Welcome to the documentation notes for Content Server 7.6 and its patches. These notes describe the product guides and major changes to their content since the last release. Check the FatWire e-docs web site regularly for latest updates to the notes and product guides.

Documentation History

Date Description
February 3, 2012 Released Content Server 7.6 patch 2. Major documentation updates are the following:

New: FatWire Site Capture, used to download websites for archiving and static delivery purposes.

  • Site Capture Installation Guide includes information about the option to enable publishing-triggered site capture.
  • Site Capture Administrator's Guide covers site capture modes, setting up site capture operations, and writing advanced crawler configuration code.
  • Site Capture Javadoc includes crawler configuration methods and interfaces.


  • Developer's Guide
    • P. 219: Added note explaining how the cc.maxvarcharsize property in futuretense.ini determines where the data of a url field is stored.
    • P. 272: For TEXTAREA and UPLOAD input types, added notes indicating which suffixes must not be used for field names beginning with url.
    • P. 274: Revised "Data Types for Standard Asset Fields" to clarify restrictions on datatype customization.
    • P. 851: Documented the optimizeInterval parameter, used to set the time interval between optimize() calls.
    • Removed the webservices:invoke tag (deprecated).

  • Customizing Content Server's Dash Interface
    P. 49: Corrected the callelement code for the edit operation in preupdate.xml to the following:
              ‹callelement NAME="OpenMarket/Xcelerate/AssetType/${BasicAssetType}/Validate"/›
  • Administrator's Guide

  • P. 260: Added UserReader to the list of ACLs required by the batch user in Export to Disk publishing.

  • Property Files Reference
    Pages 88, 89, 98: Documented methods for changing resultset cache parameters for revision-tracked tables, using properties in futuretense.ini.
June 15, 2011 Updated Content Server 7.6 product guides:

  • Guide to Content Server Developer Tools
    • P. 27: Revised note (on displaying the tree applet in the Eclipse-embedded Advanced UI) to apply to all platforms.
    • P. 35: Corrected the statement "tag libraries are contained in the futuretense.ini file under the WEB-INF folder." Tag libraries are in the futuretense_cs folder under the WEB-INF directory.

  • Administrator's Guide
    • Pages 260, 318: Qualified use of batch host in clustered CS environment—only one batch host is supported. The xcelerate.batchhost property must be set on each cluster member to point to the dedicated host. (Added same comment to the xcelerate.batchhost property description in the Property Files Reference.)
    • P. 444, inCache page caching: Added information about setting Satellite Server's port information when cache replication is not required.
    • P. 459: Corrected typo in asset cache configuration steps:
                    From:  name="AssetCache"<asset type name> and name="AssetCache"Content_C
                    To:      name="AssetCache<asset type name>" and name="AssetCacheContent_C"

  • Developer's Guide
    • Removed all mention of Page Debugger (deprecated).
    • Chapter 10, "Error Logging and Debugging": Removed "Debugging Properties" and additional sections on deprecated properties—ft.debug, ft.xmldebug, ft.ssdebug, ft.timedebug, ft.cachedebug, ft.pgcachedebug, ft.syncdebug, and ft.dbl. New introduction points to commons-logging.properties and log4j.properties.
    • P. 154: CatalogMover, Connecting to Content Server—Removed mention of merging ini files.
    • Appendix B, "Content Server URL Assemblers": Added new section—"URL Assembly and Disassembly Using GET and POST Requests"

  • Property Files Reference
    • Added the following properties to commons-logging.properties section—
      com.fatwire.logging.cs.errno and com.fatwire.logging.cs.sysinfo
    • Corrected sample values provided for cs.emailcharset property (in futuretense.ini).
    • Qualified xcelerate.batchhost property (in futuretense_xcel.ini) to indicate that only one batch host is supported in a clustered CS environment.

  • WEM Framework REST API Resource Reference
    P. 8: Added note with information about displaying 500 error instead of CAS login page if authorization failure occurs.
March 31, 2011 Released Content Server 7.6. Documentation updates are the following:

New: Guide to Content Server Developer Tools. Describes the architecture and features of the Eclipse-Content Server integration.
CSDT is used to simplify CS site building by supporting:

  • Code development directly in Eclipse
  • Bi-directional synchronization of CS resources between the Eclipse workspace and Content Server's database
  • Exchange of resources among Eclipse-integrated CS instances
  • Integration with versioning systems

CSDT also provides command-line tools for advanced developers to create CS resource packages for distribution to other Content Servers.

The following guides were updated with information about Content Server's new features:

  • Rollup Installation Guide
    • Option to migrate to the log4j logging system during rollup.
    • System Tools, a set of diagnostic utilities installed by default and displayed on Content Server's Admin tab.
      Instructions are provided for implementing System Tools on delivery systems.
    • Configuring CAS clusters for the Web Experience Management (WEM) Framework.

  • Administrator's Guide
    • New: System Tools. Chapter 28 discusses features such as configuring log4j loggers, accessing various types of system information, managing caches, searching the contents of Content Server's log file, and testing the performance of the shared file system.
    • New: Asset Caching, built on the inCache framework. Chapter 27 provides background information and configuration procedures.
    • inCache chapters previously located in the Developer's Guide were moved to the Administrator's Guide.

  • Developer's Guide
    • New: Flex Filters API is now formalized. Chapter 17 provides information about defining flex filter classes and creating flex filters associated with asset types. Filters are invoked when their associated assets are saved.
    • inCache chapters were moved to the administrator's guide.

  • Property Files Reference
    • New properties in futuretense.ini:
      - cs.parentfoldercount, p. 99
      - cs.childfoldercount, p. 100
      - cs.invalMemWindow, p. 100
    • New properties in futuretense_xcel.ini:
      - fckeditor.showIncludedElementInSpan, p. 136
      - xcelerate.useDimensionAssets, p. 136
    • New section: log4j.properties

  • WEM Framework Developer's Guide
    New: Customizable Single Sign-On (CSSO) facility. Chapter 8 explains how to create custom SSO solutions via the CSSO facility, without directly modifying the CAS configuration. A sample implementation is used to illustrate the customization process.
  • WEM Framework REST API Resource Reference
    • New: Site Plan navigation resource, p. 16. Allows reading the Site Plan tree for specified sites or reading the sub-tree for specified pages.
    • /users/{username} resource, p. 19. Added information about defining and reading custom attributes of Content Server users.


Table of Contents

Released with Content Server 7.6


For Installation Engineers

For Architects and Developers

For System Administrators

For Content Providers

Released with Content Server 7.6

The following documentation set was released with Content Server 7.6:

Upgrade, Installation, Configuration Guides

Developer’s Documentation

Administrator’s Documentation

User Guides

WEM Framework Guides



For Installation Engineers

For Architects and Developers

For System Administrators

For Content Providers

For Installation Engineers
Rollup Installation Guide Provides instructions for rolling up to Content Server 7.6 from version 7.5 and its patches.
Configuring Third-Party Software Provides instructions for installing and configuring Content Server's supporting software (listed in the Supported Platform Document).
Installing Satellite Server Provides instructions for installing and configuring Satellite Server, both co-resident and remote. Applies to web and portal installations.
Integrating Content Server with LDAP Explains how to integrate Content Server with flat-schema LDAP servers (using the CS-LDAP integrator provided with Content Server) and with hierarchical-schema LDAP servers.
Internationalization Reference Provides instructions for configuring your environment to support the UTF-8 character encoding used by Content Server.
Backup and Recovery Guide Provides guidelines and instructions for backing up and recovering:
  • Content Server Installation Directory
  • Shared Directory
  • CS Web Application
  • CS Portal Application
  • Content Server Database
  • LDAP
Includes instructions for running recovered applications.
Property Files Reference Contains information about properties used to specify operating parameters for Content Server and its applications. This guide is also essential to developers and administrators of Content Server systems.


For Architects and Developers
Guide to Content Server Developer Tools New in CS7.6. Describes the architecture and features of the Eclipse-Content Server integration.
CS Developer's Guide Provides conceptual and procedural information about data modeling, page design, page caching, security, web services, and much more.
Customizing the Dash Interface Presents methodologies for:
  • Changing the general “look and feel” of the Dash interface:
    • Changing the style of ADF components
    • Customizing the site selection page
    • Customizing settings for search results lists, and more
  • Regulating access to tabs and attributes on Create/Edit/Inspect screens
  • Customizing the rendering of attributes on Create/Edit/Inspect screens
  • Creating filters to refine searches and regulate access to FatWire Content Server’s tree
  • Displaying Advanced UI screens in the Dash interface
  • Validating assets
  • Redefining users’ privileges to functions such as inspect, edit, and delete
Note: This guide is provided in a zip file that also contains sample code (.jsp and .java files) to support examples of custom attribute renderers.
Delivery Portlet Developer’s Guide Guides portal developers through the process of writing their own portlets using Content Server’s asset model.
CS Developer's Tag Reference Contains reference pages for Content Server public XML and JSP tags, CS Web Services, and Java API.
Javadoc Contains details on Content Server's public Java API.
WEM Framework Developer’s Guide Orients experienced application and CS developers to the WEM Framework:
  • The process of building applications to communicate with Content Server over REST
  • Using REST resources
  • Developing custom REST resources
  • Using the Customizable Single Sign-On (CSSO) facility to customize authentication behavior. For example, developers can require login credentials other than username/password, or invoke an external authentication authority to authenticate WEM Framework users.
REST API Resource Reference Provides information about the REST API. Lists supported REST services that are used to access Content Server's data. REST services are supported on both Content Server and Satellite Server.
REST API Bean Reference Provides specifications for REST API beans for the FatWire WEM Framework.


For System Administrators
CS Administrator's Guide Provides conceptual and procedural information about user and system management, workflow planning and configuration, revision tracking, publishing, and database maintenance.
Property Files Reference Listed under "Installation Engineers"
WEM Framework Administrator's Guide Contains procedures for authorizing users to access applications running on the WEM Framework.


For Content Providers
Dash Interface User's Guide Shows content providers how to work with Content Server's Dash interface, which provides quick, intuitive access to the tools for creating and managing content. The user-friendly design simplifies content management tasks, facilitates access to information, provides full-text search, incorporates Web 2.0 features (such as tagging), and supports different locales and languages.

Note: Chapter 1 provides a features list comparing Dash and Advanced interfaces.

Advanced Interface User's Guide Guides content providers through creation, management, and publication of content, collaboration in workflows, and usage of recommendation assets to support marketing campaigns.