Setting Up External Test Score Loads

This chapter discusses how to:

Note. You must complete these items before you can post external test scores to PeopleSoft Campus Solutions or PeopleSoft CRM. When you post the test scores to CRM, the system automatically creates prospect records in CRM from the posted test scores. However, when you post the test scores to Campus Solutions, you can choose whether or not to create prospect records in Campus Solutions.

Click to jump to parent topicEnabling the Posting to CRM Option

If you want to post test scores to PeopleSoft CRM, select the CRM for Higher Education check box on the SA Features page (Set Up SACR, Install, Student Admin Installation, SA Features).

The Post To Enterprise CRM option is available on the Search/Match/Post Test Scores page only when you select the CRM for Higher Education check box on the SA Features page.

Click to jump to parent topicDefining External Test Components

To set up the external test components, use the Test Component Table component (SA_TEST_COMP_TABLE).

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Page Name

Definition Name



Test Component Table


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Recruiting and Admissions, External Test Scores, Test Component Table

Define the test components (such as verbal, math, and analytical) of external academic tests (such as the ACT, GMAT, and GRE). Also, create components of placement and other tests administered internally by your institution. If a component is used in more than one test, define it only once. Note that totals are not computed by the system, so if you want to enter and track totals, be sure to define Total as one of your test components.

Click to jump to parent topicDefining External Tests

To define external tests, use the Test Tables component (SA_TEST_TABLE).

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Page Name

Definition Name



Test Tables


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Recruiting and Admissions, External Test Scores, Test Tables

Define tests (such as the ACT, GMAT, and GRE) and associate test components with the appropriate tests. You can also associate tests on this page with a particular testing agency, such as American College Testing, College Board, Educational Testing Services, and Law School Admission Services.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining External Tests

Access the Test Tables page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Recruiting and Admissions, External Test Scores, Test Tables).

Testing Agency

Select the testing agency that administers this test (if applicable). This field is for informational purposes only. Values for this field are delivered with your system as translate values. You can modify these translate values. The delivered values are American College Testing, College Board, Educational Testing Services, and Law School Admission Services.


Enter the test components that you want to link to this academic test. The system populates the descriptions based on the code that you select. Define test components on the Test Component Table page.

Min Score/Max Score (minimum score/maximum score)

Enter a test score range for each component.


Enter the code used for TS130 or TS189 processing of test scores.

Click to jump to parent topicDefining and Reviewing External Data Setup Tables

To define external data setup tables, use the AP Subject Test Codes component (AP_SUBJECT_CODES), AP Country Codes (SAD_AP_CNTRY_TBL), ADA Country Codes component (ADA_COUNTRY_TBL), AMCAS Credit Hour Codes component (AMCAS_CR_HR_CODE), AMCAS GPA Codes component (AMCAS_GPA_CODE), SAT Math Recentered Values component (SAT_MATH_RECENTER), SAT Verbal Recentered Values component (SAT_VERBAL_RECENTR), SAT II Test Codes component (SATII_TEST_CODES), SAT II Test Recentered Values component (SATII_TST_RECENTER), Ethnicity Mapping component (SAD_ETHNIC_MAP), and the GMAT Country codes component (SAD_GMT_CNTRY_TBL). Use the CRS_MAJOR_CODE component interface to load the data into the tables from these component interfaces.

Recruiting and Admissions delivers AP and SAT test codes, CRS major codes, MCAT credit hours, GPA codes, and SAT recentered values. These codes and values are used in external data processing.

You can edit the delivered descriptions, but we recommend that the descriptions retain their original meaning to avoid confusion when viewing the loaded test data.

This section discusses how to:

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Definition Name



AP Subject Test Codes


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Recruiting and Admissions, External Test Scores, AP Subject Test Codes

Define or review the delivered AP subject test codes or to add or edit a code. This table stores the test codes used on the AP test.

You can link your own codes and descriptions to these codes so that the system displays your codes after the scores are posted. Use the AP Subjects section on the External Test Score Load page to link your subject test components to the delivered codes.

AP Country Codes


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Recruiting and Admissions, External Test Scores, AP Country Codes

Translates the AP country values to internal PeopleSoft country values during the AP-specific load routine. The AP Country Codes table is delivered with known values set as of the date of this publication. You might need to add or delete rows to accurately maintain the table in the future.

ADA Country Table


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Recruiting and Admissions, External Test Scores, ADA Country Codes

Define or review the AADAS country code. Before processing the ADA external test score load, use the Country field to map AADAS country codes used on the ADA to PeopleSoft country codes.

Note. This setup is relevant only for posting to Campus Solutions. The system does not support posting ADA test scores to CRM therefore this setup is not needed for posting test scores to CRM.

CRS Major Codes


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Recruiting and Admissions, External Test Scores, CRS Major Codes

Review the delivered CRS major codes or add or edit a code.

AMCAS Credit Hours Codes


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Recruiting and Admissions, External Test Scores, AMCAS Setup, AMCAS Credit Hour Codes

Define or review the delivered AMCAS credit hours codes or add or edit a code. An AMCAS file includes only the actual number of credit hours, so this table includes the codes and descriptions that are mapped to the AMCAS credit hour types.

Note. This setup is relevant only for posting to Campus Solutions. The system does not support posting AMCAS test scores to CRM therefore this setup is not needed for posting test scores to CRM.



Set Up SACR, Product Related, Recruiting and Admissions, External Test Scores, AMCAS Setup, AMCAS GPA Codes

Define and review the delivered AMCAS GPA codes or add or edit a code. An AMCAS file only includes the actual GPA, so this table includes the codes and descriptions that are mapped to the GPA.

Note. This setup is relevant only for posting to Campus Solutions. The system does not support posting AMCAS test scores to CRM therefore this setup is not needed for posting test scores to CRM.

AMCAS Ethnicity Map


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Recruiting and Admissions, External Test Scores, AMCAS Setup, AMCAS Ethnicity Mapping

For AMCAS and MCAT only, map the race codes provided by testing agency to the corresponding PeopleSoft codes in order to capture ethnicity information on the Add/Update a Person component.

Note. This setup is relevant only for posting to Campus Solutions. The system does not support posting AMCAS test scores to CRM therefore this setup is not needed for posting test scores to CRM.

AMCAS Country Mapping


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Recruiting and Admissions, External Test Scores, AMCAS Setup, AMCAS Country Mapping

Map the AMCAS country code values to the corresponding PeopleSoft country code values.

Note. This setup is relevant only for posting to Campus Solutions. The system does not support posting AMCAS test scores to CRM therefore this setup is not needed for posting test scores to CRM.

SAT Country Codes


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Recruiting and Admissions, External Test Scores, SAT Setup, SAT Country Codes

Translates the SAT country values to internal PeopleSoft country values during the SAT specific load routine.

SAT Math Recentered Values


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Recruiting and Admissions, External Test Scores, SAT Setup, SAT Math Recentered Values

Review or edit the recentered SAT math score values. When you process SAT math scores, the system recenters some of the scores (as indicated by the SAT load) according to the values in this table. When the system recenters scores, only the recentered scores post to the person's record.

The system displays the score it receives from the testing agency in the Math Score field. The translated score appears in the Recentered Math Score field. This is the score that the reported score is translated to when it is processed.

SAT Verbal Recentered Values


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Recruiting and Admissions, External Test Scores, SAT Setup, SAT Verbal Recentered Values

Review or edit the recentered SAT verbal score values. When you process SAT verbal scores, the system recenters some of the scores according to the values in this table. When the system recenters scores, only the recentered scores post to the person's record.

The system displays the score that it receives from the testing agency in the Verbal Score field. The score that appears in the Recentered Verbal Score field is what the reported score is translated to when it is processed.

SAT II Test Codes


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Recruiting and Admissions, External Test Scores, SAT Setup, SAT II Test Codes

Review the delivered SAT II test codes or add or edit a code. You can link your own codes and descriptions to the codes that you received in an SAT II tape or file so that your codes appear on your Admissions pages.

SAT II Test Recentered Values


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Recruiting and Admissions, External Test Scores, SAT Setup, SAT II Test Recentered Values

Review or edit the recentered test score values for each SAT II test code. When you process SAT II scores, the system recenters the scores according to the values in this table. Only the recentered scores post to the person's record.

The left column lists the SAT II test scores received from the testing agency.

The right column lists the recentered test scores, which are what the reported score is translated to when it is processed.

Ethnicity Map


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Recruiting and Admissions, External Test Scores, Ethnicity Mapping

Map the ethnicity codes provided by testing agencies to the corresponding PeopleSoft codes in order to capture ethnicity information on the Bio/Demo Data component.

GMAT Country Codes


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Recruiting and Admissions, External Test Scores, GMAT Country Codes

Define or review the mapping of GMAT Country Codes to PS Country Codes. Before processing the GMAT external test score load, use the Country field to map GMAT country codes to PeopleSoft country codes.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicMapping AMCAS Ethnic Groups

Access the AMCAS Ethnicity Map page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Recruiting and Admissions, External Test Scores, AMCAS Setup, AMCAS Ethnicity Mapping).

Ethnic Group

Enter the internal ethnic group value that corresponds to the race code.

AMCAS Race Code

Enter the external AMCAS race code.

Copy Ethnicity Map to New Application Year

Click to copy ethnicity mapping data from one application year to another. The system prompts you for the new year value.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicMapping AMCAS Country Codes

Access the AMCAS Country Mapping page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Recruiting and Admissions, External Test Scores, AMCAS Setup, AMCAS Country Mapping).

Copy Country Map to New Application Year

The country code mappings are keyed by application year. Click this button to copy values from one application year to a new application year. You might need to add or delete rows to accurately maintain the table in the future.

AMCAS country code values mapped to PeopleSoft values for application years 2006 and 2007 are delivered with this release. Some AMCAS country codes do not have equivalent PeopleSoft country codes. Hence, these are not delivered. Your institution must determine the mappings for these values.

The following values are not delivered for application year 2006:

Country Code





Aaland Island



Channel Islands



Serbia and Montenegro



East Timor



United States Miscellaneous Caribbean Islands



United States Miscellaneous Pacific Islands

The following values are not delivered for application year 2007:

Country Code





Aaland Islands



France, Metropolitan



Serbia and Montenegro

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicMapping SAT Country Codes

Access the SAT Country Codes page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Recruiting and Admissions, External Test Scores, SAT Setup, SAT Country Codes).

The SAT Country Codes table is delivered with known field values set as of the date of this publication. You might need to add, edit, or delete rows to accurately maintain the table in the future.

SAT Country Code and SAT Country Description

SAT country codes, descriptions and their corresponding PeopleSoft country codes are delivered in the table.


If a state or province is associated with the specific SAT code, that state or province is also delivered in the table.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicMapping Ethnicity Codes

Access the Ethnicity Map page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Recruiting and Admissions, External Test Scores, Ethnicity Mapping).

Ethnic Group

Enter the ethnic group code that corresponds to the testing agency code. Ethnicity group codes are defined on the Ethnicity Group Table page.


Enter the ethnicity code provided by the testing agency. You must contact the testing agency for these codes or refer to the test score layout provided by the testing agency.

For AMCAS and MCAT ethnicity data, use the AMCAS Ethnicity Map component.

See Mapping AMCAS Ethnic Groups.

Click to jump to parent topicMapping External Tests IDs

To map external test IDs, use the External Test Score Mapping component (SAD_TEST_SETUP).

This section provides an overview of external test ID mapping and discusses how to map external test score IDs to PeopleSoft test codes.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding External Test ID Mapping

The PeopleSoft system uses the External Test Score Mapping page to perform a variety of external test-related functions.

The PeopleSoft system needs to know which test IDs from your institution correspond to the PeopleSoft test codes in order to know which fields to display on the external test score components. For example, when you enter the External Test Score Load page and select a test ID, the page dynamically appears based on the test ID that you enter.

In addition, when you create a query in PeopleSoft Query Manager to create prospects from test loads, the query must contain the primary candidate data record for the test. To determine which is the primary data record, go to the External Test Score Mapping page, where the primary candidate data record is indicated. Also, the records listed under Suspense Records are used in the External Test Score Purge process.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Map External Tests IDs to PeopleSoft Test Codes

Page Name

Definition Name



External Test Score Mapping


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Recruiting and Admissions, External Test Scores, External Test Score Mapping

Map your test ID defined on the Test Tables page to the PeopleSoft test code. The system needs this setup to perform a variety of external test-related functions. Also determine the primary candidate data record for a test, which you will need if you want to create prospect records from test score loads using a PeopleSoft Query Manager.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicMapping External Tests IDs to PeopleSoft Test Codes

Access the External Test Score Mapping page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Recruiting and Admissions, External Test Scores, External Test Score Mapping).

Test ID

Enter a test ID for each PeopleSoft test code. If you have more than one test ID affiliated to the PeopleSoft test code, add a row and enter the additional test ID.

Available for CRM Post

Indicates whether the scores for the test ID can be posted to PeopleSoft CRM. For example, you can post ACT, AP, CRS, DAT, EOS, GMS, GMT, GRE, LSAT, SAT, SSS and TOEFL scores to CRM, therefore, the system selects the Available for CRM Post check box for these test IDs. Conversely, you cannot post ADA, AMCAS, LSDAS, NCEA, OUAC, QTAC, SATAC, Studielink, UAC, and VTAC test scores to CRM, therefore, the system does not select the Available for CRM Post check box for these test IDs.

Note. On this page, you need to enter only a test ID that corresponds to a PeopleSoft test code. PeopleSoft delivers the rest of the page complete. All test IDs that you have defined and that you intend to load through the external test score load must be mapped to a PeopleSoft test code or you will not be able to load test score data.

Warning! Do not delete the suspense or candidate data records delivered or change the primary records flag because these changes will affect the External Test Score Load and Create Prospects from Test Scores processes.

Click to jump to parent topicMapping External Test Codes to Internal Codes

To map external test codes to internal codes, use the Academic Interests Map component (SAD_ACAD_MAP), Extracurricular Activity Map component (SAD_EXTRA_MAP), and the Religious Preference Map component (SAD_REL_MAP).

This section provides an overview of external test data mapping and discusses how to:

See Also

Creating Prospects When Posting External Test Scores

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding External Test Data Mapping

In order to populate academic interest, extracurricular activity, and religious preference information from external test score loads, you must map the testing agency codes to the corresponding PeopleSoft codes. Use the Academic Interest Map, Extracurricular Activity Map, and Religious Preference Map pages to map external codes to internal codes. Set up these pages only if you want to populate that data for prospects.

Map the following codes:

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Page Name

Definition Name



Academic Interests Map


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Recruiting and Admissions, External Test Scores, Create Prospects Setup, Academic Interests Map

Map the academic interest codes provided by some external testing agencies to the corresponding PeopleSoft codes to capture academic interest information when creating prospects from certain test loads. Set up this page only if you want to capture academic interest information when creating prospects from test score loads.

The following test layouts provide a major interest: ACT, EOS, GMASS, SAT, GRE, and SSS.

Extracurricular Activity Map


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Recruiting and Admissions, External Test Scores, Create Prospects Setup, Extracurricular Activity Map

Map the extracurricular activity codes provided by the ACT and ETS testing agencies to the corresponding PeopleSoft codes to capture academic interest information when creating prospects from ACT or SAT test score loads. Set up this page only if you want to capture extracurricular activity information when creating prospects from test score loads.

Religious Preference Map


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Recruiting and Admissions, External Test Scores, Create Prospects Setup, Religious Preference Map

Map the religious preference codes provided by the ACT and ETS testing agencies to the corresponding PeopleSoft codes to capture religious preference information when creating prospects from ACT or SAT test score loads. Set up this page only if you want to capture religious preference information when creating prospects from test score loads.

Admit Term Map


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Recruiting and Admissions, External Test Scores, Create Prospects Setup, Admit Term Map

Map the graduation dates provided by a test layout to the corresponding PeopleSoft admit terms. Set up this page only if the test layout provides a graduation date and you want the system to use that date to determine the admit term when creating a prospect from a test score load.

The following test layouts provide a graduation date: ACT, CRS, EOS, GMAT, and SAT.

Program Plan SubPlan Map  


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Recruiting and Admissions, External Test Scores, Create Prospects Setup, Program Plan SubPlan Map

Map each interest code provided by the testing agency to a program, plan or subplan. Set up this page only if the test layout provides an interest code and you want the system to use the code to determine the program, plan or subplan when creating a prospect from the test load.

The following test layouts provide a major interest: ACT, EOS, GMASS, SAT, GRE, and SSS.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicMapping Academic Interest Codes

Access the Academic Interests Map page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Recruiting and Admissions, External Test Scores, Create Prospects Setup, Academic Interests Map).

Academic Interest

Enter the internal academic interest code that corresponds to the testing agency code. Academic interest codes are defined on the External Subject Table page.

Interest Code

Enter the interest code provided by the testing agency. You must contact the testing agency for these codes or refer to the test score layout provided by the testing agency.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicMapping Extracurricular Activity Codes

Access the Extracurricular Activity Map page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Recruiting and Admissions, External Test Scores, Create Prospects Setup, Extracurricular Activity Map).

Extracurricular Activity

Enter the internal extracurricular activity code that corresponds to the testing agency code. Extracurricular activity codes are defined on Extracurricular Activity Table page.

Activity Code

Enter the activity code provided by the testing agency. You must contact the testing agency for these codes or refer to the test score layout provided by the testing agency.

College Activity

The SAT and ACT testing agencies record two types of activity information: high school/community activities that the student has participated in and the activities that the student wants to participate in when in college. Select this check box if you want to populate extracurricular activities with the activity that the student wants to participate in when in college.

High School/Community Activity

Select this check box if you want to populate extracurricular activities with the activity from the student's high school/community activity data.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicMapping Religious Preference Codes

Access the Religious Preference Map page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Recruiting and Admissions, External Test Scores, Create Prospects Setup, Religious Preference Map).

Religious Preference

Enter the religious preference code that corresponds to the testing agency code. Religious preference codes are defined on the Religious Preference Table page.

Religion Code

Enter the religion code provided by the testing agency. You must contact the testing agency for these codes or refer to the test score layout provided by the testing agency.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicMapping Admit Terms

Access the Admit Term Map page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Recruiting and Admissions, External Test Scores, Create Prospects Setup, Admit Term Map).

Graduation Date From and Graduation Date To

Enter graduation date ranges for the test layouts that provide a graduation date.


Enter the admit term that corresponds to the graduation date range.

When you run the Test Score Load process, the system uses this mapping to determine the relevant admit term for the prospect. For example, let us suppose that for SAT I you have mapped 2009 Fall to the Graduate to and from dates of January 24, 2009 and August 15, 2009. When you import a SAT I test score, and if the test score of a prospect contains a graduation date of January 25 2009, the system determines 2009 Fall as the admit term for the prospect.

Note that you cannot map overlapping dates to different admit terms. For example, if you have mapped a graduation date range of January 24, 2009 and August 15, 2009 to 2009 Fall for SAT I, then you cannot map a graduation date range of May 1, 2009 and August 15, 2009 to a different admit term for SAT I.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicMapping Programs, Plans and Subplans

Access the Program Plan SubPlan Map page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Recruiting and Admissions, External Test Scores, Create Prospects Setup, Program Plan SubPlan Map).

Interest Code

Enter the interest code provided by the testing agency. You must contact the testing agency for these codes or refer to the test score layout provided by the testing agency.

Academic Program, Academic Plan, Academic Sub-Plan

Enter the academic program, plan or subplan that corresponds to the interest code

When you run the Test Score Load process, the system uses this mapping to determine the relevant academic program, plan or subplan for the prospect. For example, let us suppose that for SAT I you have mapped interest code 450 to the Fine Arts Undergraduate program and Music plan. When you import an SAT I test score and the test score of a prospect contains the interest code 450, the system determines the program as Fine Arts Undergraduate and the plan as Music for the prospect.