Using the Notification and Escalation Manager

This chapter provides an overview of notification and escalation and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Notification and Escalation Manager

Notification and Escalation Manager (NEM) is a mechanism used to process notifications and escalations on a specified interval.

For example, escalations are used when an approver has not responded within a specified time period to a transaction that is pending approval. You can specify the time period (timeout) and you can specify alternate approvers to whom to notify and escalate the approval for further action. Timeout options are defined on the Approval Path Definition page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Set Up the Notification and Escalation Manager

Page Name

Definition Name



Event Types


Enterprise Components, Approvals, Notification and Escalations, Events

Associate events to a server.

Notification and Escalations


Enterprise Components, Approvals, Notification and Escalations , Notifications and Escalations

Set up an escalation event and define the evaluation and action details.

Event Status


Enterprise Components, Approvals, Notification and Escalations, Status

Check status of notification.

Schedule JobSet Definitions


PeopleTools, Process Scheduler, Schedule JobSet Definitions

Set up a NEM to define the job to run, and how often you want it to run.

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Access the Event Type page (Enterprise Components, Approvals, Notification and Escalations, Events).

Event Type

Select an event type. PeopleSoft applications deliver some event types, such as ESCALATION_EVENT and APPROVALACTIVITYEMAIL.

Server Name

Select the server on which to run the notification.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up an Escalation Event

Access the Notification and Escalations page (Enterprise Components, Approvals, Notification and Escalations, Notification and Escalations).

Event Type

The server information that was entered on the Event Type page.

Event Types Description

The value entered in the Description field on the Events Type page.


Select to enable the escalation process.


Enter a time interval at which to run the evaluation process.

Repeat Time

Enter a time period to limit the number of times the action step is run.

Evaluation Type

Select a method for evaluation. Possible values are:

  • PeopleCode: Select if you are using a custom application package or class written using PeopleSoft Application Designer.

  • Query Object: Select if you are using a query set up using the PeopleSoft Query Manager tool.

  • SQL View: Select if you are using a record object created using the PeopleSoft Application Designer.

Note. For escalations, the evaluation type should be SQL View.


Displays the name of the query object or SQL view, depending on which is selected as the evaluation type.

Action Type

Select an action:

  • PeopleCode: Select if you are using a custom application package or class written using the PeopleSoft Application Designer.

  • Email: Enter an email address and notification template.

Note. For escalations, the action type should be PeopleCode.


Select the application package that contains the escalation utility.

Note. For escalations, the package should be EOAW_CORE.


For escalations, select Escalator.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up a NEM

Access the Schedule JobSet Definitions page (PeopleTools, Process Scheduler, Schedule JobSet Definitions).

Schedule Name

Select EOAW_NEM for the notification and escalation manager.

Job Name

Select NEM_MAIN for the notification and escalation manager.


Select Active for the notification and escalation manager.

Run Control ID

Enter the run control that has the run configuration desired.

Recurrence Name

Enter a value that specifies how often the process runs.

See PeopleTools: PeopleSoft Process Scheduler PeopleBook, Defining Jobs and JobSets.