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Oracle Solaris Cluster Data Service for PostgreSQL Guide     Oracle Solaris Cluster 4.1
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1.  Installing and Configuring HA for PostgreSQL

A.  Files for Configuring Oracle Solaris Cluster HA for PostgreSQL Resources

Listing of pgs_config

Listing of rolechg_config

B.  Deployment Example: Installing PostgreSQL in the Global Zone or a Zone Cluster

C.  Deployment Example: Installing PostgreSQL in a Non-Global Zone With HA for Solaris Zones

D.  Deployment Example: Installing PostgreSQL in the Global Zone Using WAL File Shipping


Listing of pgs_config

# Copyright (c) 2006,2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates.  All rights reserved.
# This file will be sourced in by pgs_register and the parameters
# listed below will be used.
# These parameters can be customized in (key=value) form
#                RS - name of the resource for the application.
#                RG - name of the resource group containing RS.
#              PORT - name of the port number.
#                     Do not set the PORT variable if you plan to have a network
#                     unaware installation, or an installation in a 
#                     HA for Solaris Zones.
#                LH - name of the LogicalHostname SC resource.
#                     Do not set the LH variable if you plan to have a network
#                     unaware installation, or an installation in a 
#                    HA for Solaris Zones.
#            HAS_RS - Name of the HAStoragePlus SC resource.
#             PFILE - Parameter file which contains the PostgreSQL specific
#                     parameters, this file will be created by the register script.
# The following variables need to be set only, if the agent runs in a
#                    HA for Solaris Zones
#              ZONE - Zonename where the zsmf component should be registered
#           ZONE_BT - Resource name of the zone boot component
#           PROJECT - A project in the zone, that will be used for the PostgreSQL
#                     smf service.
#                     If the variable is not set it will be translated as :default for 
#                         the smf credentials.
#                     Optional


# HA container specific options


# Content for the parameter file
#            USER - The Solaris user which owns the PostgreSQL database.
#          PGROOT - Contains the path to the PostgreSQL directory. Below this
#                   directory the postgres binaries are located in the ./bin
#                   directory.
#          PGDATA - Contains the path to the databases of this specific PostgreSQL
#                   instance.
#          PGPORT - Port where the postmaster process will be listening.
#          PGHOST - Hostname where the postmaster process is listening, or a directory 
#                   where the Unix socket file is stored.
#                   If set to a valid hostname, the PGHOST variable forces the probe to
#                   traverse the TCP/IP stack. If the PGHOST variable is empty
#                   or starts with a "/",
#                   the probe will use a socket. If the PGHOST variable starts with a
#                   "/", the entry must
#                   be the directory which contains the socket file.
#       PGLOGFILE - Logfile where the log messages of the postmaster will be stored.
# LD_LIBRARY_PATH - This path contains all the necessary libraries for this PostgreSQL
#                   installation.
#                   Optional
#       ENVSCRIPT - Script to contain PostgreSQL specific runtime variables.
#                   Optional
#            SCDB - This database will be monitored. The database will be generated at 
#                   database preparation time.
#          SCUSER - PostgreSQL user to connect to the $SCDB database. The user will 
#                   be generated at database preparation time 
#         SCTABLE - Table name in the $SCDB database. This table name will be
#                   manipulated to check if PostgreSQL is alive. This table will be 
#                   generated at database preparation time.
#          SCPASS - Password of the SCUSER. If no password is provided, the authentication method
#                   for the SCDB database needs to be trusted for requests from the localhost.
#                   If you do not want to store a readable password in a file, leave the SCPASS
#                   variable empty and encrypt it with the pgs_register -f <config-file> -e command.
#                   Optional
#        NOCONRET - Return code for connection errors. This return code has to 
#                   follow the rules for the generic data service. The value has 
#                   to be between 1 and 100.
#                   100/NOCONRET defines the number of consecutive probes to ignore for
#                   failed connections. A restart or failover will occur, if the 
#                    number is exeeded within the retry interval.


# The following parameters need to be configured only if logfile shipping is configured to 
# ship the PosgreSQL WAL logs between a designated primary and a designated standby 
# resource.
# They needed to be configured only by the primary.
# These parameters can be customized in (key=value) form
#                STDBY_RS - The resource name of the PostgreSQL standby resource.
#                STDBY_RG - The resource group name of the 
#                PostgreSQL resource group.
#              STDBY_USER - User which is the owner of the standby postgres database.
#              STDBY_HOST - Resolvable name of the standby host or the standby zone.
#                           This name has to be reached through SSH
#           STDBY_PARFILE - The standby postgres parameter file to get the rest 
#                           of the necessary parameters.
#              STDBY_PING - The number of packets the primary uses to ping the 
#                            standby host.If this variable is empty , it will be 
#                            set to five packets.

#              ROLECHG_RS - The resource name of the rolechanger.
#             SSH_PASSDIR - A directory where the ssh passphrase is stored in file
#                           resourcename-sshpass.
#                           This parameter is required only if you configured WAL 
#                           shipping and secured your SSH key with a passphrase.
#                           If the passphrase is empty, leave it undefined.
#                           If you configure the logfile shipping in a without 
#                            storage configuration, do not set the LH parameter
# Configure the following parameters on the primary host.
# Configure the following parameters on the standby host

# Configure the following parameter on both hosts.