Using Duration Aliases and Duration Options

This chapter provides overviews of duration aliases and duration options and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Duration Aliases

The system calculates a duration by subtracting an earlier date from a later date. The remainder is the duration.

A duration alias measures the length of a period of time. The most common durations are ages. An employee's age on a particular date is the duration between that date and the birth date. Another common duration is elapsed time service, the period of time between two service-related events, such as a hire and a termination.

Setting up a duration alias is a two-part process. You need to:

You define calculation methods on the Calculation Options and Conversion Options pages.

Duration aliases always produce decimal results. For example, a duration of six years and three months is expressed as 6.25 years. When you create a duration option you establish a method for converting raw dates—formatted in years, months, and days—into decimal equivalents.

The decimal that represents the total duration is the primary result of a duration alias. However, duration aliases also manipulate the decimal value to derive six other secondary results.

See Also

Setting Up a Raw Date

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Duration Options

This section discusses:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicOverview of Duration Options

Duration options instruct the system on the details of calculating a duration. You set up duration options separately from duration aliases; this enables you to easily reuse a duration option.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDate Math Methods

There are three methods of subtracting dates:

The initial results of raw date subtraction and period counting are in year-month-day format. The system converts this duration to a decimal equivalent after performing the subtraction.

Decimal Date Subtraction

With decimal date subtraction, the date endpoints are converted to decimal values before the subtraction; the result is therefore a decimal.

Raw Date Subtraction

Raw date subtraction subtracts days from days, months from months, and years from years. The raw dates are formatted as yyyy/mm/dd. The following example illustrates this method:

1995/12/11 - 1988/09/05 __________ 0007/03/06 or seven years, three months, and six days.

Consider, however, the following subtraction:

1990/11/06 - 1977/12/13

You cannot subtract 13 days from 6, so you have to convert one of the months to days. But when you change the 11 month to 10, how many days do you carry to the days column? When you set up raw date subtraction methods, you choose whether to use the actual number of days per month or an assumed number days per month.

If you use the actual number of days per month, the number of days depends on the month in question. In this case, the tenth month (October) is the most recent full month that you can convert to days. October has 31 days, so 1990/11/06 becomes 1990/10/37. You still have to convert one year to months to complete the subtraction, but you know there are always 12 months per year. You end up, then, with a date of 1989/22/37 and your equation yields:

1989/22/37 - 1977/12/13 __________ 0012/10/24 or 12 years, 10 months, and 24 days.

If you assume 30 days per month, 1990/11/06 becomes 1990/10/36, and after you again convert 1 year to 12 months, you end up with 1989/22/36. Your equation is now:

1989/22/36 - 1977/12/13 __________ 0012/10/23 or 12 years, 10 months, and 23 days.

Period Counting

Period counting measures a duration by starting with the later date, then subtracting defined periods (years, months, and days) until reaching the earlier date. You choose the period or periods to count.

You will likely use period counting durations to measure the difference between the normal and actual retirement dates. You use this information to determine early retirement penalties. For example, if your plan's early retirement reduction is 3 percent per year, you use period counting to determine the number of years between the normal and actual retirement dates.

You're also likely to use period counting durations for measuring elapsed time service or PRSA coverage periods.

Let's calculate the duration between 1977/12/13 and 1990/11/06. (These are the same dates used for the second example under "Raw Date Subtraction.") You count years, months, and days. Period counting methods always start with the later date and count backwards.

First you count years, and you find 12 complete years in the interval. This takes you from 1990/11/06 back to 1978/11/06. When you count months, you find 10 complete months in the interval. This brings you to 1978/01/06. When you count the days, you always use actual days per month. Your last count includes 6 days in January and 18 days in December, for a total of 24 days. The result is 12 years, 10 months, and 24 days.

Although it appears that period counting always gives the same result as raw date subtraction, there is a difference. Period counting counts actual days for the first full month between the two dates, whereas raw date subtraction counts actual days for the last full month between the two dates.

For example, consider the duration from February 15 to August 10 of the same year. If you use period counting, you end up with 5 full months from August 10 back to March 10, plus 23 additional days between February 15 and March 10. If you use raw date subtraction, you end up with 5 full months between February 15 and July 15, plus 26 days between July 15 and August 10. The difference occurs because February only has 28 days, whereas July has 31 days.

Click to jump to parent topicDefining a Duration Alias

To set up a duration alias, use the Duration Alias (DURATION) component.

This section lists the page used to set up a duration alias and explains how to set up a duration alias.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Set Up a Duration Alias

Page Name

Definition Name



Duration Alias


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Pension, Variable Definitions, Duration Alias, Duration Alias

Create a duration alias.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up a Duration Alias

Access the Duration Alias page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Pension, Variable Definitions, Duration Alias, Duration Alias).

Date From and Date-To

Enter the boundary dates for the period you want to measure. Either date can be a constant date or an alias. Of course, if the two dates are both constant, the duration would be constant. Therefore, at least one of your date endpoints is normally an alias.

Duration Option

Enter a duration option to establish a calculation method.

Click to jump to parent topicSelecting and Setting Up a Calculation Method

To set up a calculation method, use the Duration (DURATION_OPTIONS) component.

This section lists the pages used to select and set up a calculation method and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Select and Set Up a Calculation Method

Page Name

Definition Name



Calculation Options


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Pension, Calculation Rules, Duration, Calculation Options

Choose a calculation method and set parameters associated with the method.

Conversion Options


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Pension, Calculation Rules, Duration, Conversion Options

Set up a raw date to decimal date conversion method.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSelecting Calculation Options

Access the Calculation Options page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Pension, Calculation Rules, Duration, Calculation Options).

Date Math Method

Select one of the following date math methods:

Raw Date Subtraction

Convert months to days in order to perform subtractions when the earlier date has fewer days than the later date. For example:

1990/11/06 - 1977/12/13

Actual Days Per Month

The number of days depends on the month.

In the example, the tenth month (October) is the most recent full month that you can convert to days. October has 31 days, so 90/11/06 becomes 90/10/37.

Assumed Days Per Month

Enter a fixed number of days in the Days/Month field. The system uses this number for every month.

Period Counting

If you choose the period counting method, you need to indicate the period or periods to count. You can count either one type of period, such as years, or you can count successively shorter periods, such as years and then months.

You can define up to three types of counting periods: years, months, and days. You can use any combination of these periods, but you must use them in order: from longest to shortest.

Although you may not want to express shorter units in the final count, you may still want to count them for rounding purposes. For example, if you are only going to count years, but you are going to round by months, you also need to count months.

Count First Period

Select the longest period.

Count Second Period

Select the next longest period, or select None if you do not use the second period.

Count Third Period

Select the third longest period, or select None if you do not use the third period.

Complete Only

When you select this option, the system does not count any shorter periods. If you do not use all three counting periods, select this check box in the shortest period that you do count.

Second Period/Month Round Rule and Third Period/Day Round Rule

If you use raw date subtraction or period counting (both based on raw dates), you can choose to round the dates before calculating a duration. You specify the rounding options in the Second Period/Month Round Rule and Third Period/Day Round Rule group boxes.

You use these group boxes as follows:

For example, to round days to months when using raw date subtraction, use the day round rule. To round days to months when using period counting, first check which period counts days. If the second period counts days, use the second period rounding rule, even though the label is Month Round Rule.

Use the options in these group boxes as follows:

Note. These options round the dates that are the duration endpoints. That is, the dates are rounded before the system performs raw date subtraction or period counting. To round the duration itself, or to round the endpoints before performing decimal date subtraction, use the Month Conversion Rules and Year Conversion Rules on the Conversion Options page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up a Raw Date

Access the Conversion Options page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Pension, Calculation Rules, Duration, Conversion Options).

Unless your source dates are decimal dates, the system converts the raw dates or durations to decimal dates. If you use raw date subtraction or period counting, the system converts the duration after performing the date math. If you use decimal date subtraction, the system converts the endpoints before performing the subtraction.

When you convert raw dates and durations to decimal equivalents, you have to convert months and days to partial years. There are a number of ways to do this. Specify your conversion options in the Decimal Conversion Assumptions and Decimal Conversion Method group boxes.

Decimal Conversion Assumptions

Specify your assumptions about the number of days in a month and in a year. The system uses these values to convert dates to decimal values.

Days Per Month

Specify a value if you select the decimal conversion method Yrs + ((Months * Days/Mth) + Days) / (Days/Yr).

Days Per Year

Specify a value if you select a decimal conversion method other than User Code.

Number of Decimal Places

Throughout the conversion process, decimals are rounded to the number of places you specify here.

Decimal Conversion Method

Select one of the following options to indicate how to convert dates into decimal values:

Yrs + [(Months * Days/Mth) + Days] / (Days/Yr)

Convert the months to days, add these days to the specified days, then convert the total days to years to find the decimal portion of the duration. Add this to the years to get the total duration.

In this case, you must specify the assumed days in Days Per Month and Days Per Year.

Yrs + [(Months/12) + Days]/(Days/Yr)

Convert the months to decimal years, then convert the days to decimal years. Add these together to find the decimal portion of the duration. Add this to the years to find the total duration.

In this case, you must specify the assumed days in Days Per Year. The system knows there are twelve months per year; you do not need to enter this information.

Date Tables

Add the years plus the actual number of remaining days converted to years. The formula is:

Years + (actual days / days per year)

In this case, you have to specify the assumed days in Days Per Year.

The number of actual days depends on the time being measured. For a duration from 4/15/1994 to 8/16/1998, the actual days are the days from 4/16/1998 to 8/16/1998.

User Code

Convert dates as specified in your own user code.

Using Decimal Conversion Methods

This section provides examples of the decimal conversion methods. These examples convert the "raw" duration five years, six months and six days to a decimal value. The process is similar to that of converting a raw date to a decimal before performing decimal date subtraction.

For the examples, assume 30 days per month, 365 days per year, and four decimal places.

  1. Years + [( Months * Days per Month ) + Days ]/ (Days per Year)

    Years + (months converted to days + days) converted to partial years Years = 5 Months converted to days = 6 * 30 = 180 Days = 6 Total days = (180 + 6) = 186 Total Days converted to partial years = 186 / 365 = 0.5096 Result: 5.5096

  2. Years + [ Months / 12 ] + [ Days/ Days per Year]

    Years + months converted to partial years + days converted to partial years Years = 5 Months converted to partial years = 6 / 12 = .5000 Days converted to partial years = 6 / 365 = .0164 Result: 5.5164

  3. Date Tables: Years + (Actual Days)

    To find the actual days value of six months and six days, you need to know which six months and six days they are. Assume this portion of the duration starts on January 1, 1992. This means the months are January through June, and the six days are then the first six days of July. Add 31 (January), 29 (February in a leap year), 31 (March), 30 (April), 31 (May), and 30 (June), and 6 (the remaining days) for a final value of 188. This is converted to years using the actual number of days in this year: 366 because of the leap year.

    Years + actual days converted to partial years [always using 365 days/year] Years = 5 Actual days converted to partial years = 188 / 366 = .5137 Result: 5.5137

Month Conversion Rules and Year Conversion Rules

If you use decimal date subtraction, the system uses the Month Conversion Rules and Year Conversion Rules settings to round the duration endpoints (which are decimal values) before the subtraction that determines the duration. You cannot further round the final result.

If you use raw date subtraction or period counting, the system uses the Month Conversion Rules and Year Conversion Rules settings to round the final duration result.

The settings work the same regardless of which value you're rounding. Select Up to round to the next month or year, Down to round to the previous month or year, or Near to round to the closer of the two rounded values. Select None to avoid rounding altogether.

Note. For decimal date subtraction, these rounding options operate on the decimal date endpoints before the system calculates the duration. For raw date subtraction or period counting, these rounding options operate on the duration itself. To round the endpoints for raw date or period counting methods, use the rounding rules on the Calculation Options page. You cannot round a duration produced by decimal date subtraction.

Using Monthly Equivalents

A duration produces a primary result, a decimal value representing the entire duration, and six secondary results (called results 2-7). The secondary results are:





Round the duration to whole months.



Round the duration to whole years.



Express the total duration as whole months.

6.25 (6 years, 3 months) becomes 75 months. Any remaining days are rounded.


Disregard whole years.

6.25 becomes just .25.


Disregard whole years, and express the remainder as whole months.

6 years, 3 months becomes just 3 months.


Disregard whole years and express the remainder as days.

5 years, 3 months becomes approximately 91 days (based on days per year assumption).

In this table:

Note. If you do not use the secondary duration results, disregard the Use Monthly Equivalents field.

The following table provides examples of the seven results of a duration calculation. It shows the effect of selecting the Use Monthly Equivalents check box. The examples assume that both the monthly and yearly rounding options are set to Near and that there are 365 days per year.



Use Monthly Equivalents Selected?



Use decimal, including partial years.

No (never rounded)

65.497 years


Round AGE to the nearest whole month.

No (always rounded)

65.500 years


Round AGE or AGE2 to whole years.


Flag off: round AGE.

Flag on: round AGE2.


65 years


66 years


Express AGE2 in months.

No (always rounded)

65.500 * 12 = 786 months


Extract decimal from AGE or AGE2.


Flag off: AGE decimal.

Flag on: AGE2 decimal.


.497 years remainder


.500 years remainder


Extract decimal from AGE2 and express as months.

No (always rounded)

.500 * 12 = 6 months remainder


Express AGE5 as (whole) days.

Flag off for AGE5

Flag on for AGE5

.497 * 365 = 181 days remainder

.500 * 365 = 182 days remainder

To reference the secondary results of a duration, add the appropriate numeric suffix to the duration name. These numbers correspond to the result numbers shown in the previous table—for example, AGE2 references result 2 for AGE.