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Oracle® Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle WebCenter Interaction
10g Release 4 (

Part Number E14107-04
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8 Extending Portal Services with Portlets

This chapter explains how to extend the services available through the portal, through the use of portlets.

It includes the following sections:

About Portlet Components and Features

This section describes the components and features involved in providing access to tools, service, and information with portlets:


Portlets provide portal users customized tools and services as well as information. Portlets let you to integrate applications, tools, and services into your portal, while taking advantage of portal security, caching, and customization. Users can then add these portlets to their My Pages or to community pages.

Portlets can be intrinsic or remote. An intrinsic portlet consists of one or more sets of code that are located on the portal computer. This code must be installed in the correct location before an intrinsic portlet can be created. A remote portlet is a portlet hosted by a separate remote server. When a user displays a My Page or community page that includes a remote portlet, the portal contacts the appropriate remote server to obtain updated portlet content.

Some portlets can be placed only in certain areas of the page:

  • Header portlets can be added to communities, community templates, and experience definitions to change the branding of these objects by replacing a banner at the top of the page (so that it differs from the top banner displayed by the main portal).

  • Footer portlets can be added to communities, community templates, and experience definitions to change the branding of these objects by replacing the banner at the bottom of the page (so that it differs from the bottom banner displayed by the main portal).

  • Content canvas portlets can be added below the top banner on community pages that include a content canvas space (specified in the page layout). Content canvas portlets can display across the entire width of the page or across one or two columns. You cannot add more than one content canvas portlet per page.


Pagelets are similar to portlets; they provide customized tools, services, or information. The difference is that pagelets are created in Oracle WebCenter Pagelet Producer. You make pagelets available to portal users by creating a remote pagelet Web service, then creating a portlet based on the remote pagelet Web service.

Lockboxes and the Credential Vault Manager

You can provide secure portal access to existing Web applications by setting up lockboxes to store user credentials. For example, you might want to provide portal access to a secured employee benefits system. Users can enter their user authentication information through the Password Manager on the My Account page and not have to enter the information each time they access the secured application through the portal.

The lockboxes are stored in the Credential Vault Manager.

Portlet Web Services

Portlet Web services allow you to specify functional settings for your portlets, leaving the display settings to be set in each associated portlet. There are intrinsic portlet Web services and remote portlet Web services.

An intrinsic portlet Web service references one or more sets of code that are located on the portal computer. This code must be installed in the correct location before you can create the associated intrinsic portlet Web service.

A remote portlet Web service references services hosted by a separate remote server. These services can be hosted by a Web site or can be provided by code on a remote server. If the code is hosted by a remote server, this code must be installed before you can create the associated remote portlet Web service. When a user displays a My Page or community page that includes a remote portlet, the portal contacts the appropriate remote server to obtain updated portlet content.

Portlet Templates

Portlet templates allow you to create multiple instances of a portlet, each displaying slightly different information. For example, you might want to create a Regional Sales portlet template, from which you could create different portlets for each region to which your company sells. You might even want to include all Regional Sales portlets on one page for an executive overview.

After you have created a portlet from a portlet template, there is no further relationship between the two objects. If you make changes to the portlet template, these changes are not reflected in the portlets already created with the template.

Portlet Bundles

Portlet bundles are groups of related portlets, packaged together for easy inclusion on My Pages or community pages. You might want to create portlet bundles for portlets that have related functions or for all the portlets that a particular group of users might find useful. This makes it easier for users to find portlets related to their specific needs without having to browse through all the portlets in your portal.

Portlet Content Caching

Caching some portlet content can greatly improve the performance of your portal. When you cache portlet content, the content is saved on the portal for a specified period. Each time a user requests this content—by accessing a My Page or community page that includes the cached portlet—the portal delivers the cached content rather than running the portlet code to produce the content.

When you create a portlet, you can specify whether the portlet should be cached, and if it is cached, for how long. You should cache any portlet that does not provide user-specific content. For example, you would cache a portlet that produces stock quotes, but not one that displays a user e-mail box.

If you develop portlet code, you can and should define caching parameters.

For more information on portlet caching, refer to the Oracle Fusion Middleware Web Service Developer's Guide for Oracle WebCenter Interaction or the documentation provided with the portlet software.

Portlet Preferences

Portlets can includes several different types of preferences.

Preference Type Description Who Can Set Them and Where

Administrative Preferences

These preferences affect everyone's view of the portlet. For example, setting which e-mail server an e-mail portlet should connect to.

They are set by the portlet creator on the Main Settings page of the Portlet Editor, or by users with administrative rights from My Pages > Edit Portlet Preferences or by clicking the edit icon in a portlet's title bar.

Personal Preferences

These preferences affect that user's view of the portlet. For example, setting how many e-mails are displayed in an e-mail portlet.

They are set by the user from My Pages > Edit Portlet Preferences or My Communities > Edit Portlet Preferences.

Community Preferences

These preferences affect everyone's view of portlets in that community. For example, setting a specific public e-mail folder to display in an e-mail portlet, and setting a shared login/password for that folder.

These preferences are set by the community administrator on the Portlet Preferences page of the Community Editor. This page can include community preferences for portlets specific to that community or for other portlets. When in a community, community administrators can edit these preferences from My Communities > Edit Portlet Preferences, or by clicking the edit icon in a portlet's titlebar.

Portlet Template Preferences

These preferences affect the portlet template itself and all portlets created from that template. For example, specifying which portlet Web service a portlet uses.

These preferences are set by the portlet template creator on the Main Settings page of the Portlet Template Editor. If you change these preferences after portlets have been created from this template, the change will affect only new portlets. Portlets created from this template before the change was made will not be affected.

Portlets Available with the Portal

Some portlets (and their necessary portlet Web services and remote servers) are automatically created in the Portal Resources folder when you install the portal. There are also portlets that are available with the portal installation, but require additional steps to complete installation. For information on the additional installation steps, refer to the Oracle Fusion Middleware Installation Guide for Oracle WebCenter Interaction for Windows or the Oracle Fusion Middleware Installation Guide for Oracle WebCenter Interaction for Unix and Linux.


You can also create your own portlets, have a Web developer or an Oracle portlet developer create portlets for you, or download portlets from the Oracle Technology Network. For information on installing and configuring portlets provided as a software package, refer to the portlet software documentation instead of the procedures in this guide. For information on developing portlets, see the Oracle Fusion Middleware Web Service Developer's Guide for Oracle WebCenter Interaction.

This section describes the types of portlets and portlet templates available with the portal installation:

Navigation Portlet

The following navigation portlet can be used with the Portlet-Ready Navigation scheme (set in an experience definition) to provide custom navigation for your portal:

  • Navigation Tags Header Portlet: This portlet is provided as an example of a custom header that includes navigation tags; you can customize it and use it in communities or experience definitions. This portlet is stored in the Portal Resources folder.


    The Tag Navigation experience definition is also included in the portal as a convenience when you are using portlets for navigation. This experience definition uses the Portlet-Ready Navigation scheme and has the Navigation Tags Header Portlet set as its header.

Branding Portlets

The following branding portlets enable you to add custom branding to your portal pages:

  • Classic Footer Portlet: This portlet is provided as an example of a custom footer that you can customize and use in communities or experience definitions.

  • Classic Header Portlet: This portlet is provided as an example of a custom header that you can customize and use in communities or experience definitions.

  • Layout Footer Portlet: This portlet is provided as an example of a custom footer that uses adaptive tags; you can customize it and use it in communities or experience definitions.

  • Layout Header Portlet: This portlet is provided as an example of a custom header that uses adaptive tags; you can customize it and use it in communities or experience definitions.

Login Portlets

The following login portlets can be added to guest default profiles so users can log in to the portal:

  • Portal Login: This portlet allows users to log in to the portal. You probably want to add this to all your guest users' home pages so that users can log in from the default page displayed when they navigate to your portal.

  • Tag Login Portlet: This portlet is provided as an example of a custom login portlet that uses adaptive tags; you can customize it and add it to your guest users' home pages so that users can log in from the default page displayed when they navigate to your portal. This portlet is stored in the Portal Resources folder. For information on adaptive tags, see the Adaptive Page Layouts section of the Oracle Fusion Middleware User Interface Customization Guide for Oracle WebCenter Framework Interaction.

User Profile Portlets

The following user profile portlets are included on the user profile page by default:

  • Folder Expertise: This portlet displays the folders for which the user is an expert. Administrative users with at least Edit access to the folder and at least Select access to the user can add the user to the folder as an expert through the Related Resources page of the Folder Editor, or, if users have the Self-Selected Experts activity right, they can add themselves as experts when they are browsing folders in the Knowledge Directory. This portlet is stored in the Portal Resources folder and is displayed on the user profile page by default.

  • General Information: This portlet displays user profile information such as name and address, but an administrative user with at least Edit access to the portlet can configure the portlet to display any information. If your portal displays a legacy layout (rather than adaptive layouts), this portlet is displayed on the user profile page by default. This portlet is stored in the Portal Resources folder.

  • Managed Communities: This portlet displays the communities to which the user has Edit or Admin access. If your portal displays a legacy layout (rather than adaptive layouts), this portlet is displayed on the user profile page by default. This portlet is stored in the Portal Resources folder.

My Pages, Community Pages, and Default Profile Pages Portlets

The following portlets are ready to be added to My Pages, community pages, and default profile pages:

  • Job Histories Intrinsic Portlet: This portlet displays the same job history information that is displayed on the Job History page of the Automation Service Manager. This portlet is stored in the Portal Resources folder.

  • Portal Search: This portlet lets users search your portal and access their saved searches. Users might want to add this to their home page for easy access to their saved searches. This portlet is stored in the Portal Resources folder.

  • RSS Reader Portlet: This portlet lets users specify an RSS or ATOM feed to display on a My Page. This portlet is stored in the Portal Resources/RSS Reader folder, but is available only if the Remote Portlet Service was installed and the RSS Reader migration package was imported.

  • RSS Community Reader Portlet: This portlet lets community managers specify an RSS or ATOM feed to display on a community page. This portlet is stored in the Portal Resources/RSS Reader folder, but is available only if the Remote Portlet Service was installed and the RSS Reader migration package was imported.

  • User Activities: This portlet displays a user's status history and any other recent activities that are submitted by other applications. This portlet is stored in the Activity Service folder, but is available only if the Remote Portlet Service was installed and the Activity Service migration package was imported.

    To view another user's activities, open the user's profile and look at the User Activities portlet displayed in the profile. To subscribe to e-mail notification or an RSS feed of the user's activity, click the appropriate button at the bottom of the user's User Activities portlet.

  • User Status: This portlet lets users post their current status. This portlet is stored in the Activity Service folder, but is available only if the Remote Portlet Service was installed and the Activity Service migration package was imported.

Portlet Templates

The following portlet templates (and any necessary portlet Web services and remote servers) are created when you install the portal:

  • Community Links Portlet Template: This template is used by the portal to create portlets that display the links saved in a Community Knowledge Directory folder. This portlet template is stored in the Portal Resources folder.

  • Content Snapshots: This template is used by the portal to create portlets that display the results of a Snapshot Query. This portlet template is stored in the Portal Resources folder.

Working with Portlet Web Services

This section describes the following main tasks:

It also covers the following low-level tasks:

Creating or Editing an Intrinsic Portlet Web Service

Before you create an intrinsic portlet Web service, you must:

  • Install the portlet code on the computer that hosts the portal

To create an intrinsic portlet Web service you must have the following rights and privileges:

  • Access Administration activity right

  • Create Web Service Infrastructure activity right

  • At least Edit access to the parent folder (the folder that will store the intrinsic portlet Web service)

  • At least Select access to the remote server that the intrinsic portlet Web service will use

To edit an intrinsic portlet Web service you must have the following rights and privileges:

  • Access Administration activity right

  • At least Edit access to the intrinsic portlet Web service

  • If you plan to change the remote server association, at least Select access to the remote server that the intrinsic portlet Web service will use

To create or edit an intrinsic portlet Web service:

  1. Click Administration.

  2. Open the Intrinsic Portlet Web Service Editor.

    • To create an intrinsic portlet Web service, open the folder in which you want to store the intrinsic portlet Web service. In the Create Object list, click Web Service — Intrinsic Portlet.

    • To edit an intrinsic portlet Web service, open the folder in which the intrinsic portlet Web service is stored and click the intrinsic portlet Web service name.

  3. On the Main Settings page, perform tasks as necessary:

  4. On the Advanced Settings page, perform tasks as necessary:

  5. On the Preferences page, perform tasks as necessary:

  6. On the Alternative Browsing Devices page, perform tasks as necessary:

  7. On the Properties and Names page, perform tasks as necessary:

  8. On the Security page, perform tasks as necessary:

    The default security for this intrinsic portlet Web service is based on the security of the parent folder. Administrative users with at least Select access to this intrinsic portlet Web service and the Create Portlets activity right can create portlets or portlet templates based on the Web service.

  9. If you are editing an intrinsic portlet Web service, on the Migration History and Status page, perform tasks as necessary:


    The Migration History and Status page is not available when creating an object.

Creating or Editing a Remote Portlet Web Service

Before you create a remote portlet Web service, you must:

  • Install the portlet code on the computer that hosts the portal or on another computer

  • Create a remote server pointing to the computer that hosts the portlet code (optional, but recommended)

To create a remote portlet Web service you must have the following rights and privileges:

  • Access Administration activity right

  • Create Web Service Infrastructure activity right

  • At least Edit access to the parent folder (the folder that will store the remote portlet Web service)

  • At least Select access to the remote server that the remote portlet Web service will use

To edit a remote portlet Web service you must have the following rights and privileges:

  • Access Administration activity right

  • At least Edit access to the remote portlet Web service

  • If you plan to change the remote server association, at least Select access to the remote server that the remote portlet Web service will use

To create or edit a remote portlet Web service:

  1. Click Administration.

  2. Open the Remote Portlet Web Service Editor.

    • To create a remote portlet Web service, open the folder in which you want to store the remote portlet Web service. In the Create Object list, click Web Service — Remote Portlet.

    • To edit a remote portlet Web service, open the folder in which the remote portlet Web service is stored and click the remote portlet Web service name.

  3. On the Main Settings page, perform tasks as necessary:

  4. On the HTTP Configuration page, perform tasks as necessary:

  5. On the Advanced URL Settings page, perform tasks as necessary:


    Do not enter anything into the Remote Migration URL box; this box must be left blank. This feature is reserved for future use.

  6. On the Advanced Settings page, perform tasks as necessary:

  7. On the Authentication Settings page, perform tasks as necessary:

  8. On the Preferences page, perform tasks as necessary:

  9. On the User Information page, perform tasks as necessary:

  10. On the Debug Settings page, perform tasks as necessary:

  11. On the Alternative Browsing Devices page, perform tasks as necessary:

  12. On the Properties and Names page, perform tasks as necessary:

  13. On the Security page, perform tasks as necessary:

    The default security for this remote portlet Web service is based on the security of the parent folder. Administrative users with at least Select access to this remote portlet Web service and the Create Portlets activity right can create portlets or portlet templates based on the Web service.

  14. If you are editing a remote portlet Web service, on the Migration History and Status page, perform tasks as necessary:


    The Migration History and Status page is not available when creating an object.

Deleting a Portlet Web Service

To delete a portlet Web service you must have the following rights and privileges:

  • Access Administration activity right

  • Admin access to the portlet Web service

To delete a portlet Web service:

  1. Click Administration.

  2. Navigate to the portlet Web service.

  3. Select the portlet Web service you want to delete and click the delete icon.


Deleting a portlet Web service will break any associated portlets.

Adding Help to Portlets

If the portlets associated with the Web service have help, you can include a help button in the portlet title bar.

To add help to the portlets associated with a portlet Web service:

  1. If the Intrinsic Portlet Web Service Editor is not already open, open it now.

  2. Click the Advanced Settings page for an intrinsic portlet Web service or the Advanced URL Settings page for a remote pagelet Web service or a remote portlet Web service.

  3. In the Help Page box, type the full URL to the help page (for example,


    The help page must be located on the computer hosting the Image Service.

Associating User Profile Information with Intrinsic Portlets

If the portlets associated with the Web service use user profile information and you intend to migrate this Web service at some time, you must specify this association in the Web service so that the user profile information is migrated with the Web service.

To associate user profile information with an intrinsic portlet Web service:

  1. If the Intrinsic Portlet Web Service Editor is not already open, open it now.

  2. On the left, under Edit Object Settings, click Advanced Settings.

  3. Check the box next to This Web Service depends on User Profile pages and sections so the user profile information is migrated with the Web service.

Sending General Settings from a Remote Portlet Web Service to Associated Portlets

To specify what information the remote portlet Web service passes to associated portlets:

  1. If the Remote Portlet Web Service Editor is not already open, open it now.

  2. Click the Advanced Settings page.

  3. Under Settings, specify what general information, if any, you want this Web service to pass to its associated portlets:

    • If the portlet is on a community page and you want to send the user's community security, select Send Community ACL to Portlets.

    • To send the ID number of the My Page or community page from which the portlet request is sent, select Send Page ID to Portlets.

    • To send the time zone of the user from which the portlet request is sent, select Send timezone to Portlets.

    • If this Web service requires the user to have an API session (for example, if the Web service uses the SOAP API), select Send Login token to Portlets; then, in the Login Token duration box, type the number of minutes you want the API session to last.

    • To include a refresh button on the portlet, click Show Portlet refresh button. The refresh button appears in the title bar of portlets associated with this Web service. Users can then refresh this portlet by itself, rather than refresh the entire My Page or community that contains the portlet.

    • To enable portlet session sharing, select Share sessions with other Portlets on the same Remote Server.

    • To send the ID of the experience definition from which the portlet request is sent, select Send Experience Definition ID to Portlets.

    • To send information on the portlet's alignment on the page from which the portlet is invoked, select Send Portlet Alignment to Portlets.

Associating a Lockbox with a Remote Portlet Web Service

A lockbox corresponds to an external Web application that users can access through the portal. To learn about lockboxes, see Working with Lockboxes.

To send credentials from a lockbox to portlets associated with a remote portlet Web service:

  1. If the Remote Portlet Web Service Editor is not already open, open it now.

  2. Click the Authentication Settings page.

  3. Under Credential Vault Settings, click Browse to specify a lockbox for this portlet if applicable.


    To send credentials in portlet headers, using RSA public key/private key encryption, you must also enter the public key for RSA encryption in the remote server (on the Main Settings page) and use the IDK to provide the private key for RSA encryption (see the Oracle Fusion Middleware Web Service Developer's Guide for Oracle WebCenter Interaction).

Associating a Login Form with a Remote Portlet Web Service

If portlets associated with the Web service provide access to a remote application with a login form, specify the login form settings in the remote portlet Web service.

To associate a login form with a remote portlet Web service:

  1. If the Remote Portlet Web Service Editor is not already open, open it now.

  2. Click the Authentication Settings page.

  3. Under Form Based Login, in the Login URL box, type the URL of the login form.

  4. In the Post URL box, type the URL to which the login form posts.

  5. Choose the credentials to be sent to the post URL:

    • None - sends no credentials. Use this if you want to use the same user name and password for all users. If you select this, add the user name and password fields and their values under the Login Form Fields section of this page.

    • Portal - sends the user's portal user name and password.

    • Lockbox - sends the user's lockbox credentials for the lockbox you selected under Credential Vault Settings.

  6. If you chose to send portal or lockbox credentials to the post URL, enter the names of the user name and password fields on the login form.

  7. If the login form has additional fields, or you selected None for the credentials to send to the post URL, add fields under Login Form Fields:

    • To add a field, click Add Form Field. Then enter the Field Name and the required Field Value.

    • To delete a form field, select it and click the delete icon.

Adding Preference Pages to Intrinsic Portlets

Some portlets might require preferences settings that are specific to that portlet. For example, you might have several portlets that use the same Web service, but can be configured to show different information based on an administrative, community manager, or user preference.

To add preference pages to an intrinsic portlet:

  1. If the Intrinsic Portlet Web Service Editor is not already open, open it now.

  2. On the left, under Edit Object Settings, click Preferences.

  3. To specify the location of the logic used to display any preference pages associated with the Web service, type the "STR_MVC_CLASS_NAME" string variable that is defined in the activity space that contains the logic for your portlet preference pages:

    • Administrative Preferences Activity Space: These preferences are set by the portlet creator on the Main Settings page of the Portlet Editor. They affect everyone's view of the portlet.

    • Portlet Template Preferences Activity Space: These preferences are set by the portlet template creator on the Main Settings page of the Portlet Template Editor. They affect the portlet template itself and all portlets created from that template.


      If you change these preferences after portlets have been created from the template, the change will affect only new portlets. Portlets created from the template before the change was made will not be affected.

    • Portlet Preferences Activity Space: These preferences are set by the user through the icon in the portlet title bar. They affect that user's view of the portlet.

    • Community Preferences Activity Space: These preferences are set by the community administrator on the Portlet Preferences page of the Community Editor (also accessible through the Edit Portlet Preferences option in the My Communities menu). They affect everyone's view of the portlet in that community.

If the Web service does not have a particular type of preference page, leave that box blank. If you leave a box blank, you will not see the associated preferences link in the associated portlet or portlet editor.

Adding Preference Pages to Remote Portlets

Some portlets might require preferences settings that are specific to that portlet. For example, you might have several portlets that use the same Web service, but can be configured to show different information based on an administrative, community manager, or user preference.

To add preference pages to an intrinsic portlet:

  1. If the Remote Portlet Web Service Editor is not already open, open it now.

  2. On the left, under Edit Object Settings, click Preferences.

  3. To specify the location of any preference pages associated with the Web service, type the path to the page (including the page name):


    If you associated a remote server on the Main Settings page, you can type a relative path (/myPortlet/) or an absolute path (http://myServer/myPortlet/). If you enter an absolute path, ignore the base URL.

    • Administrative Preferences URL: These preferences are set by the portlet creator on the Main Settings page of the Portlet Editor. They affect everyone's view of the portlet.

    • Portlet Template Preferences URL: These preferences are set by the portlet template creator on the Main Settings page of the Portlet Template Editor. They affect the portlet template itself and all portlets created from that template.


      If you change these preferences after portlets have been created from the template, the change will affect only new portlets. Portlets created from the template before the change was made will not be affected.

    • Portlet Preferences URL: These preferences are set by the user through the icon in the portlet title bar. They affect that user's view of the portlet.

      If you want to send user preferences (from either the User Configuration URL or the Portlet Preferences URL) from the Web service to associated portlets, you must specify them by name:

      • To send a user preference to the portlets associated with the Web service, type the name of the preference in the box below User Preferences.

      • To include more user preferences, click Add User Preference.

      • To delete a user preference, select the preference and click the delete icon.


      The Portlet Preferences URL differs from the User Configuration URL (specified on the Advanced URL Settings page) in the following ways:

      • The Portlet Preferences URL displays a link on the Edit Portlet Preferences page, but the link displays only when the associated portlet is on the selected My Page or community page. However, the User Configuration URL displays a link on the My Account page to any user with at least Read access to the Web service.

      • A user configuration page can include only user preferences. A portlet preferences page can include user preferences or portlet-specific preferences.

    • Community Preferences URL: These preferences are set by the community administrator on the Portlet Preferences page of the Community Editor (also accessible through the Edit Portlet Preferences option in the My Communities menu). They affect everyone's view of the portlet in that community.

      If you want to send community preferences from the Web service to associated portlets, you must specify them by name:

      • To send a community preference to the portlets associated with the Web service, type the name of the preference in the box below User Preferences.

      • To include more community preferences, click Add User Preference.

      • To delete a community preference, select the preference and click the delete icon.

    • Session Preferences: If you want to send session preferences from the Web service to associated portlets, you must specify them by name:

      • To send a session preference to the portlets associated with the Web service, type the name of the preference in the box below Session Preferences.

      • To include more session preferences, click Add Session Preference.

      • To delete a session preference, select the preference and click the delete icon.

If the Web service does not have a particular type of preference page, leave that box blank. If you leave a box blank, you will not see the associated preferences link in the associated portlet or portlet editor.

Specifying Alternative Browsing Device Support for a Portlet Web Service

If the portlets associated with the Web service supports alternative browsing devices, you must specify the supported devices in the Web service.

To specify alternative browsing device support for a portlet Web service:

  1. If the Intrinsic Portlet Web Service Editor is not already open, open it now.

  2. On the left, under Edit Object Settings, click Alternative Browsing.

  3. Select the devices the portlet Web service supports:

    • Assistive Technology Portal: This user interface supports assistive technology used by people with disabilities, such as screen readers, screen magnifiers, and speech recognition software.

    • Newer Phones and RIM devices: This user interface is for users of phones that can display WML, which includes new phones and RIM Blackberry pagers.

    • Palm and Pocket PC: This user interface is for users of personal digital assistants that can display HTML, like Palm-connected organizers and Pocket PCs.

  4. If you are creating or editing a remote pagelet or remote portlet Web service and it includes a summary description of its contents, in the Summary URL box, type the URL to that description. This description displays when a user views portlets associated with this Web service on a wireless device.


    If you associated a remote server on the Main Settings page, the base URL displays to the left of the Summary URL box. You can either type a relative path, finishing the path that starts with the base URL (/myPortlet/Summary.htm), or you can type an absolute path, ignoring the base URL (http://myServer/myPortlet/Summary.htm).

Working with Remote Pagelet Web Services

This section describes the following main tasks:

It also covers the following low-level tasks:

Creating the Oracle WebCenter Pagelet Producer Remote Server

Before you create the Oracle WebCenter Pagelet Producer remote server, you must:

  • Install Oracle WebCenter

  • Create pagelets in Oracle WebCenter Pagelet Producer

To create the Oracle WebCenter Pagelet Producer remote server you must be a member of the Administrators group.

  1. Click Administration.

  2. In the Select Utility list, click Migration - Import.

  3. On the Package Settings page, select Web Address and type the following URL: http://server:port/pageletadmin/pte. Replace server with the name of the computer on which Oracle WebCenter Pagelet Producer is installed, and replace port with the port on which Oracle WebCenter Pagelet Producer runs.

  4. Click Finish.

    The Pagelet Producer Remote Server is created in a new PageletProducer folder.

Creating or Editing a Remote Pagelet Web Service

Before you create a remote pagelet Web service, you must:

  • Install Oracle WebCenter

  • Create pagelets in Oracle WebCenter Pagelet Producer

  • Create the Oracle WebCenter Pagelet Producer remote server

To create a remote pagelet Web service you must have the following rights and privileges:

  • Access Administration activity right

  • Create Web Service Infrastructure activity right

  • At least Edit access to the parent folder (the folder that will store the remote pagelet Web service)

  • At least Select access to the remote server that the pagetlet Web service will use

To edit a remote pagelet Web service you must have the following rights and privileges:

  • Access Administration activity right

  • At least Edit access to the remote pagelet Web service

  • If you plan to change the remote server association, at least Select access to the remote server that the remote pagelet Web service will use

To create or edit a remote pagetlet Web service:

  1. Click Administration.

  2. Open the Remote Pagelet Web Service Editor.

    • To create a remote pagelet Web service, open the folder in which you want to store the remote pagetlet Web service. In the Create Object list, click Web Service — Remote Pagelet.

    • To edit a remote pagelet Web service, open the folder in which the remote pagelet Web service is stored and click the remote pagelet Web service name.

  3. On the Main Settings page, perform tasks as necessary:


    Under Server Information, you see the remote server associated with this Web service - the Pagelet Producer Remote Server. This remote server contains the information needed to connect to Oracle WebCenter Pagelet Producer. You cannot change the remote server as you can with other Web services.

  4. On the HTTP Configuration page, perform tasks as necessary:

  5. On the Advanced URL Settings page, perform tasks as necessary:

  6. On the Advanced Settings page, perform tasks as necessary:

  7. On the Parameter Mapping page, perform tasks as necessary:

  8. On the Debug Settings page, perform tasks as necessary:

  9. On the Alternative Browsing Devices page, perform tasks as necessary:

  10. On the Properties and Names page, perform tasks as necessary:

  11. On the Security page, perform tasks as necessary:

    The default security for this remote pagelet Web service is based on the security of the parent folder. Administrative users with at least Select access to this remote pagelet Web service and the Create Portlets activity right can create portlets or portlet templates based on the Web service.

  12. If you are editing a remote pagelet Web service, on the Migration History and Status page, perform tasks as necessary:


    The Migration History and Status page is not available when creating an object.

Deleting a Remote Pagelet Web Service

To delete a remote pagelet Web service you must have the following rights and privileges:

  • Access Administration activity right

  • Admin access to the remote pagelet Web service

To delete a remote pagelet Web service:

  1. Click Administration.

  2. Navigate to the remote pagelet Web service.

  3. Select the remote pagelet Web service you want to delete and click the delete icon.


Deleting a remote pagelet Web service will break any associated portlets.

Selecting a Pagelet

To select a pagelet to make available through the Web service:

  1. If the Remote Pagelet Web Service Editor is not already open, open it now. The Remote Pagelet Web Service Editor displays the Main Settings page.

  2. In the Pagelet Libraries box, you see the pagelet libraries from your Oracle WebCenter Pagelet Producer deployment. Select the library that contains the pagelet you want to make available.

  3. In the Pagelets box, you see the pagelets available in the library you selected in the previous step. Select the pagelet you want to make available through the Web service.

    The selected library and pagelet appear to the right of the Pagelets box.

Sending General Settings from a Remote Pagelet Web Service to Associated Portlets

To specify what information the pagetlet Web service passes to associated portlets:

  1. If the Remote Pagelet Web Service Editor is not already open, open it now.

  2. Click the Advanced Settings page.

  3. Specify what general information, if any, you want this Web service to pass to its associated portlets:

    • If this Web service requires the user to have an API session (for example, if the Web service uses the SOAP API), select Send Login token to Portlets; then, in the Login Token duration box, type the number of minutes you want the API session to last.

    • To include a refresh button on the portlet, click Show Portlet refresh button. The refresh button appears in the title bar of portlets associated with this Web service. Users can then refresh this portlet by itself, rather than refresh the entire My Page or community that contains the portlet.

Mapping Remote Pagelet Parameters to Portlet Preferences

If the pagelet selected on the Main Settings page supports pagelet parameters, specify how users configure pagelet parameters by mapping each parameter to one or more portlet preferences.

To map pagelet parameters to portlet preferences:

  1. If the Remote Pagelet Web Service Editor is not already open, open it now.

  2. Click the Parameter Mapping page.

  3. Map pagelet parameters to portlet preferences:

    • If the parameter affects the user's view of the portlet, select Portlet Personal preference. This allows the user to configure the parameter through the icon on the portlet title bar.

    • If the parameter affects everyone's view of a portlet in a particular community, select Portlet Community preference. This allows the community manager to configure the parameter on the Portlet Preferences page of the Community Editor.

    • If the parameter affects everyone's view of the portlet on all pages that include this portlet, select Portlet Admin preference. This allows the portlet creator to configure the parameter on the Main Settings page of the Portlet Editor.


    Portlet Personal preferences override Portlet Community preferences and Portlet Admin preferences. Portlet Community preferences override Portlet Admin preferences.

Working with Portlet Templates and Portlets

This section describes the following main tasks:

It also covers the following low-level tasks:

Creating or Editing a Portlet Template

Before you create a portlet template, you must:

  • Install the portlet code on the computer that hosts the portal or, if your portlet does not rely on any portal code, you can instead install it on another computer

  • If you installed the portlet code on a computer other than the one that hosts the portal, create a remote server to point to the remote computer

  • Create a portlet Web service on which to base your portlet

To create a portlet template you must have the following rights and privileges:

  • Access Administration activity right

  • Create Web Service Infrastructure activity right

  • At least Edit access to the parent folder (the folder that will store the portlet template)

To edit a portlet template you must have the following rights and privileges:

  • Access Administration activity right

  • At least Edit access to the portlet template

To create or edit a portlet template:

  1. Click Administration.

  2. Open the Portlet Template Editor.

    • To create a portlet template, open the folder in which you want to store the portlet template. In the Create Object list, click Portlet Template.

    • To edit a portlet template, open the folder in which the portlet template is stored and click its name.

  3. On the Main Settings page, perform tasks as necessary:

  4. On the Properties and Names page, perform tasks as necessary:

  5. On the Security page, perform tasks as necessary:

    The default security for this portlet template is based on the security of the parent folder.

  6. If you are editing a portlet template, on the Migration History and Status page, perform tasks as necessary:


    The Migration History and Status page is not available when creating an object.

Deleting a Portlet Template

To delete a portlet template you must have the following rights and privileges:

  • Access Administration activity right

  • Admin access to the portlet template

To delete a portlet template:

  1. Click Administration.

  2. Navigate to the portlet template.

  3. Select the portlet template you want to delete and click the delete icon.

Creating or Editing a Portlet


If you copy a portlet, both the copy and the original portlet will share the same administrative preferences. Changing the preferences in one portlet changes the preferences for the other one as well. If you want each portlet to have independent administrative preferences, create a new portlet from the same Web service.

Before you create a portlet, you must:

  • Install the portlet code on the computer that hosts the portal or, if your portlet does not rely on any portal code, you can instead install it on another computer

  • If you installed the portlet code on a computer other than the one that hosts the portal, create a remote server to point to the remote computer

  • Create a portlet Web service on which to base your portlet

  • Optionally, create a portlet template on which to base your portlet


For information on installing portlet code, refer to the Oracle Fusion Middleware Installation Guide for Oracle WebCenter Interaction for Windows or the Oracle Fusion Middleware Installation Guide for Oracle WebCenter Interaction for Unix and Linux or the documentation that comes with your portlet.

To create a portlet you must have the following rights and privileges:

  • Access Administration activity right

  • Create Portlets activity right

  • At least Edit access to the parent folder (the folder that will store the portlet)

To edit a portlet you must have the following rights and privileges:

  • Access Administration activity right

  • At least Edit access to the portlet

To create or edit a portlet:

  1. Click Administration.

  2. Open the Portlet Editor.

    • To create a portlet, open the folder in which you want to store the portlet. In the Create Object list, click Portlet. In the Choose Template or Web Service dialog box, select the template or Web service that provides the basic settings for your portlet and click OK.


      Use a template when possible. When you use a template, your portlet inherits the template's Web service as well as its default settings. Some Web services that are designed to work with templates might not work correctly if you bypass the template and make a new portlet directly from the Web service object.

    • To edit a portlet, open the folder in which the portlet is stored and click its name.

  3. On the Main Settings page, perform tasks as necessary:

  4. On the Properties and Names page, perform tasks as necessary:

  5. On the Security page, perform tasks as necessary:

    The default security for this portlet is based on the security of the parent folder.

  6. If you are editing a portlet, on the Migration History and Status page, perform tasks as necessary:


    The Migration History and Status page is not available when creating an object.

Deleting a Portlet

To delete a portlet you must have the following rights and privileges:

  • Access Administration activity right

  • Admin access to the portlet

To delete a portlet:

  1. Click Administration.

  2. Navigate to the portlet.

  3. Select the portlet you want to delete and click the delete icon.

Associating a Web Service with a Portlet or a Portlet Template

  1. If the Portlet Editor or the Portlet Template Editor is not already open, open it now. The editor displays the Main Settings page.

  2. To establish and manage a Web service association for this portlet:

    • To associate a Web service (or to change an existing association), click Browse, then, in the Choose Web Service dialog box, choose the Web service you want to associate with the portlet or portlets created from the portlet template and click OK.


      If you created the portlet from a portlet template, you can edit the associated Web service, but you cannot change it.

    • To edit the remote server, click its name.

Editing the Portlet Template Preferences for a Portlet Template

You can configure the portlet template preferences for a portlet template on the Main Settings page of the Portlet Template Editor.

  1. If the Portlet Template Editor is not already open, open it now.

  2. If the associated Web service includes portlet template preferences (specified on the Preferences page of the Portlet Web Service Editor), click Edit to edit the preferences.

Editing the Administrative Preferences for a Portlet

You can configure the administrative preferences for a portlet on the Main Settings page of the Portlet Editor.

  1. If the Portlet Editor is not already open, open it now.

  2. If the associated Web service includes administrative preferences (specified on the Preferences page of the Portlet Web Service Editor), click Edit to edit the preferences.

Specifying the Size, Type, and Orientation for a Portlet

You can specify the size, type, and orientation for a portlet on the Main Settings page of the Portlet Editor.

  1. If the Portlet Editor is not already open, open it now and display the Main Settings page.

  2. Specify what type of portlet this is.

    • Narrow: Narrow portlets can be added to narrow or wide columns. Columns extend to fit portlet content; therefore, if you choose narrow for a portlet that produces wide content, your portal might look awkward.

      If you created this portlet from a portlet template that creates narrow portlets or if you are editing an existing a narrow portlet, you can change it to a Wide portlet but not to a header, footer, or content canvas portlet.

    • Wide: Wide portlets can be added only to wide columns.

      If you created this portlet from a portlet template that creates wide portlets or if you are editing an existing a wide portlet, you can change it to a narrow portlet but not to a header, footer, or content canvas portlet.

    • Header: Header portlets can be added to communities, community templates, and experience definitions to change the branding of these objects by replacing a banner at the top of the page (so that it differs from the top banner displayed by the main portal).

      You cannot change this setting if you created this portlet from a portlet template that creates header portlets or if you are editing an existing header portlet.

    • Footer: Footer portlets can be added to communities, community templates, and experience definitions to change the branding of these objects by replacing the banner at the bottom of the page (so that it differs from the bottom banner displayed by the main portal).

      You cannot change this setting if you created this portlet from a portlet template that creates footer portlets or if you are editing an existing footer portlet.

    • Content Canvas: Content canvas portlets can be added below the top banner on community pages that include a content canvas space (specified in the page layout). Content canvas portlets can display across the entire width of the page or across one or two columns. You cannot add more than one content canvas portlet per page.

      You cannot change this setting if you created this portlet from a portlet template that creates content canvas portlets or if you are editing an existing content canvas portlet.

  3. If this is a narrow or wide portlet, specify whether this portlet is a community-only portlet.

    • If you want to allow users to add this portlet to My Pages or community pages, choose For My Pages or Community pages.

    • If you want to allow users to add this portlet only to community pages, choose For Community pages only.

  4. If this is a narrow or wide portlet and you do not want to display the title of this portlet when it is added to a page, select Suppress Portlet's title bar.


    If this portlet includes preferences or help, suppressing the title bar will make these features unavailable in the portlet.

Setting Security for a Portlet

By default, a new portlet inherits the security of the parent folder, but you can change the security of each individual portlet.

  1. If the Portlet Editor is not already open, open it now.

  2. Click the Security page.

  3. Specify which users and groups can access this portlet and what type of access they have:

    • To allow additional users or groups access to this portlet, click Add Users/Groups.

    • If this portlet can be added to My Pages and is not a header, footer, or content canvas portlet, you can force users or groups to include this portlet on their default My Pages. To do so, in the Mandatory list, click Mandatory.


      Users and groups for which this portlet is mandatory will not be able to remove this portlet from their My Pages.

    • To specify the type of access a user or group has, in the list under the Privilege column, select the access type.

      For a description of the available privileges, see About Access Controls Lists and Access Privileges.


      If a user is a member of more than one group included in the list, or if they are included as an individual user and as part of a group, that user gets the highest access available to her for this object. For example, if a user is part of the Everyone group (which has Read access) and the Administrators Group (which has Admin access), that user gets the higher privilege to the community: Admin.

    • To delete a user or group, select the user or group and click the Remove icon.

      To select or clear all of the user and group check boxes, select or clear the check box to the left of Users/Groups.

    • To see what users are included in a group, click the group name.

    • To change the column used for sorting or to toggle the sort order between ascending and descending, click the column name.

      You see the Sort Ascending icon or the Sort Descending icon to the right of the column name by which the objects are sorted.

    • If you chose Mandatory for any user or group, in the Mandatory Portlet Priority list, set this portlet's priority.

      The priority determines the portlet's placement on the My Page; portlets with higher priority display closer to the upper-left of the My Page then portlets with lower priority.

Caching Portlet Content

You might occasionally want to run a job to cache portlet content (for example, if the portlet takes a couple minutes to render). When the job runs, it creates a snapshot of the portlet content (in the form of a static HTML file) that can be displayed on a Web site. The file is stored in the shared files directory (for example, C:\Oracle\Middleware\wci\ptportal\10.3.3 for Windows or /oracle/middleware/wci/ptportal/10.3.3) in \StagedContent\Portlets\portletID\Main.html. You can then create another portlet that simply displays the static HTML.


The shared files directory path is set on the Portal URL Manager page of the Portal Settings Utility.

To run a portlet as a job you must have the following rights and privileges:

  • Access Administration activity right

  • Create Jobs activity right

  • At least Edit access to the parent folder (the folder that will store the job)

  • At least Select access to the portlet


  • Because intrinsic portlets rely on the portal application, you cannot run an intrinsic portlet as a job.

  • Because the content produced is static you should only run portlets that present information that is valuable when updated on a periodic basis. For example, a report portlet would be ideal to run as a job, while more interactive portlets, like application interfaces would not be appropriate.

  • If the portlet includes preferences, the preferences for the user that creates the job will be used.

  1. Click Administration.

  2. Open the folder in which you want to store the portlet job.


    In order for the job to run, the folder must be registered with an Automation Service.

  3. In the Create Object list, select Job.

  4. On the Main Settings page, click Add Operation.

  5. Select the portlets you want to run with this job, and click OK.

  6. Under Schedule, select the frequency with which you want this job to run.

Working with Portlet Bundles

This section describes the following main tasks:

Creating or Editing a Portlet Bundle

Before you create a portlet bundle, you must create the portlets you want to bundle.

To create a portlet bundle you must have the following rights and privileges:

  • Access Administration activity right

  • Create Web Service Infrastructure activity right

  • At least Edit access to the parent folder (the folder that will store the portlet bundle)

To edit a portlet bundle you must have the following rights and privileges:

  • Access Administration activity right

  • At least Edit access to the portlet bundle

To create or edit a portlet bundle:

  1. Click Administration.

  2. Open the Portlet Bundle Editor.

    • To create a portlet bundle, open the folder in which you want to store the portlet bundle. In the Create Object list, click Portlet Bundle.

    • To edit a portlet bundle, open the folder in which the portlet bundle is stored and click its name.

  3. On the Main Settings page, perform tasks as necessary:

    • To add a portlet to this bundle, click Add Portlets; then, in the Select Portlets dialog box, select the portlets you want to add and click Finish.

    • To remove a portlet, select the portlet and click the remove icon.

    • To select or clear all of the portlet check boxes, select or clear the box to the left of Portlet Names.

    • To toggle the order in which the folders are sorted (ascending/descending), click Portlet Names or click the icon to the right of that.

  4. On the Properties and Names page, perform tasks as necessary:

  5. On the Security page, perform tasks as necessary:

    The default security for this portlet bundle is based on the security of the parent folder.

  6. If you are editing a portlet bundle, on the Migration History and Status page, perform tasks as necessary:


    The Migration History and Status page is not available when creating an object.

Deleting a Portlet Bundle

To delete a portlet bundle you must have the following rights and privileges:

  • Access Administration activity right

  • Admin access to the portlet bundle

To delete a portlet bundle:

  1. Click Administration.

  2. Navigate to the portlet bundle.

  3. Select the portlet bundle you want to delete and click the delete icon.

Working with Lockboxes

To access the Credential Vault Manager you must be a member of the Administrators Group.

You can create a lockbox for each secured application the user must access through the portal.

  1. Click Administration.

  2. In the Select Utility list, click Credential Vault Manager.

  3. Create a lockbox for each secured application you will provide access to through the portal.

    • To create a new lockbox, click New Lockbox.

      The Lockbox Editor opens.

    • To edit an existing lockbox, click its name.

      The Lockbox Editor opens.

    • To delete a lockbox, select it and click the Remove icon.

After setting up lockboxes:

Creating or Editing a Lockbox to Store User Credentials for External Applications

Create a lockbox for each secured application the user must access through the portal.

To access the Credential Vault Manager you must be a member of the Administrators Group.

  1. Click Administration.

  2. In the Select Utility list, click Credential Vault Manager.

  3. Click New Lockbox or click an existing lockbox to edit it.

  4. In the Name box, type a name for the lockbox.

    Users will see this name in a list of their external accounts when they click Password Manager on the My Account page. The name should clearly identify the external system for which users will enter their login credentials.

  5. In the Description text box, type a description for this lockbox.

    This description displays in the Administrative Objects Directory to help other administrators understand what this object is.

  6. If the system administrator did not set a mandatory object language in the portal configuration file, in the Primary Language list, select the language for the name and description you entered.

    If the system administrator did set a mandatory object language in the portal configuration file, you see the mandatory language instead of a list. You cannot change this setting. The name and description you entered must be in the mandatory language.

    If a localized name and description is not available in a user's selected language, the user will see the name and description in the specified primary language.

  7. If you want to add localized names and descriptions:

    1. Select Supports Localized Names.

      The Localized Names and Descriptions section appears.

    2. Add or edit the localized names and descriptions:

      • To add an entry for a language, click New Localized Name, then, in the Name and Description dialog box, enter the localized name and/or description, select the appropriate language, and click Finish.

      • To edit an existing entry, click the entry you want to change, then, in the Name and Description dialog box, edit the entry as necessary, and click Finish.

      • To remove existing entries, select the entries you want to remove and click the Remove icon.

        To select or clear all entries, select or clear the check box to the left of Name.

  8. Under Lockbox Properties, enter names for the user name and password properties for this lockbox.

    End users will see these names in the Password Manager when entering their login credentials for the external system corresponding to this lockbox.These properties will be created when you save the lockbox. After you have saved the lockbox, these properties appear as links. Click the links to edit the properties.