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Oracle® Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle WebCenter Interaction
10g Release 4 (

Part Number E14107-04
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C Using the Counter Monitoring System

This chapter describes how to use the Counter Monitoring System to view real time statistical data on your portal, reported by various performance counters.

It includes the following sections:

About Counter Monitoring

The Counter Monitoring System collects information from various performance counters for portal applications and exposes them for diagnosis and review. This system can be used to examine counters from any Oracle WebCenter application that resides on a remote host, provided the two computers are on a network in which they can reach each other through UDP.

With the Counter Monitoring System you can:

Key Performance Counters

The Counter Monitoring System collects information from various performance counters for portal applications and exposes them for diagnosis and review. This system can be used to examine counters from any Oracle WebCenter application that resides on a remote host, provided the two computers are on a network in which they can reach each other through UDP.

The following table lists the key counters provided with the portal. Each category of performance has one or more instances. Each instance in a category can be monitored with the counters for that category.

Category Instances Counters


Many UI objects and pages have their own individual cache systems. Cache counters track each individual cache.

CommunityInfoCache - The cache for a PT Community

GuestLoginInfoCache - The cache for a Guest Login

HTTP_CACHE - The cache for HTTP requests, for remote portlets or Web services

PreferenceCache - The cache for any preference page

SubportalInfoCache - The cache for any experience definition

Size - The number of items currently in the cache

MaxSize - The maximum number of items in the cache before it gets flushed

NumSearches - Increments every time the cache is accessed

NumHits - Increments every time a cache is accessed and cached contents are found

NumInserts - Increments every time a cache is accessed and no cached contents are found


Database statistics for OpenDB

SQLSelectStats - SQL queries that are “SELECT” statements

NumOperations - The number of SQL operations that occurred


Basic HTTP information, including usage, connections, transactions

Total - There is one instance per remote host. Total aggregates all of the statistics.

BytesReceived - Number of bytes received from the remote host

BytesSent - Number of bytes sent to the remote host

OpenConnections - The number of open connections to remote hosts


HTTP requests statistics

Total - There is one instance per remote host. Total aggregates all of the statistics.

RequestsActive - The number of HTTP requests that are active

RequestsProcessed - The number of HTTP requests that have been processed


Statistics related to portal pages

NA - Single instance

CommunityPages - How many times a community page was hit

LoginsFailure - How many times a user login attempt failed

LoginsSuccessful - How many times users logged in

MyPages - How many times a My Page was hit

TotalHits - How many times any portal page was hit

TotalOpensessions - How many open sessions there are currently

Using Windows Perfmon to View Counter Data

The Counter Monitoring System integrates with the Windows Perfmon application. Once you start the portal, the Perfmon adaptor will add Oracle WebCenter counters to the list of possible counters to monitor. You can then start Perfmon (or any other monitoring application that works with Windows Performance Counters) and see Oracle WebCenter counters in the list of available counters.

  1. Click Start > Run.

  2. Type perfmon.exe and click OK.


    In Perfmon, the category name is prefixed by the context name. The context name is set in the context element in the configuration.xml file (in install_dir\settings).

The Perfmon adaptor adds a few percentage points of overhead to overall system performance, so you might want to disable it after viewing the counter data. In install_dir\settings\configuration.xml, set opencounters:perfmon-enabled to false.