Generating Payslips

This chapter provides an overview of payslips and discusses how to:

Note. Before you can add messages to payslips and generate the payslip report, you must first define payslips. Defining payslips is discussed previously in this PeopleBook.

See Also

Defining Payslips

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Payslips

This section discusses:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPayslip Generation

When you have set up the payslips for your pay groups, you generate payslips as follows:

  1. Add messages to be printed on the payslip on the Add Payslip Messages NLD page.

  2. Define the reporting options for the payslip and generate the payslip on the Payslip Report page.

See Defining Payslips.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSegmentation and Payslips

Segmentation occurs when employees' details change during a payroll period and the change requires the system to recalculate certain elements (element segmentation) or all elements (period segmentation).

In the Netherlands, segmentation can occur because an employee changes to a new company with a different tax number or a new establishment with a different social security number. When the system segments an employee's pay, it prints a payslip for each segment. This way, the accumulator balance starts out at zero when an employee transfers to a new company or establishment.

See Defining Segmentation.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRetro and Payslips

With Global Payroll for the Netherlands, you can define how retro results are printed on the payslip in the following way:

  1. Define the retro type on the Payslip – Earnings and Deductions setup page. You can print the current and recalculated amounts combined or separately.

  2. Define retro selection options on the Create/Print Payslips NLD page. You can choose to print only the current results, only the retro (recalculated) results, or both the current and retro results on a payslip.

    See Defining Earnings and Deductions on the Payslip.

    See Generating Payslips.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topic13th Month Allowance and Payslips

In the Netherlands, companies can pay the 13th month allowance either in a regular pay period or in an additional payroll run.

If the company pays the 13th month allowance during a regular pay period, an extra entry appears on the payslip for the allowance, in addition to the gross salary amount. On the payslip, there will be one line indicating the gross salary as a regular payment, and another line indicating the 13th month allowance as a non-regular payment.

If the company pays the 13th month allowance in an additional pay run, the system creates a special Calendar Group ID for the 13th month allowance. During this special pay run, the system calculates the 13th month allowance and it is the only entry that appears on the payslip.

Click to jump to parent topicAdding Messages to Payslips

This section provides an overview of payslip messages and discusses how to add payslip messages.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Payslip Messages

There may be times when you want to print a message on employees' payslips. Messages do not appear automatically on every payslip. They only appear on payslips for those pay periods that you select. For example, you can wish all employees a happy Christmas and a good New Year by adding a message on their December payslips. You can define messages on the Add Payslip Messages NLD page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Add Payslip Messages

Page Name

Definition Name



Add Payslip Messages NLD


  • Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Payslips, Messages NLD, Add Payslip Messages NLD

  • Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Payslips, Add Payslip Messages NLD, Add Payslip Messages NLD

Add messages that you want printed on the payslip.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAdding Payslip Messages

Access the Add Payslip Messages NLD page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Payslips, Messages NLD, Add Payslip Messages NLD).

Message Number

Assign a number to the message. The message number is used as a unique sequence number within a specific Calendar Group to allow the use of multiple messages in the same pay calendar.

Pay Entity, Pay Group, Department SetID, Department, and EmplID

Select the pay entity, pay group, department SetID, department, and employee IDs to which the message applies.

Message Definition

Enter the message that appears on the payslip that you select.

Click to jump to parent topicRunning the Payslip Report

This section discusses how to generate payslips.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Run the Payslip Report

Page Name

Definition Name



Create/Print Payslips NLD


Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Payslips, Create/Print Payslips NLD, Create/Print Payslips NLD

Define the reporting options for printing the payslip and generate the payslip.

Pay Entity List


Click the Pay Entity List link on the Create/Print Payslips NLD page.

Select the pay entities to be included on the payslip.

Pay Group List


Click the Pay Group List link on the Create/Print Payslips NLD page.

Select the pay groups to be included on the payslip.

Department List


Click the Department List link on the Create/Print Payslips NLD page.

Select the departments to be included on the payslip.

Location List


Click the Location List link on the Create/Print Payslips NLD page.

Select the locations to be included on the payslip.

Payee List


Click the Payee List link on the Create/Print Payslips NLD page.

Select the payees to be included on the payslip.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicGenerating Payslips

Access the Create/Print Payslips NLD page (Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Payslips, Create/Print Payslips NLD, Create/Print Payslips NLD).

Calendar Group ID

Select the Calendar Group ID for which you want to print the payslip.

Payslip ID

Select the Payslip ID in case you want to override the default payslip template that is defined for the pay groups within this calendar group.

Retro Processing

Indicate the retro processing method that will be printed on the payslips. Select from the following options:

Current Period Only: Displays only the current period results on the payslip.

Retro Periods Only: Displays only the retro results on the payslip.

Retro and Current Period: Displays both the retro results and the current results on the payslip.

Payslip Sign

Select the type of payslip you want to print. In the Netherlands, companies can print both positive and negative payslips. A positive payslip is one in which the net amount to pay is zero or greater than zero. A negative payslip is one in which the net amount to pay is less than zero. If a payslip is negative, the employer can include a letter explaining why the net pay is less than zero and how the amount can be paid back. Typically, the positive and negative payslips are printed separately, but with Global Payroll for the Netherlands, you have four options.

Values are All, Negative Only, Negative first, positive last, and Positive Only.

Note. By default, all payees within the Pay Calendar are selected. The selection criteria, such as Pay Entity, Pay Group, and Payee, for example, are only used to limit the selection to a subset.

Payslip Processes

The Create/Print Payslips NLD page launches a Job (GPNLPYSL) containing three processes in sequence:

  1. The GPNL_PAYSLIP Application Engine process retrieves payroll results and populates three temporary tables, based on the payslip template. The temporary tables used are GPNL_PSLIP_TMP, GPNL_PS_ERN_TMP, and GPNL_PS_ACU_TMP, for the payslip header, body, and footer respectively.

  2. The Structured Query Report (SQR) GPNLPYS1 prints the payslip report and provides self service related information for PeopleSoft ePay if ePay is licensed.

  3. The GP_EPAY Application Engine process uses the payslip report and self service related information provided by the prior processes in this job to create self-service payslips for each payee. If ePay is not licensed, this process will report that ePay has not been licensed and will complete with success.

Important! When running the GPNLPYSL Job, the following Type and Format options can be used with ePay: None and None (defaults to Web and PDF), Web and PDF, or File and PDF. If using File and PDF, do not use the custom output destination from the Process Scheduler Request page.

See Also

Global Payroll for the Netherlands Reports

Setting Up View Payslip