Editor (FCKEditor or TextArea) XML code to include:
DEPTYPE=exists for EXIST dependency
DEPTYPE=exact for EXACT dependency

Search - Advanced UI

(#19781 / 23401) Search does not honor the subtype specified in start menu

(#23374) Database corruption in indexsourcemetadataconfig resulted in Null Pointer Exception

We will now report the exception and handle the error gracefully.


(#22828) Warning message thrown when removing parent even though action is success

Issues Fixed in Content Server 7.5 Patch 4

Advanced UI

(#20935) Publishing light stays red even when the destination connection is successful

(#21131) JavaScript error in FireFox on edit / save an asset with single and multi-valued associations

(#22326) Login performance issue with large number of sites if using LDAP


(#21028 / 20255) asset:export not exporting "style" attribute (Pick From Tree etc) for Parent Assets

(#21345) asset:import fails with multiple ordered attributes

(#23002) Stack overflow when update assets with circular dependencies in Asset API

Caching - Page Caching

(#21574 / 21575) has been modified to generate logs for cache keys.

This is configured in commons-logging. To view ComplexAssets cache, set:
    com.fatwire.logging.cs.sync.csDataSourceComplexAssets to TRACE


You can also creates other loggers in the same way, for example::


Caching - Satellite Server

(#20942) Cache in Remote Satellite Server is removed when empty. This causes the cache to be created each time it becomes empty

Content Server - CORE

(#21319) cs.uniqueidpoolsize is ignored; and the default value was not 100 as the property editor documented, instead it was 500.

Now we enable the property and set the default to 100

(#21885) SystemEvents manager doesn't recover from temporary SQL error

(#23419) A long-running request can exhaust the SystemIdGen resulting in IllegalMonitorException

Dash UI

(#19765) When there are multiple definitions in a flex family and the corresponding start menu is set to one of them, the create button will not appear

(#21136) Dash UI SitePlan parent node is not approved for publish when child node ordering changes.

(#21380) Deleting a revision tracked asset that is referenced by a page successfully removes the asset reference link, however it fails with Exception / Generic Error Number = 7 without a detailed error message

(#21394) Dash renders HTML entered in text attributes

To correct this, we have created a new attribute renderer that can be used to display HTML Source in a TextArea read only mode.

Create a new entry in FW_AttributeRendererConfig table as follows:

(#22103) Dash UI pick Site page is very slow when a user has access to large number of sites

(#21423) DASH UI does not read input form sourcetype "TABLE" property for basic assets

(#22247) Dash UI shows radio buttons instead of checkboxes for Flex assets having multi-valued attributes using checkbox attribute editors

            To take advantage of this change:

Update attributerendererclass column value to "com.fatwire.cs.ui.view.renderer.attribute.CheckBoxDataRenderer" for attributerendererkey column value "CHECKBOXES.attribute_renderer" inside the Content Server’s database table FW_AttributeRendererConfig"

 (#22262) When you attempt to resize an image that has been inserted into an attribute that uses FCKEditor and save it via Dash UI with IE7 it crashes the browser

 (#22285) Dash UI performance improvement - reduced the number of queries to retrieve site descriptions for login page

 (#22415) Dash UI performance enhancement. Retrieve user roles from the session instead of from the database if roles are already available in the session

(#22468) Blob server link in Dash does not support docx files

(#22542)  Dash UI performance improvement in retrieving start menu items

(#22733) Dash users are unable to access/login into Dash UI if the user has access to large number of sites due to cookie size limitations 

Dash UI - Asset Tree

(#21697) When implementing customized asset tabs in Dash UI using custom XML tree tab elements, the "LoadURL" argument used to query both sub-root/ root and all node children must prefix the Content Server context qualified path plus the absolute path of where the element exists.

(#22359 / 22636) Dash UI tree loads very slowly when there are many assets

To take advantage of this change:

Add new properties display.assettree.leaf and display.siteplantree.leaf inside manually.

If the property is set to true, then all the children of a node will be displayed and if the property is set to false, then a node's leaf nodes will not be displayed.

In the latter case, clicking on the node link will list all its leaf nodes."


(#22530) If visitor is not logged in, Memory-Centric Visitor Tracking causes null pointer exception

Editor - FCKEditor

(#20026) When using FCKEditor with add asset link, extra nbsp characters are added to the beginning and the end of the selected text

(#20968) Add Link does not work if the link text contains an apostrophe

(#21198) FCKEditor does not invoke the MS Word text cleanup command in IE

(#22543) Setting ALLOWEDASSETTYPES parameter in the FCKEditor configuration does not work

Flex Assets - Attribute Editor

(#20848) If the RESTRICEDCATEGORYLIST contains multiple values, the dropdown at the top-left corner of the ImagePicker does not correctly show the list of categories


(#22721) If there are many roles in the system as well as grant/deny being set per function; Dash UI response time is delayed

(#22786) CS queries LDAP every time to find out group (ACL) name for user ACLs

(#22787) CS queries LDAP to determine hierarchical groups for each group

                To disable the hierarchical group search add this property searchhierarchical=false to the dir.ini

(#22926) Workflow information should only be loaded when the workflow tab is selected

(#22927) Workflow history is loaded after each workflow action / command in Dash

Publishing - Approval

(#22784) Possible to unapprove deleted assets from publish, leaving the destination in an inconsistent state

Publishing - Common

(#20250) Templates shared through Site Launcher are not publishable for the new site

Publishing - Console

(#21065) "Assets ready for publish" link is broken in Publish UI

(#22759) Publish status shows failed even in case of a successful publish

Publishing - Export to Disk Approval

(#20591) Recursive approval for static publishing does not automatically approve all dependencies

Publishing - Mirror

(#22377) Mirror to Server does NOT delete entries from the Lucene index when publishing deleted content.

Publishing - onDemand

(#21919) On Demand publish queue gives error if assets in the queue were already published

Publishing - RealTime

(#19032) Introduced a new parameter PUBLISHLOCALETREE=true. This tells RealTime publishing whether to publish the LocaleTree table, default is true

(#21124) RealTime Publishing convention for Site Plan tree is different than Mirror. The Mirror-publishing convention when a Page is placed, marks the parent of that page as edited. Approving and publishing the parent will publish the placement of the pages underneath it.

(#22804) UI component of RealTime publishing sets headers and status in the HTML response

(#23030) Unsharing of an asset on the source is not reflected on the destination


(#22783) Cannot create an asset type with an ANY type association

Search - Advanced UI

(#22702) Saved searches are not retaining the value selected for inherited attributes

Search - Framework

(#22479) Use LuceneConfig parameters to control optimize rather than call it on a schedule every 30 secs

            Add parameter optimizeinterval=xxx seconds to the properties column in SearchEngineMetadataConfig table to enable this optimization.

Site Launcher

(#22738) Site Launcher does not copy embedded links correctly


(#22772) SSO filter creates sessions needlessly


(#22514) New asset does not get entered into workflow when the first step is set to No Assignment or Assign to Everyone

            When assignment method for a step is set to "Assign to Everyone" then you need to ensure that the current step’s assignee roles matches with the next steps authorized roles.

Issues Fixed in Content Server 7.5 Patch 3

Advanced UI

(#21178) Editing and then saving an asset with Related Items Recommendation resets all rankings to 100%

(#21135 / 21184) Date attribute is populated with the current date when it is left blank

(#20449 / 21764) JavaScript error when using PickAsset attribute editor

(#21088 / 21769) Deleting a site results in Error -105 when using Oracle database


(#21080) Added fixed list property to AssetAPI to allow exact dependencies

Basic Assets

(#21194 / 21195) Editing start menu for basic asset type which has property "SOURCETYPE=Table" takes a long time to load if the database table is large

Caching - Page Caching

(#21142) Parallel cache regenerator is not properly encoding URLs

(#21571) CS still caches the page even if CallElement or CallTemplate resulted in errors in a nested page

                      NOTE  the following regarding this change:

                1. This issue only occurs with callElement and callTemplate (style=element) tags and is resolved only for JSP tags

                2. Use of this change requires a new JVM option “-DenableErrorPropagation=true” to be utilized

                3. Flush the cache of the templates and CSElements which are using these tags to see the new behavior

Caching - Satellite Server

(#20257 / 20392) Accessing invalid BLOB URLs through Remote Satellite Server returns a 502 error instead of a 404

(#20887 / 21056) Last-Modified Header is not updated when a nested pagelet is modified

(#20651 / 21765) Response headers from Content Server are sent back to Remote Satellite Server multiple times

(#20794 / 20798 / 21767) Under load, if page is being accessed at the time of publishing, Remote Satellite Server is not flushing pagelets of the accessed page

Content Server - CORE

(#21580)  Shift-JIS (Windows-31J) encoded characters are not getting decoded correctly by the java URLDecoder.decode method

      To resolve this issue, set -Dcs.useJavaURLDecoder=false in the AppServer startup to use the Apache URLCodec to decode the characters

(#21731)  System Events are disabled if an error occurs during the event

Dash UI

(#20738) Renamed User Tags are not retaining their name until logout

(#21072) "Edit and Cancel" is creating a new version of Revision Tracked assets

(#21081) Clicking on the left nav parent tree node produced incorrect search results, also sorting order is incorrect in this view as well

(#21139) Subsequent requests in Dash UI can change the session object if made while the initial request is still in process

      To resolve this issue, we have added a waiting icon which will provide feedback to advise when the current request has been completed.

(#21145)  Search results is not honoring the values specified in searchresultscount property of file

(#21199) Child assets are saving the inherited attribute values with the child asset

(#21223) Choosing Edit from the Relations tab results in JavaScript error

(#21226) Advanced Search is not honoring the values specified in searchresultscount property of file

(#21452) Exception thrown when saving an asset that does not have any parent associated

(#21474) New user tags created in Dash UI are displayed in a random order

(#21805) Search result screen should not check for "edit" permission upfront

(#21821) Use client side base URL instead of getting the base URL from the request object for asset tree

(#21881) Large number of items in "Tasks I Have Assigned" causes performance issue

(#21983) When a page in the Site Plan contains a cycle-referenced asset, the edit button is not working and a stackoverflow exception occurs

(#22020) Selecting a tree node reloads "Quick Info" section of the launch page

Editor - FCKEditor

(#21068) Multiple addlink and include operations are not allowed using FCKEditor in Dash UI

(#21144)  Entering a percent (%) sign in FCKEditor text causes JavaScript Internal Server Error 500

(#21148)   Ampersand and French characters are not encoded properly in FCKEditor text

Flex Filters

(#21880)  Error when saving parent asset that uses FieldCopier for either startdate or enddate attributes that contain no values

Publishing - Mirror

(#20842 / 21121) Publishing a change such as switching assets to a different parent and deleting the original parent will generate an error. The error is because original parent gets deleted before the updated asset is saved on the target.

Publishing - RealTime

(#21084)  Unsharing an asset on the source does not unshare the asset on the target after re-publish

(#21323)  The PUBLISHASSETTYPES option not available in RealTime

      The PUBLISHASSETTYPES option previously available in Mirror publishing has now been enabled for Real Time publish

(#21495)  FW_PUBDATASTORE was not being cleaned up after a successful Real Time publish

(#21599)  RealTime Publishing disables the search event on the target, however, if there is a failure in the process, it may not re-enable the event

Revision Tracking

(#20933)  In Dash UI, undo checkout only reverts the standard attribute fields not user defined attributes

Search - API

(#19982)  Lucene Search should allow to search inherited attributes

(#21456) Editing a parent does not update the search index for child assets that are inheriting the edited attribute values

Site Management

(#20788 / 21160) Creating a site results in OutOfMemoryError if there is an empty template shared with all sites


(#21812) Unable to modify a parent using XMLPost


(#21077 / 21768) Empty comments in workflow history create unnecessary files

Issues Fixed in Content Server 7.5 Patch 2

Analytics Integration

(#16446) AddAnalyticsImageTag is writing an image tag which is changing the browser state.

(#16876) AddAnalyticsImgTag doesn't encode img tag correctly

Advanced User Interface

(#19352) Multivalued named associations cleared after adding or removing parents or attributes of an asset

(#18278 / 19275 / 20145) Files in TMP directory not cleaned after Inspect, Save or Publish

(#19586 / 20693) “Sort results by” dropdown on the search screen does not include Modified Date


(#20013 / 20305) category of ScalarVals not returned with asset:export

(#19902 / 20040) assetset:getassetlist is creating a query that has too many params for IN clause

(#20062) using asset:deletevoids on template asset type loses element code

(#20172) Asset Event Listener is triggered on undo checkout with revision-tracked flex assets

(#20422) Asset API cannot remove or replace parents of an asset

(#18886 / 20699) LoadAll uses ics.SQL with bCache=false, consumes database connections

(#18602 / 20701) ICS.streamtxt - rendering content with incorrect order

Caching - Page Caching

(#19987 / 20683) Cache pages are stored in one folder in system page cache directory.

(#20706) Optimize cache manager to expire pages based on urlqueries

Caching - Satellite Server

(#18852 / 19961) incorrect status returned with flushSSEngines()

(#20377) uncached pages get cached

Content Server - CORE

(#20393) Added file locking into the SysIDGen to prevent issues during high load


(#20142) DocLink does not allow dropping a document with the same name even when parent is different

Dash User Interface

(#20045) "java.lang.ClassCastException: java.lang.String" Exception shown when linking a new Parent

(#20089) "Asset save failed. Error Number -1" when disassociating optional parents

(#20258) Removing locale from also removes subtype

(#20499) Exception on asset checkin / checkout

(#20500) searchresultscount property does not have effect on search popup

(#20560) Unable to select parents for a child asset

(#20567) Second parent is removed if the first is left blank

(#20756) Pulldown Attribute Editor does not work in Dash UI

(#20803) Dash Tree should not get server name and port from WebServer request

(#20822) Dash Site Plan tree not loading when using LDAP and SSO

     For WebSphere, it is required that URL rewriting be enabled in the admin console

(#20856) Workflow failure in Dash UI with username containing period

(#20860) Entering apostrophe in description field causes all subsequent content entered after the apostrophe to be lost

(#20904) Site Plan Tree in edit mode with scrolling bars breaks the drop indicator icon

Editor - FCKEditor

(#19809 / 19959) Japanese text gets corrupted when adding embedded links in FCKEditor

(#20293) The "Table Properties" popup body in FCKEditor is empty in IE

(#20532) "Create and Link new asset" popup is not constrained by role

(#20596) Japanese characters get corrupted when viewing changes in FCKEditor

(#20644) Unable to highlight and drag text in FCKEditor using IE

(#20731) FCKEditor fields fail to load properly

(#20774) FCKEditor strips out JavaScript <script></script> tags

     To use this SCRIPT=TRUE must be added to the FCKEditor Attribute Editor XML

Editor - Rich Text Editors

(#20425) Include asset function does not list templates which contain a slash in the name

(#19753 / 20690) Multivalued BLOB attributes will save the last file name as CS.UniqueID.txt


(#19773 / 20689) Copy segment is broken

Flex Assets

(#19911) Not all values are deleted if asset has multivalued BLOB attributes

InSite - PageBuilder

(#20831) Saving a checked out asset fails when using AssetAPI

Install - Rollup

(#20702) CS75P1 adds Site Catalog entries for FirstSiteII when this site is not installed


(#20597) Load assets when user clicks on tag rather than when tag tree is painted

(#20598) Enhance tag rendering for large number of tags

(#20069 / 20681) Time debug does not show all executed elements

(#20903) When a site contains several hundreds of both placed and unplaced pages, the query and loading of the complete Site Plan tree data was very slow


(#19532 / 20696) More Arguments Field Values are duplicated if no Remote Password is provided

(#20036) Real Time - Asset dependencies not checked on publish

(#20047) Real Time - Parent associations randomly lost on destination

(#20173) Real Time - Transaction framework memory leak affecting Real Time Publishing

(#20297) Mirror Publishing - PubSession status incorrectly states FAILED after successful publish

(#20313 / 20590 / 20591) Export to Disk Approval - <setvar NAME="recursive" VALUE="true" /> does not recursively descend into dependent assets to approve them

(#20628 / 20632) Static publishing occasionally fails when writing to Windows mapped drive

(#20665) Parameters from ini files ignored proxy settings

(#20703) Real Time publish does not complete if donotregenerate=*

(#20857) Proxy information should be configurable for each publish target


(#20797 ) Remote Satellite Server shows the stale content after flush

Revision Tracking

(#15709 / 20664 ) Exception received when unapproving a checked out asset in Dash or Advanced UI

Search - Advanced UI

(#19869) Simple search sort by created date sorts in the wrong order

(#20149 / 20680) Modified By appears twice in Simple Search order by drop down for basic assets

Site Management

(#18935 / 20698) Site Deletion fails when there are Saved Searches created


(#19931 / 19932) Saved search fails in CS 7 if upgraded from 5.5

User Management - LDAP

(#19763) Hierarchical LDAP problems with jndi.connectAsUser=true logging into CSE

(#20153) LDAP integration, unable to login when user has access to more than one site

(#20646) Workflow report creation does not show list of users


(#20002 / 20003) Creating an asset with multiple parents in XMLPost fails

(#20137 / 20138) Values of attributes of type asset cannot be set to blank


(#20072 / 20073) Log execution times for pages and pagelets

(#20781) Database loader loads columns in random order



Issues Fixed in Content Server 7.5 Language Packs

(#14305) The tree applet command "Remove" stops working when translated

(#16198) JavaScript Errors with French Language Pack

(#16867)  Advanced search not working for dates in ES locale

(#17931)  Standard name fields not localized in Dash UI

(#18480)  When no username is specified in the Content Server login page, the pop up displaying the localized message shows the ' character as a string representing its decimal value "'"

(#18850)  Error files missing from Language Pack



Issues Fixed in Content Server 7.5 Patch 1

Advanced User Interface

(#18637) Publishing destinations are not listed alphabetically in the Admin tab


(#19080) currency:getcurrency tag has different behavior from CS5.5 and CS7.0.x to CS7.5

(#19423) AssetDataManager.readAttributes - Failure to retrieve name, id and description for Template and CSElement without having to log in

(#19459) Asset API getAssociatedAssets() returns results in wrong order

(#19464) satellite:cookie tag not working properly

(#19702) Asset API does not get the user-defined attributes from a Basic asset properly

 BulkLoader / BulkApprover

(#18541)  Added properties to specify BulkLoader Mapping Tables and BulkApprover Target Table.

These are optional properties and if the values are not specified then the default values as specified below are used to preserve backward compatibility:

1) approvalTargetTableName=bulk_appr_targets
2) idMapTableName=bulkloader_ids
3) threadStartupTime=5000

* Important Note *
Running multiple BulkLoader instances simultaneously is not recommended and in some cases can cause data corruption.

(#19418)  BulkLoader fails to complete on faster machines due to the main thread exiting before the worker threads begin

 Caching - Page Caching

(#18626) Content Server page cache is not getting updated when slots are added or removed using PageBuilder

  1. Make sure that ft.sync and ft.usedisksync are not empty and are the same value on all cluster members.

  2. xcelerate.lockdir property in futuretense_xcel.ini must not be empty and have the same value on all cluster members

  3. Please specify switch -Dinsite.saveslotsonly=true in VM options (for all clustered members). This will enable the new functionality to save template composition entries instead of the entire template asset during PageBuilder.

  4. You can also configure wait time and iteration count for retries by configuring -Dinsite.waittime (default 20, it is in mille seconds) and -Dinsite.numiterations (default 100 iterations) in VM options.

 Caching - Satellite Server

(#18561) CacheManager.getSSInventory() contain relative links

(#19453) RSS 7.0.x with Apache and Tomcat/mod_jk not functional

(#19455) Add Cache-Control header "no-store" if page is not cached

(#19456) HTTP404 when sending a form via POST with encoding type "multipart/form-data"

(#19457) RSS send Transfer-Encoding from Content Server

(#19822) Invalid parameter passed to Satellite servlet can result in unexpected behavior


(#19008) Runtime error occurs during login to CS-Desktop on Vista

 Dash User Interface

(#18741) Corruption of Japanese characters in Dash UI search results

(#19045) Template Name set incorrectly through Dash UI

(#19077) Dash UI Search returns "TooManyClauses" if search result is too large

(#19611) Status of asset does not change from created to edited when changed in Dash UI

(#19794) Delete of uploaded file from a Multiple or Multiple Ordered BLOB attribute results in error in Dash UI


(#18687) FCKEditor included does not support uploading images

(#18712)  Lazy load FCKEditor in Advanced UI for Flex Assets

(#19395)  Adding hyperlink not working properly with FCKEditor

(#19397)  If an embedded link to an asset has a target= parameter, the target= portion is being stripped off

(#19312)  Editing a text attribute in InSite Editing with FCKEditor; HTML links created are changed to include the host and port number

 Flex Filter

(#19386)  Image filter doesn't work with JDK 1.6.0_12


(#18743) Corruption of Japanese characters when using InSite to finish an assignment

(#19699) The ability to add assets into a named association is not working


(#19054) Memory Leak in CS 7.5 Dash Login/Logout


(#18702) Unapprove for Publish Fails

(#18744) Incorrect message in log when destination is deleted

(#18768) Delete destination can be very slow if number of approved / published assets is large

 Property Editor

(#18363) Futuretense_xcel.ini property xcelerate.approval.dependency.chunksize appeared as "xcelerate.approval.dependency.chunksize=Default Value is 250 (for backwards compatibility)\n Advisable value\: 1".

 Satellite Server

(#18564) Inventory crashes Satellite Server when there are above 10K items in cache


(#19269) Search Event leaves temp files behind

Search event leaves temp files behind created by Asset API to read binary data.

 Site Launcher

(#19359) Type:ID MAP entry causes error during site replication



Issues Fixed in Content Server 7.5


(#13870) Can't use ics.sendmail to deliver emails through an SMTP server that authenticates

Message exception sending mail Sending failed; nested exception is: javax.mail.SendFailedException: Invalid Addresses; nested exception is: javax.mail.SendFailedException: 530 Authentication Required The only solution is to roll your own javax.mail client

(#14402) ASSET.REFERENCEDBY tag is broken

Advanced User Interface

(#14116) Get Arguments button in the Content Filter screen gives you wrong status value, and shows "Missing Translation key"

(#14751) There is no way to see the History, when Toggle Tree is Off.

(#15088) In Multiple (Ordered) checkbox - an “X” image shows up even before clicking on “Add New” button

(#16022) Creating a CSElement that begins with CSElement breaks the tree in the Advanced UI

AssetMaker Assets

(#14789) Change in behavior for multi valued checkbox attribute for AssetMaker assets

In CS 6.3 we used to allow a construct like this:

<PROPERTY NAME="checkbox" DESCRIPTION="checkbox">

in an Asset Descriptor File. This would allow users to select or deselect multiple values for a checkbox attribute. The saved attribute will be stored as a comma separated string in the database. This is the only way we allowed multiple values for an AssetMaker asset attribute. In CS 7.5 checkboxes will always show up as RadioButtons for AssetMaker assets.

Cache Management

(#15230) asset:children not recording compositional dependencies if asset was not loaded


(#12962) CS-Desktop toolbar does not show up when Word is used as the email editor in Outlook. Also on Windows XP, it does not load correctly

(#13648) Revision-tracked flex asset stays locked after closing CS-Desktop if the asset existed before revision-tracking was turned on or if the version number was updated from CS-Desktop.


(#13934) Help link on CS DocLink does not work

(#15482) Template field does not work properly in CS-DocLink

(#15657) Erratic behavior when dragging any file from FSIIAtricle folder to other folder.  Sometimes Microsoft “Send error report” pops up and the application ceases to function

Dash User Interface

(#15004) Dash UI: though Category attribute is not required for Basic assets, it shows up in the UI as a required field

(#15054) Dash UI - split pane icon is still visible after deleting an asset 

(#15067) Toggle between UI windows throws JavaScript error

(#15104) Dash: "Tags" tab does not appear on the top after clicking on "dash" button

(#15105) Search Pane - The selected item is getting deleted but the very next one is getting selected automatically in the Search Results

(#15126) Dash displays 1 version where as Advanced UI shows 2 versions when you edit a flex asset with revision tracking enabled.

(#15168) "In Segment" & "Out of Segment" options show up as ready for editing even though there is no segment to edit

(#15172) Dash UI does not show the invalid license exception but goes to unexpected error page if you try to login to a URL that is not in the license file

(#15211) If the number of attributes in an asset is large and you scroll down the asset pane, the control buttons also scroll off the window.

(#15784) My Assignments and Checkouts in the User Info page in the Dash UI are linking to the same page.

(#15783) Page asset is shareable in the Dash UI however, the sharing does not occur.

(#15975) When an asset is contributed through CS-Desktop, all blob attributes appear as on the 'inspect' screen

(#16056) When an error message is displayed in Dash UI, the HTML entities within the message are encoded / escaped.

(#16078) When  a new document asset is created using the left navigation, a validation error is generated for the document file attribute. The validation continues to fail even when a valid file is specified.

Flex Assets

(#14764) Deleting all ratings does not work in CS

(#14134) Data corruption issue in related fields when using PickFromTree attribute editor 

InSite Interface

(#15132) JavaScript error while clicking on "Apply" OR "Cancel" under "Page Layout" in Preview Page

InSite Editor

(#14791) In InSite Editor users get a JavaScript error on clicking 'Edit' button associated with eWebEditPro, if the asset is enabled for Revision Tracking.

(#14800) Invalid message on previewing the asset in InSite Editing mode if that asset was created using CS-Desktop.

(#14817) Delete is not working properly from 'InSite' for multiple valued attribute editors.

(#15010) JavaScript error occurs during creation of document asset from InSite, when only one document definition exists.

(#15582) In InSite Editor, when you create content through Document Management View it does not work properly

(#16125/16103) 'Page Cannot be found' exception appears when clicking on 'Add Selected Items' button from the Popup-Create New Document page.

(#16140 / 16141) Incorrect behavior exists when editing content with ‘Addlink’ and ‘Include link’ using the rich text editors in InSite.

Multi-Lingual Assets

(#14448) No content displayed in the home pages introduced for MLA. Home(fr), Home(de) and Home(es) does not have any content displayed when previewed.


(#12973) Publishing is not transactional, and when it fails changes are not rolled back.

(#15158) Publishing checked out assets causes it to be permanently locked on the destination when publish fails

Revision Tracking

(#15255) Content Server uses a lot of CPU when it accesses Revision Tracking tables. These tables are created when an asset is revision tracked.

(#15729) Removing revision history doesn't remove the flex attribute files of revision

Satellite Server

(#13987) Preview operation picks up incorrect Satellite Server URL if multiple Remote Satellite Servers are registered

(#14901) Preview link somehow uses the wrong Satellite Server link if there are 2 rows in SystemSatellite table

(#15533) Remote Satellite Server sends ft_ss cookie to client

(#15359) Satellite Server does not correctly pass parameters when they contain a double-quote mark

(#16145) Content Server transmits an invalid FlushServer request. This does not work in Remote Satellite Server on Tomcat with Apache and mod_jk, because mod_jk is more strict and will reject the request.


(#15173) User cannot search a basic asset if it does not have category field set

Site Launcher

(#14934) CS-DocLink information is not automatically enabled in the copied site for assets where it was enabled in the original site


(#15436) If you make the SiteEntry asset a wrapper, when you previewing other assets, it will pick up this SiteEntry even though it is not intended. This is especially true if this SiteEntry is only wrapper in the site.


(#13735) XMLPost can malfunction when reading files from a directory with mixed extension names

(#13990) XML Post fails to import UTF-8 characters correctly if encoding is specified

Import is successful if you remove the encoding <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> and run XML Post


(#15467) xcelerate.displayablenameattr causes "Variables.useraclname" to be displayed

(#16098) CSElement_Map and Template_Map tables are not cleaned up when sites are deleted 




Known Issues in Content Server 7.5 Patch 5

Browser Support

(#23622) In Safari the cursor may not visually appear in the box for a text field

(#23662) Tree tabs are displayed in linear form on MacOS

Clarkii Online Image Editor

(#23864) Insert image functionality does not work on Safari 5 browser.

(#23916) Browsing for a new image results in loss of previously uploaded image if operation is cancelled

(#23923) Response time delays in saving uploaded images

Known Issues in Content Server 7.5 Patch 4

Dash UI

(#22042) Uploaded BLOBs of 10MB or greater will lose some bytes of data. This is due to an issue with ORACLE's ADF faces upLoadFile UI component.


(#23044) Remote Satellite Server does not sync up with CS after restart

(#23060) Persisting cache to disk wipes out Last AccessTime and hit count on RSS

(#23243) inCache Tool should only be used after inCache has been initialized by rendering a page

Publishing - Real Time

(#21020) Publishing a large number of (2000+) parent assets causes assets to loose parents on destination

The workaround for this is to do either:

1. set -Dunpacker_batch_size=10000 on the target system and run the publish (10000 can be higher if you have more than 10000 parents), or

2. Republish the parents. The second publish resolves the issue


Known Issues in Web Experience Management Framework 1.0

Articles Sample Application

(#22461) Creating / Inspecting FW_ArticleAsset from Advanced UI throws the following exception in the log which can be safely ignored:

[CS.DB][ERROR] No where clause value for column category in table Category
[CS.DB][ERROR] Unable to build a where clause from columns category,assettype for query CategoryDescription

WEM Admin UI Application

(#21279) Case sensitivity of sorting is inconsistent

(#22292) Warning messages "The value entered is not valid" move up and down with mouse navigation and remain on the screen when navigating to other pages

(#22318) Site names with special characters or symbols are not getting deleted

Delete the site using Advanced UI in this case

(#22448) Inconsistency between table search and transfer box search - transfer box search matches based on starting characters, table search matches characters anywhere in the string

(#22717) Deleting a site does not clean up the Apps assigned to the site

To resolve this, manually remove the site entries from the urlaccessroles column in FW_Applications table using CSE

(#22728) Cannot assign roles to a user who has stale group membership data

The workaround for this is to edit and save the user in the WEM Admin UI

WEM UI Framework

(#21790) Use of the browser back button is not supported

(#22719) Attempting to access Dash UI application without the DashUser role causes the "Unexpected Error" page to be shown.

The user needs to clear the browser cookie to continue should this occur

(#22722) Dash "Loading...." indicator remains present if you change to another application prior to the operation completing in Dash

To avoid this issue, wait for the current operation to complete before changing to another application through WEM


(#21510) AssetMaker AssetType presentation in Advanced UI is not preserved when created through REST API

The INPUTFORM tag support is limited in ASSET API when creating basic asset types via REST. As a result, unsupported INPUTFORM TYPES are interpreted as <INPUTFORM TYPE="TEXT" WIDTH="48" REQUIRED="YES"/>. In order for users to see proper asset type attributes in Content Server UI's, the INPUTFORM tags need to be updated in the asset descriptor file through the database (AssetType table in CSE).

(#21531) Although description is a required attribute for a Site, the Sites REST service doesn't validate for a Site description during create/edit.

(#21535) If you delete a role via REST, the corresponding entry for Site and Users is not deleted

Use WEM Admin UI to delete a role or manually clean up the UserPublication table to remove the dependencies

(#21835) Setting BufferingConfig.xml to use multiple threads is not supported

(#21956) When using REST API the following message is displayed on the server side and can be safely ignored:

com.sun.jersey.core.impl.provider.xml.SAXParserContextProvider getInstance
WARNING: JAXP feature XMLConstants.FEATURE_SECURE_PROCESSING cannot be set on a SAXParserFactory. External general entity processing is disbaled but other potential securty related features will not be enabled.
org.xml.sax.SAXNotRecognizedException: http://javax.xml.XMLConstants/feature/secure-processing

(#22366) Multivalued association is not returned with the ordinal value

(#22441) Deleted groups are not deleted from the Security Configuration.

The group can be manually deleted by removing the entries from the FW_CSSecurityConfig table.

(#22499) When under load, the following exception may occur when using Buffered Writes, this can be safely ignored as the data is properly returned:

com.sun.jersey.server.impl.application.WebApplicationImpl onException
SEVERE: Internal server error javax.xml.bind.MarshalException

(#22571) Content-type header must be set to allow delete operations

(#22613) When creating asset types in REST, the PluralForm is not reflected/honored in Advanced UI

(#22697) Invoking the Delete method on a non-existent object returns a 200 status code

(#22715) Update is not working for Application object type if Delete permission is not also granted


(#22349 / 22397 / 22692) CAS application cannot be clustered on AppServers other than Tomcat and JBoss


(#22710) "Loading...." wheel occasionally spins indefinitely on the Security configuration page

If this occurs, continue to click on the next selection and it should resolve the issue

Known Issues in Content Server 7.5 Patch 3


(#22015) AssetAPI is unable to read any data from an AssetMaker Asset which uses storage type Binary and database is DB2

CS - Desktop

(#22358) Locale selected during creating an asset from CS-Desktop doesn't appear in CS-Desktop before save even though its saved correctly


(#22438) Exception is thrown when starting WebLogic server and after logout from Advanced UI after rollup with WEM. This can be safely ignored. Tried all: '1' addresses, but could not connect over HTTP to server

Site Management

(#22700) Creating a site without an InSite Preview asset results in errors in the log which can be safely ignored and "Variables.previewAsset" appearing in the InSite Preview Asset field in Advanced UI

Known Issues in Content Server 7.5 Patch 2


(#20816) assetapi allows delete of parent asset that is referenced by another

(#20873) Dynamic loading of new DataSource using loadproperty tag is not supported

Basic Assets

(#20993) Content Server does not support the creation of attributes which are named the same as standard attributes

Browser Support

(#19635) If Apache WebServer is not configured to use HTTP1.1, pages will be cached by IE

(#20891) Incorrect file names when opening / saving documents - user needs to be aware and correct manually for saving

(#20952) Japanese characters not rendering correctly on asset preview in IE8

(#20987) Unable to write Path in Browse fields using IE8 and FireFox 3.5

(#21038) Previewing assets will generate errors related to missing content type in FireFox error console when running on WebLogic AppServer

            To resolve this issue, you can modify your web.xml file by adding the following:







Editor - eWebEditPro

(#20949) In InSite, the text selected to add the included asset is appearing at the top of the popup

Flex Assets

(#20906) When running Content Server on WebLogic, the "Add Another" functionality of multivalued attributes will result in the "Select Product Parent Definition" form being displayed


InSite Editing

(#20966) JavaScript error and lists do not update when replacing existing asset by adding a newly created asset

(#20967) FCKEditor throws JavaScript HTTP 500 error if empty

(#21026) Switching the template when an asset is in edit mode will load the asset in preview mode, but the left nav will remain in edit mode


(#21003) If indexing takes longer than the cs.timeout setting, exceptions will be thrown and indexing may be in an unstable state. The timeout should be adjusted based on the size of index

(#20900) Lucene fails to index text that comes after dashes, underscores and other special characters

Search - Dash UI

(#20877) Search for text within XML or HTML tags is not supported

(#20909) searchresultscount property settings do not apply to advanced search


(#20745) Generic Server error is displayed in the futuretense.txt log file when viewing uploaded documents with Word 2007

 When opening documents from a URL location in Microsoft Office 2007, the Office library makes an HTTP HEAD request to the web server for the opening URL. Content Server does not support HEAD requests which causes this exception to appear in the log file.




Known Issues in Content Server 7.5 Patch 1

Browser Compatibility

(#19759) Using Firefox with the Advanced UI tree off or InSite popup to select an asset during asset association produces no response


(#19182) Recommendation selection criteria "Random" will organize based on the weighted rating.

(#19816) The index on VMVisitorAlias that puts a unique constraint on the combination of visitoridentifier and visitor columns causes the page to fail to render and stack traces will appear in the log when the same visitor visits the site again. To resolve this issue, drop the index on this combination.


(#19369) For assets created prior to Content Server 7.5 Patch 1 - If the first piece of data in the FCKEditor window is an embedded link or included asset, you must switch to source view to add additional content prior to the embedded link or included asset. Similarly, if the last asset is an embedded link or included asset, source view must also be used to add additional content immediately following the link or included asset.

Search - Dash UI

(#18980)  Lucene standard analyzer treats words differently if they contain a hyphen (-)

For example:

ABC-DEF-HIJ is sometimes indexed as one word and sometimes indexed separately as "ABC" and "DEF-HIJ", when this occurs, searching for "ABC-DEF-HIJ" will not always return the proper results.





Known Issues in Content Server 7.5

Access Permissions

(#15056) Can't edit recommendations without SiteGod role

If an editorial user is added to the UI and that user is not given SiteGod privileges, the user cannot edit Recommendation assets if they are more than static list recommendations. The following error appears on the screen: Error -3 encountered while saving. Error: errno=-3 on call to catalog manager for table 'RuleSetDef'


(#1513) Content Server requires column names returned in length order

When implementing an IList, Content Server requires that column names be returned in length order, especially when one column name is a prefix of another column name (i.e., order and order_id). This can affect performance if the implementing IList class wants to maintain a column order.

(#2046) ics.CommitBatchedCommands() does not return the correct status.

ics.CommitBatchedCommands() does not return the correct status or set the errno variable properly in every situation.

(#10085) No session web services requests degrades performance with LDAP

(#13653) JSP Processing Adds Whitespace

Take an xml page that wraps code that streams a document back to the user -- this allows for checking the user credentials before the doc is streamed. If we try to call out the a jsp to do the validation the stream fails - it actually spits the bytes into the browser since something IS coming before the header. The jsp the I called was completely on 1 line so it should not have 'preserved' any white space

(#14653) Asset export of non-page/collection assets does not contain unnamed associations.

When using asset:export / asset.export tags on an asset that isn't a page or collection, the output XML doesn't contain info about the unnamed associations.

(#14765) GetCompleAttribute would throw exception if the asset does not have a parent

In flex Asset, getCompleAttribute method always assumes that there is a parent for the passing in asset type + definition, if there is none, a CS.DB exception would be thrown relating to getting "assetid" from ResultSet while the resultset is empty.

(#14801) ASSET.LOAD does not set any error number when trying to load an asset that doesn't exist

(#17020) The AssetAPI Tutorial contains example byte d = fileObj.getBinary(); However getBinary() no longer exist. It has been changed to getBinaryStream() which returns an InputStream .

Instead of byte d = fileObj.getBinary() , the example should be changed to

byte d = newbyte[fileObj.getBinaryStream().available()];                                                    

     (#18639) ASSET.DELETEREVISION is missing a mapping in the tag file

The parser for ASSET.DELETEREVISION is in com.openmarket.xcelerate.commands.AssetDispatcher. It does call through to OBJECT.DELETEREVISION, so if the ObjectDispatcher.tag file is incorrect then an error will result.


     (#18697) BulkLoader / BulkApprover known limitations


Caching - Satellite Server

         (#13961) Remote Satellite Server throws an unexpected exception in fetchFromCSandStream     

         (#17435) Satellite disk cache grows with uncached blobs

Any blob which is not supposed to be cached by the Satellite Server will be added under  <sscacedir>/uncachedblob. This directory can grow if blobs are not being cached on the satellite server. The content of this directory can be safely deleted at any time. It can be deleted manually or by using the FlushServer reset call.  Note: FlushServer reset call will also clear all the cache from the Satellite Server

         (#18448) - CS does not respect cache-control=no-cache

(#18534) Undesired headers are being passed from client to Remote Satellite Server when a WebServer (Sun Web Server 6.1) is in the middle of Content Server and Remote Satellite Server


(#605) Deleting tables using CatalogManager.

If you have enabled revision tracking for an object table, and then you delete the table using CatalogManager, Content Server still thinks that the table is being revision tracked.

(#2037) SystemSQL column tablename is allowed to be null.

Content Server allows the value in the tablename column in the SystemSQL table to be null. However, for result set caching to work properly, this value must be specified.

(#2534) Cannot log in to Content Server if username is the same as "id" value in SystemUsers.

You cannot log into Content Server if the username you are using to log in has the same "id" value of a different user in the SystemUsers table. For example, DefaultReader has an ID value of 2. If you create a user with the username "2," that user cannot log in.



(#2272) Selecting a specific HTML file for import does not work properly if more than one file exists in the directory location.

(#2548) CatalogMover does not export from columns that hold blobs.

For example, a table is created with a column using the data type specified by the property cc.blob. An image is uploaded to the table. When CatalogMover exports the row, the image is not written out to the export data.


    (#13371) The saved contents from word are not shown fully in the preview

This is a KeyView Limitation: If 2 different tables are bookmarked. KeyView creates the zone (field) using the first table. This is done to create a valid xml

    (#13592) Bookmark doesn't get refreshed correctly

This is a KeyView Limitation: If we bookmark any text which is of type paragraph; KeyView creates the zone using the whole paragraph a portion of the paragraph text cannot be selected.


    (#16999) CS-DocLink : Change to Doc Type does not take effect after refresh

After the Document Type is changed in CS, refreshing DocLink does not make this change active - the user must logout and log back in for the change to be effective.

    (#18649) Required fields are not marked as "Required" in DocLink Edit Configuration screen.

Required fields are not marked as "Required" in DocLink Edit Configuration screen. But From CS-DocLink Client interface its prompting properly for all required fields problem only with Edit Configuration field.


    (#14288) If a wrapper page has a "." in its name, code will not execute.

ANY template or site entry cannot have a "." in its name. should not allow prefix extension for SiteLauncher with periods in them

Dash User Interface

    (#15009) Two instance of browsers for dash (different servers) are not allowed

(#15084) Dash UI - links in multi valued blob attribute are pointing to incorrect blobs after sorting

(#15098) Template drop-down does not have the correct values for basic assets

(#15099) Dash UI - Copy keeps referenced by incorrectly

Dash UI - Copy keeps referenced by incorrectly 1). Create a product asset - say A - (this is the master) 2). Create a translation - say B 3). Go back to asset 'A' and click on copy (don't click on save) Observe - In the Relation tab - the Referenced by shows 'B'. (this is because its copying everything from A - which is incorrect) On saving - the referenced by is refreshed correctly

    (#17087) Dash - Site description truncated to 20 characters in the select a site drop down.


(#3617)  Content Server doesn't handle field length correctly when using UTF-8. 

e.g. The maximum length of asset's name is 64 characters in html form (input type="text" maxlength="64"). If I enter 64 ä-letters into the text field, SQLException occurs. That happens because the name field is VARCHAR(64), which is 64 bytes which is incorrect for UTF-8.


    (#18620) Static Recommendations have a strange behavior over 100

        Use multiple named associations for collection purposes rather than recommendations.

Flex Assets

(#15284) Advanced UI: "move up" OR "move down" ICONS are not appearing in case of Image Picker - multiple (ordered)

InSite - Editing

    (#17284) A JavaScript error is seen on save after an InSite edit operation on a template that has a <p> </p> tag around the insite:edit tag for a field with editor=fckeditor.

        To workaround this issue, place the <p> and </p> inside a div tag

    (#) Multiple users editing a single asset at the same time may cause data corruption under load conditions

Install - Installer

(#15594) When cs.use.short.jsp.names=false (the new default value - used to be true by default), jsp elements that contain dots (such as " ") will not get deployed properly.

They will be deployed without the .jsp extension so the AppServer won't know how to run them. To work around this, clients who use dots in their jsp element names should set cs.use.short.jsp.names=true.

    (#16333) Silent installer does not pick up password from omii.ini

To set the password for a silent production install

1. Open the cs-core.xml file
2. Search for this block of text
    <IF COND="Variables.bShowInstallTypeDialog=false">
     <SETVARIABLE NAME="passwordVar" VALUE=" "/>
     <SETVARIABLE NAME="passwordAdminVar" VALUE=" "/>

3. Set the ContentServer/SatelliteServer user password with <SETVARIABLE NAME="passwordVar" VALUE=" "/> .. specify the password in the value filed

4. Set the fwadmin user password with <SETVARIABLE NAME="passwordAdminVar" VALUE=" "/> .. specify the password in the value filed 

5. Save the file and run the silent install as specified in the install guide. During the delivery install make sure Development is set to FALSE in omii.ini file  - NOTE - this is case sensitive and should be typed in all UPPERCASE

 (#18198) Lock escalations may occur when Real Time Publishing is running in multi-threaded mode using MSSQL Database.


The resolution to this is to make the following change to

<bean id="DataUnpacker" class="com.fatwire.realtime.ParallelUnpacker" singleton="false">
    <property name="deserializer">
        <ref local="DataDeserializer" />
    <property name="messenger">
       <ref local="EmbeddedMessenger_unpacker" />
    <property name="numParallelTasks" value="3" />

<bean id="DataUnpacker" class="com.fatwire.realtime.ParallelUnpacker" singleton="false">
    <property name="deserializer">
        <ref local="DataDeserializer" />
    <property name="messenger">
        <ref local="EmbeddedMessenger_unpacker" />
    <property name="numParallelTasks" value="1" />


Install - Upgrade

    (#15541) Upgrade automatically disables search indexing

To take advantage of the newly added search functionality, a re-index is required after upgrade.

    (#18386) Multi-valued association for upgraded basic assets shows different UI


    (#18514) Basic asset checked out pre-upgrade returns an error when checked out in Dash UI post-upgrade

            The workaround is to check in the asset in Advanced UI before checking it out in DASH

    (#18552) Oracle Database related properties get changed during upgrade

Ensure that the futuretense.ini property cs.dbtype is set to cs.dbtype=Oracle10 prior to upgrade to Content Server 7.5

    (#18601) Upgrades on JSK or on client's installation that contains hidden/system files will fail

Client shouldn't have system or hidden files in there war or exploded folder. The reason is that the installer won't be able to overwrite such files when it is auto deploying files/folders.

    (#19581 / 20694) Upgrade from 5.5.2 to 7.x - Templates cannot share the same elements

In earlier versions of Content Server it was possible to share elements between different templates. Content Server 7.x no longer supports this.


    (#14855) Export to Disk - Changing display template results in multiple assets in pub list

For a site that uses static publishing when you change the template on an asset and save it, and publish, then  the asset remains in the publish list with the old template and also shows in the new one. Changing to a 3rd template on the asset and publishing added it to the publish list 3 times (one for each template it had been saved and published with). This is a problem because the template the user want is higher in the list than the other ones, and so the html output is overwritten with one of the template choices the user doesn't want.

    (#15300) Tree tabs are NOT mirrored to the Destination system.

Tree tabs are NOT mirrored to the Destination system when user use the mirror site configuration option in source system.
In order to mirror the tree tabs you need to do the following:

    (#16940) RealTime: All fields (Attributes) and their corresponding data NOT published to CS target system.

        Templates should be published first

    (#16983) Mirror publish fails with an error "Address already in use: connect"

If Mirror publish fails with an error "Address already in use: connect" then you can set the property http.protocol.version=1.0 in the file and try the publish again. You can create the file in the same folder that stores the

    (#17868) Export to Disk - Exported page effectively rendered with wrong template when using SIMPLENAME

Satellite Server

    (#15219) Content Server and Satellite Server have to be in the same time zone

Site Launcher

(#14933) Site Launcher: the CS-Desktop information in the replicated site does not set the description field for CS Desktop to enabled in the copied site

(#15179) If site to be replicated is too big, then SiteLauncher takes considerable amount of time to replicate (more than 2+ hrs). 

(#16099) Type:ID MAP entry causes error during site replication

(#18302) Replicated FirstSite II does not work after replication if content assets are shared


(#2458) SQLEXP adds a percent sign (%) to the front and back of the literal when LIKE is used.

(#) POST tag sends login and logout requests to the URL being posted.

The POST tag works incorrectly when USERNAME, PASSWORD or LOGOUT attributes are passed to it. Login and logout requests are sent to the URL being posted to instead of CatalogManager. One workaround is to perform login before this tag is executed. Alternatively, FormPoster API can be directly used to perform the post operation.

(#5763) SEARCHSTATE.ADDRICHTEXTCONSTRAINT fails when the resultset returns more than 1000 rows.

    (#17666) Unable to delete page and basic assets using asset:void tag if a valid pubid is not present in session.

        Workaround is to set the pubid in the session to "0", then remove it again after voiding.

    (#18639) ASSET.DELETEREVISION missing mapping in tag file

ASSET.DELETEREVISION XML Tag was introduced in CS 7.5. It serves the functionality of removing specific version from a revision tracked asset. The tag requires a mapping entry in a tag file. Add object.deleterevision:com.openmarket.framework.xml.object.DeleteRevision to ObjectDispatcher.tag for tag to work.


(#8014) Do not use <throwexception> in template code.

Do not use the tag <throwexception> in the code of a template asset. <throwexception> effectively kills execution in CS for itself and any nested or parent CS engine. This breaks template execution and streaming of data to the client. In addition, when a user approves a template for export publish, a <throwexception> terminates the execution of the approval page and the user gets no feedback.

User Management - LDAP

    (#16520) For LDAP - If you are using Engage specify visitor ACL for Default Reader along with Browser ACL

    (#17275) Site names that include a hyphen '-' are not supported if using LDAP

User Management

(#2153) The dir:replaceattrs tag does not give an error when an attribute or user does not exist.

The dir:replaceattrs tag, which is part of the CS-Direct application that Content Server uses for user management, does not throw an exception when it is trying to replace the user attribute value of a nonexistent user attribute or for a nonexistent user.

(#13432) Updates made to ACLs are not reflected consistently

If the updates are made using CS User Admin Screen, they are reflected immediately. However, if ACLs are updated directly in LDAP server, then we recommend that you

1.                   Restart your portal/Application server for the changes to take effect or

2.                   Flush ACL cache using the URL

If a user without any ACL logs in to CS, CS allows user to perform only those operations that a user with Browser ACL can perform.


(#8211) Canceling Set Participants causes the workflow to be set to all participants.

If you select a workflow for an asset, then go to the Set Participants form, then click the Cancel button, the workflow is set to all participants, as if you had selected the Select All button.

(#9654) After doing "Finish My Assignment" the "Abstain" function is missing.

When a user has finished their assignment and the assignment is 'queued' (in an all-voting step) the Abstain function is incorrectly missing from the workflow actions dropdown. If this occurs when the asset is in workflow deadlock, the user may change his vote to fix the deadlock.


(#1558) XML namespaces are stripped from XML elements during evaluation.

(#14495) XMLPost Creating Recursive Dependency on Itself When Trying To Modify Parent


 (#1597) Content Server Events (APPEVENT) are ignored if the previous event took too long.

For example, if you have a Content Server event that is scheduled to occur every minute and one of the events took 70 seconds to execute, the next event is ignored.

(#2035) Changing cc.contentkey causes problems.

Changing the value of the cc.contentkey property to something other than the default value causes problems with CS tables that depend on this property. FatWire recommends that you do not change this property.

(#13969) <render:LogDep> could cause un-linked cache

If there is a un-recognized rendermode passed, the system will cache the page and not log the dependencies. This will cause the page not being flushed in anyway since there dependencies are not there. The correct behavior should be:

        1. Cache the page and log the dependencies anyway or

        2. If the dependencies are not logged, do not cache the page.

(#14609) Web services not working properly for processing application/xml SOAP responses




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      Content Server 7.5 patch 5
Release Notes


September 14, 2010

Copyright © 2002-2010 FatWire Corporation All rights reserved.