Administering Central Provident Fund Contributions

This section provides an overview of the administration of Central Provident Fund (CPF) contributions for Singapore and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Administering Central Provident Fund Contributions

PeopleSoft supports the administrative and reporting requirements of Central Provident Fund (CPF) administration and maintenance and provides:

See Also

Using CPF Calculation Fundamentals

Setting Up and Managing Employee and Employer CPF Details

Calculating CPF Contributions

Calculating Other CPF Contributions

Setting Up and Managing Additional CPF Details

Running CPF Reports and Files

Defining Deductions

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCommon Elements Used in This Chapter


The Central Provident Fund (CPF) is a compulsory savings scheme for employees. It was constituted in 1955 with the objective of providing financial security for workers in their retirement. Over the years, schemes have been introduced to allow CPF savings to be used for home ownership, life insurance, medical insurance, hospitalization expenses, approved investments and education at local approved institutions. The Central Provident Fund is administered by the CPF Board and contributions to the fund are made by both employers and employees based on a percentage of the employee's wages. If a work permit holder on the FWL Scheme is granted Singapore Permanent Resident (SPR)0 status, he will be placed on the CPF scheme. This will take effect from the day he is granted SPR status.


The Foreign Worker Levy (FWL). The government uses a combination of quota restrictions and the imposition of a foreign worker levy as methods to control the foreign worker population. A levy is imposed on every employer in respect of each employee who is a non-resident work permit holder. The levy is not imposed on foreign workers who are permanent residents— they come under the CPF scheme instead. There is no employee contribution to FWL. The FWL and CPF schemes are mutually exclusive. An employer who pays the levy for foreign workers is not required to make CPF contributions for those workers. A work permit holder who is subsequently granted permanent resident status will come under the CPF scheme instead. However, the employer is required to pay the Skills Development Levy (SDL) for the workers at the prevailing rate and wage ceiling.


The Mosque Building and Mendaki Fund. MBMF contributions are collected by the Central Provident Fund Board on behalf of Majlis Ugama Islam Singapura (MUIS) at the same time that contributions are collected for the Central Provident Fund. Contributions are mandatory for Muslim employees and the contribution rates depend on their monthly wages.


The Singapore Indian Development Association (SINDA). From April 1, 1992, employees belonging to the Indian community can make monthly contributions to their self-help body, SINDA, through salary deductions. The Central Provident Fund will collect the tax-deductible monthly contribution on behalf of SINDA. Indians who are not CPF members can make contributions through GIRO (electronic payments system), in cash or by cheque. Contributions are mandatory for all working Indians at a prescribed minimum amount according to their wages.


The Chinese Development Assistance Council (CDAC). A scheme was put into operation on September 1, 1992 by the Chinese Development Assistance Council (CDAC) for employees to contribute towards an endowment fund. Similar to the schemes for SINDA and MBMF, contributions are collected by the CPF Board on behalf of CDAC. Contributions are made by working Chinese adults and the amount contributed depends on their monthly wages. The default is that contributions are taken and the employee elects not to contribute if they so desire.


The Eurasian Community Fund (ECF). Contributions to a community fund for the Eurasian Association commenced on April 1, 1995. Contributions are collected by the CPF Board. Employees can choose to contribute to the fund — contributions vary based on the monthly income of the employee.


The Social Help and Assistance Raised by Employees (SHARE). An employee can voluntarily arrange for a monthly donation to SHARE to be deducted from their wages. The SHARE Programme is a campaign of the Community Chest of Singapore and is used to raise money which is given entirely to fund voluntary welfare organizations to provide services to various charities. The employer will forward the donations to the Central Provident Fund Board which collects the donations on behalf of the Community Chest. Donations should be sent at the same time as Central Provident Fund contributions.


The Skills Development Levy (SDL). The Skills Development Fund aims to promote, develop and upgrade skills and expertise of employees, and to retrain retrenched persons. The Skills Development levy is collected by the Central Provident Fund Board on behalf of the Singapore Productivity and Standards Board. Employers should make payment of the levy at the same time as they pay contributions to the Central Provident Fund. The Skills Development levy is payable by employers based on the number of employees and their respective remuneration. The Skills Development levy collected is channeled into the Skills Development Fund, which provides for training.

Ordinary Wages

Ordinary Wages are wages due or granted wholly and exclusively in respect of an employee's employment in that month and payable before the due date for payment of CPF contributions for that month. This includes allowances (such as food allowance or overtime payment).

Additional Wages

Additional Wages are wages which are not granted wholly and exclusively for the month. Examples are the annual bonus, leave pay, incentive and other payments made at intervals of more than a month. Employees and their employers must make CPF contributions based on additional wages earned by the employee. Such contributions are subject to certain capping rules. Annual wage supplement, annual bonuses and other such payments that are paid at intervals of more than a month are regarded as additional wages for the month in which they are paid and no attempt should be made to apportion such payments retrospectively over a prior period.


Non-Pensionable Variable Payment, which is payable monthly.


Non-Pensionable Component of the revised salary.

Click to jump to parent topicCalculating Statutory CPF Deductions

Global Payroll for Singapore delivers the following statutory deductions for the common CPF contributions. The deductions are PeopleSoft delivered and maintained and are all defined with a calculation rule of Amount. CPF contributions are split into a number of different components and are made by the employer and the employee. Contributions made on ordinary and additional wages are separated and additional wages contributions are adjusted at the end of each year. In addition, it is possible to make voluntary contributions to CPF, which are not tax-deductible and need to be recorded separately.

Ordinary, additional, adjustment and voluntary deductions are delivered for both employers and employees:




Employer Ordinary CPF

Used for the employer's share of contributions made for ordinary wages.

Amount = CPF FM ORD ER



Employee Ordinary CPF

Used for the employee's (payee's) share of contributions made for ordinary wages.




Employer Additional CPF

Used for the employer's share of contributions made for Additional Wages.

Amount = CPF FM ADD ER



Employee Additional CPF

Used for the employee's (payee's) share of contributions made for Additional Wages.




Employer Voluntary CPF

Used for Voluntary CPF contributions made by the employer.

Amount = Payee Level



Employee Voluntary CPF

Used for Voluntary CPF contributions made by the employee (payee).

Amount = Payee Level


Note. The CPF contribution amounts are calculated according to the rules and rates specified by the CPF Board. The CPF contribution rates are stored in the GPSG_CPF_ RATES table. The rates are accessed in the Global Payroll calculations using the CPF AR RATES array, using formula CPF FM RATE LOOKUP.

The CPF Board also acts as an agent collecting contributions to a number of community funds and levies. Global Payroll deductions and the required supporting elements are provided for each of them. Deductions are included for the contributions by employees to the following community funds:




Mosque Building Mendaki Fund

Used for the Mosque Building and Mendaki Fund.




Chinese Development Assistance Council

Used for the Chinese Development Assistance Council Fund.




Singapore Indian Development Association

Used for the Singapore Indian Development Association Fund.




Eurasian Community Fund

Used for the Eurasian Community Fund.




SHARE Programme Donations

Used for the Community Chest donations.

Amount = Payee Level


Note. The rate of contribution to the first four of these deductions is a fixed amount, determined by the employees monthly wages. They are automatically calculated using Global Payroll brackets to determine the amounts. Contributions to the SHARE Programme are entirely up to the employee and are a flat amount deduction.

Deductions are also included for the following levies on the employer:




Foreign Worker Levy

This is charged for each foreign worker employed. The amount is dependent on the type of worker. A bracket is used to determine the rate applicable for each worker type.



Note. When a foreign worker convert from Work Permit to S-Pass in mid-month, the FWL should be prorated for the period when the foreign worker is holding the Work Permit as well as the period when he is holding the S-Pass.


Skills Development Levy

This is charged at the rate of 1% of wages or 2 SGD, whichever is greater, for all employees who earn less than 2000 SGD per month. This is calculated using a Global Payroll Formula.



Note. These levies don't affect employee's pays, but are included as deductions as a convenient means of calculation, and for easy payment through the EFT process.

See Also

Understanding Administering Central Provident Fund Contributions

Using CPF Calculation Fundamentals

Setting Up and Managing Employee and Employer CPF Details

Calculating CPF Contributions

Calculating Other CPF Contributions

Setting Up and Managing Additional CPF Details

Running CPF Reports and Files

Defining Deductions

Click to jump to parent topicUsing CPF Calculation Fundamentals

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicManaging CPF Earnings

All payments to employees are classified as either ordinary wages, additional wages or NP (non-pensionable) wages (for the public sector) and the following segment accumulators are provided for these:

All earnings for Singapore add to either the ordinary wages or the additional wages accumulator. Non-pensionable wages (NPVP and NPC) are a sub-set of ordinary wages and the NVP/NPC accumulators also add to the ordinary wages earnings elements and to the ordinary wages and NP wages accumulators.

As the NP (non-pensionable) wages is really a sub-set of ordinary wages, the element member list for the ordinary wages accumulator includes the NP wages accumulator.

All accumulators are keyed by EmplID, with user keys of variable CPF VR EMPLR REF (employer CPF Reference Number) and variable IRS VR BAL GRP and you should ensure that all earnings add to the appropriate accumulators. The month-to-date accumulators are based on calendar years—The financial year for Singapore is the same as the calendar year, so calendar accumulators are used. You can use the fiscal accumulators if required for your financial year.

Year-to-date accumulators are also used for ordinary wages and additional wages for use in calculating additional CPF limits. You can access these accumulators for both the current year and the previous year, so they must be maintained for 12 months after their end date, and based on a specified date. The specified date is a variable CPF VR ACC REF DT (CPF accumulator reference date) which must be initialized to the period end date. The variable stores the reference date by the month-to-date and year-to-date ordinary wages and month-to-date and year-to-date additional wages accumulators.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicControlling Eligibility for CPF and Other Contributions

The decision as to whether or not employees should be enrolled in specific benefit plans for CPF is based on the employee's citizenship status, ethnic group and religion. Generation control elements in Global Payroll automatically determine the deductions applicable to each employee. In all cases, there are also rare instances where employees can apply to the various bodies to either contribute at a different rate or stop altogether. These cases are handled by manual payee deduction overrides.

The table below indicates when the various CPF deductions are calculated using generation control elements.


Generation Control


CPF (Normal Contributions)


All employees except those with a citizenship status of foreign worker.

CPF (Year-end Adjustment)


All employees with additional wages during the year, except those with a citizenship status of foreign worker. Only to be calculated in December, or when an employee terminates.

CPF (Voluntary Contributions)

(No generation control) Eligibility by individual assignments.

Manually controlled by payee deduction assignment only.



All employees with a religion of Muslim, regardless of citizenship status



All employees with an ethnic category of Indian, except those with a citizenship status of foreign worker.



All employees where the ethnic category is Chinese, except those with a citizenship status of foreign worker.



All employees where the ethnic category is Eurasian, except those with a citizenship status of foreign worker.


Uses formula CPF FM SDL CALC. The limit (2000), rate (1%) and minimum amount (2) are stored in the PeopleSoft maintained variables.

Calculated for all employees. (Those earning more than 2000 SGD will have zero calculated.)



All employees with a citizenship status of foreign worker, or change from foreign worker to permanent resident during the month.


(No generation control) Eligibility by individual assignments.

Manually controlled by payee deduction assignment only.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicManaging CPF Rates

The CPF contribution rates required for CPF calculations are specified by CPF legislation and are PeopleSoft maintained. The data is accessed via the CPF AR RATES array, using formula CPF FM RATE LOOKUP, which retrieves the appropriate calculation rates (appropriate row in the array) for each employee.

To find the correct row in the CPF AR RATES array for the current employee (payee), formula CPF FM RATE LOOKUP determines the sector, the gradual CPF status, the employee's age and total wages for the month. These are determined using the following elements, as referenced in the CPF FM RATE LOOKUP formula:

Data is retrieved from the database every time the CPF AR RATES is resolved. This is useful for retrospective Pay Rate Changes as the new rates (as of the new calendar) will have to be used. For example, if there is a change in CPF rates (October 1, 2007), and there is a retrospective Pay Rate Change (effective 1 September 2007), the CPF calculation for October pay calendar must use the new rates effective 1 October 2007.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicWorking with Monthly CPF Calculations

All of the CPF contribution rates are specified as monthly amounts and must be reported and paid to the CPF Board monthly, regardless of the pay frequency. To accommodate this, all of the calculations are based on month-to-date (MTD) amounts. In each case, they are calculated using the employees MTD wages and at the end, any existing MTD contributions already calculated are subtracted. Our rules are designed to have the deductions calculated in every pay. Wages are attributed only to a single month (determined by the period end date) and are not pro rated. For example, if you want to have some deductions calculated in the last pay of the month, you will need to create your own generation control elements to do that.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicManaging Currency for CPF Calculations

CPF is only calculated on payments that are in Singapore Dollars (SGD).

A conditional formula, CPF FM CUR SGD is attached to the CPF section in the process list to prevent it from being processed for any currency other than Singapore dollars. This means that CPF reports also only report on Singapore Dollar payments. Any payments made in other currencies are ignored by the reports.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicManaging Retropay Processing for CPF

CPF is calculated for ordinary earnings based on the period in which it was earned. However, for additional earnings, CPF is calculated based on the period in which it is paid. Since the retro method for Singapore is Forwarding, the ordinary CPF deductions are also specified as Forwarded in the Retro Process definition. This means that where retro is concerned, ordinary CPF is re-calculated for the original pay period, and the difference forwarded to the current pay.

To ensure CPF is not also calculated on the retro earnings in the current period, all ordinary earnings are forwarded to earning codes that are not included in the CPF ordinary wages accumulator. For additional earnings, the CPF deductions from the original period are not forwarded into the current period, so the additional CPF deductions are not included in the retro process definition.

Note. The Earning, CPF RTO AWS (Retro Adjustment for AWS) can be used for any retro processing on Additional Wages.

Additional earnings elements are included in the retro process definition, and do not need to be forwarded to a different element. Other deductions such as MBMF, SINDA and CDAC are all forwarded and calculated based on when they were earned.

See Also

Understanding Administering Central Provident Fund Contributions

Setting Up and Managing Employee and Employer CPF Details

Calculating CPF Contributions

Calculating Other CPF Contributions

Setting Up and Managing Additional CPF Details

Running CPF Reports and Files

Defining Deductions

Defining Earnings

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up and Managing Employee and Employer CPF Details

Use the Employer CPF Reference SGP (GPSG_EMPLR_CPF_REF) component to set up and manage employee and employer CPF details.

Before you can administer contributions for employees or report for CPF or any of the other collections it is necessary to determine and record some unique identifiers for the employer and employee.

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Set up and Manage Employee and Employer CPF Details

Page Name

Definition Name



CPF Emplr Ref/ CPF Sub No SGP


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Framework, Organizational, CPF Emplr Ref/ CPF Sub No SGP, CPF Emplr Ref/ CPF Sub No SGP

Use this page to maintain employer CPF reference numbers.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting up and Tracking Employer CPF Reference Numbers

Access the CPF Emplr Ref/ CPF Sub No SGP page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Framework, Organizational, Employer CPF Reference SGP, CPF Emplr Ref/ CPF Sub No SGP).

CPF Employer Ref Num (central provident fund employer reference number)

The employer's CPF reference number is a unique ID assigned to each employer by the CPF Board. Reporting to the CPF Board is always processed separately for each employer reference number. So it is important for all the amounts and balances related to CPF to be kept separately for each one. The employer's CPF reference number is therefore recorded in the variable CPF VR EMPLR REF which is used as a user key on all CPF related accumulators.

You enter the number on the Singapore Pay Groups SGP. An array is used to load it into the variable.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicTracking Employer CPF Sector Details

To add some more flexibility to the way pay entities are structured, you can define the employer data either at the pay group level, or at a higher level. We also allow for the situation where a single CPF employer is implemented in Global Payroll as a number of pay entities.

The employers sector is also recorded using a Global Payroll variable. The variable CPF VR SECTOR stores the sector which is used to determine the set of CPF rates applicable for an employee. You can override the sector variable at pay entity, pay group or payee level.

You can enter the following values:

The variable CPF VR UNIT NUM stores the 3-digit unit number used in reporting to the CPF Board by the MOF/MID. It is not used by other customers. You can override it at pay entity, pay group or payee level.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicTracking Employee CPF Details

Two views and arrays are delivered to bring all of the CPF information required for processing—including the citizenship status, worker type, permanent residence date, age, ethnic group and religion—using the arrays to make it available to the Global Payroll CPF rules.

The GPSG_CPF_PERS_VW view enables the employee (personal) data to be extracted from several different tables using a single array — CPF AR PERS DATA. The array is included at the beginning of the DEDUCTIONS – CPF (CPF section) so that the values retrieved are available to all the deductions and related supporting elements. The array is keyed by employee. Only one row is ever retrieved, and an error formula is included to provide a message if no record is found.

A national ID type is delivered to hold the employee's CPF account number (in addition to the national ID types of NRIC and permanent residency (PR) number. When reporting employees CPF accounts, the CPF account number national ID is used, if it exists. If not, it uses the NRIC and if that doesn't exist either, the permanent residency number.

The GPSG_CPF_ETH_VW view enables the employee's ethnic group and religion data to be extracted from several different tables using a single array—CPF AR ETHN/RELIG. The array retrieves the payee's ethnic group and religion to determine if they must contribute to CDAC, MBMF, ECF and SINDA and is included at the beginning of the DEDUCTIONS – CPF (CPF section) so that the values retrieved are available to all the deductions and related supporting elements. The array is keyed by employee.

Note. Ethnic group and religion are loaded using a separate array—CPF AR ETHN/RELIG—as they are not necessarily needed for foreign workers.

The GPSG_CPF_PERS_VW view extracts the following fields:






Employee's citizenship status from CITIZENSHIP table. Selected only where DEPENDENT_ID is blank (the employees record), and COUNTRY = 'SGP'.



Employee's worker type from the same CITIZENSHIP record as Citizenship Status.



Employee's permanent status date — also from the same CITIZENSHIP record as Citizenship Status.

The GPSG_CPF_ETH_VW view extracts the following fields:






Employee's religion from DIVERS_RELIGION table.



Ethnic Group Code from the DIVERS_ETHNIC table. Ethnic Category from ETHNIC_GRP_TBL table.

The values for the religion and citizenship status fields are controlled by setup tables.

The employee type is stored in variable CPF VR EMPL TYPE. This is the employee type that is used in reporting to the CPF Board by the MOF/MID. You can override it at pay entity, pay group or payee level. The default value is blank.

Override values are:

See Also

Using CPF Calculation Fundamentals

Calculating CPF Contributions

Calculating Other CPF Contributions

Setting Up and Managing Additional CPF Details

Running CPF Reports and Files

Defining Deductions

Click to jump to parent topicCalculating CPF Contributions

Under the Central Provident Fund Act, all remuneration in money due or granted to an employee in respect of their employment, including overtime pay, allowances, cash awards, commission and bonuses, is treated as wages. CPF contributions are computed based on the employee's wages. The CPF contributions payable on an employee's wages depends on the type of wages—ordinary wages or additional wages.

The ordinary CPF contribution of employer and employee depends on the total wages of the employee, and the employee's age and the corresponding age group, and the contribution rates during the fiscal year.

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCalculating Normal CPF Contributions

CPF contributions must be paid for all employees other than foreign workers (and maybe a few odd exceptions, like employees working overseas or students). Contributions are made by employees and by employers. For reporting purposes, it is necessary to record the CPF paid on ordinary wages and additional wages separately. There are therefore four normal CPF deductions:

These CPF deductions apply to most of the workforce, so the deduction assignments are by eligibility group. A generation control CPF GC NORMAL which uses formula CPF FM NORMAL GC is attached to exclude foreign workers and to determine whether the payee is eligible for CPF contribution. (Only Singapore citizens and permanent resident are eligible). For the rare exceptions, you can override at the payee level.

Since the calculation of the four parts of the CPF contributions are related, a single pre-processing formula CPF FM CALCULATION, attached to all the CPF deductions, calculates the amounts. The formula is only required once, but is attached to all CPF deductions in case there are overrides.

CPF contributions must always be calculated and paid to the CPF Board monthly. To cater for pay frequencies other than monthly, the CPF calculation is calculated every period, based on month-to-date wages. CPF already calculated for previous periods in the month is then subtracted to give the current period contributions.

Working with The CPF FM CALCULATION Formula

The formula CPF FM CALCULATION calculates the normal CPF to be contributed by the employer as well as the employee (payee). The calculated amounts are stored in variables for use in the deduction amount fields.

The formula calculates the normal CPF using the following elements:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCalculating Voluntary CPF Contributions

Voluntary CPF deductions are set up the same way as the normal CPF deductions. They use the same pre-process formula, CPF FM CALCULATION. However, as eligibility will be by individual assignments, they have no generation control.

There are two voluntary CPF deductions:

Voluntary CPF can be used in two situations:

Note. If the Voluntary CPF is for an overseas posting, set the IRS VR OVERSEAS variable on the SOVR's page of the Deduction Assignment to 'Y' (or any non-blank value) to indicate an overseas posting. This is used on Inland Revenue reports.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCalculating Additional CPF Contributions

With the final pay for each year, the limit on additional CPF needs to be recalculated based on actual wages for the year. If the limit is higher than that of the previous year, extra CPF contributions may need to be made. If the limit is lower, some contributions may need to be reclaimed from the CPF Board. This reconciliation needs to be carried out in December for all employees who received additional wages during the year. It also needs to be done in the final pay for employees who are terminating.

Two deductions are used for the adjustment: One for the employer's share and one for the employee's (payee's) share.

The generation control CPF GC ADD ADJUST, using the formula CPF FM ADD ADJ GC, determines whether the payee is eligible for CPF adjustment.

Calculating the Additional CPF Adjustment Deduction

The generation control formula CPF FM ADD ADJ GC is used to calculate the additional CPF adjustment deduction when:

As with the normal CPF deductions, the pre-process formula performs the actual calculation for both the employer and payee CPF contributions. The amounts calculated are stored in variables, which will be used as the amounts. The CPF FM ADD ADJ GC formula determines whether the employee (payee) is eligible for CPF adjustment using the following elements:

Calculating CPF Adjustments

If their current year additional wages exceeded the old limit and the old limit was less than the new limit, additional CPF needs to be calculated. The historical rule CPF HR ADD ADJUST, using formula CPF FM ADD ADJ SEG calculates the adjustments (total CPF and payee CPF) for the year as follows:

Calculating Additional CPF Adjustments in the Segment

The formula CPF FM ADD ADJ SEG calculates the additional CPF adjustment in the segment, which is called by the historical rule CPF HR ADD ADJUST.

This formula is executed for each segment returned by the historical rule. It recalculates additional CPF using the original rate, but based on the new limit. The difference between the original CPF amounts and the recalculated CPF amounts are returned in variables (Extra Emplr CPF and Extra Ee CPF). The processing is as follows:

See Also

Using CPF Calculation Fundamentals

Setting Up and Managing Employee and Employer CPF Details

Calculating Other CPF Contributions

Setting Up and Managing Additional CPF Details

Running CPF Reports and Files

Defining Deductions

Click to jump to parent topicCalculating Other CPF Contributions

In addition to CPF contributions, the CPF board also collects Mosque Building and Mendaki Fund contributions (MBMF), Skills Development Levy (SDL), and Foreign Workers Levy (FWL) contributions on behalf of the government and SHARE donations for the Community Chest of Singapore. There are also collection schemes for community assistance programmes such as SINDA, CDAC and the Eurasian Association which are administered by the CPF Board.

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCalculating MBMF Contributions

MBMF contributions must be paid by all Muslim employees each month. The MBMF deduction is determined by the employees wages for the month and uses formula CPF FM MBMF CALC. Formula CPF FM MBMF CALC calculates MBMF using bracket C PF BR MBMF. Since this is a monthly contribution, the formula looks up the bracket and subtracts any month-to-date amount.

The employees religion is returned by the personal data array CPF AR PERS DATA. The generation control CPF GC MBMF uses formula CPF FM MBMF GC to determine whether the employee is a Muslim. If the employee's religion is Muslim, regardless of citizenship status, the deduction is made.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCalculating SINDA Contributions

SINDA contributions must be paid by all Indian employees (except foreign workers) each month. The SINDA deduction is determined by the employees wages for the month and uses formula CPF FM SINDA CALC. Formula CPF FM SINDA CALC calculates SINDA using bracket CPF BR SINDA. Since this is a monthly contribution, the formula looks up the bracket and subtracts any month-to-date amount.

The employees ethnic category and citizenship status are returned from the personal data array CPF AR PERS DATA. The generation control CPF GC SINDA (using formula CPF FM SINDA GC) uses them to determine whether SINDA is applicable or not. If the employee's ethnic category is Indian, and their citizenship status is not foreign worker, the deduction is made.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCalculating FWL Contributions

FWL is a levy paid by foreign workers. While they are not required to pay CPF contributions for foreign workers, employers are liable to pay monthly levies to hire employees who hold Work Permits or S Passes.

Foreign workers on the Foreign Worker Levy Scheme who are granted Singapore Permanent Resident status are placed on the CPF scheme from the date Permanent Resident status is granted.

The generation control CPF GC FWL uses formula CPF FM FWL GC, to determine if the employee is either a foreign worker, an S Pass holder, or a foreign worker who has become a permanent resident (PR) during the current month. It is set to Include the employee if the formula is true.

If variable CPF VR CITIZENSHIP (which stores the citizenship status of the payee) is 6 — foreign worker, or 9 — S Pass holder and the S Pass holding date is in the current month (based on month from period end date), the levy is paid.

Note. If CPF VR CITIZENSHIP is 9— S Pass holder, no FWL will be paid .

The variable CPF VR FWL ST DT is used to enter the start date of the FWL. The Date Value must be entered, as it is the exact begin date of calculation of the FWL. If it is not entered, the hire date is used instead. You can override it at the payee level. When a foreign worker is hired, FWL does not necessarily start from the hire date. It may actually be payable before that - either from the time the work permit is issued, or when the employee enters the country.

The variable CPF VR FWL TO DATE is used to override the end date of FWL. The Date Value must be entered, as it is the exact end date of calculation FWL. For CPF VR CITIZENSHIP is 6— foreign worker, worker type is S Pass holder (percentage), the variable CPF VR SP DATE is used to override the start date of FWL and Date Value must be entered as above.

The variable CPF VR FWL TO DATE is used to calculate the period end date while calculating FWL in the current month. You can override this at the payee level. Even though a foreign worker may be terminated, FWL is payable as long as the work permit is not cancelled. It is payable until the cancellation date.

Calculating the FWL Amount

The formula CPF FM FWL CALC calculates the amount of FWL to be paid for an employee in the pay period. The amount of FWL to be paid depends on the worker type of the payee. The rate applicable to each worker type is held in bracket CPF BR FWL RATES. For a full month, the amount is simply the return values of the CPF BR FWL RATES from bracket CPF BR FWL RATES for each CPF VR WORKER TYPE. For a partial month, it is calculated using the values of CPF VR FWL DAILY *FWL applicable calendar day.

Bracket CPF BR FWL RATES returns the daily and monthly FWL rates based on the payee's worker type (variable CPF VR WORKER TYPE). FWL will normally start from the hire date, but the FWL start date variable CPF VR FWL ST DT enables you to override that in case you want it to start earlier. If it started in the previous month, but wasn't calculated (because they were too late), last months FWL is calculated first. The FWL MTD accumulator uses a specified date and is maintained for 1 month so that you can check last months balance.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCalculating SHARE Programme Donations

The CPF Board collects SHARE Programme donations on behalf of the Community Chest, National Council of Social Service. SHARE contributions are voluntary and deducted from the employees' wages. The amount of any contribution is entirely at the employee's discretion and is entered at the payee level. The deduction subtracts from the SGP NET net pay accumulator.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCalculating SDL Contributions

SDL is a levy on the employer charged for all employees who earn less than 2000 SGD in a month. The rate of contribution is 1% of the employee's earnings, or at least 2 SGD. The SDL deduction uses formula CPF FM SDL CALC. The limit (2000), rate (1%) and minimum amount (2) are stored in the following PeopleSoft maintained variables:

If the accumulator SGP GROSS (gross pay amount) is less than or the same as the variable CPF VR SDL LIMIT (wage limit for SDL contribution as 1500 SGD), the sum of SGP GROSS × variable CPF VR SDL PERCENT (1%) is stored in variable CPF VR SDL, to then be used in formula CPF FM SDL CALC. Variable CPF VR SDL is divided by 100. If the result is less than variable CPF VR SDL MIN (2.00 SGD), the formula does not resolve.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCalculating CDAC Contributions

Contributions to CDAC are made by all working Chinese Singaporeans and Permanent Residents. The deduction CDAC uses formula CPF FM CDAC CALC and generation control CPF GC CDAC.

The generation control CPF GC CDAC uses formula CPF FM CDAC GC to determine if the employee is either a foreign worker, or was a foreign worker and became a permanent resident during the current month. It is set to Include the employee if the formula is true.

The employees ethnic category and citizenship status are returned from the personal data array CPF AR PERS DATA. The generation control CPF GC CDAC (using formula CPF FM CDAC GC) uses them to determine whether CDAC is applicable or not. If the employee's ethnic category is Chinese, and their citizenship status is citizen or permanent resident, the deduction is made.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCalculating ECF Contributions

All working Eurasian Singapore citizens and permanent residents may contribute to the Eurasian Community Fund. Contributions vary based on the monthly income of the employee. Deduction ECF uses formula CPF FM ECF CALC and generation control CPF GC ECF.

ECF contributions are mandatory for all Eurasian employees (except foreign workers). The employees ethnic category and citizenship status are returned from the personal data array CPF AR PERS DATA. The generation control CPF GC ECF uses them to determine whether ECF is applicable. If the employee's ethnic category is Eurasian, and their citizenship status is citizen or permanent resident, the deduction is made.

Formula CPF FM ECF CALC ECF uses bracket CPF BR ECF. Since this is a monthly contribution, the formula looks up the bracket and subtracts any MTD amount.

See Also

Using CPF Calculation Fundamentals

Setting Up and Managing Employee and Employer CPF Details

Calculating CPF Contributions

Setting Up and Managing Additional CPF Details

Running CPF Reports and Files

Defining Deductions

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up and Managing Additional CPF Details

Use the CPF Rates SGP (GPSG_CPF_RATES) component to set up and manage additional CPF details.

This section discusses how to set up and manage CPF details.

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Page Name

Definition Name





Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Addl Rates, Ceilings, Values, CPF Rates SGP, CPF Rates SGP

View and manage the CPF contribution rates required for CPF calculations. These are the rates specified by the CPF legislation and are PeopleSoft maintained. The data is accessed via the CPF AR RATES array, using formula CPF FM RATE LOOKUP, which retrieves the appropriate calculation rates for each employee.

CPF/FWL Late Interest SGP


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Addl Rates, Ceilings, Values, CPF/FWL Late Interest SGP, CPF/FWL Late Interest SGP

Maintain late payment interest payable by an employer for FWL and CPF by an employer. These are included in the interface files and reports the employer provides to the CPF Board.

See Also

Using CPF Calculation Fundamentals

Setting Up and Managing Employee and Employer CPF Details

Calculating CPF Contributions

Calculating Other CPF Contributions

Running CPF Reports and Files

Defining Deductions

Click to jump to parent topicRunning CPF Reports and Files

This section provides an overview of CPF reports and files.

Note. If you elect to use the delivered rules for Global Payroll Singapore, use only the employment instance in HR.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding CPF Reports and Files

To simplify the CPF reporting process, and the collection of the data needed for CPF reports and files, all the amounts needed from the Global Payroll processing results are stored in the GPSG_CPF_RSLTS table, using the writable array CPF WA RESULTS. The array puts all of the MTD amounts calculated for all of the CPF contributions and other related Global Payroll results into a single record (CPF Monthly reporting table).

Prior to running any of the monthly reports, you need to run the CPF Report Data Creation process. This process carries out all the required processing, such as identifying new hires and terminations, and determining the CPF account numbers. After that, you can produce the following reports and files, using relatively simple processes:

The GPSG_CPF_RPTG table is used for producing the CPF reports and files for submission to the CPF Board. It is populated when you run the monthly CPF Data Creation process.

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Create CPF Reporting Data SGP

CPF PAL-Internet File Creation

Create CPFLine SGP


  • Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Authority Correspondence, Create CPF Reporting Data SGP, Create CPF Reporting Data SGP

  • Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Authority Correspondence, Create CPF-PAL Internet SGP, Create CPF-PAL Internet SGP

  • Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Authority Correspondence, Create CPFLine SGP, Create CPFLine SGP Creation

Create the monthly CPF data that can be used for creating reports and files for submission to the CPF Board.

CPF Mthly Contribution Rpt SGP


Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Authority Correspondence, CPF Mthly Contribution Rpt SGP, CPF Mthly Contribution Rpt SGP

Create multiple reports.

CPF Mthly Contribute List SGP


Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Authority Correspondence, CPF Mthly Contribute List SGP, CPF Mthly Contribute List SGP

Create a list of the contributions for all of the funds on a single report.

CPF Adjustment Report SGP


Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Authority Correspondence, CPF Adjustment Report SGP, CPF Adjustment Report SGP

Create a list of the CPF contributions on a single report.

See Also

Using CPF Calculation Fundamentals

Setting Up and Managing Employee and Employer CPF Details

Calculating CPF Contributions

Calculating Other CPF Contributions

Setting Up and Managing Additional CPF Details

Defining Deductions