===================================================================== Endeca Presentation APIs - Installation Instructions and Release Notes GENERAL (6.2.2) * Release Date: March 2012 * The Endeca Presentation APIs provide APIs to the Endeca MDEX Engine and Log Server. The APIs are available in two packages: - The Presentation API for UNIX, which includes the Java version of the API only (JAR files, Javadoc, and Installation and Release Notes file. - The Presentation API for Windows, which includes both the Java version of the API (JAR files, Javadoc, and Installation and Release Notes file) and also the .NET version of the API (DLL files, CHM Help, and Installation and Release Notes file). * The release notes may have been updated since the release date. Contact Oracle Endeca Customer Support for the most recent version of the release notes. * Version 6.2.2 consists of an update to this release note file and the MDEX documentation. The software has not changed since the 6.2.1 release. SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS (6.2.2) The Java version of the Presentation API can be run using any of the following versions of Java: - Sun JDK 1.4.2, 5.0 (1.5), and 6.0 (1.6) - IBM JDK 1.4.2, 5.0 (1.5), and 6.0 (1.6) The .NET version of the Presentation API and the RAD Toolkit for ASP.NET can be run using any of the following versions of .NET: - .NET 2.0 and 3.5 The Presentation API is supported on 64-bit operating systems. INSTALLATION (6.2.2) The Presentation API is distributed as a ZIP file for Windows and as a compressed TAR file for UNIX. To install the Presentation API: 1. Ensure you have installed the Endeca MDEX Engine. 2. Download the Presentation API from EDeN to a local directory. The file is named: - presAPI__x86_64pc-win32.zip (for Windows) - presAPI__x86_64pc-linux.tgz (for UNIX) - presAPI__sparc_64-solaris.tgz (for Sparc Solaris) 3. Extract the file to the root drive of your Endeca installation directory. For example, if you installed Endeca to the default location on Windows, you would extract the Presentation API ZIP file to C:\. That extracts to create: C:\Endeca\PresentationAPI. 4. Under the PresentationAPI\ directory, locate the appropriate APIs, and copy the APIs to the lib directory of your Web application. - On Java platforms, copy the JAR files from PresentationAPI\\java\lib to the WEB-INF\lib directory of your Web application. - On .NET platforms, copy the DLL files in PresentationAPI\\dotNET\lib to the bin directory of your Web application. UNINSTALLATION (6.2.2) 1. Close your Web application. 2. Delete the APIs from the appropriate directory of your Web application. 3. Delete the PresentationAPI directory from your Endeca installation. ===================================================================== Endeca Presentation APIs - Installation Instructions and Release Notes GENERAL (6.2.1) * Release Date: November 2011 * Version 6.2.1 consists of an update to this release note file and the Endeca Third-Party Software Usage and Licenses document included in this software distribution. The software has not changed since the 6.2.0 release. ===================================================================== Endeca Presentation APIs - Installation Instructions and Release Notes GENERAL (6.2.0 Revision A) * Release Date: October 17, 2011 * Revision A consists of an update to the INSTALLATION and UNINSTALLATION sections of this release note file. The software has not changed since the 6.2.0 release. * The Endeca Presentation APIs provide APIs to the Endeca MDEX Engine and Log Server. The APIs are available in two packages: - The Presentation API for UNIX, which includes the Java version of the API only (JAR files, Javadoc, and Installation and Release Notes file. - The Presentation API for Windows, which includes both the Java version of the API (JAR files, Javadoc, and Installation and Release Notes file) and also the .NET version of the API (DLL files, CHM Help, and Installation and Release Notes file). * The release notes may have been updated since the release date. Access the Product Downloads section of the Endeca Developer Network (https://eden.endeca.com) for the most recent version of the release notes. SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS (6.2.0) The Java version of the Presentation API can be run using any of the following versions of Java: - Sun JDK 1.4.2, 5.0 (1.5), and 6.0 (1.6) - IBM JDK 1.4.2, 5.0 (1.5), and 6.0 (1.6) The .NET version of the Presentation API and the RAD Toolkit for ASP.NET can be run using any of the following versions of .NET: - .NET 2.0 and 3.5 The Presentation API is supported on 64-bit operating systems. INSTALLATION (6.2.0) The Presentation API is distributed as a ZIP file for Windows and as a compressed TAR file for UNIX. To install the Presentation API: 1. Ensure you have installed the Endeca MDEX Engine. 2. Download the Presentation API from EDeN to a local directory. The file is named: - presAPI__x86_64pc-win32.zip (for Windows) - presAPI__x86_64pc-linux.tgz (for UNIX) - presAPI__sparc_64-solaris.tgz (for Sparc Solaris) 3. Extract the file to the root drive of your Endeca installation directory. For example, if you installed Endeca to the default location on Windows, you would extract the Presentation API ZIP file to C:\. That extracts to create: C:\Endeca\PresentationAPI. 4. Under the PresentationAPI\ directory, locate the appropriate APIs, and copy the APIs to the lib directory of your Web application. - On Java platforms, copy the JAR files from PresentationAPI\\java\lib to the WEB-INF\lib directory of your Web application. - On .NET platforms, copy the DLL files in PresentationAPI\\dotNET\lib to the bin directory of your Web application. UNINSTALLATION (6.2.0) 1. Close your Web application. 2. Delete the APIs from the appropriate directory of your Web application. 3. Delete the PresentationAPI directory from your Endeca installation. FEATURES (6.2.0) * CHG13252: Both versions of the Presentation API have been modified to allow dynamic configuration of refinement statistics (counts) in dimension search. Appropriate methods have been added to the URLENEQuery class and two new URL parameters have been added: Drc and Du. The Nrc parameter has also been modified to include a showcounts parameter that can dynamically turn refinement counts on or off on a per-query, per-dimension basis. For details, see the Javadoc or .NET HTML Help. BUG FIXES (6.2.0) * BUG18639: When unparsing a query using the toString() function, the Presentation API now correctly quotes analytics properties containing spaces. * Bug Fix BUG18639: The API previously would omit quotes from inter-statement lookup keynames. This caused errors when keys had a space in their name. ======================================================================