The DefaultBindings type exposes the following members.


A Hashtable containing the Aggregation Record Details Parameters. The key in the hashtable is the ParamKey. The value in the hashtable is the subclass of ParamBinding.
A Hashtable containing All of the Parameters, consisting of the NavigationParamMapping, AggregateRecordDetailsParamMapping, DimensionSearchParamMapping, and RecordDetailsParamMapping. The key in the hashtable is the ParamKey. The value in the hashtable is the subclass of ParamBinding.
A Hashtable containing the Compound Dimension Search Parameters. The key in the hashtable is the ParamKey The value in the hashtable is the subclass of ParamBinding.
A Hashtable containing the Dimension Search Parameters. The key in the hashtable is the ParamKey The value in the hashtable is the subclass of ParamBinding
A Hashtable containing the Metadata Command Parameters. The key in the hashtable is the ParamKey The value in the hashtable is the subclass of ParamBinding.
A Hashtable containing the Navigation Parameters. The key in the hashtable is the ParamKey. The value in the hashtable is the subclass of ParamBinding.
A Hashtable containing the Record Details Parameters. The key in the hashtable is the ParamKey The value in the hashtable is the subclass of ParamBinding.

See Also