Tracking Instructor Workload

This chapter provides an overview of the processes and reports that you can use to track instructor workload and discusses how to:

See Also

Setting Up Instructor Workload

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Instructor Workload

Higher-education institutions, particularly community colleges, need to set maximum limits on the workload assigned to the faculty and other individuals. These institutions also need to track and report actual workload assignments. To accommodate these needs, Student Records has a feature called Instructor Workload, which performs full-time equivalency tracking.

The Instructor Workload feature enables you to monitor the instructional and noninstructional workload for selected faculty, instructors, and staff. This feature enables you to define workload limits for groups or individuals. In addition, you can define multiple types of instructional and noninstructional work assignments using different workload standards for each type of assignment. You can have separate workload upper limits for part-time and full-time individuals and can set automated controls that prevent workload assignments beyond those limits.

If you use the Instructor Workload feature, the system automatically updates full-time equivalency workload values when you enter data on the class scheduling pages. You can also use a background process to copy workload data from one term to another, to update term workload records, or to produce a simple report.

Click to jump to parent topicViewing and Updating Term Workload Data

Two primary ways are available to assign workload hours to an individual:

There is a third way of assigning workload to individuals, through the Workload Copy/Update process, where instructor workload assignments are copied in batch from one term to another. The Workload Copy/Update process is described in the next section of this chapter.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrerequisites

Before you can review and update term workload, you must:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to View and Update Term Workload Data

Page Name

Definition Name



Term Workload


Curriculum Management, Instructor/Advisor Information, Instructor Term Workload, Term Workload

Assign instructor values, view previously assigned term data, or manually update values.



Curriculum Management, Course Catalog, Course Catalog, Components

Modify aspects of class components, such as grading basis, course components, and requirement designations.



  • Curriculum Management, Schedule of Classes, Schedule New Course

  • Curriculum Management, Schedule of Classes, Maintain Schedule of Classes

  • Curriculum Management, Schedule of Classes, Schedule Class Meetings

Enter or view class specific workload data for instructors.

If you assign an individual to a class meeting, and they are not assigned to an instructor assignment class on the Term Workload page for the term, the system uses the default instructor assignment class from the Academic Institution 4 page to create a term workload record.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing and Updating Individual Term Workload Data

Access the Term Workload page (Curriculum Management, Instructor/Advisor Information, Instructor Term Workload, Term Workload).

If you want to view an individual's cumulative term full-time equivalent (FTE) percentage data, add non-course-based assignments (such as advising), or manually override a check box setting, you can reference the Term Workload page to do so.

Note. Multiple views of this page are available by selecting the tabs in the scroll area. Fields common to all views are documented here first.

Academic Institution

Displays the institution to which this Term Workload record is attached. Individuals can have separate records for separate academic institutions.


Use to enter new term workload data, or to review an existing term workload record.

Instructor Assignment Class

When you access this page in Add mode and specify a term, this field displays the appropriate effective-dated setting that you specified on the Academic Institution 4 page.

Enter an instructor assignment class value for this individual if different from the default. The Calculate Workload, Limit Workload, Assigned FTE %, and Instructor Multiplier % fields display the default settings from the Instructor Assignment Class page. You can change these settings.

Calculate Workload

Select to activate the Instructor Workload feature for this instructor or advisor in the specified term. This selection determines if the system creates term detail records at all. This selection alone does not control whether the feature produces a limit warning. You must select the Limit Workload check box in conjunction with the Calculate Workload check box for warnings to appear. This check box is selected by default if the Calculate Workload check box on the Instructor Assignment Class page is also selected. You can change this setting on a term-by-term basis.

Limit Workload

Select to activate the workload limit for this instructor or advisor in the specified term. This selection determines if errors and warnings are produced when assignments are made that exceed either the individual's assigned FTE percentage or the academic institution warning limits. This selection is available only if the Calculate Workload check box is selected. This check box is selected by default if the Limit Workload check box on the Instructor Assignment Class page is also selected. You can change this setting on a term-by-term basis.

Assigned FTE % (assigned full-time equivalency percentage)

Enter the assigned FTE percentage to indicate the percentage of the institution-wide standard (also known as the 100% Weekly Workload Hours field value on the Assignment Type page) to assign to this individual. By default, the system uses this field to display the same value as that set in the Assigned FTE% field on the Instructor Assignment Class page, but you can change it. For example, a value of 100.00 enables you to assign weekly workload hours to this instructor up to a total term FTE percent of 100. If you want to hold this instructor to only 80 percent of the institution-wide standard, then set the value to 80.00. If you often overbook this instructor (perhaps only to ultimately drop the instructor from an assignment at the beginning of the term), then you could set this value to 120.00. Total term FTE percent for an individual can never exceed the value specified in this field. You can change this setting on a term-by-term basis.

Instructor Multiplier %

Enter the instructor multiplier percentage to associate with this individual. By default, this field displays the same value as that set on the Instructor Assignment Class page and contributes to the default workload hours formula for courses assigned on the Meetings page. In most instances, you will probably set this field value to 100. However, if you want to give a certain instructor double credit for the courses to which they are assigned, set this field value to 200 for the term. If you want students to receive only half credit for their course assignments, set this field value to 50. In addition, you can always assign the instructor to a different instructor assignment class where this field is set to a default value of 50. This multiplier does not apply to noncourse-based assignments made directly to the Term Workload page. You can change this setting on a term-by-term basis.

Total Term FTE % (total term full-time equivalency percentage)

Total term FTE percentage represents an individual's actual term assignment percentage.

This number is the result of the assignment percentage calculation and decreases or increases automatically as you add, delete, or modify various assignments.


This field has three uses: to enter assignment descriptions manually when new rows are inserted, to view a course title that is derived from assignments made on the Meetings page, or to view a combined section header description when a combined section is assigned to an instructor.

Note. You cannot add, delete, or modify assignments made on the Meetings page.


Displays the academic subject for the course assigned (if applicable). A subject area is derived from the Course Catalog - Offerings page.

Catalog Nbr (catalog number)

Displays the value associated with this class number, if applicable. A catalog number is derived from the Course Catalog - Offerings page.

Sect (section)

Displays the value associated with this class. Section is derived from the Schedule of Classes - Basic Data page.

Class Nbr (class number)

Displays the autogenerated value associated with the course assigned, if applicable. The class number is derived from the Meetings page.

Workload Assignment Tab

See the previous exhibit for a view of this tab.

Comb Sects ID (combined sections ID)

A combined sections ID appears only when those courses assigned to an instructor comprise combined sections. The combined sections value is created on the Sections Combined Table page. The combined ID description is visible in the table on the Term Workload page, except when the Skip Meeting Pattern & Instructor Edit is selected on the Combined Sections page. In this case, the system considers instructor workload for each of the sections and does not combine hours. If necessary, you can adjust instructor workload hours on the Schedule of Classes - Meetings page.

See Creating Combined Sections.

Assign Type (assignment type)

Use this field in one of two ways. Use it to enter assignment types manually when you insert new rows, or use it to view an assignment type that is derived from assignments made on the Meetings page. All assignment types that are effective as of the term begin date are available.

Work Load

Displays the actual workload hours. Use this field to enter workload hours manually when you insert new rows, or use it to view workload hours derived from assignments made on the Meetings page.

App Load (apply load)

This check box determines whether the assignment counts toward an individual's overall assigned full-time equivalency percentage. The App Load check box setting corresponds to the Include Assignment in Workload check box setting on the related Schedule of Classes component and cannot be changed. For manually entered assignments, it can be changed.

Assignment FTE% (assignment full-time equivalency percentage)

The assignment FTE percentage represents the particular assignment's weight based on the 100 percent weekly workload hours value (or the 100 percent OEE weekly workload hours value) for the assignment type. For example, if the 100% Weekly Workload Hours field is set to 15 on the Assignment Type page, and you assign an instructor to teach a 3-hour lecture component with the same assignment type, the assignment FTE percent equals 20 (because 3 hours out of 15 makes 20 percent). The system calculates this number and the user can not modify it.

Job Code Tab

Select the Job Code tab.


Displays the session name (if applicable) and is derived from the Meetings page. Sessions are a simple way to divide a term into multiple periods for offering courses.

Empl Rcd# (employee record number)

Relates job information to instructors for reporting purposes. The system displays a warning message if the FULL_PART_TIME value on the job does not coincide with that same field value on the instructor assignment class record related to the instructor assignment class on the Term Workload page.

Job Code

Displays the value specified on the Accommodations page for a particular employee record.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing and Updating Workload Values on the Meetings Page

Use the Instructors For Meeting Pattern group box on the Meetings page to enter or view workload data for instructors.

See Also

Defining Class Meeting Patterns

Click to jump to parent topicUsing the Workload Copy/Update Process

The Workload Copy/Update process generates a report that classifies instructors who fall into one of the following six categories:

  1. Reporting full-time instructors with workload over the allowed assignment.

  2. Reporting part-time instructors with workload over allowed assignment.

  3. Reporting full-time instructors with workload over the warning limit.

  4. Reporting part-time instructors with workload over the warning limit.

  5. Reporting full-time instructors with workload under the allowed assignment.

  6. Reporting part-time instructors with workload under the allowed assignment.

If you run the process with the Report Only check box selected, the process does not update any term workload values. It just produces a report for the target term.

If you run the process with the Report Only check box cleared, all schedule of classes data from one term rolls over to another term. However, the Term Copy process alone does not roll forward term workload values. Instead, you must run the Workload Copy/Update process immediately following the Term Copy process to finish the task. This final step ensures that the process creates term workload records for all copied schedule of classes data.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrerequisites

Term workload records must exist for the Roll From term.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Report and Update Workload Values

Page Name

Definition Name



Workload Copy/Update


Curriculum Management, Roll Curriculum Data Forward, Copy/Update Workload Process, Workload Copy/Update

Enter report and process parameters.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReporting and Updating Workload Values

Access the Workload Copy/Update page (Curriculum Management, Roll Curriculum Data Forward, Copy/Update Workload Process, Workload Copy/Update).

Academic Institution

The institution for which you are running the process. Academic institution values are defined on the Academic Institution Table page. This field is required.

Report Only

Select to report on instructor workload and not update any values.

Report Term

Use to specify the term for which you want to report. When you select the Report Only check box, the Report Term field appears and all other fields disappear.

When you do not select the Report Only check box, the process updates or creates term workload values, or it does both.

Roll From Term

Select the term to reference as the original or source term. This should match the Roll From Term field value on the Term Copy page for the Term Copy process that you run immediately prior to the Workload Copy/Update process. When this field appears, it is required.

Roll To Term

Select the term to reference as the new or target term. This should match the Roll To Term field value on the Term Copy page for the Term Copy process that you run immediately prior to the Workload Copy/Update process. When this field appears, it is required.

For example, if your institution uses both the Term Copy and Instructor Workload features, you run the Term Copy process from term X to term Y. Then you run the Workload Copy/Update process from the same term X to the same term Y. At the conclusion of this process, you can view the report to identify any individuals who might need manual adjustments.

In addition, you can run the Workload Copy/Update process both from and to the same term if needed. For example, you might originally run the Workload Copy/Update process from term X to term Y. Then, at a later date, you determine that you need to adjust some setup values that relate to the Instructor Workload feature for term Y (for example, assignment type, instructor class, or number of weeks in term or session.) You can change this data wherever necessary and then rerun the Workload Copy/Update process from term Y to term Y. This recalculates your term Y values (assignment FTE percent totals) with the newly adjusted setup values. As always, you have a newly generated report to view.

Note. The process of creating or updating To Term records references effective-dated information as of the report date (current date).

In addition, the assignment FTE percent values are not copied but are dynamically calculated according to the To Term parameters.

See Copying Classes from One Term to Another.

Copy Non-Course Assignments

Select to include assignments made directly to the Term Workload page for the specified Roll From Term field value.

Note. Should you need to run the Update Workload process more than once with the same value in the Roll to Term field, be aware of the Copy Non-Course Assignments check box and its usage. If left selected each time that the process is run to the same term, non-course-based assignments are copied. For example, if you run the Update Workload process from fall 1999 to fall 2000, and in fall 1999, instructor A was assigned, on the Term Workload page, to advise the math club for 3 hours and, on the Schedule of Classes - Meetings page, to teach Math 100 for 3 hours, then both the 3-hour non-course advising assignment and the Math 100 course assignment correctly roll forward to fall 2000 as 3 workload hours each. However, if you run the Update Workload process a second time from fall 1999 to fall 2000 (with the Copy Non-Course Assignments check box still selected), you add another 3-hour advising assignment to the individual's term workload record. This gives the individual a total of two advising assignments and one class assignment for a total of 9 workload hours. To prevent this type of noncourse assignment copying, during any postprimary runs of the process, clear the Copy Non-Course Assignments check box.

Begin with ID and End with ID

To identify a subset of individuals to process, you might want to specify begin-with-ID and end-with-ID parameters. Both of these fields are optional. These fields are not available when you select the Report Only check box. The report always displays all applicable IDs (which might include more than the range of IDs processed).

Click to jump to parent topicWalking Through Instructor Workload

Now that you have familiarized yourself with all of the setup pages, walk through the following simple scenarios to help you visualize how everything is integrated. If possible, actually perform this walk through in a sample or test database. The exercise begins with references to the setup table located in the Implementing Instructor Workload Setup Tables section of this PeopleBook.

Warning! Although the conclusion of this exercise includes data clean up, there is one Term Workload record that you cannot delete. If you do not have access to a sample or test database, then use the steps below as a reference when you finally implement the feature. Do not perform this walk through in your production database.

To track instructor workload:

Define Assignment Types

First, create assignment types for at least two types of assignments. You will begin with lecture and advising.

  1. Select Curriculum Management, Instructor/Advisor Information, Assignment Type, Add a New Value.

  2. Enter an Assignment Type of LEC and then the code for your institution.

  3. Click Add.

  4. Enter the following effective date: 01/01/1900.

  5. Enter the following status: Active.

  6. Enter the following description: Lecture Assignment Type.

  7. Enter the following short description: Lecture.

    This description appears in the grid on the Meetings and Term Workload pages.

  8. Select the View on Schedule of Classes check box.

    This causes the assignment type to be an available choice on all of the Meetings pages.

  9. Select the Include Assignment in Workload check box.

  10. Enter 9 in the 100% Weekly Workload Hours field.

    This causes a 3-hour assignment to be converted to 30 percent of an individual's term workload, or, this causes a 9-hour assignment to be converted to 100 percent of an individual's term workload.

  11. Enter 0 in the 100% OEE Workload Hours field.

  12. Save.

  13. Select Curriculum Management, Instructor/Advisor Information, Assignment Type, Add a New Value.

  14. Enter an assignment type of ADV, and then the code for your institution.

  15. Click Add.

  16. Enter the following effective date: 01/01/1900.

  17. Enter the following status: Active.

  18. Enter the following description: Advising Assignment Type.

  19. Enter the following short description: Advising.

    This appears in the grid only on the Term Workload page because you will set the next field to OFF.)

  20. Clear the View on Schedule of Classes check box.

    This ensures that an assignment type of ADV can never be assigned on the Meetings page. Instead, you want to reserve this assignment type for association with assignments made directly on the Term Workload page.

  21. Select the Include Assignment in Workload check box.

  22. Enter 9 in the 100% Weekly Workload Hours field.

    This value means that if you want to give an instructor one course credit for advising, then give them 3 workload hours (or whatever the institution common course count is) for advising in a given term.

  23. Enter 0 in the 100% OEE Workload Hours field.

  24. Save.

Define Instructor Assignment Classes

To create instructor assignment class values and their corresponding defaults for two types of employees (beginning with full time and part time):

  1. Select Curriculum Management, Instructor/Advisor Information, Instructor Assignment Class, Add a New Value.

  2. Enter an Instructor Assignment Class of FT, and then the code for your institution.

  3. Click Add.

  4. Enter the following effective date: 01/01/1900.

  5. Enter the following status: Active.

  6. Enter the following description: Full-Time.

  7. Select Full Time in the Full/Part Time field.

  8. Select the Calculate Workload check box.

  9. Select the Limit Workload check box.

  10. Enter 120.00 in the Assigned FTE % field.

  11. Enter 100 in the Instructor Multiplier field.

  12. Save.

  13. Select Curriculum Management, Instructor/Advisor Information, Instructor Assignment Class, Add a New Value.

  14. Enter an Instructor Assignment Class of PT, and then the code for your institution.

  15. Click Add.

  16. Enter the following effective date: 01/01/1900.

  17. Enter the following status: Active.

  18. Enter the following description: Part-Time.

  19. Select Part Time in the Full/Part Time field.

  20. Select the Calculate Workload check box.

  21. Select the Limit Workload check box.

  22. Enter 60.00 in the Assigned FTE % field.

  23. Enter 100 in the Instructor Multiplier field.

  24. Save.

Activate Workload Feature and Specify Defaults

To activate the workload feature for your institution:

  1. Select Set Up SACR, Foundation Tables, Academic Structure, Academic Institution Table.

  2. Specify your institution, select Correct History, and select Search.

  3. Insert an effective-dated row with today's date.

  4. Select the Academic Institution 4 tab.

  5. Select the Calculate Workload check box.

  6. Enter 100.00 in the Full-Time Warning Limit % field.

  7. Enter 50.00 in the Part-Time Warning Limit % field.

  8. Enter 100 in the Course Component Workload Hours% field.

  9. Leave the Academic Progress Units % field blank.

  10. Enter 120.00 in the Full-Time Assigned FTE % field.

  11. Enter 60.00 in the Part-Time Assigned FTE % field.

  12. Enter the following assignment type: LEC.

  13. Enter the following instructor class: FT.

  14. Save.

Define Academic Subject Component Percentages

Normally, you must enter only component percentages for academic subjects at your institution that you would like multiplied as other than 100. However, just to familiarize you with the page, update the subject of MATH with a lecture value of 100.

To define academic subject component percentages:

  1. Select Set Up SACR, Foundation Tables, Academic Structure, Academic Subject Table.

  2. Specify your academic institution and a subject area of MATH; select Correct History and then select Search.

  3. Select the Subject/Workload tab.

  4. Enter the following course component: Lecture.

  5. Enter the following component multiplier: 100.

  6. Save.

Define Course Catalog Workload Hours Information

To specify workload hours for a course:

  1. Select Curriculum Management, Course Catalog, Course Catalog.

  2. Specify your academic institution and a subject area of MATH if possible, select Correct History, and select Search.

  3. Select a course from the search results.

  4. Select the Components tab.

  5. Verify that a component of lecture exists and has a workload hours value of 3. If not, update appropriately and Save.

    Note any changes that you make to this course for cleanup later.

  6. Note the following data:

  7. View Class Component Workload Hours Information.

  8. Make sure that you have the course scheduled and that you have specified values correctly in the Workload Hrs (workload hours) field on the Class Components page.

  9. Select Curriculum Management, Schedule of Classes, Adjust Class Associations.

  10. Specify your academic institution, a future, or current term (if you are using a PeopleSoft sample data database, enter 0460), and the Course ID noted above.

  11. Select Correct History and then select Search.

  12. Select the Class Components tab.

  13. Note the following data for the component:

  14. Verify that the lecture component exist, and that the corresponding workload hours read.

    With regularly scheduled classes, this defaults from the catalog. If this is not a newly scheduled class, enter a value of 3 in the Workload Hours field.

  15. Save the page.

  16. Now take a look at another place that you can go to view or update Workload Hours data.

    Use the following optional menu path after a component has been scheduled for a term but later needs to be accessed for review or minor updates. The performance opening these pages is ideal because only the meeting that you need for viewing or updating is loaded.

  17. Select Curriculum Management, Schedule of Classes, Schedule New Class, Meetings.

  18. Enter your institution, term, and course ID.

  19. Click Search.

  20. Notice that this component is much smaller than that of the regular schedule of classes (only three pages).

    Because you are loading less data, the pages open more quickly. Note that on this page, you can make changes to the workload hours for the meeting and the assignments themselves.

  21. Do not make any additional changes.

Define an Individual's Term Workload Information

To define an individual's term workload information:

  1. Select Curriculum Management, Instructor/Advisor Information, Instructor Term Workload.

  2. Enter an ID (Instructor A) and code for your institution.

  3. Click Search.

  4. Note the following data: ID__________.

  5. Insert a row for the same term that you used previously for the class component.

  6. Change the instructor assignment class to PT from Academic Institution Page 4 default of FT and exit the field.

    Notice that all of the PT defaults autopopulate the check boxes and Assigned FTE % (assigned full-time equivalency percent) field. This is to show you how the check boxes and fields populate their default values. Now set your Instructor Assignment Class back to FT.

  7. Select the Calculate Workload check box.

  8. Accept the default of selected in the Limit Workload check box from the Instructor Assignment Class page.

  9. Change the value in the Assigned FTE % field to 100.00.

    This ensures that you never assign the instructor to more than 100 percent of the full-time standard workload (9 workload hours in this example). If you wanted some slack, for give and take during scheduling, leave this at 120.00, or even increase it.

  10. Change the value in the Instructor Multiplier field to 200.

    Note that this does not double count assignments made directly to the Term Workload page.

  11. Save.

    Do not exit the page.

  12. Assign Noncourse Based Assignments.

  13. Manually assign a noncourse assignment of Advising to the previous ID (Instructor A).

  14. Place cursor in Description field on the Workload Assignment tab and type "Advising the Math Club."

  15. Enter the following assignment type: Advising.

  16. Enter the following workload: 3.

  17. Save.

  18. Notice that the Assignment FTE % (assignment full-time equivalency percent) field on the Workload Assignment tab autogenerates a percentage value of 33.33 percent.

    This is using the formula for instructor assignments made directly to the Term Workload page. Remember, our 100 percent weekly workload hours for this assignment type are 9; therefore, 3 workload hours make up 33.33 percent of the instructor's total term FTE. Also notice that this value contributes to the overall Total Term FTE percent value for instructor A. Exit this page for now. You will return to it later.

Assign Course Based Assignments

To assign instructor A to a course using the Schedule of Classes - Meetings page:

  1. Select Curriculum Management, Schedule of Classes, Maintain Schedule of Classes.

  2. Enter the same term and course ID that you used in the steps above.

  3. Click Search.

  4. Select the Meetings tab.

  5. On the Meetings - Assignment page, enter the ID for instructor A in the ID field, and exit the field.

  6. Select the Workload tab.

  7. Look at the Assignment Type field and notice that you do not see ADV as a choice. (because when setting up ADV as an assignment type, you cleared the view on Schedule of Classes check box).

  8. Set the assignment type to Lecture.

  9. Notice that workload hours read 6.

    This is because you set the instructor multiplier to 200 percent, so every 3-hour assignment in this term counts as double workload hours. The 3 becomes a 6.

  10. Notice that the Assignment FTE % (assignment full-time equivalency percent) field populates and represents that this course is worth double.

  11. Save.

View an Instructor's Term Workload Summary

To return to Term Workload page to view instructor A's new workload information.

  1. Select Curriculum Management, Instructor/Advisor Information, Instructor Term Workload.

  2. Enter same ID for instructor A and code for your institution, and click Search.

  3. Scroll to the term you used in steps above.

  4. Looking at the page, you can now see both assignments: one made on the Term Workload page and another made on the Meetings page.

    Notice that the course assigned on the Meetings page is actually counting double toward FTE. This is because you set the default Instructor Multiplier for this instructor to 200 percent.

Assign Workload for One Class Component to Two Instructors

To allow two instructors to share the responsibility of teaching the math class:

  1. Return to the math class on the Schedule of Classes - Meetings page to update the assignments.

  2. Select Curriculum Management, Schedule of Classes, Maintain Schedule of Classes.

  3. Enter the same term, subject, and course you used in the previous steps, and click Search.

  4. Select the Meetings tab.

  5. Go to the Instructors For Meeting Pattern group box, select the Workload tab, and change the existing load factor for instructor A from 100.00 to 50.0.

    Notice changes in workload hours and assignment FTE percent.

  6. Insert another row on the Workload tab and add another instructor.

    You will refer to this second instructor as Instructor B. Alter instructor B's load factor to 50. Remember, it is the user's responsibility to set load factor, and it is also the user's responsibility to ensure that the combined load factor for a course component equals 100, if that is what you want. In some rare instances, you might want them to equal more than 100, but this is not recommended.

    Therefore, in looking at the grid, you have now specified that instructor A shall teach 50 percent of the class, and instructor B shall teach the other 50 percent.

  7. Save.

View an Instructor's Updated Term Workload Summary

Now return to the Term Workload page for instructor A. Because you have altered the instructor's load factor to 50 percent for the math course, you should notice an overall decrease in the total term FTE percent.

To view an instructor's updated term workload summary:

  1. Select Curriculum Management, Instructor/Advisor Information, Instructor Term Workload.

  2. Enter an ID for instructor A and a code for your institution, and click Search.

  3. Scroll to the term that you used in the previous steps.

  4. Notice that updates made to the Meetings page automatically update the Term Workload record.

    In addition, notice on this page that you cannot edit anything created on the Meetings page. If you want to change anything associated with an assignment made on the Meetings page, you must return to the Meetings page and make the change. The only assignments that you can modify on the Term Workload page are the non-course-based assignments.

  5. Do not cancel the page.

Review Warning Limits

On the Term Workload Page, let us try some of the soft and hard warnings that you created. You set up institution-wide soft warning limits and some default FTE percentage hard warning and error limits on the Academic Institution 4 page. Keep the Term Workload page open and open the Academic Institution 4 page in a new window to review your earlier work.

To test the warnings that you set up:

  1. Select Set Up SACR, Foundation Tables, Academic Structure, Academic Institution Table.

  2. Specify your institution, select Correct History, and select Search.

  3. Select the Academic Institution 4 tab.

  4. Verify the following values in the listed fields:

  5. Select the Academic Institution 4 tab.

    The page should have the following values in the listed fields:

    You can change these each time that you create a new Instructor Assignment Class. However, in order to minimize this type of change, pay special attention to the values that you enter. Try to make them as accurate as possible so that you can take full advantage of the data entry benefit this default provides

  6. Look back at instructor A's Term Workload record.

    Notice that the instructor already has an assigned FTE percent value for the term. Because of this, the default full-time assigned FTE percent value on the Academic Institution 4 page can not be used because instructor A does not need to rely on default FTE percent values for this term. Instead, instructor A has an assigned FTE percent value of 100. This means that instructor A can never be assigned to more than 100 percent of the full-time standard (set up as 9 hours on the Assignment Type page for both ADV and LEC).

Test the Workload Limits

Close the Academic Institution 4 page, leaving just the Term Workload page open.

To test workload limits:

  1. In the same term that you have been using, manually assign instructor A to a second advising assignment worth 4 workload hours.

    This takes instructor A over the assigned FTE percent of 100 (or 9 hours in this example). Exit the workload hours field, attempt to save the page, and notice the hard warning or error that appears.

  2. If you want to override this and save the assignment, you must increase the assigned FTE percent.

    Set the percentage to 120, and try the assignment again. On second attempt, you should receive only institution soft warnings.

  3. Save the page.

  4. Before you move on to the next test, delete the second advising row that you just inserted, and set the assigned FTE percent to 110.

    Instructor A should now have two rows on the Term Workload page for this term: one for advising the Math Club and another for the math course. The total term FTE percent should be 66.66 percent.

  5. Save.

Limits Elicited by Using the Meetings Page

Select Curriculum Management, Schedule of Classes, Maintain Schedule of Classes.

  1. Enter the same term, subject, and course that you used in the previous steps, and click Search.

  2. Select the Meetings tab.

  3. On the Meetings page Workload tab, go to the row in the grid for instructor A and manually enter a workload hour value of 6.5 for this math course, exit the field, and try to save.

    You should get a soft warning that this creates a workload over the institution-wide preference, but you can save because you are not exceeding instructor A's individual assigned FTE percentage for the term.

  4. Save but do not exit the page.

  5. Return to the workload field and change the 6.5 to 7,exit the field, and try to save.

    Notice that you get the hard warning and error that this exceeds instructor A's allowable assignment FTE percentage. The system does not permit you to save. The only way to override this and continue would be to navigate back to the Term Workload page for this individual and increase his or her assigned FTE percentage for the term.

  6. Exit the page without saving.

Limits Viewed by Using the Workload Copy Report

Running the Workload Copy/Update process disregards error and warning limits so that the overall process runs successfully and completely. However, there is a follow-up report that tells you which individuals were assigned and whether either their individual assigned FTE percentages or institution-wide warning limits were exceeded.

Because you know that, in the previous example, instructor A has a total term FTE percentage in excess of the institution-wide warning standard, let's run the report and see how this instructor appears on the report.

  1. Select Curriculum Management, Roll Curriculum Data Forward, Workload Copy/Update.

  2. Enter a run control.

    Select Add a New value.

  3. Select the Report Only check box and enter the term that you have been using.

  4. Save.

  5. Click the Run button, select your process scheduler parameters, and click the OK button.

  6. Allow the process to complete, then click the Report Manager link.

  7. Enter a process type of SQR Report, then click the Refresh button.

    The Workload Copy and Recalc (workload copy and recalculate) report should appear in the report list.

  8. Click the View link to view the report.

  9. Select the SRWRKLD.PDF file to view the report.

    In viewing the report, you can see that the instructor A appears under the Reporting Full-Time Instructors with Workload over Warning Limit (100 percent) heading.

    At this point, you wonder why you have sections entitled Reporting Instructors with Workload over Allowed Assignment.

    If there is a hard warning in the system, how could individuals ever get in this predicament? Remember what happens when you run the Workload Copy/Update process from one term to another. The process can assign workload that exceeds limits if setup values differ between terms. This is why it is imperative that you always view this report after you run the Workload Copy/Update process. If you find that any individuals have exceeded their assigned FTE percentages for the term, you can easily identify them and modify their term workload records. You can also make adjustments on the Meetings page.

  10. Because you will not run the Workload Copy/Update process at this time, close the report and exit the Update Workload page.

Walk Through Cleanup

Even though you are now in a test database, before you complete this exercise, you might want to clean up all of the data that you have just entered. To do so, follow these steps:

  1. Remove Instructors A and B From the Math Course.

  2. Select Curriculum Management, Schedule of Classes, Maintain Schedule of Classes.

  3. Enter the same term, subject, and course that you used above.

    Click OK.

  4. On the Meetings page, delete both rows in the grid for instructors A and B, exit the field, and save.

  5. Delete the Term Workload Records for Instructors A and B.

  6. Select Curriculum Management, Instructor/Advisor Information, Instructor Term Workload.

  7. Enter an ID for instructor A and a code for your institution, and click OK.

  8. Delete appropriate term data.

  9. Select Curriculum Management, Instructor/Advisor Information, Instructor Term Workload.

  10. Enter an ID for instructor B and a code for your institution, and click OK.

  11. Delete appropriate term data.

  12. Remove Workload Hours for the math course.

  13. Select Curriculum Management, Schedule of Classes, Adjust Class Associations, Class Components.

  14. Enter the institution, term, and course that you have been using, and click OK.

  15. Delete the workload hours of 3 for the lecture component and save.

  16. Select Curriculum Management, Course Catalog, Course Catalog, Correction.

  17. Enter the institution and course that you have been using, and click OK.

  18. Delete the workload hours specified for the lecture component and save.

  19. Remove Subject Component Multiplier for the Math Course.

  20. Select Set Up SACR, Foundation Tables, Academic Structure, Academic Subject Table, Subject Workload.

  21. Enter the code for your institution and the code for the math course, and click OK.

  22. Delete the row for lecture and save.

  23. Turn off the feature at the institution level.

  24. Select Set Up SACR, Foundation Tables, Academic Structure, Academic Institution Table, Academic Institution 4.

  25. Enter the code for your institution, and click OK.

  26. Go to the row inserted with today's date, delete this row, and save.

  27. Delete instructor assignment classes.

  28. Select Curriculum Management, Instructor/Advisor Information, Instructor Assignment Class, Correction.

  29. Enter the instructor assignment class of PT, and then click OK, Delete, and Save.

  30. Select Curriculum Management, Instructor/Advisor Information, Instructor Assignment Class, Correction.

  31. Enter the instructor assignment class of FT, and then click OK, Delete, and Save.

  32. Delete assignment types.

  33. Select Set Up SACR, Foundation Tables, Academic Structure, Assignment Type, Correction.

  34. Enter an assignment type of ADV and the code for your institution, and then click OK, Delete, and Save.

  35. Select Set Up SACR, Foundation Tables, Academic Structure, Assignment Type, Correction.

  36. Enter an assignment type of LEC and the code for your institution, and then click OK, Delete, and Save.

Note. You cannot inactivate or delete the autocreated NON assignment type. Leave this value as delivered.