Assigning and Managing Affiliations

This chapter provides an overview of affiliations and discusses how to:

See Also

Setting Up Affiliations

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Affiliations

Institutions often need to know what relationships a person has with them. They need to be aware of any current or past relationships, as well as any simultaneous relationships. To track these relationships, known as affiliations with an institution, it's important to be able to define affiliations within an affiliation framework. Within this extensible framework, institutions can define hierarchies (such as Student > Undergrad > Engineering) as well as rules for activating or inactivating affiliations.

Affiliations are keyed by institution and are effective-dated; they begin and end, and a person can have multiple, simultaneous affiliations assigned at one time or throughout time. The system notes the user ID and date and time any affiliation is assigned or updated.

Note. The Affiliation feature is a more robust method of tracking a person relationship with the Institution. However, the existing Relations with Institutions functionality in Campus Community will not be replaced with this release.

There are three ways in which affiliations are created and updated:

The Affiliation icon appears on all pages that contain bio/demo data in the system, which enables you to review the details about a person's affiliations with an institution.

See Also

Managing Biographical Information

PeopleSoft Contributor Relations 9.0 PeopleBook, "Managing Constituent Data"

Click to jump to parent topicAdding and Updating Affiliations

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Add and Update Affiliations

Page Name

Definition Name



Add/Update Affiliations


Campus Community, Affiliations, Add/Update Affiliations

Assign or update affiliation codes for a person.

View Affiliations Details


Click the View Details button on the Add/Update Affiliations page.

View affiliations details and history for a person, and update status and descriptors here.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAssigning and Reviewing Affiliations

Access the Add/Update Affiliations page (Campus Community, Affiliations, Add/Update Affiliations).

Affiliation Code

Displays the name of the code assigned to the person. If adding a manual affiliation for a person, choose a code from the list of all available affiliation codes established for the institution.


Displays the description of the affiliation code. Click the link to view information for a specific affiliation code on the Affiliation Definition View page.


Displays the supporting description associated with the Status. Statuses and their descriptions are set up on the Affiliation Status Setup page and are assigned and updated on the page invoked by the View Details button.

Affiliation Ranking

Displays the five-digit rank assigned to the affiliation code. Rankings are set up on the Affiliation Ranking page.

System Maintained

If you select this check box, the system will make all affiliation updates going forward. If you clear this check box, all affiliation updates must be done manually. You can select the option to have the system maintain an affiliation at any time. This selection is accomplished on the page invoked by the View Details button.

Hierarchy Level

Displays the hierarchy level of the specified affiliation code. Click the link to access the Parent Affiliation Details page.

View Details

Click this button to access the View Affiliations Details page, which displays the history of the affiliation code assignment and enables setting the affiliation end date, affiliation status, affiliation status descriptor, and System Maintained check box.

When you click the Save button, the system generates and sends the Constituent Outbound message to any external system that subscribes to it.

See Also

PeopleSoft Campus Solutions Affiliations Developer's Guide, posted to My Oracle Support

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Affiliation Details

Access the View Affiliations Details page (Click the View Details button on the Add/Update Affiliations page).

Affiliation Status

Select the status of the affiliation.

Status Description

Select the supporting description associated with the Affiliation Status. Status Descriptions are set up on the Affiliation Status Setup page.

System Maintained

If you select this check box, the system will make all affiliation updates going forward. If you clear this check box, all affiliation updates must be done manually.

Placed Method

The system displays how the affiliation code was assigned to the person. Options are Manually, Event, or Batch.

The values that appear for the Sponsoring Department and Affiliation Ranking fields are assigned during affiliation setup.

Click to jump to parent topicProcessing Affiliations in Batch

This section discusses how to use batch processing to assign or update affiliations to groups of IDs.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Process Affiliations in Batch

Page Name

Definition Name



Affiliation Batch Processing


Campus Community, Affiliations, Affiliation Batch Processing

Choose processing parameters and run the Batch Affiliations process.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRunning the Affiliations Batch Process

Access the Affiliation Batch Processing page (Campus Community, Affiliations, Affiliation Batch Processing).

ID Selection

ID Selection

Select Person ID or Population Selection.

If you select Person ID, the Person ID field appears. Enter a single ID to assign affiliation code(s).

If you select Population Selection, the Population Selection group box appears. Enter a Selection Tool (either External File or PS Query) and the corresponding values for the fields associated with that selection tool.

See Setting Up the Population Selection Process.

Person ID

Enter the ID for the person you want to evaluate and assign the affiliation(s) specified in the Affiliation Codes group box.

Select Affiliation Code

Affiliation Code Selection

Select One or More Codes, or All Codes. If you select All Codes, the system evaluates all affiliation codes currently available within an institution for the person. Select One or More Codes to specify the exact affiliation code or codes to be evaluated for the person.

Clear Codes

Click this button to remove all codes listed on the page. You can use this button regardless of whether you assign a code to one person or you use Population Selection.

Affiliation Code

Specify the affiliation code(s) to be assigned to the person. If you selected One or More Codes in the Affiliation Code Selection field, enter the specific affiliation codes that you want the system to evaluate to determine if the necessary criteria is met to assign the affiliation code. If you selected All Codes. in the Affiliation Code Selection field, then all affiliation codes available for the institution appear and are evaluated to determine if the criteria is met for each separate affiliation code.

When you click the Run button, the system creates the group of people and runs the SCC_AFL_RUN Application Engine process. The process evaluates the criteria for each affiliation code specified and determines whether an affiliation in the Affiliation Codes group box can be assigned to the specified person IDs or to the group of people created by the Population Selection criteria.

For each ID, the system evaluates whether the person meets the criteria for an affiliation code; if so, the process then applies the affiliation code to that person's record based on the criteria specified for the affiliation. This criteria is specified as part of the affiliation definition in the Application Class field on the Definition page. If the person does not meet the criteria, the process does not assign the affiliation and moves on to evaluate the next potential affiliation for that person or moves to the next person in the group, depending on how you defined the process criteria. For example, if the affiliation criteria expects a person to be a graduate student but the person does not have an assigned academic career of Graduate, then the criteria is not met for that affiliation and the process does not assign the affiliation to the person ID.

For groups created through the Population Selection process, the system evaluates each group member and assigns affiliation codes only to those members who meet the criteria and skips the affiliation codes for which the members do not qualify. The process does not remove expired or invalid codes, but does end date the affiliation. The process ignores manually created affiliation codes, and also ignores manually assigned codes if the System Maintained check box is not selected for that code.

During this process, as each affiliation is assigned to a person, the system publishes a Constituent Outbound message.

When the process is complete, view results on the View Person Affiliations component.

Note. This batch process differs from manual assignment functionality on the Add/Update Affiliations page; the manual process does not require the person to meet any criteria before an affiliation can be created.

See Also

PeopleSoft Campus Solutions Affiliations Developer's Guide, posted to My Oracle Support

Click to jump to parent topicDeleting Affiliations

This section provides an overview of affiliation delete functionality and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Affiliation Delete Functionality

Affiliation delete functionality enables you to select and completely delete affiliations associated with a person or group of people. Administrators have the ability to completely delete an affiliation or multiple affiliations for a specific ID as well as the ability to delete an affiliation or multiple affiliations for a specific population as defined through Population Selection. This functionality is used when there is no need to keep any history associated with the affiliation code and when the decision to simply designate an affiliation code as inactive or deleted is not a viable option.

Note. Instead of deleting an affiliation code, the administrator can assign the affiliation code the status of inactive, which would prevent the relationship (affiliation code) from being used in the future while still maintaining the history that it existed at one time.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Delete Affiliations

Page Name

Definition Name



Affiliation Select Delete Processing


Campus Community, Affiliations, Affiliations Select Delete

Choose processing parameters and run the process to select and then delete affiliation codes.

Delete Affiliations


This page becomes available after you run the SCC_AFL_PRDL Application Engine process on the Affiliation Select Delete Processing page.

Delete ID/Affiliation code pairs that met the filter criteria specified on the Affiliation Select Delete Processing page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSelecting and Deleting Affiliation Codes

Access the Affiliation Select Delete Processing page (Campus Community, Affiliations, Affiliations Select Delete).

ID Selection

ID Selection

Select either Person ID or Population Selection.

If you select Person ID, enter a single ID to list affiliation code(s) associated with this ID. If you select Population Selection, the Population Selection group box appears. Enter a Selection Tool (either External File or PS Query) and the corresponding values for the fields associated with that selection tool.

See Setting Up the Population Selection Process.

Empl ID

Enter the ID for the person for whom you want to delete affiliation code(s).

Additional Filter Criteria

Affiliation Code Selection

Select All Codes or One or More Codes.

If you select All Codes, the system evaluates all affiliation codes currently available within an institution for the person. Select One or More Codes to specify the exact affiliation code or codes to be evaluated for the person.

Affiliation Status

Select the status of the affiliation code you are considering deleting. System-defined affiliation status values are Active, Inactive, or Error.

Clear All Codes

Click this button to remove all affiliation codes listed to be processed as listed in the group box. You can use this button regardless of whether you are referring to a code for one person or you use Population Selection.

Preview Data

This button appears after you click the Run button to run the SCC_AFL_PRDL process that creates the people/affiliation code pairs that meet the criteria specified by the filter. This is the group that can be acted upon to delete affiliations. The Preview Data button is unavailable for selection until the process has been run.

Click the Run button after selecting IDs and applying the additional filter criteria for affiliation codes and affiliation status. When you click the Run button, the system creates the group of people and runs the SCC_AFL_PRDL Application Engine process. The process evaluates each affiliation code specified in the Affiliation Codes to be processed group box with the affiliation status for each ID from the person ID field or from the group of people created by the Population Selection process.

For each ID, the system evaluates whether the person has the affiliation code assigned with the affiliation status as indicated. If the person does not have the affiliation code assigned with the associated status, the process does not include this affiliation code for this person in the list and moves on to evaluate the next potential affiliation code for that person.

For groups created through the Population Selection process, the system evaluates each group member and determines if the ID has the affiliation code assigned with the associated status.

All IDs and affiliation codes that match the criteria appear on the Delete Affiliation page, where the actual ID/Affiliation code pair can be selected for deletion.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDeleting Affiliations Associated With a Person

Access the Delete Affiliations page (Run the SCC_AFL_PRDL Application Engine process on the Affiliation Select Delete Processing page).

All IDs marked for deletion upon clicking the Save button will be saved to a temporary list and the Delete button will appear. Click the Delete button to actually delete the IDs marked for deletion.

Click to jump to parent topicReviewing Affiliations

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Review Affiliations

Page Name

Definition Name



Tabular View


Campus Community, Affiliations, View Person Affiliations, Tabular View

View information for all current and past person affiliations in the system.

Hierarchical View


Campus Community, Affiliations, View Person Affiliations, Hierarchical View

View information for all current and past affiliations for a person in the system, in a tree structure.

Parent Affiliation Details


Click a Hierarchy level link on the Tabular View page, Affiliations tab.

View details about the others levels of the selected affiliation hierarchy.

View Affiliation History


Click the View History button on the Tabular View page, Affiliations tab.

View historical details of the selected affiliation code.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing Affiliation Data in a Tabular View

Access the Tabular View page.

The fields on this page are similar to those on the Add/Update Affiliation page.

Affiliation Code

Click this link to view affiliation setup details on the Affiliation Definition View page.

Hierarchy Level

Click this link to view information about the higher levels of the hierarchy on the Parent Affiliation Details page.

View Details

Click this button to view historical details of the affiliation code on the View Affiliation Details page.

As on the Affiliations tab, click the Affiliation Code link to access the Affiliation Definition View page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing Affiliation Data in a Hierarchical View

Access the Hierarchical View page.

The leaf icons indicate the lowest level of an affiliation hierarchy (in the example above, ALUMNI is a single-level hierarchy). Branch icons indicate that the hierarchy level has children; those children have leaf icons. Click any hyperlink to view the associated affiliation details in a pop-up window on the page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing Affiliation Data Throughout the System

The Affiliation icon appears on all Campus Solutions biographic and demographic data pages. You can access it wherever you find service indicator icons.

Click the icon to access the View Person Affiliation page, which displays all of the active affiliations assigned to that person. The icon appears on pages and subpages throughout Campus Community, as well as pages in other Campus Solutions features where you create and update person records (such as Admissions and Campus Self Service).

Click to jump to parent topicViewing Affiliation Codes

This section discusses how to review affiliation code details.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to View Affiliation Codes

Page Name

Definition Name



Affiliation Codes


Campus Community, Affiliations, View Affiliation Codes

Review all affiliation codes defined for an institution, in a tree view and interactive format.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing Affiliation Code Details

Access the Affiliation Codes page (Campus Community, Affiliations, View Affiliation Codes).

The leaf icons indicate the lowest level of an affiliation hierarchy (in the example above, RECRUITER is a single-level hierarchy). Branch icons indicate that the hierarchy has children; those children have leaf icons.

When you select an affiliation code leaf or branch at any level of the tree, the system expands the tree and displays a pop-up message that provides additional details about the code.

Click to jump to parent topicViewing Affiliation Exceptions

This section discusses how to review and purge affiliation exception messages.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to View Affiliation Exceptions

Page Name

Definition Name



View Affiliation Exception Messages


Campus Community, Affiliations, View Affiliation Exceptions

Review and purge affiliation exception message for constituents, based on a constituent ID or date range.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing and Purging Affiliation Exception Messages

Access the View Affiliation Exception Messages page.

The search functionality on this page enables you to view Affiliation framework exception messages from the SOA log within Campus Community. The PeopleSoft Campus Solutions Affiliations Developer's Guide provides details about the "As of Date" rules that the system follows when applying or ending an affiliation.

Four possible affiliation exception messages can appear on this page:

Message Catalog Text


(14020,159) Constituent doesn't qualify for [affiliation code] and affiliation is not currently active, no action taken

Person does not meet the criteria for the affiliation code, and the affiliation code is not currently active, so no additional action will be taken.

(14020,160) Constituent doesn't qualify for [affiliation code], but it is currently set as active, end dating [affiliation code].

The constituent does not meet the criteria for the affiliation code, but the affiliation code is current set as active. The Affiliation framework will end date the affiliation code.

(14020,161) Constituent qualifies for [affiliation code] and has no active affiliation entry, assign [affiliation code].

The constituent meets the criteria for the affiliation code, and currently does not have the affiliation code set as active. The Affiliation framework will assign the affiliation code.

(14020,162) Constituent qualifies for [affiliation code] and has the affiliation assigned and status set to active, no action.

The constituent meets the criteria for the affiliation code and currently has the affiliation code set as active. The Affiliation framework will take no additional action.

Click the Delete button to erase the message.

Select the Message Detail tab to see further information about the exception message.

See Also

Adding and Updating Affiliations