Gets the mapping of keys to IDimensionValuePathFormatters. These are the formatters that will be applied to indvidual DimensionValuePaths when Format(Record) is called. The key should be either the root Dimension name, or the root Dimension id, depending on whether the UseDimensionNameAsKey property has been set. This formatter applies to all selected dimension values within the specified dimension.

Namespace:  Endeca.Web.Url.Seo.Formatting
Assembly:  Endeca.Web.Url.Seo (in Endeca.Web.Url.Seo.dll) Version: (


public Dictionary<string, IDimensionValuePathFormatter> DimensionValuePathFormatters { get; set; }
Visual Basic (Declaration)
Public Property DimensionValuePathFormatters As Dictionary(Of String, IDimensionValuePathFormatter)
Visual C++
property Dictionary<String^, IDimensionValuePathFormatter^>^ DimensionValuePathFormatters {
	Dictionary<String^, IDimensionValuePathFormatter^>^ get ();
	void set (Dictionary<String^, IDimensionValuePathFormatter^>^ value);

See Also