Setting Up Self-Service Absence Transactions

This chapter provides an overview of the set up tasks for self-service absence transactions and explains how to:

See Also

Understanding Absence Management

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Self Service Setup Tasks

Payees and managers can use web-based browser pages, referred to as self service pages, to enter online requests for absences, view current and future absence balances, and run the Absence Forecasting process. Managers and administrators can also use self service pages to approve, deny, or push back absence requests.

Requests that are entered through the self service pages are treated as actual absences once they are approved, and are included in the Absence Take process.

This section lists prerequisites and common elements and provides an overview of the high-level setup tasks for self service absence transactions.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrerequisite

Before you can define take rules for self service absence transactions, you must specify which absence take types are eligible for self service use. On the Absence Take Types page for a given absence type, select the Allow Request in Self Service check box. This enables you to define self service rules for any take element with that absence type.

See Defining Absence Types and Reasons.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCommon Elements Used in This Chapter


When you create a new country-specific or take-specific rule for absence self service, the rule's default status is Active. Changing the status of a rule to Inactive can impact absence requests that have been entered but not yet approved. Before changing the status of a rule to Inactive, consider how this action will affect already submitted requests.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetup Tasks for Self Service Absence Transactions

The setup tasks for absence self service are as follows:

  1. Define self service rules for each country.

    Country-specific rules apply to all take elements for a given country. They control some of the field displays on the self service pages, and determine who can use the online Forecasting and Balance Inquiry processes. You can define a different set of self service rules for each country.

  2. Define self service rules for each take element.

    For each take element that you want to make available to self service users, you define an additional set of rules. These rules specify whether partial-day absences are allowed, approval requirements for absence requests, how to display forecasting results, and other usage rules.

  3. Select the entitlement balances to display in the forecasting results.

    If you enable self service users to run the online Forecasting process or Absence Inquiry process, specify which entitlement balances to display to self service users.

  4. (Optional) Modify fields labels and page text, as needed.

    The Text Catalog stores the text that appears on the self service pages, including field labels, button names, links, page instructions, and warnings. You can modify this text by editing entries in the Text Catalog.

Note. The sequence of steps 2 and 3 can be reversed.

Click to jump to parent topicDefining Self Service Absence Rules by Country

To define country-specific rules for using the absence self service pages, use the Country Configuration (GP_ABS_SS_CNTRY) component.

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Define Self Service Absence Rules by Country

Page Name

Definition Name



Entitlement Grid


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Absence Management, Country, Entitlement Grid

Select the entitlement fields that appear on the View Absence Balances page.

History Grid


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Absence Management, Country, History Grid

Select the history fields that appear on the View Absence Requests page.

Forecasting Grid


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Absence Management, Country, Forecasting Grid

Select forecasting options and fields.



Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Absence Management, Country, Balances

Enter balance elements and select display options.

Event Entry


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Absence Management, Country, Event Entry

Select deletion options to allow absent entries to be deleted on the Absence Event Entry page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSelecting Fields for Displaying Entitlement Balances

Access the Entitlement Grid page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Absence Management, Country, Entitlement Grid).

The fields on this page control what appears on the View Absence Balances page.

Accrual Period

Select to have the system display the accumulator period for each entitlement balance, for example, year-to-date or month-to-date. (Define the period for an entitlement accumulator on the Accumulator Periods for Element <element name> page. Select the entitlement accumulators on the Balances page. )

From Date and To Date

Select to display the begin and end dates of the accrual period.

User Key 1...6

Select to display the values of up to six user keys that are associated with the entitlement accumulator. (Define user key values on an entitlement element's Auto Generated Accumulators page.)

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSelecting Fields for Displaying Absence History

Access the History Grid page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Absence Management, Country, History Grid).

The fields on this page control what appears on the View Absence Requests page.

Default History Date Range

Select to define the default date range for displaying historical absence events. When you select this check box, the system displays 90 days before the current date and 90 days after the current date.

Note. Users can select dates outside of this date range by editing the From and Through fields on the View Absence Requests page.

Days Before Current Date and Days After Current Date

Use these fields to modify the default date range for displaying historical absence events.

Requested By

Select to display a column that identifies who (which role) submitted each request: the employer, administrator, or manager. Names are not displayed. This field is selected by default.


Select to display the duration of the absence event. This field is selected by default.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSelecting Forecasting Options and Fields

Access the Forecasting Grid page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Absence Management, Country, Forecasting Grid).

All check boxes on this page are selected by default.

Forecast Request Enabled

Select to enable self service users to run the online Absence Forecasting process. This causes a Forecast Balance button to appear on the Employee - Request Absence page and Manager - Request Absence page.

For self service users to run the forecasting process for a given absence take element, the country take rule for that take element must also allow forecasting. (The Allow Forecasting check box must be selected on the take element's Forecasting Messages page.)

Forecast Balance Enabled

Select to enable self service users to run the online Balance Inquiry process. This causes a View Forecast Balances link to appear on the Request Absence pages and the View Absence Balances pages.

From Date and To Date

Select to have the forecasting results display the From Date and the To Date for the forecasted period.

User Key 1...6

Select to display the values of the user keys that are defined for the forecasted entitlement element's accumulator.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Balance Elements and Selecting Display Options

Access the Balances page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Absence Management, Country, Balances).

The fields on this page control what appears on the View Absence Entitlement Balances page in the Self Service component.

Effective Date

The date of the balance accumulator will appear on the View Absence Entitlement Balances page.

Element Name

Select the accumulator element for the entitlement balance you want to display.

Unit Type

Select Days or Hours as the units to display on the self service pages. These are units that users see when viewing absence entitlement balances.

Note. The selected unit type should match the unit type defined for the take element.

Display Results if Zero

Select to display the element on the View Absence Entitlement Balances page when there is no balance for that accumulator. The system displays the balances as of the most recent run of the Entitlement process for the employee.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSelecting Absence Event Deletion Options

Access the Event Entry page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Absence Management, Country, Event Entry).

The fields on this page control deletion options on the Absence Event Entry page.

Delete Option

Select to a value to determine which absence events can be deleted on the Absence Event Entry page. Valid values are All Events, All Events Except Finalized, and All Events Except Processed. The delete button will be disabled on the Absence Event Entry page for all rows that do not meet the criteria indicated by the Delete Option.

See Also

Entering Updating, and Voiding Absence Events

Click to jump to parent topicDefining Self Service Absence Rules by Take Element

To define take-specific self service absence rules, use the Country Take (GP_ABS_BAL_SS_DEF) component.

This section provides overviews of PeopleSoft-delivered Approval Process IDs and approval framework events, absence duration and end date calculations, forecasting messages, and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding PeopleSoft Delivered Approval Process IDs and Approval Framework Events

Approval Process IDs determine how absence request submissions, approvals, denials, and requests for rework are routed among approvers, requesters, and absence administrators. Self service absence transactions that require action by a user appear in both user worklists and emails. The content of the email message is defined using the Generic Template pages in the PeopleTools Workflow Notifications component. Which email template is used depends on the user's role (approver, requester, or administrator), and the approval framework event.

Delivered Approval Process IDs for Absence Management

The following table lists the delivered Approval Process IDs:

Approval Process ID



Absence Self Service


Absence Mgmt By Dept Manager


Absence Mgmt ByPosMgmt


Approval ID by Posn Dept Mgr


Absence Mgmt By PosnSupervisor


Absence Mgmt BySupervisorId

See Setting Up Direct Reports.

Email Notification Templates for Absence Management Self Service Transactions

The following table lists the email template names that are used for each role based on the approval framework event:

Approval Framework Event

Requester Templates

Approver Templates

Administrator Templates

Absence Request Action Button
























Needs Rework (Used when there are multiple levels of approval. For example, when Approver 2 pushes back to Approver 1.)




Needs Rework





See PeopleTools: Workflow Technology, Using Notification Templates PeopleBook

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Absence Duration and End Date Calculations

Depending on the rules that you define, the system can automatically calculate the duration of an absence event or its end date when a user enters an absence request. Calculation occurs when the user clicks a button on the Request Absence page.

The following factors can affect the calculation of an absence duration or end date:

Calculations for Absences with a Unit Type of Hours

When the unit type defined for the absence is hours, the system calculates the end date and duration of an absence event as follows:

Example 1: Calculating End Date

Assume an employee works eight hours each day from Monday to Friday. Saturday and Sunday are off days (zero hour). The employee entered an absence request with a begin date of Wed, January 07 and a duration of 24 hours. The absence take is defined in hours. The following table shows the system-calculated duration for various scenarios:

Start Date


Start Date Partial Hours

1/2 Day Begin Date

All Days

End Date Partial Hours

1/2 Day End Date

End Date










8 hrs/ Wed, Thu, Fri









3 hrs/Wed (bgn day); 8hrs/2days; 0 hr/Sat, Sun; 5hrs/Mon (end day)









4 hrs/Wed (bgn day); 8hrs/2days; 0 hr/Sat, Sun; 4hrs/Mon (end day)





Y / All Days Hrs: 4 Hrs




4 hrs/Wed, Thu, Fri; 0 hr/Sat, Sun, 4hrs/Mon, Tue, Wed





Y/ All Days are Half Days




4 hrs/Wed, Thu, Fri; 0 hr/Sat, Sun, 4hrs/Mon, Tue, Wed





Y / All Days Hrs: 5 Hrs




24 not divisible by 5









24 not divisible by 5

Example 2: Calculating Duration

Assume an employee works eight hours each day from Monday to Friday. Saturday and Sunday are off days (zero hour). The employee enters an absence request and provides the begin date and the end date. The absence take is defined in hours. The following table shows the system-calculated duration for various scenarios.

Start Date

End Date

State Date Partial Hours

1/2 Day Begin Date

All Days

End Date Partial Hours

1/2 Day End Date











8 hrs/Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu









3 hrs/Mon; 8hrs/Tue, Wed, Thu









8hrs/Mon, Tue, Wed; 3hrs/Thu









3 hrs/Mon; 8hrs/Tue, Wed; 3hrs/Thu





Y/All Days Hrs: 3 Hrs




3 hrs/Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu









4 hrs/Mon; 8hrs/Tue, Wed, Thu









8hrs/Mon, Tue, Wed; 4 hrs/Thu









4 hrs/Mon; 8hrs/Tue, Wed; 4 hrs/Thu





Y/All Days are Half Days




4 hrs/Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu









8hrs/Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri; 0hr/Sat









0hrs/Sun; 8hrs/Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu





Y/All Days are Half Days




0hrs/Sun; 4hrs/Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu; 0hr/Sat

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Forecasting Messages

If you enable self service users to run the online Forecasting process, you can define the message to display at the end of that process. Use the Text Catalog to define the text for up to three messages: a success message, a warning message, and an error message. The entitlement element's forecasting formula specifies the conditions for issuing each message. You will map the value that's returned for each condition to the corresponding message that you define in the Text Catalog.

To define forecasting messages:

  1. Use the Text Catalog to define a status message, a description, or both for each possible Forecasting outcome: success, warning, and error.

  2. Use the Customize Messages page to map each message type (success, warning, error) to the value returned by the forecasting formula and to specify which text to display from the text catalog.

See Viewing or Modifying Text on Self Service Absence Pages.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Define Self Service Absence Rules by Take Element

Page Name

Definition Name





Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Absence Management, Country Take, Absences

For a given Take element and country, define absence units (days or hours), who can submit and approve requests, what happens to cancelled requests, and whether to allow partial-day absences. You can also specify whether to display the absence reason and entitlement balances.

Date Rules


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Absence Management, Country Take, Date Rules

Define rules for entering absence dates, such as whether absences can begin or end on a holiday or off-day and whether to have the system calculate an absence's end date or duration.

User Fields


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Absence Management, Country Take, User Fields

Define user fields.

Forecasting Messages


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Absence Management, Country Take, Forecasting Messages

Define forecasting rules.

View Messages


Click the View Messages link on the Forecasting Messages page.

View the default messages that are returned by the online forecasting process.

Customize Messages


Click the Customize Messages link on the Forecasting Messages page.

Customize the messages that are returned by the online forecasting process.



Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Absence Management, Country Take, Configurations

Link configurable section templates to extended absence components and define access to the templates.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Units, Administrative Rules, and Display Rules for Absence Requests

Access the Absences page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Absence Management, Country Take, Absences).

Self Service Rules

Unit Type

Select Days or Hours as the units to display on the self service pages. These are units that users enter when requesting time off.

Note. The selected unit type should match the unit type defined for the Take element.

Administrative Rules

Allow Request By

Specify who can request absences for this Take element through the self service pages. Values are: Employee, Employee and Manager (default), and Manager.

Request As

Specify whether this Take element can be requested as an Employee, Manager, or is Not Applicable in the manager self service page.

Override Request As

Specify whether the Request As option selected can be overridden on the manager self service page.

Approval Process ID

Select the approval Process ID to use for the Country and absence take element. Approval Process ID refers to the technical definitions that control the execution of the approval process and its integration with the Approval Framework. In addition notifications (emails and worklist) are defined within Approval Process ID.

Approval Definition ID

Select the ID that corresponds to this type of approval, based on how you set up the approval framework. PeopleSoft delivers one approval Definition ID that is used for six delivered Process IDs. The selection of Definition ID for the self service Take elements at the country level depends on how the company has set up Direct Reports.

This field is optional. You can also set up Administrative Rules without entering a value in this field. If you define an absence Take without a Definition ID, the system does not use the approval framework when employees or managers select this Take element on absence self service pages.

Note. If your absence request does not require approval, then leave Approval Process ID and Approval Definition ID blank. The absence request will be automatically approved once the user submits it.

Cancellation Option

Specify what happens when an absence request is cancelled. Options are:

Change Status on Record: (Default) Select to have the system change the status of the request to Cancelled. When a request's status is set to Canceled, you can no longer access the request.

Delete from Database: Select to have the system delete the request from the database.

Allow Entry in Time and Labor

Select to allow absence event entry on the Timesheets page in PeopleSoft Time and Labor.

Allow Entry as Extended Absence

Select to enable users to choose this absence take as an extended absence. You cannot select both the Allow Entry in Time and Labor field and the Allow Entry as Extended Absence field.

Page Display Rules

Display Reason

Select to enable self service users to specify the reason for the absence. This check box is selected by default.

Reason Required

Select to require that users enter the reason for the absence.

Display Current Balance

Select to display the balance for the absence entitlement element, as of the last finalized absence run on the Request Absence page. The balance will not reflect the number of units that the user is requesting. This check box is not selected by default.

Current Balance Accumulator

If you selected the Display Current Balance check box, select the accumulator element that stores the current balance for this absence Take element.

Balance Display Option

Indicate which value you want the system to display as the current balance, when there are multiple instances of the accumulator with different user keys.

Select one of the following options:

Not Summarized (default). Consider using this option when your rules for displaying the current balance are very complex. Create an accumulator that summarizes the value of the element contributors. The system will display the value of the most current instance of the accumulator.

Summarized. Select this option to have the system display the sum of the values of the multiple instances.

Display Original Begin Date

Select to display the Original Start Date field on the Request Absence page.

Allow Partial Days

This check box works with the Partial Days Option field. Select it to indicate whether partial day absences are allowed.

Do not select the check box if partial days or hours are not allowed.

Partial Days Option

This field becomes available when you select the Allow Partial Days check box. Options are:

  • Half Days: With this option, users can select a check box to enter a request for a half-day absence. The system determines the number of hours absent by looking at the user's schedule.

  • Partial Hours: With this option, users can request a partial-day absence by entering the number of absent hours. This is the default option.

  • Partial Hours and Half Days: With this option, users can request a partial-day absence by selecting a check box for a half-day absence or by entering the number of hours.

  • None is the default value when the Allow Partial Days check box is not selected.

In the following example, the Summarized option would return a value of 20 for the KOAE PTO accumulator.




User Key 1

User Key 2



January 1, 2000

December 31, 2000


Pay group A



January 1, 2001

December 31, 2001


Pay group A



January 1, 2002

July 31, 2002


Pay group B



August 1, 2002

December 31, 2002


Pay group B



January 1, 2003

December 31, 2003


Pay group XYZ


See Also

Setting Up Direct Reports

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Rules for Entering Absence Dates

Access the Date Rules page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Absence Management, Country Take, Date Rules).

Start and End Date Rules

Allow Start or End on Holiday

Select if the start or end date of the request can fall on a holiday. This field is selected by default.

Allow Start or End on Off-day

Select if the start or end date of the request can fall on a day the employee is not scheduled to work. This field is selected by default.

Calculation Rules

The option that you select here causes a Calculate End Date button, a Calculate Duration button, or a Calculate End Date or Duration button to appear on the Request Absence page.

See Understanding Absence Duration and End Date Calculations.

Calculate End Date

Select to have the Calculate End Date button appear. When entering an absence request, the user must enter the absence begin date and duration. Clicking the Calculate End Date button causes the system to calculate and display the end date. This is the default selection.

Calculate Duration

Select to have the Calculate Duration button appear. When entering an absence request, the user must enter the absence begin and end dates. Clicking the Calculate Duration button causes the system to calculate and display the duration.

If both entered recalculate

This field controls what happens when a user enters a value in both the End Date and Duration fields while entering an absence request.

  • If you select End Date this field will be recalculated.

  • If you select Duration, this field will be recalculated.

Exclude Holidays

Select to exclude holidays from the end date and duration calculation for requested absence events.

Note. This field also affects the Time Administration process if you use PeopleSoft Time and Labor. If you deselect this check box, the Time Administration process creates time for off days based on the DUR field of the off shift from payee work schedules.

Exclude Off Day

Select to exclude non-worked days (based on the employee's schedule) from the end date and duration calculation for requested absence events.

Note. This field also affects the Time Administration process if you use PeopleSoft Time and Labor. If you deselect this check box, the Time Administration process creates time for holiday hours from payee work schedules.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining User Fields

Access the User Fields page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Absence Management, Country Take, User Fields).

Display User Fields

Select to have up to four user-defined fields appear on the Request Absence page.

User Fields

Define up to four fields to appear on the Request Absence page. These fields enable you to collect additional data that you may need for absence tracking. You can use these fields as system elements and embed them in rules to perform a specific task with the information that users enter.

For each field you define, specify the format, the field label, and whether users are required to complete the field.

Field <number> Format

Options are Character, Date, Decimal, and Monetary.

Label <number>

Enter up to 30 alphanumeric characters for the field name. To appear on the Absence Detail page, the field must have a label.

Field <number> Required

Select if users are required to complete the field.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Forecasting Rules

Access the Forecasting Messages page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Absence Management, Country Take, Forecasting Messages).

Forecasting Rules

Allow Forecasting

Select to enable self service users to run the online forecasting process. A Forecast Balance button will appear on the Request Absence page. This check box is not selected by default.

Note. For self service users to run the forecasting process, the country rules for that Take element must also allow forecasting. (The Forecast Request Enabled check box must be selected on the Forecasting Grid page.)

Submission Role

If forecasting is required before submitting an absence request, specify who must run the process. Options are: Employee, Manager, Employee and Manager, and Not Applicable(default).

This field works in conjunction with the Forecasting Reqd to Submit check box. If you select the Forecasting Reqd to Submit check box, then you must specify a role in this field.

Forecasting Reqd to Submit (forecasting required to submit)

Select to require that the Forecasting process be run before submitting an absence request. This check box is not selected by default. Depending on your rules, the results of the forecasting process may determine whether or not the request can be submitted.

Users receive an error message when they click Submit on the Absence Request page without first forecasting the absence entitlement balance.

Approval Role

If forecasting is required, specify who can run the forecasting process. Options are: Manager and Not Applicable.

Forecasting Reqd to Approve (forecasting required to approve)

Select to require that the online forecasting process be run before approving an absence request.

Forecasting Messages

The system can display the message, "Forecasting Completed Successfully" at the end of the forecasting process, or it can display customized messages that you create. You can have a different message display when the forecasting process is successful, generates a warning, or results in an error. You define the criteria for issuing a success, warning, or error message.

Default Message and View Messages

Select to have the system display the default message after a user runs the forecasting process. Click the View Messages link to access the View Messages page to see the default message. There is a default message for successful forecasting and one for system error.

Customized Message

Select to have a customized message display after a user runs the online forecasting process.

Allow Warning and Submit/Approve Warning

Select to enable users to submit absence requests when the forecasting process results in a warning. In the Submit Warning field, specify who can submit requests with warnings. Options are: Employee, Manager, Employee and Manager (default), and Not Applicable.

Allow Errors and Submit/Approve Error

Select to enable users to submit absence requests when the forecasting process results in an error. In the Submit Error field, specify who can submit requests with errors. Options are: Employee, Manager, Employee and Manager (default), and Not Applicable.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCustomizing Forecasting Messages

Access the Customize Messages page (click the Customize Messages link on the Forecasting Messages page).

Message Type

Select the type of message to define: Error, Success, or Warning.

Forecasting Value

Enter the value that the Forecasting process (the forecasting formula) will return to trigger the display of this message. You can enter up to 20 alphanumeric characters in this field (the maximum field length for a character element in Absence Management).

Display Option

Specify the type of information in the Text Catalog that is to display after forecasting is complete. Options are: Status, Description and Both (default).

Status Text ID

If you selected Display Status or Both in the Display Option field, enter the text ID from the HR Text Catalog for the status message.

Description Text ID

If you selected Display Description or Both in the Display Option field, enter the text ID from the HR Text Catalog for the description.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicLinking Configurable Section Templates to Extended Absence Components

Access the Configurations page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Absence Management, Country Take, Configurations).

Component Name

Select an extended absence component that will link to a configurable section page to link to the configurable section template.


Select a defined configurable section template.


Select the access mode used by the extended absence request to access the configurable section template. The values areFull Edit and Display.

In order to display configurable section information for user self-service, link the configurable section templates you created to each of the extended absence components you are using. Then specify the desired type of user access to the displayed configurable section page.

For example, using the information shown in the Configurations page graphic, when a user accesses the GP_ABS_EA_EEREQ extended absence component, using the Cayman Islands FMLA maternity absence take, the GP_ABS_FMLA_ELG template specifies the composition of the displayed configurable section page. The users accessing the configurable section page have full edit access on the displayed page.

Click to jump to parent topicDefining Forecasting Rules for Self Service Absence Requests

To define rules for using the self service Forecasting and Balance Inquiry processes, use the Forecasting (GP_ABS_SS_FCST) component.

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Define Self Service Forecasting Rules

Page Name

Definition Name





Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Absence Management, Forecasting, Forecasting

Specify which forecasting result elements to display in the Forecasting Results grid. Also specify whether to display a customized label from the HR Text Catalog as the description or the element description as defined on the Element Name page (GP_PIN).

Balance Inquiry


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Absence Management, Forecasting, Balance Inquiry

Specify which entitlement balances the Balance Inquiry process is to display and whether to display a customized label from the HR Text Catalog as the description or the element description as defined on the Element Name page (GP_PIN).

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Rules for Self Service Absence Entitlement Balance Forecasting

Access the Forecasting page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Absence Management, Forecasting, Forecasting).

This page displays the forecasting rules defined for a Take element on the Absence Take - Forecasting page. The Forecast Element field at the top of the page shows the formula that the system resolves during the Forecasting process. The Forecasting Results Element List grid shows what appears on the Absence Forecast Results page (in the Absence Event Entry component) after you run the Forecasting process. You can have all or a subset of these results display to self service users after they run the forecasting process.

Note. To enter information on this page, the Allow Forecasting check box must be selected on the Forecasting Messages page, as well as the Forecasting Used check box on the Absence Take definition page.

Self Service

Select to have the forecasting results for this element display to self service users.


Specify the label for the Forecast element that displays in self service. If no label is specified, it will display the element's description.

See Also

Defining Forecasting Rules for Self Service Absence Requests

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Rules for the Self Service Balance Inquiry Process

Access the Balance Inquiry page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Absence Management, Forecasting, Balance Inquiry).

This page is similar in function to the Forecasting page but applies to rules for the Balance Inquiry process.

Click to jump to parent topicViewing or Modifying Text on Self Service Absence Pages

You can use the Text Catalog feature to modify field labels, button text, and text that appears elsewhere on the self service absence pages.

See Also

Viewing Daily Results of the Absence Take Process

Configuring the Text Catalog