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Oracle Solaris Cluster Data Service for Oracle PeopleSoft Enterprise Guide     Oracle Solaris Cluster 4.1
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Document Information


1.  Getting Started with Oracle Solaris Cluster HA for PeopleSoft Enterprise

2.  Installing and Configuring the HA for PeopleSoft Application Server


Planning the HA for PeopleSoft Application Server Installation and Configuration

Configuration Restrictions for HA for PeopleSoft Application Server

Configuration Requirements for HA for PeopleSoft Application Server

HA for PeopleSoft Application Server Data Service Configurations

Failover Configurations

Multi-Instance Configuration

Installing and Configuring the PeopleSoft Application Server Domain

How to Enable the PeopleSoft Application Server Domain to Run in a Cluster

How to Install PeopleSoft Application Server Software

Verifying Installation and Configuration of the PeopleSoft Application Server Domain

How to Verify PeopleSoft Application Server Domain Installation and Configuration

Registering and Configuring HA for PeopleSoft Application Server

Tools for Registering and Configuring HA for PeopleSoft Application Server

How to Register and Configure HA for PeopleSoft Application Server for Failover (clsetup)

How to Register and Configure HA for PeopleSoft Application Server for Multi-Instance (clsetup)

How to Register and Configure HA for PeopleSoft Application Server for Failover (CLI)

How to Remove a PeopleSoft Application Server Domain Resource From a Failover Resource Group

How to Register and Configure HA for PeopleSoft Application Server for Multi-Instance Configuration (CLI)

Verifying Installation and Configuration of the PeopleSoft Application Server Domain Resource

How to Verify HA for PeopleSoft Application Server Domain Resource Installation and Configuration

Tuning the HA for PeopleSoft Application Server Fault Monitor

Resource Properties

Probing Algorithm and Functionality

Operations of the PeopleSoft Application Server Probe

Debugging HA for PeopleSoft Application Server

How to Activate Debugging for HA for PeopleSoft Application Server

3.  Installing and Configuring the HA for PeopleSoft Process Scheduler

A.  HA for PeopleSoft Application Server Extension Properties

B.  HA for PeopleSoft Process Scheduler Extension Properties


Registering and Configuring HA for PeopleSoft Application Server

This section contains the procedures to configure or unconfigure HA for PeopleSoft application server.

Tools for Registering and Configuring HA for PeopleSoft Application Server

Oracle Solaris Cluster software provides the following tools for registering and configuring the HA for PeopleSoft application server in the global cluster or in a zone cluster:

How to Register and Configure HA for PeopleSoft Application Server for Failover (clsetup)

Use this procedure to configure the HA for PeopleSoft application server for failover. The clsetup utility includes a wizard to guide you through the creation of logical hostname resources. The wizard creates multiple resource groups, each containing one logical hostname resource, with a different preferred node in each group.

Before You Begin

Before you run clsetup, be sure that the following tasks have been performed:

  1. Assume the root role on any cluster node.
  2. Start the clsetup utility.
    # /usr/cluster/bin/clsetup

    The clsetup main menu is displayed.

  3. Type the number for Data Services and press Return.

    The Data Services menu is displayed.

  4. Type the number for Logical Hostname and press Return.
  5. Select the Global Cluster or Zone Cluster by typing the corresponding number and pressing Return.

    If you specified a Zone Cluster, the clsetup utility displays a list of zone clusters.

    If you specified a Global Cluster, the clsetup utility displays a list of tasks you need to complete. Continue to Step 7.

  6. If you specified a Zone Cluster, type the number that corresponds to the zone cluster where you want to configure the PeopleSoft application server and press Return.

    The clsetup utility displays a list of tasks you need to complete.

  7. Verify that you have met the prerequisites and press Return.

    If you are configuring in a zone cluster, the zone cluster nodes are displayed.

    If you are configuring in a global cluster, the global cluster nodes and zone nodes are displayed.

  8. Select the nodes where you want to run the logical host resources.
    • To accept the default selection of all listed nodes, type a and press Return.
    • To select a subset of the listed nodes, type the numbers of the nodes with a space or comma between the numbers. Then press Return.

    The clsetup utility prompts you for the logical host for the first node.

  9. Type the name of the logical host to be used for the specified node and press Return.

    The clsetup utility repeats the prompt for each node that you selected.

    When you have finished specifying a logical host for each node, the wizard automatically generates names for the logical hostname resources and resource groups based on the logical hostnames you entered.

    The wizard then displays a Select Resource Groups to Edit panel that shows a list of resource groups that are about to be created, with the ordered node list for each group. You can edit the names of these resource groups if you want.

    Note - The nodes in each resource group cannot be altered in this panel. The wizard sets the preferred node name automatically and ensures that a different node is the preferred node for each group. If you need to change any information about the nodes, you must go back through the wizard by pressing the < key.

  10. (Optional) If you want to edit the name of a resource group shown in the panel, type the number of a group you want to change and press Return.

    The wizard displays a list of the names of the resource and resource group for the group you selected. From here you can separately edit these names.

    1. Type the number for the name you want to change and press Return.
    2. Type the new name when prompted and press Return.

      The wizard displays the new names of the resource and resource group for the group you selected.

    3. Type d when you are done editing the names.

      The Select Resource Groups to Edit panel is displayed again with the new values of all the resource groups that are to be created.

  11. Type d in the Select Resource Groups to Edit panel when you are done with editing.

    The wizard displays the Review Configuration of Logical Hostname Resources panel to display the resource name, resource group name, node list, and logical hostname that will be created. The names are not editable here, but you can type < and press Return to go back to the previous panel to edit if you like.

  12. In the Review Configuration of Logical Hostname Resources panel type c and Press Return to create the configuration.

    When configuration is complete, the clsetup utility displays the commands that the utility ran to create the configuration.

    Note - The clsetup utility rolls back the changes if it fails to complete the logical host configuration process.

  13. Press Return to continue.

    The clsetup utility returns you to the Data Services menu.

  14. Type the number for PeopleSoft Enterprise Application Server and press Return.

    The clsetup utility displays a list of options for the PeopleSoft application server location.

    The next step is optional. You should skip to Step 24 if you are not using HA for storage or you have previously configured HA for storage, either through the clsetup main menu or by using other commands.

  15. Select the Global Cluster or Zone Cluster by typing the corresponding number and pressing Return.

    If you specified a Zone Cluster, the clsetup utility displays a list of zone clusters.

    If you specified a Global Cluster, the clsetup utility displays a list of tasks you need to complete. Continue to Step 17.

  16. If you specified a Zone Cluster, type the number that corresponds to the zone cluster where you want to configure the PeopleSoft application server and press Return.

    The clsetup utility displays a list of components you need to configure.

  17. (Optional) Type the number for Storage and press Return.

    The clsetup utility prepares to start a wizard to guide you through the creation and configuration of storage resource groups for PeopleSoft application server.

    Before you continue, make sure all the listed prerequisites have been met.

  18. Verify that the prerequisites are met and press Return.

    If you are configuring on a zone cluster, the clsetup utility displays the nodes available for you to select for storage resources to run.

    If you are configuring on a global cluster, the clsetup utility displays the existing file system mount points.

  19. If you are configuring on a zone cluster, select the nodes where the storage resources should run and press Return.

    The clsetup utility displays the existing file system mount points.

  20. Select the file system mount points for HA for PeopleSoft application server data files.
    • To select a subset of the listed file system mount points, type a comma-separated or space-separated list of the numbers that correspond to the file system mount point and press Return.
    • To select all file system mount points in a particular order, type a comma-separated or space-separated ordered list of the numbers that correspond to the file system mount points and press Return.
  21. To confirm your selection of file system mount points, type d and press Return.

    The clsetup utility displays a review panel where you can change the names of the objects that are about to be created.

  22. If you want a different name for any resources or groups, change each name as follows.
    1. Type the number for the name that you want to change and press Return.

      The clsetup utility displays a screen where you can specify the new name.

    2. At the New Value prompt, type the new name and press Return.

    The clsetup utility returns you to the list of the names of the objects that the utility will create.

  23. To confirm the names, type d and press Return.

    The clsetup utility displays information about the configuration that the utility will create.

  24. To create the configuration, type c and Press Return.

    When configuration is complete, the clsetup utility displays the commands that the utility ran to create the configuration.

    Note - The clsetup utility rolls back the changes if it fails to complete the storage configuration process.

  25. Press Return to continue.

    The clsetup utility returns you to the list of options for configuring the HA for PeopleSoft application server.

  26. Type the number for PeopleSoft application server and press Return.

    The utility displays a list of prerequisites for the creation of the PeopleSoft application server resource group.

  27. Verify that you have met all the prerequisites and press Return.

    The wizard lists all the local user names from the selected cluster so you can choose the user name that should run the PeopleSoft application server.

  28. Type the number for the user name that should be used to run the PeopleSoft application server.

    If you do not see the user name that you want, type n and press Return to see another page of user names. If you want to use the psft user, for example, it might be listed on the second page.

    For better security, you should not run the server as the root user, but you are not prevented from doing so.

    The clsetup utility then displays a panel for you to specify the PeopleSoft application server installation directory location.

  29. Type the full path to the PeopleSoft application server directory that you want to use, and press Return.

    The directory contains the PeopleSoft application server binaries and corresponds to the directory specified as PS_HOME when you installed the PeopleSoft software. The directory must be accessible from at least one cluster node if you are setting up a failover configuration, or from each cluster node if you are setting up a multi-instance configuration.

    The clsetup utility then prompts you to enter the location of the domain directory. The value displayed is the directory specified as PS_CFG_HOME when you installed the PeopleSoft software. By default the domain directory is ${PSFT_USER_HOME}/psft/pt/${PT_VERSION}.

  30. If the domain directory path displayed is not correct, type the full path to the domain directory for the PeopleSoft application server and press Return.

    The clsetup utility prompts for the configuration mode.

  31. Type the number that corresponds to the Failover configuration mode and press Return.

    In failover mode, the PeopleSoft application server instance runs only on a single node. If the fault monitor detects an error, it restarts the instance on the same node or starts an instance on another cluster node that is configured to master the PeopleSoft application server data service.

    The clsetup utility displays a list of PeopleSoft application server domain configuration names that you can configure. The domain names are obtained from the domain directory that you specified.

  32. Specify the domain where you want PeopleSoft application servers to run by doing one of the following:
    • Type the number for a domain in the list and press Return.

      When configuring failover mode you can select only one domain.

    • Type e and press Return, type the name of the domain that you want to use, and press Return.

      This option is useful if you want to use a domain that is not shown in the list.

      The wizard displays the domain you have selected and you must type yes to confirm it is correct.

    The clsetup utility then prompts for database information.

  33. Type yes if the application server uses a database resource, or type no if it does not, and press Return.

    If you specify yes, the utility searches for database resources and presents a numbered list of resources found and prompts you to select from the list.

    1. Type the number of one or more database resources that should be used by the application, with commas or spaces between the numbers.
    2. Press Return.
    3. Type d and press Return.

    The utility displays a list of logical hostname resources for the application server domain.

  34. Select the logical hostname resource that will run the application server domain:
    1. Type the number of the logical hostname resource that should run the application server.
    2. Press Return.
    3. Type d and press Return.

    The clsetup utility displays a list of storage resources for PeopleSoft application server files.

  35. Type the number of the storage resource you want to use for the PeopleSoft application server.

    The clsetup utility displays a review panel that shows the storage resource group and application server domain that you have selected.

  36. In the review panel, do one of the following:
    • To confirm creation of the resource groups, type d and press Return.
    • To change the names of any resources or groups, type the number of the item in the list and press Return.

      The clsetup utility displays a new panel for changing the names. You can type the number for the name you want to change, and the utility prompts you to change the name.

      Type d and press Return to confirm the new names.

    The utility displays a review panel of the objects that it will create.

  37. To create the configuration, type c and Press Return.

    When configuration is complete, the clsetup utility displays the commands that the utility ran to create the configuration.

    Note - The clsetup utility rolls back the changes if it fails to complete the database configuration process.

  38. Press Return to continue.

    The clsetup utility returns you to the list of options for configuring PeopleSoft application server.

  39. Press Return to exit the wizard for configuring the PeopleSoft application server.

    The clsetup utility returns to the Data Services Configuration menu.

  40. (Optional) Type q and press Return repeatedly until you quit the clsetup utility.

    If you prefer, you can leave the clsetup utility running while you perform other required tasks before using the utility again.

How to Register and Configure HA for PeopleSoft Application Server for Multi-Instance (clsetup)

Use this procedure to configure the HA for PeopleSoft application server for multiple instances. The clsetup utility includes a wizard to guide you through the creation of logical hostname resources. The wizard creates multiple resource groups, each containing one logical hostname resource, with a different preferred node in each group.

Before You Begin

Before you run clsetup, be sure that the following tasks have been performed:

  1. Assume the root role on any cluster node.
  2. Start the clsetup utility.
    # /usr/cluster/bin/clsetup

    The clsetup main menu is displayed.

  3. Type the number for Data Services and press Return.

    The Data Services menu is displayed.

  4. Type the number for PeopleSoft Application Server and press Return.

    The clsetup utility displays a list of options for the PeopleSoft application server location.

  5. Select the Global Cluster or Zone Cluster by typing the corresponding number and pressing Return.

    If you specified a Zone Cluster, the clsetup utility displays a list of zone clusters.

    If you specified a Global Cluster, the clsetup utility displays a list of tasks you need to complete. Continue to Step 7.

  6. If you specified a Zone Cluster, type the number that corresponds to the zone cluster where you want to configure the PeopleSoft application server and press Return.

    The clsetup utility displays a list of components to configure.

  7. Type the number for Per Node Logical Hostname and press Return.

    The utility displays a list of prerequisites for the creation of logical hostname resources.

  8. Verify that you have met the prerequisites and press Return.

    If you are configuring in a zone cluster, the zone cluster nodes are displayed.

    If you are configuring in a global cluster, the global cluster nodes and zone nodes are displayed.

  9. Select the nodes where you want to run the logical host resources.
    • To accept the default selection of all listed nodes, type a and press Return.
    • To select a subset of the listed nodes, type the numbers of the nodes with a space or comma between the numbers. Then press Return.

    The clsetup utility prompts you for the logical host for the first node.

  10. Type the name of the logical host to be used for the specified node and press Return.

    The clsetup utility repeats the prompt for each node that you selected.

    When you have finished specifying a logical host for each node, the wizard automatically generates names for the logical hostname resources and resource groups based on the logical hostnames you entered.

    The wizard then displays a Select Resource Groups to Edit panel that shows a list of resource groups that are about to be created, with the ordered node list for each group. You can edit the names of these resource groups if you want.

    Note - The nodes in each resource group cannot be altered in this panel. The wizard sets the preferred node name automatically and ensures that a different node is the preferred node for each group. If you need to change any information about the nodes, you must go back through the wizard by pressing the < key.

  11. (Optional) If you want to edit the name of a resource group shown in the panel, type the number of a group you want to change and press Return.

    The wizard displays a list of the names of the resource and resource group for the group you selected. From here you can separately edit these names.

    1. Type the number for the name you want to change and press Return.
    2. Type the new name when prompted and press Return.

      The wizard displays the new names of the resource and resource group for the group you selected.

    3. Type d when you are done editing the names.

      The Select Resource Groups to Edit panel is displayed again with the new values of all the resource groups that are to be created.

  12. Type d in the Select Resource Groups to Edit panel when you are done with editing.

    The wizard displays the Review Configuration of Logical Hostname Resources panel to display the resource name, resource group name, node list, and logical hostname that will be created. The names are not editable here, but you can type < and press Return to go back to the previous panel to edit if you like.

  13. In the Review Configuration of Logical Hostname Resources panel type c and Press Return to create the configuration.

    When configuration is complete, the clsetup utility displays the commands that the utility ran to create the configuration.

    Note - The clsetup utility rolls back the changes if it fails to complete the logical host configuration process.

  14. Press Return to continue.

    The clsetup utility returns you to the list of options for configuring PeopleSoft application server.

    The next step is optional. You should skip to Step 24 if you are not using HA for storage or you have previously configured HA for storage, either through the clsetup main menu or by using other commands.

  15. (Optional) Type the number for Storage and press Return.

    The clsetup utility prepares to start a wizard to guide you through the creation and configuration of storage resource groups for PeopleSoft application server.

    Before you continue, make sure all the listed prerequisites have been met.

  16. Verify that the prerequisites are met and press Return.

    If you are configuring on a zone cluster, the clsetup utility displays the nodes available for you to select for storage resources to run.

    If you are configuring on a global cluster, the clsetup utility displays the existing file system mount points.

  17. If you are configuring on a zone cluster, select the nodes where the storage resources should run and press Return.

    The clsetup utility displays the existing file system mount points.

  18. Select the file system mount points for HA for PeopleSoft application server data files.
    • To select a subset of the listed file system mount points, type a comma-separated or space-separated list of the numbers that correspond to the file system mount point and press Return.
    • To select all file system mount points in a particular order, type a comma-separated or space-separated ordered list of the numbers that correspond to the file system mount points and press Return.
  19. To confirm your selection of file system mount points, type d and press Return.

    The clsetup utility displays a review panel where you can change the names of the objects that are about to be created.

  20. If you want a different name for any resources or groups, change each name as follows.
    1. Type the number for the name that you want to change and press Return.

      The clsetup utility displays a screen where you can specify the new name.

    2. At the New Value prompt, type the new name and press Return.

    The clsetup utility returns you to the list of the names of the objects that the utility will create.

  21. To confirm the names, type d and press Return.

    The clsetup utility displays information about the configuration that the utility will create.

  22. To create the configuration, type c and Press Return.

    When configuration is complete, the clsetup utility displays the commands that the utility ran to create the configuration.

    Note - The clsetup utility rolls back the changes if it fails to complete the storage configuration process.

  23. Press Return to continue.

    The clsetup utility returns you to the list of options for configuring the HA for PeopleSoft application server.

  24. Type the number for PeopleSoft application server and press Return.

    The utility displays a list of prerequisites for the creation of the PeopleSoft application server resource group.

  25. Verify that you have met all the prerequisites and press Return.

    The wizard lists all the local user names from the selected cluster so you can choose the user name that should run the PeopleSoft application server.

  26. Type the number for the user name that should be used to run the PeopleSoft application server.

    If you do not see the user name that you want, type n and press Return to see another page of user names. If you want to use the psft user, for example, it might be listed on the second page.

    For better security, you should not run the server as the root user, but you are not prevented from doing so.

    The clsetup utility then displays a panel for you to specify the PeopleSoft application server installation directory location.

  27. Type the full path to the PeopleSoft application server directory that you want to use, and press Return.

    The directory contains the PeopleSoft application server binaries and corresponds to the directory specified as PS_HOME when you installed the PeopleSoft software. The directory must be accessible from each cluster node when you are setting up a multi-instance configuration.

    The clsetup utility then prompts you to enter the location of the domain directory. The value displayed is the directory specified as PS_CFG_HOME when you installed the PeopleSoft software. By default the domain directory is ${PSFT_USER_HOME}/psft/pt/${PT_VERSION}.

  28. If the domain directory path displayed is not correct, type the full path to the domain directory for the PeopleSoft application server and press Return.

    The clsetup utility prompts for the configuration mode.

  29. Type the number that corresponds to the multi-instance mode and press Return.

    The clsetup utility displays a list of PeopleSoft application server domain configuration names that you can configure. The domain names are obtained from the domain directory that you specified.

  30. Specify the domains where you want PeopleSoft application servers to run by doing one of the following:
    • Type the number of one or more domain in the list and press Return.

      You can select multiple domains by entering their numbers with spaces or commas in between.

    • Type e and press Return, type the name of the domain that you want to use, and press Return.

      This option is useful if you want to use a domain that is not shown in the list.

      When you are configuring for multi-instance mode you can type the names of multiple domains. You can include domains that are shown in the list or not shown in the list. Type one domain name when prompted and press Return. Type additional domains names when prompted, one name at a time, in the same manner. When you have finished entering domain names, press Return at the prompt without typing anything else.

      The wizard displays the list of domains you have selected and you must type yes to confirm they are correct.

    The clsetup utility then prompts for database information.

  31. Type yes if the application server uses a database resource, or type no if it does not, and press Return.

    If you specify yes, the utility searches for database resources and presents a numbered list of resources found and prompts you to select from the list.

    1. Type the number of one or more database resources that should be used by the application, with commas or spaces between the numbers.
    2. Press Return.
    3. Type d and press Return.

    The utility displays a list of logical hostname resources for the application server domain.

  32. Select the logical hostname resources that will run the application server domains:
    1. Type the number of a logical hostname resource that should run the application server.
    2. Press Return.
    3. Type d and press Return.

    The clsetup utility prompts you for the logical hostname for each of the selected domains.

    When you have completed the logical hostname assignments, the clsetup utility displays a list of storage resources for PeopleSoft application server files.

    The clsetup utility displays a list of storage resources for PeopleSoft application server files.

  33. Type the number of the storage resource you want to use for the PeopleSoft application server.

    The clsetup utility displays a review panel that shows the storage resource group and application server domain that you have selected.

  34. In the review panel, do one of the following:
    • To confirm creation of the resource groups, type d and press Return.
    • To change the names of any resources or groups, type the number of the item in the list and press Return.

      The clsetup utility displays a new panel for changing the names. You can type the number for the name you want to change, and the utility prompts you to change the name.

      Type d and press Return to confirm the new names.

    The utility displays a review panel of the objects that it will create.

  35. To create the configuration, type c and Press Return.

    When configuration is complete, the clsetup utility displays the commands that the utility ran to create the configuration.

    Note - The clsetup utility rolls back the changes if it fails to complete the database configuration process.

  36. Press Return to continue.

    The clsetup utility returns you to the list of options for configuring PeopleSoft application server.

  37. Press Return to exit the wizard for configuring the PeopleSoft application server.

    The clsetup utility returns to the Data Services Configuration menu.

  38. (Optional) Type q and press Return repeatedly until you quit the clsetup utility.

    If you prefer, you can leave the clsetup utility running while you perform other required tasks before using the utility again.

How to Register and Configure HA for PeopleSoft Application Server for Failover (CLI)

Before You Begin

Install the data service package during your initial Oracle Solaris Cluster installation.

If you did not install the HA for PeopleSoft application server package as part of your initial Oracle Solaris Cluster installation, go to Installing the Data Service Package.

  1. On the cluster node that hosts the PeopleSoft application server domain, assume the root role that provides solaris.cluster.modify and solaris.cluster.admin RBAC authorization.
  2. Register the ORCL.PeopleSoft_app_server resource type.
    # clresourcetype register ORCL.PeopleSoft_app_server
  3. Create a PeopleSoft application server domain resource in the failover resource group.
    # clresource create -g psft-app-failover-rg -d \
    -t ORCL.PeopleSoft_app_server \
    -p Psft_User=Psft-username -p Psft_Domain=Psft-domainname \
    -p Psft_Home=Psft-home-directory -p Psft_Cfg_Home=Psft-config-home-directory \
    -p resource_dependencies=logicalhostname-resource \
    -p resource_dependencies_offline_restart=hasp-resource psft-app-server-resource
  4. If the database tier is deployed on the same global cluster, configure a strong dependency to the resources for the database instance and database listener.

    Do this even if the database tier is deployed in a different zone cluster of the same global cluster.

    # clresource set -p resource_dependencies+=db-instance-resource,db-listener-resource \
  5. Enable thePeopleSoft application server domain resource.

    Repeat this step for each PeopleSoft application server domain instance, if multiple instances were created.

    # clresource status
    # clresource enable psft-app-server-resource

How to Remove a PeopleSoft Application Server Domain Resource From a Failover Resource Group

  1. Assume the root role that provides solaris.cluster.modify and solaris.cluster.admin RBAC authorizations.
  2. Disable and remove the resource that is used by the HA for PeopleSoft application server data service.
    # clresource disable psft-app-server-resource
    # clresource delete psft-app-server-resource

How to Register and Configure HA for PeopleSoft Application Server for Multi-Instance Configuration (CLI)

This procedure shows how to use commands to create a PeopleSoft application server multi-instance configuration that uses single-node resource groups. This method is an alternative to using the clsetup wizard described in How to Register and Configure HA for PeopleSoft Application Server for Multi-Instance (clsetup).

A single node resource group is created for each of the application server resources managing a domain. Each resource group has a strong positive affinity on storage resource group and a logical host resource group whose primary node is the node containing the application server resource group.

Note - These instructions assume a zone cluster. If you are configuring in the global cluster, omit the -Z option.

  1. Create a logical host resource group.
    # clresourcegroup create -Z zone-name \
    -p nodelist=node1,node2,node3... \
  2. Create a logical hostname resource in the resource group for logical hostnames.
    # clreslogicalhostname create -Z zone-name \
    -g logicalhost-resource-group -h hostname \
  3. Bring the logical hostname resource group online.
    # clresourcegroup online -emM -Z zone-name logicalhost-resource-group
  4. Create a single-node resource group for an application server, with strong positive affinities for the logical host resource group and the storage resource group.
    # clresourcegroup create -Z zone-name -p nodelist=node1 \
    -p RG_affinities=++logicalhost-resource-group,++scalmnt-rg  psft-app-server-rg
  5. Set the logical hostname resource group Failback property.
    # clresourcegroup set -p Failback=True -Z zone-name logicalhost-resource-group
  6. Create the PeopleSoft application server resource and set its properties.
    # clresource create -t ORCL.PeopleSoft_app_server:1 -g psft-app-server-rg \
    -p Resource_dependencies=logicalhost-resource1,zone-1:rac-proxy-rs \
    -p Resource_dependencies_offline_restart=storage1-rs,storage2-rs \
    -p Psft_Home=/path/to/Psft/home/dir \
    -p Psft_Cfg_Home=/path/to/Psft/cfg-home \
    -p Psft_User=username \
    -p Psft_Domain=Psft-domain psft-application-rs

Example 2-1 Commands for Configuring HA for PeopleSoft Application Server in a Single-Node Resource Group Multi-Instance Configuration

# clresourcegroup create -Z zone-2 \
-p nodelist=vzmoney1d,vzmoney2d,vzmoney3d,vzmoney4d money-9-rg

# clreslogicalhostname create -Z zone-2 -g money-9-rg -h money-9 money-9-rs

# clresourcegroup online -emM -Z zone-2 money-9-rg

# clresourcegroup create -Z zone-2 -p nodelist=vzmoney1d \
-p RG_affinities=++money-9-rg,++scalmnt-rg pse-PSEDB-rg

# clresourcegroup set -p Failback=True -Z zone-2 money-9-rg

# clresource create -Z zone-2 -t ORCL.PeopleSoft_app_server:1 -g pse-PSEDB-rg \
-p Resource_dependencies=money-9-rs,zone-1:rac-proxy-rs \
-p Resource_dependencies_offline_restart=scalmnt-crs03-rs,scalmnt-crs01-rs \
-p Psft_Home=/scalable/pse-app/PT8.52 \
-p Psft_Cfg_Home=/scalable/pse-app/psft/cfg-home \
-p Psft_User=psft -p Psft_Domain=PSEDB \