(USF) Setting Up Human Resources Management Tables

This chapter discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Federal HCM Control Tables

To set up federal HCM control tables, use the Handicap Table component (GVT_HANDICAP_TBL), Legal Authority component (GVT_LEGAL_AUTH_TBL), U.S. County Table component (GVT_COUNTY_TABLE), Nature of Action Table component (GVT_NOAC_TBL), LEO Pay Area USF component (GVT_LEOPAY_AREA_TB), NOA/Legal Authority component (GVT_AUTH_VAL_1), Sub Agency component (GVT_SUB_AGENCY_TBL), Personnel Office ID component (GVT_POI_TABLE), and Personnel Action Rqst Rmks component (GVT_SF50_RMK_TBL).

This section provides an overview of federal HCM control tables and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Federal HCM Control Tables

This section discusses the set up of control tables that are specific to federal agencies

When creating personnel action requests, you search fields using information from the Legal Authority table, the Nature of Action table, the PAR Remarks table, and the NOA/Legal Authority 1 table.

When you enter employee-specific information, you use values from the Handicap table and the LEO Pay Area table.

In PeopleSoft HCM, you use values from the U.S. County table, the Personnel Office ID table, and the Sub-Agency table.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Set Up Federal HCM Control Tables

Page Name

Definition Name



Handicap Table


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Workforce Data USF, Handicap Table, Handicap Table

Assign codes to the types of disabilities a person might have. You can set up the table with the disabilities that your agency is likely to use and add more as needed.

Legal Authority


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Workforce Data USF, Legal Authority, Legal Authority

The Legal Authority table provides the values that are used on the Data Control pages for Personnel Action Request (PAR) processing.

U.S. County Table


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Workforce Data USF, U.S. County Table, U.S. County Table

View a complete list of counties in the United States. This table populates the County description on the Location Table. PeopleSoft delivers the list of U.S. counties, but you can add or change an entry if needed.

Nature of Action Table


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Workforce Data USF, Nature of Action Table, Nature of Action Table

Review, add, and update codes. This table defines the Nature of Action codes that are used in PeopleSoft Human Resources.

Law Enforcement Officers Pay Area Table


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Compensation, LEO Pay Area Table USF, Law Enforcement Officers Pay Area Table

Set up special pay areas in the Law Enforcement Officers Pay Area Table . Law enforcement officers in these regions receive additional pay above the base pay for their pay plan, grade, and step. PeopleSoft delivers the current LEO pay areas, and you can update them based on Office of Personnel Management updates that you might receive throughout the year.

NOA/Legal Authority 1


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Workforce Data USF, NOA/Legal Authority 1, NOA/Legal Authority 1

Connect the NOA codes that are defined in the Nature of Action table with the legal authorities that are defined in the Legal Authority table. You must have set up nature of action codes and legal authority codes.



Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Workforce Data USF, Sub-Agency, Sub-Agency

Set up sub-agencies if your agency has multiple organizations that report to OPM as separate entities.

Personnel Office ID Table


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Workforce Data USF, Personnel Office ID, Personnel Office ID Table

Assign an identification number to every personnel office in your agency. Much of the information that you enter is printed on the personnel action requests.

PAR Approving Officials Table


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Workforce Data USF, Personnel Office ID, PAR Approving Officials Table

Enter the names that appear in the routing process section of the PAR.

Personnel Action Rqst Rmks


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Workforce Data USF, Personnel Action Rqst Rmks, Personnel Action Rqst Rmks

Define standardized remarks to attach to PARs. You use some remarks exactly as they are entered here, but you insert person-specific information into other remarks when you attach the remark at the person level.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Disability Codes

Access the Handicap Table page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Workforce Data USF, Handicap Table, Handicap Table).


Select if the disability code describes what your agency considers a disability. Usually you select this check box. However, if (for example) you set up a disability code to indicate that a person has no disability, leave this check box deselected.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Legal Authority Codes

Access the Legal Authority page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Workforce Data USF, Legal Authority, Legal Authority).

A legal authority is the authority that empowers an agency to grant a personnel action request. PeopleSoft delivers your system with a list of legal authorities. If the Office of Personnel Management issues an update of legal authorities, you can keep your system up to date by changing the information in the Legal Authority table.

Effective Date

When you add a legal authority code to this table, select an effective date early enough to accommodate your organization's oldest historical record to which it applies. Add data rows to maintain history data for information that changes over time.

Description - Part 1 and Description - Part 2

Enter descriptions that appear on the Data Control page (GVT_JOB0) when you process personnel actions for a person.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Nature of Action Codes

Access the Nature of Action Table page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Workforce Data USF, Nature of Action Table, Nature of Action Table).

Nature of Action Code

Every Personnel Action Request (PAR) requires a Nature of Action (NOA) code, so every personnel action is described in this table and assigned an NOA code.

PeopleSoft delivers the NOA codes, but you can add or update entries as needed. When entering NOA codes for your agency's internal use, PeopleSoft suggests that you use codes in the 900 series.

Effective Date

When you add a Nature of Action code to this table, select an effective date that is early enough to accommodate your organization's oldest historical record to which it applies. Add data rows to maintain history data for information that changes over time for the NOA code.


Time NOA is Effective (time nature of action is effective)

This field designates when the personnel action should take effect. Select Opening of Business Day (the default) or Close of Business Day.

If you select (none), the system uses the default, Opening of Business Day.

In PeopleSoft, all actions are normally assumed to take place at the beginning of business on the effective date. This isn't always the case with the federal government. With Termination/Non-Pay actions (NOAs that are in the 300 series and 400 series), the action is effective at Close Of Business Day on the effective date. Any personnel action defined with Close of Business Day increments the Job effective date by one. The Federal (GVT_JOB) effective date is not affected.

Required for CPDF (required for central personnel data file)

Select if the NOA code is reportable to the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) from CPDF reports.

Push Action to Job

Select if the nature of action is to be applied to the core PeopleSoft job record (JOB) from the federal government side after saving the personnel action.

IRR Reportable (individual retirement record reportable)

Select if an NOA code is to be reported to OPM on the IRR. This indicates that an IRR-related NOA code is part of an IRR control record when a separation personnel action is saved.

IRR Type

Select the type of IRR to be generated. Values are Retirement, Transfer/Resignation, and Supplemental.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up LEO Pay Areas

Access the Law Enforcement Officers Pay Area Table page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Compensation, LEO Pay Area Table USF, Law Enforcement Officers Pay Area Table).

LEO Percentage (law enforcement officer percentage)

Enter the percentage of base pay that LEOs in this region receive in addition to the base pay set by their pay plan, grade, and step. The amount is reflected on the Compensation Data page (JOB_DATA3) in Administer Workforce.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAssociating Nature of Action Codes with Legal Authority Codes

Access the NOA/Legal Authority 1 page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Workforce Data USF, NOA/Legal Authority 1, NOA/Legal Authority 1)..

When you enter an NOA (nature of action) code on the PAR Data Control page in Administer Workforce and prompt on the Authority (1) field, you see only the valid values from this table. However, for Authority (2), you can select any of the legal authorities that are defined in the Legal Authority table.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Sub-Agencies

Access the Sub-Agency page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Workforce Data USF, Sub-Agency, Sub-Agency).


If your agency has multiple organizations that might report to the Office of Personnel Management as separate entities, you define them as distinct sub-agencies for online processing purposes.

Report CPDF (report central personnel data files)

Select if this sub-agency reports CPDF on a regular basis.


Enter a long description of the sub-agency.


Enter an abbreviated description of the sub-agency.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Personnel Office IDs

Access the Personnel Office ID Table page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Workforce Data USF, Personnel Office ID, Personnel Office ID Table).


Select the sub-agency code.

Personnel Officer's Name

Enter the name of the person who is responsible for personnel actions for this office.

OPM Oversight Office (office of personnel management oversight office)

Select the OPM Oversight Office to which you report personnel actions from the available values. The values are stored on the Translate table. To change or add values, inform your project management office of the updates you require.

Automated Submitting Point

The automated submitting point is an informational field and isn't used during PeopleSoft HCM processing. However, it is required on the OPM form that is used to communicate the establishment of or changes to a Personnel Office Identifier for currently operating personnel offices.

Electronic Commerce Address

This address is for your agency's information only. For example, this might be an email address or a government network ID.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSpecifying PAR Approving Officials

Access the PAR Approving Officials Table page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Workforce Data USF, Personnel Office ID, PAR Approving Officials Table).

Empl ID (employee ID)

Enter an employee ID for each official who approves personnel actions. When you move out of the field, the system populates the Empl Record, Name, and Title fields. You can edit these fields.

Primary PAR Approving Official (primary personnel action request approving official)

Select if applicable. This check box is for your information only.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up PAR Remarks

Access the Personnel Action Rqst Rmks page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Workforce Data USF, Personnel Action Rqst Rmks, Personnel Action Rqst Rmks).

The Office of Personnel Management (OPM) designates remark codes that begin with A through X. PeopleSoft delivers the current standard OPM PAR remarks, but you need to maintain them, based on OPM updates that you might receive throughout the year. To enter additional remarks for your agency's internal use, use codes that begin with Y or Z. When you upgrade PeopleSoft HCM, retain your agency-specific remarks.

Print Priority

Select the printing priority for the remark. Available values are 1st Tier and 2nd Tier. First tier remarks print first on the SF50/52 reports before any second-tier remarks. Therefore, any remark that is defined as 1st Tier is printed in the order it is listed by the HR personnelist. These are followed by the 2nd tier remarks.

Insertion Required

Select if this remark needs employee-specific information. When you select this remark at the person level, this check box is unavailable for entry.

PeopleSoft uses an asterisk (*) to denote person-specific information that is changed by your human resources personnel clerk when the remark is attached to a PAR at the person level.

IRR Reportable (individual retirement record reportable)

Select if this remark is attached to a PAR that is to be printed on an IRR and you want to print the remark on the IRR.

ROST Reportable (Register of Separations and Transfers reportable)

Select to have this remark printed on the ROST.

See Also

(USF) Generating IRR and ROST Reports

Click to jump to parent topicRunning Federal HCM Setup Reports

This section lists the pages used to run the federal HCM setup reports.

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Page Name

Definition Name



Run Control


  • Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Workforce Reports USF, Handicap Table

  • Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Workforce Reports USF, Legal Authority Table

  • Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Workforce Reports USF, Nature of Action Table

  • Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Compensation, LEO Pay Area Rpt USF

  • Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Workforce Reports USF, NOA/Authority 1

  • Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Workforce Reports USF, Personnel Office ID Table

  • Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Workforce Reports USF, Sub-Agency

Use this page to run these reports:

  • Handicap Table report (FGPER811) prints all disabilities and their associated codes.

  • Legal Authority Table report (FGPER812) prints information about the legal authorities you set up in the Legal Authority table.

  • Nature of Action Table report (FGPER813) generates a list of the codes in the Nature of Action Table.

  • Law Enforcement Officers Pay Area Table report (FGPER808) lists each LEO Special Pay Area and associated percentage.

  • NOA Authority 1 report (FGPER814) generates a list of the information in the Nature of Action/Authority 1 Table.

  • Personnel Office ID Table report (FGPER805) prints information about all Personnel Offices in your agency.

  • Sub-Agency report (FGPER804) prints all sub-agencies in the Sub-Agency and their associated agencies.

Click to jump to parent topicViewing the Project Costing and General Ledger Business Unit Tables

The PC (project costing) Business Unit Table and GL (General Ledger) Business Unit Table are view-only pages.

PC Business Unit Table

The PC Business Unit table is part of the Project Costing process in PeopleSoft Financials, which interacts with the Time and Labor process. If you don't use project costing, you don't need to import the values for this table.

See PeopleSoft Time and Labor PeopleBook

GL Business Unit Table

The GL Business Unit table is part of the General Ledger process in PeopleSoft Financials that interacts with the Payroll process. If you don't use General Ledger, you don't need to import the values for this table.

See PeopleSoft General Ledger PeopleBook