Managing Planned Giving Prospects

This chapter provides an overview of managing planned giving prospects, lists common elements, and discusses how to:

See Also

Setting Up Prospects

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Planned Giving Prospect Management

To effectively manage prospects, you must quickly evaluate constituents, create comprehensive cultivation-activity plans, and constantly monitor and revise those plans. Contributor Relations enables you to do this by maintaining extensive prospect information and providing tools that you can use to effectively implement and manage cultivation plans.

Planned giving prospect management involves tracking planned giving prospects, or prospective donors, from the point of discovery through elevation to prospect, cultivation, and, subsequently to becoming a donor of one or more planned gifts to your institution.

For planned gifts, the information that you track is different from the information for standard gifts that are entered through gift and pledge sessions. With planned giving, you track basic gift information and translate present and future values for reporting and estimating the effect that today's gift will have on your institution when the gift matures.

You can enter data that is related to a particular planned gift, but no processing to your institution's financial system or interaction with external planned giving applications is supported.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCommon Elements Used in This Chapter


Describe how the planned gift is to be distributed.

Business Unit

Select the business unit to which the planned gift is allocated. The Designation field displays the values that you defined for the setID that is associated with this business unit.

If you have already selected a designation, then change the business unit, and your selections are backed out.


Select the designation to assign. Designations are funds at your institution to which donations can be allocated.


Select a type for the intended distribution. Values are:

Interim: The designation is a temporary holding site for the planned gift.

Ultimate: The gift remains in the designation that you select.

Values for this field are delivered with the system as translate values. You can modify these translate values.


Enter the amount to be distributed to the designation that you select.

ID and Name

Enter either an ID or a name. If you enter an ID, the Name field becomes display-only. If you enter a name, you cannot enter an ID.


Select the value that describes the contact's connection to the planned gift.

Values for this field are delivered with the system as translate values. You can modify these translate values.


If the external contact does not have an ID in the system, click this link to enter address information on the Address Detail page for the external contact.

Staff ID

Select the staff ID of each staff member who is associated with the planned gift.


Select the role of the assigned staff. Roles are determined by your institution and include values such as Prospect Manager, Solicitor, and Campaign Manager.

Inst Est Value (institution estimated value)

Enter the expected value to your institution of the planned gift.

Inst Actual Value

Enter the amount received by your institution.


Select if the planned gift agreement cannot be revoked.


Select the campaign associated with the planned gift. Campaigns are established by your institution. A campaign is an organized institutional effort that is targeted to a specific constituency that occurs over a specified period with specific purposes and goals.


Enter any additional comments about the planned gift.

Date of Birth and SSN (Social Security Number)

If you entered an ID, the person's date of birth and social security number appear, if they exist in the system. If you entered a name, you can enter this additional information. The Date of Birth field accepts both partial and complete dates. The system does not format this date field, so enter the date as it should appear.

Estimated Value

Enter the estimated value of the beneficiary's portion of the donor's planned gift.

Actual Value

Enter the beneficiary's or institution's payout.


If the beneficiary does not have an ID in the system, click this link to enter address information for the beneficiary.

Item Type

Select an item type for each associated account at your institution. Item types are defined by your institution. The values from which you can select include the item types that are associated with your institution's default setID.


Select the type of account that is being used to manage the trust. Values are: Asset, Liability, and Reserve.

Values for this field are delivered with the system as translate values. You can modify these translate values.


Click the link on any line to view more detailed information.

Click to jump to parent topicTracking Bequests

This section provides an overview of bequests and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Bequests

You can track:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Track Bequests

Page Name

Definition Name



Bequest Detail


Contributor Relations, Prospect Management, Planned Giving, Bequests, Bequest Detail

Enter information about a constituent's bequest to your institution.

Bequest Detail 2


Contributor Relations, Prospect Management, Planned Giving, Bequests, Bequest Detail 2

Enter additional information about a constituent's bequest to your institution.

Bequest Information


Contributor Relations, Prospect Management, Planned Giving, Bequests, Bequest Information

Enter information about the distribution, external contacts, and assigned staff of the planned gifts to your institution.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Bequest Details

Access the Bequest Detail page (Contributor Relations, Prospect Management, Planned Giving, Bequests, Bequest Detail).

This component enables you to track multiple bequest instruments that will benefit the institution on the demise of the donor.

Important! When you delete bequests at this level, the system deletes all child records as well.

Bequest Name

Name each bequest to differentiate multiple bequests from the same donor within the system. The name then appears on all pages of the component.

Bequest Date

Enter the date that the bequest was made or that your institution learned of the bequest. The default is the current date.

Est Maturity (estimated maturity)

Enter the estimated date of maturity.

Est Estate (estimated estate)

Enter the anticipated total value of the estate when the bequest matures.

Present Value

Restate the estimated estate, adjusted for future inflation.

Bequest Status

Select Advised-Verbal (the default), Advised-Written, In Probate, or Matured. The values for this field are delivered with the system as translate values. You can modify these translate values.

Status Dt (status date)

The system displays the date that the bequest status was most recently updated.

Act Maturity (actual maturity)

Enter the date of actual maturity.

Act Estate (actual estate)

Enter the total amount of the estate.

Benefit to Institution

Estimated Value and Pct (percent)

Enter the estimated value of the bequest or the percentage of the bequest that benefits your institution.

Other Beneficiaries

Beneficiary or Name

Select the ID or enter the name of the beneficiary.

Estimated Value and Pct (percent)

Enter the estimated value or the percentage of the estate that has been willed to the beneficiary whom you identified in the Beneficiary or Name field.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Constituent Bequest Details

Access the Bequest Detail 2 page (Contributor Relations, Prospect Management, Planned Giving, Bequests, Bequest Detail 2).


Asset Category

If assets are named in the will, you can select an asset category. Asset categories are defined on the Asset Types page.


Enter a description (up to 60 characters) of the asset that is named in the will.

Asset Value

Enter the estimated monetary value of the asset.

Value Date

Enter the date on which the asset value was determined.



If the bequest has been amended, select the codicil date.

Action to Will

Enter a brief description of the action taken, such as beneficiary change, amount change, and so on.


Enter a more detailed description of the amendment.


Expected Date

If the amount bequeathed is to be paid to your institution in installments, enter the expected date of each installment.

Expected Amount

If the amount bequeathed is to be paid to your institution in installments, enter the expected amount of each installment.

Actual Date and Actual Amount

When an installment is paid, enter the date and amount received.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Institutional Bequest Information

Access the Bequest Information page (Contributor Relations, Prospect Management, Planned Giving, Bequests, Bequest Information).


Click the View link to open the attachment in a new window. Click the Add Attachment button to upload a new attachment from within the component.

Click to jump to parent topicTracking Trusts

You can track information that is related to trusts and benefits your institution. You can track various types of trusts, their values, the gifts made to them, their beneficiaries, and so on.

In addition, you can indicate the designations that benefit from the trust and the external contacts and staff members who handle the trust at your institution.

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Track Trusts

Page Name

Definition Name



Trust Detail


Contributor Relations, Prospect Management, Planned Giving, Trusts, Trust Detail

Enter information about a donor's trust that benefits your institution.

Trust Gift Information


Contributor Relations, Prospect Management, Planned Giving, Trusts, Trust Gift Information

Record information about additional gifts made to an established trust.

Trust Account Information


Contributor Relations, Prospect Management, Planned Giving, Trusts, Trust Account Information

Track accounts that are associated with a trust that benefits your institution.

Trust Beneficiary


Contributor Relations, Prospect Management, Planned Giving, Trusts, Trust Beneficiary

Track information about the benefit that your institution expects to receive and additional beneficiaries to a trust.

Trust Information


Contributor Relations, Prospect Management, Planned Giving, Trusts, Trust Information

Enter information about the distribution, external contacts, and assigned staff of a planned gift to your institution.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Trust Details

Access the Trust Detail page (Contributor Relations, Prospect Management, Planned Giving, Trusts, Trust Detail).

Trust Name and Trust ID

Enter a trust name (up to 60 characters long) and trust ID (up to 20 characters long).

Note. The trust ID serves as an IRS tax ID number and should not be duplicated from one trust to another.

Trust Type

Select a trust type. Values are Unitrust, Annuity Trust, Remainder Trust, and Charitable Lead Trust. Trust types are defined on the Setup Trust Type page.

Trust Category

Select a trust category. Values are Unitrust, Regular Trust, Net Income Trust, Net Income Trust with Make-Up, and Dry Charitable Remainder Trust. Trust categories are defined on the Setup Trust Category page.

Trust Term

Select the term that must be met before the trust is paid out. Values are Fixed Number of Years, One Life, and Two Lives.


Enter the amount of money with which the trust was funded.

Trust Status

Select the current state of the trust. Values are Active, Inactive, Matured, and Under Agreement.

Inception Date

Select the date that the trust commitment with your institution was reached. This date may or may not be the same as the start date.

Est Maturity

Select the date that the trust will mature.

Trustee Fees

Enter the amount of any fees that must be paid to the trustee.

Payout Type

Select the payout type. Values are Fixed Amount and Percent. Values for this field are delivered with the system as translate values. You can modify these translate values.


If you selected a payout type of Fixed Amount, enter the amount of each payout in this field.

Payout Term

Select the frequency with which payouts are made. Values are Annual, Bi-Annual, Bi-Month, Monthly, and Quarterly.

Values for this field are delivered with the system as translate values. You can modify these translate values.


If you selected a payout type of Percent, enter the percentage of the trust that is given in each payout.

Trust Value

Value Date

Select the date the valuation is set.

Market Value

Enter the monetary value of the trust according to today's market.

Future Value

Enter the estimated monetary value of the trust on its maturity date.

Value Source

Enter a description (up to 25 characters) of the person or publication that provides information about the trust's valuation.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Trust Gift Information

Access the Trust Gift Information page (Contributor Relations, Prospect Management, Planned Giving, Trusts, Trust Gift Information).

Gift Amount and Gift Type

For each gift to the trust, enter the gift amount and select a gift type.

Gift Date

Select the date on which the gift was received by your institution.

Value Date

Select the date the valuation was set.

Future Value

Enter the estimated value of the new gift on its maturity date.


Enter the obligation to your institution for the additional payout for the new gift.

Value Source

Enter a description of the person or publication providing information about the estimated value.

Total Contributions

Enter the total amount paid to the trust by the donor.

Total Income

Enter the total amount paid from the trust to the donor.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Trust Account Information

Access the Trust Account Information page (Contributor Relations, Prospect Management, Planned Giving, Trusts, Trust Account Information).

Date and Balance

Enter the date and associated account balance. You can track multiple account balances by date.

Last Updated

The system displays the date and name of the person who last updated the information on this page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Trust Beneficiaries

Access the Trust Beneficiary page (Contributor Relations, Prospect Management, Planned Giving, Trusts, Trust Beneficiary).

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Institutional Trust Information

Access the Trust Information page (Contributor Relations, Prospect Management, Planned Giving, Trusts, Trust Information).


Click the View link to open the attachment in a new window. Click the Add Attachment button to upload a new attachment from within the component.

Click to jump to parent topicTracking Gift Annuities

You can track information about gift annuities set up to benefit your institution. You can track various types of annuities, their rates, the assets that are used to fund them, the accounts that are associated with them, their beneficiaries, and their distribution.

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Track Gift Annuities

Page Name

Definition Name



Gift Annuity Details


Contributor Relations, Prospect Management, Planned Giving, Gift Annuities, Gift Annuity Details

Enter detailed information about a donor's gift annuity to your institution.

Gift Annuity Beneficiaries


Contributor Relations, Prospect Management, Planned Giving, Gift Annuities, Gift Annuity Beneficiaries

Track information about the benefit that your institution expects to receive and additional beneficiaries to a trust.

Gift Annuity Information


Contributor Relations, Prospect Management, Planned Giving, Gift Annuities, Gift Annuity Information

Enter information about the distribution, external contacts, and assigned staff of a planned gift to your institution.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Gift Annuity Details

Access the Gift Annuity Details page (Contributor Relations, Prospect Management, Planned Giving, Gift Annuities, Gift Annuity Details).

Gift Annuity Name

Enter the formal gift annuity name (up to 60 characters).

Gift Annuity Type

Select a gift annuity type, Charitable or Deferred.

Values for this field are delivered with the system as translate values. You can modify these translate values.

Deferral Period

If you selected a gift annuity type of Deferred, enter the number of years that the annuity will be deferred.


Enter the rate at which payouts will be made to the donor over the term of the annuity. Your institution determines the rate based on the age of the donor at the time the gift is made.

Inception Date

Enter the date on which the gift annuity was established.

Gift Annuity Status

Select a gift annuity status:

Active: Select to add a new gift annuity.

Inactive: Select if your institution no longer recognizes this gift annuity.

Asset Category

Select the asset category that describes the assets used to fund the gift annuity. Asset categories are defined by your institution.

Gift Amount

Enter the gift amount of the contribution that was used to create the gift annuity.


Enter the amount that your institution must carry to fund the annuity.

Gift Annuity Date

Enter the date that the contribution to fund the gift annuity was made to your institution.


Enter the amount that your institution is committed to pay out over the life of the gift annuity.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Gift Annuity Beneficiaries

Access the Gift Annuity Beneficiaries page (Contributor Relations, Prospect Management, Planned Giving, Gift Annuities, Gift Annuity Beneficiaries).

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Institutional Gift Annuity Information

Access the Gift Annuity Information page (Contributor Relations, Prospect Management, Planned Giving, Gift Annuities, Gift Annuity Information).


Click the View link to open the attachment in a new window. Click the Add Attachment button to upload a new attachment from within the component.

Click to jump to parent topicTracking Pooled Income Funds

You can maintain information about the pooled income funds established at your institution for donors. For each donor who participates in a fund, you can track the units held, their value, additional gifts made, and so on. In addition, you can track information about the beneficiaries of the fund and distribution information.

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Track Pooled Income Funds

Page Name

Definition Name



Pooled Income Details


Contributor Relations, Prospect Management, Planned Giving, Pooled Income Funds, Pooled Income Details

Enter information about a pooled income fund at your institution and the donor's contributions to the fund.

Pooled Income Beneficiaries


Contributor Relations, Prospect Management, Planned Giving, Pooled Income Funds, Pooled Income Beneficiaries

Track information about the benefit that your institution expects to receive and additional beneficiaries to a pooled income fund.

Pooled Income Information


Contributor Relations, Prospect Management, Planned Giving, Pooled Income Funds, Pooled Income Information

Enter information about the distribution of the planned gift to your institution, external contacts, and assigned staff.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Pooled Income Fund Details

Access the Pooled Income Details page (Contributor Relations, Prospect Management, Planned Giving, Pooled Income Funds, Pooled Income Details).

Pooled Income Fund Name

Enter the formal pooled income fund name (up to 60 characters).

Pooled Income Fund Type

Select a pooled income fund type. Values include Balanced, High Yield, and any values your institution defines.

Values for this field are delivered with the system as translate values. You can modify these translate values.

Total Contributions

Enter the total contributions made by this donor to the pooled income fund.

Inception Date

Select the date on which the pooled income fund agreement was established.

PIF Status (pooled income fund status)

Select the PIF status. Values are:

Active: Select when you add a new pooled income fund.

Inactive: Select if your institution no longer recognizes this donor's participation in the fund.


Units Held

Enter the total number of units that the donor has purchased in the pooled income fund.

Unit Value

Enter the monetary value of a single unit in the pooled income fund.

Total Value

Enter the total value of the units that the donor has purchased from within the pooled income fund.


Select the date on which the total value was set.

Gift Information

Gift Amt (gift amount)

If the donor purchases additional units in the pooled income fund, enter the amount of the gift used to purchase the units.

Units Purch (units purchased)

Enter the number of units that the gift amount purchased in the pooled income fund.


Select the date that the gift was made to purchase units in the pooled income fund.

Value Date

Select the date that the valuation is set.

Present Value

Enter the present value of the pooled income fund in today's market.


Enter the amount of liability created for your institution by the addition of units to the constituent's total units in the fund.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Pooled Income Fund Beneficiaries

Access the Pooled Income Beneficiaries page (Contributor Relations, Prospect Management, Planned Giving, Pooled Income Funds, Pooled Income Beneficiaries).

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Institutional Pooled Income Fund Information

Access the Pooled Income Information page (Contributor Relations, Prospect Management, Planned Giving, Pooled Income Funds, Pooled Income Information).


Click the View link to open the attachment in a new window. Click the Add Attachment button to upload a new attachment from within the component.

Click to jump to parent topicWorking with a Planned Giving Profile

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Work with a Planned Giving Profile

Page Name

Definition Name



Planned Giving Profile



  • Contributor Relations, Prospect Management, Planned Giving, Update Planned Giving Profile

  • Contributor Relations, Prospect Management, Planned Giving, View Planned Giving Profile

Summarize information about a constituent's participation as a prospective or actual donor of a planned gift.

Bequest Detail


Click a Bequest link on the Planned Giving Profile page.

View additional information about a bequest, including any assets, codicils, installments, or comments.

Trust Detail


Click a Trust link on the Planned Giving Profile page.

View information about a trust and its beneficiaries.

Gift Annuity Detail


Click a Gift Annuity link on the Planned Giving Profile page.

View information about a gift annuity, its account information, and its beneficiaries.

Pooled Income Fund Detail


Click a Pooled Income Fund link on the Planned Giving Profile page.

View detailed information about a donor's portion of a pooled income fund.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing a Planned Giving Profile

Access the Planned Giving Profile page (Contributor Relations, Prospect Management, Planned Giving, Update Planned Giving Profile).

Initial Request Date

Enter the date on which the donor first inquired about a planned gift.

Initial Response Date

Enter the date on which your institution responded to the donor's request for information.

PG Status (planned giving status)

Select a planned giving status. Values include Prospect, Suspect, In Discussion, Proposal Pending, and Donor.

Values for this field are delivered with the system as translate values. You can modify these translate values.

Include on PG Mailing List (include on planned giving mailing list)

Select to include the donor in your institution's planned giving mailing list.

Planned Gift Name

Click any linked name to view its specifics on the appropriate detail page.


This check box is selected if the planned gift is not able to be retracted by the donor and is marked as irrevocable on the Trust or Gift Annuity page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Bequest Details

Access the Bequest Detail page (Click a Bequest link on the Planned Giving Profile page).

All group boxes are collapsible and expandable. If a group box is collapsed upon entering the page, it has no data. You can print this page using your browser's print functionality. The fields on this page are the same as those in the Bequest Details component.

Click the View link in the Attachments group box to open the attachment in a new window.

See Tracking Bequests.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Trust Details

Access the Trust Detail page (Click a Trust link on the Planned Giving Profile page).

All group boxes are collapsible and expandable. If a group box is collapsed upon entering the page, it has no data. You can print this page using your browser's print functionality. The fields on this page are the same as those in the Trust Details component.

Click the View link in the Attachments group box to open the attachment in a new window.

See Tracking Trusts.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Gift Annuity Details

Access the Gift Annuity Detail page (Click a Gift Annuity link on the Planned Giving Profile page).

All group boxes are collapsible and expandable. If a group box is collapsed upon entering the page, it has no data. You can print this page using your browser's print functionality. The fields on this page are the same as those in the Gift Annuity Details component.

Click the View link in the Attachments group box to open the attachment in a new window.

See Tracking Gift Annuities.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Pooled Income Fund Details

Access the Pooled Income Fund Detail page (Click a Pooled Income Fund link on the Planned Giving Profile page).

All group boxes are collapsible and expandable. If a group box is collapsed upon entering the page, it has no data. You can print this page using your browser's print functionality. The fields on this page are the same as those in the Pooled Income Details component.

Click the View link in the Attachments group box to open the attachment in a new window.

See Tracking Pooled Income Funds.