Oracle® Real-Time Decisions Applications Release Notes
Release 3.1.1

Part Number E28943-01
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Oracle® Real-Time Decisions Applications

Release Notes

Release 3.1.1


April 2012

Oracle Real-Time Decisions (Oracle RTD) Applications provide decision support solution modules for you to incorporate into your business applications.

These release notes describe known issues and workarounds for Oracle RTD Applications Release 3.1.1.

For information about installing general Oracle RTD Applications, consult the following manual:

For information about installing general Oracle RTD Decision Management applications and the specific Decision Management application Oracle RTD for Marketing Optimization, consult the following manual:

These manuals are available on the Oracle RTD Applications Documentation Web site:

The following list describes the sections of this document:

How to Use These Release Notes

These release notes are updated periodically as new information becomes available. To ensure that you are reading the latest version of the release notes, check the Oracle RTD Applications Documentation Web site:

Decision Manager Issues

This section contains the following topics:

Cannot Have Multiple Decision Manager Sessions by the Same User on the Same Machine

You should not have Decision Manager opened in two browser tabs or windows on the same machine. Use only one tab or window, or use multiple computers.

Cannot Use Decision Center and Decision Manager in the Same Browser

If you have enabled integration of Decision Center reports within Decision Manager, you should not try to access both Decision Center and Decision Manager on the same browser at the same time.The workaround is to use one of the two applications (Decision Center or Decision Manager), log out, and then use the other. Alternatively, you can use different computers to access the two applications.

Incorrect Message May Appear if Users Only Mouse Hover Over Images

If users mouse hover over some of the images in the Decision Manager user interface and only that, their sessions will be extended on the server side, but not on the client side. When the session expires on the client side, an incorrect message appears, displaying "The page has expired." If you click OK before the session has expired on the server side, you will not be logged out and you will be able to keep using the Decision Manager user interface.

In order for the session to expire, click the Logout button, or wait for the session to expire without moving the cursor over these images.

Anonymous User Displayed After Login Instead of Actual User

In rare conditions following a redeployment of a Decision Management enterprise application, users logging in to the Decision Manager application may see "anonymous" as their user name in the top right hand corner.

The workaround is to restart the application server when this occurs.

Certification Information

For the latest certification information, which supersedes that in the Oracle RTD Applications documentation, refer to Oracle Real-Time Decisions Applications System Requirements and Supported Platforms, Release 3.1.1, available on the Oracle RTD Applications Documentation Web site at:

Documentation Accessibility

For information about Oracle's commitment to accessibility, visit the Oracle Accessibility Program website at

Access to Oracle Support

Oracle customers have access to electronic support through My Oracle Support. For information, visit or visit if you are hearing impaired.

Oracle Real-Time Decisions Applications Release Notes, Release 3.1.1


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