Analyzing Giving History

This chapter discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicAnalyzing Donor History

You can track information about a donor's giving patterns and giving history. The system uses information you enter when you create gift and pledge transactions, then summarizes it on a series of pages.

This section lists common elements and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCommon Elements Used in This Section

Session Type

Select a session type from the prompt box. Valid session types include Gift, Pledge, Member, Gift Adjustment, Pledge Adjustment, and Member Adjustment. If you do not select a session type, the Commitment Register or Transaction Register page displays gift, pledge, and membership sessions. Adjustment sessions only appear if the View Adjustments check box is selected or if specifically selected in this field. Session types are delivered with the system as translate values. Do not modify these translate values in any way. Any modifications to these values will require a substantial programming effort.

Self Service Session

Enables users to filter for commitment or transaction registers created as a result of an Involvement self-service session.

Credit Type

Select the credit type for which to view information. Credit type refers to the type of credit the donor received for the commitment, such as Hard Credit, Soft Credit, and Vehicle Credit. Credit types, other than hard, are defined by your institution.


If you only want to view transactions that equal a specific amount, enter that amount.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Analyze Giving History

Page Name

Definition Name



Giving Profile



  • Contributor Relations, Analyze Giving History, Person Giving Summaries, Giving Profile

  • Contributor Relations, Analyze Giving History, Workset Giving Summaries, Giving Profiles - Workset

View a summary of a donor's giving history.

Giving Profile Org - Giving Profile (giving profile organization - giving profile)


Contributor Relations, Analyze Giving History, Organization Giving Summaries, Giving Profile - Org

View a summary of an organization's giving history.

Commitment Summary




  • Contributor Relations, Analyze Giving History, Person Giving Summaries, Commitment Summary

  • Contributor Relations, Analyze Giving History, Organization Giving Summaries, Commitment Summary - Org

  • Contributor Relations, Analyze Giving History, Workset Giving Summaries, Commitment Summary - Workset

View information about a donor's total commitments and summaries of a donor's giving history by fiscal year.

Commitment Summary Details


Click the Details link on the Commitment Summary page.

View information about a commitment.

Account Details


Click the Designation Name link on the Commitment Summary Details page.

View information about the designation and account for a specific commitment.

Transaction Register


Click the Details link on the Commitment Summary Details page.

View information about how a transaction is allocated to a designation.

Commitment Register Filter


  • Contributor Relations, Analyze Giving History, Person Giving Summaries, Commitment Register, Commitment Register Filter

  • Contributor Relations, Analyze Giving History, Workset Giving Summaries, Commitment Register - Workset, Commitment Register Filter

Select criteria used to narrow the number of transactions you view on the Commitment Register page.

Commitment Register


  • Contributor Relations, Analyze Giving History, Person Giving Summaries, Commitment Register, Commitment Register

  • Contributor Relations, Analyze Giving History, Workset Giving Summaries, Commitment Register - Workset, Commitment Register

View the transactions that match the criteria you set on the Commitment Register Filter page.

Transaction Filter




  • Contributor Relations, Analyze Giving History, Person Giving Summaries, Transaction Register, Transaction Filter

  • Contributor Relations, Analyze Giving History, Organization Giving Summaries, Transaction Register - Org, Transaction Filter

  • Contributor Relations, Analyze Giving History, Workset Giving Summaries, Transaction Register - Workset, Transaction Filter

Select criteria used to narrow the number of transactions you view on the Transaction Register page.

Transaction Register




  • Contributor Relations, Analyze Giving History, Person Giving Summaries, Transaction Register, Transaction Register

  • Contributor Relations, Analyze Giving History, Organization Giving Summaries, Transaction Register - Org, Transaction Register

  • Contributor Relations, Analyze Giving History, Workset Giving Summaries, Transaction Register - Workset, Transaction Register

View the transactions that meet the criteria you selected on the Transaction Filter page.

Adjust Gift Detail


  • Select the View Adjustments check box on the Commitment Register Filter or Transaction Filter page.

  • Click the Details link on the Commitment Register or Transaction Register page for an adjusted gift.

View detailed information about an adjusted gift.

Adjust Pledge Detail


  • Select the View Adjustments check box on the Commitment Register Filter or Transaction Filter page.

  • Click the Details link on the Commitment Register or Transaction Register page for an adjusted pledge.

View detailed information about an adjusted pledge.

Profile Compare


Contributor Relations, Analyze Giving History, Workset Giving Summaries, Giving Profile Compare

Compare the information contained in giving profiles for the constituents in a workset.

Profile Compare Columns


Click the Profile Compare Columns button on the Profile Compare page.

Change the columns of information to view on the Profile Compare page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing a Donor's Giving Profile

Access the Giving Profile page (Contributor Relations, Analyze Giving History, Person Giving Summaries, Giving Profile).

Important! You must run the Accumulate Constituent Totals process when processing sessions or after updating matching gift information to ensure that the totals on this page are accurate.

Lifetime Information

Lifetime Commitments

Displays the total amount of money ever donated or pledged by the donor.

Click to view the date, gift type, credit type, and amount for each commitment made, by business unit, on the Lifetime Commitments page.

Lifetime Open Pledges

Displays the total amount of money promised but not yet donated by the donor.

Click to view the date, gift type, credit type, and amount for each outstanding pledge on the Lifetime Open Pledges page.

Largest Pledge

Displays the amount of the largest pledge commitment the donor has made.

Click to view detailed information about the pledge on the Largest Pledge page, and to access the Designation Detail and Recognition Detail pages.

Lifetime Gifts/Payment

Displays the total amount of money ever donated by the donor. This amount only includes money actually received, and excludes outstanding pledges.

Click to view the date, gift type, credit type, and amount for each gift given on the Lifetime Gifts and Pledge Payments page.

Largest Gift

Displays the amount of the largest gift given by the donor.

Click to view detailed information about the largest gift on the Largest Gift page, and to access the Designation Detail, Matching Gifts, and Recognition Detail pages.

Lifetime Hard Credits

Displays the total amount of hard credit given to the donor for recognition purposes.

Click to view the date, gift type, credit type, and amount for each transaction for which the donor received hard recognition credit on the Lifetime Hard Credits page.

Historical Information

Total YTD Giving

Displays the total amount of money donated by the constituent during the current fiscal year.

Click to view the date, gift type, credit type, and amount for each gift given during the current fiscal year on the Total Year to Date Giving page.

Total Prior Year Giving

Displays the total amount of money donated by the constituent during the previous fiscal year.

Click to view the date, gift type, credit type, and amount for each gift given during the prior fiscal year on the Total Prior Year Giving page.

Last Gift Date

Displays the date on which the donor's most recent gift was posted in the system. Only hard credit recognition is used to calculate this field.

Click to view detailed information about the largest gift on the Last Gift Date page, and to access the Designation Detail and Recognition Detail pages.

Last Gift Amount

Displays the amount of the donor's most recent gift.

First Gift Year

Displays the year in which the donor first gave to your institution. Only hard credit recognition is used to calculate this field.

Total Years Giving

Displays the total number of years in which the donor has given to your institution.

Consecutive Years Giving

Displays the total number of consecutive years in which the donor has given to your institution. The value in this field resets to zero if more than one year has passed since the donor's most recent gift. Only hard credit recognition is used to calculate this field.

Additional Information

Split Recognition

If selected, indicates that recognition has been split between this donor and another donor for the same gift.


If selected, indicates that the Anonymous check box is selected on the Gift Entry page for a gift from this donor.

Gift Tribute

If selected, indicates that the donor has made at least one commitment to the institution in honor of or in memory of another person.


If selected, indicates that the donor has a relationship established in the system with a foundation. Foundations must have a constituent type of Corporate Foundation, Foundation, or Personal, Family/Foundation.

Planned Giving Donor

If selected, indicates that the donor has made a commitment through a deferred gift tracked in Planned Giving under Prospect Management.

Matching Gift Information

Lifetime Match

Displays the total amount of money ever received as a matching gift and currently expected as a match from a qualifying organization as a result of the donor's gifts.

Matched Gifts

If you are viewing a giving profile for a donor that is a person, displays the amount that has been received as a matching gift from a qualifying organization as a result of the donor's gifts.

Open Matches

Displays the total amount of matching gifts expected from an organization as a result of the donor's gifts.

Last Match

If you are viewing a giving profile for a donor that is a person, displays the amount of the last matching gift received from a qualifying organization as a result of the donor's gift.

Other Page Elements

View Details By Designation

Select this check box if you want to view commitments to each designation separately on the dialog boxes you access from this page. If you want each transaction to appear as one record, regardless of the designations it is allocated to, clear this check box. If you select this check box, the business unit for each designation appears on the subsequent inquiry page.

Giving Club Progress

Click to view information about a donor's progression through giving clubs and various club levels at your institution. The Giving Club Progress page appears.

See Also

Tracking Giving Club Progress

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing an Organization's Giving Profile

Access the Giving Profile page (Contributor Relations, Analyze Giving History, Organization Giving Summaries, Giving Profile - Org).

Important! You must run the Accumulate Constituent Totals process when processing sessions or after updating matching gift information to ensure that the totals on this page are accurate.

Lifetime Information

Lifetime Commitments

Displays the total amount of money ever donated or pledged by the organization.

Click to view the date, gift type, credit type, and amount for each commitment made on the Lifetime Commitments page.

Lifetime Open Pledges

Displays the total amount of money promised but not yet donated by the organization.

Click to view the date, gift type, credit type, and amount for each outstanding pledge on the Lifetime Open Pledges page.

Largest Pledge

Displays the amount of the largest pledge commitment the organization has made.

Click to view detailed information about the pledge on the Largest Pledge page, and to access the Designation Detail and Recognition Detail pages.

Lifetime Gifts/Payment

Displays the total amount of money ever donated by the organization. This amount only includes money actually received, and excludes outstanding pledges.

Click to view the date, gift type, credit type, and amount for each gift given on the Lifetime Gifts and Pledge Payments page.

Largest Gift

Displays the amount of the largest gift given by the organization.

Click to view detailed information about the largest gift on the Largest Gift page, and to access the Designation Detail, Matching Gifts, and Recognition Detail pages.

Lifetime Hard Credits

Displays the total amount of hard credit given to the organization for recognition purposes.

Click to view the date, gift type, credit type, and amount for each transaction for which the donor received hard recognition credit on the Lifetime Hard Credits page.

Historical Information

Total YTD Giving

Displays the total amount of money donated by the organization during the current fiscal year.

Click to view the date, gift type, credit type, and amount for each gift given during the current fiscal year on the Total Year to Date Giving page.

Total Prior Year Giving

Displays the total amount of money donated by the organization during the previous fiscal year.

Click to view the date, gift type, credit type, and amount for each gift given during the prior fiscal year on the Total Prior Year Giving page.

Last Gift Date

Displays the date on which the organization's most recent gift was posted in the system. Only hard credit recognition is used to calculate this field.

Click to view detailed information about the largest gift on the Last Gift Date page, and to access the Designation Detail and Recognition Detail pages.

Last Gift Amount

Displays the amount of the organization's most recent gift.

First Gift Year

Displays the year in which the organization first gave to your institution. Only hard credit recognition is used to calculate this field.

Total Years Giving

Displays the total number of years in which the organization has given to your institution. Only hard credit recognition is used to calculate this field.

Consecutive Years Giving

Displays the total number of consecutive years in which the organization has given to your institution. The value in this field resets to zero if more than one year has passed since the organization's most recent gift. Only hard credit recognition is used to calculate this field.

Additional Information

Split Recognition

If selected, indicates that recognition has been split between this organization and another constituent for the same gift.


If selected, indicates that the Anonymous check box is selected on the Gift Entry page for a gift from this organization.

Gift Tribute

If selected, indicates that the donor has made a gift in memory of or in honor of another individual.


If selected, indicates that the organization has a relationship established in the system with a foundation. Foundations must have a constituent type of Corporate Foundation, Foundation, or Personal, Family/Foundation.

Matching Gift Information

Lifetime Match

Displays the total amount of money ever received as matching gifts and currently expected as a match as a result of gifts from donors connected to the organization.

Open Matches

Displays the total amount of matching gifts expected from an organization as a result of gifts from donors connected to the organization.

YTD Match (year to date match)

Displays the total amount of matching gifts received from the beginning of the current year to date.

Prev Yr Match (previous year match)

Displays the total amount of the matching gifts in the previous year.

Other Page Elements

View Details By Designation

Select this check box to view commitments to each designation separately on the dialog boxes you access from this page. If you want each transaction to appear as one record, regardless of the designations it is allocated to, clear this check box.

Giving Club Progress

Click to view information about a donor's progression through giving clubs and various club levels at your institution on the Giving Club Progress page.

See Also

Tracking Giving Club Progress

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing a Donor's Commitment Summary

Access the Commitment Summary page (Contributor Relations, Analyze Giving History, Person Giving Summaries, Commitment Summary).

Important! You must run the Accumulate Constituent Totals process when processing sessions or after updating matching gift information to ensure that the totals on this page are accurate.

Lifetime Commitments

Displays the total amount of money ever donated or pledged by the donor.

Lifetime Giving

Displays the total amount of money ever donated by the constituent. This amount only includes money actually received, and excludes outstanding pledges.

Total Years Giving

Displays the total number of years in which the donor has given to your institution. Only hard credit recognition is used to calculate this field.


Click to view more detailed information about the commitments a donor made throughout a particular fiscal year on the Commitment Summary Details page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Commitment Summary Details

Access the Commitment Summary Details page (Click the Details link on the Commitment Summary page), where giving information is totaled by designation.

Designation Name

Indicates the allocation account to which the donor made a gift or pledge. Click to open the Account Details page. This page displays the details about the Designation Fund, including Account Name, Account Type, and Item Type.

Total Giving

Displays the total amount in gifts and pledge payments the donor made to this designation during this fiscal year.

Pledge Balance

Displays the total amount in outstanding pledges the donor carries to this designation during this fiscal year.

Recognition Credits

Displays the total amount the donor received in Recognition Credit to this designation during this fiscal year.

Recognition Pledge Balance

Displays the total amount the donor is due to receive in recognition credit from outstanding pledge balances to this designation during this fiscal year.


Click to access the Transaction Register page, where you can view additional information about the commitment.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicFiltering Donor Commitment Registers

Access the Commitment Register Filter page (Contributor Relations, Analyze Giving History, Person Giving Summaries, Commitment Register, Commitment Register Filter) to select the transactions for a donor without regard to split designations.

Note. Each gift appears as a single line item on the Commitment Register page, regardless of the designations to which it is allocated.

After you use the criteria on this page to narrow the number of transactions you want to view, you can then review a summary of each transaction matching your selection criteria on the Commitment Register page.

Business Unit

Enter the business unit for which to view a commitment register.

View Adjustments

Select this check box to include adjusted transactions on the Commitment Register page.

Group Related Transactions

Select this check box to view transactions and their related adjustments, and pledges and their related pledge payments together on the Commitment Register page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Donor Commitment Registers

Access the Commitment Register page (Contributor Relations, Analyze Giving History, Person Giving Summaries, Commitment Register, Commitment Register).


If selected, this check box indicates that the donor's part of a particular gift or pledge has been designated as Anonymous.


If selected, this check box indicates that a particular gift or pledge has related tribute information.


Click to open the Gift Detail or Pledge Detail page, depending on the type of transaction you are viewing.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicFiltering Donor Transaction Registers

Access the Transaction Filter page (Contributor Relations, Analyze Giving History, Person Giving Summaries, Transaction Register, Transaction Filter) to select transactions for a donor.

Note. If one commitment is allocated to multiple designations, each designation appears as a separate line item on the Transaction Register page.

You can limit the number of transactions you can view, then view summaries of each transaction matching your selection criteria on the Transaction Register page.

Business Unit

Enter the designation business unit for which to view transactions. Designation business units are assigned when you allocate transactions to designations at your institution.


Enter a designation code from the prompt box containing a list of designations for the selected business unit. When you select a designation, its description appears to the right of this field.

If a donor made a commitment to a designation that is now inactive, the designation still appears as a value in the prompt box.


Select a campaign from the prompt box containing all the valid campaign initiatives at your institution. A campaign is an organized institutional effort targeted to a specific constituency that occurs over a specified period of time with specific purposes and goals.

View Adjustments

Select this check box to include adjusted transactions on the Transaction Register page.

Group Related Transactions

Select this check box to view transactions and their related adjustments, and pledges and their related pledge payments together on the Transaction Register page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Donor Transaction Registers

Access the Transaction Register page (Contributor Relations, Analyze Giving History, Person Giving Summaries, Transaction Register, Transaction Register).


If selected, this check box indicates that the donor's part of a particular gift or pledge has been designated as Anonymous.

Des BU (designation business unit)

Displays the name of the designation business unit to which the commitment was allocated.


If selected, this check box indicates that a particular gift or pledge has related tribute information.


Click to open the Gift Detail or Pledge Detail page, depending on the type of transaction you are viewing.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicComparing Profiles In a Workset

Access the Profile Compare page (Contributor Relations, Analyze Giving History, Workset Giving Summaries, Giving Profile Compare).

Note. This page can only be accessed through the Workset menu. Column order for grids may vary by implementation. Not all columns may appear.

Profile Compare Columns

Click to change the columns you view on this page in this instance. The Select Profile Compare Columns page appears.

Select the check box next to each field to display it as a column on the Profile Compare page, then click the OK button. The Profile Compare page reappears with the column settings you selected.

Note. These fields are defined on the Giving Profile page.

Click to combine the Giving Detail 1 and Giving Detail 2 tabs into a single viewable grid.

See Also

Defining Contributor Relations User Defaults

Click to jump to parent topicGenerating Designation Donor Reports

This section discusses how to generate reports that list donors to a specific designation.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Generate Designation Donor Reports

Page Name

Definition Name



Designation Donor List


Contributor Relations, CR Reports, Giving Reports, Designation Donor List

Enter parameters and generate the Designation Donor List report. This report contains information about the posted commitments made to a particular designation.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRunning a Designation Donor List Report

Access the Designation Donor List page (Contributor Relations, CR Reports, Giving Reports, Designation Donor List).

Designation BU (designation business unit)

Enter the designation business unit for which to generate a report. The report contains information about commitments to the business unit and designation you select.


Select the designation for which to view commitments. Designations are funds at your institution to which donations and pledges can be allocated. The report contains information about commitments made to the designation you select. The values in the prompt include those designations for the setID related to the business unit selected.

Both active and inactive designations appear in the prompt for this field.

From and To

Note. If you do not select a date range, the system does not eliminate any records from the designation donor list report based on date range.

From Gift Amount and To Gift Amount

Note. These fields relate to an individual gift range. Higher gift totals may appear on the generated report because the report calculates an individual's cumulative giving.


Select the type of constituents whose commitments you want to view on the report. The values that appear in this field are the valid constituent types defined at your institution. Examples of constituents are Alumni, Friend, Corporation, and so on.

If you do not select constituent types, the system does not eliminate any records from the designation donor list report based on constituent type.

Important! When you run the report, the row for each donor displays the highest priority constituent type assigned to the donor at the time a commitment was made to the designation. This type may vary from the type you select on this page, but the donor possessed the one you selected at the time the commitment was made.

Keep in mind, an organization can only be assigned one constituent type at any given time.

See Defining Constituent Types.

Credit Type

Select the credit types to view commitment information on the report. Credit type refers to the type of recognition the donor received for the commitment, such as Hard Credit, Soft Credit, and so on. Credit types are defined by your institution using the Recognition Types page.

If you do not select credit types, the system does not eliminate any records from the designation donor list report based on credit type.

The Designation Donor report lists all the commitments made to a particular designation that match the parameters you defined on this page. The From Gift Amount and To Gift Amount fields affect the report processing as follows:


In the following example, Shawn Gallegher makes two commitments to the Annual Fund. He makes the first commitment as a student in October 1995, and the second as an alumnus in October 1998.

Gift Amount

Gift Date

Constituent Type

Credit Type

1,000.00 USD



Soft Credit

2,000.00 USD



Hard Credit

If you set the following report parameters:

Your report would include a 1,000.00 USD gift from Shawn Gallegher with a Constituent Type of Student. The date range excludes his commitment on 10/01/98.

If you set the following parameters:

Your report would include a 1,000.00 USD gift from Shawn Gallegher with a Constituent Type of Student. The Constituent Type excludes his commitment on 10/01/98 because he was an alumnus when he made the commitment.

If you set the following report parameters:

Your report would include a 2,000.00 USD gift from Shawn Gallegher with a Constituent Type of Alumni. The Credit Type excludes his commitment on 10/01/95 because he received soft credit for the commitment.

If you set the following report parameters:

Your report would include a 3,000.00 USD gift from Shawn Gallegher with a Constituent Type of Alumni. Both commitments are included within these parameters, and Alumni is the constituent type returned for Shawn Gallegher because it has the highest priority of the commitments selected.

See Also

Contributor Relations Reports: Selected Reports