Setting Up the Content Catalog

This chapter provides an overview of the content catalog and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Content Catalog`

The content catalog is a repository of the data that can be associated with person and non-person profiles, and is used by other applications such as PeopleSoft ePerformance, Talent Acquisition Manager, Candidate Gateway, and Learning Management.

In PeopleSoft HCM, the content catalog provides a generic structure for setting up different types of information. The following diagram illustrates the generic structure in which the content catalog contains multiple content types and the content types contain content items. It also illustrates a specific example of this where the content catalog contains content types for language skills, degrees, and competencies:

PeopleSoft HCM generic content catalog structure

With the content catalog you define the different types of information (competency, degrees, languages, and so on) as content types and then set up the data for each content type as content items. For example, within the content type DEG (Degrees), a Bachelor of Arts degree (BA) is a content item.

The structure of the content catalog enables you to easily extend the content types that are available to add to your organization's profiles.

Content Catalog System Data

The PeopleSoft application delivers the content catalog already populated with a set of content types. You can add content types and content items to the content catalog to suit your organizational requirements.

Note. PeopleSoft delivers content items as sample data only.

The following content types are delivered as system data:

Content Type



Areas of Study






Education Level


(E&G) Special Projects


Competency Elements


Geography Preferences


Goals and objectives


Honors and awards




International Preferences


Licenses and certifications


Language skills


Current Location


Location Preferences




Mission Statements




NVQ Units


NVQ Elements


Military Rank.




Special Projects




Success Criteria


Travel Preferences



Note. The RANK content type is for military customers to record rank in profiles. You can integrate Manage Profiles with Job Data using the Event Manager, so that when a person's rank is updated in Job Data, the profile is automatically updated.

See Entering Salary Plan Information.

See Setting Up Events.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Content Catalog Setup

To set up the content catalog you define the following:

Note. If you want to use rating models with your content catalog, you must define these on the Rating Model page before you can associate content items with rating models.

See Defining Rating Models.

The first step in setting up the content catalog is to set up content types. After this, the order in which you set up content groups and content items does not matter. If you know how you want to group your content items, create the content groups first and then set up your content items. Conversely if you know which content items you want to add but haven't decided how to group those items, you can set up the content items first, then create the groups and add the items to the groups.

This diagram illustrates the two ways in which you can set up your content catalog: setting up content groups before setting up items, or setting up the items before the content groups:

Setting up the content groups before content items or setting up content items first

Content Types and Content Items

The Content Type component (JPM_CAT_TYPES) has two pages:

The component for setting up content items is the same for all content types, but the pages and the fields that appear are determined by the content type definition. The Content Items component (JPM_CAT_ITEMS) has three pages:

The fields on the Item Details page are entirely dependent on the properties selected on the Content Types page. The following diagram shows property selections on the Content Type page flowing though to become fields on the Item Details page. The diagram includes a generic content type and two example content types (competencies and goals):

Properties of content types flow through to become fields for content item definitions

Note. For a limited set of profile type properties, the Verity indexes that you use for the search and compare profile feature store only code-based data. These indexes support search word matching only on data containing alphanumeric, underscore ("_"), hyphen ("-"), or period (".") characters. The underscore, hyphen, and period characters must not be positioned at the beginning or the end of a word. When defining new content items or any data tied to the prompt list for profile item properties, you should assign identifiers that follow these requirements.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Content Types and Properties

To set up content types and properties, use the Custom List Values (JPM_C_LIST_VALUES) and Content Types (JPM_CAT_TYPES) components.

This section provides overviews of content type properties, custom list values, free form content types, and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Content Type Properties

A content type is a broad definition of a group of items that can be added to the content catalog. Within a content type, specify the properties that all items of this type can or must have. The system displays the properties you define for a content type as fields on the Item Details page. You can override the default label text, select default values, and indicate if the field should be available for entry, unavailable for entry, or hidden on the Item Details page.

See Also

Content Type Properties

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Custom List Values

The fields displayed on the Content Item - Item Details page are determined on the Content Types page as properties. Many of these fields are associated with a list of values defined on the Translate Table, however, the PeopleSoft application enables administrators the ability to define a customer list of values for the EP_SUB_LEVEL and EP_ITEM_STATUS fields. This means that the same field, such as the Level field, may have different prompt values in content items of different content types. For example, in one content item a person may have the choice of selecting a level of difficulty Advanced, Basic, or Intermediate, while in another content item a person may have the choice of selecting from the values Minimum, Basic, or Stretch. The Custom List Values page enables organizations to change or add prompt values for these fields. On the Content Types page: Property Attributes tab you select which custom list to use for the EP_SUB_LEVEL content item property.

Note. Manage Profiles uses the EP_SUB_LEVEL field only. ePerformance uses the EP_SUB_LEVEL and EP_ITEM_STATUS fields.

The ePerformance business process also uses the Content Catalog to obtain content items. Through this integration, administrators can create custom lists for the EP_ITEM_STATUS and the Level of Difficulty (EP_SUB_LEVEL) fields on the ePerformance template and document.

This tables shows the custom lists delivered as system data:

Field Name

Prompt List Name


List Values



Level of Difficulty

  • A - Advanced

  • B - Basic

  • I - Intermediate



ePerformance Item Status

  • A - Not Applicable

  • C - Complete

  • I - In Progress

Note. The EP_SUB_LEVEL field is delivered in the Content Catalog in the SUB_COMP (Sub-Competencies) content type only. You can create or update other content types to include this property, or field, if necessary.

See Also

Defining Sections

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Free Form Content Types

Depending on your organization's requirements, you may find that certain types of profile content are not suitable for storing in the content catalog due to the quantity or maintainability of the data. For example, you may want to include a section in person profiles for recording an employee's previous employers. However, employers are not stored in the database and the information is applicable to person profiles only. For this type of information, you can define free form content types that are basically empty placeholders. Free form content types do not include fields and you cannot create content items for them.

When you add a free form content type to a profile type, you add the properties (fields) that define the information entered for that specific profile type. This diagram illustrates how you could use free form content types to record previous employers and associated information such as the employment dates and a job description:

Example free form content type for capturing previous employment information in a person profile

In the example, the content type definition for previous employers has no fields or content items. When this content type is added to the profile type, fields are added for employer name, job start and end dates, and a descriptive field for the job description. On the Person Profiles page, employees add their previous employers information in these fields. There is no validation of the employers because it isn't defined as a record in the database.

To create a free form content type, select the Free Form Type Only check box on the Content Types page.

Note. You cannot include free form content sections when you use the search and compare profiles feature.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Set Up Content Types and Properties

Page Name

Definition Name



Content List Values


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Profile Management, Content Catalog, Custom List Values, Custom List Values

Define custom list values that will be used to define valid values for level of difficulty and ePerformance item statuses.

Content Types


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Profile Management, Content Catalog, Content Types, Content Types

Define the properties of content types. The properties selected for a content type determine which fields appear on the Item Details page and the attributes of those fields.

Relationship Rule


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Profile Management, Content Catalog, Content Types, Relationship Rule

Set up and review relationships between content types.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Custom List Values

Access the Custom List Values page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Profile Management, Content Catalog, Custom List Values, Custom List Values).

Field Name

Select a field that will serve as a field property of a content type where a person can select from the list of values that you define on this page. Valid fields are EP_SUB_LEVEL and EP_ITEM_STATUS.


Prompt List Name

Enter the code that identifies this custom list. This list is associated with the List field of a content type property and determines which list of values are available to the user.



Enter the description of the custom prompt list. This value will display in the List field under the Properties tab on the Content Types page.

See Property Attributes Tab.


System Data

List values with this check box selected are delivered with the system.

List Values

Use this section to enter the valid values you want to include in your custom list.

List Value

Enter code values that will be stored in the field.



Enter the name of the value that the system will display. This text appears in the drop down list of the Level field on the Content Item field.

Note. The Level field label name is based on the default value that appears in the Label Text field for the EP_SUB_LEVEL row on the Content Types page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Content Type Properties

Access the Content Types page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Profile Management, Content Catalog, Content Types, Content Types).

System Data

Content types with this check box selected are delivered with the system.

Free Form Entry Only

Select this check box if you want to create a free form content type. You cannot define properties or content items for free form content types.

See Understanding Free Form Content Types.

Properties Tab

The system displays the properties that you select in this scroll area as fields on the Items Details page. Use the properties to define content items for this content type.

All content types must have the following five properties:

When you create a new content type, the system automatically populates the grid with these properties and you can only edit the label text and the maximum length of the Content Item ID and the Description.

Add other properties to the content type that are required to track items of this type. For example, you can add a rating model to types whose items must be rated (such as competencies or language skills) or a duration property to types whose items are tracked by duration.


Select the properties to add to this content type from the list of available options. For content types that are delivered as system data you cannot delete the properties delivered, but you can add other properties.

See Content Type Properties.

Label Text

Displays the default label text for the selected property, but you can override it with a more meaningful label. The system displays the label text defined here on the Item Details page.

Note. We strongly recommend that you choose a meaningful label for the property so that users clearly understand what kind of information to enter in the field on the Item Details page.

Sys Data (system data)

This field is display-only. PeopleSoft delivers some content types as system data. The system selects this check box if the property is delivered as part of this system data.

Key Field

This field is display-only. The system selects it if the property is a key field for the record.


Select to make a property required when defining an item on the Item Details page.

Property Attributes Tab

Access the Property Attributes tab on the Content Types page.


Select whether the property should be available for entry (Editable), unavailable for entry (Display Only), or hidden (Hidden) on the Items Details page.

Max Len (maximum length)

Enter the field length of this property.

Minimum and Maximum

For numeric properties, enter the minimum and maximum values.


Select a custom list defined in the Custom List Values table. This field appears only when there is a custom list defined for the field (as delivered, EP_SUB_LEVEL). When a list value is selected, the Default field values are dynamically built from the list values associated with the custom list value assigned.

See Defining Custom List Values.


Enter the default value for this property. On the Item Details page, the system populates the field with this value. You should select a default value if the property is display only or hidden. The Default field is available for properties that have predefined values or are associated with a prompt table only.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Content Type Relationship Rules

Access the Relationship Rule page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Profile Management, Content Catalog, Content Types, Relationship Rule).

If a content type is related to other content types, define the relationship on this page. Leave the page blank if there are no relationship rules for the content type.


Select from one of the following relationships: Is a parent of or Is a child of. Child items are added to profiles under the parent items. These relationships create a hierarchy.

(GBR) Supports or Is Supported By apply to the NVQ and NVQ Units content types. These are not in a hierarchical relationship with one another (that is, the supports items do not have to go under the supported by items), but it enables you to apply the items of these types to a profile together and review them together.

Related Content Type

Select the content type to which this content type is related.

System Data

This field is display-only. The system selects this check box if the content type is system data delivered in the PeopleSoft application.

When you create a relationship here and save the content type, the system enters the opposite relationship for the related content type. For example, suppose you set up content type A and define the relationship:

Content type A Is a parent of content type B.

The system updates the content type B definition to define the relationship:

Content type B Is a child of content type A.

You cannot create two kinds of relationships between two types or create a relationship between a type and itself. The system displays a duplicate insert error when you attempt this. For example, the content type COMPETENCY cannot have both the relationship Is a parent of and the relationship Is a child of with the content type SUB_COMP.

Click to jump to parent topicDefining Content Items

To set up content items, use the Content Items (JPM_CAT_ITEMS) component.

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Define Content Items

Page Name

Definition Name



Item Details


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Profile Management, Content Catalog, Content Items, Item Details

Define content items details for the selected content type.

Content Item Proficiency Descriptions


Click the Proficiency Descriptions link on the Item Details page.

Define proficiency descriptions of the ratings for the content item.

Note. The Proficiency Descriptions link appears only if the RATING_MODEL property is included in the content type definition and a rating model is selected.



Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Profile Management, Content Catalog, Content Items, Relationships

Set up and review the relationship between content items.

Group Memberships


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Profile Management, Content Catalog, Content Items, Group Memberships

Add the content item to existing content groups. From this page you can also view all the members of the selected content groups.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Content Item Details

Access the Item Details page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Profile Management, Content Catalog, Content Items, Item Details).

Note. The fields on the page vary depending on the properties of the content type. Each content type property is a field on the Item Details page and the system labels the fields using the label you entered in the Label Text field on the Content Types page.

Proficiency Descriptions

This link appears only if the RATING_MODEL property is included in the content type definition and a rating model is selected. Click the link to access the Content Item Proficiency Descriptions page, which you use to enter descriptions of the ratings for the content item.

Proficiency descriptions are optional and are used by ePerformance only. They enable you to set up a rating description for a specific item. However, employees and managers can evaluate content items without proficiency descriptions.

Note. If you change the rating model for an item that has proficiency descriptions associated with it, the system issues a warning indicating that the existing proficiency descriptions have been removed.

Rating models are defined on the Rating Model page.

See Defining Rating Models.

See Also

Content Type Properties

Understanding Content Catalog Setup

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Proficiency Descriptions

Access the Content Item Proficiency Descriptions page (click the Proficiency Descriptions link on the Item Details page).

Review Rating

Select a review rating. The system prompts against the rating model that you assigned on the Item Details page. For example, you can define what it means to be an Expert in conflict management (a 5 rating), or Very Good in conflict management (a 4 rating). This helps ensure that everyone in the organization knows what each rating means.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up and Reviewing Content Item Relationships

Access the Relationships page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Profile Management, Content Catalog, Content Items, Relationships).

The Relationships page is displayed if there are relationship rules for the content type defined on the Content Types - Relationship Rule page. If there are no relationship rules for the content type, the system hides this page.

Note. It is not mandatory to define relationships at the content item level.

Related Items


Displays the relationship rule defined for the content type.

You can't define relationships between content items that differ from the relationship rules for the content types. For example, the COMPETENCY type has a parent relationship with the SUB_COMP type. Therefore you can't set up a child relationship between a competency and a sub-competency when defining the competency content item.

Related Content Type

Displays the content type of the related item.

Content Item ID

Select the item to which this item is related. You can only select items of the type defined by the Related Content Type field.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAdding Content Items to Groups

Access the Group Memberships page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Profile Management, Content Catalog, Content Items, Group Memberships).

The Group Memberships page is available if content groups have been set up for the content type. If there are no content groups, the system hides this page. Content groups are defined on the Content Group Types page.

Content Group Type

Select the content group type.


Select a group from the list of groups.

Content Group Members and View

Click the View link to access the Content Group Members page that lists the content items in the selected group.

Click to jump to parent topicDefining Content Groups

To set up content groups, use the Content Groups (JPM_CAT_GROUPS) and the Content Group Members (JPM_CAT_GMEMB) components.

This sections discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Define Content Groups and Members

Page Name

Definition Name



Content Group Types


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Profile Management, Content Catalog, Content Groups Types, Content Group Types

Define content group types and the groups within each content group type.

Content Group Members


  • Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Profile Management, Content Catalog, Content Group Members, Content Group Members

  • Click the Add/View link on the Content Group Types page.

  • Click the View link on the Content Item - Group Memberships page.

Define content group members. Add content items to the content groups that you have created on the Content Group Types page or view existing item members for a content group.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Content Group Types

Access the Content Group Type page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Profile Management, Content Catalog, Content Groups Types, Content Group Types).

Content Group Types

This group box lists all the content groups defined for the selected content group type.

Content Group

Enter the name of the content group.

Content Group Members

Click the Add/View link to access the Content Group Members page that lists the content items belonging to the group.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Content Group Members

Access the Content Group Members page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Profile Management, Content Catalog, Content Group Members, Content Group Members).

Use this page to view, add, or delete items that are members of the content group.


Click this link to view the item definition. When you click the link, the system displays the Content Item - Group Memberships page.

Click to jump to parent topicDefining Rating Models

To set up rating models, use the Rating Model (RATING_MDL_TBL) component.

This section provides overviews of rating models, (USF) rating models, and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Rating Models

Rating models define the values that can be used to rate an employee's performance or level of proficiency. The rating model defines the qualitative values, such as A, B, C, or D, that the system uses to rate or score an employee's performance. Each qualitative value can have a numeric rating, review points, and a review band (range of points).

Rating models are used by several applications within HCM, including:

See Also

Working with Manage Profiles

Setting Up Employee Reviews

Setting Up Base Compensation and Budgeting

Evaluating Employee Strengths and Developmental Areas

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topic(USF) Understanding Rating Models

The PeopleSoft HR product delivers two rating models that have specific uses:

These rating models define statuses, rather than ratings, that you can assign to goals and performance improvement plans in performance evaluations. GUSF values are Not Met, Met, and Exceeded. PIP values are In Progress, Satisfactory, and Unsatisfactory.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Define Rating Models

Page Name

Definition Name



Rating Model


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Profile Management, Content Catalog, Rating Model, Rating Model

Set up ratings models that contain values used to rate an employee's proficiency level.

Review Rating Explanation


Click the Rating Explanation icon on the Rating Model page.

Add review rating explanations.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Rating Models

Access the Rating Model page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Profile Management, Content Catalog Rating Model, Rating Model).

Rating Model Description

Review Band

Select this check box if you want to define this rating model as a Review Band Rating model.

Note. To use the JPN Grade Advance Candidate List and the JPN Salary Increase processes, the performance reviews in ePerformance must use a Review Band Rating model for overall review ratings.

See (JPN) Updating Salaries for Japan.

OPM Pattern (Office of Personnel Management pattern)

(USF) Select the pattern that applies to this rating model. This field appears for U.S. Federal users only.

General Tab

Define all possible rating levels that can be used to evaluate an employee when this rating model is used. At least two rating levels are required. You can add as many rows as necessary.


Enter an alphabetic or numeric code for the rating. This is sometimes referred to as the qualitative rating.

Numeric Rating

This field is used by ePerformance only. Enter a numeric value for the rating, if applicable. The value you enter serves two purposes:

  • For sections of a performance document that use the average calculation method, the system uses this value to calculate the section's average or weighted average. It also uses this value to calculate the average rating for each item in the section (when sub-items exist).

  • If you select the Show Numeric Ratings/Points check box on the Rules/Roles page (EP_TMPL_DEFN3) of the Template Definition component, the value you enter here displays next to the rating on the performance document. This feature is useful when ratings are alphabetic.

Career Strength/Development

The system uses this value when defining competencies in the Plan Careers business processes using the Manage Profiles pages. Select:

Developmnt (development) if the rating indicates an area that needs more skill development, education, or training.

Strength if the rating indicates an area of strength.

See Evaluating Employee Strengths and Developmental Areas.

(rating explanation)

Click to display the Review Rating Explanation page.

See Adding Review Rating Explanations.

Review Points Tab

Access the Rating Model page: Review Points tab.

Complete the fields on this tab if you want to associate a number of points, or a points range with each rating level defined on the General tab.


The rating entered on the General tab displays here. If you change this value, the system automatically updates the Rating field on the General tab to match.

Review Points

Enter a number from 0 to 999 for the rating. This field is used by both ePerformance and Manage Profiles.

  • ePerformance uses this field for section calculation using the Summation method. The system uses the review points that you enter here in its calculations.

    Note. To use the Automated Step Increase process, the Summation method is required.

  • Manage Profiles uses the matching function to determine how well an employee matches the competencies for a given role. The matching function uses the review points that you enter here. However, the review points are not used in the Search and Compare profiles feature.

    See Matching Competencies to Roles.

    See Administering Salary Plans, Grades, and Steps.

From Points and To Points

Define a range of points to associate with this rating. These points are used to convert summed-up points to either a Review Band or a qualitative rating.

A Review Band is really the same as a qualitative rating, instead of being directly assigned, it's calculated by summing points, then finding the entry in this table that contains a range of From/To points that encloses the summed points.

If Review Band is selected, you must enter a value in the To Points field. When the calculation method is Review Band, the system uses these fields to resolve the number of total points in a review to a qualitative rating. When the calculation method is Summation, the system uses these fields to resolve the number of total section points or total review points to a qualitative rating.

Eligibility Points

If applicable, enter the number of points used by the Shohkaku (JPN), or Grade Advance, eligibility feature of the Plan Salaries business process. This is used only if the Appl for Grade Advance Prc check box is selected on the JPN Review Definition.

See (JPN) Creating Review Identifiers.

See (JPN) Updating Salaries for Japan.

(USF) Federal Tab

Access the Rating Model page: Federal tab.

This tab appears only when Federal is selected on the Products page of the Installation table and the user is logged on as a U.S. Federal user.

See Selecting PeopleSoft Applications for Your Installation.

OPM Rating (Office of Personnel Management rating)

Select the OPM rating that correlates with the rating level. This field is used for reporting to the Central Personnel Data File (CPDF)

RIF Years (Reduction in Force years)

Enter the number of RIF Years associated with this rating level.

See Also

Matching Competencies to Roles

Maintaining Profiles

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAdding Review Rating Explanations

Access the Review Rating Explanation page (click the Rating Explanation icon on the Rating Model page).


Enter a description for the rating. You can enter up to 1325 characters. This description is used by ePerformance on the performance document.