Setting Up ID Delete Control

This chapter provides an overview of setting up ID delete control, lists common elements, and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding ID Delete Control

The ID Delete Control feature enables you to define priority data records to prevent users from deleting IDs with data on which others at your institution might rely. With priority data in place, the system will not permit users to delete an ID for which that data exists. A system administrator, or other user with proper security, can review the key data and then, if required, delete the ID.

PeopleSoft delivers predefined ID delete control priority tables and fields for individual and organization IDs. Corresponding messages are preset to appear when you try to delete an ID with data in any of the associated control records and fields.

Note. You should not modify the predefined ID delete controls. You can, however, define additional priority data by adding other records and fields to control the deletion of IDs.

Click to jump to parent topicCommon Elements Used in This Chapter

Record (Table) Name

Displays the name of the record that contains the priority data field.

Field Name

Displays the name of the field that, when data exists in it, prevents the deletion of the ID.

Message Set Number

Enter the set number of the message to display when data exists in the priority data field.

Message Number

Enter the number of the message to display when data exists in the priority data field.

Warning! If you need to create user-configurable messages, create them in Message Sets 20,000-29,000 to prevent the system from overwriting them.

Note. The short description for many message numbers is the same. Review the detailed description associated which each message number in the PeopleTools Message Catalog to determine which message number displays the desired message regarding the specific field.

Click to jump to parent topicControlling the Deletion of Individual IDs

To control the deletion of individual IDs, use the ID Delete Control (ID_DEL_PRVNT_TABLE) component.

This section discusses how to define priority data to control the deletion of individuals IDs.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Control the Deletion of Individual IDs

Page Name

Definition Name



ID Delete Control


  • Set Up SACR, System Administration, Database Processing, ID Delete Control

  • Campus Community, Personal Information, ID Management, ID Delete Control

Define priority data to control the deletion of individual IDs from your database.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Priority Data

Access the ID Delete Control page (Set Up SACR, System Administration, Database Processing, ID Delete Control).

The ID on each of the following control records and the associated messages are delivered predefined as priority data:

Note. The GP_PYE_PRC_STAT and PAY_LINE priority data are used in HRMS.

You should not delete any of the rows of predefined control records. Keep these as your base ID delete control records for individual IDs and define additional priority data as necessary.

To define an additional control record, or to add an additional field from the same record, click the Plus button at the level where you want to add it. The system enters a new row and renumbers the sequence of control records. Select the record name, field name, and message data. The new row is not added until you click Save.

Click to jump to parent topicControlling the Deletion of Organization IDs

To control the deletion of organization IDs, use the Organization Delete Control (ORG_DEL_PRVN_TABLE) component.

This section discusses how to define priority data to control the deletion of organization IDs.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Control the Deletion of Organization IDs

Page Name

Definition Name



Organization ID Delete Control


Campus Community, Organization, Define Organization Data, Organization ID Delete Control

Define priority data to control the deletion of organization IDs in your database.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Priority Data

Access the Organization ID Delete Control page (Campus Community, Organization, Define Organization Data, Organization ID Delete Control).

The ID field on each of the following control records and the associated messages are delivered predefined as priority data:

You can delete any of the rows of predefined control records. However, you should keep these as your base ID delete control records for organization IDs and define additional priority data as necessary.

To define additional priority data rows, click Add. The system adds a new row at the bottom of the page. Select the record name, field name, and message data. The new row is not added until you click Save.