Setting Up External Awards

This chapter provides an overview of external awards and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding External Awards

This section discusses:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicTypes of External Award Data

In most instances, external awards are already determined for a student by an external entity. However, information about a student's external award must be accounted for and posted to a student's award package to determine the effect on a student's total financial aid package and financial need.

External award or resource data can originate from various sources:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicData Sources and Methods to Obtain External Awards

External award or resource data can be communicated to the financial aid office in various formats and methods:

External award data processing is built around a core set of External Award Staging records that maintain the external award transaction data. Every external award transaction entered is keyed with a set of transaction key values and provided a processing status as it relates to the loading of that transaction into the student award records.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicData Flow of External Awards to Student Award Tables

The following diagram shows a high-level flow of data.

Data flow of external awards to student award tables

Various data sources update the core set of External Award staging tables. After external award data or transactions update the staging tables, a separate External Award Load process is run to determine whether and how the external award data is to update the student award tables. The result of the External Award Load process updates the processing status field maintained for each external award transaction.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSpecial Consideration for Student Financial Payments

The Student Financial and Financial Aid teams need to determine which payments to represent on a student's award package. Then use the External Award process to acknowledge payments, waivers, and third-party credits that have already been posted to a student account. Payments posted to a student account can be defined as a one-to-one mapping to a (Financial Aid) item type or a many-to-one relationship.

To set up the mapping, complete the external award attribute setup outlined in this chapter. Then update the External Award tab on the (Student Financial) Item Type setup table. Run a separate SF External Award process to capture and assess mapped payments and credits to a financial aid item type. The SF External Award process creates external award transactions in the External Award Staging tables.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAwarding Loan Certifications as External Awards

The outcome of the External Award process updates award data in a student award package. A school loan certification request can become a candidate for a type of external award. The External Award process has options to identify the potential awarding of a loan certification request. School loan certifications are the only type of external award that is evaluated for federal need eligibility, based on the type of loan certification request.

Federal Stafford loan certification uses the Related Item Type setup to identify the subsidized and unsubsidized Stafford financial aid item types. The Stafford Loan Certification Awarding process evaluates the student's current federal need and posts the appropriate subsidized and unsubsidized award combination. If the student does not demonstrate need, the process returns an error message that the student is not eligible.

Parent Loan for Undergraduate Students (PLUS) and Alternative school loan certification requests require a single financial aid item type.

Note. Use this option only if your school incorporates the processing of school loan certification request applications in Commonline version 4 (CL4) or Common Record CommonLine (CRC.) Awarding loan certification requests as an external award accomplishes the awarding step within the loan certification process for CL4 or CRC.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up External Award Processing

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Set Up External Award Processing

Page Name

Definition Name



External Award Type


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Financial Aid, External Awards, Define External Award Types, External Award Type

Define external award types.

External Award Source


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Financial Aid, External Awards, Define External Award Sources, External Award Source

Define external award sources.

External Award Cross Reference


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Financial Aid, External Awards, Item Type Cross Reference, External Award Cross Reference

Cross-reference external award attributes to financial aid item types.

Use if a financial aid item type is not defined on an external award transaction. Use cross-reference setup to map Student Financial payments to a financial aid item type award.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining External Award Types

Access the External Award Type page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Financial Aid, External Awards, Define External Award Types, External Award Type).

The external award type is a high-level description of the type of external award to be processed. External award type is completely user-defined. Definitions help with categorizing and reporting external award data collected.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining External Award Sources

Access the External Award Source page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Financial Aid, External Awards, Define External Award Sources, External Award Source).

Use this page to define the sources of external awards, such as your state, other departments at your institution, your Human Resources department, Student Financials, or a general category of student-reported awards. A unique program code can be further defined within an external award source code. These attributes are completely user-defined. Use the definitions to categorize and report collected external award data.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCross-Referencing External Award Attributes to Financial Aid Item Types

Access the External Award Cross Reference page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Financial Aid, External Awards, Item Type Cross Reference, External Award Cross Reference).

Use this page to map Type and Source values that you entered on the External Award Type page and the External Award Source page to an existing financial aid item type. You can map many external awards with similar attributes to the same financial aid item type. For example, a school can combine several outside scholarship programs in a single financial aid item type. The external award attributes may differ, but all map to the same financial aid item type.

Note. If mapping many to one financial aid item type, ensure that the reporting code is Append. This ensures that the financial aid item type award represents a comprehensive total.

The Student Financial External Awards process uses the cross-reference mapping and external award attributes mapped on the Student Financial item type setup to determine which (SF) payments to process and report as external award transactions.

Award Type

Select an award type that you entered on the External Award Type page.


Select an award source that you entered on the External Award Source page.

Program Code

(Optional) Use depending on the granularity of detail that you need in order to map an external award to a financial aid item type. Select an award source program code that you entered on the External Award Source setup page.

Item Type

Select the financial aid item type to associate with this row's type and source combination. Different combinations of external award attributes can be mapped to the same item type. For example, you could categorize several outside scholarships with their own combination of type, source, and program code. However, each combination would map to a single item type for award posting.

Note. If you are mapping several attribute combinations to a single item type, each external award transaction must have a reporting code of Append to ensure that the correct added amount is posted.

Self Service

Select the check box for each row of information that should appear for the student on the Report Aid from Other Sources Self Service pages. In Self Service, students can then select the award type from a drop-down list box. If an award does not appear in a drop-down list box, the student can enter the award in free form.

See Setting Up Financial Aid Self-Service.

Click to jump to parent topicDefining Search and Match Criteria

This section discusses how to define search and match criteria for the External Award Load process.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Define Search and Match Criteria

Page Name

Definition Name



External Award Search Match Rules


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Financial Aid, External Awards, Search Match Rules, External Award Search/Match Rules

Define search and match criteria for use by the External Award Load process.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Search and Match Criteria for the External Award Load Process

Access the External Award Search Match Rules page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Financial Aid, External Awards, Search Match Rules, External Award Search/Match Rules).

The External Award Stage process uses the Search/Match utility when running the External Load for an external file. You create your own search/match rules and search/match parameters for each File Mapping definition. The process determines whether an existing ID matches a transaction identified within an external award data file. Each external award data file must be related to a File Mapping definition defined within the File Parser utility.

The following table lists the search fields specific to External Award Stage processing that are relevant when you are defining search/match rules.

External Award Stage Fields

Search Rule

Search Field

National ID



Last Name



First Name



Date of Birth



Middle Name



See Setting Up Search/Match.

No Match Found

Select Suspend or Ignore as the action for the External Award Load process to take when no match is found.

Match(es) Found

Starting from the lowest search order, select Update, Suspend, or Ignore as the action for the External Award Load process to take when a match is found. In this example, 10 is the lowest and most restrictive search rule.

See Also

Setting Up Search/Match

Click to jump to parent topicPlanning for File Parser and External Award Processing

Use the File Parser utility to map external award data files and convert data to the External Award staging tables. The delivered External Award context definition defines the target External Award staging tables, fields, and mapping action. Use this section to determine how to create File Parser mapping definitions for external award processing.

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUsing the Context Definition

The context definition identifies the target table that the File Parser populates with external data. A context definition identifies the hierarchy of the target record structure and fields available to be mapped and updated. Your Campus Solution database is provided with the context definition for the External Award process. The External Award context definition contains the External Award Stage records and fields, which are the target records for mapping any external data file for the External Award process. Do not change any record or fields defined in the External Award context definition unless you need to reduce the number of fields that are visible for mapping.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUsing the File Mapping Definition

Use the File Mapping Definition component to map and define a data file to be converted to target staging tables. The key element in a File Mapping definition is the context definition to be referenced. After you identify the context definition, identify the external data file layout. The external fields are then mapped to the available target records and fields.

Use the File Definition tab to identify the context definition and general attributes of the data file to be processed. Use the External Award Load context definition for external files that contain data that you want to convert and update the external award staging tables. If your external file has multiple row types, then only identify the row types that have data that you want to convert.

Use the File Layout tab to identify the external file fields and format.

Use the Mapping tab to define how the target staging table and fields are updated when the external file is processed. For example, your external file probably contains a field comparable to the required SFA_EA_REPORT_CD field on the staging table record SFA_EASTAGE_DTL. On the Mapping tab for this field, set the Mapping Action field to Default Value and enter A=Append, R=Replace, or N=New. When the external file is processed, the SFA_EA_REPORT_CD field is then populated with that value.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing the External Award Staging Tables

The record layout and field definitions describe the External Award staging tables. The layout also identifies which fields are visible for mapping in the File Parser Mapping Definition component. The four records are:

External Award Stage Header Record and Fields

This is the parent record to the SFA_EASTAGE_DTL and SFA_ESTAGE_DSB records.

Field Name


Visible for Mapping



Transaction number


Key assigned by the system.


Transaction date


Assigned by the File Staging process.


Process instance



Transaction source


Assigned by the system. 01 = Manual Entry, 02 = External Data file, 03 = Loan Certification file (not currently used), 04 = Student Financials Feed, 05 = Self Service.


User ID


Assigned by the File Staging process.


File mapping ID


Assigned by the system.


File name


Assigned by the File Staging process.


School code


Not currently used.

Context Definition is Visible for Mapping.


Transaction student count


Field exists on the SFA_EASTAGE_CNT record. If mapped, the field is used to capture source transaction student count.


Transaction award total


Field exists on the SFA_EASTAGE_CNT record. If mapped, the field is used to capture source transaction award total.


Actual count


Number of row counts in SFA_EASTAGE_DTL when source is external file.


Actual total


Sum of awards in SFA_EASTAGE_DT, when source is external file.


File read status


Assigned by the File Staging process.


Packaging status


Error number. Assigned by File Staging process.

External Award Stage Detail Record and Fields

This is the child record to the SFA_EASTAGE_HDR record.

Field Name


Visible for Mapping



Transaction number


Key assigned by the system


Sequence number


Key assigned by the system


National ID


Available as a Search/Match element. If EMPLID is provided, the Search/Match routine is bypassed.


Date of birth


Available as a Search/Match element. If EMPLID is provided, the Search/Match routine is bypassed.


Last name


Available as a Search/Match element. If EMPLID is provided, the Search/Match routine is bypassed.


First name


Available as a Search/Match element. If EMPLID is provided, the Search/Match routine is bypassed


Middle name


Available as a Search/Match element. If EMPLID is provided, the Search/Match routine is bypassed.


Employee ID


If EMPLID is provided, then Search/Match parameters are bypassed during the External Award Load process.


Academic Institution



Aid Year



Academic Career


(Optional) The External Award Load process uses an active career, as determined from the FA Term record for the student ID. If the student has multiple careers within one aid year, the External Award Load process errors out with a message indicating that the student has more than one active career. If you are running the External Award Load process from batch, you can allow the External Award Load process to post an external award transaction to the first active career found.


Processing Status


The processing status of the External Award transaction:

  • Unprocessed: All transactions start with this value except student-reported aid (Self Service).

  • Processed: Indicates a successful External Award Load.

  • Error:

  • Adjusted: Assigned as a result of Multi-Career batch option, Term Mismatch batch option, or a reduction by the Engine (in the case of a loan certification request).

  • Duplicate: Assigned during EA Load. If the reporting code is New and the student's award package already has Financial Aid Item Type posted, the External Award Load process returns Duplicate. The status can also be changed manually to Duplicate.

  • Suspend: Based on the Search/Match option.

  • Skip: Based on the Search/Match option, Multi-Career batch option, or Term Mismatch batch option.

  • In Progress: Assigned to transactions selection for a particular External Award Load process. Thus, if the program terminates during processing, batch transactions remain at this status. Change the value manually for the batch to be selected again by the External Award Load process.

  • Reported: Assigned to all new External Awards with data source of Self Service.


Date/Time Processed



External Award Type


(Optional) If no financial aid item type is provided, then external award attributes of Type, Source, or Program code are reviewed against External Award Cross-Reference item type setup.


External Award Source


(Optional) If no financial aid item type is provided, then external award attributes of Type, Source, or Program code are reviewed against External Award Cross-Reference item Type setup.


External Award Program Code




Loan Certification


(Optional) Indicates external award data is based on a Loan Certification Request. If yes, then a corresponding Related Item Type Group or Item Type value must be identified. If yes, Reporting Code becomes New by default.

See Awarding Loan Certifications as External Awards.


Reporting Code


(Required) Determines how transaction data is posted to a student's award package:

  • New: If item type to be posted already exists, the External Award Load process sets the transaction to Error. This is used ideally for external awards reported once each aid year.

  • Replace: The default value when you are entering transactions manually. Use this value to change existing annual and disbursement details of an award. If item type to be posted does not already exist, the External Award Load process treats transaction as if Reporting Code value were New. Be careful when using the Replace value and providing only term amount details. See NET_AWARD_AMT field to understand how field amount is determined.

  • Append: Use this value to add an amount to an existing award. Append transactions can increase the annual award amounts for specific disbursement IDs. If item type to be posted does not already exist, the External Award Load process treats the transaction as if Reporting Code is New.


Item Type


If this field is blank, the External Award Load process uses the External Award Item Type Cross Reference setup to determine the item type to be added or updated.


Related Item Group


Available only when Loan Certification equals Yes. This value is intended to determine Stafford eligibility. The Related Item Type group should identify both Subsidized and Unsubsidized Stafford item types.

See Awarding Loan Certifications as External Awards.




(Optional) Enter a 30-character award description. The description is displayed in Self Service.


Disbursement Plan


(Optional) If provided, the disbursement plan (DP) is used. If the disbursement plan is not provided, the default DP from the item type's career default DP/Split Code (SC) is used. If no default DP/SC is defined for career, a DP/SC is used from the student's term enrollment. If a DP/SC is not found, External Award Load errors out the transaction.

For Replace/Append transactions, this must be the same value used on the posted (noncanceled) award. A Split code does not need to be provided if a Disbursement Plan code exists. Providing only a Disbursement Plan code allows the External Award Load process to establish the term disbursement structure and define the specific distribution based on amounts provided in transaction.


Split Code


(Optional) If provided, this split code is used to determine the disbursement split formula. Split code is set to XX if disbursement data is provided on the External Award transaction.


Net Award Amount


(Optional) The annual amount to be posted. If scheduled disbursement amounts are provided, the cumulative scheduled disbursement amounts must equal the net award amount. If this field is blank, and scheduled disbursement detail is provided, then the net award amount is assigned the sum of scheduled disbursement amounts.


Disbursed Amount


(Optional) The total disbursed amount to be posted. If disbursement detail amounts are provided, the cumulative amounts must equal the disbursed amount. If this field is blank and disbursement detail is provided, then disbursed amount is assigned the sum of the disbursement detail amounts.

Note. The disbursed amount on the posted award is updated only when the disburse method for the item type is No.


Paid Status


(Optional) Indicates that the annual amount has been fully paid to the student. If you select Yes, the annual disbursed amount is equal to the net award amount.

Note. The disbursed amount on the posted award is updated only when the Disburse method for the item type is No.


Adjustment Reason


(Optional) Use this 3-character field to capture additional information. Any data mapped to this field is visible when you are viewing external award transaction data.


Ineligibility Reason Code


(Optional) Use this 3-character field to capture additional information. Any data mapped to this field is visible when you are viewing external award transaction data.


Suspense Reason


1-character suspense code. Currently not being used.


Load Error Code


External Award Load Error Message codes are maintained in the Message Catalog/Message Set Number = 14402/Message Set range 600s.


Self Service Visible Code


Yes/No. This field is available on the Award Detail component for each external award transaction. Select Yes to show the DESCRLONG value as award detail in Self Service.


Financial Aid Type


Used by External Award Load process to evaluate award posting.




Used with the SFA_EA_SS_VISIBLE field. If the Visible field is selected, descriptions entered are available for the student to view in Self Service, Reporting Outside Aid-Award Details.

External Award Stage Disbursement Record and Fields

This is the child record to the SFA_EASTAGE_DTL record.



Visible for Mapping



Transaction number


A key assigned by the system.


Sequence number


A key assigned by the system.


Disbursement Sequence


(Required) A key assigned by system. It represents each unique disbursement detail for the transaction.

If you map several disbursement detail rows from an external file, when you define the mapping, set Mapping Action to become a 2-digit numeric value by default. This ensures that the key is created when the external file is processed.




(Optional) If provided, the External Award Load process determines whether it is valid with the student's enrollment. If a disbursement ID is not provided, then the first disbursement ID for STRM is updated.


Disbursement ID


(Optional) Use to append the disbursement amount to an existing award.


Scheduled Award


The scheduled or allocated disbursement amount at the disbursement sequence level.


Disbursed Amount


The disbursed or paid amount at the disbursement sequence level.

Note. The disbursed amount on the posted award is updated only when the Disburse method for the item type is No.


Paid Status


(Optional) Identify the paid status at the disbursement sequence level. If you select Yes, the disbursement sequence amount is equal to the resulting scheduled award amount.

Note. The disbursed amount on the posted award is updated only when the Disburse method for the item type is No.

External Award Stage Counter Record and Fields

This is the child record to the SFA_EASTAGE_HDR record.

Field Name


Visible for Mapping



Transaction number


A key assigned by the system.




If mapped, this field is used to capture source transaction student count, but no processing logic is associated with the field.




If mapped, this field is used to capture source transaction award total, but no processing logic is associated with the field.