Reviewing Awards

This chapter lists common elements and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicCommon Elements Used in This Chapter


Displays the award amount accepted by the student.


Displays the amount authorized for disbursement to the student.


Displays the amount disbursed to the student.

Disbursement ID

Displays the disbursement ID associated with this award amount.

Disbursement Plan

Displays the disbursement plan associated with the award.

Item Type

Displays the financial aid item type of the award.


Displays the award amount offered to the student.

* = Expired

An asterisk next to a net award amount indicates that the amount can no longer be applied as anticipated aid because it has expired. These awards no longer show as anticipated aid in PeopleSoft Student Financials.

Click to jump to parent topicReviewing Award Activity

As financial aid is packaged, adjusted, and disbursed, all activity associated with those actions is recorded. Use the Award Activity page to review changes to a student's financial aid package.

This section discusses how to review FA Term data.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Review Award Activity

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Definition Name



Award Activity


Financial Aid, Awards, View Award Activity, Award Activity

Review changes to a student's award by financial aid item type.

Award Detail


Click the Award Detail link on the Award Activity page.

View more information about the student's award and the action reason, as well as cost of attendance information.

FA Term Data


Click the Term Detail button on the Award Detail page.

Review the FA Term data that is used to award the financial aid item type to the student.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing FA Term Data

Access the FA Term Data page (click the Term Detail button on the Award Detail page).

Academic Year

Displays the academic year associated with the term.

Total Units

Displays the total number of units that the student is taking for the term.

Pell Term COA (Pell term cost of attendance)

Displays the term-based Pell COA by career.

The other fields on this page are the same as those on the Term Summary page.

See Also

Viewing Term Summary Information

Click to jump to parent topicReviewing Aggregate Aid

This section provides an overview of aggregate aid review and discusses how to:

See Also

Managing Aggregate Aid

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Aggregate Aid Review

The aggregate aid summary components display information regarding defined aggregate area limit amounts, used amounts against the limits, and remaining eligibility. Two aggregate aid summary components are available: View Aggregate Aid and View Aggregate Program Summary . Each is based on aggregate areas that you set up in the system. You can define aggregate area rules for each academic grade level, for undergraduate and graduate designation, or as lifetime funding limits. An aggregate area can be attached to one or many financial aid item types or awards. Information maintained in the aggregate aid tables helps determine a student's annual and lifetime limits during the Awarding and Packaging processes. The aggregate aid summary components are updated by the Awarding and Packaging processes. You can also update individual aggregate data using the Update Incoming Aggregate Aid component.

Another source of aggregate aid history for the federal Stafford subsidized, Stafford unsubsidized, Perkins, Pell, and (Federal) Student Education Opportunity Grant (SEOG) aid programs is maintained within the National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS) database. NSLDS data is loaded into the PeopleSoft system during the Institutional Student Information Records (ISIR) Load routine as well as from Transfer Student Monitoring and Financial Aid History requests. NSLDS data that is loaded into the system can be pushed to the aggregate aid tables to be used during the Awarding and Packaging processes. An aggregate source of NSLDS must be set in the system to direct the Awarding and Packaging processes to use the NSLDS totals instead of the standard aggregate aid totals.

In addition to using aggregates to keep track of federal funds, you can establish aggregate areas and aggregate limits for any other award sources in the system. You should establish aggregate limits for all federal funds, such as Pell, Stafford, and SEOG. If aggregate limits are not established, the Packaging and Awarding processes may award students more than the federally or institutionally established annual and lifetime limits.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Review Aggregate Aid

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Definition Name



Aggregate Summary


Financial Aid, Awards, Aggregates, View Aggregate Aid, Aggregate Summary

Review aggregate aid summary for a student.

Aggregates by School


Financial Aid, Awards, Aggregates, View Aggregate Aid, Aggregates by School

Review aggregate aid by school. Check whether aggregate aid from a particular institution has been entered or whether the student has received aggregate aid from more than on institution.

Aggregate Detail


Click the Detail link on the Aggregates by School page.

View additional details of each institution's aggregate aid award to the student, including loan information.

Aggregate Program Summary


Financial Aid, Awards, Aggregates, View Aggregate Program Summary, Aggregate Program Summary

View aggregate aid history for a student for a corresponding aggregate program.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing Aggregate Aid Summary

Access the Aggregate Summary page (Financial Aid, Awards, Aggregates, View Aggregate Aid, Aggregate Summary).

Lifetime Total

Aid Year

Indicates the aid year that corresponds to the displayed information. Use the scroll arrows to view aggregate aid made in other aid years.

NSLDS Total (National Student Loan Data System total)

Indicates the NSLDS total that has been loaded and pushed from the NSLDS tables.

Total % Used

Displays the sum of Percent Scheduled Used and the percent of Pell Grant awards already packaged by the system for the aid year. Valid values are 000.0 to 200.0.

Undergrad Lifetime (undergraduate lifetime)

Information in this row is for the student's undergraduate NSLDS loan years (U0-U5) and associated awards.

Graduate Lifetime

Information in this row is for the student's graduate NSLDS loan years (G1–G4, P1–P4) and associated awards. The student's undergraduate loan year awards may also be included in this row, depending on whether the aggregate area has cumulative or distinct lifetime limits.

(Cumulative): The student's undergraduate amount of this aggregate aid is counted towards the graduate limit.

(Distinct): The undergraduate and graduate limits are tracked separately.

Lifetime Terms

If a limit applies to the number of terms that a student can receive this type of aid, in addition to or separate from a dollar amount limit, this row displays the limit (if any) and the number of terms for which the student has received the award. The Packaging routine does not enforce these lifetime term limits; these fields are for informational purposes only.


The lifetime maximum aggregate amount (or number of terms) the student can receive for this aggregate area/aid.


The amount of aid or number of terms that the student has received this type of aggregate aid.


Indicates unused lifetime aggregate eligibility (amount or terms) that the student can receive.

Level Totals by Aid Year

Aggregate Level

Displays the student's aggregate level for the displayed year. Aggregate level data is posted as a result of Awarding and Packaging processing as well as data entered in the Update Incoming Aggregate Aid component.


Displays the annual maximum aggregate amount that the student can receive for this aggregate level.


Displays the amount that the student has received.


Displays the unused annual aggregate eligibility that the student can receive.

Cumulative Limit

Displays the maximum cumulative amount that the student can receive for this academic level. This is an optional limitation that can be defined on the corresponding aggregate area.

Cumulative Used

Displays the unused cumulative level limit for which the student is eligible.


The student's dependency status appears after any awarding or packaging activity has occurred for this aggregate area as of the aid year.

PLUS Override (Parent Loan for Undergraduate Students override)

The student's PLUS override status maintained on the STDNT_AID_PACKAGE component appears for all aggregate areas that correspond to either the Federal Family Educational Loan Program (FFELP) or Direct Loan programs. PLUS Override status appears after any awarding or packaging activity has occurred.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing Aggregate Aid by School

Access the Aggregates by School page (Financial Aid, Awards, Aggregates, View Aggregate Aid, Aggregates by School).

Information for this page is viewed by aggregate area, such as Stafford or Pell. Use the scroll arrows to view other aggregate areas.


Displays the total lifetime amount awarded by all schools for this student for this aggregate area.


Displays the aggregate Pell amount award to the student. For non-Pell aggregate areas, this field remains at zero.

Aid Year

Displays the aid year in which the aggregate aid was awarded to the student. Use the scroll arrows to view additional aid years.


Indicates whether your institution or another institution awarded the aggregate aid. Values are:

Internal: The aggregate aid was awarded by your institution by means of the award entry pages.

Imported: The aggregate aid was awarded at another institution and has been added to the system by means of the Aggregate Aid Data page.

School Code

Displays the code and name of the institution where the aggregate aid was awarded.

Award Amount

Displays the amount of aggregate aid provided by each school.


Displays the aggregate Pell amount award to the student for the corresponding aid year. For non-Pell aggregate areas, this field remains at zero.


Click this link to access the Aggregate Detail page and view detailed information about each school's aggregate aid award.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Aggregate Detail

Access the Aggregate Detail page (click the Detail link on the Aggregates by School page).

The page displays aggregate area, aid year, academic year, school code, and status information about the award from the Aggregates by School page.

Aggregate Level

Displays the student's academic level for which he or she received the aggregate amount.

Expected Award

Displays the aggregate amount offered to the student.

Actual Award

Displays the aggregate amount disbursed to the student.

Aggregate Loan Data

The fields in this group box display loan processing information for loan awards that have at least been originated. However, this functionality is not currently supported, and these fields remain blank.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing Aggregate Program Summary

Access the Aggregate Program Summary page (Financial Aid, Awards, Aggregates, View Aggregate Program Summary, Aggregate Program Summary).

Aggregate program limits link aggregate areas together to enable you to combine limits between aggregate areas. The intent is to support the Stafford program, which comprises the subsidized and unsubsidized programs.

Program Totals by Aid Year

Aid Year

Indicates the aid year that corresponds to the displayed information. Use View All to view aggregate aid that was made in other aid years.

Undergrad Lifetime (undergraduate lifetime)

Information in this row is for the student's combined undergraduate NSLDS loan years (U0–U5) awards that are associated with the aggregate areas that are linked to this aggregate program.

Graduate Lifetime

Information in this row is for the student's combined graduate NSLDS loan years (G1–G4, P1–P4) awards that are associated with the aggregate areas that are linked to this aggregate program. The student's undergraduate loan year awards may also be included in this row, depending on whether the aggregate area has cumulative or distinct lifetime limits.

Aggregate Areas for Program

Aggregate Areas for Program

Indicates the aid year that corresponds to the displayed information. Use View All to view aggregate area totals in other aid years.

Undergrad Lifetime (undergraduate lifetime)

Information in this row is for the student's undergraduate NSLDS loan years (U0–U5) and associated awards.

Graduate Lifetime (Cumulative)

Information in this row is for the student's graduate NSLDS loan years (G1–G4, P1–P4) and associated awards. The student's undergraduate loan year awards may also be included in this row, depending on whether the aggregate area has cumulative or distinct lifetime limits.

The student's undergraduate amount of this aggregate aid is counted towards the graduate limit. If the undergraduate amount is 20,000 and the graduate amount is 40,000, then the student cannot receive more than 40,000 for this aggregate area.)

When Distinct is displayed, the undergraduate and graduate limits are tracked separately. If the undergraduate amount is 20,000 and the graduate amount is 40,000, then the student can receive up to 60,000 for this aggregate area.)

Click to jump to parent topicReviewing Student Packaging Status by Date

The student's financial aid award package as well as the information used to award a student can change over time. The As Of Status component enables you to view information about a student's ISIR information and award package by a particular date in time. As new ISIR data is loaded, a student's award package may change. Use the pages in the As Of Status component to review changes over time. This can be particularly important for explaining a reduced award to a student or for reviewing changes to student's awards.

This section discusses how to:

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Page Name

Definition Name



As of ISIR Summary


Financial Aid, Awards, View by Date, As of ISIR Summary

Review a student's ISIR summary detail as of a particular date, various database matches, and verification status.

As of Award Summary


Financial Aid, Awards, View by Date, As of Award Summary

Review award summary. Review a student's financial aid package as of a particular date in time.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing ISIR Summary Information by Date

Access the As of ISIR Summary page (Financial Aid, Awards, View by Date, As of ISIR Summary).

As of Date

Enter the date that you want to review related to the student's ISIR information. When you make an entry, the system displays the data that was used for the student as of the entered date.

Effective Sequence

Displays the number assigned to each effective-dated row that enables you to keep track of multiple rows with the same effective date.

The other fields on this page correspond to those on the ISIR Information Summary page.

See Also

Reviewing the Packaging Status Summary Page

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing Award Summary by Date

Access the As of Award Summary page (Financial Aid, Awards, View by Date, As of Award Summary).

This page displays information for the entire aid year. The information on this page comes from the student award information and the authorization and disbursement processes.

As of Date

Enter the date that you want to review related to the student's award information. When you make an entry, the system displays information about the student's awards as of the entered date.

Item Type

Displays the financial aid item type of the award.


Displays the career associated with the award.

Click to jump to parent topicReviewing Award Summary Information by Category

This section discusses how to review award summary information.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Review Award Summary Information by Category

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Definition Name



Award Category Totals


Financial Aid, Awards, View Award Category Summary, Award Category Totals

Review award summary information. View award totals by award category for the entire aid year.

Award Category Detail


Click the Award Detail link on the Award Category Totals page.

View information about each award included in a category on the Award Category Totals page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing Award Summary Information

Access the Award Category Totals page (Financial Aid, Awards, View Award Category Summary, Award Category Totals).


Displays the type of financial aid award. An award's category comes from the Financial Aid Type field on the FA Item Type 1 page. Each category for which the student has an award is shown.

Award Count

Displays the number of awards of this category awarded to the student.

Offer Total

Displays the total award amount offered for this category.

Accept Total

The total award amount accepted for this category.

Authorized Total

Displays the total amount authorized for disbursement to the student for the category.

Disbursed Total

Displays the total amount disbursed to the student for the category.

Award Detail

Click this link to access the Award Category Detail page and view information about each award included in a category.


Displays the total of all categories for each column.

Click to jump to parent topicReviewing Total Award Summary Information

The Award Summary component enables you to review a student's awards for the entire aid year or for a particular term, and also indicates whether each award has been authorized or disbursed.

This section discusses reviewing an annual award summary.

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Definition Name



Award Summary


Financial Aid, Awards, View Term Award Summary, Award Summary

Review an annual award summary. View a student's awards and the offered, accepted, authorized for disbursement, and disbursed amounts for each award.

Award Detail


Click the Award Detail link on the Award Summary page.

View the disbursement plan and split code for an individual award, as well as details about a disbursement ID.

Award Term Summary


Financial Aid, Awards, View Term Award Summary, Award Term Summary

View a student's awards by term. This is particularly useful when you are viewing awards for different careers for the terms.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing an Annual Award Summary

Access the Award Summary page (Financial Aid, Awards, View Term Award Summary, Award Summary).

The amounts on this page are for the entire aid year. Authorized and disbursed amounts may not be equal to the accepted amount if you have not disbursed all terms.

Award Detail

Click this link to access the Award Detail page and view the disbursement plan and split code for an individual award, as well as details about a disbursement ID.


Displays the totals for the student's entire financial aid package.

Click to jump to parent topicReviewing Anticipated Aid

When each financial aid item type is defined, one of the decisions that you make is whether this aid should be reflected on a student's account in PeopleSoft Student Financials as anticipated aid before the actual disbursement of the aid. The pages that are discussed in this section enable you to view the awards that have been designated as anticipated aid. You can also use these pages to determine whether financial aid awards have been disbursed to students for any term in the aid year.

This section discusses how to:

See Also

Defining Disbursement and Anticipated Aid

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Page Name

Definition Name



Anticipated Aid by Term


Financial Aid, Awards, View Anticipated Aid by Term, Anticipated Aid by Term

Review the anticipated aid for a student by term.

Anticipated Aid by Item Type


Financial Aid, Awards, View Anticipated Aid Item Type, Anticipated Aid by Item Type

Review the anticipated aid for a particular award financial aid item type.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing Anticipated Aid by Term

Access the Anticipated Aid by Term page (Financial Aid, Awards, View Anticipated Aid by Term, Anticipated Aid by Term).

Only financial aid item types that are designated as anticipated aid are displayed on this page. Use the scroll arrows to view additional anticipated aid awards for the term.

Apply Dt (apply date)

Displays the date on which the award can be applied to the student's account as anticipated aid. This date is based on the disbursement date of the disbursement ID.

Expire Dt (expire date)

Displays the last date that the award is applied as anticipated aid to the student's account. When this date has passed, the award does not count as anticipated aid for the term unless you change the expire date by modifying the Anticip Aid Expiration Days (anticipated aid expiration days) field on the FA Item Type 3 page.

Net Award Amount

Displays the net amount to be disbursed to the student for the term for this financial aid item type. If this amount is zero, the award has been disbursed.

Total Active Anticipated Aid

Displays the total amount of anticipated aid that is still active for the student for the term. This is the sum of the net award amounts for any financial aid item type that has not expired.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing Anticipated Aid by Item Type

Access the Anticipated Aid by Item Type page (Financial Aid, Awards, View Anticipated Aid Item Type, Anticipated Aid by Item Type).

Only financial aid item types that are designated as anticipated aid are displayed on this page.

Show Active Aid Only

Select this check box to view active anticipated aid awards only. Clear to view all anticipated aid awards (active and expired). When you first access this page, this check box is cleared.


Displays the career that is associated with this disbursement plan. If the student is a multicareer student, use the scroll arrows to view other disbursement plan and career combinations for this financial aid item type.

Disbursement ID

Displays the individual disbursement ID for this anticipated aid award. The page displays award information by disbursement ID, instead of by term or aid year. Use the scroll arrows to view other disbursement IDs for this financial aid item type.

As of Date/Time

Displays the date and time when the anticipated aid was last updated. As changes are made, new rows are added with different dates and times. Use the scroll arrows to view additional changes to this award.

Apply Dt (apply date)

Displays the date on which the award can be applied to the student's account as anticipated aid. This date is based on the disbursement date of the disbursement ID.

Expire Dt (expire date)

Displays the last date that the award is applied as anticipated aid to the student's account. When this date has passed, the award does not count as anticipated aid for the term unless you change the expire date by modifying the Anticip Aid Expiration Days field on the FA Item Type 3 page.

Net Award

Displays the net amount to be disbursed to the student for the term for this financial aid item type. If this amount is zero, the award has been disbursed.

Click to jump to parent topicExpiring Anticipated Aid

This section discusses how to expire anticipated aid.

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Definition Name



Expire Anticipated Aid


Financial Aid, Awards, Award Processing, Expire Anticipated Aid, Expire Anticipated Aid

Expire anticipated aid for any financial aid item type displayed. Also view the student's anticipated aid for a particular term.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicExpiring Anticipated Aid

Access the Expire Anticipated Aid page (Financial Aid, Awards, Award Processing, Expire Anticipated Aid, Expire Anticipated Aid).

Expire Anticipated Aid

Click this button to set the expire date to the current date. This expires the anticipated aid for the financial aid item type. You must exit the page and access it again to have the expired asterisk appear next to the Net Award amount. After you click the button and exit the page and then access it again, this button is no longer available for this financial aid item type.

The other fields on this page correspond to those on the Anticipated Aid by Term page.

See Also

Reviewing Anticipated Aid

Click to jump to parent topicReviewing Overaward Amounts

A report is available to help you identify whether any students are in an overaward situation and to review disbursement information for students who are in an overaward situation. An overaward situation occurs when the student receives financial aid for an award period that exceeds the student's COA or need for that award period. This report lists students who have overaward amounts and contains information about their need and disbursements.

This section discusses how to generate the Overaward Report.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Review Overaward Amounts

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Definition Name



Overaward Report


Financial Aid, Awards, Generate Overaward Report, Overaward Report

Generate the Overaward Report.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicGenerating the Overaward Report

Access the Overaward Report page (Financial Aid, Awards, Generate Overaward Report, Overaward Report).

Award Period

Select the award period for which you want to view overaward amounts. Select A − Academic for the academic year or N − Non-Standard for summer and other terms that are not designated as academic terms.

Pkg Method (packaging method)

Indicate which packaging method should be used to determine whether a student has an overaward. Select FM − Federal Methodology to display overawards that exceed FM need or FM COA according to federal regulations, IM − Institutional Methodology to display overawards that exceed IM need or IM COA according to your institution's rules, or leave the field blank to include both FM and IM overawards.

Note. The Overaward Report is a core report. If you want to use additional criteria when running this report, you can configure the report to suit your needs.