Setting Up Recruiting Roles and Security

This chapter provides overviews of row-level security for recruiting and of recruiting role types. This chapter then discusses how to assign PeopleTools roles to recruiting roles types.

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Row-Level Security for Recruiting

This overview discusses:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAccess to Job Opening Data

The following people have access to job openings:

Establishing a Permission List for Hiring Team Members

When a member of the recruiting team for a particular job opening accesses the job opening, the system determines if the user has a permission list with recruiting team access before granting access to the opening. To set up this permission list, do the following:

  1. Create or identify a permission list that you will use for this purpose.

  2. Access that permission list in the Security by Permission List page (Set Up HRMS, Security, Core Row Level Security, Security by Permission List, Security by Permission List).

  3. In the Security Set field, select RSOPN.

  4. In the Security Type grid, add a row for the security access type 031 (Recruiting Team).

    The system displays EmplID for the Key 1 field. Leave this field empty. This security access type has hard-coded key values so you do not need to specify any EmplID values.

To associate the permission list with individual users, assign the permission list to one or more roles, and assign the roles to those users who need recruiting team access.

See Granting Data Access to Permission Lists by Field Value.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAccess to Applicant Data

Users with access to the Find Applicant pages can access data for all applicants. When searching for applicants, users can select the “Search My Applicants” check box to filter the search results to include only applicants who are associated with the user’s jobs.

Users who do not have access to the Find Applicants pages can still access applicant data using links on the Job Opening page. Thus, the data of applicants who are associated with a job opening is available to those with access to the job opening.

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Recruiting Role Types

Standard PeopleSoft security gives users access to pages and data through the use of roles and permission lists.

By associating standard PeopleTools roles with recruiting role types, you can grant users additional recruiting-specific privileges.

Some privileges are granted to users with any recruiting role type, while others are granted to users with particular role types.

Note. Although there are seven predefined recruiting role types, most of the delivered recruiting role types do not grant specific privileges beyond those that are given to users with any recruiting role type.

Cloning Privileges

Users who are associated with any recruiting role type have access to the clone job opening function on the Job Opening page.

Hiring Team Association Privileges

Job opening hiring teams include five groups of team members. The ability to add users to certain groups is limited based on whether the users are associated with certain recruiting role types.

The following table lists the hiring team groups and describes any associated recruiting role type requirements:

Hiring Team Group

Recruiting Role Type Requirements


Only users who are associated with a recruiting role type can be added to the hiring team as recruiters.

Users can be associated with any recruiting role type; it is not necessary to be associated with the Recruiter recruiting role type.

Hiring Manager

Only users who are associated with the Hiring Manager recruiting role type can be added to the hiring team as hiring managers.


Interested Party

Screening Team

Association with a recruiting role is not required for users to be added to the hiring team in these capacities.

For example, any user can be added as an interviewer, even if that user is not associated with a recruiting role.

Administrator Privileges

Users who are associated with the Recruitment Administrator recruiting role type can:

See Also

PeopleTools: Security Administration PeopleBook

Click to jump to parent topicAssigning PeopleTools Roles to Recruiting Role Types

To set up recruiting roles, use the Recruiting Recruiter Roles (HRS_ROLE_DEFN) component.

This section discusses how to assign PeopleSoft roles to recruiting role types.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Assign PeopleTools Roles to Recruiting Role Types

Page Name

Definition Name



Recruiting Roles


Set Up HRMS, Recruiting, Recruiting Roles, Recruiting Roles

Associate PeopleTools roles with recruiting role types.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAssigning PeopleTools Roles to Recruiting Role Types

Access the Recruiter Roles page (Set Up HRMS, Recruiting, Recruiter Roles, Recruiter Roles).

Recruiting Role Type

The system identifies recruiting users through the user of recruiting role types.

The seven delivered recruiting role types are Recruitment Administrator, Federal Recruiter, Hiring Manager, RS Approval Administrator (recruiting solutions approval administrator), RS Technical Administrator (recruiting solutions technical administrator), Recruiter, and Recruiting User.

Users with PeopleTools roles that are associated with any of the recruiting role types have cloning privileges and can be added to a job opening as a recruiter.

Users with PeopleTools roles that are associated with the Hiring Manager recruiting role type can be added to a job opening as a hiring manager.

Users with PeopleTools roles that are associated with the Recruitment Administrator recruiting role type have additional privileges.

See Understanding Recruiting Role Types.

Recruiter Roles

Select the PeopleTools roles that you want to associate with a particular recruiting role type.

See Also

Delivered Permission Lists and Roles for Talent Acquisition Manager