Represents a node in the hierarchy of values associated with a dimension.

Namespace:  Endeca.Data
Assembly:  Endeca.Data (in Endeca.Data.dll) Version: (


public class DimensionValue : INameAndId, 
	IAttributeMapProvider, IEquatable<DimensionValue>, IAttributeValue, IEquatable<IAttributeValue>
Visual Basic (Declaration)
<SerializableAttribute> _
Public Class DimensionValue _
	Implements INameAndId, IAttributeMapProvider, IEquatable(Of DimensionValue),  _
	IAttributeValue, IEquatable(Of IAttributeValue)
Visual C++
public ref class DimensionValue : INameAndId, 
	IAttributeMapProvider, IEquatable<DimensionValue^>, IAttributeValue, IEquatable<IAttributeValue^>


A dimension is a collection of related dimension value nodes, organized into a navigable tree with a dimension root at the top. A DimensionValue instance represents one of these nodes.

DimensionValue has several properties relating to the position of the value in the hierarchy: Parent identifies the parent dimension value; the root dimension value for a dimension has no parent.IsRoot and IsLeaf indicate whether the dimension value is a root or a leaf node in the hierarchy.DimensionValuePath contains the dimension values leading from the root of the hierarchy to the dimension value.

Inheritance Hierarchy


See Also