Tracking Student Data

Using Student Records, you can track, use, and view non-course-related student data.

This chapter lists common elements and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicCommon Element Used in This Chapter

Tran Level (transcript level)

Select the transcript level on which you want the given data to print. Values for this field are delivered with your system as translate values. You can modify these values. The delivered values are Degr Prog (degree progress), Not Print, Official, Stdnt Life (student life), and Unofficial.

See Also

Understanding Transcript Levels

Click to jump to parent topicTracking Academic Standing

This section discusses how to:

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Page Name

Definition Name



Academic Standing/Honors Awards


Records and Enrollment, Term Processing, End of Term Processing, Acad Standing/Honors & Awards, Academic Standing/Honors Awards

Enter parameters for and run the Academic Standing/Honors Awards process (SRPCEASD). The process evaluates students using the rules defined on the Academic Standing Rule page, assigning academic standing to students that pass the rule parameters.

Academic Standing


Records and Enrollment, Student Term Information, Term History, Academic Standing

Track student academic standing. The Academic Standing process populates this page according to the rules you defined on the Academic Standing Rules page. You can also manually enter information on this page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAssigning Academic Standing in Batch

Access the Academic Standing/Honors and Awards page (Records and Enrollment, Term Processing, End of Term Processing, Acad Standing/Honors & Awards, Academic Standing/Honors Awards).

The Acad Standing/Honors Awards (academic standing/honors awards) COBOL SQL process (SRPCEASD) evaluates students who are active in the academic institution, academic career, term, and academic program that you select. If students meet the parameters of the academic standing rule or honor award rule, the process updates these students' academic standing records or honors and awards records according to the rule. The process does not update students' academic standing for grades that do not count towards GPA, such as pass/no pass grades.


Select the academic institution that you want the system to use in the Academic Standing process.


Select the academic career that you want the system to use in the Academic Standing process.


Select the term that you want the system to use in the Academic Standing process.

Acad Prog (academic program)

Select the academic program that you want the system to use in the Academic Standing process.

Calculate Academic Standing

Select to calculate academic standing.

Calculate Honors & Awards

Select to calculate honors and awards. You can select both check boxes at the same time.


Enter the date that you want the system to use in the Academic Standing process. The Academic Standing process displays the date that you enter here in the Date Received field on the Academic Standing page.

See Also

Tracking Honors and Awards

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicTracking Academic Standing for Individual Students

Access the Academic Standing page (Records and Enrollment, Student Term Information, Term History, Academic Standing).

Effective Sequence

When manually entering academic standing, the default for the first academic standing action within a student's academic career and term is 0.

If multiple academic standing actions exist within the same academic career and term, you must override the default value by manually incrementing the effective sequence for each additional academic standing action entered for the same effective date.

When the Academic Standing process populates this field, it enters effective sequences starting at ten and increments them by ten (such as 10, 20, and 30) when the effective date is the same as an existing row.

Manual Override

Select to indicate that you entered the information on this page manually.

Note. When you run the Academic Standing process, the system does not calculate academic standing for any records in which this check box is selected.

Academic Standing Action

Select an academic standing action.

Academic Program

Select the academic program of the student. The system prompts you for student's record.

Formal Description, Internal Description, and Academic Standing Status

The system displays these values according to corresponding values on the Academic Standing Table page.

Click to jump to parent topicTracking Honors and Awards

This section discusses how to:

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Page Name

Definition Name



Academic Standing/Honors and Awards


Records and Enrollment, Term Processing, End of Term Processing, Acad Standing/Honors & Awards, Academic Standing/Honors and Awards

Enter parameters for and run the Academic Standing/Honors Awards process (SRPCEASD). The process evaluates students using the rules defined on the Honors and Awards Rule page, assigning honors and awards to students that pass the rule parameters.

Honors and Awards


Records and Enrollment, Graduation, Honors and Awards, Honors and Awards

Track student honors and awards. The Honors/Awards process populates the page according to the rules you set on the Honors/Awards Rule page. You can also manually enter information on this page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAssigning Honors and Awards in Batch

Access the Academic Standing/Honors and Awards page (Records and Enrollment, Term Processing, End of Term Processing, Acad Standing/Honors & Awards, Academic Standing/Honors and Awards).

Use this to run the Academic Standing/Honors Awards process (SRPCEASD), which assigns honors and awards to students based on your run parameters and honor award rules.

See Also

Tracking Academic Standing

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicTracking Honors and Awards for Individual Students

Access the Honors and Awards page (Records and Enrollment, Graduation, Honors and Awards, Honors and Awards).


Indicate whether the student's honor or award relates to an external organization or your internal institution. Your selection here affects the honors and awards that you can choose in the Honor/Award field. The system prompts you with the corresponding honors and awards that you defined on the Honor/Award Table page.

Date Recvd (date received)

Enter the date that the student received the honor or award.

Academic Institution

Select the academic institution for which you are entering the honor or award. Your selection here affects the honors and awards that you can choose in the Honor/Award field. The system prompts you with the corresponding honors and awards that you defined on the Honor/Award Table page for the academic institution that you select. Define academic institution values on the Academic Institution Table component.


Select the honor and award code that you want to assign to a student's record.

Formal Description and Grantor

The system uses the honor and award code that you enter to populate the formal description and grantor of the honor or award. This information comes from the Honor/Award Table page.


Enter the academic career for which the student is receiving the honor or award. The system prompts you with only the academic careers in which the student has been active.


Enter the term for which the student is receiving the honor or award. The system prompts you with the terms in which the student has been active according to the academic career you select.

Academic Program

Enter the academic program for which the student is receiving the honor or award. The system prompts you with the student's academic programs according to the academic career.

Academic Plan

Enter the academic plan for which the student is receiving the honor or award. The system prompts you with the student's academic plans according to the academic career or program.

System Generated

The system selects this check box if the Honors/Awards process generated this honor and award.

Click to jump to parent topicTracking Special Grade Point Averages

This section provides an overview of how to assign special grade point averages and discusses how to maintain a student's special grade point averages.

See Also

Setting Up Special Grade Point Averages

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding How to Assign Special Grade Point Averages

You can assign special grade point averages to students in three ways:

See Also

Using the Analysis Database to Create User Configurable Reports

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Track Special Grade Point Averages

Page Name

Definition Name



Student Special GPA


Records and Enrollment, Student Term Information, Term History, Student Special GPA

Assign types of grade point averages to a specific student's term record, indicating whether the student's special grade point average belongs to his or her academic program, academic plan, or academic subplan.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicMaintaining a Student's Special Grade Point Averages

Access the Student Special GPA page (Records and Enrollment, Student Term Information, Term History, Student Special GPA).

GPA Type (grade point average type)

Select the grade point average type for the grade point average that you want to enter.


The sequence number default is 1. The system increases the number sequentially by one as you add new rows. The system evaluates special grade point average numbers in sequence.

GPA (grade point average)

The default grade point average is 0.000. Enter the student's special grade point average. No programming is tied to this field in the delivered application. Any reporting you choose to perform based on the value entered here must be programmed by your institution.

Entered Online

Select to distinguish this special grade point average from those populated by a configured background process. This flag has no programming tied to it, but you can use it for reporting purposes.

Academic Program

(Optional) Select the student's academic program for which you are creating the special grade point average. The list box displays the student's active academic programs.

Academic Plan

(Optional) Select the student's academic plan for which you are creating the special grade point average. The list box displays the student's active academic plans.

Academic Sub-Plan

(Optional) Select the student's academic subplan for which you are creating the special grade point average. The list box displays the student's active academic subplans.

Click to jump to parent topicTracking Milestones

Milestones are non-course-related events that a student must fulfill for a degree. They include things such as language requirements, qualifying and oral examinations, thesis, and dissertation. Use the Student Milestones component to assign milestones and advisors, as well as to record completions of milestones and attempts to fulfill them.

This section discusses how to:

See Also

Setting Up Milestones

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Page Name

Definition Name



Student Milestones


Records and Enrollment, Enroll Students, Student Milestones, Student Milestones

Assign milestones to a student.

Create Student Milestones


Click the Milestone Copy button on the Student Milestone page.

Create milestones from templates by copying milestone information from the milestone template to the student's transcript.

Advisors/Completion Info (advisors/completion information)


Records and Enrollment, Enroll Students, Student Milestones, Advisors/Completion Info

Assign either advisors or a committee to students completing the milestone, and record the milestone completion date. Each milestone can have a different advisor.

Milestone Attempts


Records and Enrollment, Enroll Students, Student Milestones, Milestone Attempts

Record grading information and milestone attempted information.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAssigning Milestones to Students

Access the Student Milestones page (Records and Enrollment, Enroll Students, Student Milestones, Student Milestones).

Milestone Nbr (milestone number)

The milestone number default is 10. As you insert rows, the system increments this number sequentially. The milestone number is used for sequencing.


Select the milestone.

Academic Plan

Select the academic plan to which the milestone is attached. The system prompts you from the student's academic record.

Milestone Level

Select the milestone level. Some milestones, such as Comprehensive Exams, can have multiple levels. You can override this value.

Attempts Allowed

The system populates the attempts allowed from the Milestone Table page. You can override this value.

Milestone Title

Enter a title for the milestone. You can print the title on the student's transcript.

Milestone Copy

Click to copy milestone information from the milestone template to the student's record.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating Milestones from Templates

Access the Create Student Milestones page (click the Milestone Copy button on the Student Milestone page).

Career Milestones

Select to choose a milestone that is within the student's academic career. The system transfers the information from the template to the Student Milestone page.

Program Milestones

Select to choose a milestone that is within the student's academic program. The system transfers the information from the template to the Student Milestone page.

Plan One Milestones and Plan Two Milestones

Select plan one and/or plan two milestones to choose a milestone that is within the student's academic plan. The system transfers the information from the template to the Student Milestone page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAssigning Committees and Advisors to Students Completing Milestones

Access the Advisors/Completion Info page (Records and Enrollment, Enroll Students, Student Milestones, Advisors/Completion Info).

Print Milestone Detail

Indicates when the milestone will print on the transcript. The system transfers this value from the Milestone Template page. You can override this value. Values for this field are delivered with your system as translate values. The delivered values are Always, Never, and Satisfied.

Advised by Committee

Select to assign an advisory committee to the student. When you select this check box the Committee field appears.


Select a committee. This field appears when you select the Advised by Committee check box.

Advisor/Evaluator 1 and Advisor/Evaluator 2

If you do not select the Advised by Committee check box, select individual advisors for the student. The system prompts you with advisors that are within the student's academic career and academic program.

Term Required

Select the term by which the milestone must be completed.

Date Required

The system populates this date based on the term required value on the Term Table page. You can override this date.

Anticipated Term

Select the term by which you anticipate the student will complete the milestone.

Anticipated Date

The system populates this date based on the anticipated term value and the Term Table page. You can override this date.

Milestone Complete

The system displays the milestone complete status according to the values entered on the Milestone Attempts page.

Attempts Allowed

The system displays the attempts allowed according to the values entered on the Milestone Template page. You can override this value.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRecording Milestone Attempts

Access the Milestone Attempts page (Records and Enrollment, Enroll Students, Student Milestones, Milestone Attempts).

Attempt Nbr (attempt number)

Enter the number of the student's attempt at this milestone.

How Attempted

Select how the milestone was attempted. Values for this field are delivered with your system as translate values. You can modify these values. The delivered values are Attended Seminar, Exam Taken, Filed Petition, Native Speaker, and Submitted Work.

Date Attempted

Enter the date that the student attempted the milestone.

Grading Scheme and Grading Basis

The system populates the grading scheme and grading basis from the Milestone Template page. You can override these values.

Milestone Complete

Select the status of the milestone. Values for this field are delivered with your system as translate values. You can modify these values. The delivered values are Completed, In Progress, and Not Completed.

Grade Input

Enter a grade (if required by the grading scheme and grading basis).

Click to jump to parent topicTracking Extracurricular Activities

This section discusses how to record and track an individual's extracurricular activities.

See Also

Setting Up Extracurricular Activities

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Track Extracurricular Activities

Page Name

Definition Name



Extracurricular Activities


Records and Enrollment, Student Background Information, Extracurricular Activity, Extracurricular Activities

Record and track an individual's extracurricular activities. This page is shared with PeopleSoft Recruiting and Admissions and Campus Community.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicTracking an Individual's Extracurricular Activities

Access the Extracurricular Activities page (Records and Enrollment, Student Background Information, Extracurricular Activity, Extracurricular Activities).


Select an extracurricular activity.

Start Date

The default for the start date is your system date.

End Date

Enter the date that the activity ended.

Academic Institution and Academic Career

The system populates the academic institution and academic career of the student, unless the student has more than one academic career or institution on their record. In that case, you can select the appropriate academic institution and academic career.


Select the academic term in which the activity took place.

Activity Type

The system populates the activity type if it was defined on the Extracurricular Activity Table page. You can change this value.

Office Held

Select the office that the person held (if applicable). Values for this field are delivered with your system as translate values. You can modify these values. The delivered values are Captain, EIC, President, Treasurer, and Vice Pres (vice president).

Time Unit 1 and Time Unit 2

Enter the amount of time the student spent participating in this activity. Time units can represent hours per week, hours per month, and so on. Select the time unit qualifier in the field next to this one. Values for this field are delivered with your system as translate values. You can modify these values.

Additional Info (additional information)

Enter any comments or notes about the student's participation in this extracurricular activity.

Click to jump to parent topicTracking Student Groups

This section lists the page used to track student groups.

See Also

Managing Student Groups

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Track Student Groups

Page Name

Definition Name



Student Groups


Records and Enrollment, Career and Program Information, Student Groups, Student Groups

Track student membership in various groups for reporting, fee calculation, or degree progress assessment. You track groups within an academic institution, so students of any program or career can be associated with the same group.

Click to jump to parent topicTracking Student Attributes

This section discusses how to track student attributes.

See Also

Setting Up Student Attributes

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Track Student Attributes

Page Name

Definition Name



Student Attributes


Records and Enrollment, Career and Program Information, Student Program/Plan, Student Attributes

Track student attributes and values for students.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicTracking Student Attributes

Access the Student Attributes page (Records and Enrollment, Career and Program Information, Student Program/Plan, Student Attributes).

Student Attribute

Select the student attribute that you want to attach to the student for cohort tracking and reporting purposes.

The Consolidate Academic Statistics process compares this student attribute to the value existing in the Student Attribute for Cohort field on the Academic Institution 3 page. If the process finds a match, it writes this student attribute to the student's academic statistics record.

Student Attribute Value

Select the student attribute value associated with the student attribute.


Enter the primacy number for this student attribute. If you enter the same student attribute more than once, the Consolidate Academic Statistics process writes the one with the lowest primacy number to the student's consolidated statistics record. This primacy number has no relation to financial aid primacy.

See Also

Consolidating and Reporting Academic Statistics

Click to jump to parent topicUsing Student Records Service Impacts

Use service indicators to provide or limit access to services in your system. Service indicators can be holds to prevent an individual from receiving certain services or positive indicators to designate special services to be provided. Service indicators consist of one or more service impact values identifying the types of specific services that are restricted or provided.

Student Records enables you to attach specific service impacts to negative service indicators, which, when assigned to a student, restricts the student from receiving certain services. These specific service impacts are the following:


Restricts all enrollment activity (such as adds, drops, swaps, or wait lists) for a student with existing enrollment for the current term.


Prevents a student from initially enrolling into a class but permits the student to add or drop classes if they already have enrollment activity for the current term.


Prevents a student from initially enrolling into a class and prevents the student from adding a class, but permits the student to drop classes if they have already have enrollment activity for the current term.


Prevents the enrollment verification process from printing a student's enrollment verification request.


Restricts a student's access to self-service View My Grades. Also prevents the student grade report process from printing the student's grade report.


Prevents a student from dropping or swapping a class but permits the student to add classes or make changes to existing enrollments.


Prevents all enrollment activity other than drops that result from the Student Records withdrawal process or the Student Financials cancellation process.

See Also

Managing Service Indicators

Setting Up Service Indicators

Click to jump to parent topicAssigning Academic Advisors to Students

This section discusses how to assign academic advisors to students.

When the message catalog message set number 14600, message numbers 877 & 878 message severity is set to Warning, the user is able to assign academic advisors or committees to a student whose academic program and plan is inactive for the defined student advisor effective date. To prevent the assigning of an academic advisor or committee to a student whose academic program and plan is inactive, for the defined effective date, the message severity should be set to Error. You can also change the message text and explanation. For example, add the word Error in front of the message text.

The academic program plan look up for the Student Advisor displays the maximum effective dated value corresponding to the defined effective date on the Student Advisor page. When you enter or select an inactive maximum effective dated program or plan value, you receive a warning message, but you can successfully save the transaction. The academic program status appears on the Student Advisor page. For example, LOA.

Access the Look Up Academic Program page.

When the message catalog severity is set to Warning, the user is able to assign an advisor to a student in an inactive program. For example, in the search results of the Look Up Academic Program, the FAU program is listed as Leave of Absence for the January 15, 2001 effective date.

Access the Look Up Academic Plan page.

In the search results of the Look Up Academic Program or Academic Plan, the program status appears. The results also display the maximum effective dated value corresponding to the defined effective date on the Student Advisor page. If the max effective dated program or plan value or status has changed, historical academic advisement rows will not be affected unless the user makes a change to the historical record. Users will not be able to assign and save program or plan values that are not the max effective dated value for the student advisor effective date. For example, if Mary St. James had an academic plan of ETHST-BA in January 1, 2001. Effective January 1, 2006, she had a change to the Honors plan. On the Student Advisor page, with an effective date of April 1, 2006, the user will receive an invalid value message upon entering ETHST-BA as the student's plan.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Assign Academic Advisors to Students

Page Name

Definition Name



Student Advisor


Records and Enrollment, Student Background Information, Student Advisor, Student Advisor

Assign individual advisors or a committee of advisors to a student. The student must be active in an academic career and an academic program.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAssigning Advisors to Students

Access the Student Advisor page (Records and Enrollment, Student Background Information, Student Advisor, Student Advisor).

Academic Institution

Select the academic institution for which you want to assign the student an academic advisor.

Effective Date

Enter the date that the student's advisor or advisory committee becomes effective for the student.

Advisor Role

Select the role that the advisor serves for the student. Values for this field are delivered with your system as translate values. You can modify these values.

Advisor Number

The system, by default, sets the number of the advisor to 1, and it increases the number by one as you add new advisors or committees.

Academic Career

Select the student's academic career for which you want to assign the advisor. The system prompts you with options based on the student's career term record.

Academic Program

Select the student's program for which you want to assign the advisor. The system prompts you with options based on the student's program record.

Academic Plan

Select the student's plan for which you want to assign the advisor. The system prompts you with options based on the student's program record.

Academic Advisor

If an individual advises a student, select that individual advisor. The system prompts you with advisors that are within the student's academic career and academic program. If this field is unavailable for entry, you must first clear the Advised by Committee check box.


If a committee rather than an individual advises a student, select the committee. If this field is unavailable for entry, you must first select the Advised by Committee check box.

Advised by Committee

If a committee rather than an individual advises a student, select this check box. The Committee field becomes available for entry, and the Academic Advisor field becomes unavailable for entry.

Must Approve Enrollment

Select to indicate that the advisor must approve a student's enrollment into classes. This check box is for information purposes only. No coding is behind it.

Must Approve Graduation

Select to indicate that the advisor or committee must make a degree check before your institution can complete the student's graduation process. The Graduation Approved check box becomes available for entry. Both check boxes are for information purposes only. No coding is behind them.

Graduation Approved

Select to indicate that the advisor or committee has made a degree check and your institution can now complete the student's graduation process. This check box is available for entry only when you select the Must Approve Graduation check box.

Click to jump to parent topicViewing Advisors Through Self Service

If your institution has licensed PeopleSoft Campus Self Service, your students can view their advisors directly over the web.

See Also

Pages Used to View Advisee Information Through Self-Service

Click to jump to parent topicViewing Advisee Information Through Self Service

If your institution has licensed PeopleSoft Campus Self Service, advisors can view an advisee's roster, view an advisee's academic program information, and view a new/drop-in advisee's roster directly over the web.

See Also

Using Academic Advisement Self Service

Click to jump to parent topicViewing Student Careers

This section lists the page used to view student careers.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to View Student Careers

Page Name

Definition Name



Student Career


Records and Enrollment, Career and Program Information, Student Career, Student Career

View a summary of academic career information for an individual student.

Click to jump to parent topicViewing Comments, Checklists, and Communications

You can create comments, checklists, and communications for students. This section discusses comments, checklists, and communications only briefly here. However, this functionality is discussed more fully in the PeopleSoft Campus Community 9.0 PeopleBook.

Click to jump to parent topicViewing Student Photos

This section lists the page used to view student photos.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to View Student Photos

Page Name

Definition Name





Records and Enrollment, Student Background Information, Photo, Photograph

View student photos.