The Navigation type exposes the following members.


Public propertyAggrERecs
Gets the aggregated records associated with this navigation query, which come from the original records consolidated by a rollup key.
Public propertyAggrERecsOffset
Gets the offset of the first aggregated record in the aggregated record list with respect to the total number of aggregated records in the dataset that match this navigation query.
Public propertyAnalyticsQueryError
Gets or sets the error message, if any, associated with the evaluation of the analytics portion of the query results. This method reports any errors that span multiple statements; it does NOT report errors relating to an individual statement.
Public propertyAnalyticsStatementNames
Gets the set of statement names included in the analytics results associated with this Navigation.
Public propertyBulkAggrERecEnumerator
Gets an Enumerator that provides access to the bulk aggregated records associated with this navigation query.
Public propertyBulkERecEnumerator
Gets an Enumerator that provides access to the bulk records associated with this navigation query.
Public propertyCompleteDimensions
Gets the complete dimensions integrated from the refinement dimensions, the descriptor dimensions, and those that are completely implicit.
Public propertyCompleteDimGroups
Gets the dimension groups of the complete dimensions integrated from the refinement dimensions, the descriptor dimensions, and those that are completely implicit.
Public propertyDescriptorDimensions
Gets the dimensions for the descriptors for this navigation.
Public propertyDescriptorDimGroups
Gets the dimension groups of the dimensions for the descriptors for this navigation.
Public propertyERecCompoundSearchKeys
Gets the text search group keys applicable for this navigation.
Public propertyERecs
Gets the records associated with this navigation query.
Public propertyERecSearchKeys
Gets the text search keys applicable for this navigation.
Public propertyERecsOffset
Gets the offset of the first record in the endeca record list with respect to the total number of records in the dataset that match this navigation query.
Public propertyESearchReports
Gets the IDictionary of ESearchReports for this navigation query result. Returns an empty set if there are no ESearchReports
Public propertyESearchReportsComplete
Gets the IDictionary of IList of ESearchReportfor this navigation query result. Returns an empty set if there are no ESearchReports
Public propertyIntegratedDimensions
Gets the dimensions integrated from the refinement dimensions and the descriptor dimensions.
Public propertyIntegratedDimGroups
Gets the dimension groups of the dimensions integrated from the refinement and descriptor dimensions.
Public propertyKeyProperties
Gets or Sets the key properties request for the navigation query.
Public propertyRangeFilters
Gets the range filters applied to this navigation query result.
Public propertyRefinementDimensions
Gets the dimensions of that still have refinements available with respect to this query.
Public propertyRefinementDimGroups
Gets the dimension groups of the dimensions that still have refinements available with respect to this navigation query.
Public propertyRollupKeys
Gets the rollup keys applicable for this navigation.
Public propertySortKeys
Gets the sort keys applicable for this navigation.
Public propertySupplements
Gets the supplements to this navigation query result.
Public propertyTotalNumAggrERecs
Gets the total number of aggregated records matching navigation query.
Public propertyTotalNumERecs
Gets the total number of records matching navigation query.

See Also