Setting Up Labor Administration Data

This chapter lists common elements and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicDefining Seniority Dates

To define seniority dates, use the Seniority Dates component (HR_SNR_DATE_TBL) and the Tie Breakers component (HR_TIEBREAK_TBL).

This section provides an overview of seniority dates and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Seniority Dates

PeopleSoft calculates and displays a number of seniority dates on the Job Data - Employment Data page (EMPLOYMENT_DTA1). These fields are used throughout PeopleSoft HCM for various features (such as Benefits), but, since seniority rules can vary from labor agreement to labor agreement, they are not used for labor administration processing.

Instead, use the Seniority Dates page (HR_SNR_DATE_TBL) to define the seniority dates required to comply the labor agreements in effect at your organization. Associate the seniority dates with labor agreements on the Labor Agreements component (HR_LABOR_AGRMNT). The system displays the seniority dates associated with a person's labor agreement on the Job Data - Job Labor page (JOB_LABOR).

Examples of seniority dates you may want to create are:

You can create seniority date types using existing system dates so that the system will insert the values from the existing fields into the seniority date you create. You can also create seniority dates to update and maintain manually. Maintain the dates for workers on the Job Data - Job Labor page.

Use seniority dates as sort criteria for the:

Tie Breakers

In the event that two workers are tied for seniority, you will need to apply a tie breaker that is in accordance with the workers' labor agreement. Define tie breaker types that are based on information in the system, such as birth date or national identification number, on the Tie Breakers page (HR_TIEBREAK_TBL) and associate them with labor agreements on the Labor Agreement component. Use tie breakers as sort criteria for the:

Note. For lottery-style tie breakers, where the unions decide the seniority order, you can manually change people's ranking on the roster by changing their rank number accordingly.

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Seniority Dates


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Labor Administration, Layoffs and Recalls, Seniority Dates, Seniority Dates

Set up seniority dates to track a worker's seniority for labor administration purposes. You can base the seniority dates on existing system values or create new dates.

Attach the dates you create here to labor agreements.

Tie Breakers


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Labor Administration, Layoffs and Recalls, Tie Breakers, Tie Breakers

Set up different types of ways to break ties between two workers who otherwise have equal seniority.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Seniority Dates

Access the Seniority Dates page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Labor Administration, Layoffs and Recalls, Seniority Dates, Seniority Dates).


Enter the label to appear next to this date field on the Job Data - Job Labor page.

Default From Existing Field

Select if this field's value defaults from an existing PeopleSoft system field. When you select this check box, the system makes the Record and Field fields available for entry.

Date From Existing Field

Record and Field

Select the record and field you want to use.

For example, to create a seniority date called Dept Entry that uses the Department Entry Date value from the Work Location page as a seniority date, select the JOB record and the DEPT_ENTRY_DT field. The system will display the Dept Entry seniority date on the Job Labor Workers page and automatically populate it with the date from the Department Entry Date field on the Work Location.

Allow Edits

Select to make the field available for entry on the Job Labor page, enabling you to override the default value.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Tie Breakers

Access the Tie Breakers page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Labor Administration, Layoffs and Recalls, Tie Breakers, Tie Breakers).

Date From Existing Field

Record (Table) Name and Field Name

Select the record and field value you want to use as a tie breaker. Only select records are available.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Layoff and Recall Control Tables

To set up layoff and recall control tables, use the Layoff Exemption Reasons component (HR_LAY_EXEM_TBL), Recall Expiration Rules component (HR_RCL_EXP_TBL), Employee Roster Status component (HR_LBR_EEST_TBL) and Recall Reason component (HR_RCL_RSN_TBL).

This section discusses how to set up:

See Also

Managing Layoffs and Recalls

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Recall Rights

Workers that have been bumped to a lower level job or workers that were laid off can have rights for vacant positions. Labor agreements specify how long after being bumped or laid off a worker can have rights to reemployment and what circumstances might terminate their recall rights.

For example, workers under labor agreement ABC and who have been with the company for four or more years have first rights on any new vacancies in the organization for twelve months following a layoff while workers who have been with the company for less than four years have recall rights that expire after six months. Recall rights for workers may be terminated in the event that they refuse an offer of reemployment from the company.

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Layoff Exemption Reasons


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Labor Administration, Layoffs and Recalls, Layoff Exemption Reasons, Layoff Exemption Reasons

Create reasons a worker could be exempt from layoff. Attach these reasons to workers on the Job Labor page.

The system does not include workers who are exempt from layoffs in the group population when you generate a layoff.

Recall Expiration Rules


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Labor Administration, Layoffs and Recalls, Recall Expiration Rules, Recall Expiration Rules

Set up rules to govern the expiration of recall rights. Attach recall expiration rules to a labor agreement.

Employee Roster Status


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Labor Administration, Layoffs and Recalls, Employee Roster Status, Employee Roster Status

Define the statuses you need to manage your roster during a layoff or recall. Assign people roster statuses on the Layoff, Recall or Reinstatement Roster List pages.

Recall Reason


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Labor Administration, Layoffs and Recalls, Recall Reason, Recall Reason

Define reasons for allocating workers with recall rights.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Recall Expiration Rules

Access the Recall Expiration Rules page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Labor Administration, Layoffs and Recalls, Recall Expiration Rules, Recall Expiration Rules).

Note. The system determines that a recall right has expired when the defined expiry date is less than current system date.

Recall Expiration Rule

Select By

Select one of the following options:

  • Seniority

    Select if the recall expiration date is calculated using seniority as determined by a seniority date.

    Note. If a recall expiration rule is based on a seniority date and this date is blank for a person, then the system will not create automatic recall rights for the worker. You will have to enter rights manually on the Recall Rights page (HR_RCL_RIGHTS).

  • Layoff Date

    Select if the recall expiration date is calculated from the layoff date.

  • No Recall

    Select if there is no recall.

    Note. You must set up at least one recall expiration rule with no recall because the Recall Expiration Rule field on the Seniority Rules page (HR_LABOR_AGRDEFN3) is a required field. If a labor agreement has no predetermined rules around recall rights processing then attach a No Recall type rule to the labor agreement. When a layoff is processed for workers in covered by a labor agreement with a No Recall rule, the system will not create automatic recall rights those candidates being laid off. The Recall/ Reinstatement process will also not process recall rights for candidates covered by a labor agreement with a No Recall recall expiration rule.

Rule Details for Seniority Based Recall Expiration Rules

Enter multiple Rule Details rows to create different recall expiry periods for different seniority categories.

Seq Nbr

Enter the sequence in which the system should process this rule detail.

Seniority Date ID

Select the ID of the seniority date you want the rule to use to calculate seniority for the purpose of recall for this rule detail line.


Select the operation symbol.


Enter a number in the preceding field and then select the period of time it refers to. For example, enter 1 in the preceding field and Years in this field to indicate that the period of seniority is one year.

Recall Period

Enter a number in the preceding field and then select the period of time it refers to. For example, enter 6 in the preceding field and Months in this field to indicate that recall rights expire after six months for workers with this seniority range.

Rule Details for Layoff Date Based Recall Expiration Rules


Enter a number in the preceding field and then select the period of time it refers to. For example, enter 6 in the preceding field and Months in this field to indicate that recall rights expire six months after layoff.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Employee Roster Statuses

Access the Employee Roster Status page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Labor Administration, Layoffs and Recalls, Employee Roster Status, Employee Roster Status).

Event Type

Select whether the status is for a Layoff or Recall event. Recall events also apply to Reinstatements.

Process Event?

Select so that when you process the layoff, recall, or reinstatement processes the system will process people with this status and insert a new job data record for the event.

For example, create a status called Layoff Accepted and select the Process Event? check box for the status. When you assign Layoff Accepted to a person on a layoff roster and then process the layoff, the system will insert a new job data record for the person processing their layoff.

Event Complete?

Select if this status indicates the completion of the event on the roster. You should only select this check box for two Employee Roster Statuses: one for an event type of Layoff and one for an event type of Recall.

When workers are successfully processed using the Layoff (HR_LAY_EXEC) or Recall or Reinstatement processes (HR_REIN_EXEC), the system reads the relevant Event Complete? value from this page and sets all processed workers to this status to prevent them from being reprocessed.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Labor Agreement Control Tables

To set up labor agreement control tables use the Labor Job Classes component (HR_LBR_JOB_CLS_TBL) and Labor Facilities component (HR_LBR_FAC_TBL).

Before you can set up labor agreements you need to define labor job classes and labor facilities. This section discusses how to set up:

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Definition Name



Labor Job Classes


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Labor Administration, Labor Agreement, Labor Job Classes, Labor Job Classes

Set up job labor classes to use in labor agreements. Labor classes are required to group and rank job codes to create a bumping hierarchy.

Labor Facilities


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Labor Administration, Labor Agreement, Labor Facilities, Labor Facilities

Set up labor facilities as required to administer the labor agreement. They are used to identify worker sites.

Facilities can be used when defining Layoff or Recall events as well as a selection parameter on the Seniority Report. They are not related to the Work Location values.

Click to jump to parent topicDefining Labor Agreements

To define labor agreements use the Labor Agreement component (HR_LABOR_AGRMNT) and Employee Categorization component (EMPL_CTG_L1). To clone an existing labor agreement use the Clone Labor Agreement component (HR_CLONE_LBR_AGRMT).

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Define Labor Agreements

Page Name

Definition Name



Labor Agreement


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Labor Administration, Labor Agreement, Labor Agreement, Labor Agreement

Define general information about labor agreements.

Job Codes


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Labor Administration, Labor Agreement, Labor Agreement, Job Codes

If you want the system to validate the job code assigned to a worker Job Data - Job Information page (JOB_DATA_JOBCODE), enter job codes and associated information here.

Seniority Rules


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Labor Administration, Labor Agreement, Labor Agreement, Seniority Rules

If the agreement includes rules regarding seniority, layoffs, and recalls, assign the recall expiration rule, seniority dates and tie breakers.



Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Labor Administration, Labor Agreement, Labor Agreement, Facilities

If you are using facilities to manage layoff and recall events, assign the labor facilities that are tied to this agreement.

Employee Categorization


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Labor Administration, Labor Agreement, Employee Categorization, Employee Categorization

If you use tiered pay plans, define labor agreement categories and associate them with labor agreements.

Clone Labor Agreement


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Labor Administration, Labor Agreement, Clone Labor Agreement

Clone an existing labor agreement.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining General Labor Agreement Terms

Access the Labor Agreement page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Labor Administration, Labor Agreement, Labor Agreement, Labor Agreement).

Assign labor agreements to workers on the Job Data - Job Labor page (JOB_LABOR).

See Entering National Labor Agreement Data.

Click the Reg Regions that use this Labor Agreement to review the regulatory regions that can use this labor agreement. Only workers assigned to one of these regulatory regions can be assigned to this labor agreement. Available regulatory regions are determined by the SetID assigned to the labor agreement.

Effective Date

The system will only make labor agreements that are effective as of the Job Data row effective date available on the Job Labor page.

Ratify Date

Enter the date the labor agreement was ratified. This field is information only.

Contract Begin Date and Contract End Date

Enter the begin and end dates of the labor agreement. The begin date defaults from the Effective Date but can be changed. These fields are for information only.

Bargaining Unit

Select the bargaining unit for this agreement.

Note. Bargaining units have a one to one relationship with labor agreements. You cannot assign a bargaining unit to more than one labor agreement.

The system will only display those bargaining units that are not already assigned to another labor agreement in the search window.

Clone Labor Agreement

Displays the Clone Labor Agreement page.

See Cloning Labor Agreements.

Agreement Includes

Job Codes

The system selects this check box when you set up information on the Job Codes page.

See Assigning Job Codes to Labor Agreements.

Seniority Rules

The system selects this check box when you set up information on the Seniority Rules page.

See Assigning Seniority Rules and Tie Breakers.


The system selects this check box when you set up information on the Facilities page.

See Assigning Facilities.

(CAN) (USA) Wage Progression

Select if any of the following wage progression carry over options apply to the workers covered by this labor agreement when they change job codes in the Job Data pages:

Step ID

Select to have the system carry the worker's salary plan step to their newly assigned job code's pay plan. You can override the default value, if required.

Deselect this check box if you want to always manually assign the step with a job code change.

Step Entry Date

Select to have the system carry the worker's salary step entry date to their newly assigned job code's step entry date. You can override the default value, if required.

Deselect this check box to have the system insert the effective date of the new Job Data row as the new step entry date.

Wage Progression Hours Worked

Select to have the Update Wage Progression process carry over the worker's time worked towards a wage progression in their new job code.

Deselect this check box to have the system reset workers' accumulated time to zero with the new job assignment.

(ESP) Spain

Working Hours per Year

Enter the annual number of working hours as agreed upon by the labor agreement.

Working Hours per Day

Enter the daily number of working hours as agreed upon by the labor agreement.

Vacation Period

Define the vacation period as agreed upon by the labor agreement. You have the option of defining the vacation period in Months, Natrl Days (natural days), Weeks, or Work Days.

Natural days are like calendar days. They include weekends and holidays.

Work days are like regular working days. They do not include weekends and holidays. For example, let's say that an employee's regular work days are Monday through Friday, and the employee is entitled to 23 work days of vacation, as defined in the employee's labor agreement. The employee can take a vacation from July 1 to July 31, using 23 work days. This is calculated as 4 weeks x 5 work days plus 3 more work days.

Additional PTO (additional paid time off)

Enter the amount of additional PTO (dias moscosos), if it applies to the labor agreement. Depending on the conditions of the labor agreement, an employee may or may not carry an additional PTO balance from one year to the next. Sometimes, if an employee does not use additional PTO within the current year, the employee will lose those days. Other times, it is possible to carry additional PTO balances to the next year.

SS Labor Agrmnt (social security labor agreement)

Select a social security labor agreement.

(IND) India

Union Code

Select the appropriate Union Code. This is defined in the Unions component.


Management Representation ID

Enter the employee ID of the management representative to the union. This field should not be left empty if a Union Code is entered.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAssigning Job Codes to Labor Agreements

Access the Job Codes page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Labor Administration, Labor Agreement, Labor Agreement, Job Codes).

The system uses the information you enter on this page to:

Note. You can take advantage of none, one, or any combination of these features.

Labor Job Class

Select a class of jobs to identify the job codes selected in the Job Codes group box. Use this value to manage layoff bumping hierarchies.

See Setting Up Labor Agreement Control Tables.

Click to display the Add by Job Code page. Search for job codes by Job Code Set ID and Job Family and select those job codes you want to add to the Job Codes grid for this Labor Job Class.

See Setting Up Jobs.

Job Codes

Click the Business Units that use these Job Codes to view the business units that use the job codes you've selected in the Job Codes grid. When you create a Job Data record for a worker covered by this labor agreement, ensure that you select the appropriate business unit to enable you to assign them to one of these job codes.

Bumping Sequence

Enter the job code's position in the bumping sequence. The sequence defines a worker's place in the bumping hierarchy. Bumping is the practice of allowing a worker with more seniority to replace a junior worker in another department or job as long as the senior worker is qualified.

Job Code Set ID and Job Code

Select the Set ID and job code.

Note. You can only add a job code to a labor agreement once for a selected Labor Job Class unless you select an Employee Category as an additional qualifier.

See Classifying Jobs.

Employee Category

If you are using tiered wage assignment, select the employee category for this job code.

This enables you to list a job code more than once and to assign different salary plans for different classes of workers. For example, if pilots hired prior to 1990 are on one pay plan while all those hired later are on another, create two employee categories to distinguish between these two groups on the Employee Categorization page. Enter two rows with the pilot job code, assign one the pre-1990 employee category and the other the post-1990 category and then assign the appropriate salary plan for each row.

See Defining Labor Agreement Categories.

Salary Set ID, Salary Plan, and Grade

Select a salary plan (with Set ID) and grade to associate with this job code and labor agreement.

The system will assign this salary plan and grade on the Job Data - Salary Plan page when you assign a worker to this job labor agreement and job code.

See Entering Salary Plan Information.

See Using Wage Progression with Administer Compensation.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAssigning Seniority Rules and Tie Breakers

Access the Seniority Rules page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Labor Administration, Labor Agreement, Labor Agreement, Seniority Rules).

Recall Expiration Rule ID

Select the recall expiration rule to associate with this labor agreement. The system will determine recall rights of workers assigned to this labor agreement using this rule.

If the labor agreement does not have any predetermined rules about the expiration of recall rights, select a No Recall recall expiration rule. The layoff, reinstatement, and recall processes do not create recall rights for workers in a labor agreement with a No Recall recall expiration rule.

See Setting Up Recall Expiration Rules.

Seniority Dates

Select the seniority dates associated with this labor agreement. When you assign a worker to this labor agreement, the system will display the seniority date fields you select here on the Job Labor page. On the Job Labor page, if the dates default from an existing field, the system will populate them with the value from the existing field. Only the seniority dates that you associate with this labor agreement are available for selection in the layoff and recall rosters, and seniority or candidate list reports for this labor agreement.

See Setting Up Seniority Dates.

Tie Breakers

Select the tie breakers associated with this labor agreement. In cases where more than one worker has the same length of seniority, you can use one of the selected tie breakers to determine priority. The tie breakers you associate with this labor agreement are the only ones available on layoff or recall roster, or when running a seniority or candidate list report for this labor agreement.

See Setting Up Tie Breakers.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAssigning Facilities

Access the Facilities page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Labor Administration, Labor Agreement, Labor Agreement, Facilities).


Assign facilities to this labor agreement to enable you to categorize workers by facilities, in addition to other methods of grouping, such as by job code, department, and location. Facilities enable you to define groups for layoff and recalls or on the seniority or candidate list reports.

Note. If you enter labor facility IDs for this labor agreement on this page, you can only select from those facilities when you assign a worker to this labor agreement on the Job Labor page.

See Setting Up Labor Agreement Control Tables.

See Entering National Labor Agreement Data.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Labor Agreement Categories

Access the Employee Categorization page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Labor Administration, Labor Agreement, Employee Categorization, Employee Categorization).

Labor agreement categories are used on the Labor Agreement - Job Codes page for administering tiered wage assignments for a job code. You must have set up a labor agreement before you can create a labor agreement category. Create and save the labor agreement, create the labor agreement categorizations, and then return to the Labor Agreement component to update the Job Code page. Employee categories are assigned to workers on the Job Data - Job Labor page.

Note. You do not need to set up labor categories if your organization does not use tiered pay plans.

See Entering National Labor Agreement Data.


Enter the category name. Categories can be used to create tiered pay rate on the Labor Agreement - Job Codes page.

Each labor agreement has its own categories, subcategories, and naming conventions. For example, the French Collective Labor Agreement KFO1 (which is for Civil Engineering) classifies employees in three categories: CAD (for Executive), ETAM (for Manager), and OUV (for Workman). In Germany, use categories, such as Blue Collar Worker or White Collar Worker.

Note. When you set up new employee categories, remember that PeopleSoft Human Resources reserves categories starting with zero for use as system data.


Use to number the categories in the order the system should process them.

(ESP) Spain

Scheme ID

Enter the social security scheme ID to tie employee categories with social security.

Note. You must enter a scheme ID before selecting the social security work group.

SS Wrk Group (social security work group)

Every Spanish employee must belong to a work group defined by the Spanish government. Select a group from available options.

FORCEM (Fundación para la Formación Continua)

The Spanish government requires employers to report on their employees' FORCEM(Fundación para la Formación Continua) categories. Values are:

  • None

  • Executive

  • Manager

  • No Qualifi (No Qualified Worker)

  • Office Wor (Office Worker)

  • Qualified (Qualified Worker)

(FRA) France

Category 24-83

Select the applicable code to link an employee category to a regulatory 2483 category. The Category 24-83 code is used for the 2483 Training Report.

Social Bilan Category

Select the applicable code to link an employee category to a regulatory Employee Survey category. The code is also used for the 2483 Training Report.

Number of Columns

Specify how the category is organized. When you enter a number of columns, the system dynamically changes the number of description fields that appear on the page when you move out of this field. For example, if you enter 2 in this field, the system adapts the number of description fields accordingly. For example, category CAD is organized with three column description criteria: Number, Grade, and Step.

Subcategory 1

Subcategory and Subcategory 2

Identify employee subcategories, such as Technical Trainees or Day Laborers. See the field description for the Category field for instructions on completing these fields.

(IND) India

Agreement End Date

Enter the end date of the labor agreement. Agreement End Date should always be greater than the labor agreement effective date.


Enter comments about the labor agreement. This might be a description of the labor agreement details.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCloning Labor Agreements

Access the Clone Labor Agreement page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Labor Administration, Labor Agreement, Clone Labor Agreement).

After selecting the labor agreement you want to clone, enter a name and an effective date for this new labor agreement. The effective date must be greater than or equal to the labor agreement that is being cloned. You cannot clone labor agreements across different set IDs.

After you click the Save button, the Labor Agreement page displays. The system automatically populates the pages of the Labor Agreement component with the data of the originating labor agreement. This includes wage progression rules, job codes, salary plans, labor job classes, seniority dates, tie breakers, labor facilities, employee categories, and country specific data. You can verify or modify the labor agreement data.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Labor Administration Disciplinary, Grievance, and Resolution Classifications

To set up labor administration disciplinary, grievance, and resolution classifications use the Disciplinary Steps or Disciplinary Steps USF component (DISCIP_STEP_TABLE), Disciplinary Type or Disciplinary Type USF component (DISCIP_TYPE_TABLE), Disciplinary Events USF component (GVT_DIS_EVENTS_TBL), Grievance Type Table component (GRIEV_TYPE_TABLE), Grievance Step Table component (GRIEV_STEP_TABLE), and Resolution Type component (RESLTN_TYPE_TBL). Use the DISCIP_STEP_TABLE component interface to load data into the tables for the Disciplinary Steps component and the GRIEV_STEP_TABLE component interface to load data into the tables for the Grievance Step Table component.

This section discusses how to:

See Also

Tracking Disciplinary Actions and Grievances

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Disciplinary Steps


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Labor Administration, Disciplinary Steps, Disciplinary Steps

Enter steps to be taken in the disciplinary process.

Disciplinary Step Table


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Labor Administration, Disciplinary Steps USF, Disciplinary Step Table

Enter steps to be taken in the disciplinary process.

Disciplinary Type

Disciplinary Type USF


  • Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Labor Administration, Disciplinary Type, Disciplinary Type

  • Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Labor Administration, Disciplinary Type USF, Disciplinary Type USF

Set up types of actions that may require managers to impose disciplinary actions on workers.

Disciplinary Penalty Matrix 1


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Labor Administration, Disciplinary Type USF, Disciplinary Penalty Matrix 1

(USF) Set up the first penalty matrix indicating the offense levels for the discipline type.

Disciplinary Penalty Matrix 2


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Labor Administration, Disciplinary Type USF, Disciplinary Penalty Matrix 2

(USF) Set up the second penalty matrix indicating the recommended disciplinary step for each offense levels.

Disciplinary Events USF


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Labor Administration, Disciplinary Events USF, Disciplinary Events USF

Set up disciplinary events that can be assigned to a worker in the event of disciplinary action.

Grievance Type Table


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Labor Administration, Grievance Type Table

Set up the different types of grievances that workers, applicants, or unions might file.

Grievance Step Table


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Labor Administration, Grievance Step Table

Set up steps that can be taken to resolve grievances.

Resolution Types


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Labor Administration, Resolution Types

Set up resolutions to track disciplinary or grievance outcomes.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Disciplinary Steps

Access the Disciplinary Steps page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Labor Administration, Disciplinary Steps, Disciplinary Steps).

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topic(USF) Defining Disciplinary Steps

Access the Disciplinary Step Table page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Labor Administration, Disciplinary Steps USF, Disciplinary Step Table).

Action Reportable to Union

Select if the action disciplinary action should be reported to the union.

Days to Complete

Enter the number of days it takes the person to complete the disciplinary action.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Disciplinary Types

Access the Disciplinary Type page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Labor Administration, Disciplinary Type, Disciplinary Type) or the Disciplinary Type USF page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Labor Administration, Disciplinary Type USF, Disciplinary Type USF).

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topic(USF) Defining the First Penalty Matrix for Indicating the Offense Level Penalties

Access the Disciplinary Offenses Table - Disciplinary Penalty Matrix 1 page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Labor Administration, Disciplinary Type USF, Disciplinary Penalty Matrix 1).

Enter a row for each Disciplinary Offense Level.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topic(USF) Defining the Recommended Disciplinary Actions for Each Offense Level and Type

Access the Disciplinary Offenses Table - Disciplinary Penalty Matrix 2 page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Labor Administration, Disciplinary Type USF, Disciplinary Penalty Matrix 2).

Recommended Actions

Enter the recommended actions. The system automatically displays the Usual Days To Complete, as defined on the Disciplinary Events USF page.

This display helps managers approximate how long it will take to complete this action so they can plan how to fit each course of action into their workloads. Your labor administration specialists can establish these as experience dictates. However, government and agency policies or union agreements may affect these recommendations.