Running the PeopleSoft Benefits Administration Process

This chapter provides overviews of the Benefits Administration process, the Benefits Administration process flow, the Benefits Administration process status, and multiple event scheduling, and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Benefits Administration Process

This section discusses:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicThe Benefits Administration Process

You use the PeopleSoft Benefits Administration process to perform:

Both open enrollment and event maintenance involve a similar cycle of procedures:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicOpen Enrollment

You use open enrollment for periodic benefits reenrollment across your employee population.

Open enrollment begins by determining the benefit program under which each participant should be managed and the benefit options available to participants, including associated prices and flexible credits. It also identifies default enrollments for participants, such as new hires, who have no current elections, but who are eligible for a benefit program.

Elections are loaded as they are successfully validated. If problems or errors occur, individual participant elections can be rolled back, updated, and reloaded as necessary until the process is finalized. This diagram describes open enrollment processing:

Open enrollment processing for periodic benefits reenrollment across your employee population

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEvent Maintenance

You use event maintenance to process changes during the plan year and the enrollment of new hires. You might perform event maintenance every day, twice a week, or three times a month—whatever is necessary to properly react to changes in employee eligibility, process new hires, and update payroll benefit deductions.

Event maintenance identifies participant events that have occurred since the last run of the process that may change the benefits eligibility of the participant associated with the event. These events can include:

After event maintenance identifies employees who are associated with these events, it determines their current benefits eligibility according to the event and eligibility rules you've defined (assigning them new programs or plans as appropriate) and calculates benefit prices and flexible credits for their eligible options.

From this point on, event maintenance follows the same track as open enrollment.

Event Maintenance and COBRA Administration

PeopleSoft Benefits Administration initiates qualifying COBRA (Consolidate Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act) events during the Event Maintenance process when a recognized COBRA event is finalized. The only exception to this rule is the Overage Dependent event, which is initiated by the COBRA process for both the Manage Base Benefits business process and Benefits Administration clients.

When Benefits Administration initiates the COBRA event, it populates the COBRA Activity table with the employee ID, employment record number, COBRA event date, COBRA action code (as defined on the Action Reason table) and event ID related to the initiated event. From that point, the activity (event trigger) is further processed only by the COBRA Administration system, not by Benefits Administration.

See Also

Creating Event Rules

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicThe Snapshot Process

Before you begin using PeopleSoft Benefits Administration, you should establish an initial snapshot of your employees' current benefits eligibility. You can use the Open Enrollment process for this purpose. But if your first process is Event Maintenance, you need to use the Snapshot process first to establish a basis for managing subsequent changes in eligibility.

Essentially, the snapshot:

The process finishes in a single run of the Benefits Administration background process and does not calculate costs or change current benefit enrollment information. It assigns all employees a snapshot event that the system closes with a finalized status at the end of processing.

Other Uses of the Snapshot

Because the Snapshot process looks at your entire workforce, you can also use the Snapshot process to:

Provided extensions to the Snapshot process can help accomplish these tasks. You can specify the features that you want on the Snapshot Definition page. If you have limited time for your conversion activity, then you can use these features on a test database and go to the basic version when you make your actual conversion to Benefits Administration.

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Benefits Administration Process Flow

Running the Benefits Administration process can be complex because the events that you process can follow a variety of different paths. Some employees will have a number of events that require processing, others will have events that don't change their benefits eligibility, and in the case of open enrollment, many employees won't be picked up for event processing at all. In addition, you'll run into situations in which events process erroneously, which means that you'll need to reprocess them until you get the right result.

Remember that Benefits Administration processes events, not participants. At any given time, a participant may be associated with several unprocessed events that are of different event classes on different event dates. During a particular run of the Benefits Administration process, the system uses a set of rules to decide which event to process first and then processes that event from scheduling to finalization before continuing with the next one.

Ideally, you would run the Benefits Administration process two to three times to complete the processing of a participant event: Paul

  1. During the first run, the system assigns participant events to a Benefits Administration processing schedule, and scheduled events are, in turn, assigned to a benefit program.

    In addition, Benefits Administration determines benefit program eligibility, options, and defaults, and calculates credits and rates for the participant associated with the event.

  2. During the second run, after you've generated enrollment statements for your participants and entered their election choices into the system through the data entry pages, the system validates and loads updated participant plan, dependent, and investment election information.

  3. During the final run, Benefits Administration finalizes elections for participants who did not return their enrollment statements and for participants with errors in their records.

    More realistically, errors will occur, resulting from incomplete rule setup, inconsistent HR data, or invalid election entry by the employee. After you review and correct the errors and run the Benefits Administration process again, the system moves the participants who had errors further along in the process.

Each time you run the Benefits Administration process, the participant events you process are assigned a process status designation, so you can determine status and correct errors.

See Also

Process Status and Benefit Program Assignment

Scheduling Events and Assigning Benefit Programs

Reviewing Benefits Administration Process Results

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicProcess Flow Details

The next tables describe the general flow of the Benefits Administration process, which is divided into three parts.

Before Running Benefits Administration

This table lists the steps that you should take before running the Benefits Administration process:




Pages or Processes Used


Build your benefits administration benefit programs.

Create benefit plan options, calculations rules, rate tables, event rules, eligibility, and flexible credits. Link these building blocks to your benefit program.

See Building Base Benefit Programs.


Prepare the system for Benefits Administration processing.

Create pay calendars, audit benefit data, create BAS (Benefits Administration System) group IDs, and create process schedules. For Open Enrollment (OE) or Snapshot, create OE IDs or Snapshot (SNP) IDs.

See Preparing for Open Enrollment and Event Maintenance.


For EM (Event Maintenance) only, review, add, or delete unprocessed events.

Use the BAS Activity table to review the list of unprocessed events. Add and delete events as necessary.

BAS Activity.


Set up the Benefits Administration run control.


Benefits Administration Run Control.

Scheduling, Assigning Benefit Programs, Preparing Options, and Entering Elections

This table lists the steps for scheduling, assigning benefit programs, preparing options, and entering elections:




Pages or Processes Used

Process Status Result


Assign participants to a processing schedule and prepare options.

Run the Benefits Administration process to assign participants to the processing schedule, determine eligibility, calculate prices and credits, and identify option defaults and terminations.

If the process finishes without errors, go to step 7.

If the process results in errors, continue with step 6.

Benefits Administration Process Run Control component.

Use the Participant Lists run control panel to schedule specific participants for processing.

If scheduling is successful: AS (Assigned) or AN (Assigned None).

If scheduling is not successful: AE (Assigned Error).

If option preparation is successful: PR (Prepared), FA (Finalized Program None), or FP (Finalized Prepared None).

No additional processing will occur for participants with an FA or FP Process Status.

If option preparation is unsuccessful: PE (Prepared Error).


Review the results and correct errors from first run of the Benefits Administration process.

Review processing results and correct errors.

During the next run of the process, the system will reevaluate participants and attempt to move them through the process.

Use the Processing Controls Update to review and reprocess event processing results for individual participants.

Use the Review Eligibility Results page to correct eligibility errors.

Processing Messages,

Schedule Summary,

Employee Event Summary,

Processing Controls Update,

Eligibility Debugging,

Employee Process Status (BAS027),

Eligible Participants (BAS001),

Ineligible Participants (BAS010).



Create and deliver enrollment forms.


Enrollment Statements (BAS004).

When you create an enrollment form for a participant, their process status is updated to NT (Notified).


Enter employee elections.

Use the Data Entry pages or eBenefits.

Use the Data Entry pages or eBenefits.

When you enter elections for a participant, their process status is updated to ET (Elections Entered).

Validating, Loading, and Finalizing Elections

This table lists the steps for validating, loading, and finalizing elections:




Pages or Processes Used

Process Status Result


Validate and load employee elections.

Run the Benefits Administration process again to validate participant elections and load them into the system.

If the process finishes without errors, go to step 12.

If the process results in errors, review and correct them in step 10 and reprocess participants until you have eliminated as many errors as possible.

If you're running Open Enrollment, go to step 11 when you're ready to finalize Benefits Administration processing.

Benefits Administration Process Run control.

When you successfully load elections for a participant, the participant's process status is updated to FE (Finalized - Enrolled).

If errors occur in the validation and load process, the participant's process status will be EE (Election Error).


Review validation processing results and correct errors.

Print reports that list participants who did not return elections, participant election errors, and dependent election errors.

Use summary panels and reports to review processing results and correct errors. The system reevaluates participant elections and attempts to validate them.

Use the Processing Controls Update to review and reprocess event processing results for individual participants.

Employee Process Status (BAS027),

Missing Elections (BAS006),

Invalid Benefit Elections (BAS003),

Dependent/Beneficiary Elections (BAS007),

Processing Messages,

Schedule Summary,

Employee Event Summary,

Processing Controls Update.



For Open Enrollment Only: Finalize employee elections.

Complete processing by running the Benefits Administration process to finalize elections for participants whose elections were in error or who failed to turn in election forms.

The system will assign these participants the benefits election defaults that were assigned to them during option processing.

On the Open Enrollment panel, select Finalize/Apply Defaults to finalize elections for all participants.

When you run the Benefits Administration process with Finalize/Apply Defaults enabled, the system updates the process status of all the participants scheduled for that process to FE (Finalized - Enrolled).


Create and deliver confirmation letters to participants.


(BAS005) Confirmation Statements.


Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Benefits Administration Process Status

This section discusses:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicProcess Status and Schedule Assignment

During schedule assignment, Benefits Administration:

The Benefits Administration process can actively process only one event per participant at a time, but it can have several events scheduled for later processing. To manage the schedule, Benefits Administration uses an event status of Open, Closed, orVoid. Events must have Open status to be processed.

If you are running Open Enrollment or Snapshot, the system opens an OE or SNP event for all employees with the correct company, BAS group affiliation, or both. If you run Event Maintenance, the system creates events for changes to employee job, labor code, and address information. It also creates events for employees who have fulfilled the trigger conditions for a passive event, and it takes note of unprocessed events that were manually inserted through the Review Bas Activity page.

Events are dynamically opened and closed for processing based on event date and event priority (and by manual event status overrides).

See Also

Establishing a Processing Schedule

Scheduling Events and Assigning Benefit Programs

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicProcess Status and Benefit Program Assignment

The system uses event and eligibility rules to assign the participants associated with an open event to a benefit program.

Participant events can be assigned to a single program, multiple programs, or no program at all. The following table details process status designations:

Process Status


Next Processing Steps

AE - Program Eligibility Assigned Error

Participant event is assigned to multiple programs.

The system cannot process the participant event through the next stage (option preparation) until you correct the errors. You'll most likely need to make corrections to participant personal, employment, and job information or to program eligibility information. Each time you run the Benefits Administration process, the system reevaluates AE events.

AN - Program Eligibility Assigned None

Participant event is not assigned to a benefit program.

During the option election phase of the process, the system determines whether the AN participant associated with the event has current elections that require termination due to loss of program eligibility. If not, the event is assigned to FA (Finalized - Assigned None) status and processing ends. If the participant does have elections, the system updates process status to PR (prepared). Before the system can terminate this event, you have to acknowledge it on the data entry pages.

The Find Terminations workflow process locates participant events at PR status that require termination.

AS - Program Eligibility Assigned

Participant event is assigned to a benefit program.

The event continues on to a process status of FP (Finalized - Prepared None), PE (Prepare Error), or PR, depending on the associated participant's eligibility for benefit options.

Note. You should not see the AN process status when the system completes the first run of the Benefits Administration process. The system uses this status value only during the Schedule and Program Assignment stage of the process. In option preparation, the next stage of the first run of Benefits Administration, the system moves events with an AN process status on to subsequent process status values like FA or PR.

In addition, if you see a set of events at the AS process status after Event Maintenance processing, employees are being processed who have more than one event assigned to them. In event maintenance, the system can assign and schedule all unprocessed events to a status of AS. However, because Benefits Administration can process only one event per participant at a time through option preparation and election validation, it must close those events and leave them behind at AS status until the open events are processed.

See Also

Reviewing Processing Results for Participant Events

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicProcess Status and Option Preparation

During option preparation, the system uses eligibility and event rules to determine:

Any processing errors during this phase are typically caused by problems with:

When an error occurs, you need to:

  1. Evaluate the error.

  2. Correct it.

  3. Reprocess the event.

This table describes option preparation status values:

Process Status


Next Processing Steps

FA - Finalized - Benefit Program None

Participant event has no program assignment and no current elections. Used for events assigned an AN process status during the Scheduling and Program Assignment and for which associated participants do not have current benefit elections.

No further processing occurs for this event. The online page description for this process status (on the Schedule Summary page, for example) is Program None.

FP - Finalized - Prepared None

System has assigned the participant event to a benefit program, but the associated participant is not allowed to elect any new options.

No further processing occurs for this participant event. The online page description for this process status (on the Schedule Summary page, for example) is Prepare None.

PE - Prepare Error

The system has encountered an error. Events are given a PE process status during option eligibility determination or calculation of credits.

To correct, you should make corrections to the personal, employment, job, and information of the associated participant or to plan and option eligibility information. Each time you run the Benefits Administration process, the system reevaluates PE events.

PR - Prepared

The system has calculated eligible options, credits, rates, and proof requirements for the participant associated with the event, and current elections have been identified for proof, eligibility level, and default processing. AN events that have current elections can also be brought to a status of PR.

For PE or AS events, processing stops. Enrollment forms should be created for and delivered to the participant associated with the event to bring the event to a process status of NT (notified).

For AN events, processing also stops. Review the event (a pending termination of benefits), confirm it by marking it for finalization, and then run the second phase of Benefits Administration. The event is brought to a process status of ET (Entered). The system brings the event to a process status of FE (Finalized - Enrolled) and automatically inserts termination rows for each of the associated participant's current elections.

NT - Notified

Election enrollment form has been distributed to the participant associated with the event. The system updates the event's process status to NT when you generate election forms for that participant through report BAS004.

Participants can advance to NT only if their previous process status was PR.

Participants need to complete their election forms and return them to the HR/Benefits department. When you enter the elections into the system with the data entry pages, the system advances the events to an ET (entered) process status.

Note. If you run an Open Enrollment process with Finalize selected, NT and PR events are brought to FE status, and the system follows event rules to determine whether current elections or defaults should be loaded into the associated participant's records.

The following two flowcharts illustrate how the system assigns process status values during option preparation. The flowchart on the left shows the process status flow for AS events, while the flowchart on the right shows the process status flow for AN events:

Process status flow for option preparation

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicProcess Status and Entering, Validating, and Loading Elections

In the second phase of the Benefits Administration process, you enter participant elections into the system through the data entry pages and then run Benefits Administration to validate those elections and load them into the benefits tables and to PeopleSoft Payroll for North America.

This table describes status values that you might encounter:

Process Status


Next Processing Steps

ET - Entered

A benefits administrator (or the employee through PeopleSoft eBenefits) has entered the participant's new elections into the system, and they are ready for validation by the Benefits Administration process.

Participant events with a process status of ET can have a prior process status of PR, NT, or RE (Reentered).

If no errors occur with the elections, the elections are posted to the appropriate benefit and payroll tables, and the system updates the process status to FE.

If errors occur, the status becomes EE.

If you run the Benefits Administration process with Finalize selected, EE participant events are brought to FE status, and the system goes through the normal validation and load procedure for all elections. If any of the employee's choices are invalid, event rules are consulted to determine whether current elections or defaults should be loaded.

EE - Election Error

The system encountered an error in processing the elections for the participant associated with the event. No elections are posted to the Manage Base Benefits business process tables.

Errors are posted to the Message table and are identified by participant and event.

The previous process status was either ET or EE.

No further processing occurs for this participant event. You need to correct the errors by reentering employee elections and run the Benefits Administration process again.

Alternatively, you can force finalize this participant event to finalize it with errors. The system loads the default values for the associated participant's erroneous benefit option elections. If a dependent/beneficiary or investment choice is in error, the system loads the employee's option choice but does not load the dependent/beneficiary or investment choice.

You can generate confirmation statements for participants whose events have an EE process status; the form indicates the plan information in error along with the valid plan choices.

FE - Finalized - Enrolled

Benefits Administration processing is complete for the participant event. All elections have been validated and loaded to the appropriate Manage Base Benefits business process and Payroll for North America tables.

Events reach this status either from a process status of ET, EE, or PR, or if you force finalize a participant.

If the participant came from a process status of PR due to a loss of all eligibility, the system inserts a termination row for each of the participant's current elections.

You need to generate and deliver a confirmation form to the participant associated with the event.

To change a participant's elections after they've been finalized (for example, if a participant wants to correct information on the confirmation statement), you can reprocess them by giving the associated event a process status of RE (reentered) in the Event Status Update page and rerunning the Benefits Administration process.

See Also

Process Status and Reprocessing Finalized Events

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicProcess Status and Reprocessing Finalized Events

You can reprocess events at almost every stage of the Benefits Administration process, from scheduling to election entry. In many cases, event reprocessing does not involve process status values other than those described previously, but when you're planning to reenter participant benefit option elections, the system uses the special RE (reentered) process status as an interim status before rolling the event back to the ET value.

The following table describes the RE process status value:

Process Status


Next Processing Steps

RE - Re-Entered

Enables elections associated with processing for the participant event to be reentered after the participant event has been brought to a process status of FE.

Events are updated to RE status through the Update Event Status page.

After you update the elections in the data entry pages, the system updates the process status from RE to ET.

The following flowchart illustrates the process status flow for ET events and follows it through to the final process status of FE. It also shows how the system uses the RE process status:

Process status flow for election entry, validation, loading, and reentry

See Also

Process Status and Reprocessing Finalized Events

Click to jump to parent topicMultiple Event Scheduling

This section discusses:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Multiple Event Scheduling

PeopleSoft Benefits Administration can process only one event at a time for an individual participant. The system always tries to process events in a logical sequence; usually this means that the system tries to process events in the order that they occur. The management of multiple events for a participant is referred to as event coordination. Here are some typical scenarios:

If multiple events occur on the same date, the system uses the event priority for that event class to determine processing order. The event with the lowest priority number is processed first.

Multiple events on the same date in the same event class are merged into one event. For example, an employee transfers to a new job and a new union on the same day. Both events are assigned to the MSC event class. The system creates one row for these two activities in the BAS_PARTIC table (which holds participant event records that are in process) and thereafter processes them as one event. The system indicates the merge by setting the Multi Activity Indicator field on that row to Yes. The action source for the activity is set to the first event read from the BAS Activity table. The order that the system reads events from the BAS Activity table depends on the database engine that you're using.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEvent Status and Retroactive Events

While a participant event is in process, the system continues to recognize new events as they are triggered. If a new event has an earlier date than the event being processed, the system temporarily closes the event in process and opens the new event for processing. The first participant event's Event Status value changes from Open to Closed. When the new event finalizes and changes to a closed status, the system reopens the interrupted event and continues its processing.

The following table describes event status values:

Current Event Status



Processed by the system on the next run of the Benefits Administration process. Only one event can be open for an employee ID and benefit record number combination.

Event Status can be updated to Closed automatically by the system or manually on the Event Status Update page.


Not currently processed by the system

Closed events can be updated to Open, either by the system or manually, if no other events for the employee ID and benefit record number combination are Open.


Has been backed out of the system and all eligibility processing related to it has been reversed. In effect, it is as if the event never occurred. To change event status to Void, use the Controls page or Event Status Update page.

Events with an event status of Void can be updated to Open or Closed through event reprocessing.

When a participant event is processed ahead of other events with earlier event dates or lower Event Priority values, the system marks that event with out of sequence information. This information appears on the Schedule Summary, Control, and Participant pages and indicates that the eligibility information for this event may have changed (may be affected by these earlier, pending events), and therefore the event might need to be reprocessed.

An exception to the event coordination flow occurs when a new event interrupts (precedes) an in-process event, potentially affecting that event's assignment, eligibility, or rate recalculations. Rather than allow the system to reopen the stopped event and continue processing, you may need to use the Event Status page to queue the event for reprocessing such that its assignment, eligibility determinations, or rate calculations are refreshed with the most current data.

See Also

Reprocessing Events

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up the Benefits Administration Run Control Process

This section discusses how to:

Note. To access the run control pages, you need to create a run control code or use an existing one. The COBOL program that runs the Benefits Administration process, PSPBARUN, deletes this run control only after the process is successfully completed.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Set Up the Benefits Administration Run Control Process

Page Name

Definition Name



Schedule and Chkpt Restart (schedule and checkpoint restart)


Benefits, Manage Automated Enrollment, Events, Run Automated Event Processing, Schedule and Chkpt Restart

Specify a process to run by identifying the Open Enrollment, Event Maintenance, or Snapshot schedule for which you're planning to run the Benefits Administration process.

Participant Lists


Benefits, Manage Automated Enrollment, Events, Run Automated Event Processing, Participants List

Add participants to a schedule you're processing, or process a specific set of employees.

OE/Snapshot (open enrollment snapshot)


Benefits, Manage Automated Enrollment, Events, Run Automated Event Processing, OE/Snapshot

Set up open enrollment or Snapshot routines. Capture new participants for a specific Open Enrollment or Snapshot schedule already in progress. Finalize and apply defaults for participants in the schedule who have been processed with errors.

Passive Event Processing


Benefits, Manage Automated Enrollment, Events, Run Automated Event Processing, Passive Events Processing

Process passive events for Event Maintenance schedules. Identify the passive events that have occurred in a defined period of time and create an entry of the events in the BAS_ACTIVITY table.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSpecifying a Process to Run

Access the Schedule and Chkpt Restart page (Benefits, Manage Automated Enrollment, Events, Run Automated Event Processing, Schedule and Chkpt Restart).

Schedule ID

Select the schedule to run. When the schedule is selected, the page displays the BAS type (Open Enrollment, Event Maintenance, or Snapshot). The BAS type of the schedule determines which features you can access on other run control pages.

The page also displays the company and BAS group ID defined on the Schedule table.

EM Process Mode (event maintenance process mode)

If you selected an Event Maintenance schedule, select the EM Process Mode:

  • Schedule and Process Events: All BAS Activity entries are retrieved and events are created and assigned to all appropriate schedules. Then, any events belonging to the current schedule are processed further during this run.

  • Schedule New Events Only: All BAS Activity entries are retrieved and events are created and assigned to all appropriate schedules, but they are not processed further during this run.

  • Process Existing Events Only: Only existing events belonging to the current schedule are processed.

Chk Point Interval in Minutes (check point interval in minutes)

Indicate a number of minutes between commits; 60 is a reasonable number.

If a job terminates abnormally, values for the last record processed appear in Restart Position.

Record Eligibility Results

Use to troubleshoot benefits processing errors related to eligibility.

When this option is selected, the system checks eligibility for all benefit programs and for all options within the benefit programs for which the participant is eligible. It records the results of these checks on the Review Eligibility Results page. In normal processing, the system stops checking eligibility the first time a participant fails an eligibility check.

Note. You should run processes with Record Eligibility Results selected only for small processing populations because the act of checking and recording all types of eligibility can result in long process run times.


If a job terminates abnormally, values for the last record processed appear in Restart Position and the run control is locked (all fields are disabled, because the parameters should not be changed when the process is restarted). During implementation, you may encounter many instances of runs that end abnormally as you test your table setup. You may decide not to complete an interrupted schedule—the Clear button will unlock the schedule and its run control. This feature would not normally be used in a production environment.

The EM Process Mode allows for more efficient processing of very large participant populations. The Scheduling process is very fast, but it does not allow for multiple concurrent batch runs because of its updating of the BAS Activity table. The assignment, option preparation, validation, and finalization activities are slower and more intensive, but do allow for concurrent processing. Thus you can achieve maximum throughput by performing an initial Schedule Only run followed by several simultaneous Process Existing runs using multiple schedule IDs.

See Also

Reprocessing Events

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAdding Participants to a Schedule

Access the Participant Lists page (Benefits, Manage Automated Enrollment, Events, Run Automated Event Processing, Participants List).

Additional fields appear on this page when you select the Process From Participant List check box.

Process From Participant List

Select to use the remaining features on this page.

Schedule Only Employee(s)

Indicate which specific employees should have new events added to an Open Enrollment or Event Maintenance schedule.

Process Only Participant(s)

Use to process a list of specific participants with existing events (rather than processing all participants within the schedule), sorted by benefit record number (for employees with multiple jobs) and event ID.

You may need to go to the Event Status Update page and indicate the phase to process for this employee (update the Process Indicator field).

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Open Enrollment and Snapshot Routines

Access the OE/Snapshot page (Benefits, Manage Automated Enrollment, Events, Run Automated Event Processing, OE/Snapshot).

Use this page to reset the entire population in your Open Enrollment or Snapshot schedule to the selected action.


This is the default.


Select if you've made changes to scheduling criteria or mass changes to job data that could affect schedule assignment, and you need to run through the Open Enrollment process again, beginning with that step. All existing participant records for the schedule will be deleted.

Assign Benefit Pgm (assign benefit program)

Select if you've made changes to eligibility rules for benefit program assignment and need to run through the Open Enrollment process again, beginning with that step.

Prepare Options

Select if you've made changes to eligibility rules, event rules, or rate schedules that affect how the system determines eligible options, defaults, and the costs associated with each option. Any elections posted are deleted. All data entry for affected participants is also deleted. Closed and voided participant events are excluded.

Elect Options

Select if you've made changes to the validation rules stored on the Event Rules table. All participants are set back to a process status of PR, but any completed data entry on them is preserved. Any elections posted are deleted.

Schedule New Participants

Select if you missed a large group of participants in your initial run of Open Enrollment—participants who did not get scheduled and therefore do not have records on the participant file for this schedule. Rather than use the Participant Lists page to add the employee IDs one at a time, this check box forces the system to reevaluate all employees against the schedule parameters. If the participant fits that selection, and if the participant does not have a record on the participant file for this schedule, the system creates the record.

Note. The Schedule New Participants option should not be used for the initial Open Enrollment run.

Finalize/Apply Defaults

Select when you are ready to complete Open Enrollment processing. The system performs the same validations against participant election information but also assigns defaults for participants who still have errors or who have not returned their election forms. This closes open enrollment for data entry. To reopen it, you need to reprocess selected participants.

Note. The Finalize/Apply Defaults option is not typically used for the initial Open Enrollment run.

See Also

Pages Used to Reprocess Events

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicProcessing Passive Events

Access the Passive Event Processing page (Benefits, Manage Automated Enrollment, Events, Run Automated Event Processing, Passive Events Processing).

Passive events are not initiated by data entry, but are the result of the passing of a predefined period of time. For example, you might have an eligibility rule set up that enables employees to enroll in a benefit after 10 years of service.

Once you set up the parameters here, the system looks at every employee's job data (regardless of schedule) to determine whether a passive event has occurred. If a passive event is found, an entry is made to the BAS Activity table. If the employee has multiple jobs, an entry is made into the BAS Activity table for each job that meets the eligibility criteria.

To control mistakes with scheduling passive events multiple times and creating redundant data, history records are created that record passive event processing. When scheduling passive events on the run control, the history is referenced and warning messages are displayed if overlap occurs with a prior passive event process. You can ignore the warning and schedule the repeat passive event request; however, the Benefits Administration process triggers passive events only for those employees who were not picked up previously.

Trigger Passive Events Only

Select to trigger the passive event types indicated in the Passive Events To Process group box for the specified date range. The system triggers all passive events currently in your database for that period, but does not process any events. You can then review the triggered events in the Review Bas Activity page and delete any erroneously triggered events.


Select after you have run passive event processing using Trigger Passive Events Only and have reviewed the triggered passive events in the Review Bas Activity page. The system triggers and processes the passive events that belong to the schedule you selected on the Schedule and Checkpoint Restart page.

From Date and To Date

Indicate the time frame during which you want to have the system look for passive events.

The system warns you if you create a time frame for a particular passive event ID that overlaps a previously recorded time frame for the same event ID.

See Also

Reviewing Passive Event Processing History

Click to jump to parent topicReviewing Benefits Administration Process Results

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Review Benefits Administration Process Results

Page Name

Definition Name



Processing Messages


Benefits, Manage Automated Enrollment, Review Processing Results, Processing Messages, Processing Messages

Review errors that occurred during the last batch of BenAdmin processing.

Schedule Summary


Benefits, Manage Automated Enrollment, Review Processing Results, Schedule Summary, Schedule Summary

Review employee counts for all available status values.

Review process results for schedules.

BenAdmin Processing Controls (benefits administration processing controls)


Benefits, Manage Automated Enrollment, Events, Update Processing Controls, BenAdmin Processing Controls

Review the processing status of specific participant event records.



Benefits, Manage Automated Enrollment, Review Processing Results, Employee Event Detail, Participant

Review status, processing, and eligibility information for a selected participant and event.

Plan Type


Benefits, Manage Automated Enrollment, Review Processing Results, Employee Event Detail, Plan Type

Review plan type details for a selected participant and event, including dependent and investments information when applicable (through page links).

Option and Cost


Benefits, Manage Automated Enrollment, Review Processing Results, Employee Event Detail, Option and Cost

Review costs and credits for a participant and plan type.

Passive Event History


Benefits, Manage Automated Enrollment, Review Processing Results, Passive Event History, Passive Event History

Review passive event history for a specified process date.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing Error Messages

Access the Process Messages page (Benefits, Manage Automated Enrollment, Review Processing Results, Processing Messages, Process Messages).

Note. You can also run the following reports to review Benefits Administration processing errors: Invalid Benefit Elections, Missing Elections, and Ineligible Participant (for Open Enrollment schedules only).

The event ID for Open Enrollment processes is always 0, because the system opens one Open Enrollment event for all participants in the Open Enrollment schedule during the initial run of the OE process.

A message often requires additional information or help in identifying the specific plan type or benefit option involved. Additional data is displayed in the generic Message Data area and is described in the message text.

Categories of Errors

When you run the Benefits Administration process, you might expect the following categories of errors:

Error Category



Program Assignment

Participant events are assigned to multiple benefit programs.

Occurs during the first phase of Benefits Administration processing.

Review eligibility rules and benefit program setups for errors. The system reviews the participant's program assignment during the next Benefits Administration run.

Option Preparation (occurs during first phase)

A participant is eligible for a benefit program, but an error occurs in the determination of option eligibility, credit, or deduction calculations. Typical errors result from deduction calculations—for example, omitting the age from an age-graded rate table.

This error occurs during the first phase of Benefits Administration processing.

Adjust the participant's personal, employment, and job information or program eligibility and deduction information.

Election Validation

The system cannot validate participant benefit option elections, dependent and beneficiary assignments, or investment allocations.

This error occurs during the second phase of Benefits Administration processing.

Return to the data entry pages and ensure that correct election information has been entered into the system.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing Process Results for Schedules

Access the Schedule Summary page (Benefits, Manage Automated Enrollment, Review Processing Results, Schedule Summary, Schedule Summary).

Note. The Schedule table shows the state of the schedule population at the current moment, so if you have participant events marked for finalization but have not run the process, they will show up in Finalize Totals. Once you run the process for that schedule, all events marked for finalization will be finalized and will not appear in Finalize Totals.

This page shows a cumulative total over the entire history of the schedule. You may occasionally retire an Event Maintenance schedule (mark it to allow No New Events,) and create a new schedule for new statistics.

Process Status Totals

Only one event can be open for any one participant and benefit record number combination at a time. However, these totals represent the sum of all events, open or closed.

Event Status Totals

Voided events are not considered for any further processing.

Process Indicator Totals

View the participant event totals that currently have been requested to go through reprocessing.

When the system actually reprocesses events, the system removes them from these lists of totals as appropriate.

Finalize Totals

Displays the number of participant events that are currently marked to be finalized or to have defaults applied to them, but which have not yet been run through the Benefits Administration process.

You can flag individual events to be finalized and to have option defaults applied to them by selecting the Final check box for those events in the Controls page of the Processing Controls Update component.

Elig Changed Totals (eligibility changed totals)

View the number of participant events that may need to be reprocessed.

The system flags these events when the HR data used for processing event eligibility is changed, a new row affecting eligibility is inserted, or the row used for eligibility is deleted.

Three categories of eligibility changes exist: address (state or postal code), job information, and multiple jobs (changes to primary job flags).

Out-of-Sequence Event Totals

View the number of events that have been processed out of sequence by the system for the selected schedule.

An out-of-sequence event might need to be reprocessed because an earlier, opened event might have changed the defaults, eligibility, or event rule processing results for the later, closed event.

Disconnect Event Totals

View the number of disconnected events detected by the system during processing for the selected schedule.

Events can become disconnected when one or more of the HR records (PERSON, PERS_DATA_EFFDT, EMPLOYMENT, JOB) that is needed for eligibility processing for the event have been deleted.

See Also

Defining Open Enrollment and Snapshot IDs

Reprocessing Events

Reviewing Processing Results for Participant Events

Understanding the Benefits Administration Process Status

Manually Updating Event Status

Analyzing Disconnected Events

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Search Criteria to Review Process Results for Participant Events

Access the BenAdmin Processing Controls page (Benefits, Manage Automated Enrollment, Events, Update Processing Controls, BenAdmin Processing Controls).

Enter your search criteria for the set of participant event records that you want to review or update. When you initiate a search, the system displays the results page to review the process status information of the participant event records that match your search criteria.

Note. You might use the Schedule Summary page to get an idea of the overall processing status of your schedule before using the Processing Controls Update pages.

Schedule ID and Empl ID (employee ID)

You must use one or the other of these options as selection criteria to focus your search on either a participant or a schedule.

Note. Selecting a particular employee ID locates all event records for that employee with a process status value assigned to him or her: only one event will be open, but multiple ones might be closed or void events.

Finalize/Apply Defaults

Locates events that have been flagged to be finalized or have option defaults applied.

You flag events this way with the Final check box on the Processing Controls Update - Controls page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing Processing Results for Participant Events

Access the BenAdmin Processing Controls page (Benefits, Manage Automated Enrollment, Events, Update Processing Controls, BenAdmin Processing Controls).

This page displays the results from the criteria in the search fields.

Process Indicator

Tells the system the event status to which you want to reprocess the specific participant event on the next Benefits Administration run.

Addr Elig Chg (address eligibility change), Mult JobChg (multiple job change), and Job Elig Chg (job eligibility change)

Indicates that event eligibility changes, insertions, or deletions have occurred and the participant event may need to be reprocessed. If you determine that the event does not need reprocessing, you can deselect these check boxes to indicate this fact, although these flags are only informational.


Indicates that an event has been disconnected and can no longer be processed. Disconnected events are events that have lost rows in one of the core HR tables: PERSON, PERS_DATA_EFFDT, EMPLOYMENT, or JOB.

Final/Dflt (final/default)

Indicates that you want to finalize default benefit option elections or apply them to a specific participant event on the next run of the Benefits Administration process for the schedule to which the participant event is assigned, or both.

See Also

Analyzing Disconnected Events

Manually Updating Event Status

Defining Open Enrollment and Snapshot IDs

Reviewing and Updating Event Status

Managing Multiple Jobs

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing Event Information for Participants

Access the Participant page (Benefits, Manage Automated Enrollment, Review Processing Results, Employee Event Detail, Participant).


Displays the event trigger: a changed employee address, or job information; a passive event; or the insertion of a manual event.


Indicates the order of processing for events with different classes that occur for the same benefit record number on the same event date.

Multi-Activity Indicator

Indicates multiple activity records from the BAS Activity table had the same benefit record number, event date, and event class, and were merged into a single participant event.

COBRA Action

If the event is associated with an action that may make the employee eligible for COBRA coverage, the system displays that action code.

Empl Record (employment record number), Job Effdt (job effective date), and Effseq (effective sequence)

The keys of the primary job at the time of the event. See the Eligibility Source grid.

Addr Effdt (address effective date)

The effective date of the address (state or postal code) used for eligibility. See Eligibility Source grid.

Election Source

How the system received the employee's elections.

Option Notify, Confirmation Notify, Election Rcvd (election received), and Confirm Rcvd (confirm received)

The dates that you sent the employee his or her notification and confirmation letters, and the dates those letters were received.

Available through Self Service

If this option is selected, the participant can enter elections for the option processing results of this event through the PeopleSoft eBenefits application.

Eligibility Source

Shows the source of eligibility data that was used when the event was last processed. The first line is always the effective date of the ADDRESSES table that contributed address data to the eligibility processing.

The remaining rows show each job that may have contributed eligibility information and the Primary Job, Include Job for Eligibility, Include Job for Deductions check boxes, used primarily in multiple job processing.

See Also

Manually Updating Event Status

Analyzing Disconnected Events

Creating Event Rules

Managing Multiple Jobs

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing Plan Type Details for Participant Events

Access the Plan Type page (Benefits, Manage Automated Enrollment, Review Processing Results, Employee Event Detail, Plan Type).

Curr Election (current election)

Options are:

  • Yes: The employee had coverage in this plan type as of the event date.

  • No: The employee did not have coverage in this plan type as of the event date.

  • Only: The employee had coverage in this plan type as of the event date, but is no longer eligible as a result of the event. Coverage is displayed here only because it will be terminated.

  • Future: The employee has a future-dated election in this plan type that the system will terminate.

Enroll Action and Coverage Elect

Until the event is finalized, these fields have default values of None and Elect. After finalization, Enroll Action can be either:

  • None: No action occurred for this plan.

  • Enroll: Coverage Elect is set to Waive or Elect.

  • Term: Coverage Elect is set to Terminate.

A participant receives an enroll action of None if the election for the given plan type matches the participant's current election. This way, if the participant stays in the same benefit plan for 20 years, only one enrollment record will exist rather than 20. Participants also receive an enroll action of None if an error occurs with the election, or no current election, when the participant is finalized.

BAS Error (Benefits Administration system error)

An error has occurred during eligibility, event rule, or election processing for this plan type.

Deduction Begin

The effective date of the coverage.

Ignore Plan

Reflects the setting on the Event Rules Table 1 page.


If the Enroll Action has triggered Benefits Billing, then billing parameters appear in this group box.

Note. Certain plan types (Life, Savings, Flexible Spending Accounts, Pension, and Vacation Buy/Sell) have additional plan-specific election information that appears above the Billing group box. This includes life coverage amount, savings contribution amount and rollover options, pension contribution amount, and vacation hours. A page link may also appear for displaying dependent, beneficiary, or investment information.

See Also

Creating Event Rules

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing Cost and Credit Information for Plan Types

Access the Option and Cost page (Benefits, Manage Automated Enrollment, Review Processing Results, Employee Event Detail, Option and Cost).

Default Election

When selected, this option indicates that the option will be assigned as a default to participants who fail to make their elections. It does not mean that this option has already been assigned to this participant as a default option.

Proof Required

When selected, this option means the participant must pass proof rules to legitimately enroll in the plan. These proof rules are stored in the event rules that you have defined for your Benefits Administration system.

Potential Tax Impact

Select to indicate whether a calculated deduction includes a possible tax effect, such as imputed income from group term life or dependent life.

History Only

Identifies options that the employee is eligible for but are not the result of the current event, and so cannot be chosen.

For example, when a participant undergoes an FSC (family status change) event, such as a marriage, the event rules enable the participant only to choose between options that are available as a direct result of the change in coverage status.

Annual After Tax, Annual Before Tax, and Annual ER

These fields display the tax-class detail for an option's annual cost as calculated by Benefits Administration. The employer cost represents the sum of any N-Tax and T-Tax cost components.

After Tax Deduction, Before Tax Deduction, and Employer Deduction

These fields display the tax-class detail for an option's per-pay-period cost as calculated by Benefits Administration. The employer cost represents the sum of any N-Tax and T-Tax cost components. It does not, however, include imputed income from life insurance plans.

See Also

Creating Event Rules

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing Passive Event Processing History

Access the Passive Event History page (Benefits, Manage Automated Enrollment, Review Processing Results, Passive Event History, Passive Event History).

From Date and To Date

The system searched this period for passive events during the run of the Benefits Administration process.


Enter any combination of search criteria and then click this button to retrieve results that appear in a grid below.

See Also

Processing Passive Events

Click to jump to parent topicScheduling Events and Assigning Benefit Programs

Open enrollment and event maintenance differ most in scheduling events and assigning benefits programs.

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Schedule Events and Assign Benefit Programs

Page Name

Definition Name



Update Event Status


Benefits, Manage Automated Enrollments, Events, Update Event Status, Update Event Status

Identify event status information for events that are updated or reprocessed.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicScheduling Events and Assigning Programs for Open Enrollment

For each participant, the open enrollment event:

The following flowchart illustrates the process steps for this phase of open enrollment:

Process steps for Open Enrollment

See Also

Managing Unprocessed Activities for Event Maintenance

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicScheduling Events and Assigning Programs for Event Maintenance

Event maintenance begins by selecting event triggers, including:

The system creates rows for each event trigger in the BAS Activity table. Each event trigger in the table represents an unprocessed activity that has the potential to be processed into a participant event row on BAS_PARTIC.

Note. When you use the Review Bas Activity page to enter a manual event, you are really entering a row into the BAS Activity table.

The system evaluates each unprocessed activity and determines possible courses of action:

The event is assigned to the processing schedule that is most appropriate for the participant associated with the event. The system then determines the event's benefit program eligibility, whether it's been assigned to the specific schedule for which you're processing Event Maintenance.

Note. At this stage of event maintenance, the system might assign participant events to schedules other than the one you're processing. This way, when you run Event Maintenance for another schedule, you'll already have a set of participant events that have been assigned to benefit programs and are ready to go on to option processing.

The following flowchart illustrates the scheduling and assignment process for event maintenance:

Event maintenance scheduling and program assignment flowchart

See Also

Analyzing Disconnected Events

Managing Unprocessed Activities for Event Maintenance

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicManaging Unprocessed Activities for Event Maintenance

Before you run Benefits Administration for an Event Maintenance process, use the Review BAS Activity page Benefits, Manage Automated Enrollments, Events, Review BAS Activity, Review BAS Activity), to:

After you've begun processing your participants, you can continue to use the Review Bas Activity page to insert manual events.

You can delete any activity trigger record on the Review Bas Activity page, but only after careful consideration. Events are often triggered that have no effect on benefits; the system is designed to handle these sorts of events, so you should leave them in the system. One example is an annual raise that has no effect on benefits but that affects a great number of employees.

Note. When an activity is processed without error during the Benefits Administration processing cycle, the system deletes it from the BAS Activity table, which means that it no longer shows up on the Review Bas Activity page.

See Also

Adding Events to the BAS Activity Table

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicManually Updating Event Status

Access the Update Event Status page (Benefits, Manage Automated Enrollments, Events, Update Event Status, Update Event Status).

This page displays all of the participant event records currently associated with a specific participant and benefit record number combination.

To open another event for processing, change the event status of the currently open event to Closed. Then change the event status of the event you would like to process to Open.

Note. The system flags the event that was in process as out of sequence, which means that the event may require reprocessing later.

You cannot manually change an event status to Void. You can change an event's event status to Void only when you reprocess the event.

See Also

Reprocessing Events

Click to jump to parent topicAnalyzing Disconnected Events

This section provides an overview of event disconnection and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Event Disconnection

When the system flags a participant event as being disconnected, it means that information that the system uses to track the event, process it, or both was deleted at some point after the event was triggered. Once an event is disconnected, it can no longer be processed by the system, except to be voided. A participant event can become disconnected in two ways:

The disconnection needs to be analyzed to determine any impact on benefit processing of the participant associated with the event. If an event is disconnected after it is finalized, you may want to void the event through reprocessing.

Disconnection Due to Loss of Event Trigger

When the system processes event triggers on the BAS Activity table, it looks at the source of the triggered activity. If the triggered activity results from the change of address, employment, or job information, the system needs to determine what type of change occurred: an information insert, a data change, or a deletion of information.

Note. When you correct the effective date of a particular address or job information record, the system simultaneously creates a new participant event and disconnects any participant events that were initially triggered by that address or job record.

Disconnection Due to Loss of Eligibility Information

When the system prepares options or validates elections for participant events, it must access the current HR records that provide the event's eligibility parameters. If eligibility data has been deleted or no longer exists as of the event date (because the effective date of the eligibility data was changed), the system can no longer process the event. It must assume that the event was originally triggered in error or has been superseded. Benefits Administration disconnects these events, preventing them from being processed further by the system.

See Also

Managing Unprocessed Activities for Event Maintenance

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicInvestigating and Voiding Disconnected Events

Under most circumstances, you should verify that a disconnected event did not occur due to a data entry error in the HR data associated with the event.

You also want to review the impact of the event's disconnection as well as the impact of the correction of the event disconnection. For example, if the disconnection takes place because HR data was inadvertently deleted, the correction of that mistake will most likely cause the system to create new BAS_ACTIVITY records and possibly a new participant event.

If a participant event is disconnected after it has been finalized (also because eligibility information related to the event was lost), you may have to void the disconnected event to back out any election information it entered.

To void a disconnected event:

  1. Access the finalized, disconnected event on the Controls page of the Processing Controls Update component or the Event Status Update page.

  2. Select a Process Indicator value of Void.

  3. Reprocess the event.

    When you do this, the system backs out elections associated with the event, sets the event status to Void, and sets the event's process status to RE.

See Also

Reprocessing Participant Events

Process Status and Reprocessing Finalized Events

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReconnecting Open Enrollment or Snapshot Events

Disconnected open enrollment or Snapshot events can be reconnected with the Schedule New Participants feature, which enables the automatic scheduling of participants who were added to the system after open enrollment or Snapshot processing for a selected schedule has begun.

The following sample sequence illustrates how a disconnected open enrollment participant event can be reconnected:

  1. During scheduling and assignment for an Open Enrollment schedule, the system processes Open Enrollment events for three participants with the following employee IDs: 8001, 8002, and 8003.

  2. The system disconnects the open enrollment event for employee 8003 because job eligibility information associated with the event has been lost.

    Employees 8001 and 8002 are scheduled, and assigned, and have their options prepared.

  3. While employees 8001 and 8002 are reviewing their enrollment forms and making their new elections, you fix the event trigger information for participant 8003, resulting in a reinsertion of a record for 8003 in the job row.

    At the same time, a new employee, with an employee ID of 8012, is hired.

  4. When you next run the Benefits Administration process for this Open Enrollment schedule with Schedule New Participants selected, the system picks up the new employee, 8012, and assigns an open enrollment event.

    The system also picks up the reinserted record for participant 8003, resulting in a reconnection of the disconnected open enrollment event for that employee.

See Also

Defining Open Enrollment and Snapshot IDs

Click to jump to parent topicPerforming Options Processing

During the option processing phase of the Benefits Administration process, the system evaluates participant events for eligibility and applies event rules to determine the appropriate benefit plan options that are available to the participant as of the event's event date. The system determines the following things for the participant:

The results of the participant event evaluation depend entirely on the event and eligibility rules that you set up for the event classifications, benefit plan types, and benefit plan options involved.

Processing errors generally indicate that a problem exists with the design of the eligibility rules or event rules involved. They could also indicate that a problem exists with the HR information of the participant associated with the event. If errors occur, you need to evaluate the error to determine what (if anything) needs to be fixed. After you correct errors that result from program, rate, or rule design issues, you need to reprocess the events.

One of the most common classes of errors is an unexpected eligibility status. This is discussed in the following section.

When an event reaches a process status of PR (prepared), you may want to create enrollment statements for the participant.

Note. Option processing is the same regardless of whether the event is linked to an Event Maintenance or an Open Enrollment schedule.

Event Maintenance Only: Prepared Participant Events That Qualify for Termination

During Event Maintenance processing, participant events that qualify for termination of all coverages receive a process status of PR rather than being terminated automatically by the system. Full termination is a rather drastic event, and because it can occur inadvertently through a data change that causes an unexpected loss of eligibility to a benefit program, the system takes the conservative approach of stopping in PR status to give the administrator a chance to review the event. You must complete these termination events manually by flagging them to be force-finalized.

PeopleSoft Benefits Administration provides a workflow process called Find Terminations that searches for and delivers a list of participant events with a PR process status that qualifies their associated participants for termination.

See Also

Defining Eligibility Rules

Creating Event Rules

Click to jump to parent topicInvestigating Participant Eligibility

This section provides an overview of participant eligibility processing and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Participant Eligibility Processing

When you run the Benefits Administration process with the Record Eligibility Results check box selected on the Schedule and Checkpoint Restart page of the Benefits Administration Run Control component, the system performs an eligibility check for all employees who have not yet had their options prepared. The results of that eligibility check are displayed on the Review Eligibility Results page. You can use this information to correct errors in your eligibility rule or benefit program setup.

The system records only benefits eligibility that is appropriate to the process status of the event. For example, if the event is at a status of AS or later, the system does not record program eligibility checks, because program eligibility is determined before events are assigned. And if the event is at a process status of PR or later, the system does not record option eligibility for that event because its options have already been prepared.

The system follows these procedures when it makes eligibility checks and records their results:

See Also

Defining Eligibility Rules

Building Automated Benefit Programs

Setting Up the Benefits Administration Run Control Process

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Investigate Participant Eligibility

Page Name

Definition Name



Review Eligibility Results


Benefits, Manage Automated Enrollment, Investigate Exceptions, Review Eligibility Results, Review Eligibility Results

Review the results of program eligibility processing for specific employees.

Job Eligibility Evaluation


Benefits, Manage Automated Enrollment, Investigate Exceptions, Review Eligibility Results, Review Eligibility Results

Click a link in the Eligibility Fields group box to access the Job Eligibility Evaluation page.

Review details for a specific field on an eligibility check.

Employee Process Status Rpt (Employee Process Status Report)


Benefits, Manage Automated Enrollment, Investigate Exceptions, Employee Process Status Rpt, Employee Process Status Rpt

Lists all participants in a particular process status or set of status levels.

Report on Flagged Items


Benefits, Manage Automated Enrollment, Investigate Exceptions, Report on Flagged Items, Report on Flagged Items

Lists events that have had job, address, or union eligibility information changed, events that have been processed out of sequence, and events that have been disconnected during processing.

Eligible Participants Rpt


Benefits, Manage Automated Enrollment, Investigate Exceptions, Eligible Participants Rpt, Eligible Participants Rpt

Lists, by schedule and benefit program, employees who are eligible to participate in company benefit programs with details on plan and option eligibility.

Ineligible Participants Rpt (ineligible participants report


Benefits, Manage Automated Enrollment, Investigate Exceptions, Ineligible Participants Rpt, Ineligible Participants Rpt

Lists all participants who are ineligible for any benefit program (events processed to AN status) and their eligibility parameters, such as birth date and status.

Invalid Elections Rpt


Benefits, Manage Automated Enrollment, Investigate Exceptions, Invalid Elections Rpt, Invalid Elections Rpt

Lists, by schedule and event, participants and their dependents, showing any errors such as coverage over the maximum or under the minimum, invalid choices, failure to meet eligibility requirements, and so on.

Missing Elections Rpt


Benefits, Manage Automated Enrollment, Investigate Exceptions, Missing Elections Rpt, Missing Elections Rpt

Lists and provides location information for participants who did not return enrollment statements.

See Also

Benefits Administration Reports

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing Eligibility Checks

Access the Review Eligibility Results page (Benefits, Manage Automated Enrollment, Investigate Exceptions, Review Eligibility Results, Review Eligibility Results).


Indicates a standard eligibility rule or a geographic rule.

Rule Result

Indicates the participant's overall eligibility for the benefit program or option according to the eligibility rule being reported. It is the logical result of all of the individual field tests.

Eligibility Fields

This group box displays each eligibility field tied to the eligibility rule and indicates whether the participant failed or passed the eligibility check for that particular field.

Field Compared

Click a field name to display the corresponding Job Eligibility Evaluation page. This page presents the evaluation results for each job that contributes to eligibility, along with details of the eligibility rule being applied.

Field Result

Indicates whether the employee passed or failed the criteria set for this eligibility field.

Location Postal Code may appear next to the result if the eligibility field is State, Postal, or Geographic Location. This means that the criteria for the eligibility field was set up to match either the employee's home or work address.

Active Only

Indicates whether the eligibility check was made on only the employee's active jobs.

Group Method

If multiple jobs are active, displays the grouping method setup for the eligibility field.

Evaluation Method

If multiple jobs are active, displays the evaluation method setup for the eligibility rule.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing Job Eligibility Evaluations

Access the Job Eligibility Evaluation page (Benefits, Manage Automated Enrollment, Investigate Exceptions, Review Eligibility Results, Review Eligibility Results and click a link in the Eligibility Fields group box to access the Job Eligibility Evaluation page.

Pri Job (primary job)

If multiple jobs are active, this check box indicates whether this employee job record for the listed benefit record is the primary job.

Incl Elig (include eligibility)

If multiple jobs are active, this check box indicates whether the Include for Eligibility check box is enabled or disabled for the listed employee job record.

Field Value

The system displays the value that the participant has in that field that is being compared against the eligibility rule.

Job Result

Possible values include:

  • Eligible: The job passed the eligibility check.

  • Ineligible: The job did not pass the eligibility check.

  • Not evaluated: The job did not contribute any data to the eligibility check. This could be because the group method was set to Primary and this was not the primary job for the benefit record, or the Include for Eligibility setting was not set for this job, or job status was set to Active Jobs Only and the job status was inactive.

Maximum Service Months and Maximum Service Months

Display the parameters that are set up for the eligibility field on the Eligibility Rules table.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicProcessing Flagged Participants

Access the Report on Flagged Items page (Benefits, Manage Automated Enrollment, Investigate Exceptions, Report on Flagged Items, Report on Flagged Items).

Schedule ID

To print flagged events from all schedules, leave this field blank.

Include Summary

Select to include summary information on all flagged participant events.

Reports Participants Flagged for

Select all of the criteria in this group box to use when reporting on selected participants.

Click to jump to parent topicPrinting Enrollment Statements

This section provides an overview of enrollment statements and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Enrollment Statements

Enrollment statements are an optional communication to the employee regarding his or her election options in response to open enrollment or other personal or employment-related events. If your company has gone completely paperless by means of self-service enrollment, you can choose to not generate paper forms. Enrollment forms can be created for each open event that has had options processed to at least a PR status.

Enrollment statements provide participants with a report of their:

You can modify the forms as necessary to meet the unique requirements of your company.

Note. To retain ease of data entry when you get your enrollment statement forms back from participants, order the options displayed on the statements the same way you'll enter them into the data entry pages. That is, make use of the display sequence entered for each plan and option when building your benefit programs.

The system prints new enrollment statements for participant events that have:

After the system prints an enrollment statement for a participant and participant event combination, the system updates the participant event's process status to NT (notified) and the option notification date to the date that the statement was printed.

See Also

Entering Participant Benefit Elections

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Print Enrollment Statements

Page Name

Definition Name



Print Enrollment Statements


Benefits, Manage Automated Enrollment, Participant Enrollment, Print Enrollment Statements, Print Enrollment Statements

Enter the parameters for printing enrollment statements.

Reprint Selected Statements


Benefits, Manage Automated Enrollment, Participant Enrollment, Reprint Selected Statements, Reprint Selected Statements

Set up print IDs for reprinting statements.

Print Mailing Labels


Benefits, Manage Automated Enrollment, Participant Enrollment, Print Mailing Labels, Print Mailing Labels

Print a set of 4-across mailing labels for employees participating in benefit programs. Benefit mailing labels compile lists from the BAS Participant tables created during open enrollment or event maintenance processing.

See Also

Benefits Administration Reports

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRunning Enrollment Statements

Access the Print Enrollment Statements page (Benefits, Manage Automated Enrollment, Participant Enrollment, Print Enrollment Statements, Print Enrollment Statements).

The Benefits Administration Enrollment Form prints a generic enrollment statement for each eligible benefit program participant in the BAS Participation table. This enrollment statement includes the name and address of each participant, which options the participant is eligible for, and the associated price tags and credits (if applicable) for the options.

Schedule ID and EmplID (employee ID)

To print statements for all eligible participants in your system, leave both fields blank.

To print out statements for eligible participants that belong to a specific schedule, enter a schedule ID.

To print enrollment statements for an individual (and eligible) participant, enter the participant's employee ID. Remember that some participants may have events in more than one schedule. An employee can be in only one schedule at a time, but may have been in different schedules in the past.

Cost Frequency

Options are:

Deduction Frequency: Print, for each available option, the cost of the benefit per pay period.

Annual Frequency: Print the annual cost of the benefit option.

The system calculates the annual frequency by multiplying the option's deduction frequency by the number of pay periods the employee experiences in a year.


Reprint Options

To reprint reports, select Reprint Report and enter the print ID. You create print IDs on the Reprint Selected Statements page.

When the system finishes reprinting a set of enrollment or confirmation statements, it deletes the associated print ID.

Note. When enrollment statements are reprinted, the participants' option notification date is updated to the reprint date.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating Print IDs for Enrollment Statement Reprinting

Access the Reprint Selected Statements page (Benefits, Manage Automated Enrollment, Participant Enrollment, Reprint Selected Statements, Reprint Selected Statements).

The system reprints enrollment and confirmation statements only for participant events with a Process Indicator value of Normal and a process status value of PR, NT, RE, ET, EE, or FE.

Schedule ID

Required. The system uses the schedule ID to narrow down the set of eligible participant and participant event combinations for which statements can be reprinted.

Event ID

Each employee ID must be associated with an event ID of 1 or higher for an Event Maintenance schedule.

An event ID of 0 is acceptable only for an Open Enrollment schedule I.

If the participant is associated with multiple event IDs, you can enter records for each.

Ben Record (benefit record number)

If the participant has multiple jobs with different sets of benefit elections, you can enter the benefit record number.

You can have a benefit record number of 0.

See Also

Managing Multiple Jobs

Click to jump to parent topicEntering Participant Benefit Elections

This section provides an overview of data entry for participant benefit elections and describes how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Participant Benefit Elections Data Entry

You use the data entry pages to enter benefit elections that your participants make after reviewing their available options. Once you enter this election information into the system, you can have the system validate the elections without leaving the data entry component.

Note. The data entry validation process checks only to ensure that data has been entered correctly. It does not validate employee elections for participant events using eligibility and event rules. You have to run the Benefits Administration process to validate benefit information updates and finalize participant events.

Data entry needs can differ depending on the type of Benefits Administration schedule that you're processing and the volume of participants for whom you're entering benefits election data. To provide for these different needs, two data entry modes are available. You can enter election data by schedule or by participant.

Entering data by schedule is designed for open enrollment. This mode has been designed so that benefits clerks with a minimal amount of training in the Benefits Administration process can use it to quickly enter batches of employee elections in the order that they receive them. Validation is performed only on demand, with the rationale that the entry clerk would not be authorized (or trained) to correct employee errors.

Entering data by participant is typical for event maintenance. This mode might best be used by experienced benefits administrators who are processing events on an employee-by-employee basis. Each employee's data is validated before opening a new page for the next participant, with the rationale that a trained administrator would immediately correct errors.

Note. In both components, no functional edits are applied during data entry to maximize the ability to perform rapid entry. Functional edits are made only when validation is performed—during Save or on demand. All data entry errors are presented as warnings so that the pages can always be saved without loss of data.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Enter Participant Benefit Elections

Page Name

Definition Name



Event/Participant Selection


Benefits, Manage Automated Enrollment, Participant Enrollment, Perform Election Entry, Event/Participant Selection

Select schedule or participant mode. If a participant has multiple jobs, select the events in order to enter a participant's benefit elections.

Option Election


Benefits, Manage Automated Enrollment, Participant Enrollment, Perform Election Entry, Option Election

Enter benefit elections.



Benefits, Manage Automated Enrollment, Participant Enrollment, Perform Election Entry, Dependents/Beneficiaries

Enroll dependents and assign beneficiaries.

Supplemental Enrollment


Click Enroll Dependents or Assign Beneficiaries on the Dependents/Beneficiaries page.

Enter dependent or beneficiary data.

Dependent/Beneficiary Election


Benefits, Manage Automated Enrollment, Participant Enrollment, Dep/Beneficiary Election Rpt, Dependent/Beneficiary Election

Lists all dependents with current or new elections.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSelecting Schedule or Participant Mode

Access the Event/Participant Selection page (Benefits, Manage Automated Enrollment, Participant Enrollment, Perform Election Entry, Event/Participant Selection).

Select by Schedule

Click to switch between Select By Participant mode and Select by Schedule mode.

Ben Record (benefit record number)

Used by the participant mode only.

Event ID

Used by the participant mode only.


Click to locate event information for this participant.

Defer Dep/Benef Enrollment (defer dependent/beneficiary enrollment)

Select to defer dependent and beneficiary enrollment until after the entry of employee elections is complete. This hides the Dependent/Beneficiary grid for each plan on the Option Election page to streamline data entry. Dependent and beneficiary enrollment would be performed from the Dependents/Beneficiaries page instead.

Defer Savings Investments

Select to defer savings investment enrollment until after the entry of employee elections is complete. This hides the Investment Allocation grid for each savings plan on the Option Election page to streamline data entry. Investment allocation would be performed from the Dependents/Beneficiaries page instead.

Hide Unused Items/Links

Select to streamline data entry by not displaying certain fields and navigation links if they are not applicable to a plan or option. This reduces the need to press Tab to move over unused fields, but it may break the data entry rhythm by varying the number of fields per plan.

Validate When Saved

Select to have data entry validated automatically when you save the record. When this check box is deselected, data entry is validated only on demand, when you click the Validate Elections button.

Excess Credit Rollover To

Overrides the default destination of excess benefit credits for the participant.

Validate Elections

Validates all plans and options for correct and sufficient entry. These are the same validations that are automatically performed when the page is saved if that feature is selected. All discrepancies are presented as warnings only, so the employee's elections can always be successfully saved for later correction.

Available Events

This group box displays the event associated with the selected schedule ID and employee ID after it's accessed by the system. For multiple jobs, more than one event might be found. Select the event on which you want to perform data entry.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Benefit Elections

Access the Option Election page (Benefits, Manage Automated Enrollment, Participant Enrollment, Perform Election Entry, Option Election).

Option Code

Select or update the benefit plan option currently assigned to the participant.

Special Requirements

Click to view the option's special requirements:

  • Elect Required (election required): When selected, this indicates that an election is required for this plan type, based on the results of event rule processing.

  • Proof Received: If this check box is available for selection, you can select it to indicate to the system that any required proof of insurability has been received from the employee. Until proof is received the system does not grant the employee's selected option.

  • Cross-Plan Required: If the program rules for this option have cross-plan requirements, the system summarizes them here:

    • XType (cross plan type): The employee must also make an election in this controlling plan type.

    • XPlan (cross benefit plan): The employee must also make an election of this controlling benefit plan.

    • Limit: Coverage cannot exceed the indicated percentage of the employee's coverage under the XType plan.

    • DpndChk (dependent check): Indicates whether dependents must also be covered under the XType plan.

Enroll All

Click to enroll all available dependents or beneficiaries in a particular plan type.

The system looks at the list of dependents and beneficiaries currently associated with the participant and validates enrollment eligibility against two things:

  • Whether the dependent is eligible for the plan type based on the eligibility criteria as of the Coverage Begin date.

  • Whether the dependent should be present in the grid based on the coverage code rules.

The system inserts the new dependent and beneficiary rows for each plan type and overwrites all dependent and beneficiary records currently assigned to the benefit plan type in question.

Plan-Specific Election Fields

In addition to the standard data entry fields described previously, each plan type may have its own special fields required to complete the election of an option. Plan-specific detail information appears for Health (1x), Life (2x), Savings (4x), FSA (6x), Pension (8x), and Vacation (9x) plan types. These detail fields may appear for all plans within a category for consistency; your benefit plan definitions control whether entry is allowed or required, and these rules are enforced during final validation.

Health Plans

When entering information for health plans (plan type 1x), you may need to enter the health provider ID associated with the participant's medical plan and indicate whether the participant has previously seen the identified provider.

Life and ADD Plans

Life and Accidental Death plans that are defined as having their coverage amount specified by the employee as part of their election may require additional entry. You specify the coverage amount as either a multiple of salary or a flat amount (or both), depending on the benefit plan definition. You also indicate what benefit base (salary source) to use in the coverage calculation.

Savings Plans

When entering benefits election information for savings plans (plan type 4x), you may be able to determine before and after tax matching information and specify savings rollover information for the savings plan if the plan was set up to allow for the adjustment of these values at the employee level.

Each Flat Amount and % of earnings combination of fields is available if an applicable limit is entered on the corresponding fields in the Savings Plan table for before-tax and after-tax contribution percentages.

You can also allocate investments as long as the participant has not selected a waive option for this plan type. The Allocate Savings Investments grid will be displayed if applicable.

You can also specify how employee contributions should roll over when plan or regulatory limits are reached. The link to this Specify Rollover page is available only if the plan has been defined as one that enables rollover options to be specified at the employee level in the Savings Plan table.

FSA Plans

Flexible spending account plans (plan type 6x) require enrollment entry of an annual pledge amount. An additional Employee Contribution field may or may not be required. The way this Employee Contribution field appears and acts depends on whether you implement PeopleSoft Payroll for North America.

The field is labeled Employee Contribution Override if you use Payroll for North America and Employee Contribution, if you do not.

When you enter a value in the optional field Employee Contribution Override, the system uses that to calculate the employee's FSA (Flexible Spending Account) contribution, rather than dynamically calculating the paycheck deduction from the Annual Pledge value. When Payroll for North America is not being used, then the Employee Contribution field is required, because the system does not have sufficient information to dynamically calculate the paycheck deduction from the Annual Pledge.

Use the FSA Contribution Worksheet to determine the exact amount of money the participant will need to contribute per month and pay period to reach a desired annual pledge goal.

The available fields differ depending on whether or not your organization currently implements PeopleSoft Payroll for North America or whether the event in process is an OE (open enrollment) or HIR (hire) event.

In either situation, you can open all fields for change by selecting the Open Protected Fields for Change check box. Because the system normally calculates the values in the protected fields dynamically, you should use this option carefully.

Note. The Employee Contribution Amount field represents the amount that the employee is contributing in terms of the FSA plan's frequency as set up on the FSA Benefit table, not in terms of the employee's own paycheck deduction frequency.

Pension Plans

You can enter values for the Voluntary Percent (voluntary contribution percentage) and Voluntary Amount (voluntary contribution amount) fields only if the plan option has been defined on the Pension Plan table as one that enables voluntary contributions.

The Pension Base (base salary for pension calculations) field is always available. Use this field to calculate the pension using a salary other than the employee pay rate.

Vacation Plans

When you're entering benefits election information for participant Vacation Buy or Sell plans (Plan Type 9x), you must enter the vacation buy and sell hours. The value that you enter in the Vacation Hours field represents the number of hours that an employee buys or sells for the plan year.

See Also

Setting Up Benefit Plans

Enrolling Participants

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEnrolling Dependents and Assigning Beneficiaries

Access the Dependents/Beneficiaries page (Benefits, Manage Automated Enrollment, Participant Enrollment, Perform Election Entry, Dependents/Beneficiaries).

Dependent/Beneficiaries Currently on Record

This group box summarizes, for review only, all of the dependents and beneficiaries currently associated with the participant.

Change/Add Dependent Data

Click the Change/Add Dependent Data link to open the Update Dependent/Beneficiary (DEPEND_BENEF) component. The participant's current dependents can be edited, or new individuals added when you have correction authorization to the Update Dependent/Beneficiary component.

Note. When you are adding new dependents because of a life event such as birth or marriage, the effective date for the new dependents should be the same as the Benefits Administration event date.

Elections Requiring Supplemental Information

Displays links to all plan types requiring additional dependent, beneficiary, or savings investment information to complete the employee's election choices. This information can also be entered from the Option Election page, but is repeated here to provide an alternate method of data entry.

Enroll Dependents

Click to open the Supplemental Enrollment page. This link appears for:

  • Health plan types (plan type 1x).

  • Dependent AD/D plans (plan type 24).

  • Dependent life plans (plan type 25).

Assign Beneficiaries

Click to open the Supplemental Assignment page. This link appears for:

  • All other life and AD/D plan types (plan type 2x).

  • Savings and pension plan types (plan types 4x and 8x).

Allocate Investments

Click to open the Supplemental Allocation page. This link appears for Savings plans (plan types 4x).

See Also

Entering Dependent and Beneficiary Information

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Dependent or Beneficiary Data

Access the Supplemental Enrollment page (Benefits, Manage Automated Enrollment, Participant Enrollment, Perform Election Entry, Dependents/Beneficiaries). Click the Enroll Dependents or Assign Beneficiaries link on the Dependents/Beneficiaries page.

The information displayed on this page depends on the plan type being accessed. This page presents essentially the same field layout as found on the Option Election page for enrolling dependents, assigning beneficiaries, and allocating savings investments.

Click to jump to parent topicValidating and Loading Elections

This section provides an overview of validation and loading and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Validation and Loading

When the Benefits Administration process validates and loads elections associated with participant events, it reevaluates the events in much the same way that it did during the option preparation phase. The difference is that the participants have had a chance to update their benefit election information and their choices have been entered into the system.

The system evaluates the updated benefits information using the same set of eligibility rules and event rules that it used to determine options. It also recalculates benefit election defaults where appropriate. This is important because these defaults may possibly have changed if events are processed out of sequence, or if changes are made to Base Benefit tables in the interim between runs of the Benefits Administration process. In this case, the recalculated defaults may not match the defaults shown on enrollment forms or inquiry pages.

During finalization, the system also assigns excess credits to plans in which the participant is enrolled. If the participant event processes correctly, it loads the new option elections and related information to the Base Benefits tables that store benefits information for the associated participant. It creates rows for new, changed, or terminated benefit option enrollments, but only if the new enrollment is different from the existing enrollment. (That is, simply reelecting an existing coverage does not generally cause a new row to be inserted into Base Benefit tables if all election-related data is the same).

Processing errors during validation and loading might be caused by:

You need to evaluate the error to determine whether anything needs to be fixed. If only the employee's election data needs to be corrected, then an event in EE status will be picked up for further processing during the next run of the schedule. However, if you need to correct the employee's HR data (which could affect his benefits eligibility), or if you need to correct the underlying benefits rules or setup, then the event must be specifically reprocessed back to the first phase of benefits processing (scheduling, event assignment, or option preparation).

Note. Event Maintenance and Open Enrollment schedules are processed the same way during validation and loading.

See Also

Creating Event Rules

Reviewing Benefits Administration Process Results

Entering Participant Benefit Elections

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicForce-Finalizing Participant Events

When you tell the system to finalize a participant event, it brings that event to an FE process status, even if it has been processed with errors. If the event is at a process status of ET or EE (election error), the system loads the participant's valid elections to the Manage Base Benefits business process tables. If the event is at any other process status, the system applies the appropriate default elections and loads them into the Base Benefit tables. The system also applies and loads default elections to replace elections that have been made in error.

You can force-finalize individual participants with the Final check box on either the Event Status Update page or the Controls page of the Processing Controls Update component. On the next run of the Benefits Administration process, the system automatically force-finalizes all participants with the Final check box selected.

If you're processing an Open Enrollment schedule, you can force-finalize all of the participants within that schedule. You'll arrange this when you set up the run control for the Benefits Administration process.

Open Enrollment schedules can be force-finalized because this method fits in with the nature of the Open Enrollment process, which has a finite set of start and end points. At the end of the enrollment period, you would force-finalize any employees who hadn't yet made their elections. Presumably, the open enrollment event rules that you create would enforce your business policies regarding failures to make positive elections (or reelections) in certain critical or regulated plan types.

Event Maintenance schedules, on the other hand, are processed on an ongoing basis. Each employee in a typical Event Maintenance schedule can be associated with a variety of different events and triggered actions at a given point in time. As you process certain events for the participant, more events are triggered for later Event Maintenance processing. The Event Maintenance procedure has no end, so enabling the forced finalization of an entire Event Maintenance schedule does not make sense isn't reasonable.

See Also

Reviewing Processing Results for Participant Events

Reprocessing for Individual Participants

Defining Open Enrollment and Snapshot IDs

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicFinding Prepared Participants Who Qualify for Termination

When the Event Maintenance process is run, participants can be identified as qualifying for termination when their participant events reach a process status of PR. The benefits administrator must terminate these employees manually by force-finalizing them.

The Find Terminations Workflow process locates participant events at a process status of PR that qualify for termination after Event Maintenance processing but who have not yet been manually terminated. It then makes a list of these participant events and sends it to the benefits administrator.

Set this workflow in action through the Process Scheduler by selecting Benefits, Manage Automated Enrollments, Events, Find Terminations to Finalize.

This chart illustrates the Find Terminations Workflow process:

Find Terminations Workflow process

See Also

PeopleTools 8.52: Workflow Technology PeopleBook

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicFinding Employees with Late Enrollment Forms

When event maintenance is run, a set of notification letters and election forms are sent out to new employees and to employees whose coverage has changed due to a specific event. The Find Late Enrollments workflow retrieves a list of the employees who have not returned their benefits enrollment forms. Find Late Enrollments brings you to the Event Status Update page, where you can select the Final check box to assign default coverage for these employees.

Set this workflow in action through the Process Scheduler by selecting Benefits, Manage Automated Enrollments, Events, Find Non-Respondents.

This chart illustrates the Find Late Enrollments Workflow process:

Find Late Enrollments Workflow process

See Also

PeopleTools 8.52: Workflow Technology PeopleBook

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPosting Elections to Base Benefit Tables

As elections are prepared for posting to the Base Benefit tables, Benefits Administration determines the proper coverage begin dates and deduction begin dates based on event rules defined by plan type. Future-dated elections are inserted into Base Benefit tables as the participant elections are validated or finalized.

Payroll processes such as the Payroll for North America Pay Calculation process select elections based on effective date, using future-dated elections only when they become effective for the current pay period. If the election for a given plan type is equal to the current election, no entry is posted. If a participant is no longer eligible for a given plan type, that participant's current elections are terminated by the insertion of a row into the Base Benefit table for the plan type.

Inserting termination rows into the Base Benefit tables (rather than making a current row inactive) facilitates rolling back or reprocessing elections that have been posted to the Base Benefit tables. You can reverse Individual elections—or groups of participant elections—out of the Base Benefit tables by identifying those participants for reprocessing.

Note. If you were to look at the physical record structures underlying the Base Benefits election tables, you might notice that it still contains the fields Coverage End Date and Deduction End Date. This is for historical reasons only, and their use is discontinued, having been replaced by the approach of inserting superseding Termination, Waive, or Election rows. You should not create any processes that update these end date fields or any fields that rely on them.

Click to jump to parent topicPrinting Confirmation Statements

This section provides an overview of confirmation statements and discusses how to generate confirmation statements.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Confirmation Statements

You typically create a confirmation statement when an event reaches FE status. Confirmation statements provide participants with a report of their current elections, dependent and beneficiary information, and investment information after event maintenance or open enrollment processing has finished.

You can modify the forms as necessary to meet the unique requirements of your company. The confirmation statement printing process is similar to the enrollment form printing process.

Note. You can also print confirmation statements for events with EE status. Confirmation statements are printed only for events with a Process Indicator value of Normal. Unless you are reprinting forms, statements are printed only for participant events for which the Confirmation Notify Date field is either blank (no form has been previously printed) or contains a date that is before the last processing date (the event has been reprocessed since the form was printed).

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Print Confirmation Statements

Page Name

Definition Name



Print Confirmation Statements


Benefits, Manage Automated Enrollment, Participant Enrollment, Print Confirmation Statements, Print Confirmation Statements

Run confirmation statements and enter parameters for the confirmation statement printing process.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRunning Confirmation Statements

Access the Print Confirmation Statements page (Benefits, Manage Automated Enrollment, Participant Enrollment, Print Confirmation Statements, Print Confirmation Statements).

The options on this page are almost identical to those on the Print Enrollment Statements page.

To create print IDs, you use the Reprint Selected Statements page, exactly as you do for enrollment forms.

Click to jump to parent topicReprocessing Events

This section provides an overview of event reprocessing and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Event Reprocessing

Reprocessing may be necessary in a number of instances. For example, you may want to reprocess an event when it is processed out of order or when eligibility information related to the event has been changed. You may also need to reprocess finalized events in cases in which employees find errors in their confirmation statements.

You can reprocess events to any previous stage of the Benefits Administration cycle. You can reprocess entire open enrollment schedules as well as individual events.

Analyze the situation carefully before you reprocess: in some cases, reprocessing can have an adverse effect on employee data, especially when you reprocess large numbers of employees without analyzing the situation beforehand.

Reprocessing Flow

When you reprocess a participant event, the system backs the event out to the stage that you indicate on the Controls page of the Process Status Update component, the Event Status Update page, or the Open Enrollment/Snapshot run control page. So if you have an ET event and you reprocess it to an AS status, the system backs out all of the election information that you entered for the event and disregards all of the prepared options.

Then the system moves the event through the process again. If an event is reprocessed back to AS process status, the system then attempts to process the event all the way to the PR process status, where it will await the printing of enrollment forms and data entry of employee elections. Option eligibility, costs, credits, defaults, and preentry values are rechecked.

RE Status

Events that have already been finalized and loaded can be reprocessed to RE status, which acts as a stand-in for the NT process status. After you reenter data for the participant event, the system attempts to validate and load the elections to get the event back to the FE status.

See Also

Process Status and Reprocessing Finalized Events

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Reprocess Events

Page Name

Definition Name



Update Event Status (benefits administration event status update)


Benefits, Manage Automated Enrollments, Events, Update Event Status, Update Event Status

Reprocess individual participant events.

BenAdmin Processing Controls (benefits administration processing controls)


Benefits, Manage Automated Enrollment, Events, Update Processing Controls, BenAdmin Processing Controls

Update event status, queue reprocessing, and finalize events.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReprocessing for Individual Participants

Access the Update Event Status page (Benefits, Manage Automated Enrollments, Events, Update Event Status, Update Event Status).

You see all events currently in BAS_PARTIC for the participant and benefit record number combination that you select in descending date order, so the current events are at the top. The event currently in process has an event status of Open.

Note. Only one event can have an event status of Open. You cannot change another event to Open status until the current event is closed.

Event Disconnected (disconnected event)

If selected, this option indicates that the event is disconnected and can no longer be processed, with the exception of finalized and disconnected events, which can be reprocessed to a Void status.

Address Eligibility Change, MulitJob Indicator Changed (multiple job indicator change), Job Eligibility Changed, and Event Out of Sequence

These check boxes indicate that changes have occurred since the event was scheduled; the event may have been affected and may need to be reprocessed.

If you determine that the event does not need reprocessing, deselect these check boxes.

Note. These check boxes remain selected until you deselect them. After you reprocess the event or otherwise correct the problem that caused the system to select the check box, you should return to this page to deselect the check boxes.

Finalize/Apply Defaults

When this option is selected, the system attempts to finalize and apply defaults for the participant event on the next run of the Benefits Administration process.

Process Indicator

You use the Process Indicator options to indicate how the event is to be reprocessed on the next run of the Benefits Administration process. The following table describes Process Indicator values.

Process Indicator


Assign Pgm (assign benefit program)

Event status must be Open.

Elections for participant events are rolled back (deleted) from the Base Benefit enrollment tables. Election choices are not retained in BAS_PARTIC tables for the participant events.

Schedule assignment is not reviewed.

Program eligibility is checked and option eligibility, cost credits, defaults, and preentry are recalculated.

The system attempts to reprocess participants to a PR status.

Elect Optn (elect options)

Event status must be Open.

The system rolls back elections from Base Benefit enrollment tables.

Schedule assignment, program assignment, and option eligibility are not reviewed.

The system revalidates elections for this event and loads them, if errors occur, back into the Base Benefit enrollment tables, resetting the final process status to FE. If errors occur, the process status will be EE.

Normal Prc (normal processing)

Standard processing for Benefits Administration. Nothing is reprocessed.

Prep Optn (prepare options)

Event status must be Open.

Elections for participant events are rolled back (deleted) from the Base Benefit enrollment tables. Election choices are not retained in the BAS_PARTIC table for the participant events.

Schedule assignment and program assignment are not reviewed.

The system recalculates option eligibility, cost credits, defaults, and preentry information.

The system attempts to reprocess participants to a PR status.


Use to correct election errors for finalized events with enrollment information that has been loaded to benefit tables.

Event status must be Open.

The system rolls back elections from Base Benefit enrollment tables. It retains elections in the BAS_PARTIC table. The system leaves the event at a process status of RE.

Schedule assignment, program assignment, and options are not reviewed.

When you post election changes to the data entry pages, the system updates the process status to ET.


If the event is in a process status of Enrolled, elections are rolled back from Base Benefit enrollment tables.

The system retains prior election choices for this event in the BAS_PARTIC table. The system leaves the event at a process status of RE.

The system does not review schedule assignment, program assignment, and option eligibility.

The system updates the event status to Void and removes the event from further processing.

See Also

Scheduling Events and Assigning Benefit Programs

Analyzing Disconnected Events

Manually Updating Event Status

Investigating and Voiding Disconnected Events

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReprocessing Events for Selected Groups

Access the BenAdmin Processing Controls (results) page (Benefits, Manage Automated Enrollment, Events, Update Processing Controls, BenAdmin Processing Controls).

The fields on this page are similar to those on the Update Event Status page, described in the previous section, except that you can set reprocessing indicators for multiple participants.

See Also

Scheduling Events and Assigning Benefit Programs

Analyzing Disconnected Events

Defining Open Enrollment and Snapshot IDs

Reprocessing Participant Events

Validating and Loading Elections

Managing Multiple Jobs

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReprocessing Open Enrollment Schedules

You can use the Open Enrollment/Snapshot page of the Run Control component to reprocess every participant in an open enrollment schedule. Select a reprocessing value in the Reprocess group box and run the Benefits Administration process again.

The following table summarizes the processing performed by the system in response to your reprocess request. Only participant events on this schedule will be included. In general, the system excludes participant events with an event status of Closed or Void from Open Enrollment run control reprocessing.

Reprocess Indicator Value



Standard processing for Benefits Administration.

Schedule (reassign schedules)

This restarts Benefits Administration processing. You might use this when you work through test runs during implementation, for example.

No participant events on the selected Benefits Administration schedule can be in a process status of NT, EE, ET, RE, or FE. The system checks this at the start of the run and terminates processing if this condition is not met.

The system ignores the participant events' process indicator status and event status—all events, open and closed, are included.

The system deletes all participant event data for this schedule and then recalculates it through option preparation. This includes reevaluating the employee population for inclusion in the schedule, and subsequent program assignment, and the determination of eligible options and defaults.

The system attempts to process participant events to a PR process status.

Assign Benefit Program

The system rolls back (deletes) elections for participant events from the Base Benefit enrollment tables. The system does not retain participant event election information in the BAS_PARTIC table.

The system does not review schedule assignment.

The system rechecks program eligibility and recalculates option eligibility, cost credits, defaults, and preentry information.

The system attempts to process participant events to a PR process status.

Prepare Options

The system rolls back (deletes) elections for participant events from the Base Benefit enrollment tables. The system does not retain participant event election information in the BAS_PARTIC table.

Schedule assignment and program eligibility and assignment are not reviewed.

Option eligibility, cost credits, defaults, and preentry are recalculated.

The system attempts to process participant events to a PR process status.

Elect Options

The system rolls back elections from Base Benefit enrollment tables. The system retains participant event election information in the BAS_PARTIC table.

The system does not review or reprocess schedule assignment, program assignment, or option eligibility.

It revalidates elections for this event and loads them, if no errors occur, back into the Base Benefit enrollment tables, resetting the final process status to FE.

See Also

Defining Open Enrollment and Snapshot IDs