Managing Loan Counseling

This chapter discusses how to:

See Also

Defining Item Type Disbursement Rules

Setting Up Loan Counseling

Click to jump to parent topicManaging Loan Counseling Data

Use these pages to manage loan counseling data.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Manage Loan Counseling Data

Page Name

Definition Name



Packaging Status Summary


Financial Aid, View Packaging Status Summary

Display of loan counseling data depends on selected Loan Counseling Version defined on the Financial Aid Installation Defaults setup.

Entrance/Exit Loan Counseling


Financial Aid, Loans, View Loan Counseling Data, Entrance/Exit Loan Counseling

Financial Aid, View Packaging Status Summary, Packaging Status Summary page, Loan Counseling Status link

Add and manage loan counseling requirements

The Loan Counseling Status link is available when the Loan Counseling Version in the Financial Aid Installation Defaults is set to Expanded.

Add Loan Counseling Data


Financial Aid, Loans, Add Loan Counseling Data

Process to automate creating loan counseling data. Process can be used to supplement the Process COD Counseling Data process.

Process COD Counseling Data


Financial Aid, Loans, Process COD Counseling Data

Evaluates COD Counseling Data

Manage COD Counseling Suspense


Financial Aid, Loans, Manage COD Counseling Suspense

Review and manage suspended COD loan counseling records

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Loan Counseling Data

Access the Packaging Status Summary (Financial Aid, View Packaging Status Summary).

Loan Entrance Interview Status

Note. This field appears when the Loan Counseling Version is set to "Simple" on the Financial Aid Installation Defaults page.

Indicates whether the student has completed a loan entrance interview for the corresponding aid year. If you select the Loan Entrance Intervw Req (loan entrance interview required) check box on the Disbursement Rules: Item Type - Indicators page, the interview status value affects how the authorization process treats the student's award.

(blank): The authorization process automatically determines whether the student has satisfied the loan entrance counseling requirement using the process activated when you select the Loan Entrance Intervw Req check box.

Complete: The student has completed a loan entrance interview. If the Loan Entrance Intervw Req check box is selected, the authorization process passes the student and allows the award to be authorized. Set this value after confirmation of the student's completion of loan entrance counseling.

Inst Req (institution required): Your institution requires the student to have a loan entrance interview, regardless of whether the authorization process requires an interview for loan awards. If the Loan Entrance Intervw Req check box is selected, the authorization process fails until you reset the status to Complete or Pending. Students with prior loan history also fail authorization until you reset the status to blank, Complete, or Pending.

Pending: The student's loan entrance interview is pending. If the Loan Entrance Intervw Req check box is selected, the authorization process passes the student and allows the award to be authorized.

Exit Interview

Note. This field appears when the Loan Counseling Version is set to "Simple" on the Financial Aid Installation Defaults page.

Indicates whether the student has completed a loan exit interview for the corresponding aid year. This field is for informational use only because no delivered process currently uses the value of this field.

Complete: The student has completed a loan exit interview.

Inst Req (institution required): our institution requires the student to have a loan exit interview. Pending: The student's loan exit interview is pending.

Loan Counseling Status

Note. This link appears when the Loan Counseling Version is set to Expanded on the Financial Aid Installation Defaults page.

This is a link to the Entrance/Exit Loan Counseling page.

For a complete description of the Packaging Status Summary page:

See Reviewing the Student's Packaging Status.

Entrance/Exit Counseling Data

Access the Entrance/Exit Counseling Data (Financial Aid, Loans, View Loan Counseling Data, Entrance/Exit Loan Counseling) or (Financial Aid, View Packaging Status Summary, Packaging Status Summary page, Loan Counseling Status link).

Use this page to enter entrance and exit loan counseling requirements. If you set the Loan Counseling Version to Expanded in the Financial Aid Defaults page and select the Loan Entrance Intervw Req (loan entrance interview required) check box on the Disbursement Rules: Item Type - Indicators page, then the authorization process evaluates this record to determine if the entrance loan counseling requirement has been satisfied. The combination of a valid Date Completed value and loan counseling type (Annual or Multi-Year is used to evaluate whether the entrance loan counseling requirement has been satisfied.

Use this page to enter entrance or exit loan counseling requirements.

Loan Code

Select user defined Loan Code. Loan Code associated to the Federal Stafford type impacts the authorization and disbursement of Stafford Subsidized and Unsubsidized item types.


Click link to enter any notes about the loan.


Select the type of loan counseling: Entrance or Exit.


Select the interval for loan counseling: Annual or Multi-Year.


Select the status of the loan counseling requirement. The default status is Pending. Status is up dated to Completed if a valid Date Completed is entered.

Date Completed

Select the date that the requirement was completed. The Date Completed can be updated during the Process COD Counseling data process when COD Counseling data is evaluated.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAdding Loan Counseling Data

Access the Add Loan Counseling Data page (Financial Aid, Loans, Add Loan Counseling Data).

Use this page to add loan counseling data into the Loan Counseling table, SFA_LN_CNSL_TBL, in batch.

During Population Selection, if any of the Default Value fields are blank or not provided, then the specified default value is inserted into the field value for each loan counseling record added. If any of the Default Value fields already contain a valid value from the Population Selection, the default value is ignored.

Selection Tool

Select from Equation Engine, PS Query, or External File. Additional parameters are displayed for your selected tool.

Note. You may design your population selection to retrieve only student ID's and leave all other fields blank. If you do this, use the Default Values to populate the field values in the Loan Counseling records. If you retrieve values other than the student ID's with population selection, all valid values are used to create the Loan Counseling records, ignoring the corresponding Default Values. The Default Value for a particular field is only used to populate a Loan Counseling record if the retrieved value is invalid or blank.

Query Name

Appears only when PS Query is selected. Select a population selection query that joins with the bind record SFA_LNCNSL_BIND.


Enter the academic institution for the students of the loan counseling data you wish to add.

Aid Year

Enter the Aid Year of the loan counseling data you wish to add.

Loan Code

Enter the Loan Code (for example, Stafford) of the loan counseling data you wish to add.

Counseling Type

Enter the Counseling Type, Entrance or Exit, of the loan counseling data you wish to add.

Counseling Requirement

Enter the Counseling Requirement, Annual or Multi-Year, of the loan counseling data you wish to add.

Date Completed

Enter the date that the loan counseling requirement was completed. Date Completed is the only Default Value field that can be left blank. If a Loan Counseling record is created and no Date Completed is provided, the loan counseling requirement's Status remains Pending. Pending records can be updated using the Process COD Counseling Data process.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicProcessing COD Loan Counseling Data

Access the Process COD Counseling Data page (Financial Aid, Loans, Process COD Counseling Data).

Starting with the 2010-2011 Award Year, students can complete a Direct Loan Entrance Counseling session on the website and identify schools to which COD should send Counseling Acknowledgements. There are two types of Direct Loan Entrance Counseling records: DLSCounseling indicates that the student has completed Sub/Unsub Stafford Loan Entrance Counseling and DLPCounseling indicates that the student has completed Sub/Unsub Stafford and PLUS Loan (for Graduate and Professional Students) Entrance Counseling. This process evaluates the COD Direct Loan Entrance Counseling data from the COD staging tables to add to or update the Loan Counseling application table (SFA_LN_CNSL_TBL).

Update/Insert Option

Update Only: Select this option if you want to only update existing loan counseling records that do not have a valid Date Completed value. When no existing record is found, the COD Counseling data is suspended with a reason of "No Stafford record found" for DLSCounseling data or "No Grad PLUS record found" for DLPCounseling data.

Insert/Update: Select this option if you want to create new Loan Counseling records as well as update existing loan counseling records that do not have a valid Date Completed value.

Selection Option

Use the Selection Option to choose whether you want to evaluate unprocessed COD loan counseling records, suspended COD loan counseling records, or both.

All: Select this option to evaluate both Suspended and Unprocessed records.

Suspended Only:Select this option to evaluate only Suspended records.

Unprocessed:Select this option to evaluate only Unprocessed records.

Process GradPLUS

Select this option to evaluate DLPCounseling records for possible update or insert to both Stafford and Graduate PLUS loan counseling types. The presence of a DLPCounseling type indicates that the student completed entrance counseling as a graduate student. If this option is selected, the DLPCounseling record is evaluated to determine if both the GradPLUS and Stafford loan counseling requirements are met. If this option is not selected, the DLPCounseling record is evaluated only to determine if the Stafford loan counseling requirement is met.

Select Within Aid Year

Select this option to evaluate a specific Aid Year of COD counseling transactions. Selecting this option activates an Aid Year field to identify the Aid Year to be evaluated.

Note. The process has logic that accounts for existing entrance counseling data. Here are some examples:

Example 1: A student has an existing Loan Entrance Counseling record for the current Aid Year that is defined as an Multi-Year requirement and is Complete, the Process determines that student has satisfied the loan entrance counseling requirement and updates the Unprocessed COD Counseling transaction to Processed. The Loan Counseling record is not be updated.

Example 2: A student has an existing Loan Entrance Counseling record for the prior Aid Year that is defined as an Annual requirement and is Completed. If the Process COD Counseling Data process is setup to Insert/Update, then a new loan counseling record for the current Aid Year (defined in the Run Control) is added.

Example 3: A student has an existing Loan Entrance Counseling record for a prior Aid Year that is defined as a Multi-Year requirement and is not equal to Completed. If the Process COD Counseling Data process is setup to run Insert/Update or Update Only, then the existing record is updated with the date associated with the COD Counseling record being evaluated.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicManaging Suspended COD Loan Counseling Records

Access the Manage COD Counseling Suspense page (Financial Aid, Loans, Manage COD Counseling Suspense).

Use this page to resolve suspended COD Counseling records.


Click the search icon to a page to search for a student ID to match to the COD loan counseling record.

ID Lock

Select to lock the selected ID to match to the suspended COD loan counseling record.

Process GradPLUS

Select this option to update or insert a completion date for loan codes defined as Stafford and Graduate PLUS loan types when evaluating COD loan counseling records of type DLPCounseling. The presence of a DLPCounseling type indicates that the student completed entrance counseling as a graduate student. If this option is selected, the DLPCounseling record is evaluated to determine if both the GradPLUS and Stafford loan counseling requirements are met. If this option is not selected, the DLPCounseling record is evaluated only to determine if the Stafford loan counseling requirement is met.


Select this option to set the COD loan counseling record as Processed. This removes the COD loan counseling record from any future evaluation by the Process COD Counseling Data process. Once checked, all ID options are ignored and the record is set to Processed in the COD staging table.


Click this button to run the Process COD Counseling Data process for the selected COD loan counseling record.

Counseling Process Status

Displays the reason that the COD Counseling record is suspended.

  • Student Not found.

  • Multiple Student matches.

  • No Setup – No setup for Aid Year being processed.

  • No Stafford record found – COD DLSCounseling records evaluated for Update Only, but no existing Stafford loan counseling record exists.

  • No Grad PLUS record found – COD DLPCounseling records evaluated for Update Only, but no existing Grad PLUS loan counseling record exists.

  • No Aid Year – Student is not Aid Year– activated for the Aid Year being processed.