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Oracle® Fusion Middleware Installation Guide for Oracle Directory Server Enterprise Edition
11g Release 1 (

Part Number E28973-01
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1 Before You Install

Before installing Directory Server Enterprise Edition software in a production environment, obtain the plans for deployment that were created with the help of Deployment Planning Guide for Oracle Directory Server Enterprise Edition. With the plans in hand, read this section to determine how to approach installation for your deployment.

This chapter includes the following sections.

1.1 Quick Scan of Fully Installed and Running Directory Server Enterprise Edition

After Directory Server Enterprise Edition is installed and running, the following elements are found on your system:

1.1.1 Software Files

The software files include executable files, resource files, and template files. These files are copied on your system from the Directory Server Enterprise Edition distribution.

The software files are organized hierarchically below a single directory, install-path, which is chosen at the time of installation. The hierarchy below the installation path is called the installation layout. User commands are located in install-path/bin and install-path/dsrk/bin directories. For more information about information layout, see Chapter 1, Directory Server Enterprise Edition File Reference, in Reference for Oracle Directory Server Enterprise Edition.

Disk space occupied by install-path is fixed and around 1GB.

1.1.2 Data Files

There are two types of data files, that is, server instances and administration files. Server Instances

  • Contain user and configuration data for a single server.

  • Multiple server instances can reside on the same host.

  • Server instance location can be freely chosen. They can be separate from the install-path.

  • Disk space occupied by a server instance is potentially unlimited.

For more information about server instances, see Chapter 2, Directory Server Instances and Suffixes, in Administrator's Guide for Oracle Directory Server Enterprise Edition and Chapter 17, Directory Proxy Server Instances, in Administrator's Guide for Oracle Directory Server Enterprise Edition. Administration Files

  • Administration files are located in the install-path/var directory.

  • Disk space occupied is limited, that is, a few hundred KB.S

1.1.3 Background Processes

Core Server Daemons (ns-slapd)

There is one daemon running per server instance. This daemon listens to the port that is configured in the server instance (389 by default) and processes the incoming LDAP requests. This daemon reads and writers configuration and user data located in the server instance.

Directory Service Control Center (DSCC) Agent

When you log into DSCC, the DSCC Agent delegates authentication to the DSCC registry.

Application Server Daemon

The application server daemon listens to HTTP on port 8080, by default. The daemon hosts Directory Service Control Center web application and present only on the host where Directory Service Control Center is deployed.

Directory Service Control Center Registry Daemon

This is a directory server instance for Directory Service Control Center's own use. The daemon listens to LDAP port 3998, by default. The daemon responds to requests from Directory Service Control Center and present only on the host where Directory Service Control Center is deployed.

Generally, all the elements listed above are rarely present on the same machine. A typical deployment would be laid out as follows:

  • One machine (the administration host) is dedicated to Directory Service Control Center. On this machine, only the Application Server daemon and the Directory Service Control Center registry daemon are running.

  • One or more machines are dedicated to server instances. Each machine hosts a single server instance. Only one core server daemon and the common agent container framework daemons are running.

The following figure shows a typical sample deployment.

Figure 1-1 Administration Host and Server Host on Different Systems

Description of Figure 1-1 follows
Description of "Figure 1-1 Administration Host and Server Host on Different Systems"

For more information, see Directory Server Enterprise Edition Administration Model in Deployment Planning Guide for Oracle Directory Server Enterprise Edition.

1.2 The Directory Server Enterprise Edition Zip Distribution

Directory Server Enterprise Edition is available in zip distribution.

Each software installation performed from the zip distribution is independent. You can therefore install software from multiple zip distribution versions on the same system. Your system administrator must manually configure the software that you install to restart when the operating system reboots.


In this release of Directory Server Enterprise Edition, all sample code files have been removed from the delivery. The sample files, and the Developer's Guide for Oracle Directory Server Enterprise Edition are bundled in an file, that can be downloaded from (

1.2.1 Contents of the Zip Distribution

The zip distribution allows you to create and configure Directory Server and Directory Proxy Server instances as non-root.

Directory Server Enterprise Edition Software Component Description

Directory Server, Directory Proxy Server, and Directory Service Control Center

Provided. Directory Service Control Center is configurable by deploying the WAR file with the supported application server.

Identity Synchronization for Windows

Provided, but not installed with the zip distribution installation. For information about installing Identity Synchronization for Windows, see Release Notes for Identity Synchronization for Windows 6.0 Service Pack 1.

1.3 File and Process Ownership on Unix Systems

Ownership of installed Directory Server Enterprise Edition elements depends on that software distribution that you have installed. Assuming install-user is the user who runs unzip command and instance-owner is the user who creates a server instance, the ownership assignment table looks like the following:

Table 1-1 File and Process Ownership on Unix Systems

Files Ownership Example

Software files



Data files - Administrative files


root or noaccess

Data files - Server instances



Processes - ns-slapd daemon



Processes - Common Agent Container daemon



Processes - Application Server daemon


root or noaccess

Processes - Directory Service Control Center Registry daemon



For files and processes related to the server instance, ownership can be freely chosen (instance-owner). Each server instance may have a different owner.

For all other files, ownership must be assigned as follows to a single user (install-user).

1.4 Installation in Solaris Zones

This section addresses the key points to consider when installing Directory Server Enterprise Edition in a Solaris zone.

Directory Server Enterprise Edition software treats both global and non-global zones as independent physical systems. When you install the self-contained Directory Server Enterprise Edition software in a non-global zone, you implicitly install the common component services which are part of the software.


Software running in a non-global zone may not deliver the same level of performance as software running in a global zone.

The following table indicates whether various ODSEE software components are supported or not supported in global, non-global, or sparse zone installations.

Directory Server Enterprise Edition Software Component Global or Non-Global Zone Installations Sparse Zone Installations

Directory Server, Directory Proxy Server, and Directory Service Control Center



Identity Synchronization for Windows

Not supported

Not supported