Processing Pell Payments

This chapter provides an overview of Pell payment processing and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Pell Payment Processing

This section discusses:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPell Payment Processing

The Pell payment process begins with the submission of an origination or origination and disbursement record for payment. You use origination data to verify a student's eligibility, identify possible conflicts with other institutions, and initiate disbursement record processing. After the origination record is received and processed, you can import an acknowledgment and response into the Campus Solutions system. The response contains the status, such as accepted, accepted with corrections, duplicate, or rejected.

Use the disbursement record to report a disbursement or expected disbursement for each student. After origination is accepted, you can process a disbursement record. If you send both records simultaneously, the system processes originations before disbursement.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPell Processing Action Codes

This table lists Pell processing action codes:

Process Type

Pell Proc Status

Pell Trans Status

Pell Orig Status

Pell Orig Action

Pell Disb Status

Action Code

Disb Detail

After award not originated
















Origination without Originate Offered Awards option checked.








Outbound origination




Origination transmitted




Inbound origination with action code of A.




Origination acknowledgment received.




Inbound origination with action code of C.




Origination acknowledgment with corrections.




Inbound origination with action code of C and Pell setup Option is Hold Corrections.


On Hold


Origination acknowledgment with corrections.




Inbound origination with action code of E.


On Hold


Origination acknowledgment rejected.




Outbound disbursement




Origination acknowledgment received.



Disbursement transmitted

Inbound disbursement with action code of A.



Dep. on origination status.

Dep. on origination status.



Disbursement acknowledgment

Inbound disbursement with action code of C.



Dep. on origination status.

Dep. on origination status.



Disb. Acc with Corrections

Inbound disbursement with action code of C and Pell setup option is Hold Corrections.


On Hold

Dep. on origination status.

Dep. on origination status.



Disb. Acc with Corrections

Inbound disbursement with action code of E.


On Hold

Dep. on origination status.

Dep. on origination status.



Disbursement rejected

Note. A corrected status shows a new row indicating that the corrected row was replaced. A rejected disbursement record enables the Resend button which resets the Pell disbursement status to Originated.

Click to jump to parent topicCreating Pell Origination Records

The origination record establishes a student's eligibility for a specific annual award of federal Pell Grant program funds. It includes the student's annual amount calculated by your institution and cost of attendance.

This section discusses how to generate Pell origination records.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Create Pell Origination Records

Page Name

Definition Name





Financial Aid, Pell Payment, Originate Pell Payment, Origination

Generate Pell origination records.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicGenerating Pell Origination Records

Access the Origination page (Financial Aid, Pell Payment, Originate Pell Payment, Origination).

Use this page to initiate the Pell Origination COBOL SQL process (FAPPLBLO). You can insert a new row to process additional students.

Student Override

Select to originate a Pell Grant for an individual student or a select group of students.


Select to process an individual student or a group of students. Only students who have been awarded Pell and have a Pell process status of pending appear in the values.

Click to jump to parent topicManaging Pell Origination

The origination process creates a unique ID for the student, sets the Pell processing status to selected, sets the Pell transaction status to ready, and displays the date and time that the process was run.

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Manage Pell Origination

Page Name

Definition Name



Pell Origination


Financial Aid, Pell Payment, Manage Pell Payment, Pell Origination

Review results of Pell origination.

Pell Information


Click the Pell Info button on the Pell Origination page.

Review or change the Pell processing status.

Origination Ed Use Flags (origination education use flags)


Click the Ed Flags link on the Pell Origination page.

View notification that modifications have been made to your database.

Pell Orig Action Detail (Pell origination action detail)


Click the Orig Status link on the Pell Origination page.

Review Pell origination action detail, including the ID, action sequence, and batch number.

Pell Orig Message Detail (Pell origination message detail)


Click the Origination Message link on the Pell Orig Action Detail page.

Review Pell origination message detail.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing Results of Pell Origination

Access the Pell Origination page (Financial Aid, Pell Payment, Manage Pell Payment, Pell Origination).

Pell Info (Pell information)

Click to access the Pell Information page to view or change the Pell processing status.

Orig Status (origination status)

Click to access the Pell Orig Action Detail page to view the Pell origination ID, action sequence, and batch number.

Update Pell Origination

Select to run origination again. This changes the Pell processing status back to pending. The origination process does not pick up anything with a status other than pending. The Pell Trans Status field must be set to Ready to run origination again.

Pell Trans Stat (Pell transaction status)

Select a value to reset the status. Values are: Review, On Hold, Ready, Transmitted, and Cancel.

For example, if you receive a rejected record, the Pell transaction status is set to On Hold. You can correct the record, change the status to Ready, and resend the origination. After the system has transmitted the record, this field is unavailable until you receive an acknowledgment of the process.

Pell Orig Stat (Pell origination status)

Displays the Pell origination status when the system transmits records. Values are:

Accepted: Indicates an accepted acknowledgment record.

Canceled: Indicates a canceled Pell award from the system. Run origination again to resend.

Change to Origination: Indicates that a change was made to the student's origination record. The origination build program sets this status after you run origination. This occurs if you cancel an award or if you select the student's record using the Update Pell Origination check box.

Corrected: Indicates an accepted record with corrections.

Originated: Indicates that the origination process ran successfully.

Rejected: Indicates a rejected record. If the record is rejected, the system sets the processing status to Review and the transmitted status to On Hold.

Transmitted: Indicates that a transmit record has been built and can be exported. A corresponding response record for the student must be received before you can run another process for the student. This includes running the origination build program, requesting an outbound of a subsequent origination record, or running the outbound disbursement process.

MRR Stat (multiple reporting record status)

Displays originations and disbursements reported by more than one institution for the same student. Use this information to identify and resolve potential over award payments and concurrent enrollments before they occur. When you request multiple reporting records and load them into the system, the status of the data updates this field.

Values are:

Blocked Institution

Blocked and Concurrent

Blocker Institution

Blocker/Concurrent Enrlm (blocker and concurrent enrollment)

Concurrent Enrollment Institution

Disbursed Institution

None Found

Originated Institution

Shared SAR ID (shared student aid report ID)

Unblocked Institution

Verification W (verification without documentation)

Org Detail

Original SSN (original social security number)

Displays the student's social security number from the original Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).

Name CD (name code)

Displays the student's name code from the original FAFSA. If the social security number and name code do not match the origination ID, the system rejects the record.

Attended Pell ID

Displays the Pell ID of the campus that the student is attending.

Action Cd(Action Code)

Displays a code to indicate the status of an acknowledgment record. Values are:

A: Accepted—all fields accepted.

C: Corrected—one or more fields corrected.

D: Duplicate.

E: Rejected—record was rejected.

Total Pell

Displays the student's total award amount for the school year.

Additional Pell

Displays the additional eligibility indicator. The Common Origination and Disbursement process reports additional eligibility as a result of a second Pell (Pell2) item type. Values are:

N: No additional Pell eligibility

Y: Additional Pell eligibility

ED Verf Cd (education verification code)

Displays the verification status of the applicant's data. Values are:

A: Accurate

C: Calculated

T: Tolerance

R: Reprocessed

V: Verified

W: Without documentation

S: Selected but not verified


Note. When the system builds origination, it builds the value defined on the student aid attribute record or Packaging Status Summary. When you outbound the data, the system sets the value to that required by the technical reference record layout. The system sets the values V, W, S, or Blank.

Enroll Stat (Enroll Status)

Not required to be reported. Displays the code that applies to the student's expected enrollment status for the award year. Values are:

1: Full-time

2: Three-quarter-time

3: Half-time

4: Less than half-time

5: Other

Pell EFC (Pell expected family contribution)

Not required to be reported. Displays the student's EFC from the Institutional Student Information Record (ISIR) or Student Aid Report (SAR).

Sec EFC (secondary expected family contribution)

Displays a code to indicate which expected family contribution value is used to determine the award amount. Values are:

0: Pell award was reported previously based on the secondary EFC. Award is now based on the original EFC.

S: The Pell Grant award is based on the secondary EFC.

Citizen Ovrd (Citizenship Override)

Select to report a local override of the student's citizenship status. This field is display only when the record is transmitted, corrected, or acknowledged or when a Multiple Reporting Record file is loaded. Valid values are Ineligible, NonCitizen and, US Citizen.

Setup Info

Select the Setup Info tab.

Pell Enroll Dt (Pell enroll date)

Displays the first date on which the student was enrolled in an eligible program for the designated school year.

Low T&F Flag (low tuition and fees flag)

The system uses this field to identify tuition ranges when the annual tuition falls into the low tuition category as mandated by the Department of Education for each award year. Values are: (none), O, Range 1, Range 2, Range 3, and Range 4.

Trans Nbr (transaction number)

Displays the transaction number from an eligible ISIR or SAR used to calculate the award.

Pay Method

Not required to be reported. Displays the payment method formula.

Pell COA (Pell cost of attendance)

Displays the cost of attendance used to calculate the Pell award amount. It must equal the COA calculated by the institution following the Pell Grant payment regulations.

Sched Pell (schedule Pell)

Displays the maximum amount of the Pell award for which a student is eligible based on full-time enrollment. The student cannot exceed the scheduled Pell award amount.

Weeks Calc (weeks calculated)

Not required to be reported. Displays the number of weeks of instructional time in which the student is enrolled and paid, as part of the academic year or program as defined for each payment methodology.

Weeks Acad Yr (weeks academic year)

Not required to be reported. Displays the number of weeks of instructional time in the program's academic year.

Other Information

Select the Other Information tab.

Hrs Credits Pd (hours credits paid)

Not required to be reported. Displays the number of credit or clock hours that the student is expected to complete and receive payment.

HrsCredAc (hours credit accepted)

Not required to be reported. Displays the number of accepted credit hours.

IncarcerCD (incarcerated code)

Displays one of these values:

N: No longer incarcerated

Y: Incarcerated

(blank): Not incarcerated.

AcadCalend (academic calendar)

Not required to be reported. Indicates the calendar that applies to the student's educational program and determines which payment methodology is accepted. Credit hours with standard terms of quarters or credit hours with standard terms of semesters or trimesters are examples of academic calendars.

Ed Flags (education flags)

The system activates this link when a record is inbound. Click to view the education use flags from the inbound record. These are set to inform you of modifications that were made to your database. Education use flags are also activated when the record is rejected, and they require immediate action.

Prev ISIR Txn (previous institutional student information record transaction)

Displays the previous ISIR transaction, if a change has been made.

Prev EFC (previous expected family contribution)

Displays the previous expected family contribution, if a change has been made.

Prev Sec EFC Cd (previous secondary expected family contribution code)

Displays the previous secondary expected family contribution.

Prev COA (previous cost of attendance)

Displays the previous cost of attendance based on a change to the student's cost of attendance.

ATB(ability to benefit)

Displays a link to Ability to Benefit information if present. Click the link to view Ability to Benefit data.

See Managing Ability to Benefit.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing Pell Processing Status

Access the Pell Information page (click the Pell Info button on the Pell Origination page).

The origination process defines the students for Pell payment processing, sets the Pell processing status to selected, sets the Pell transaction status to ready, and displays the date and time that the process was run. You can override the transaction after you originate, but you must do this before you run any outbound process.

Pell Processing Status

Displays the Pell processing status. The system changes this field based on the process that you run for a student. Values are:

Pending: When a student is awarded a Pell Grant, the system sets the status to pending, regardless of whether the award is in offer status or accepted status. When you run origination, the system looks for students whose status is set to pending and whose Pell Grant is accepted.

Reported: When you outbound the Pell origination record, the system changes the status from selected to reported.

Send: The system changes the status from pending to send if the process was successful.

Transaction Nbr (transaction number)

Select the transaction number. The system retrieves the latest effective-dated row for the student. You can override this by selecting the ISIR transaction number to originate. For example, if you have multiple official ISIRs for a student, you can select the ISIR transaction to send. If you know that the student is eligible for more Pell awards using a prior ISIR, you can enable the system to use that transaction instead of the last official one.

Note. When you initially run Pell origination, the system retrieves the latest effective-dated row with an official EFC status for the student. After you originate, but before you run any outbound processes, you can override the transaction by selecting a value, setting the students' Pell processing status to pending and running origination again.

The system reoriginates the record with the data from the selected transaction. The record includes the appropriate student identifier such as SSN, date of birth, and last name.

Effective Date

Select an effective date that matches the transaction number that you selected. For example, if a student has three official ISIRs, a transaction number is assigned to each effective date. If you decide to use transaction 2, select the effective date from the values with the matching transaction number.

Effective Sequence

Select an effective sequence that coincides with the ISIR transaction number and effective date.

Academic Career

Select the student's academic career defined by your institution.

Primary Academic Program

Select the primary academic program defined by your institution.

Academic Plan

Select the academic plan defined by your institution.

Pell Student Level Override

Select to override the payment information at the student level that you set up on the Payment Setup page.

Low T&F Flag (low tuition and fees flag)

The system uses this field to identify tuition ranges when the annual tuition falls into the low tuition category as mandated by the Department of Education for each award year. Values are: (none),O,Range 1, Range 2, Range 3, and Range 4.

Academic Calendar

Not required to be reported. Select the academic calendar type. Values are:

Clock Hour

Crdt Hr NS (credit hour nonstandard terms)




Hr w/o Terms (hour without terms)

Payment Methodology

Not required to be reported. Select the payment methodology or the formula used to calculate the student's Pell Grant award. Values are: Formula 1, Formula 2, Formula 3, Formula 4, Formula 5, and (none).

Hours/Credits in Acad Year (hours or credits in academic year)

Not required to be reported. Enter the number of hours or credits in the program's academic year.

Weeks in Program Acad Year (weeks in program academic year)

Not required to be reported. Enter the number of weeks of instructional time in the program's academic year.

Incarcerated Code

Enter one of these values:

N: No longer incarcerated

Y: Incarcerated

(blank): Not incarcerated.

Use Fulltime Enrollment

Select to use full-time enrollment. The system builds the field for all originated students using full-time enrollment, regardless of the student's actual enrollment. For example, if you select this check box and a student is enrolled part-time, the system reports the student as full-time. To report and originate a student as full-time with maximum Pell, you must also select the Originate Max Pell Award check box.

Originate Offered Awards

Select to originate Pell awards with an award status of offered. If this check box is cleared, the system only originates Pell awards when the award status is accepted.

Originate Max Pell Award (originate maximum Pell award)

Select to originate Pell awards based on the maximum Pell award defined on the Pell Payment Setup page. The system originates the maximum Pell amount regardless of how much the student was offered for the Pell award.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing Pell Origination Action Detail

Access the Pell Orig Action Detail page (click the Orig Status link on the Pell Origination page).

This page displays the history of the student's origination record. If the student's record has been originated, the system displays the status as originated. If the record has been transmitted, the system displays the status as transmitted. The system maintains a historical record of the action that you take when processing a student and increases the Pell origination sequence number for each action. The first sequence is when you originate the record, the second sequence is when you transmit the origination, and the third sequence is when the origination is received or acknowledged. If a change occurs to the origination record, the system inserts a new sequence with an appropriate description of the action.

Seq (sequence), Code, and Date

Displays the action sequence number, the description of the action, and the date and time that the action was performed. Whenever an action takes place that affects the student with regard to a process, the system inserts a row. For example, the system inserts a row for the outbound origination and for an origination.


Displays the name of the person who performed the action.

Origination Message

Click this link to access the Pell Origination Message Detail page, where you can view Pell origination action messages.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing Pell Origination Message Detail

Access the Pell Orig Message Detail page (click the Origination Message link on the Pell Orig Action Detail page).

Click to jump to parent topicViewing Pell Disbursement Data

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to View Pell Disbursement Data

Page Name

Definition Name



Pell Disbursement


Financial Aid, Pell Payment, Manage Pell Payment, Pell Disbursement

Review Pell disbursement results.

Pell Disb Action Detail (Pell disbursement action detail)


Click the Disbursement Detail link on the Pell Disbursement page (Other Information tab).

Review Pell disbursement action detail.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing Pell Disbursement Results

Access the Pell Disbursement page (Financial Aid, Pell Payment, Manage Pell Payment, Pell Disbursement).

Disbursement Detail

Item Type

Displays the code for the financial aid item type.

Disb ID (disbursement ID)

Indicates the ID number assigned to the disbursement record.

Pell Dsb Amt (Pell disbursement amount)

Displays the amount of the disbursement.

Pell Act DisbDt (Pell actual disbursement date)

Displays the actual date that Pell was disbursed to the student's account.

Pell Disb Status (Pell disbursement status)

Displays the Pell disbursement status, based on origination, disbursement, or any other outbound process. Values are: Originated, Disbursed, and Transmitted.

Action Code

Displays the action. The value is a result of the acknowledgment record. Values are:

Accepted: All fields accepted.

Corrected: One or more fields corrected.

Duplicate: Duplicate record or field.

Rejected: Record was rejected.

Pell YTD Dsb'd (Pell year-to-date disbursed)

Displays the total year-to-date number of disbursements received and accepted by your institution.

COD Info

Select the COD Info tab.

Item Type

Displays the code for the financial aid item type

Disb ID (disbursement ID)

Indicates the ID number assigned to the disbursement record.

COD Disb Num (common origination and disbursement number)

Displays the disbursement number reported for a particular disbursement sequence.

COD Disb Seq (common origination and disbursement sequence)

Displays the number that determines the order in which transactions must be processed for a particular disbursement number.

COD Disb Amt(common origination and disbursement amount)

Displays the amount of funds credited or expected to be credited to a student's account.

Enroll School Cd (enrollment school code)

The Enrollment School Code represents the physical location of the student at the disbursement level. The Enrollment School Code reported is the OPEID of the Campus of the Financial Aid Term associated with the disbursement ID.

  • When the award is originated this field is blank and editable by default.

  • The Enrollment School Code can be overridden on the page or by Population Update for disbursements not yet reported to COD.

  • When a disbursement is transmitted to COD, the field becomes display only and is either blank to indicate that the setup value was used or displays the override value.

See Defining Your Campus OPEID Codes.

Other Information

Select the Other Information tab.

Item Type

Displays the code for the financial aid type.

Disb ID (disbursement ID)

Indicates the ID number assigned to the disbursement record.

Payment Period Start Date

Displays the beginning date of the payment period. This is not a required field. The system displays this field if you select the Payment Period Start Date Req option on the Pell Institution Address setup page.

Disbursement Detail

If available, click to view Pell disbursement action detail, such as the origination ID, disbursement amount, date of the action, and batch number.

Ed Flags (education flags)

If available, click to view the education use flags from the inbound record. These are set to inform you of modifications that were made to your database. Education use flags are also activated when the record is rejected, and they require immediate action.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing Pell Disbursement Action Detail

Access the Pell Disb Action Detail page (click the Disbursement Detail link on the Pell Disbursement page (Other Information tab).

Document ID

Displays the document identification that the system assigns to each student receiving a Pell Grant.

Disbursement Messages

Click to view the Pell Disbursement Message Detail page.

Click to jump to parent topicChanging Career Statuses

This section provides an overview of changing career statuses and discusses how to change a student's career.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Changing Career Statuses

You change a student's Pell award based on changes in the student's career. For example, assume that after you award a student a Pell Grant using an undergraduate career for the year—fall and spring terms, the student changes to an undergraduate engineering career for the spring term. You must cancel the spring Pell under the undergraduate career and award the spring Pell again, this time with the undergraduate engineering career on the award entry page. You can then use the Pell Disb/Career page to make the change to the career for the spring term before running the origination process.

After you revise the student's Pell award, the system resets the Pell processing status to pending. However, because no changes have been made to the student's origination or disbursement detail, the origination process does not find this student. Career is not used by Pell for payment acceptance, so the system does not outbound this data.

If you do not correct the Career field after a career change, the system picks up the cancelled award under the old career, and if that award was disbursed, the Pell process returns a negative disbursement.

Note. You should correct the Career field after a career change. Otherwise, the system sends a disbursement request under the new career. This can result in confusion with the Department of Education, because you are simultaneously cancelling a disbursement and requesting a disbursement for the same disbursement period for the same student.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Change Careers

Page Name

Definition Name



Pell Disb/Career (Pell disbursement and career)


Financial Aid, Pell Payment, Manage Pell Payment, Pell Disb/Career

Change a career on any disbursement row that was previously processed using an old career.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicChanging a Student's Career

Access the Pell Disb/Career page (Financial Aid, Pell Payment, Manage Pell Payment, Pell Disb/Career).


Displays the code that represents the type of academic work done by the student.

Item Type

Displays the code for the financial aid item type

Pell Dsb Amt (Pell disbursement amount)

Displays the amount of the disbursement.

Pell Disb Status (Pell disbursement status)

Displays the Pell disbursement status based on the origination, disbursement, or any other outbound process. Values are: Originated, Disbursed, and Transmitted.

Action Code

Displays the action code, which indicates an action to be taken. The action code value is a result of the acknowledgment record. Values are:

A: Accepted, all fields accepted.

C: Corrected, one or more fields corrected.

D: Duplicate.

E: Rejected, record was rejected.

Pell YTD Dsbd (Pell year-to-date disbursed)

Displays the total year-to-date number of disbursements received and accepted by your institution.

Other Information

Select the Other Information tab.

Item Type

Displays the code for the financial aid type.

Disb ID (disbursement ID)

Indicates the ID number assigned to the disbursement record.

Disbursement Detail

If available, click to view Pell disbursement action detail such as the origination ID, disbursement amount, date of the action, and batch number.

Ed Flags (education flags)

If available, click to view the education use flags from the inbound record. These are set to inform you of modifications that were made to your database. Education use flags are also activated when the record is rejected, and they require immediate action.

See Also

Reviewing COD Data

Click to jump to parent topicSelecting Pell Data Request Types

This section provides an overview of Pell data requests and discusses how to select data requests.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Pell Data Requests

Use the data request record to request multiple reporting, statement of account, year-to-date information, and reconciliation. You can also use the data request record to receive multiple reporting information concerning students for whom you originate awards and who might also have awards originated at other institutions.

After you select the type of data request and run the process, the process for sending this data is the same as for selecting, viewing, and generating other outbound files.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Select Pell Data Request Types

Page Name

Definition Name



Pell Data Request


Financial Aid, File Management, Pell Grants, Create Pell Data Request, Pell Data Request

Select the type of data request that you want.

By Institution


Click the Institution button on the Pell Data Request page.

Request multiple reporting from other institutions.

Year to Date Request IDs


Click the YTD Request ID button on the Pell Data Request page.

List students for whom to review year-to-date data.

By Student


Click the Student button on the Pell Data Request page.

Request multiple reporting by student.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSelecting Data Requests

Access the Pell Data Request page (Financial Aid, File Management, Pell Grants, Create Pell Data Request, Pell Data Request).

Request Type

Select the request type. Values are:

Multiple Reporting: Select for multiple reporting information.

Reconciliation Request: Select for reconciliation information.

Statement of Account: Select to receive your funding levels and transactions with GAPS.

Year-to-Date: Select to receive a summary of how many originations and disbursements were sent out and how many rejections and message codes you received based on year-to-date.

You can run multiple requests. Insert a row for the next request and select the type. Each record consists of one request with a header and a trailer.

Multiple Report Request Code 1

Select Disbursed Records or Originated Records. For example, to determine whether a student or all of your students are conflicting with other schools, you can base the request on disbursements to see if another school has disbursed to a student.

Multiple Report Request Code 2

Select All Students, Selected Institution, or Selected Students. To determine whether a student or all of your students are conflicting with other schools, you can base the request on disbursements to see if another school has disbursed aid to a student.


Click to refresh the page and to display the Multiple Report Request Code 1 and Multiple Report Request Code 2 fields.

Institution, YTD Request ID (year-to-date request ID), and Student

These fields are available depending on the criteria that you set in the Request Type, Multiple Report Request Code 1, and Multiple Report Request 2 fields. For example, if you select Multiple Reporting as the request type, Disbursed Records or Originated Records as the multiple report request code 1, and Selected Students as the multiple report request code 2, then the Student field is available. If you select Selected Institution as the multiple report request code 2, then the Institution field is available. If you select Year-to-Date as the request type, then the YTD Request ID field is available.

Click Institution to request multiple reporting from other institutions. You can select the institution for which you are requesting data.

Click YTD Request ID to list students for whom you want year-to-date data.

Click Student to request multiple reporting by student.

Click to jump to parent topicSending Pell Data Requests

The process for sending Pell data requests is the same as for Phase-In origination and disbursement.

This section discusses how to send Pell data requests.

See Also

Sending Pell Payment Records for Phase-In

Understanding Sending Pell Records for Phase-In

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Send Pell Data Requests

Page Name

Definition Name



Pell Out


Financial Aid, File Management, Pell Grants, Generate Pell Phase-In Data, Pell Out

Create and populate request for data in the outbound staging table.

FA Outbound


Financial Aid, File Management, Create Federal Data Files, FA Outbound

Generate outbound files.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSending Pell Data Requests

Access the Pell Out page (Financial Aid, File Management, Pell Grants, Generate Pell Phase-In Data, Pell Out).

See Also

Selecting Pell Outbound Files

Click to jump to parent topicVerifying Outbound Pell Data Requests

You can review data in the staging tables for Pell data requests and make corrections before sending these records.

This section discusses how to review Pell data requests.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Verify Outbound Pell Data Requests

Page Name

Definition Name



Pell Header


Financial Aid, File Management, Pell Grants, View Pell Data Request, Pell Header

View Pell data requests.

Pell Data Request


Financial Aid, File Management, Pell Grants, View Pell Data Request, Pell Data Request

Review Pell data requests.

Pell Trailer


Financial Aid, File Management, Pell Grants, View Pell Data Request, Pell Trailer

View the data that is reported and accepted from the inbound batch.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing Pell Data Requests

Access the Pell Data Request page ( Financial Aid, File Management, Pell Grants, View Pell Data Request, Pell Data Request).

Request Seq (request sequence)

Displays the number of times that the data request was run.

Request Type

Displays a code identifying the type of request. Values are:

Multiple reporting

Statement of account



Multiple Report Request Code 1

Indicates whether the institution is requesting originated or disbursed institutions. Values are: Originated Records or Disbursed Records.

Multiple Report Request Code 2

Indicates whether the institution is requesting by selected student, selected institution, or all students. Values are: All Students, Selected Students, and Selected Institutions.

MRR Student ID (multiple reporting record student ID)

Displays the student's social security number and name code for which a multiple report is requested.

MRR Institution Pell ID (multiple reporting record institution Pell ID)

Displays the code for which multiple report listings are requested.

Pell ID Reporting

Displays the ID of the reporting institution.

Attended Pell ID

Displays the attending campus ID code assigned to your institution by the Department of Education.

Pell Media Type

Displays the code for the type of tape to use when sending output data. This is available for aid years prior to 2001.

E: Send output by electronic file

Student Demo Information

Click to view the student's first name, last name, middle initial, date of birth, and social security number.


Click to view the message codes on the Pell Data Request Comment page.

Click to jump to parent topicLoading Pell Data Requests

The process for receiving Pell data requests is the same as for Phase-In origination and disbursement.

See Also

Receiving Pell Records for Phase-In

Click to jump to parent topicVerifying Inbound Pell Data Requests

COD sends report files based on the data request files submitted by the institution for Multiple Reporting, Statement of Account, Year-To-Date and Reconciliation. Use the FA Inbound process (RUNCTL_FA_INBOUND) to load these files into their respective staging tables. The FA Inbound process determines the type of file based on the content of the Batch ID field in the header. Importing the Multiple Report Request requires running Import Pell Phase-In Data (RNCTL_PELLIN0) for load completion. Use the provided inquiry pages to view the file data. Use the search record for these pages to search by EC Transaction ID, where the values match the file message classes. The field value is derived from the Batch ID by the FA Inbound process and is not intended to match the name of the physical file.

After you request origination, disbursement, multiple reporting, statement of account, or year-to-date acknowledgment files, you can view the data received before loading the files to the database.

For detailed information about inbound data from COD:

See the U.S. Department of Education's Common Origination and Disbursement (COD) Technical Reference

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Verify Inbound Pell Data Requests

Page Name

Definition Name



Pell Header


  • Financial Aid, Pell Payment, Cash Management Reports, Review Statement of Account, Pell Header

  • Financial Aid, Pell Payment, Multiple Reporting, Review MRR, Pell Header

  • Financial Aid, Pell Payment, Cash Management Reports, Review Reconciliation, Pell Header

  • Financial Aid, Pell Payment, Year to Date Reports, Review YTD Records, Pell Header

View the values from the inbound process.

Pell Statement of Acct Summ (Pell statement of account summary)


Financial Aid, Pell Payment, Cash Management Reports, Review Statement of Account, Pell Statement of Acct Summ

Review statement of account summary and GAPS information.

Pell Statement of Acct Detail (Pell statement of account detail)


Financial Aid, Pell Payment, Cash Management Reports, Review Statement of Account, Pell Statement of Acct Detail

Review statement of account detail, including data about adjustment amount, report date, process date, batch number, and adjustment description.

Pell Multiple Report


Financial Aid, Pell Payment, Multiple Reporting, Review MRR, Pell Multiple Report

Review multiple reporting data for students for whom you originate awards and who might also have awards originated at other institutions.

Pell MRR Institution Info


Financial Aid, Pell Payment, Multiple Reporting, Review MRR, Pell MRR Institution Info

View demographic and financial aid administrator data.

Pell YTD Originations (Pell year-to-date originations)


Financial Aid, Pell Payment, Year to Date Report, Review YTD Records, Pell YTD Originations

Review Pell year-to-date originations.

Student Demo Information


Click the Student Demo Information link on the Pell YTD Originations page.

View the student's name, date of birth, and SSN.

Estimated Disbursement Dates


Click the Estimated Disbursement link on the Pell YTD Originations page.

View approximate disbursement dates.

Pell YTD Disbursements (Pell year-to-date disbursements)


Financial Aid, Pell Payment, Year to Date Reports, Review YTD Records, Pell YTD Disbursements

Review Pell year-to-date disbursements.

Pell YTD Summary (Pell year-to-date summary)


Financial Aid, Pell Payment, Year to Date Reports, Review YTD Records, Pell YTD Summary

Review Pell year-to-date summary of originations and disbursements.

Comment Code


Click the Comment Codeslink on the Pell YTD Summary page.

View the number of times that a comment code was returned to your institution on an acknowledgment.

Pell Reconciliation


Financial Aid, Pell Payment, Cash Management Reports, Review Reconciliation, Pell Reconciliation

Review Pell reconciliation records. Reconcile the total disbursement amount per student.

Pell Trailer


  • Financial Aid, Pell Payment, Cash Management Reports, Pell Statement of Acct, Pell Trailer

  • Financial Aid, Pell Payment, Multiple Reporting, Review MRR, Pell Trailer

  • Financial Aid, Pell Payment, Cash Management Reports, Review Reconciliation, Pell Trailer

  • Financial Aid, Pell Payment, Year to Date Reports, Review YTD Records, Pell Trailer

View inbound data.

Click to jump to parent topicTracking Requests for Funds From GAPS

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Track Requests for Funds From GAPS

Page Name

Definition Name



Pell Cash Summary


Financial Aid, Pell Payment, Cash Management Reports, Cash Summary, Pell Cash Summary

Track requests for funds from GAPS. Enter applicable cash management detail.

Item Type


Click the Item Type button on the Pell Cash Summary page.

Manage item type detail. Enter specific item type information for this cash summary. This enables you to divide each cash summary into the item types for which it is associated.

Cash Transaction Notes


Click the Cash Txn Notes button on the Pell Cash Summary page.

Enter cash transaction notes specific to this cash summary detail.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing Requests for Funds From GAPS

Access the Pell Cash Summary page (Financial Aid, Pell Payment, Cash Management Reports, Cash Summary, Pell Cash Summary).

Total Nbr of Records in Period (total number of records in period)

Displays the total number of cash summary detail records included in this reconciliation period.

Total of all Transactions

Displays the total of all the transaction amounts for this reconciliation period for each cash summary detail record.

Total Cash

Displays the total of all cash on hand amounts for this reconciliation period for each cash summary detail record.

Tot Antic Disb (total anticipated disbursement)

Displays the total of all anticipated disbursement amounts for this reconciliation period for each cash summary detail record.

Total Requested Amount

Displays the total of all requested amounts for this reconciliation period for each cash summary detail record.

Cash Summary

Seq (sequence)

Displays a number that increases each time that you insert a new row. The sequence counts each cash summary detail record in this reconciliation period.

Tot # Recs (total number records)

Indicates the total number of records in the reconciliation period. You can change this number to correct a mismatch with the data.

Conf Cd (confirmation code)

Displays the confirmation code for this cash drawdown request, which is received from GAPS.

Pell Batch ID

Displays the batch ID associated with this cash summary detail.

Batch Dt (batch date)

Displays the date on which the batch was created. This is recorded when you run outbound disbursements.

Antic Disb (anticipated disbursement)

Displays the amount that you anticipate to disburse to students for Pell Grants during the reconciliation period.

Recon Cash on Hand

Displays the amount of cash that you have on hand.

Rqstd Amt (requested amount)

Displays the amount of money that you requested for this disbursement period. The requested amount typically equals the anticipated disbursement minus your cash on hand.

Request Date

Displays the date on which you request the amount.

Txn Amt (transaction amount)

Displays the amount of the transaction for this request.

Txn Date (transaction date)

Displays the date on which this cash summary detail occurred.

Item Type

Click to enter specific item type information for this cash summary. You can divide each cash summary into the item types with which it is associated.

Cash Transaction Notes

Click to enter comments specific to this cash summary detail.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicManaging Item Type Detail

Access the Item Type page (click the Item Type button on the Pell Cash Summary page).

Select an item type. Edit the other fields as needed. The system updates the User and Cash Action Datetime (cash action date and time) fields when you insert a new row.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Cash Transaction Notes

Access the Cash Transaction Notes page (click the Cash Txn Notes button on the Pell Cash Summary page).

Note Seq (note sequence)

Displays a number that increases each time that you add a row for a new note. The system updates the User and Cash Action Datetime (cash action date and time) fields when you insert a new row.

Note Text

Enter comments about the requests that you made. For example, you can enter a notation about sending a memo to the main accounting office requesting an electronic funds transfer.

Click to jump to parent topicSending Pell Payment Records for Phase-In

This section provides an overview of sending Pell records for phase-in and discusses how to:

See Also

Creating COD Files

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Sending Pell Records for Phase-In

Pell Phase-In functionality has been retained to allow outbound and inbound transmissions for reconciling phase-in payment transactions. The process of sending Pell records for phase-in is the same for origination, disbursement, and Pell data requests.

Sending files for phase-in is a two-step process. The first step is to run a process that moves your outbound files to the Application Engine staging tables. The second step is a process that creates a flat file from the data in the staging tables. When the data is in the staging tables, you can verify the data. After you are satisfied with the data for the flat file, you can transmit it. This process moves the data from the staging tables to the Pell Grant Record Layout Format using Application Engine.

The FA_OUTBOUND Application Engine process replaces EDI Manager to generate files for transmission. The FA_OUTBOUND process selects records in the outbound staging tables and generates files ready for transmission. If the system generates multiple files of the same message class at one time, the system increments the file name extension to ensure that file names are unique. If previously generated files of the same message class exist in the output directory, the process ensures that those files are not overwritten.

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Page Name

Definition Name



Pell Out


Financial Aid, File Management, Pell Grants, Generate Pell Phase-In Data, Pell Out

Select Pell outbound files. Send Pell origination records, disbursement records, or Pell data requests to the outbound staging tables.

FA Outbound


Financial Aid, File Management, Create Federal Data Files, FA Outbound

Generate Pell outbound files. Run the process that retrieves the records in Pell outbound staging tables and builds a flat file for transmission.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSelecting Pell Outbound Files

Access the Pell Out page (Financial Aid, File Management, Pell Grants, Generate Pell Phase-In Data, Pell Out).

Pell ID

Select the institution ID.

Send Disb if Verification "W" (send disbursement if verification without documentation)

Select to send the disbursement if the verification status code is W (without documentation). This value is used only for disbursement.

Pell Origination Outbound

Select to move the Pell origination outbound records to the staging tables where the flat files are created.

Pell Disbursement Outbound

Select to move the Pell disbursement outbound records to the staging tables where the flat files are created.

Pell Data Request Outbound

Select to move Pell data request records to the staging tables where the flat files are created.

Save the page. Then click the Run button, which initiates the Pell Outbound Driver process (FAPP0DRO) to move the selected files from the database to the staging tables.

After you select the institution, aid year, Pell ID reporting number, and one of the check boxes, and then run the Pell Outbound Driver process, the system selects students whose Pell Grant is accepted and identified as ready. The system sets the Pell processing status to reported and the Pell transaction status to transmitted.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicGenerating Pell Outbound Files

Access the FA Outbound page (Financial Aid, File Management, Create Federal Data Files, FA Outbound).

Outbound File Path

Enter the path where the file is to be stored.

Aid Year

Select the aid year for which to run the process.


Select the institution for which to run the process.

Click to jump to parent topicVerifying Outbound Payment Data

You can review data in the staging tables for origination, disbursement, institution data requests, and Pell data requests and make corrections before sending these records.

See Also

Using Common Origination and Disbursement

Click to jump to parent topicReceiving Pell Records for Phase-In

The process for receiving Pell records is the same for origination, disbursement, and Pell data requests.

Click to jump to parent topicLoading and Moving Pell Acknowledgment Data

The FA_INBOUND Application Engine process automatically determines the type of file and loads the file into the inbound staging tables.

This section discusses how to:

See Also

Loading a COD XML File

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Page Name

Definition Name



Pell Inbound


Financial Aid, File Management, Import Federal Data Files, FA Inbound

Load inbound files from the Department of Education.

Pell Process In


Financial Aid, File Management, Pell Grants, Import Pell Phase-In Data, Pell Process In

Move data from the staging tables to the database.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicLoading Pell Acknowledgment Files for Phase-In

Access the FA Inbound page (Financial Aid, File Management, Import Federal Data Files, FA Inbound).

The system provides two run options on the FA Inbound page: Single File and File List.

Run Option

Select one of the following run options:

Single File: The FA Inbound process expects the file listed in the Inbound File field to be one of the supported EDI files.

File List: The FA Inbound process expects the file listed in the Inbound File field to be a list of files to be processed.

The default option is Single File.

The file list contains the data path and name of the file to be processed. For example, the file list file LIST1.TXT might contain the following files to be processed:






Describing the FA EC File Inbound Process

If the system processes a file list, the FA Inbound reads the file list and searches for the listed files using the path defined in the file list. When the system processes the file list, it creates a new file in the same directory as the original file. The new file has the name of the file list with an appended date/time stamp. For example, if LIST1.TXT were processed September 1, at 9 A.M., the new file would be called LIST1.TXT20020901090000.

This new file lists the files that were processed during that run of the FA_INBOUND process. If a problem occurs with any of the files in the file list, the file indicates all files that were successfully processed and the file that generated the error. The error file is always the last row and has the message Error not processed appended to the file path. You can use the message log to view the specific error reason. If, for example, the system processed LIST1.TXT, but a problem occurred with the SARA04OP.001file, the LIST1.TXT20020901090000 file would appear like the following example:



Error not processed: C:\ISIR\2004\SARA04OP.001

Note. The remaining two files defined in the file list were not processed.

You can use the message log to view the files that the system loaded successfully or unsuccessfully. The system displays specific error messages in the log. Use the File/Log Viewer to read these messages.

If a problem occurs with a file in the list file, the FA Inbound process stops processing. The system loads the files that were processed before the error occurred into the database. All subsequent files in the file list are not processed. You can verify whether all files in a file list were successfully processed by opening the date-stamped list file and verifying that the last row in the file does not read, Error not processed.

Note. If a problem occurs with the load process, the system might still display the run status in the Process Monitor for the FA_INBOUND process as Success.

Review the message log for any errors that occurred and verify the files that were not processed.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicMoving Pell Acknowledgment Data to the Database

Access the Pell Process In page (Financial Aid, File Management, Pell Grants, Import Pell Phase-In Data, Pell Process In).

Use this page to run the Pell Inbound Driver COBOL SQL process (FAPPIDRO).

Pell Origination Acknowledgmnt (Pell origination acknowledgment)

Select to move the Pell origination acknowledgment files from the staging tables to the database.

Pell Disbursement Acknowledgmt (Pell disbursement acknowledgment)

Select to move the Pell disbursement acknowledgment files from the staging tables to the database.

Pell Multiple Reporting Record

Select to inbound any MRRs previously requested by more than one institution for the same student.

Click to jump to parent topicVerifying Inbound Payment Data for Phase-In

After you request origination, disbursement, or multiple reporting, you can review the data before loading the files to the database.

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Verify Inbound Payment Data for Phase-In

Page Name

Definition Name



Pell Header


Financial Aid, File Management, Pell Grants, View Pell Phase-In Inbound, Pell Header

View the values from the inbound EC Agent process.

Pell Origination Ack (Pell origination acknowledgment)


Financial Aid, File Management, Pell Grants, View Pell Phase-In Inbound, Pell Origination Ack

Review Pell origination acknowledgment data. The system displays the action code of the record as accepted, corrected, duplicate, or rejected.

Pell Orig Acknowledge Dtl Sec (Pell origination acknowledgment detail secondary)


Click the Pell Orig Ack Detail link on the Pell Origination Ack page.

View rejected or corrected items.

Student Demo Information


Click the Student Demo Information link on the Pell Origination Ack page.

View date of birth and name.

Pell Orig Ack Message Sec (Pell origination acknowledgment message secondary)


Click the Acknowledge Message Code link on the Pell Orig Acknowledge Dtl page.

View messages.

Pell Orig Ack Disb Date Sec (Pell origination acknowledgment disbursement data secondary)


Click the Estimated Disbursement Date link on the Pell Orig Ack Detail Sec page.

View estimated disbursement dates.

Pell Disbursement Ack (Pell disbursement acknowledgment)


Financial Aid, File Management, Pell Grants, View Pell Phase-In inbound, Pell Disbursement Ack

Review Pell disbursement acknowledgment records. This data represents the results of edits and corrections.

Pell Trailer


Administer Financial Aid, Process Pell Payment, Inquire, Pell Student Inbound, Pell Trailer

View inbound data.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing Pell Origination Acknowledgments

Access the Pell Origination Ack page (Financial Aid, File Management, Pell Grants, View Pell Phase-In Inbound, Pell Origination Ack).

Pell Orig Ack Detail (Pell origination acknowledgment detail)

Click to view rejected or corrected items.

Student Demo Information

Click to view the student's first name, last name, middle initial, date of birth, and social security number.

See Also

Reviewing Results of Pell Origination

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing Pell Disbursement Acknowledgments

Access the Pell Disbursement Ack page (Financial Aid, File Management, Pell Grants, View Pell Phase-In inbound, Pell Disbursement Ack).

YTD Dsb Amt (year-to-date disbursement amount)

Displays the year-to-date total amount disbursed to the student for the award year.

Pell Orig Seq # (Pell origination sequence number)

Identifies the origination sequence for the disbursement acknowledgment.

Process Instance

Displays the occurrence number assigned by the inbound acknowledgment process.

Pell Trans Date/Time (Pell transaction date and time)

Displays the date and time that the system generated the Pell transaction.

Processing Status

Displays the acknowledgment processing status. Values are:

P: Processed

N: Not processed

E: Error

Ed Use Flag (education use flag)

Click to view education use flags 1-10. These are set to notify you of modifications that have been made to your database. The system uses education use flags when the acknowledgment is rejected. These flags require immediate action.

Acknowledgement Message Codes

Click to view disbursement acknowledgment message codes 1-25.

See Also

Reviewing Results of Pell Origination