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Oracle Solaris Cluster Data Service for Oracle External Proxy Guide     Oracle Solaris Cluster 4.1
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1.  Installing and Configuring HA for Oracle External Proxy


Planning the Installation and Configuration

Configuration Requirements

Remote Database User

Secure Remote Database Password

tnsnames.ora File

Remote Oracle Notification Service

Overview of the Installation and Configuration Process for HA for Oracle External Proxy

Installing the HA for Oracle External Proxy Package

How to Install the HA for Oracle External Proxy Package

Registering and Configuring HA for Oracle External Proxy

Setting HA for Oracle External Proxy Extension Properties

Tools for Registering and Configuring HA for Oracle External Proxy

How to Register and Configure HA for Oracle External Proxy

Setting up Dependencies on Oracle External Proxy Resources

How to Verify Data Service Installation and Configuration

Operations By HA for Oracle External Proxy

Actions in Response to Faults

Upgrading the ORCL.oracle_external_proxy Resource Type

Information for Registering the New Resource Type Version

Information for Migrating Existing Instances of the Resource Type

A.  HA for Oracle External Proxy Extension Properties



The ORCL.oracle_external_proxy resource type interrogates the Oracle Database or the Oracle Real Application Clusters (Oracle RAC) services and interprets the availability of those services as an Oracle Solaris Cluster resource state or status in an Oracle Solaris Cluster configuration.

If the Oracle Database or the Oracle RAC services are unavailable, the Oracle Solaris Cluster resource state will be offline. Similarly, if the Oracle Database or the Oracle RAC services are available, the Oracle Solaris Cluster resource state will be online. Additionally, appropriate Oracle Solaris Cluster status messages will also be displayed.

For example:

# clrs status oep-rs
=== Cluster Resources ===

Resource Name       Node Name       State       Status Message
-------------       ---------       -----       --------------
oep-rs              oephost1         Online      Online - Service orcl is UP
                    oephost2         Online      Online - Service orcl is UP

Furthermore, if the Oracle Database and the Oracle RAC services are unavailable, the Oracle Solaris Cluster resource status message will also display the ORA error number and some part of the error message, if known.

For example:

# clrs status oep-rs
=== Cluster Resources ===

Resource Name       Node Name       State       Status Message
-------------       ---------       -----       --------------
oep-rs              oephost1         Offline      Offline - Service orcl is DOWN /
[ORA-12514, TNS:listener does not currently ...]
                    oephost2         Offline      Offline - Service orcl is DOWN /
[ORA-12514, TNS:listener does not currently ?]