Setting Up and Generating Wage Certificates

This chapter provides an overview of the wage certificates process and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Wage Certificates Process

Wage certificates are official Cerfa documents that provide proof that a payee is entitled to receive social security payments for sick leave, maternity leave, work accidents, or occupational illness. This chapter describes how to generate those wage certificates.

To generate wage certificates:

  1. Update the elements to be printed on the certificates, if necessary, on the Element Mapping Codes FRA page.

    See Updating Elements for Wage Certificates.

  2. View or update any absence codes required for the certificates on the Element Group Members, List Set, and Element Group Attributes pages.

    See Maintaining Absence Codes for Wage Certificates.

  3. Enter absences on the Absence Event Entry page.

    See Entering Absences.

  4. Launch a process that retrieves the certificate data on the Certificates Data Retrieval page.

    See Retrieving Data for Wage Certificates.

  5. View, add, or update the data retrieved for the certificates through the Update Ill/Mat Certifs FRA component or the Update ACC/MP Certifs FRA component, as appropriate.

    See Viewing and Updating Data for Illness and Maternity Certificates, Viewing and Updating Data for Work Accidents and Occupational Illness Certificates.

  6. Print wage certificates on the Certificates Report FRA page.

    See Printing Wage Certificates.

Click to jump to parent topicCommon Elements Used in This Chapter


Displays the begin date of the period on which contributions were based.

The reference period starts three months before the month in which the absence begins. For example, if the absence begins in October 2010, the reference period is from July 2010 through September 2010, so 01/07/2010 appears in this field.


Displays the end date of the period on which contributions were based.

Print Requested

Indicates if the certificate has already been printed.

Printing Process

If you are ready to print the certificates, select this check box. A Launch button appears.


Select this button to access the Certificates Printing Process Details, where you can launch the printing process. If you prefer to print certificates for more than one employee at a time, navigate to the page as follows: Global Payroll France, Report, Certificates Printing Process.

The Launch button appears only when you select the Printing Process check box.

Place for Signature

Displays the name of the city or other location where the certificate is signed.

Date of Signature

Displays the date that the certificate is signed.


Displays the name of the person who signs the certificate on behalf of the employer.

Status of Signer

Displays the signer's position in the company: Accountant, Compulsory Liquidator, Director, Manager, Managing Director, Other, Personnel Manager, or Receiver.

Click to jump to parent topicUpdating Elements for Wage Certificates

This section discusses how to update elements for wage certificates.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Update Elements for Wage Certificates

Page Name

Definition Name



Element Mapping Codes FRA


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Reports, Element Mapping Codes FRA, Element Mapping Codes FRA

Update elements to be printed on wage certificates, if necessary, by mapping element types to element names.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUpdating Elements for Wage Certificates

Access the Element Mapping Codes FRA page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Reports, Element Mapping Codes FRA, Element Mapping Codes FRA).

PeopleSoft delivers the list of element codes that the system uses when printing certificates. Each element code is linked to an element—typically an accumulator. For example, if gross salary is required on a certificate, it is linked to the accumulator element for gross salary. Use the Element Mapping Codes FRA page to see which element a code is linked to. You can also change the linked element, when necessary.

Click to jump to parent topicMaintaining Absence Codes for Wage Certificates

This section provides an overview of absence codes and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Absence Codes

When you generate payslips, attachments to payslips, and certificates for illnesses or work accidents, the system identifies the reason for a payee's absence by printing codes, rather than the names of the take elements, on the documents. You define these absence take mapping codes are on the Define List Set page. The list set for this functionality is Absence Reports. The Absence Reports list set is based on the element group REP EG ABS LISTE that contains the list of absence takes that can be mapped to reports.

To display or modify absence codes used to identify absences in printed wage certificates:

  1. Add newly created absence takes to the element group called REP EG ABS LISTE on the Element Group Members page.

  2. Access theABSENCE REPORTS list set on the Define List Set page and verify that the REP EG ABS LISTE element group is assigned to this list set.

  3. Define absence codes for the new absence takes on the Element Group Attributes page to identify these absences in printed wage certificates.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Maintain Absence Codes for Wage Certificates

Page Name

Definition Name



Element Group Members


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Elements, Element Groups, Element Group Members

Insert elements into element groups.

Define List Set


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Elements, Define List Set

Assign element groups to an application.

Element Group Attributes


Click the Element Group Details button on the Define List Set page.

Enter the element and element group attribute values for a list set.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicInserting Absence Takes for Wage Certificates

Access the Element Group Members page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Elements, Element Groups, Element Group Members).

For wage certificate processing, add new absence takes to the REP EG ABS LISTE element group.

See Also

Defining Element Groups

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicMaintaining the List Set for Wage Certificates

Access the Define List Set page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Elements, Define List Set).

For wage certificate processing, verify that the REP EG ABS LISTE element group is assigned to the ABSENCE REPORTS list set. Click the Element Group Details button to access the Element Group Attributes page, where you can define the codes used to identify absences in printed wage certificates.

See Also

Setting Up List Sets

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAssigning Absence Codes for Wage Certificates

Access the Element Group Attributes page (click the Element Group Details button on the Define List Set page).

If you have assigned new absence take elements to the REP EG ABS LISTE element group for wage certificate processing, define the codes used to identify these absences in printed wage certificates on the Element Group Attributes page.

See Also

Setting Up List Sets

Click to jump to parent topicEntering Absences

Enter all absences using the Absence Event Entry component, as described in the PeopleSoft Global Payroll PeopleBook. The "Entering Absences" chapter of this book provides additional instructions that are specific to France.

See Also

Entering and Processing Absences

Entering Absences

Click to jump to parent topicRetrieving Data for Wage Certificates

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Retrieve Data for Wage Certificates

Page Name

Definition Name



Extract Certificates Data FRA


Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Social Security / Insurance, Extract Certificates Data FRA, Extract Certificates Data FRA

Initiate the Illness/Maternity Certificate Application Engine process (GPFR_ILL_AE ). This process retrieves data for the wage certificates generated for maternity and illness leave.



Click the Certification by the Employer link on the Extract Certificates Data FRA page.

Enter the default information for the signature that will be generated for all certificates. If you do not complete this page, you must enter this information for each certificate before printing it.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRetrieving Data for Wage Certificates

Access the Extract Certificates Data FRA page (Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Social Security / Insurance, Extract Certificates Data FRA, Extract Certificates Data FRA).

Illness/ Maternity/ Paternity

Select this check box if you want to generate data for wage certificates for illness, maternity, paternity, and long-term illness.

Work Accident

Select this check box if you want to generate data for wage certificates for work accidents and occupational disease.

Certification by the Employer

Click this link to access the Certification page, where you can enter the name of the person who will sign the certificate on behalf of the employer, the person's position, the name of the location where the certificate will be signed, and the date.

Group ID

Select the group for which you want to generate certificates. Define groups in HR.

Group As Of Date

If you want to rebuild the group before generating the certificates, enter the date that you want the system to use to identify group members.

Refinement Date

If you want to rebuild the group before generating the certificates, enter the refinement date here.

Grp generation (group generation)

Click this button if you want to rebuild the group before generating data for the certificates.

Beginning of the refinement period

Enter the start date of the period for which the system will search for absences.

The system looks only for absences that begin and end during the period of time you specify. That is, it looks for absences that begin on or after the date you enter in this field and end on or before the date you enter in the next field.

End of the Refinement Period

Enter the end date of the period for which the system will search for absences.

The system looks only for absences that begin and end during the period of time you specify.


Click to search for payees that meet your selection criteria. The system displays matching payees in the Select Result section of the page.

Select Result


Select if you want the system to retrieve data for the payee named to the right. The check box is selected automatically if data for this absence has not been retrieved before.

Print Requested

Indicates whether a certificate has been printed for the absence. This check box is selected automatically if a certificate has been printed.

Absence Take Element

Displays the absence take element for the absence. This is absence code that was selected on the Absence Event Entry page.

Begin Date

Displays the begin date of the absence as entered on the Absence Event Entry page.

End Date

Displays the end date of the absence as entered on the Absence Event Entry page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Certification Information

Access the Certification page (click the Certification by the Employer link on the Extract Certificates Data FRA page).

The information that you enter on this page appears in the Certification group boxes on the Update Ill/Mat Certifs FRA and Update ACC/MP Certifs FRA components as well as on the printed wage certificate.

Place of Signature

Select the location where the file is generated.

Date of Signature

Select the date of the signature.


Enter the name of the person signing the wage certificate.

Status of Signer

Select the value that best represents the position of the person providing the signature.

See Also



Click to jump to parent topicViewing and Updating Data for Illness and Maternity Certificates

This section provides an overview of illness and maternity certificates and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Illness and Maternity Certificates

The Certificate of Wages, registered under the number 11135-02, provides proof that a payee is entitled to receive social security payments for sick leave or maternity leave. Payees are entitled to these benefits if they worked the statutory minimum period during the reference period preceding the absence or if they paid the sickness contribution on the minimum number of SMIC hours.

Payees selected for this certificate are those whose absence begin date is in the specified period, and where absence begin date = original absence begin date (to avoid including relapses).

The Update Ill/Mat Certifs FRA component consists of five pages that display the data that the system retrieved when you launched the Certificates Data Retrieval process. This is the same data that is printed on the certificates. Add or update information on these pages, as needed.

The information that you enter is reflected on the certificates but does not update the Global Payroll or HR database.

The Long-Term Illness Certificate must be prepared for employees on a continuous leave of absence lasting up to 6 months. This certificate is used by the social security agency to calculate the rate for the daily allowances.

See Also

Understanding Absence Rules for Illness, Maternity, and Work Accidents

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to View or Update Data for Illness and Maternity Certificates

Page Name

Definition Name



Admin Information


Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Social Security / Insurance, Update Ill/Mat Certifs FRA, Admin Information

View or update the basic administrative information that will appear on certificates for illness, maternity, and paternity.

Right Study


Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Social Security / Insurance, Update Ill/Mat Certifs FRA, Right Study

View or update information about the absences due to maternity or illness. This page does not apply to long-term illness.

Reference Salaries


Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Social Security / Insurance, Update Ill/Mat Certifs FRA, Reference Salaries

View or update the reference salaries. The page displays the employee's gross pay for the last three months before the leave date. This page does not apply to long-term illness.



Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Social Security / Insurance, Update Ill/Mat Certifs FRA, Subrogation

Enter the information that the social security agency needs to pay the social security allowance to your organization, rather than directly to the payee.

Long-Term Illness


Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Social Security / Insurance, Update Ill/Mat Certifs FRA, Long-Term Illness

Enter the total insurance contributions and number of worked hours for a payee with a long-term illness. Use this page for long-term illnesses only.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUpdating Administrative Information

Access the Admin Information page (Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Social Security / Insurance, Update Ill/Mat Certifs FRA, Admin Information).

Note. You must run the Illness/Maternity Certificate Application Engine process (GPFR_ILL_AE ) using the Extract Certificates Data FRA component before accessing the pages in the Update Ill/Mat Certifs FRA component.



Select the company with which the employee was associated on the original date of the absence.

Phone Number

Displays the phone number for the company.


Displays the SIRET identification number for the company.

Temporary Work Agency

Select if the employer is a temporary work agency.


Click this link to access the Company Address page, which displays the address of the company that you selected.


National ID and EmplID

Displays the payee's national ID followed by the EmplID (employee ID).

First and Last Name

Displays the employee's first and last name.


Click this link to access the Employee Address page, which displays the payee's address.

Job or Professional Category

Displays the employee's job or professional category.

Overwritten Data Information

Data has been overwritten

Select if you want to enter any information about the employer that differs from the information already stored in the HR (HR) database. The information only prints on the current certificate; the HR database is not updated.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUpdating Absences Information

Access the Right Study page (Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Social Security / Insurance, Update Ill/Mat Certifs FRA, Right Study).

Last Date Worked

Enter the date of the last paid day on which the employee worked. Please note that you must enter the date yourself, it does not display by default.

Reason for Leaving

Displays the reason for the employee's absence as entered on the Absence Event Entry page: Illness or Maternity.

Situation at the Date of Leave

Enter the reason for the absence if the employee was unemployed, on vacation, in military service, or absent for some reason other than illness or maternity on the last date worked preceding the leave. Enter up to 30 characters.

Foreseen Date to Resume Work (resume work date)

Enter the date that the employee will return to work.

No Work Resumption at this Day

If the payee is has not yet returned from the absence, select this check box.

Work Resumption Partial Time

If the employee will resume work on a part-time basis, enter the reason for working part time: Medical Reason or Personal Reason.


Select a value to indicate what the contribution amount and hours are based on. General appears by default. Select Particular for seasonal workers, employees who work at home, and so on. Then enter the contribution amount and hours.

Amount of the Contribution

If General appears in the Case field, the amount of the contribution represents total contributions for sickness insurance, maternity insurance, disability insurance, and death insurance based on the wages earned during the six calendar months preceding the leave date.

If you select Particular in the Case field, enter the same information for the wages earned during the 12 preceding calendar months.

More Than 200 Worked Hours

This field appears if the Case field is set to General.

If the payee worked at least 200 hours during the last 3 calendar months or the last 90 consecutive days, the system automatically selects this check box and deselects the Amount of the Contribution field.

More Than 800 Worked Hours

This check box appears if you select Particular in the Case field. Select this check box if the payee worked more than 800 hours within the 12 calendar months or 365 consecutive days preceding the leave date.

From Date for the Period

Displays the begin date of the period of validity for the previous four fields. Typically, the period is 3, 6, or 12 months.


Displays the end date of the period of validity. Typically the period is 3, 6, or 12 months.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUpdating Reference Salaries

Access the Reference Salaries page (Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Social Security / Insurance, Update Ill/Mat Certifs FRA, Reference Salaries).

Gross Pay

Displays the gross amount of the employee's earnings on which contributions to sickness, maternity, disability, and death insurance were based. CSG and other mandatory contributions are also deducted for maternity leave.


This check box is selected automatically if the salary is paid in euros.

Reference Salaries: Not Full Time Period Tab

Access the Not Full Time Period tab.

The Not Full Time Period tab appears data only if the payee worked part time during the reference period.

Absence Code

Displays the absence code associated with the absence.

Worked Hours

Displays the actual number of hours worked.

Full Time Hours

Displays the number of hours that the payee would have worked if able to work all of the full-time schedule.

Calculated Wage

Displays the full-time equivalent wage.


This check box is selected automatically if the salary is paid in euros.

Regularization on Past Years

Period 1 Amount

Enter an amount if you made retroactive adjustments outside of Global Payroll for France to a payee's contributions during the calendar year that precedes the reference period indicated in the Bgn Dt and End Dt fields. The system does not populate this field.

Do not enter the amount of retroactive adjustments that were made by Global Payroll for France. When Global Payroll for France calculates contribution amounts each month, it automatically adds or subtracts any retroactive adjustments, as applicable. Thus, the current period contributions already reflect any retro adjustments that may have been made.

Period 2 Amount

Enter the retroactive amount applicable to period 2, which is the calendar year that began two years before the reference period indicated in the Bgn Dt and End Dt fields. The system does not populate this field.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Social Security Information

Access the Subrogation page (Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Social Security / Insurance, Update Ill/Mat Certifs FRA, Subrogation).

Beginning of the Subrogation

Enter the begin date for which you are submitting a claim for subrogation.


Enter the end date for which you are submitting a claim for subrogation.

Account of the employer

Bank ID

Enter the bank ID that the social security agency should use to deposit the funds.

Bank Branch ID

Enter the bank branch ID that the social security agency should use to deposit the funds.

Account #

Enter the account number that the social security agency should use to deposit the funds.

Check Digit

Enter the digit of the check that the social security agency should use to deposit the funds.

Title of the Account

Enter the title of the company's bank account into which the funds are to be deposited.

Payment in Euro

Select if you want to receive the allowance in euros.


The values of the fields in the Certification group box can be predefined on the Certification page, which you access by clicking the Certification by the Employer link on the Extract Certificates Data FRA page (Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Social Security / Insurance, Extract Certificates Data FRA, Extract Certificates Data FRA). You can also enter the certification information directly on the Subrogation page.

See Entering Certification Information.

Printing Process

Print Requested

Indicates whether a certificate has been printed for the absence. This check box is selected automatically if a certificate has been printed.

Launch Printing

When you select this check box, the Launch button appears. Click this button to access the Certificates Report FRA page and print the certificate.

See Printing Wage Certificates.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Total Insurance Contributions and Work Hours

Access the Long-Term Illness page (Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Social Security / Insurance, Update Ill/Mat Certifs FRA, Long-Term Illness).

Long Term Illness

Long Term Illness

Select if you want to prepare a certificate for a long-term illness (absences entered with the take element MLT LG MALADIE).

Last Date Worked

Enter the last day that the employee worked. Please note that you must enter the date yourself, it does not display by default.

Contribution Amounts

In this group box, enter the amount of health insurance contributions that have been deducted from the employee's earnings in either the top or bottom field, as appropriate. If the amount that you enter is in euros, select the Euro check box.

Number of Worked Hours

In this group box, enter the total number of paid hours that the payee worked in either the top or bottom field, as appropriate.

Click to jump to parent topicViewing and Updating Data for Work Accidents and Occupational Illness Certificates

Wage certificates for the payment of a daily allowance for industrial accidents or occupational illness are printed on Cerfa documents registered under the number 11137-01 and published by the Ministry for Employment and Solidarity (CNAMTS).

This section discusses how to:

See Absence Elements for Illness.

Note. For payees who join or leave the company mid-year, manually enter the data necessary to produce the certificate.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used for Work Accidents and Occupational Illness Certificates

Page Name

Definition Name



Admin Information


Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Social Security / Insurance, Update ACC/MP Certifs FRA, Admin Information

Generate the data needed to produce certificates for work accidents and occupational illness.

Frames A and B


Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Social Security / Insurance, Update ACC/MP Certifs FRA, Frames A and B

Display the payee's earnings during the reference period. This page pertains to industrial accidents and occupational illness.

Frames C and D


Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Social Security / Insurance, Update ACC/MP Certifs FRA, Frames C and D

Display and update information about salary upholding, apprenticeships, and lost wages for industrial accidents and occupational illness.

Subrogation and Certification


Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Social Security / Insurance, Update ACC/MP Certifs FRA, Subrogation and Certification

Enter the information that the social security agency needs to pay the social security allowance to your organization, rather than directly to the payee. This information applies to industrial accidents and occupational illness.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicGenerating Data for Certificates

Access the Admin Information page (Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Social Security / Insurance, Update ACC/MP Certifs FRA, Admin Information).

Note. You must run the Illness/Maternity Certificate Application Engine process (GPFR_ILL_AE ) using the Extract Certificates Data FRA component before accessing the pages in the Update ACC/MP Certifs FRA component.

Company Information


Displays the payee's company on the date of the accident.

Phone Number

Displays the phone number for the company.


Click this link to access the Company Address page, which displays the address of the company that you selected.


This group box displays information about the establishment at which the employee works, as entered in HR.

Establishment ID

Displays the establishment with which the employee was associated on the original date of the absence.


Displays the SIRET identification number for the establishment.

Risk Code

Displays the risk code for the establishment.

Phone Number

Displays the establishment's phone number.


Click this link to access the Establishment Address page, which displays the address of the establishment that you selected.


National ID

Displays the payee's national ID followed by the key.


Displays the payee's gender: Female, Male, or Unknown.


Displays the payee's date of birth.


Displays the payee's nationality: EEC Resident, French, or Other.


Click this link to access the Employee Address page, which displays the employee's address.

First Hire Date

Displays the date on which the employee was first hired.

Job Code

Displays the employee's job code.

Employee Category

Displays a category: Executive, Manager, or Workman.

Professional Experience Date

Displays the employee's years of seniority in the job.

Are There Other Victims

For work accidents, select this check box if another person was injured in the accident.

See Also

Defining Establishments

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDisplaying a Payee's Earnings

Access the Frames A and B page (Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Social Security / Insurance, Update ACC/MP Certifs FRA, Frames A and B).

Common Page Information

Date of the Accident/Illness

Displays the date of the accident or the first medical observation (for an occupational illness). This is the same date entered in the Original Begin Date field on the Absence Event Entry page.

Last Date Worked

Enter the last date that the payee worked. Please note that you must enter the date yourself, it does not display by default.

Return Date

Enter the date on which the payee returned to work, if applicable.

No Work Resumption at this Day

If the payee has not yet returned from the absence, select this check box.

Reason for Absence

Displays the reason for the absence as recorded on the Absence Event Entry page: Industrial Accident or Occupational Illness.

Frame A: Reference Period Basic Salary and Accessories

Frame A displays the payee's monthly gross earnings for each month.

Base Salary Tab

The base salary represents the paid and unpaid earnings during the reference period, including any wages that were upheld during this period.

Reference Period Begin Date

Displays the begin date of the earliest segment in the selected period.

Reference Period End Date

Displays the end date of the latest segment in the selected period.

Salary Payment Date

Displays the date on which the payee was paid.

Gross Pay A

Displays the employee's gross pay.


This check box is selected automatically if the salary is paid in euros.

Salary Accessories Tab

Access the Salary Accessories tab.

Reference Period Begin Date

Displays the begin date of the earliest segment in the selected period.

Reference Period End Date

Displays the end date of the latest segment in the selected period.

Advantages in Kind and Tips

Displays the benefits in kind (avantages en nature) and tips (pourboires) not included in the base gross salary.


Displays any allowances, premiums, or gratuities not included in the base gross salary.

Wage Share A

Displays the wage share of the contributions that correspond to the gross amount declared in columns 4, 5, and 6 of the certificate.

Business Expenses

Displays the amount of previously paid business expenses that are subject to contributions (that is, that are not part of the payee's standard gross pay).

Percentage of Deduction

Displays a supplemental deduction percentage if the payee's job qualifies for an additional deduction (journalists, for example).

Frame B: Back Wages & Different Periods Wages

Frame B displays any back wages or wages that were paid to the payee at different intervals than the basic pay. For example, it might show a quarterly allowance (earned during the period from January 1 to March 31) that was paid in the March payroll.

Wage Period Begin Date

Displays the begin date of the period to which the amount in the Gross Pay B field applies.

Wage Period End Date

Displays the end date of the period to which the amount in the Gross Pay B field applies.

Wages Payment Date

Displays the date on which the payee was paid the processed gross.

Gross Pay B

Displays the gross amount of the employee's earnings.


This check box is selected automatically if the salary is paid in euros.

Wage Share B

Displays the wage share of the contributions that correspond to the gross amount declared in column 12 of the certificate.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUpdating Salary, Upholding, Apprenticeship, and Lost Wages Information

Access the Frames C and D page (Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Social Security / Insurance, Update ACC/MP Certifs FRA, Frames C and D).

Space D: Particular Cases

Minimum Wage of Apprentices

If the payee is an apprentice or trainee, enter the minimum wage for the category, level, or qualified employment in which the apprentice or the trainee would normally have been classified at the end of the training period or apprenticeship.

Contract Number and Date

If the payee is an apprentice, enter the number and date of the employment contract.

Space C: Upholding the Salary

Upholding the Salary

Select this check box if you upheld the payee's salary.


If you selected the Upholding the Salary check box, indicate the type of salary upholding: Integral Upholding or Partial Upholding.

Frame C: If the Reference Period Was Not Fully Completed

Frame C displays information only if the reference period was not completed because of the absence.


Select to print the row.

Absence code

Displays the reason for the absence.

The following are valid values:

MAL: Illness.

MLD: Long-term illness.

AT: Industrial accident.

MAT: Maternity.

CHOM: Total unemployment.

FERM: Closing of establishment.

COP: Vacation pay.

ABS AUT: Authorized unpaid vacation.

SN: National service.

ABA: Authorized absence.

Other absence codes you have defined.


Displays the begin date of the leave.


Displays the end date of the leave.

Lost Wages

Displays the wages lost during the absence period, if the salary was not upheld for this absence.


This check box is selected automatically if the salary is paid in euros.

Wage Share

Displays the portion of the employee's contributions that were lost because of the leave.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Social Security Information

Access the Subrogation and Certification page (Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Social Security / Insurance, Update ACC/MP Certifs FRA, Subrogation and Certification).


Beginning of the Subrogation

Enter the begin date for which you are submitting a claim for subrogation.


Enter the end date for which you are submitting a claim for subrogation.


Select Integral Upholding or Partial Upholding.

Account of the employer

Bank ID

Enter the bank ID that the social security agency should use to deposit the funds.

Bank Branch ID

Enter the bank branch ID that the social security agency should use to deposit the funds.

Account # (account number)

Enter the account number that the social security agency should use to deposit the funds.

Check Digit

Enter the digit of the check that the social security agency should use to deposit the funds.

Title of the Account

Enter the title of the bank account into which the funds are to be transferred.

Payment in Euro

Select if you want to receive the allowance in euros.


The values of the fields in the Certification group box can be predefined on the Certification page, which you access by clicking the Certification by the Employer link on the Extract Certificates Data FRA page (Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Social Security / Insurance, Extract Certificates Data FRA, Extract Certificates Data FRA). You can also enter the certification information directly on the Subrogation and Certification page.

See Entering Certification Information.

Printing Process

Print Requested

Indicates whether a certificate has been printed for the absence. This check box is selected automatically if a certificate has been printed.

Launch Printing

When you select this check box, the Launch button appears. Click this button to access the Certificates Report FRA page and print the certificate.

See Printing Wage Certificates.

Click to jump to parent topicPrinting Wage Certificates

Once you have reviewed the employee data for the wage certificates, you can print the certificates.

See Also

Global Payroll for France Reports

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Certificates Report FRA


Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Social Security / Insurance, Certificates Report FRA, Certificates Report FRA

Use this page to generate these reports:

  • Work Accident/Occupational Disease Certificate (GPFRATMP).

  • Illness/Maternity/Paternity Certificate (GPFRILL).

  • Long-Term Illness Certificate (GPFRLT).