Setting Up FERPA Privacy Control

The FERPA privacy control functionality is named for the U.S. Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act regulation. However, anyone can use the functionality to set privacy controls in PeopleSoft Campus Solutions.

This section provides an overview of FERPA privacy control and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding FERPA Privacy Control

To comply with FERPA, you must, at minimum, make directory information available for privacy control. You must review the FERPA_VW records in your system and configure them to reflect the type of information that your institution uses as directory information.

The fields shipped on each FERPA_VW record that is delivered with your system, are examples of that type of directory information.

Note. No examples are shipped for the extracurricular activities view record (ACTVTS_FERPA_VW).

If the shipped examples do not reflect your institution's directory information, you should modify the relevant FERPA_VW records and other objects to adjust the data accordingly.

You can specify additional fields on existing FERPA_VW records to include more information within the same FERPA-controlled category (address, names, personal information, and so on).

You can also use PeopleSoft Application Designer (see your PeopleTools documentation) to do the following:

Create and add new FERPA_VW records to add new categories to your system's FERPA control. You must create a FERPA_VW record for each new category and modify the following to accommodate the new record:

Remove a field from the FERPA pages. You must also modify the view text on the appropriate pages.

Warning! Removing name, address, phone, and email fields from FERPA views will affect the directory listings in PeopleSoft Campus Self Service Community Directory. You might need to modify the directory load process.

See Also

Managing FERPA Privacy Control

Using Community Directory Search

Click to jump to parent topicMaking Data Available for FERPA Privacy Control

To set up FERPA control, use the FERPA Control component (FERPA_CONTROL).

This section discusses how to make data available for FERPA privacy control.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Make Data Available for FERPA Privacy Control

Page Name

Definition Name



FERPA Control


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Campus Community, Establish People Processing, Setup, FERPA Control

Review or make additional directory data and other information available to FERPA privacy control.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Data for FERPA Privacy Control

Access the FERPA Control page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Campus Community, Establish People Processing, Setup, FERPA Control).

FERPA Restriction Records

Record (Table) Name

Enter the FERPA view record that contains the type of information that your institution uses for directories or that contains additional information that your institution wants to make available for privacy control.

The FERPA_VW records available are defined on the CC_FERPA_SEL_VW record. You can modify the view records.


The system displays the description of FERPA_VW record that you entered.

Control All Values

Click this button to display all of the type-based controlled fields (address, phone, name, and email) from the selected record and make them available for privacy control.

FERPA Restriction Record Fields

Field Name

Enter the name of the field, from the FERPA_VW record, that contains the information to make available for privacy control.

When you select the record (table) name, the fields on that record become available here. If you click the Control All Values button, the system displays all the type-based controlled fields (valid for address, phone, name, and email only). You can delete and add fields to configure them to your institution's needs.


The system displays the description of each field from the FERPA_VW record. You can modify the descriptions here.

These descriptions appear on the FERPA self-service page in PeopleSoft Campus Self Service. If you implement FERPA self-service, you might want to modify these descriptions.

Click to jump to parent topicMaking Publications Available for Privacy Exceptions

To make publications available for privacy exceptions, use the Institution Publications component (INST_PUB_TBL) and the Publication Categories component (INST_CATG_TBL).

This section provides an overview of making publications available for FERPA exceptions and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Publications as Privacy Control Exceptions

You can make publication categories available for exceptions to FERPA privacy restrictions. Students can then elect to permit your institution to release otherwise restricted data for publication in certain types of publications created for your institution. For example, a student might restrict the release of her name, home address, and phone number but permit you to include it in your internal student community directory.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Make Publications Available for Privacy Control Exceptions

Page Name

Definition Name



Institution Publications


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Campus Community, Define Campus Community, Setup, Institution Publications

Create or review codes for each of your institution's publications.

Publication Categories


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Campus Community, Define Campus Community, Setup, Publication Categories

Organize your institution's publications into categories that you can make available for exception to an individual's FERPA restrictions.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating Publication Codes

Access the Institution Publications page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Campus Community, Define Campus Community, Setup, Institution Publications).

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Publication Categories

Access the Publication Categories page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Campus Community, Define Campus Community, Setup, Publication Categories).



Enter the description of the publication category.

Two publication categories are delivered with your system: All Community Directories and Student Community Directories. These are used in PeopleSoft Campus Solutions Self Service. You can add new categories and add publications to the delivered categories, but do not delete the delivered categories.

See Using Community Directory Search.

Institution Publications


Enter the code for the specific publication in this category.

You can add publications to this category on the Institution Publications page.