Using Self-Service Student Admissions

This chapter discusses how applicants or visitors:

Click to jump to parent topicRequesting Information

Visitors can request information from your institution through PeopleSoft Campus Self Service.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Self-Service Request Information

Campus Self Service enables you to capture prospect data over the internet. When visitors to your website request admissions information, they can enter information about themselves that the system converts to prospect data. For example, they can enter academic interests, test scores, academic program information, and more. The system takes this information and creates a prospect record. To request admissions information, a visitor must have a user ID and password.

After a person obtains a user ID and password, he or she has access to the Request Information feature. However, before submitting the request for information, the system prompts the visitor for information based on your setup options. The visitor enters the academic career in which he or she is interested, plus the academic institution (if your institution is a part of a multi-institution system). You can decide what other prospect data you want to collect. You can collect academic information, such as admit term, admit type, campus, academic level, academic load, housing interest, and financial aid interest; and school information, such as last school attended and graduation date. The information that the prospect enters depends on your setup. Some pages and fields appear and hide depending on the information that you want from prospects. For example, the Academic Interests and Test Results self-service pages are only available if you select those segments on the Web Prospect Setup page.

After the visitor enters the information and submits the request, the system creates a prospect record. You can view the new prospect record in the Prospect Data component. If you choose to collect academic interest information, and the visitor chooses to enter this information, you can view the data in the Academic Interests component. If you choose to collect test score data, and the visitor chooses to enter this information, you can view the data in the Test Results component. The system also updates the Communication Management component for the person according to your setup and the prospect's response. If a prospect record for that person already exists, the system updates the admit term, admit type, last school attended, graduation date, academic program, and academic plan (assuming that you chose to collect this data and that the visitor entered it).

You can edit the text messages on the Request Information self-service pages. These messages are in the message catalog under the message set number 14230. Changing these messages is considered a modification to your software.

See Also

Setting Up Recruiting and Admissions Self-Service

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Request Information

Page Name

Definition Name



Request Admission Materials


  • Self Service, Student Admission, Request Information

  • Self Service, Request Information

Visitors view introductory text about requesting admission materials, such as how to move from page to page and how to prompt for values.

Request Information


Click the Next button on the Request Admission Materials page.

Visitors add, delete, or edit the academic careers for which they want to request information.

Note. Only academic programs, plans, and subplans with a Last Prospect Date greater than the system date or blank are available.

Request Information—I am Interested in Attending


Click the Add button on the Request Information page.

Visitors enter academic career, academic information, school information, and academic program information, depending on your setup in the Web Prospect Setup page.

Academic Interests


Click the Next button on the Request Information page.

Visitors can select their academic interests. This page appears to visitors if you enable this segment on the Web Prospect Setup page.

Test Results


Click the Next button on the Academic Interests page.

Visitors can enter test results. This page appears to visitors if you enable this segment on the Web Prospect Setup page.

Test Results


Click the Add button on the Test Results page.

Visitors add test details, such as test name, scores, percentiles, and dates.



Click the Next button on the Test Results page.

Visitors submit the request.

Your request for information has been processed


Click the Submit button on the Submit page.

Visitors view a message confirming that their request was successfully submitted.

Click to jump to parent topicAccepting or Declining Admission

Applicants can view their application status and accept or decline admission using self-service pages.

You can edit the text messages on both the Accept Admission self-service page and the Decline Admission self-service page. These messages are in the message catalog under the message set number 14200.

If the applicant accepts admission, the system inserts an effective-dated row on the Application Program Data page with a program action of Intention to Matriculate. The system sets the effective date to the day the student accepts admission.

If the student declines admission, the system inserts an effective-dated row on the Application Program Data page with a program action of Applicant Withdrawal. The system sets the effective date to the day the student declines admission.

Additionally, any data that is provided about the school that the student is going to attend and why they choose that institution over this one is inserted on the Application Student Response page. Each of the pages above is within the Maintain Applications component.

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Accept Admission


  • Self Service, Student Admission

  • Self Service, Admissions

This page appears if the applicant has no application to accept or decline.

Accept Admissions–Select Application


  • Self Service, Student Admission

  • Self Service, Admissions

Applicants can select the application that they want to accept or decline. If an applicant was admitted to multiple academic careers or academic programs, each application will appear on this page.

Accept or Decline Admission


Click the Accept/Decline link for the application that you want to process.

Applicants select whether they want to accept or decline admission.

Confirm Acceptance


Click the I Accept Admission button on the Accept or Decline Admission page.

Applicants can confirm their acceptance.

Admittance Accepted!


Click the Confirm Acceptance button on the Confirm Acceptance page.

This page appears to show that the applicant's selection has been processed.

Confirm Decline


Click the I Decline Admission button on the Accept or Decline Admission page.

Applicants can confirm that they want to decline admission.

Admission Declined


Click the Confirm Decline button on the Conform Decline page.

This page appears to show that the applicant's selection has been processed. Also, applicants can enter a the reason they declined admission and the institution they chose to attend. Applicants can select the institution from the prompt, or they can enter the institution in the free-from field if you selected Free Form Institution on the Installation Defaults - AD page. The information the applicant enters on this page posts to the Application Student Response page in the Application Maintenance component.

Click to jump to parent topicViewing Application Status

This section discusses how applicants view their application status through Campus Self Service.

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Application Status


  • Self Service, Student Admission

  • Self Service, Admissions

Applicants can view the status of their applications.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Application Status

Application status is based on the status of the checklists assigned to this application. If one or all checklists are complete, the status will show Complete. If one or all checklists are incomplete, the status will show Incomplete and the Show outstanding items for this application button appears. Applicants can press this button in order to view their outstanding items that must be received in order for the application to be processed.