====================================================================== Endeca Latitude Studio 2.2.2 Revision A GENERAL (2.2.2) - Release Date: December 2011 - The release notes may have been updated since the release date. For the most recent version of the release notes, go to the Product Downloads section of the Endeca Developer Network (EDeN) at https://eden.endeca.com. BEHAVIOR CHANGES (2.2.2) KNOWN ISSUES (2.2.2) - The documentation for this release has not been updated. Updated documentation may be provided in a future release if necessary. Please see the EDeN knowledge base for the most recent documentation. - Due to a software licensing issue with a third-party module, the Map component has been removed from this version of Latitude Studio. - REM-85 - The Chart component now uses Oracle ADF Data Visualization Tools (DVT) to generate chart images. Corda PopChart Enterprise Server is no longer supported as a visualization engine for the Chart component. Because of this, the Corda server servlet is no longer distributed with Latitude. - REM-245 - Latitude Studio now distributes the license key as a part of the pre-packaged Linux and Windows bundles, as well as in the standalone components zip file. If you use either of these pre-packaged bundles, or deploy the entire contents of the components zip file, you do not need to install the license key manually. If you install using the standalone WAR file without deploying the entire contents of the components zip file, you must still install the license key manually. - REM-65 - Due to a software licensing issue with a third-party module, the Compare component no longer displays attributes to the end user within their respective attribute groups. Instead, the component displays a single flat list of attributes. End users can still change the display order of the displayed attributes. Because of this change, the "Collapse all groups" and "Expand all groups" Action menu items also have been removed. Note that no change has been made to the edit view of the component. Power users still select groups of attributes to display to the end user. If an attribute belongs to multiple selected groups, it only appears once in the list displayed to the end user. - REM-70 - Due to a software licensing issue with a third-party module, the Results Table component no longer pins the summary row for LQL queries at the bottom of the table. It is now shown as the last row in the table, and scrolls with the contents of the table. MIGRATION NOTES (2.2.2) FIXED IN THIS RELEASE (2.2.2) COPYRIGHT (2.2.2) Copyright and patent information has been updated since the previous release of this software. The current copyright, trademark, and patent information is as follows: Copyright (c) 2001-2011 Endeca Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved. Portions of this software are subject to third-party rights, including: Corda PopChart(R) and Corda Builder(TM) Copyright © 1996-2005 Corda Technologies, Inc. Outside In(R) Search Export (c) 2008 Oracle. All rights reserved. Rosette(R) Globalization Platform (c) 2003-2005 Basis Technology Corp. All rights reserved. Teragram Language Identification Software (c) 1997-2005 Teragram Corporation. All rights reserved. Endeca, the Endeca logo, Guided Navigation, MDEX Engine, Find/Analyze/Understand, Guided Summarization, Every Day Discovery, Find Analyze and Understand Information in Ways Never Before Possible, Endeca Latitude, Endeca InFront, Endeca Profind, Endeca Navigation Engine, Don't Stop at Search, No Data Left Behind, Discovery Applications, Endeca Slipstream, and other Endeca product names referenced herein are registered trademarks or trademarks of Endeca Technologies, Inc. in the United States and other jurisdictions. All other product names, company names, marks, logos, and symbols are trademarks of their respective owners. The software may be covered by one or more of the following patents: US Patent 7035864, US Patent 7062483, US Patent 7325201, US Patent 7428528, US Patent 7567957, US Patent 7617184, US Patent 7856454, US Patent 7912823, US Patent 8005643, US Patent 8019752, US Patent 8024327, US Patent 8051073, US Patent 8051084, Australian Standard Patent 2001268095, Republic of Korea Patent 0797232, Chinese Patent for Invention CN10461159C, Hong Kong Patent HK1072114, European Patent EP1459206, European Patent EP1502205B1, and other patents pending. ====================================================================== Endeca Latitude Studio 2.2.1 GENERAL (2.2.1) - Release Date: November 2011 - The release notes may have been updated since the release date. For the most recent version of the release notes, go to the Product Downloads section of the Endeca Developer Network (EDeN) at https://eden.endeca.com. NEW FEATURES (2.2.1) BEHAVIOR CHANGES (2.2.1) KNOWN ISSUES (2.2.1) KNOWN DOCUMENTATION ISSUES (2.2.1) MIGRATION NOTES (2.2.1) - The state manager interface has changed. If you are using a custom state manager, you will need to update your code. Specifically: * State managers must now specify a handleStateInitial(PortletRequest request, MDEXState mdexState) method. This method provides the underlying functionality for DataSource.getInitialQueryState(). Previously the behavior of DataSource.getInitialQueryState() was hardcoded, and custom state managers could not override it. This prevented getInitialQueryState() from working correctly when a custom state manager implemented something other than the parent/child relationship supplied in DefaultMDEXStateManager. If your state manager wants to use the previous implementation, you can copy the implementation from DefaultMDEXStateManager. FIXED IN THIS RELEASE (2.2.1) - BUG12347 The Metrics Bar component now respects the parent data source baseFunctions when calculating metrics for the following specific use case: * the component was configured to ignore data source query state, and * the component was bound to a child data source, and * the child data source and its parent data source were both configured with baseFunctions. Other use cases in Metrics Bar were correct and are not affected by this fix. - BUG12363 Formatting an attribute as a "Date" now works properly when using an LQL query on data that does not have a value for the specified attribute on all records. ====================================================================== Endeca Latitude Studio 2.2.0 GENERAL (2.2) - Release Date: October 2011 - The release notes may have been updated since the release date. For the most recent version of the release notes, go to the Product Downloads section of the Endeca Developer Network (EDeN) at https://eden.endeca.com. NEW FEATURES (2.2) - Firefox 6 is now officially supported. - Map (new component): The Map component allows end users to use a Google Maps(TM) interface to view and analyze one or more sets of geographic locations. It can only be used if your data includes at least one geospatial attribute. Note that to use this component in a production environment, you must procure a Google Maps license from Google. - The Results List component has been enhanced to allow users to add an arbitrary number of attributes below the original five in the default template. - The Data Explorer component has been enhanced as follows: * There are now additional options for viewing the list of attributes. Users can display the attributes by data type (the original option), in alphabetical order, or by attribute group. * The attribute information is now displayed in a more compact form. Because this component is used primarily by Data Analysts, it is important to display as much information as possible on the screen. * The attribute "tooltip" now displays both the attribute display name and attribute data type. - The Cross Tab component now allows users to export the raw records to Excel. The export includes a description of the current navigation state. - The Chart component has been enhanced to add the following new features: * Power users can configure display names for metrics, x-axis, and crosstab options. * Power users can define the information in the tooltip that is displayed when end users mouse over a chart metric value. The tooltip can include both the value and the metric name. * Power users can configure attribute cascades. When end users refine the data so that a chart displays only one metric value, the chart switches to the next group-by attribute in the cascade. A cascade can contain multiple levels. - The Results Table component has been significantly improved in performance and stability. BEHAVIOR CHANGES (2.2) - Results List: The drag and drop functionality has been improved to make it clearer where to drop the attributes. The most recently added attribute also is automatically scrolled into view. - Results Table, Chart: For the Results Table and Chart components, the exported CSV file now includes the current navigation state. - The Control Panel has a new look and feel. The redesigned UI is more visually appealing, and provides a larger display area for the Control Panel components. - Search Box: Power users can now define whether the "Search Within" checkbox on the end user display is checked by default. Note that the default setting of this new option is for the checkbox to be "checked". This changes the end user experience from the prior release, where the checkbox was unchecked by default. - For performance reasons, we have disabled out-of-the-box Liferay features related to: * Session click tracking * Auditing * Performance monitoring * Auto login, SSO, NTLM, CAS * Sharepoint integration * Look and Feel menu option on components If you require any of these features, then to re-enable them, edit the appropriate sections of portal-ext.properties, and then restart. If you do not require these features, please leave them disabled to achieve maximum performance of the portal. - The DefaultMDEXStateManager now appends refinements from every level of a managed attribute hierarchy as the user navigates down the hierarchy. Previously, the state manager removed parent refinements in the same operation as adding a child refinement. The previous behavior was required by 6-series MDEX Engines, but is not required on 7-series MDEX Engines. KNOWN ISSUES (2.2) - BUG12057 - If you use a geocode attribute as a group-by attribute in an LQL query, then linking to record details does not work. Until this bug is fixed, as a workaround you can create an additional attribute that contains the geocode value, but with a String data type. You then use this String data type attribute as the group-by attribute in the LQL query. Note that for the Map component, you still must select the actual geocode attribute from the Geospatial attribute drop-down list. KNOWN DOCUMENTATION ISSUES (2.2) MIGRATION NOTES (2.2) - Before Latitude Studio 2.2, all MDEX 7 data source JSON files required "apiVersion":"DISCOVERY_SERVICE" in their definitions. If you did not specify an apiVersion, the data source defaulted to MDEX 6. As of 2.2, data sources default to MDEX 7. You do not need to specify an apiVersion. If you do specify an apiVersion, it must be exactly "DISCOVERY_SERVICE" or the data source will be considered invalid. - The state manager interface has changed. If you are using a custom state manager, you will need to update your code. Specifically: * State managers are now required to implement the new MDEXStateManager interface. Existing state managers that extend AbstractMDEXStateManager do not need to be updated, as AbstractMDEXStateManager implements MDEXStateManager. * State managers must now specify a handleStateReset(PortletRequest request, MDEXState mdexState) method. Previously, this was supplied by AbstractMDEXStateManager. If your state manager wants to use the previous implementation, you can copy the implementation from DefaultMDEXStateManager. - The QueryFunction.applyToENEQuery(ENEQuery query) method has been removed. If you are using any custom QueryFunction classes that override this method, you must update those classes. - Two methods have been removed from MDEXCacheManager: * getCachedResults(HttpENEConnection connection, ENEQuery query) * cacheResults(HttpENEConnection connection, ENEQuery query, ENEQueryResults results) If you are using any custom MDEXCacheManager classes that override these methods, you will need to update those classes. FIXED IN THIS RELEASE (2.2) - BUG9789 The Cross Tab component now allows power users to configure more than 10 metrics. - BUG10285 When Latitude Studio is restarted, any open sessions at the time of the reboot now cache metadata correctly, leading to improved performance - BUG10433 In the Record Details component, the full ancestor path for hierarchical attributes now displays correctly. - BUG10499 When using a LAR file to import state of pages, attributes with multiple consecutive whitespaces in their display names are now imported correctly. - BUG10887 In the Results Table component, when you update your LQL query, the component now attempts to preserve the configuration of any columns that are still applicable to the new LQL query. - BUG11029 When a Record Details component is bound to an unavailable data source, it now times out and stops attempting to load the configuration. - BUG11136 When power users edit a Results Table component, but do not configure any columns or column sets, then on the end user view, a message displays indicating that the component requires additional configuration. - BUG11372 In Firefox, when users lock a record in the Compare component, the rows are now properly aligned. - BUG11401 When printing a Results List or Data Explorer component, the breadcrumbs on the printout now include any negative refinements. - BUG11416 On the Record Details component, to better handle the display of &, (TM), and other symbols, the encoding of attribute values has been improved. - BUG11420 On the edit view of the Results Table component, when users update the LQL query, the Attributes panel now refreshes correctly. - BUG11421 On the Results Table component, when the LQL query returns too many results, an error message is now displayed. - BUG11422 For the Results Table component, when the LQL query includes multiple RETURN statements, the component displays a warning message and uses the first statement to populate the component. - BUG11423 When printing a Results Table or Chart component, the breadcrumbs on the printout now include any negative refinements. - BUG11483 When users clear the filter for a Compare component, filters are no longer cleared for other Compare components on the same page. - BUG11492 On the Results Table component, users can no longer drill down on an attribute for which when there is no value for that record. - BUG11524 When the page query state becomes invalid, the Breadcrumbs component now displays a "Delete All" button. - BUG11542 On the Results Table component, when users resize columns, the summary row display now refreshes correctly. - BUG11598 The Results Table now correctly loads data that includes attributes with [] in their name. - BUG11660 The Compare component now displays the full ancestor path for hierarchical attributes. - BUG11679 When users test LQL queries in the Results Table component, server generated LQL error messages are now displayed correctly. - BUG11692 When users use the Results Table to drill down into a value, the query state for child data sources is now updated correctly. - BUG11747 For the Results Table, the load performance has been improved when the table has a small number of enabled columns, but the data source has a very large number of attributes. - BUG11813 When exporting data to Excel, the handling of special characters has been improved. - BUG11842 When using LQL queries, if the Results Table cannot determine which summary LQL function to apply for the given column, it now omits the summary row values. - BUG11864 The Tag Cloud component now correctly supports refining on values with "&" in them. - BUG11878 To preserve the correct componentwidth, the Guided Navigation component now truncates long refinement values. To display the full value in a tooltip, users hover the mouse over the truncated value. - BUG11906 When the record spec contains a space, links from the Results List component to the Record Details component now work correctly. - BUG11910 When the record spec contains an ampersand, links from the Results List component to the Record Details component now work correctly. - BUG11921 When there is a DEFINE in the originating LQL query, the Compare portlet now works correctly. - BUG11933 The Guided Navigation component can now refine on attributes containing the + symbol. - BUG11947 The Guided Navigation component can now refine on attributes with trailing spaces. - BUG11977 On the Results Table users can now drill down by by refinements that contain colons. - BUG12009 On the Range Filters component, the inactive left/right selector arrows no longer impede the movement of the active selector arrow. - BUG12026 Results Table hyperlinks now work as expected when configured for an LQL-based attribute. - BUG12091 Switching tabs on the Chart component edit view no longer causes the Metric, X axis, and Cross Tab values to move to a single line.