Integrating with PeopleSoft Payables

This chapter provides an overview of the interface with Payables and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Interface with Payables

This section discusses:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicProcessing Overview

Payroll for North America enables you to send taxes, benefits, garnishments, and voluntary deductions withheld from employee paychecks directly to Payables for payment. Payables issues payments in the form of checks or electronic funds transfers, as required by the third-party, and makes the appropriate general ledger entries.

This diagram illustrates the Payables interface processing for sending deductions to PeopleSoft Payables:

Illustration showing the process for selecting and sending deductions to PeopleSoft Payables

Note. The pay run must be confirmed before extracting deductions. In addition, the Non-Commitment Accounting GL Interface process (PAYGL01 or PAYGL01A), the Commitment Accounting Actuals GL interface process (PAYGL02 or PAYGL02A), or the Distribute Payroll Data for AP process (PAYGL01 or PAYGL01A) must be processed successfully before extracting deductions.

To extract and send deduction vouchers to Payables:

  1. Run one or more extract processes to move selected deductions into temporary tables for viewing.

    You can extract nontax deductions; U.S. federal, state, or local taxes; or Canadian taxes.

    The system updates the AP Status field on the Review Paycheck component (PAY_CHECK) with an X to indicate that the deduction has been extracted for payment through Payables.

  2. Review and validate proposed payments.

  3. Send vouchers to Payables.

    Run the Send Vouchers to AP process (PYAP_VCHPOST), which creates and sends the vouchers to Payables.

    The system updates the AP Status field on the Review Paycheck component (PAY_CHECK) with an S to indicate that the deduction has been sent and clears deductions from the temporary tables.

  4. Review the PeopleSoft Integration Broker Service Operations Monitor to confirm that the voucher records were successfully sent.

See Also

Extracting Deductions

Reviewing and Sending Vouchers

PeopleSoft Enterprise Components PeopleBook

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicVoucher Records

The vouchers that are sent to Payables contain three records: VOUCHER, VOUCHER_LINE, and DISTRIB_LINE. Fields of interest in each of these records are listed in the following table. The table lists only a subset of the fields in each record:

















































Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicIntegration Points

Before using the integration between Payroll for North America and Enterprise Payables, configure the Integration Broker local node and activate the queues, handlers, and routings for these service operations:

Service Operation



Payables publishes complete data from the VENDOR and related tables and Payroll for North America subscribes.


Payables publishes incremental update data from the VENDOR and related tables and Payroll for North America subscribes.


Payroll for North America publishes data to the VOUCHER, VOUCHER_LINE, and DISTRIB_LINE tables and Payables subscribes.

Note. To research the technical details of any integration point used by PeopleSoft applications, refer to the Interactive Services Repository on My Oracle Support.

See Also

Interactive Services Repository in the Implementation Guide section of My Oracle Support.

Working with Integration Points in HCM

PeopleTools: Integration Broker PeopleBook

PeopleSoft HR: Enterprise Components PeopleBook

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up the Payables Interface

Perform the following setup steps when you implement Payroll for North America and on an ongoing basis, as needed, to maintain the accuracy of your deduction records:

  1. (Optional) Specify the invoice prefix on the Installation Table (INSTALLATION_TBL) - Product Specific page.

    The character you put in the AP Inv. Prefix field is used as a prefix on all invoices coming from PeopleSoft HCM.

  2. Specify payroll tax extraction on the Company (COMPANY_TABLE) - Default Settings page.

    Select the Pay Taxes through AP check box if you plan to use the interface with Payables to extract payroll taxes.

  3. Define general and benefit deductions.

    For both general and benefit deductions, you must define when each deduction is to be paid. For example, you might want Payables to pay some deductions every time they are calculated and pay other deductions only when the goal balance has been met.

  4. Define vendors in Payables and publish them to the PeopleSoft HCM database.

    See Maintaining Vendor Information.

  5. Link deduction definitions to vendors and define when deductions are to be paid.

    All deductions to be paid by Payables must be linked to a vendor.

  6. Set up ChartFields for the GL (general ledger) interface.

    If your organization uses noncommitment accounting, set up the grouping and mapping of expense ChartField for PeopleSoft GL (General Ledger) Interface

    See Integrating with PeopleSoft General Ledger.

    If your organization uses commitment accounting, set up commitment accounting control tables.

    See PeopleSoft HR Manage Commitment Accounting PeopleBook

See Also

Setting Up and Installing PeopleSoft HCM

Setting Up Organization Foundation Tables

Setting Up Vendors

Defining Deductions

Defining Benefit Plans

Administering Garnishments

Setting Up Tax Types for PeopleSoft Payables Integration

Click to jump to parent topicMaintaining Vendor Information

This section provides an overview of maintaining vendors and discusses how to run the AP Vendor Listing report.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Vendor Maintenance

Each benefit provider, garnishment collector, tax authority, or other entity that receives employee deductions must have a valid Vendor ID. Vendor IDs created in the PeopleSoft Financials database can be viewed on the AP Vendor Listing report and in the Vendor table.

Note. If you are using Payables, it is highly recommended that you do not set up data in the HCM Vendor tables. This information should be set up in the Vendor tables in the PeopleSoft Financials database and sent to HCM through the VENDOR_FULLSYNC and VENDOR_SYNC service operations in PeopleSoft Integration Broker. If updates occur on the HCM vendor tables and do not get updated on the vendor tables in the PeopleSoft Financials database, the interface outcome could be unpredictable. Corrections and updates to vendor information should occur only in the PeopleSoft Financials database.

See Also

Setting Up Vendors

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Run the AP Vendor Listing Report

Page Name

Definition Name



AP Vendor Listing (accounts payable vendor listing)


Payroll for North America, Payroll Distribution, Accounts Payable Information, AP Vendor Listing, AP Vendor Listing

Generate the PAYVNDR report that prints a listing of all vendors, up to a given date.

Click to jump to parent topicExtracting Deductions

This section lists prerequisites and common elements and discusses how to:

See Also

Processing Overview

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrerequisites

Before you can extract deductions, you must:

See Also

Integrating with PeopleSoft General Ledger

PeopleSoft HR Manage Commitment Accounting PeopleBook

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCommon Elements Used in this Section

Tax Period End Date

Enter the end date for the tax period. To be selected for payment, the paycheck date for tax deductions must be equal to or before the tax period end date. (The paycheck date populates the Pay Tax records after a pay run is confirmed).

Payment Date

Enter the date to appear on the voucher in Payables. This is the date when AP actually pays the taxes.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Extract Deductions

Page Name

Definition Name



Non Commitment Accounting Information


Payroll for North America, Payroll Distribution, Prepare GL Information, Non-Commit Accounting Info, Non Commitment Accounting Information

If you use non-commitment accounting with PeopleSoft general ledger, prepare ChartField information for each deduction transaction and store it in tables for the tax and non-tax deduction extraction processes to access.

Payroll Data Distribution for AP


  • Payroll for North America, Payroll Processing USA, Produce Payroll, Distribute Payroll Data for AP, Payroll Data Distribution for AP

  • Payroll for North America, Payroll Processing CAN, Produce Payroll, Distribute Payroll Data for AP, Payroll Data Distribution for AP

If you use PeopleSoft Payables but not PeopleSoft General Ledger, prepare ChartField information for each deduction transaction and store it in tables for the tax and non-tax deduction extraction processes to access.

GL Interface - Commitment Accounting Actuals


Payroll for North America, Payroll Distribution, Provide GL Information, Commitment Accounting Actuals, GL Interface - Commitment Accounting Actuals

If you use commitment accounting with PeopleSoft general ledger, prepare ChartField information for each deduction transaction and store it in tables for the tax and non-tax deduction extraction processes to access.

Non-Tax Deductions Extract


Payroll for North America, Payroll Distribution, Accounts Payable Information, Non-Tax Deductions Extract, Non-Tax Deductions Extract

Select the nontax deductions to send to Payables for payment and start the PY-AP Extraction - Deductions (payroll-accounts payable extraction - deductions) Application Engine process (PYAP_XDEDN).

CA Non-Tax Deductions Extract (commitment accounting non-tax deductions extract)


Payroll for North America, Payroll Distribution, Accounts Payable Information, CA Non-Tax Deductions Extract, CA Non-Tax Deductions Extract

For commitment accounting, select the nontax deductions to send to Payables for payment and start the PY-AP Extraction - Deductions (payroll-accounts payable extraction - deductions) Application Engine process (PYAP_XDEDNCA).

Extract AP Federal Taxes (extract accounts payable federal taxes)


Payroll for North America, Payroll Distribution, Accounts Payable Information, Extract U.S. Federal Taxes, Extract AP Federal Taxes

(USA) Select the federal tax deductions to send to Payables for payment and to start the U.S. Tax Extract Program Application Engine process (PYAP_XTAX).

Extract AP State Taxes (extract accounts payable state taxes)


Payroll for North America, Payroll Distribution, Accounts Payable Information, Extract U.S. State Taxes, Extract AP State Taxes

(USA) Select the state tax deductions to send to Payables for payment and start the U.S. Tax Extract Program process (PYAP_XTAX).

Extract U.S. Local Taxes (extract United States local taxes)


Payroll for North America, Payroll Distribution, Accounts Payable Information, Extract U.S. Local Taxes, Extract U.S. Local Taxes

(USA) Select the local tax deductions to send to Payables for payment and start the U.S. Tax Extract Program process (PYAP_XTAX).

Extract AP Canadian Taxes (extract accounts payable Canadian taxes)


Payroll for North America, Payroll Distribution, Accounts Payable Information, Extract Canadian Taxes, Extract AP Canadian Taxes

Select the tax deductions to send to Payables for payment and to start the Canadian Tax Extract Program Application Engine process (PYAP_XCTAX).

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicExtracting Nontax Deductions for Payables

Access the Non-Tax Deductions Extract page (Payroll for North America, Payroll Distribution, Accounts Payable Information, Non-Tax Deductions Extract, Non-Tax Deductions Extract).

Note. The CA Non-Tax Deductions Extract page is identical to the page shown for non-commitment accounting.

Use the parameters to extract nontax deductions for the pay run ID that you specify or extract just those deductions with a pay mode set to the date that you select. You can limit your selection further by specifying particular vendors you want to pay.

Pay Mode Selection

Deduct/Collect Comp./Bond Met (deducted/collection completed/bond price met)

This option is applicable if you selected Pay as Deducted, Pay when Collection Completed, or Pay When Bond Price met as the pay mode on the General Deduction table, Benefit Plan table, or Garnishment Spec (garnishment specification) table and you selected either Check Date or Pay Period End Date as the AP payment date type.

Pay Run ID

This field works in conjunction with the Deduct/Collect Comp./Bond Met option. It enables you to limit the extract process to a single pay run that is associated with this run control ID. Select the pay run. If the pay mode is Pay When Collection Completed or Pay When Bond Price met, deductions that meet the criteria by the end date of the pay period represented by the pay run ID are extracted.

Specified Date

Select to send only those nontax deductions with a check date that's before or the same as the date that you enter in the Payment Due Date field.

This option is appropriate when deductions for more than one pay period must be extracted (for example, benefit deductions that are withheld every pay period and sent to the vendor at the end of the month).

Payment Due Date

This field appears only when you select the Specified Date option. Enter the date that you want to appear on the voucher. This is the date on which the Payables system pays the vendor.

Vendor Selection

Pay All Vendors

By default, the system selects deductions for all vendors. To pay selected vendors only, deselect this check box. The SetID, Vendor ID, and Name fields then become available.

Vendor Info

This group box appears only if you deselect the Pay All Vendors check box. Select the vendors that you want to pay.

See Also

Specifying the Deduction Priority

Setting Up Benefit Plans

Setting up a Garnishment Deduction

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topic(USA) Extracting Federal Tax Deductions for Payables

Access the Extract AP Federal Taxes page (Payroll for North America, Payroll Distribution, Accounts Payable Information, Extract U.S. Federal Taxes, Extract AP Federal Taxes).

Specify which tax types to include in the extract. Only those tax deductions with a tax class that belongs to a tax type that you specify are selected for payment through Payables.

Tax Type Information

Tax Type

Select the tax type. The prompt table includes only those tax types that you defined on the Tax Type Table page. You can add as many tax types as you like.

See Also

Setting Up Tax Types for PeopleSoft Payables Integration

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topic(USA) Extracting State Tax Deductions for Payables

Access the Extract AP State Taxes page (Payroll for North America, Payroll Distribution, Accounts Payable Information, Extract U.S. State Taxes, Extract AP State Taxes).

You can extract deductions for all or specific states. If you choose to extract deductions for a particular state, you can also limit the selection to certain tax types.

State Selection

All States

Select to extract state tax deductions for all states.

Specific States

Select to extract state tax deductions for a particular state. When you select this option, the States group box appears.


This group box appears only when you select the Specific States option.


The states for which you defined tax types are available in the prompt.

Tax Type

Select the tax type. The prompt table includes only those tax types that you entered for the state on the Fed/State Tax Types/Classes table.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topic(USA) Extracting Local Tax Deductions for Payables

Access the Extract U.S. Local Taxes page (Payroll for North America, Payroll Distribution, Accounts Payable Information, Extract U.S. Local Taxes, Extract U.S. Local Taxes).

You can extract tax deductions for all localities or a subset of localities. As with state tax processing, processing a subset requires that you specify one or more states, one or more localities within each state, and the specific tax types to process.

Locality Selection

All Localities

Select to extract local tax deductions for all localities in all states.

Specific Localities

Select to extract tax deductions for specific localities within the specified state. When you select this option, the State/Localities group box appears.


This group box appears only when you select the Specific Localities option. Select the localities and tax types for which you want to extract tax deductions.


The states for which you defined tax types are available in the prompt.


The localities for which you defined tax types are available in the prompt.

Tax Type

Select the tax type. The prompt table includes only those tax types that you entered for the state on the Local Tax Types/Classes table.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topic(CAN) Extracting Canadian Tax Deductions for Payables

Access the Extract AP Canadian Taxes page (Payroll for North America, Payroll Distribution, Accounts Payable Information, Extract Canadian Taxes, Extract AP Canadian Taxes).

You can extract tax deductions for a single company or all tax deductions for all companies. Indicate the tax types to extract and enter a tax period end date and a period end date for each tax type specified.

Process Request Parameter(s)


Select a company to extract taxes for a single company. To extract tax deductions for all companies, leave this field blank.

Tax Type Information

In this group box, select the tax types for which you want to extract tax deductions and the associated dates. For example, if you select CTAX as the tax type and enter a tax period end date of January 1, 2000, the system extracts all tax deductions with a tax class or sales tax class belonging to the CTAX tax type and with a pay check date of January 1, 2000 or earlier.

Tax Type

Select the tax type. The prompt table includes only those tax types that you defined on the Tax Type Table page. You can add as many tax types as you like.

Click to jump to parent topicReviewing and Sending Vouchers

This section discusses how to:

See Also

Processing Overview

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Review and Send Vouchers

Page Name

Definition Name



Review AP Extract-Headers - Review AP Extract-Lines (review accounts payable extract-headers - accounts payable extract review)


Payroll for North America, Payroll Distribution, Accounts Payable Information, Review AP Extract-Headers, Review AP Extract-Lines

View the summary of deductions extracted for a particular vendor. This page displays the header record for each voucher that will be created.

Review AP Extract-Lines


Payroll for North America, Payroll Distribution, Accounts Payable Information, Review AP Extract-Lines, Review AP Extract-Lines

View details of the deductions to be posted to Payables. This page displays the extracted information that will be used to create the Line & Distribution records of a voucher.

AP Extract Audit Report (accounts payable extract audit report)


Payroll for North America, Payroll Distribution, Accounts Payable Information, AP Extract Audit Report, AP Extract Audit Report

Generate the PAYXTRCT report that lists the details of nontax deductions that are to send to Payables.

Send Vouchers to AP (send vouchers to accounts payable)


Payroll for North America, Payroll Distribution, Accounts Payable Information, Send Vouchers to AP, Send Vouchers to AP

Run the Post Dedn Payments to AP process to post the extracted deductions to Payables.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing the Payroll Deduction Summary for a Vendor

Access the Review AP Extract-Headers - Review AP Extract-Lines page (Payroll for North America, Payroll Distribution, Accounts Payable Information, Review AP Extract-Headers, Review AP Extract-Headers).

Note. Not all page elements are visible on this page. Depending on the page arrangement, you see additional elements by scrolling either vertically or horizontally.

With the exception of the Description field, all information on this page comes from the Accounts Payable Extract Header table. The Description field displays information that is entered in the More Information field on the Review AP Extract-Lines - Review AP Extract-Lines page.


The system automatically selects this option to indicate that the deduction will be sent to Payables when you start the Post Dedn Payments to AP process. To prevent the transaction from being sent, deselect this check box.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing the Detailed Payroll Deduction Records for a Vendor

Access the Review AP Extract-Lines page (Payroll for North America, Payroll Distribution, Accounts Payable Information, Review AP Extract Headers, Review AP Extract-Lines).

Review AP Extract - Headers

Click the Review AP Extract - Headers link to access the Review AP Extract-Lines – Header page.

More Information

Use this field to enter comments that you want to appear on the voucher.

Search Criteria

Use the fields in this group box to search for AP extract lines by company, pay group, extract type, employee ID, or name. You can enter more than one search criteria. You can also sort the results by name or ID.


Click the Refresh button to clear the search criteria and make the search criteria fields available for data entry. Then select the criteria that you want to use to limit the data displayed.

Extract Type

You can search on the following extract types: Benefit, Deduction, Garnishment, and Tax.

Sort By

Select the order in which you want the data displayed.


After selecting search and sort criteria, click the Search button to update the display.

Line Records

Use the tabs in this section to view details of extracted information.

Send to AP (send to accounts payable)

The system automatically selects this option to indicate the transaction is sent to Payables when you start the Post Dedn Payments to AP process. To stop a transaction from being sent, deselect the check box. Any records that you remove will be captured the next time the extract process runs.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSending Vouchers to Payables

Access the Send Vouchers to AP page (Payroll for North America, Payroll Distribution, Accounts Payable Information, Send Vouchers to AP, Send Vouchers to AP).

Note. Tax deductions and nontax deductions must be sent separately.

Transaction Type Selection

Non-Tax Deduction Payments

Select this option to send nontax deductions to Payables.

Tax Deduction Payments

Select this option to send tax deductions to Payables.

Payment Date

Enter the date to appear on the voucher in Payables. The system will send only those deductions where the payment date on the extract page matches the date that you enter in this field.