Rating Employees

This chapter provides an overview of employee ratings and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Employee Ratings

The employee rating process involves the Manage Employee Reviews business process in PeopleSoft HR as well as Manage French Public Sector. You create employee ratings using Manage Employee Reviews, and identify employees to be rated and apply rating equalization adjustments using Manage French Public Sector.

The first step of the rating process is to identify employees to be rated. Using the Calculate Attendance Time FPS page, the system creates a list of eligible employees, depending on attendance during a specified period. During this period, all civil service positions that are held by the employee are analyzed. Some civil service positions are defined as Absent for Rating and are subtracted from the total period length. The result is called attendance time.

Attendance time is evaluated:

Then reviewers manually enter temporary ratings using Manage Employee Reviews.

After ratings have been assigned, you calculate a rating equalization adjustment constant that enables you to get a final rating calculated from the individual temporary rating. The Final Rating Application Engine process (HR_FPFIRA_CI) calculates the final ratings after the adjustment constant has been determined.

See Also

PeopleSoft HR 9.1 PeopleBook: Manage Employee Reviews

Click to jump to parent topicPreparing Employee Rating Lists

This section lists the prerequisites and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrerequisites

You must run the merge process between French Public Sector (FPS) and HR data.

See Also

Merging French Public Sector and HR Files

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Prepare Employee Rating Lists

Page Name

Definition Name



Calculate Attendance Time FPS


Workforce Development, Career Planning, Prepare Evaluation/Career Plan, Calculate Attendance Time FPS, Calculate Attendance Time FPS

Run the Employees to be Rated SQR process (FPA1200) to calculate attendance in department/grade using civil service position history. You select the period and group of employees for which to calculate attendance time.

You must run the this process before you can generate a list of employees to be rated.

Review Attendance Time FPS


Workforce Development, Career Planning, Prepare Evaluation/Career Plan, Review Attendance Time FPS, Review Attendance Time FPS

View attendance time calculation results.

Empl to be Rated Report FPS (employees to be rated report)


Workforce Development, Career Planning, Prepare Evaluation/Career Plan, Empl to be Rated Report FPS, Empl to be Rated Report FPS

Run the Employee/Department List (FPARAT2) or the Employee ID List (FPA_RAT) reports. These reports create a list of employees who meet attendance time requirements.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCalculating Attendance Time

Access the Calculate Attendance Time FPS page (Workforce Development, Career Planning, Prepare Evaluation/Career Plan, Calculate Attendance Time FPS, Calculate Attendance Time FPS).

Start Date and End Date

Enter the time period for which to calculate the employees' attendance days.

SetID and Department

Select the setID and department of the group of employees for which to calculate attendance days.

Note. Attendance time is calculated in thirtieths.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating a List of Employees to be Rated

Access the Empl to be Rated Report FPS page (Workforce Development, Career Planning, Prepare Evaluation/Career Plan, Empl to be Rated Report FPS, Empl to be Rated Report FPS).

Rating Attendance

Enter the minimum number of days of attendance required for the employee to be rated. The reports run from this page use this value to select a group of eligible employees from the employees selected by the Employees to be Rated process.

Report Information

Click Run to run the report. From the Process Scheduler Request page you can select two reports:

Each report row contains the employee ID, grade, and department. The system selects the grade and department with the longest employee attendance time. If two grades or departments have the same attendance times, the latest one is used.

Click to jump to parent topicCalculating Employee Ratings

After the employees have been identified, the reviewer evaluates those who are to be rated and assigns a temporary rating. Now you need to calculate an adjustment constant to account for differences between reviewers and calculate the final rating.

This section discusses how to:

See Also

PeopleSoft HR 9.1 PeopleBook: Manage Employee Reviews

Managing Profiles

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Calculate Employee Ratings

Page Name

Definition Name



Review Evaluation Status FPS


Workforce Development, Career Planning, Prepare Evaluation/Career Plan, Review Evaluation Status FPS, Review Evaluation Status FPS

Run the Assessment Statuses SQR report (FPA025) that lists selected employees and whether they have been rated. Use this report to determine which employees have not been rated.

Calc Adjustment Constant FPS (calculate adjustment constant)


Workforce Development, Career Planning, Prepare Evaluation/Career Plan, Calc Adjustment Constant FPS, Calc Adjustment Constant FPS

Run the Adjustment constant calcul. (adjustment constant calculation) SQR report (FPA030). This report calculates the adjustment constant for each reviewer for one or more corps.

Create Final Rating FPS


Workforce Development, Career Planning, Prepare Evaluation/Career Plan, Create Final Rating FPS, Create Final Rating FPS

Calculate the final rating.

Review Rating Prcs Rlts FPS (review rating process results)


Workforce Development, Career Planning, Prepare Evaluation/Career Plan, Review Rating Prces Results FPS, Review Rating Prcs Rlts FPS

View the final rating results.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDetermining Which Employees Have Not Been Rated

Access the Review Evaluation Status FPS page (Workforce Development, Career Planning, Prepare Evaluation/Career Plan, Review Evaluation Status FPS, Review Evaluation Status FPS).

From Date and Thru Date

Select the rating period.


Select a corps to include only employees of that corps or leave the field blank to include all corps.

Reviewer ID

Select a reviewer to have the report contain only the employees assigned to this reviewer. Leave the field blank to include employees assigned to all reviewers.

Rated Employees

Select to have the report list employees who have been rated. Leave the check box deselected to have the report list employees who have not been rated.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCalculating the Adjustment Constant

Access the Calc Adjustment Constant FPS page (Workforce Development, Career Planning, Prepare Evaluation/Career Plan, Calc Adjustment Constant FPS, Calc Adjustment Constant FPS).

From Date and Thru Date

Select the rating period.


Select a corps if you want to calculate the adjustment constant for that corps only. Leave the field blank to calculate the adjustment constant for all corps.

Adjustment Constant Rounding

Select to have the adjustment constant rounded to a multiple of .25 (for example, 1.25, 1.50, or 1.75).

The system calculates an adjustment constant to normalize the ratings of the various reviewers. The Adjustment Constant report (FPA030) shows evaluation details such as the average rating, number of points by corps, and points by reviewer. The system calculates an adjustment constant for each reviewer—the average of the total points minus the average of the reviewer's points.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCalculating the Final Rating

Access the Create Final Rating FPS page (Workforce Development, Career Planning, Prepare Evaluation/Career Plan, Create Final Rating FPS, Create Final Rating FPS).

The Final Rating process (HR_FPFIRA_CI) applies the adjustment constant to the temporary rating to give the employee a final score.

For each employee, the final rating overrides the initial rating. The effective date is December 31; the initial rating is stored in an archive record.