Managing Batch Academic Advisement Reports

This chapter provides an overview of the process involved in managing batch advisement reports, lists the prerequisites and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Batch Academic Advisement Reports

Your institution has several ways to generate report requests in batch. The Population Selection process provides a configurable selection tool that enables users to create groups of people or organizations. The following tools are available for use in the Population Selection process:

Your institution can use the report identifier to group individual requests and process them as a group. The batch process consists of these steps:

  1. Request advisement reports.

  2. Process the requests (that is, generate the reports).

  3. Print the reports in batch. Printing the reports generates results and creates a .pdf of the reports.

  4. Purge reports and report requests.

This chapter also includes information about purging the analysis database tables. If your institution generates advisement reports (transcripts) and sends results to the analysis database, you will want to remove unneeded data. The analysis database purge feature enables you to purge both transcript requests and data in the analysis database tables.

Click to jump to parent topicCommon Elements Used in this Chapter

Report Manager

Click to access the Report List page, where you can view report content, check the status of a report, and see content detail messages, which show you a description of the report and the distribution list.

Process Monitor

Click to access the Process List page, where you can view the status of submitted process requests.


Click to access the Process Scheduler Request page, where you can initiate the process

Academic Institution

Enter the institution for which you want to process the batch academic advisement reports.

Report Type

Enter the type of advisement report you want to generate.

Report Identifier

Enter the report identifier. The report identifier is useful for grouping advisement reports.

Click to jump to parent topicGenerating Batch Academic Advisement Report Requests

This section discusses how to:

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Page Name

Definition Name



Generate Report Requests


Academic Advisement, Advisement Processes, Generate Report Requests

Define the report request.

Generate Advisement Reports


Academic Advisement, Advisement Process, Generate Advisement Reports

Define the run control parameters for the report.

Print Batch Reports


Academic Advisement, Advisement Processes, Print Batch Reports

Define the printing parameters for the report.

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Access the Generate Report Requests page (Academic Advisement, Advisement Processes, Generate Report Requests).

Advisement Report Request Data

Report Date

Specify the date of the report. All requests created will have this date as the report date.

As of Date

This value defaults from the Installation Academic Advisement page and should not be changed unless your institution requires a fixed date for purposes of reporting information about the student.

Freeze Record

Select to prevent this request from being purged during a subsequent academic advisement purge process.

Population Selection

This group box appears when the Population Selection process is selected.

Population selection is a method of selecting the IDs to process a specific transaction. The Population Selection group box appears on the run control pages when the Population Selection process is available or required for the transaction. Selection tools are available based on the selection tools that your institution selected in the set up of the Population Selection process for the application process and on your user security. Fields in the group box appear based on the selection tool that you select. The fields behave the same way from within the group box on all run control pages and application processes.

If your institution uses a specific selection tool (PS Query, Equation Engine equation, or extended file) to identify IDs for a specific transaction, you must use it.

Several queries have been created as "default" queries to enable your institution to select students in the same manner as delivered in 9.0. They are:

See Using the Population Selection Process.

Student Select List

Use Student Select

Select if you want specific IDs for inclusion in the process.

When the Use Student Select check box is selected, the Clear List button is enabled.

Clear List

Click to remove all values the Student Select List group box.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicGenerating Batch Advisement Reports

Access the Generate Advisement Reports page (Academic Advisement, Advisement Process, Generate Advisement Reports).

Additional Run Control Parameters

From and To

Enter a valid date range to filter report requests based on the report date on the individual requests. If no date range is entered, all report dates are considered.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrinting Batch Advisement Reports

Access the Print Batch Reports page (Academic Advisement, Advisement Processes, Print Batch Reports).

Additional Run Control Parameters

From Request Date and To Request Date

Enter a valid date range to filter report requests based on the report date on the individual requests. If no date range is entered, all report dates are considered.

Click to jump to parent topicUpdating Self-Service Advisement Reports

This section provides an overview of the self-service advisement report update process and discusses how to update self-service advisement reports.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Self-Service Advisement Report Update Process

Use this update process if your institution wants to generate advisement reports based on the synchronization options on the Installation Academic Advisement (SAA_INSTALL_AA) page. The update process identifies students whose synchronize flag is set to Y and who meet the institution, career, and program parameters identified on the Update Self-Service Advisement Reports page. The process determines whether a report request exists for the self-service report types defined in the Institution Table for a given student. If a request does not exist, one will be created and processed. If a request does exist, the process checks to see if report results are available for the request. If not, then the request will be reprocessed. If results are available, the date/time stamp on the request is compared to the date/time stamp on the STDNT_CAREER record. If the report date/time stamp is earlier than the STDNT_CAREER date/time stamp, the report is regenerated. After both report types are checked, the system sets the synchronization flag to N.

Note. This is the only process that sets the synchronization flag on the student career record back to N.

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Page Name

Definition Name



Update Self Service Reports


Academic Advisement, Advisement Processes, Update Self-Service Reports

Define the academic institution, academic career, and academic program parameters and update the self-service advisement reports for students. Reset the synchronization flag on the student career record (STDNT_CAREER) to N.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUpdating a Self-Service Advisement Report

Access the Update Self-Service Reports page (Academic Advisement, Advisement Processes, Update Self-Service Reports).

Academic Institution

Enter the academic institution for which you want an update.

Academic Career

Enter the academic career for which you want an update.

Academic Program

Enter the program for which you want an update. If you do not enter a value, the process will be applied to all programs within the specified career.

Click to jump to parent topicPurging Academic Advisement Reports

This section discusses how to: purge academic advisement report results information.

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Page Name

Definition Name



Purge Report Results


Academic Advisement, Advisement Processes, Purge Report Results

Purge advisement report requests and the data in the results tables. The system deletes advisement report requests and results data within the parameters that you specify.

Process Scheduler Request


Click the Run button on the Purge Report Results page.

Initiate purging advisement reports.

Purge Analysis Database Tables page


Academic Advisement, Advisement Processes, Purge Analysis Database Tables

Initiate purging of data from the analysis database tables based on run control criteria. Optionally purges transcript requests and log data

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPurging Academic Advisement Report Results

Generating advisement reports causes a vast amount of data to be inserted into the database. So it is important to remove unnecessary data. Failing to remove unneeded data will waste space in the database and potentially increase processing times.

The Purge Report Results page enables you run a process that removes data from the result tables. You can delete all results table data or some data, based on specific criteria. In addition to deleting the results table data, you can delete corresponding report request and log data. To summarize, you can use the options on the page to perform the following actions:

The purge process will generate messages in the message log that track the number of records purged or updated in each table. Note that the message log does not track individual record information, only a summary of the actions for each table. You can write SQL using Query Manager to verify that the process removed the correct data from the report results tables.

When you purge data from the results tables (but not from the report request and log tables), the process adds an entry into the error log for the report request stating that the report results data has been purged.

Access the Purge Report Results page (Academic Advisement, Advisement Processes, Purge Report Results).

Report Manager

Click to access the Report List page, where you can view report content, check the status of a report, and see content detail messages.

Process Monitor

Click to access the Process List page, where you can view the status of submitted process requests.


Click to access the Process Scheduler Request page, where you can initiate the purge.

Purge Selection Criteria

Purge All Results

Select to delete all data in the results tables.

Warning! Selecting this option will override the Freeze Record flag set on the report request record and will delete all data from the results tables. If you also select the Purge Report Requests and Logs option, all associated request records will be purged, even if the Freeze Record flag is set.

Select Results to Purge

This option is selected by default. When it is selected, additional fields are available on the page so that you can specify the report results that you want to delete. You must select an institution and report type, and then you can select additional parameters, including a range of dates, report identifier, or user ID of the person who requested the reports.

Purge Report Requests and Logs

Select to delete report request records, including logs, along with the selected report results.

Academic Institution

Select the institution for which you want to purge academic advisement reports. This value determines the availability of report types in the Report Type field.

Report Type

Select the type of advisement report for which you want to purge reports.

Request Date From and Request Date To

Enter a valid date range to filter report requests based on the report date on the individual report requests. If no values are entered, all report dates are considered.

Report Identifier

Enter the value that identifies the report.

Request User ID

Enter a valid user ID if you want to purge all requests made by a specific user.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPurging the Analysis Database

The analysis database enables you to analyze data collected from a batch run of advisement reports. Because the process of sending data to the analysis database tables inserts a large amount of data into the database, it is important to remove unnecessary data. Failing to remove unneeded data will waste space in the database and potentially increase processing times.

The Purge Analysis Database Tables page enables you run a process that removes data from the analysis database tables. You can delete all analysis database table data or some data, based on specific criteria. In addition to deleting the analysis database data, you can delete corresponding transcript request and log data. To summarize, you can use the options on the page to perform the following actions:

The purge process will generate messages in the message log that track the number of records purged or updated in each table. Note that the message log does not track individual record information, only a summary of the actions for each table. You can write SQL using Query Manager to verify that the process removed the correct data from the analysis database tables.

When you purge data from the analysis database (but not from the transcript request and log tables), the process adds an entry into the error log for the transcript request stating that the analysis database data has been purged.

Access the Purge Analysis Database Tables page (Academic Advisement, Advisement Processes, Purge Analysis Database Tables).

Purge Selection Criteria

Purge All Results

Select to delete all results in the Analysis Database.

Warning! Selecting this option will override the Freeze Record flag set on the report request record and will delete all data from the analysis database tables. If you also select the Purge Transcript Requests and Logs option, all associated transcript request records will also be purged, even if the Freeze Record flag is set.

Select Results to Purge

This option is selected by default. After selecting this option, enter your selection criteria.

Note. If you select this option, the process obeys the Freeze Record flag set on the transcript request record.

Purge Transcript Requests and Logs

Select to delete transcript requests and logs in addition to purging the analysis database table data.

If the analysis database data is already purged, you cannot go back and select this check box and rerun the purge process.

Academic Institution

Select the institution for which you want to purge academic advisement reports (transcripts). This value determines the availability of report types in the Transcript Type field.

Transcript Type

Select the type of transcript (advising, for example) for which you want to purge data.

Request Date From and Request Date To

Enter a valid date range to filter report requests based on the report date on the individual requests. If no values are entered, all report dates are considered.

Report Request Number and Report Request Number To

Enter values in these fields to specify purge parameters in more detail. The system purges report requests for these report request numbers.

Request User ID

Enter a valid user ID if you want to purge all requests that were created by a specific user.