(GBR) Tracking Maternity and Parental Leave

This chapter discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicTracking Maternity Absence Data

This section discusses how to track maternity absence data.

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Maternity Leave


Workforce Administration, Absence and Vacation, Maternity/Paternal Leave UK, Maintain Maternity Leave, Maternity Leave

Track maternity absence data.

Maintain Maternity Leave - Comments


Workforce Administration, Absence and Vacation, Maternity/Paternal Leave UK, Maintain Maternity Leave, Comments

Record your comments about the record.

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Access the Maternity Leave page (Workforce Administration, Absence and Vacation, Maternity/Paternal Leave UK, Maintain Maternity Leave, Maternity Leave).

Expected Birth Date

Enter the expected birth date as it appears on the MATB1 form or other official notification.

When you exit this field, the system completes the Expected Week of Child Birth (EWC) field, the Earliest Start of MPP (earliest start of maternity pay period) field, and the Qualifying Week field. The system also calculates whether the person is eligible for maternity pay based on employment conditions.

Form MATB1 Received

Enter the date that you receive medical evidence of the pregnancy.

Note. The MATB1 form is unacceptable if dated more than 20 weeks before the start of the expected week of child birth (EWC).

Date Notified of Actual Start

Enter the date that the person notified you of her intended leave start date.

Eligible for Maternity Pay

Based on Employment Conditions

By default, this check box is selected if the person is eligible for maternity pay based on her employment history. The system reviews the person's record for length of service and compares it to the qualifying data on the Absence Parameters page to determine whether she is eligible for maternity pay.

Note. If the employee is under 16 years of age or over 65 years of age, the Based on Employment Condition check box is selected. This check box is later used when processing SMP through the Global Payroll for the U.K. rules, and contribute to determining the SMP and SSP employee eligibility.

Based on National Insurance (NI) Calculation

This check box appears only if you have PeopleSoft Global Payroll UK installed.

A payroll process reviews the person's average earnings and uses the expected week of child birth date to calculate whether the person is eligible for maternity pay based on NI contributions. If the person is eligible, the check box is selected by default. Remember that the process is run only at scheduled times, so you don't know whether the person is eligible for maternity pay until you run the process.

Maternity Pay Information

Earliest Start of MPP (earliest start of maternity pay period)

Displays the earliest start of the maternity pay period. The system calculates the earliest date that the maternity pay period can start based on the information that was entered on the Absence Parameters page.

MPP Actual Start Date (maternity pay period actual start date)

Enter the last day that the person expects to work before the start of leave.

Note. The actual start date of the MPP must be after the expected week of child birth.

Expected End of MPP (expected end of maternity pay period)

Displays the expected end of the maternity pay period. The system automatically calculates the date when the maternity payments cease based on the earliest start of MPP date.

Qualifying Week

The system populates this field; it is display-only. The qualifying week is 15 weeks before the expected week of child birth. The system uses this date to determine if the person is eligible for maternity pay.

SMP Actual Start Date (statutory maternity pay actual start date)

This field appears only if you have Global Payroll for the UK installed.

The statutory maternity pay actual start date is the first date that the person is entitled to SMP. The system calculates this date based on the maternity pay period actual start date; this field is display-only.


Expected Week of Child Birth

The system calculates the expected week of child birth, which begins on the any day of the week that the baby is due to be born. This field is display-only.

Maternity Leave Details

Eligible for Additional Leave

By default, this check box is selected if the person is eligible for additional leave based on the additional maternity leave parameters on the Absence Parameters page. You can override the default as necessary.

Actual Birth Date

Enter the actual date on which the baby is born.

Expected End of Leave

The system calculates the expected end of leave based on length of service and the absence parameters. You can override the default date if necessary.

Date Return Reminder Sent

As the end date of the MPP approaches, you can send a return-to-work reminder to the person. Enter the date in this field.

Confirmation Received

When you receive a reply from the person, enter the date in this field.

Notified Return Date

Enter the date on which the person informs you that the employee will return to work.

Actual End of Leave

Enter the date on which the person returns to work.

See Also

Setting Up Absence Classes, Types, Codes, and Parameters

PeopleSoft Global Payroll for the United Kingdom 9.1 PeopleBook

Click to jump to parent topic(GBR) Tracking Parental Leave Absence Data

This section discusses how to track parental leave absence data.

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Review Parental Leave by Dept (review parental leave by department)


Workforce Administration, Absence and Vacation, Maternity/Parental Leave UK, Maintain Parental Leave, Review Parental Leave by Dept

Track parental leave absence data.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicTracking Parental Leave Absence Data

Access the Review Parental Leave by Dept page (Workforce Administration, Absence and Vacation, Maternity/Parental Leave UK, Maintain Parental Leave, Review Parental Leave by Dept).

Dependent ID

Select the dependent from the list that was created during dependent data setup. The system displays the dependent's name as an active link to the dependent's Details page.

Absence Code

Select the absence code from the Absence Code table for the parental leave.

Date First Notified

Enter the date that the person notified the organization of the need for this leave.

Begin Date Postponed

Select if the leave is postponed after approval.

Paid or Unpaid

Select either Paid or Unpaid for this leave. If Paid is selected, enter the percentage of normal pay that the person will receive.


After entering all of the leave information, click the Validate button to verify the leave against the parameters of parental leave and to calculate the duration of the leave in weeks and in days.

Duration (Weeks)

Displays the total number of weeks for this leave.

Total Rolling Year

Displays the total number of parental leave weeks taken in the 12 month period that precedes the begin date of the leave.

Total Cumulative

Displays the total number of parental leave weeks taken during the person's present and past employment for each dependent.

Days Equivalence

Convert the number of weeks into days.

See Also

Setting Up Absence Classes, Types, Codes, and Parameters