(CAN) Meeting Regulatory Requirements for Canada

This chapter provides an overview of regulatory requirements for Canada and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Regulatory Requirements for Canada

The Meet Regulatory Requirements business process provides the tools to meet Canadian federal reporting requirements in several areas. You can establish pay equity criteria and generate a report summarizing job classes and related evaluation criteria. To classify jobs for census or other reporting purposes, you need to review and update Canadian standard occupational classification codes.

To meet employment equity and official language reporting requirements, run reports to generate data extract files for loading into two federal government reporting systems: the Employment Equity Computerized Reporting System (EECRS) and the Treasury Board Secretariat's system for reporting on the Official Languages Act (OLA).

PeopleSoft provides the following Canadian regulatory reports:

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Control Tables for Canadian Regulatory Reports

To set up the Canadian regulatory reports tables, use the Define Canadian Pay Equity Table (CAN_PAY_EQUITY_TBL), and Define Canadian NOC Codes (CAN_NOC_TABLE) components.

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Set Up Control Tables for Canadian Regulatory Reports

Page Name

Definition Name



Define Canadian Pay Equity


Workforce Monitoring, Meet Regulatory Rqmts CAN, Define Canadian Pay Equity, Define Canadian Pay Equity

Quantify job evaluation criteria to meet requirements set by the Pay Equity Act. Associate pay equity job class codes with job codes in the Job Code table.

Define Canadian NOC Codes (define Canadian National Occupational Classification codes)


Workforce Monitoring, Meet Regulatory Rqmts CAN, Define Canadian NOC Codes, Define Canadian NOC Codes

Review NOC codes for Canadian companies and associate NOC codes with job codes in the Job Code table. PeopleSoft delivers an extensive list of NOC codes, which you can change.

Pay Equity - Run Control


Workforce Monitoring, Meet Regulatory Rqmts CAN, Reports, Pay Equity, Run Control

Run the Pay Equity Table report (PER715CN), which lists evaluation information.

National Occupation Codes - Run Control


Workforce Monitoring, Meet Regulatory Rqmts CAN, Reports, National Occupation Codes, Run Control

Run the National Occupation Codes report (PER716CN), which lists the NOC codes used in categorizing job codes.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicQuantifying Job Evaluation Criteria

Access the Define Canadian Pay Equity page (Workforce Monitoring, Meet Regulatory Rqmts CAN, Define Canadian Pay Equity, Define Canadian Pay Equity).

Design the point system used in Job Comparison Criteria group box. Determine and enter points by comparing each of the factors to every other job class in the company. For example, you might assign more pay equity skill points to an engineer job class than a mailroom clerk job class because the engineering job requires more education and experience.

Pay Equity Effort Points

Enter points for the physical and mental effort required to perform a job.

Pay Equity Responsibility Pts (pay equity responsibility points)

Enter points for decision-making and responsibility for people, equipment, and budgets.

Pay Equity Working Cond Points (pay equity working conditions points)

Enter points for the working environment, including dirt, noise, stress, and health risks.

Pay Equity Skill Points

Enter points for the education, experience, and special abilities that are required to perform a job in this job class.

Pay Equity Total Points

Displays the total points as you enter points.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing NOC Codes

Access the Define Canadian NOC Codes page (Workforce Monitoring, Meet Regulatory Rqmts CAN, Define Canadian NOC Codes, Define Canadian NOC Codes).

NOC Occupational Group (National Occupational Classification occupational group)

Select the group to which this job classification code belongs. Occupational group codes are included in the translate table.

Can OEE Skill Level (Canadian Ontario Employment Equity skill level)

Select from the list of values.

Click to jump to parent topicRunning the Employment Equity Report

This section provides overviews of employment equity reporting, Employment Equity report files, employee inclusion in the Employment Equity report, and salary calculation, and discusses how to run the Employment Equity report.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Employment Equity Reporting

If you're a federally regulated employer in Canada and required to report to the federal government on employment equity, HR provides the Canadian Employment Equity 2.0 interface—the Employment Equity report (PER101CN)—which creates three data interface files for the federal government's Employment Equity Computerized Reporting System (EECRS). You don't have to enter the data in the database and then reenter the same data in EECRS each year.

The report retrieves extensive data for all Canadian employees in the organization who were active employees at any point during the calendar year. The report includes up to four promotion dates per employee within a given year, in ascending order.

The Employment Equity report is based on the interpretation of Employment Equity Reporting Guideline 11, as published by HR Development Canada (HRDC). Because the interpretation of the guidelines can vary, there may be differences between your requirements and the rules that PeopleSoft has built into the generic solution. If the data imported into the EECRS does not meet Guideline 11, either modify the information once it has been imported into the EECRS or modify the Employment Equity report.

You are responsible for reporting accurate information to HRDC. The HRDC is the source of interpretation and final authority on all matters related to employment equity reporting, including the definition of salary and its rules for annualization and non-annualization. PeopleSoft doesn't assume this role.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Employment Equity Report Files

The Employment Equity report creates three files: employee.txt, promo.txt, and term.txt. The employee file includes information on temporary and permanent employees. The following tables lists the field names in each report file, the fields in PeopleSoft HCM from which the report retrieves the data, and the tables where the fields are located.

Employee File

The following table lists the fields and tables used to create the employee.txt file:

EECRS Report Field Name

PeopleSoft Field

PeopleSoft Table


Employee # (employee number)

Employee ID



CMA Code (Census Metropolitan Area code)

Census Metropolitan Area


Based on the location code in the employee job record, the report uses the CMA associated with that location code in the LOCATION_TBL table.

Province Code

Numeric Code


Based on the location code in the employee job record, the report uses the numeric code associated with that location code in the LOCATION_TBL table.

NOC Code (National Occupational Classification code)

Canadian NOC Code (Canadian National Occupational Classification code)


Based on the job code in the employee job record, the report uses the NOC code associated with the job code in the JOBCODE_TBL table.

NAICS (North American Industrial Classification System) four-digit code



Based on the department ID in the employee job record, the report uses the NAICS code associated with that department ID in the DEPT_TBL table.

Employee Type Code

Temporary Full-/Part-Time Other

Derived value based on rules in Structured Query Report (SQR); data from a combination of PERSONAL_DATA and EMPLOYMENT records.

See Understanding Inclusion of Employees in the Employment Equity Report.

Employee Type Comment

Employment Status Full-Time Student

Derived value based on rules in SQR; data from a combination of PERSONAL_DATA and EMPLOYMENT records.

See Understanding Inclusion of Employees in the Employment Equity Report.





Last Name




Given Name





Annual Rate


See Understanding Salary Calculation.





Visible Minority

Visible Minority







Hire Date

Hire Date



Termination Date

Termination Date



Promotion File

The following table lists the fields and tables used to create the promo.txt file:

EECRS Report Field Name

PeopleSoft Field

PeopleSoft Table


Employee #

Employee ID.



Promotion # (promotion number)

Derived values from SQR program; sequential count.

Based on a number of job records that meets appropriate criteria as defined by EECRS reporting rules.


Promotion Date

Derived value from EFF_DT.



Temporary Terms File (for Temporary Employees)

The following table lists the fields and tables used to create the term.txt file:

EECRS Report Field Name

PeopleSoft Field

PeopleSoft Table


Employee #

Employee ID



Term # (term number)

Derived field; sequential count.



Start Date




End Date




Completed Date

Termination Date


Temporary employees only.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Inclusion of Employees in the Employment Equity Report

The Employment Equity report includes any employee in a Canadian regulatory region during the reporting year. This includes employees who were hired, rehired, transferred, or terminated, and anyone who was active, on leave, or suspended during the year.

The job record used in the data files includes the maximum effective date and effective sequence that is less than or equal to the year end. This may be a record from before the current year if an employee has had no job activity during the reporting year.

The minimum employee record number is used if more than one job is present. Data from personal data, diversity, disability, and employment records appears as of the report's run date. Data from the tables JOBCODE_TBL, DEPT_TBL, and LOCATION_TBL appears as of the end of the year.

Employees with Multiple Jobs

For employees with multiple jobs, the report provides information on only one job.

The report selects the job to include based on:

The employee salary is reported as the sum of all job salaries.

Determination of Employee Type

Two fields in the employee.txt file are related to employee type: Employee Type and Employee Type Description (for an employee type categorized as Other (04).

The system determines the appropriate category for each EECRS employee type:

Full-Time (01)

REG_TEMP = 'R' (regular) FULL_PART_TIME = 'F' (full-time) EMPL_STATUS not in (L,P,S) FT_STUDENT <> 'Y'

Part-Time (02)


Temporary (03)


Other (04)

EMPL_STATUS in (L,P,S) or FT_STUDENT = 'Y' or (EMPL_STATUS not in (L,P,S) and has not worked in this reporting year (using LAST_DATE_WORKED) ) Supersedes Full-Time, Part-Time, Temporary, and Casual.

Casual (05)

Employees who would otherwise be temporary but whose combined start and end dates (from contract data) add up to fewer than 12 weeks during the reporting year.

If the employee type code is Other (04), the description field is populated as follows:

Full-Time Student


On Leave of Absence


Terminated and hasn't worked during the year


Retired and hasn't worked during the year


Deceased and hasn't worked during the year


Last Date Worked not in reporting year and not null

LAST_DATE_WORKED <>Null and <Reporting Year

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Salary Calculation

The following stipulations regarding salary definition and calculation apply to Employment Equity Reporting Guideline 11:

Important! The final authority in interpretation of annualization or non-annualization rests with HRDC. You have the final responsibility for compliance with the EECRS reporting rules.

Salary Annualization

The following table shows when salary is annualized and how the Employment Equity report handles each situation. Note cases in which you must modify the report manually for accurate results.

Employment Equity Report Annualization

Interface Functionality

New hires and promotions during the reporting period.

The Employment Equity report annualizes using ANNUAL_RT.

Unpaid leaves of absence granted at the request of employees who returned to work on or before December 31.

The Employment Equity report annualizes using ANNUAL_RT; however, paid leaves are non-annualized.

If unpaid leave is still active at December 31, it is non-annualized.

New hires with a salary including commission; add salary and commission and annualize total.

The Employment Equity report annualizes using ANNUAL_RT.

Modify the provided figure manually in EECRS.

New hires with steady base salary; annualize only base salary and then add commission.

The Employment Equity report annualizes using ANNUAL_RT.

Modify the provided figure manually in EECRS.

Transferred employees as a result of a corporate transaction; employees considered new hires.

Human Resources does not specify how to complete corporate transactions. If you have terminated employees from one company and hired them in another one as the means of corporate transfer, they appear as new hires and PER101CN annualizes using ANNUAL_RT.

Otherwise, modify the figure manually within EECRS.

The following table shows when salary is not annualized and how the Employment Equity report handles each situation. Note cases in which you must modify the report manually for accurate results.

No Employment Equity Report Annualization

Interface Functionality

Temporary employees.

The SQR categorizes them as employee type Temporary (03).

Seasonal workers who have worked a complete season.

All seasonal workers are considered to have worked a complete season. Human Resources does not use partial seasons.

Seasonal workers who work part of a season.

All seasonal employees are considered to have worked a complete season and do not have their salary annualized by the Employment Equity report.

Modify data in EECRS manually if employees worked an incomplete season.

Employees who are temporarily laid off.

The SQR categorizes them as employee type Other (04).

Employees recalled in accordance with the mid year collective agreement.

The Employment Equity report does not annualize.

Striking employees.

The Employment Equity report does not annualize.

Permanent employees working part of the year as full-time employees.

The Employment Equity report does not annualize.

Acting assignments.

Human Resources does not take these situations into account. Modify the provided figure manually in EECRS.

New hires with fluctuating base salary and commission.

Human Resources does not take these situations into account. Modify the provided figure manually in EECRS.

Employees with commission-only salary.

Human Resources does not take these situations into account. Modify the provided figure manually in EECRS.

Employees who change employment status mid year (temp to part-time, part-time to full-time, and so on).

Modify the provided figure manually in EECRS.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Run the Employment Equity Report

Page Name

Definition Name



Employment Equity


Workforce Monitoring, Meet Regulatory Rqmts CAN, Reports, Employment Equity, Employment Equity

Run the Employment Equity report (PER101CN). This SQR creates an interface file that you can export to Canadian Employment Equity software.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRunning the Employment Equity Report

Access the Employment Equity page (Workforce Monitoring, Meet Regulatory Rqmts CAN, Reports, Employment Equity, Employment Equity).

Importing the Report into EECRS

When you import the interface file into EECRS, you have two options: merge the existing file or overwrite it. The default is to overwrite the file because normally you submit information for the whole organization at the same time.

If divisions in the organization prepare their information separately and you need to combine division files, you may need to use the merge option. Keep in mind that the merge option creates duplicate records. The EECRS software does not warn you about duplicate records or issue error messages. For this reason, the Canadian government strongly recommends that you back up your final files. Because you can inadvertently delete or overwrite existing employee data in EECRS, backing up your files ensures that you retain accurate records of the information submitted each year.

The Employment Equity report does not extract information about employers. Before you run the final report using the EECRS software, enter values in the EECRS Employer Information fields.


The Employment Equity report detects errors that can prevent the EECRS from successfully importing data.

If you find that records are missing from the import files when you run the Employment Equity report, information that is required for the EECRS report may not be included in the online pages. The PER101CN.LIS file identifies these situations and produces an error message.

Click to jump to parent topicRunning Official Languages Reports

Canadian federal institutions are required to report on the official languages used in their departments in accordance with the Official Languages Act (OLA). Human Resources provides the Canadian Official Language Data File report and the Canadian Official Languages reports.

This section provides overviews of the Canadian Official Language Data File report and the Canadian Official Language reports and discusses how to run the Canadian Official Language Data File report.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Canadian Official Language Data File Report

The Canadian Official Language Data File report (PER102CN) creates an import file used by the Official Languages Information System (OLIS II) software, which is required under the OLA to report official language information. The report captures information about permanent employees and temporary employees who work for periods of six months or more.

The following table lists the field names in the report, the fields in PeopleSoft HCM from which the report retrieves the data, and the tables where the fields are located:

OLA Report Field Name

PeopleSoft Field

PeopleSoft Table


Institution Code

Institution Code



Record ID

Employee ID



First Official Language

Preferred Language



Occupational Category

Occupational Category


Based on the job code in the employee job record, the report uses the occupational category associated with the job code in the JOBCODE_TBL table.

Language of Service to Public

Pub Svc Lng Can (public service language Canada)



Language of Internal Service to NCR

Intrl Ncr Lng Can (internal National Capital Region language Canada



Language of Internal Service to Ontario North and East

Intrl On Lng Can (internal Ontario language Canada)



Language of Internal Service to Montreal

Intrl Mnt Lng Can (internal Montreal language Canada)



Language of Internal Service to Bilingual Quebec-Other

Intrl Qc Lng Can (internal Quebec language Canada)



Language of Internal Service to New Brunswick

Intrl NB Lng Can (internal New Brunswick language Canada)



Bilingualism Code

Bilingualism Code



Comm Req Supervision to NCR

Supr Comm Ncr Can (communication requirements - supervision to National Capital Region Canada)


Identifies whether or not the employee is required to provide bilingual supervision to employees located in the NCR.

Comm Req Supervision to Ontario North & East

Supr Comm On Can (communication requirements - supervision to Ontario North & East Canada)


The same as above, except applies to supervision of employees in the bilingual region of Ontario North & East.

Comm Req Supervision to Montreal

Supr Comm Mnt Can (communication requirements - supervision to Montreal Canada)


The same as above, except applies to supervision of employees in the bilingual region of Montreal.

Comm Req Supervision to Bilingual Quebec-Other

Supr Comm Qc Can (communication requirements - supervision to Quebec and other Canada)


The same as above, except applies to supervision of employees in the bilingual region of Quebec - other.

Comm Req Supervision to New Brunswick

Supr Comm Nb Can (communication requirements - supervision to New Brunswick Canada)


The same as above, except applies to supervision of employees in the bilingual region of New Brunswick.

TBS Office Code

Office Cd Can (office code Canada)


This designates a point of service. The values should correspond to the office codes established by the TBS (Treasury Board Secretariat).

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Canadian Official Language Reports

The Canadian Official Language reports (PER108CN) provide summary information that is required by the OLA. The reports assume an as of date of December 31 of the current year, unless another date is specified.

There are five summary reports that are produced in a print format:

Participation by Province

The Participation by Province summary report includes individuals whose most recent job record has a REG_REGION value equal to CAN and an EMPL_STATUS value equal to A, L, P, or S.

The following table lists the report field names, the fields in PeopleSoft HCM from which the reports retrieve the data, and the tables where the fields are located:

OLA Summary Report Field Name

PeopleSoft Field

PeopleSoft Table





Displays the location code based on the employee JOB location code as indicated in the employee job code record.

Total # of Employees (total number of employees)



Displays the total number of employees for each province based on their JOB.LOCATION_CD. When an employee's JOB.LOCATION_CD is equal to the National Capital Region (NCR), that employee is included in the NCR count, not in the provincial count.

Total # of Employees First Official Languages English



The count of selected employees in the selected group who have a language code that isn't equal to CFR or FR. If the employee's language isn't French, then the report uses English.

Total # of Employees First Official Languages French



The count of selected employees in a selected group who have a language code that is equal to CFR or FR.

Participation by Occupational Category

The Participation by Occupational Category summary report includes individuals whose most recent job record has a REG_REGION value equal to CAN and an EMPL_STATUS value equal to A, L, P, or S.

The following table lists the report field names, the fields in PeopleSoft HCM from which the reports retrieve the data, and the tables where the fields are located:

OLA Summary Report Field Name

PeopleSoft Field

PeopleSoft Table


Occupational Category



The Occupational Category field displays one of five occupational categories that corresponds to the CAN_NOC_CD code in the JOBCODE_TBL table.

The categories are:

  • 91-Managers

  • 92-Professionals

  • 93-Specialists & Technicians

  • 94-Administrative Support

  • 95-Operational

Total # of Employees (total number of employees)



The count of selected employees with that occupational category.

Total # of Employees First Official Languages English



The count of selected employees in the selected group who have a language code that isn't equal to CFR or FR. If the employee's language isn't French, then the report uses English.

Total # of Employees First Official Languages French



The count of selected employees in a selected group who have a language code that is equal to CFR or FR.

Service to Public by Bilingual Office/Point of Service

The Service to Public by Bilingual Office/Point of Service summary report includes individuals whose most recent job record has an EMPL_STATUS value equal to A, L, P, or S and whose OFF_LNG_RQMT_CAN record has a PUB_SVC_LNG_CAN value of either French, English, or Bilingual.

Employees with a Bilingual value in the PUB_SVC_LNG_CAN field are counted in both the French and English columns, resulting in values that may total more than the value in the Resources Serving the Public field. This is according to the OLIS II guidelines.

The following table lists the report field names, the fields in PeopleSoft HCM from which the reports retrieve the data, and the tables where the fields are located:

OLA Summary Report Field Name

PeopleSoft Field

PeopleSoft Table










Office Code





Resources Servicing the Public



The count of selected employees at that location.

Resources Serving in English



The count of selected employees at that location with a PUB_SVC_LNG_CAN value of either English or Bilingual.

Resources Serving in French



The count of selected employees at that location with a PUB_SVC_LNG_CAN value of either French or Bilingual.

Internal Services to Bilingual Regions

The Internal Services to Bilingual Regions summary report includes individuals whose most recent job record has a REG_REGION value equal to CAN and an EMPL_STATUS value equal to A, L, P, or S.

Individuals must also have a value of either English, French, or Bilingual in any of the following fields on the OFF_LNG_RQMT_CAN page:

Employees with a Bilingual value in any of these internal services fields are counted in both the French and English columns, resulting in values that may total more than the value in the Internal Services to Bilingual Regions field. This is according to the OLIS II guidelines.

The following table lists the report field names, the fields in PeopleSoft HCM from which the reports retrieve the data, and the tables where the fields are located.

OLA Summary Report Field Name

PeopleSoft Field

PeopleSoft Table


Internal Services to Employees In:

  • National Capital Region

  • Ontario North & East

  • Montreal

  • Bilingual Quebec-Other

  • New Brunswick

  • Total








Resources Providing Internal Services







Displays the count of employees who have a value of English, French, or Bilingual in the Internal Languages field for each region.

Resources Serving in English







Displays the count of employees who have a value of English or Bilingual in the Internal Languages field for each region.

Resources Serving in French







Displays the count of employees who have a value of French or Bilingual in the Internal Languages field for each region.

Supervision in Bilingual Regions

The Supervision in Bilingual Regions summary report includes individuals whose most recent job record has a REG_REGION value equal to CAN and an EMPL_STATUS value equal to A, L, P, or S.

Individuals must also have a value of either English, French, or Bilingual in any of the following fields on the OFF_LNG_RQMT_CAN page:

The following table lists the report field names, the fields in PeopleSoft HCM from which the reports retrieve the data, and the tables where the fields are located:

OLA Summary Report Field Name

PeopleSoft Field

PeopleSoft Table


Bilingual Supervision:

  • To Supervise Employees in NCR.

  • To Supervise Employees in Ontario North & East.

  • To Supervise Employees in Montreal.

  • To Supervise Employees in Bilingual Quebec-Other.

  • To Supervise Employees in New Brunswick.

  • Total.








The Number of Supervisors Required to Be Bilingual







Displays the count of employees who have a value of Bilingual in the Supervisors Required field for each region.

Of These, the Number Qualified to Carry Out Their Duties in Both Official Languages








See Also

PeopleSoft Application Fundamentals for HCM Reports

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Run Canadian Official Languages Report

Page Name

Definition Name



Official Language Requirements


Workforce Monitoring, Meet Regulatory Rqmts CAN, Reports, Official Language Requirements, Official Language Requirements

Run the Canadian Official Languages Data File SQR (PER102CN), which creates an import file to report official languages information.